308 i L 2 Lieut. Col. Kent, Com "manding 14th BW. 0, Kingston, April 15 on Closed. p go ---- 118 161 in Winani « er ram» rile hasty nnipeg: solid never so unfavorable for . to-day. Eryn Freezing hai Hey nivht, no signs of jee 1 throw ; back to May 1st, in late mt 1 have wen it od April Th." says a representative past 20 vears, and it is our belief that For Sisters Of Hotel Dieu And a | fin Wiines from her preent illess, and mueh ore THY Hon © 8, Dien for execllent care and attention. She claims that nowhere is there an | *enate institution to be found, in which ane much praise cannot be given them attraction is not strong enough to keep him from his professional duties, Miss M. Richardson, an inmate, elso, The question has heen asked why the Hotel Dieu kept no house surgeon, | yo. sisters are competent and the former is not required. * A BIG PLANT, Is To Be Installed In The Loco- motive Works. rage in St, has just closed a contract with the | state of mind pany for the ere of an hydranlic riveting and | spondency, ete. It will be one of the largest | mencement of the works and will permit of from 12 to 15 engines mlditional per month being turned out, The plant will be in Oriental Baseball Team. A meeting of the Oddfellows, inter- ested in baseball, was hold last even ing, and the following officers elected for, the coming Stason ; onorary president--Dan ves, Sonavary pr C. Palger. Ree Honorary viee--John Pollie, Fim vieo rwsiden- ~Alex. Catheart. viee-president-W, H. Godwin, |}; i Secretary ore ~Lieo. A, Wright. hind Jin. Manager--Dr. A. Ross, Captain-E. Hartrick, There was much enthusiasm manifest ed at the meeting, 'and apparcotly there is lots of material for. a strong team, The team will bear the same Damo a8 last year, the Orientals, and will commence practising at onee nn the ericket fed A game will proh- Mate Monson. neck. 'The o May, and one has already been boc ked for July Ist at Renfrew. sales within the past few weeks ; | Kipling wrote Brick dwelling, owned by Mrs. McRae estate, to Mrs. Kane; three | Torquay. on Joyner, Sydenham. Elmsley, and George Achieson, a pros perous farmer of Drummond, were mar on Tuesday last, larly, Nothing will brace you up so t Forrozone is a food for the blood, purifies, nourishes and vitalizes every drop in the bly. As a stimalant for tha kidneys, sto- deen equalled, good digestion; fortifies All the elements needed to make |The tevelation are quickly made the pink of perfoe- vivacity, or strong nerves, if you use ing far more desperate cases than stay well. Let urcazoue help vou. sented with Only 50 conts " ston, Ont, assures health, the honor, 5 [IN CANAL, NEAR STE. CUNI- GONDE ROLLING MILLS. Ice In St. Lawrence Solid Yet, And Temperature Low--Water Receding Slowly--Takes Stand © In His Own Defence. Montreal, April 16.--William Black. lev, the defendant in the charge crimingl Libel preferred Prosecutor Cooke, taok the court of King' ing, on his own of his evidence related entirely to his 3 Sh ingly ol abo mill | dealings with Bachrack and Margolius, 'will swon be | and contained nothing of a sensational lg commence x character, The ice in the St, behalf. The he part Lawrence remeins | The wun thay is showing | Tat- | has been recelling very nly: n ---- years' | The body of an unknown man was found in the canal, yesterday morning, id recent government report. sue fo, rear of the Montreal Rolling Mills ber of the New York Produce ¥x- | Ste, Cunigonde, rr which gives the condition of | removed to the morgue, winter whent as 76.5 per gent. nome ni money order, No. 4.56%, dated Novem- the most bullith reports jase ber Hh, was found in ae of the poc- wheat will soll very much higher before | kets of the tlothing. the crop is harvested." Mrs. Milloy, 84.57. The body was badly drcornpos. WORDS OF PRAISE ed. and looked i the. water for several months Doctor. to a veport thal The many friends of Miss M. Me [wright and Hon Lean, Point Road, will be pleased to [8ifton are-to aceept holier that-she haw entirely recovered | the wovernmiont dit is due the Sisters. of the Hotel | F. McCreary and Robert wn said Nir' Richard Me Fi her adian Fxhibition receives such careful attention. Too Mr. Sifton will go to ne as the Canada representative also the doctor who rendered wuch of- | Ptivy Council. Mr, Bickerdike admitted fickent service. Although he enters having heard something about a re- heart nnd soul into civic affairs, tha | 8rrangment of portfolios. ------ RUSSIA IS DISTURBED. is lood in her praises of the sisters, | Bomb Outrage At Feeling Alarming. but from all reports, the pharmacy | "oo fom Sinister roports ing the situation confirmation of. theni ha ed save an account of demonstrations by workmen at The Canadian Locomotive company | All accounts agree that the Riseian is depressed both Chambersburg, Pa., engineering com: [military and financial pstallation in the works { $he czar is said to be inclined to de fanging plant. It eomprises a rivet- | Fancy doubtless plays a large part ing machine of 150 tons pressure an [in these reports, § hydraulic frame, accumulator, flanging | been. in comparatively press and all 'the necessary pumps, | with St. Petersburg plants of its kind in the world and { be surprising if the present will add greatly to the equipment of | ings possess some foundation in fact, HE WAS PLUCKY. stalled within the next seven wéeks. | A Gunner's Heroism Missouri. Pensacola, Fla, heroic act' in the many lives on 'the devotion displayed by Chief Gunner's Directly after charges in handling room had exploded, son dashed through suffocating gas and #moke ands ing i magazine clanged the great door In doing wo he came peril ously near ending his by the time the door had snapped sea cocks were opened by those who had been given orders to flood the ine. When discovered barely alive, water being cers say his condugt ed the ship from destruction. tragedy which cost so ably be arranged here for the 24th of | ¢" OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS." How Kipling's Poem -------- Written. 4 Property Sold. 2 London, April 16 and his wife. D. A. Cays has concluded these | ing to Notes and Snows." Kipling He the phrase Hroy, « Colborne street, fo Henry | been floating in hix mind for Myers, this city; brick dwelling, own- | time before an occasion inspired these Jed by Miss Main, Union street, to | Verses, the occasion being the news of Capt. John Dix; two stone dwellings, | the Canadian diminution of duty Earl and Bagot streets, owned by the English imports. T dwellings, owned by Mra. Adelaide | were composed on Sunday Hyde, Montreal, to Henry MeEwon, ling. Kipling sail he di and three frame dwellings, Nos. 7, 9 | to pulflish them for and 11 Frontenac street, to Stewart | but' friends urged the immediate lication anh he se ------ Times, Dr. Gowers considers the Can Miss Mary Isabella Foster, North adian ohiection : stance alike of verted over-sensisiveness, . them over to the ICE-CRUSHING CAR FERRY. TE Emr I es es + | LAGK OF ENERCY. To Be Built For Detroit-Windsor between Detroit and Have you a never everrestod feeling ? Detroit, April Aro you nervous, physically exhaust | Central railway has contracted for od, weary of work ? nev' and powerful ice-crushing Is your head reeling amd aching with | ferry. to operate pain? Windsor, The new No doubt your mind is tortured | than any now in setvice on the river, through vour inability to work like | Will have more power and will em. | police head: uar Ir will hav oa + capac i other folks. brace several features, This deplorable condition is caused | in the construction of by the isons left in the blood, | the great lakes through faulty action of the kidneys | tv of twenty-one and liver, dard sized cars, You must build up, oxercise in the | g0 into commission fresh air, and take Ferrozone regu. | will cost over £300,000, fast, GETS OUT OF PRISON. Author of "The Little Garrison a Free Man. mach and liver, Forrozone has mever | Strasburg, April 16 Bilse has heen rie red It promotes splendid Sffetite and | after serving a nerves | Bilse was treated last with new force and proper tone. charge of "revealing military secrets,' muscle, sinew and firm flesh are com [written by him bined scientifically in Ferrorone. Garrison." It profoss ig tx pe Rallow, blue, unhealthy complexions | very disgraceful German military 3 than, jant wax tricd by court martial i You can't lack energy, pood looks, f lin | last November, {to imprisonment fo Ferrazone, It has cured and is cur- dismissed from the ar: ---------------- yours. It's your duty to get well and | pep. pow Martin, Picton, was pre. Men find the = and was sontenced ro hb veteran's jewel hy hox, or six boxes | trigreh KF. © Garbutt, for 250. at al druggies. or by mail { Picton Encampment from Ferrozone company, King- Only those who } standing for twenty five vears April 28th. London, April 16.~ ihe famous Len- don detective, Chief Inspeetor Drew, whose subtle skill had' made Lit an ever-present terror fo the boldest and most astute of European thicies, isa prominent figure in a pietly romance which next month will be crowned by his wedding. In the hixtory of modern crime In- spector Drew is a striking figure. He has un infinite ingenuity, o rever fail ing quickness of resource, and a cold ir ening. "two o'clock in the morning' courage shich have resulted in the recovery of tens of thousands of pounds worth of property and the capture of scime of the cleverest criminals Handsome and debonair, Inspector Drew has wntil pecently followed the xample of his excuwplar, Sherlock | Holmes, and paid little attention to sentimental matters, Put last August | alter months of heavy work, he wen to Margate for a few weeks rest. That proved a fateful visit. He stay' od at the Queen's hotel, in company with many other visitor 1 he iden tity of the detective «on leaked ont, and all staying at the hotel bocame intensely interested in the man whose name and exploits were so frequently chronicled in the n r ticularly interested was a 'ady visi- tor, the charming widow f a well known Welch A ite. amd a friend: ang i i Wa Pre Th hand, dis: Shun hi to have but a » oudary in terest for him. The friendship grew. When at- the end of a few Weeks the partie ed to town, the acquaintances continged, and the sequel is to be found in the announcement of the marriage of inspector Drew at Maryle- hone Parish church on April reception will afterwards be held at the 1 rocadero. -------- Business College Notes. Arthur O'Leary, a graduate, has secured a position. as-«tenographer in the head office of the Canadian Pacific Railway ponipany, Montreal, Miss Gertrude Prenter, shorthand graduate, has secured a position stenographer for D. Carteget, broker, city. Gilbert Lindsay, who lit for Toron- to last week, has secured as assistant book-keeper for Smith; Whyte & Co.. that city. Fred. Leavitt left on Monday for Winnipeg. : E. D. Perrin and W. W, Steeves, of the commercial departments, leave for Toronto next week Left For The West. James Bews left this morning: for Calgary, N.W.T. He will be greatly missed by his many friends who ad- mired him for his hornet, straightfor ward character and genial disposition. He has been a member of the local branch of the Y.M.C.A. for the past eight years and during the last four years has occupied the position of physical instructor "having filled this office to th: entire satisfaction of all concerned. A new instructor will prob- ably be appointed in the fall. ¢ Bonnie Brier Bush," Tuesday. Next Tuesday nt the Grand opera house promises a mast enjoyable en tertainment from the fact that it brings -again "The Bennie Brier Bush,' that very successful dramatization of fan ' MacLaren's charming S tale. - The veteran actor, J. H. Stod dart, and the quaint comedian, Reuben Fax, are bell and | blaying - 'Lachlan Camp Poison From Chocolates. Rev. J. H. Fdicon, a recent Queen's graduate, stationed west of Torento, had 4 trying expericnes a few days ago. They were poisoncd through eating fruit chocolates, ar only = that preventives were utili their condition would have been pro carfous. They were quite ill for ou time, but have now J from the poisonous effects. ---------- A Clergyman's View. Rev. Mr. Crummy said the Japanese paper in the Whip window was quite familiar to him He says he is sure the Japs are carrving on honorable | warfare. He wnese will t throw themselves against the tl but will conte" th smwelves with har rassing the Rffssians both by sea anl IY fand of opinion that the Ja ids of the Russian '* Silver King "' Is Dead. The warden 'of the Kingston peni tentiary announced the death in the | prison on Friday of James Kane, alias" "Silver King," who was con demned six years ago to serve ten years in the penitentiary for commit tiug an aggravated assault on Con s(able James Murphy, now turnkey at | week or ten days at the Grand Opera | House: The Proceeds will be divided { between the General Hospital and | Hotel Dien. Four of the boxes will be at Montreal, Steamer Islander To Start. The steamer | lander leaves to-mor- row morning for Alexandria Bay ta hegin her season's trips among 'the Thousand Islands. It is said that the river is fairly clear of ice from. Rigs: ton to the bay, but: blocked beldw that point. The United States channel to Cape Vincent is blocked. Recovered Money. Miss Fannie Saunders, Earl street pickéd up.a roll of bills on that street Tuesday wvening, containing over $30 and promptly returned them to their owner today, who is very grateful that they fell into such hoRest hands. The Three B's. In Kingston's Rigeest hat store 1's Busiest and It's Best then th ol ssed » Mills & Co. 106. 108 Princess street, hole sale and retail hatters. Anniversary entertainment, Broel street Methodist church, Monday, 18th inst, at 8 pm. Limelight lecture, con of Leert, refreshments served. Tickets 2. {children 10¢, James Nolan; North Elmslev, had two milch cows and a steer killed hy lightning last Saturday. | The 8. 8. Lake Manitoba, from Iskv- | tree planting in Assiniboia. MAPETS. Iar- mes the hotel, | return ip was 28th. A as n-position + Mc fin 1852. He was in his seventy-ninth { cuit riders of the Methodist church in sttish v" respectively, and are said to be py ndidly supported by Kirke La Shelle's excellent company. most regover. having bought upwards of 200 on {ed export cattle seen on this market | market, stated that he had never had {a superior lot during his long experi- ( Dalmage. The demand for tickets has ! already begun to such an extent that a crowded house is assured, .nadian militia, irrespective of thse been apronied chief en North-West Territorial deninage system for the Prince Albert distriet OF WORLD], NEWSY ITEMS FROM MANY | QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Public. "The annual dinner of the Ottawa press galery will take place this ev- Reports from Red River points state that the water is ricing but no alarm is felt as ye erpool, 'arrived at St. John, N.B., this morning. J. H. Haslam,. Winnipeg, proposes to give $1,000 in prizes to encourage A company to control the Sher- brooke, Que., Gazette, has been chart- ered with a capital of $20,000 The British American Fish Corpora- tion has been incorporated with head quarters at Montreal and a capital stock of £10,600, Arthur Chamberlain, brother of the ex-colonial secretary - continues his crusade in England against conces- sions to the licensed victuallers. «Jerry McAuliffe, charged with giv i an immoral show at Halifax, N. was before Judre Wallace this ing, and the case was dismissed. the naval, reserve bill which Mr, Profontaing. 48 to introduce in the House of Commons, this se:sion, isa lengthy measure, containing 103 claus Hon. Mr. 'Bullvea, of the North-West government, is in Ottawa, and during hi: stay will renew negotiations with the government, looking to the grant- ing of provincial © autonomy to the territories. " An inquest was opened in Ottawa, in connection with Captain Knapp, British army, found dead on Friday. The body was viewed and adiourn- ment made until Monday to permit of a post mortem examination to ascer- tain if there are any traces of poison having been used. At a Port Arthur, Ont., public meeting, resolutions were passed pro testing against the action of the pri vate bills: committee of the Ontario legislature, in pascing the bill to give E. 8 Jennison privileges for power development on the Kaministiquia. river, und particularly the refusal of the committee to preserve to the town control of its own streets. DESERVED A BETTER FATE. Best Are Not Always Most Fortunate. oC ohours Sentinel-Star Another death occurred in the In- firmary ward of/the jail on Tuisday morning. Pr. Burahen 6.4. Pemo- rest, who thirty or forty vears 'ago was one of the best known practising physicians in the east ridige of Nore thumberland, Passed away under dis- tressing aircumstances. He practised his profession at Norham, in Perey township, then removed to Stirling, Hastings county, and afterwards to Warkworth. He was a giited pau but aiter the death of hig wite became rather peculiar. Jie was at one time worth $60,000 to $70,000, but lost it in the=Madoc gold mines und other foolish speculations. ne was the oldest living graduate in medi-in: of I University, having graduated year. His father was one of the cir the early days of our country, and Hu village of Demorestville, in Prince Edward county, was named afte r him. He was an enterprising man, und in- troduced the Champion stock of hor- ses into this county. The cause of death was arterial schlerosis, or the congealing of the blood in the veins, The body was interred beside that of his wife at Frankford. He was in the jail ahout two years. This aged and one time important character in our county deserved a better fate. but the best in life are not always the most fortunate. Doing Big Business. Toronto World. 4 John W. Elliott, Kingstdn, was the heaviest operator in export cattle, lay's markets. Mr, of the best finish Thursday and Fri Elliott bought 1x for a loug time from J. B. Grofi, 'Fl mira, Ont. Mr. Groff, who was on the fence of twenty-five years. These cattle ighed én an average 1,100 poundy h, and were a credit to. all econ cerned. Mr. "Flliott bought two loads from Crawford & Hunnisett, 1,350 pounds each, at R480 per cwt., one j load from George Tucker, 1,340 pounds { each, at $1.70 per ewt, A Charity Theatrical. A talented group' of loeal people 'will present a three act comedy in a occupied by nurses, and the opposite four by members of the Roman Catho- lic orders, Those taking part are Mrs. Betts, Miss Mildred Macmorine, Miss Mabel King. Miss Birch, (Mive Betts, Harry . Walkem, . Robson. Black, Hu- hert Osborne, Arthur Martin, and Mr. To Make Enquiry. Col. Sam. "Hughes will ask whether any commissions in the imperial ser vice are granted annually to the Ca given to graduates of the Roval mili' tary College, H other commissions are allowed the "mi itia on what principle is the selection made, and whether examinations: of candidates re sold. TH, Wigging, DLR. Napanee, hs LIPTON'S ' Grown on the finest tea gardens in the world, pre- pared and packed scien. fifically--the teas that are 'acknowledged as the - finest the world pro- . duces," are LIPTON'S Somes very attractive materials and prices. There are wonderfully pret- ty things in the NEW COLORED DRESS GOODS for spring and summcr and we are showing a com- plete assortment. Voiles, in plain and fancy, Eoliennes, Cord De Soie, Broadcloths, ' | Tweed Suitings, Panama Cloths, ~ Lustres, il And many other materials. os Prices range from 25c., 33c, 35¢., 4o0c, soc, 65¢., 75¢., 99¢ . $I. 25, $1.35, v1.49, $1.65, $1.75. Ladies' Tailor-Made Costumes Ladies' Spring Costumes made in the very latest designs for this spring. Prices are from $8.50, $1050, $11,735, 5 and up to $22.50. 2 50, $13.75, w Shirt Waists Just received a large lot ot the latest de- signs in Spring and Summer Shirt Waists. Prices range from 5oc. up to $3.75. Come in washen LL JE LADLAWESH THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE For Trunks and Valises. eer of the overnnunt's | ging and | Miss Grace Nourse has complided her course in the nurses' training ! school at the General Hospital. and shortly leaves for her home in Sher- brooke, Que, ' MOST PE SOLD | EVERY E.W.GIL | ----3SR Started Hon. John H. Seate Legitiasure § : letter dated Februa Su Si EE scalp. 1 had tried before I saw you, b ¥e half-dozen bottles.' We have thouss as strong. All bai succumb $0 these Sold by de: Seven Sut 256 Yon J. H. Balle We Don't W Aanyone's such pr selling E gular $1 H. Jenni EXECUTORS' N In the matter Alexander the Towns e Count man, dece: NOTICE is he R.S. 0. Chapte amending acts, any claim again Alexander H. & on or about the 1904, are requir paid, or deliver the City. of Kir lice, one of the and Testament or before the 1 their names, ad and a full stat their claim or ¢ the security, (if Iv certified And that afte tors will procees of the said de entitled theret the claims of wl notice Dated this Si OHN WILLA Fxecutors of Seale Crawfc joa Go | | i. La G. A] ISSUER OF M.