ag . ight). HANLEY, ent Ah A Sevot. . Po GILDER- 5 Street. : Nl toh Join. Culuty Lompound, and found lis good, I am gaining in fosh + Chicago, April 16.--A dramatic turn ARCHITECTS. HENRY ¥. SMITH, chant's Bank Building, corner Wellington streets, ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. or Princess trance on Bagot street Reduced to a Skeleton, "and Sleepless, Mrs. Mary E. Lampman, Woodstock, Ont., saved from an awful condition of life by Paine's Col Compound, says : "Ro living mortal can imagine the sufferings that 1 endured for four months. That dowon grippe got a fast hold of me; 1 became yervous, and was 80 prostrate that 1 could $ Sleep night or day. Life became a s was reduced to a mere skeleton, my appotite was poor, and I was so extéemoly nervous that 1 could not bear to Ya any person in the room with me. 1 read about cured many Juople. 1 thought 1 would a bottle. I com- menced to take I eo to diree- tions, and the' relief was almost in- stant, 1 continued the use of the compound, with the result. that I can now sleep well all night, and feel rest- when morning comes. My appetia feel like a new person. 1 gannot find words to express my gratitude for your great Paine's Celery Compound, and for the wonderful cure it has brought shout." Paine's ~ Celery Compound The Famous Spring Medicine Saved Her. If you are sick and desire free medi- eal advice, write to "Consulting 1'hy- sician," The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain St, Montreal, PQ. ; 'i a --e Sensational Incident Im Trial At Chicago. was given yesterday to the trial of Roweski, the car barn bandit, Another of the bandits, Gustav Marx, is under 'sentence to be hanged next week, took the witness stand and swore that he, not Roeski, fired the fatal shot in the murder for which Roeski is on trial. The story of Mars was made. mae Aw markable assertion that 'was at the time of the murder trying to kill Rooski. The reason given by Marx for attempting thus to, murder his confederats was that he was sus- pigious that Roeski would betray the other bandits to the police. Diphip corsets worth $1 for 6Be. New York Dress Reform. Trying times--Going to the dross- maker's, er Horizontal. Stationary Boiler § 8 Horses Dower {Horizontal ide perfect con only a whort time and dition, will Joid at ow rice. Alva : arine z 3 waltable for Haht work or Steam cht, , ARCHITECT, - Anchor Building, Market Baiiare, "Pane 245. [POWER & SON, ARrcHITEOT, ¥en "Phone 213. | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fee. second floor over Mahosrs deux 3 ; nae Country," continued Mr. Jones, "The Sandwell Park Collieries are at work' at a depth of 450 'Vard¥ "aud there 3 oh he ena) wppliss ; England awiliar Cottey," the cradle rn Englink ee ronmasters' Association, of exhaustion. shire eaxtwarde into Warwickshire, "only the explored portion of same remote period, great denudation running south-wes Yach - vhi p horse yowsr, cost $150; 'will ba wold and arth a WIORE hick the he away. We do not know the exaet size of this denuded ares. At Baggeridge the Earl of Dudley has made & boring # on edge of the South] Stafordshire coal field, end has dis- 1 which is evidently ' the s | Same as the thirtydoot seam of the Black Country. But now we are going further tward still. At Claverly, the western coal, § wwe ag ,» & company has se o i aren of land whith ves done at coal field will be opened up of enorm ous value, "On the easterly side of the Black : "AA | they Wave ToWind tha same seam wich MRS. LAM MAN, deeper than inthe 'coal field, the av- erage depth of the working of which Jere not more there is every reason to suppose that this seam extends right away into the Warwickshire coal field at Nuneaton and Tamworth, as we know it does to Lannack Chase. All : Am anxious ahout," said My. Jones, in conclusion, "js that there should be no dday in PRoving these ars, The Sade of South Stafiord #hire demands m, I--beliov, fie Scuandy ore coal--believe the -- OUR LIGHTS, -- hd Fiat Lux." Wants Repairs Made : Immediately, ' Kingston, April 15.--~(To the -Edit- or); It is that the fire and light committee are not so inactive as tha editorial in your issue of the th "nst., would lead the citizens 10 suppose, case, however, is one thet calls for immediate and vigorous action, by those in authority, if 'the consumers of electric light are to ob- tain better service in the near future, ter finds the power plant, which will be under civie control hofore mapy weeks, in its present unsatisfacte y condition and yet indications are along that line Allow me to state a fow facts in connection with the Plas, The present company, doubt- oss, anticipating the city's action, have made no extension, or improve ments to their plant for some years, with the result that it has been con- ing the winter months. This has not only resulted in a poor service, but has been, to some extent, detrimen- tal to the electrical machinery: It is important, therefore,: that no time be lost in arrangin plans to alter the condition ah immediately the plant comes under civic control, The street yains will require considor- able attention; much of the poor li hting that is at present complain- ed of, 1s due to loss of pressupe in the mains, which are entirely too] small to carry the had, and, (in case of the direct current), covering too latge an area. For instance, the pressure at the station of the D, C., three wire system, is 110-220 volts. Mt the oxtreme. ond of the line this falls at times to 80-160; hero we have a loss of nearly twenty-five per cont., when wo consider that a sixteen. candle power lamp will give its full rated candle power at one hundred and ten volts, it will give no more than four or five candle pow- er, at eighty volts, so that the loss in candle Jot is much greater pro- portionately than the drop in mains. No wonder the consumer complains of the light furnished, particularly = as he has 'now. to burn three lamps, where one ought to suffice, with frreat- er cost to himself, and incidentally increasing "thy .geceipts of the power company, 5 It is well for" the council not to un- der-estimate the task they have un: dertaken, for as soon as the city ob- tains control, the citizens will expect improvements, rhaps moro rapidly than they a appear. While the matter of improving the plant is 2 one uiri at engineering skill, it ill take tine. If the city, after taking possession will discontinue the street railway supply, as quickly as possible (and it is to be hoped they do not intend to undertake this work permanently, as lighting. and railway 'plants do not work together satisfac: torily unless driven by independent engines, the railway load fluctuating to such an extent as to interfere wit the steady running of the machinery), 'then the removal of the railway gene rators will leave plenty of room in the power hopse for additional light- ing machines, and also sufliciont stean, wer to meet the needs of the city some time to come. Lut the rail- way company is apparently making no move towards the erection of a iron trade, have Country this seam has out, and in others there difficulty of water in the work then, are the prospects for ? \ ,"" said Mr. Jones, the Bouth Sftaffordshire "is on the But we know the South Staffordshire coal into Denbigh- the Cannock Chase, and It is this vast field that have been worked, but between the Shropshire coal field and that of South Stafiordshire of the there was a ts over a large for coal, Ay they amb boring mM ELLIS OCHITE! 10) wv st the fice wits of Now THI Tr ox "ame seam ax ¥he Earl of Dudlet has Baggerridge another great than 150 yards; and It is to be regretted if another win | tinually subjected to an overload dur- | of as oly t ' i the whole story. a TORONTO will be time enough w 'present one, hen it loses the Suppose this occurs July lst, then the aty will have to arrange to supply them power, "say for six months; this will bring it to January Ist. Question : Can the city do this and improve the plant before next win- ter !=FIAT LUX. . SPORTS IN GENERAL. Notes About the Various Sport- . ing Fields. - The Canadian lawn bowling team will play their first match at Liver- pool on June 6th. It is estimated that $2,200,000 will be raced for over the New York joc key club tracks this year. } t is whispered that Phillips, of Marlboro hockey fame, may hang up his hat in Brockville ere many moons have passed away. ) The ten mile flat chamoionship of Scotland was won by T. Jack, of the rr ---------- Ayers Hair Vigor on not keep Your pve hair? t too? Have a get more, power plant, doubtless thinking it scalp; restore the color So 'your gray hair. LAR "Pre-historic man crouched around a brush fire to keep himself warm, Though Oxford Radiators are rarely subjected to a greater pressure_than ten pounds during operation, we test each individual loop and each assembled radiator to a cold water pressure of The Elizabethan Age produced nothing better than the open fire-place with its draughty rooms. them all summer. The nearness of the first water section to the fire keeps the water at a high and even temperature. Its many improve- ments make it easy to control and highly efficient. Our entire plant at Toronto Junction, covering many acres of ground, is devoted exclusively to the manufacture of Oxford Hot Water Boilers and Oxford Radiators. We would like to send you some of our booklets akout the Oxford Hot Water or Steam Systems of heating---they tell THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Limited VANCOUVER J MONTREAL The modern hore is equipped with Oxford Radiators and Oxford Hot Water or Steam . Boilers, giving pure, healthful, evenly-distributed warmth. ' Fdinburgh Southern Har 94-5 sec., creditable time thy extreme cold, rain. It is now claimed that Britt, who defeated "Young Corbett," is a Cape Breton bov, having been born at Margaree Harbour, twenty-five years ago. Munro who defeated Sharkey is also a Breton. , in onsidering strong wind and At the lowest estimate, forty thous- and people witnessed some portion of the race between Oxford and Cam- bridge. The winners of the race could not be matched against the winning crews of the last few years. but the losers would beat most of the crews same period. v Baseball. The Eastern baseball league season opens on April 27th and closes § tember 23rd. The new baseball player is a very delicate plant. He is planted in the winter, is developed in the spring and gets rotten in the summer. One of the new scoring rules reads as follows : "An assist should be given to each player who handles the ball in aiding in a run out or any other play of the kind, except the one who completes it."" Why, should the mere fact of a player making a put-out de- prive him of the assist? Unless all signs fall Rochester will have a good sticking team this year. The outfielders are all strong with the ash "and the inficlders are consistent hitters. Handicapped by the weather and by cancelled games the Rochesters will have a good deal to contend with Sep- at the beginning of the season, Centuries of discomfort lie hack of the 'comfort we have reached to-day in the hot water and steam systems of heating. For healthful atmosphere, cleanliness, ease .of operation and evenly distributed warmth, the Oxford Hot Water or Steam System is unequalled. The system consists of Oxford Radiators and an Oxford Hot Water or Steam Boiler. Oxford Radia- tors are cast of the best grade of iron in machine-made moulds which assure absolute uniformity of thickness, making expansion cracks impossible. and tiventy pounds, guar- anteeing absolute safety. As the loops of the Oxford Radiator are con- nected with the Oxford Push Nipple, which makes a perfect iron-to-iron connection without a washer, leaks at the joints are impossible. Oxford Hot Water Boilers are made of the best cast iron and will not rust even when the water lies in which have come in second during the | ord Radiators | The evolutios of heating has been long and tedious. aT Jy one hundred TN The charcoal brazier of ancient Rome was beautifully wrought but gave littie comfort. Our grand-parents sat by the old box stove with chilly backs and burning faces, - WINNIPEG Sp --" [ FRESHNESS, NEWNESS Women of taste - fairly luxuriate in the wealth of choice offered thix year by our Spring Stock of Millinery. Nev- er in the history of the store has there been such a varied multiplicity of tasteful, exclusive and beautiful de- signs for Spring Fashiondom. Join the blithesome throng which i: making these bright days fui of pleas- urable activity, Buyers or not, yon're heartily welcome, and will xt he urged to buy. < > "res I ing Millinery and Mantle Store. > Spence & Co., ™ NO HURRY OR WORRY WHEN YOU USE The Canada Metal Company's Solder and Babbit. DR. 8 The Possessor of | Who Wants N both the me*hod anc Lr. Guidberg, the di sutirely free to all ® and address. He have stricture that cured, atic tro cucele, ost manhoo emaciatioa of parts,'i me. hod not only cure wise all the compli bladder or kiduey tr devility, etc. The doctor realizes claims and another hag made it a rule not cures you, nnd when that you will willing would seem. therefore of every man who ductor confidentially He seu is ihe method the subjec, including diplomas and certifi Lim + wey po De. 8. Gold 2 Detroie, M° hey 1 you free This is something knowing more about Wills' £ The World's for Consti ness He No egriping Wills' English 1 trouble and gi per bottle at al the Wells & Ric 200 Mountain st $ CANN] YOUR I lasts all -P. W 53-57 BAB