ssels Carpets lw § been our aii 10 give value in ml 'Every yard will be found of the English manufacture. Owing to minal ion to clear the lot we are offer- and woollen factory opera- country in the eensus year ited Staten Steel corporation. hs No York Herald, has booked orl 'wo far this year ting "n- itoly to 1 ¥ tons. This Tac v constitute the rail order corporation for the year, an . hE : jo onehbll "fhe bLasiness done the two previous years 2 esses Gratuity For Artificers. "fhe militia department has received the secretary of the military of Great Britain a communi cation stativg that those Canadian artificers who went out to South Af view, but served with imperial regi ments, will be given the imperial war Ygratuity of a wergeant's rank. This amounts, it is stated, to £8, or about $40, There ure some nine Canadians entitled to the gratuity. -------- '. Baseball On Monday. Nations} League. ~At Philadel his, NW 7. Mt Cincinnati, 5; y aw Xt A St. Louis, 0; Chicas 7 . ; Washi o A oe pe yO, t cago, OH; a New York, 5; Philadlel . At Bt. Louis, 4; Cleveland, i 3 commeil a tq be the gust conven remmmiesne , hree stories nt oll ilding at Winnipc; AHL BY the remarkable values in ET % particularly in the way of Carpet Squares | A glance at the display at 178 1 Wellington street, (Clark Wright |« Son's Old Stand), will well re- pay you. We have over 500 Rugs in various sires, and can fit almost any sized room, at prices which will certainly sur- prise you, Sizes, from 4 ft. 6 in, x 6 ft. to 13 ft. 6 in. x 15 ft. Prices, $4, to $30 each. 'Window Shades, \ Quotations furnished oun any si of Curtains; satisfaction guaran- teed. Over 50 varieties to select from, ; y \ Prices from 30¢. up. Bes ~ © Leave For St. Louis to Hang | ris, Pictures. Toronto, 19. -- President Har- "Vio E, Wiley Grier, and Secretary James Smith, of the Roysl Canadian Academy, leave here, to morrow, for St. Louis, 10 justal the Cantulian art exhibition of 120 pic . The pictures are slrédady on 'their way to St, Louis: About 'seven cases of pereonation have been discovered by the eivie in vestigution, today, to have oveurred at's booth in the Louisa street school, in Bt. John's ward. Control ler Richardson got 110 votes here, aud Loudon 167, other candidate get- ting 100. This is the booth where "Ginger" Robinson, a celebrated char acter in the ward, acted as scrutineer for Richardson. William Bradley was charged in to day's police court with practising me divine without proper qualifications. He was remanded. The police magistrate today grant ed an order for protection to a Mrs. McCrae, who appealed © to the court She suid her husband, William MY Crae, who has consumption, made a practice of holding her mouth open, and Blowing tuberculosis germs down her throat. ¥ A divisional court i=. today, hear ing an appeal by the plaintiff from a nonsuit, entered by Cha lor Boyd, in the action 'brought by Wil liam Lundy. against Dawson Riley, contractor for part of the Canadian Niagara Power company's plant. The flaintifi was injured while at work at this plant, and ix suing, through his father, for damages. A deputation from Brantford, ac companied by members of the Lord's Day Alliance, interviewed the attor nevsgeneral, and premier, to-day, with reference to the annoumead intention of the Brantford street Railway cont pany to run Sunday cars. Under the decision of the privy council the pro: posal in the statutes of 1597. Clause 5, chapter 246, was declared ultra vires, the clause preventing cars in all cases: except where the company had been © running' such cars before April 1st, 1905. No definite answer was iven, The Port Arthur deputation, Claveet, Thomas MecAulay, King, Ex-mayor W. Clark, D James Conmee, M.P.P., and N well, K.C., waited on the premier, to- day, and stated what amendments it wished to Mr. Jennison's bill in order fo protect the town's interests. CoH Ritchie, K.C',, is also seeking to pro teet his interests in a power scheme on the McIntyre river against Mr, Jengison's monopoly. Fhe mayor hae decided toask the councils of Hamilton, London ard other Western Ontario citie® and towns to join in a petition to the Do minion. government to mike Pott Hope the Lake Ontario exit of the Trent Valley canal. "ALL ARE AMERICANS." So Says Andrew Carnegie About : All Of Us. New York, 'April 19.-<Andrew Carne gie, who is sojourning here with hig family, is much gratified over the re ception given by the press and public to his $5,000,000 for Am rican heroes, says a despatch from Aix Les Baines, France. "The people of NewtSypdland, Canada and the United States are all Americans," he said, "and they should all act together as hrothers. My here fund includes all three coun tries. Newfoundlanders, however, were omitted at first through an oversight, .that has been remedied, for | have cabled ordering the plucky little state to be included. Were | a newspaper man | would concentrate my pen ad- vocating the fraternal union of Cana dians. Newfoundland and the people of the United States, who are all Am oricans, FRANK PASSMOKE DEAD. Was Sporting Editor Of Hamil- ton Herald. Hamilton, April 19. Frank Pass more, for many vears sporting oditor of the Herald newspaper, died thi: morhidg at his residence, Charla street, after u hrief illness of pleor esy. Mr. Passmore was well known in newspaper circles and hil many friends, He is survived by a widow The remains will he taken to Port Hope, the home of his parents, for interment, Earl Of Harcourt. London, April 19.1 is fully ox pected, save Truth, that when parlia ment is dissolved Sir William Har court willbe offered a netv creation of the Earldom of Harcourt gnd the Vis: coomty of Nuneham, titles which were originally created by George IT in 1719 (the barony of Harcourt dating fron the reign of Queen Anne), and all he came extinct in 15M, Sir William Harcourt, who has just come into gu large property by the death of he kinsman, Aubery Hur court of Nuncham, has been hoisted hy his own petard in the matter of the payment of heavy succession] duty. which he himself inaugurated as chan collor of the exchequer 2 Boston Americans Sold: Boston, April 19.--The Boston Amer ican League Baseball Club was sold te J. L Taylor, of this. city. President Johnston, of the league, and H. J. Killilea, of Milwaukee, representing the former owners, arranged the salel The purchase price was not announced r. Taylor is a son of General Chas. 8. Taylor, proprietor of the Boston Globe, : Idea Of Central Camp Abandoned. _ Ottawa, Aprit 19. The idea of hav ing a central camp of instruction this "| vear has now beep definitely abandon: ed. Thie free site which was offered the department wear Sharbot Lake by the Ontario government has not yet been inspected Miss Kerr, a daughter of Senator known me and my Sentiments pretty well When you | Ladies." jor | confess it i can feel them [tingling Gen tlomen--1. think 10 me the of responding to the 1 t of "The 4 as wubject to which 1 have given much thought, soneerni hich I have x ~ Ottawa, April 19.-The hydraulic x survey the water-power at the : ph 3 dye Chaudiere reveals that, at present, ie earliest noure | 200,000 horse power is going to waste. ixhment, our our training It is pre hid du pal in the ways of They dre our higher up to hold back this surplus in the, a! IY helpers, | water, so that it can he distributed iu guardian AI, Our ng Trait * | the seasons of low water. The Dorin: our u H best friends. T pity iat 270.000 the wan who has never fell a mother's love, or her--shipper, when he has wane dered into forbidden paths and been caught at it. | tefl you. these 'ate things tw ber. In imuginationl still. but far do to keep "her own from mingling with mine. ¢ And my sister. I heartily respond for her. because' being older than 1, she guided my infant footsteps over many rough places, earried me when 1 was tired and=boxed my ears when I was nanghty. My sweetheart, | cannoli tell vou how many there were of her, | never knew--but no schoolroom: could seat all of her, 1 don't know which of her I loved the best. 1 know some of her loved me well--bat my len cherries, nuts and candy better was Ol all ages, all styles of beauty, white and brown, pale and quiet, rosy and a romp; but I loved her dear ly, and for her I respond to-night My wife bBon't- laugh. It is. true that 1 have none now, but in the fu- ture. when I join hands with her at the altar, and proudly call her mine-- though 1 don't even know her name or the number of her shoe--l shall marry her because | love hor. 1 drink to her good health wherever she is to- night. HONOR FOR REV. JOHN NEIL. She Receive D.D. From Queen's ~ University. Among the names of {ho by the senate of Queen's. University laureation at the upproaching convo- cation js that of the Rev. John Neil, B.A., of Westminster- church, Toron to, who will be created a doctor of oivinity. 'Mr, Neil is a graduate of the University of Toronto. He took his course in theology at Knox College in Edinburgh. His first charge was = at Nassagaweya, in the Presbytery of Guelph. For sixteen or seventeen years he has been minister in Toronto. Dur- ipg his pastorate the congregation of Charles street churth outgrew its ac commodation, and, as Westminster éhurch, i; now one of the largest, most aggressive and most prosperous congregations in Toronto. Mr. Neil is a preacher of marked gifts, and has heen active in public work for both the church and the country, and the distinction of a DD. from Queen's Unisersity will be approved by all who know his worth? To Another Hero. Chicago Record-Herald There are heroes who are lauded for their daring on the field, There are heroes who on engines let their courage be reveale There are heroes who rush ve Others in distress; There are heroes who give hungry little orphans happiness, But another merits mention as a hero-- ring the bell For the man who doesn't grumble when he isn.t feelin wel boldly to heroes medals 'who go a de ar of battle, leaping, too Let us honor th that nobly help the poor and we and small But he ought tg have a statue, wrought an white "and tall, Who refrains from boring others with his troubles, just or spite, Who works on without complaining when he isn't feeling right. Let ux give the forth to dare In the crash and where flame and finely Sale Of A Musical Heart. London, April 19. For £1,000 Ed ward Lewis, a Pole, known as *'the man with the musical heart, is re ported to have sold 'that organ to the medical school at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, Baltimore. When the ear is held near Lewis' chest his heart is clearly heard) to heat with a musical sound His story is that this was cansed by a wound recvived from a Russian imprisoned in living hy exhibitin abr guard while he Siberia. He makes a himself at medical was collages, Erached The Cape. The steamer Pierrepont reached Cape Vincent at half past two o'clock this afternoon. The trip from Kingston took over five hours. Mach ice was met in the United States channel af ter the foot of Wolfe Island was reached, and the progress was very slow: It was a vase of smash ice all the way from the point to the Cape. The Pierrepont is not expected back till seven o'click this evening. ---------- Fooling The Cabby. Chicago News He had just got home at two in the morning after a long drive. "Stop a bit cabman," he said, "You must wait until 1 bring a light: I've drop pect a ten dollar bill somewhere in the bottom....efyour cab." The, cabby drove off furiously, but he didn't find the money. At Port Dalhousie. Port Dalhousie, April 19.--The Port Dalhousie lighthouses were lighted up last night for the first time this sea son Premier Seddon, of New Zealand, is in favor of a ingle legislative cham ber, commitice con- judges of the su the ablest lawyers with a revise sisting of "retired preme court and of the colony Herbert Cleghorn, a farmer, living south of Moosomin, and his team were drowned while crossing the Pipestone river, : The estimates of the Toronto hoard of education call for $794,693.96 to be provided by the city council, Frank Windsor, Woodstock, has heen apponted bandmaster of the Oxford Rifles. A handsome church, the Home Memo- Kerr, Cobourg, is the guest of Mrs. W. G. Ellis, Mack street, BIG LOSS OF POWER AT for a -sarvey of progress here, to-day, and while it hos tha ny rt the remem: | 4 oogtly to' the discomfort of th: hi hile she caused my 3 . ei upd oar 10 flow whe Wid all she could fianbic, and; is anything but spring reform by providing for the appoint ion 'government ap) the upper stretches: and, it is hoped, an early start will be ihade on the work. * A heavy snow storm has been in not yet obstructed traffic, it has add The government is not preparsd fo recommend the formation of a mili- tary council in Canada, such ns was recently appointed in Enguund, lu the minister of militia has gone a step in the direction of the English mentment of an officer to inspect the militia. This change appears among a number of amendments to the mili- tia act, of which Sir Frederick Bor- den give' notice. WORK IN UGANDA. A Canadian's Success in Practical Missions. " Among the missionaries who last year. returned to Canada for a rest on furlough, was Kristen Borup, of Mont- real, who has had six years' service in Uganda, under the Church Missionary Society, in charge of practical work He is one of three brothers, Danish born, engaged in 'mission work. He established an industrial home in that land of intelligent and adaptive peo ple, and gave young natives a three years' course in handicraft. The print- ing presses, set aside after the death of McKay, were refitted for productior of books, and thus the Christian cause was greatly promoted. The making of bricks being taugh® the first substan- tial fouses and other Lndidings wera erected. These included 'ap hospital and church houses. Carpentery was a main study. As his apprentices lived with him, Mr. Borup trained them in- tellectually and spiritually. His most signal work was the erac- tion of a cathedral at Mengo, the cap ital of this interesting land of repil conversions. Fourteen kinds of brick 'Ladies' English Rainproof Coats T he new season's smartest, made from the best materials by expert operators, well cut, carefully finished. Prices are $s, $5.95, $6 95, $7 50, $8.50, $8.75, $9.79, $10.50, $11.75. were moulded for this solid, per t structure, hold ng 4,000 persons, an object lesson of modern methods amid surroundings of crudest and flimsiest construction, above which the aborig inal mind did not rise. Food is plentiful in Uganda, but the country requires an annual hut tax cf $1, as a revenue to meet the most eco- nomical administration. Mr. Borup lately took back with him from Aw. erica cotton seed, for a test of its pro- ductivesoil, with a view to creating a cotton growing colony. This may make it a land of plenty and industry instead of a community of idleness and ease. St. Matthias' congregation, West: mount, Montreal, support this" zealous missionary, and must be proud of his usefulness and accomplishments. The Sort Of Girl He Wanted. "I want to see about getting a ser vant," said the married-looking man to the clerk of an uptown intelligence office. "Aren't you the gentleman who was here about a week ago?" inquired the clerk. "Yes. "Wher "Gone." "Well, just tell me what qualities are needed and I'll see ii I can get somebody who will suit. You'd like a good cook, of course ?"' "1 suppose "And some one with skill as a laun- dress 7"* "It wouldn't He a bad idea." "Look here! Suppose you give me an exact description of the kind of gicl vou want instead of letting me do the guessing. is the girl we sent you?' sO. "Let me see," was the pensive se joinder. "You'd better send one who is 'about five feet four inches high, weight in the neighborhood of a hun- dred and thirty pounds and rather short-waisted." ment and then added : "Would vou mind telling me what you discharged the last girl for?" "We didn't discharge her," he said sadly. "She left. My wife's bicycle wouldn't fit her." : The Latest Heathenism. _ Col. Henry Watterson, in a lecture in St. Louis, said that.large cities should hold elections on Sundays. Church opposition to such a Frenchy innovation would probably prevent ita adoption, even if here were any mack- ed agitation in favor of it. Sunday elections would bring out a far larger vote, and it might well be called "* a work of necessity." Church members could still their conscience - with the thought that the better the day the better the deed. What greater work of the Lord, they might ask, could a church congregation do than march in a bbdy to the polls with the pastor at the head and cast their ballots for righteousness, something lamentably scarce in election controversy. » citizenship turned out on a Sunday to vote, it would easily outnumber the tough element, even overawe it; or if not suffer martyrdom and. smashed hats in a good cause; Most men who don't 'vote think they are too busy. With Sunday as a voting day they would be deprived of this excuse. [I the United States keeps on the even tenor of its way it will reach Col. Wat- terson's ideal as set forth in the argu- ment above. The Sunday saloon is in full play at St. Louis, and an elo: tion is not many worse. Ii would not be so personally bestial and degrading, but it would involve ten times the number of people. The clerk gave a grasp of astonish- If the | The First Arrival. " at Clark's malt house wharf this af ternoon. She brought barley from Co- hourg, and is the first vessel to reach rial, ix to be built at once at Stra'- ford. + # Kingston this spring. . The schooner Flora Carveth arrived i { 's00000 Umbrellas For Women, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, 75¢, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $3. For Men, 50:., $1, 75¢., $1.25, $1.50, $1.75,/%2 up to $4. : 2 Special Makes at $1 and $1.25. Children's School Umbrellas, soc. and 75C. Umbrellas Re-covered If you havg Umbrellas with expensive handles, or an Umbrella you like to_carry, and the cover has become worn, do not throw them away. You can have them re-covered and made quite as good as new. Be inimiBmmriammaient? amin -- { 000800 ry SoAOPD. 00040000 000860 OUR LADIES OXFORD SHOES RANCING FROM $1 TO $2 *0 Are Better than can usually be had for the money. . . . AND THEY'RE ALL NEW THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE 40 0000000000 000000 0 000000040000006¢ 400000084 69000¢ -~ Pd i a Never Lose: ' _ The invisible stay ® and muscle. Best , and bag, from wei moisture, 'wear and lined strips brace pocket Im" coats, resisting str ine weight direct | » Soft finished shrur terlipes the fronts, round by the nee " shoulders. short along edge the inward curve « garment. No « made" nor other has these hidden 1 REFORM" price sewn in pock Our Sui $10, $12 | " Unquestionably ¢ perior tailored gar YS JENI AUCTIO! Household THURSDAY, A Wm. Robinson, wi howekecping, has ina at his residence, 279 his household furnity Rosewood 'Piano, B Suite, Old Fashioned tre and other Tables Busy Chairs, Sofa: and Ash Bedroom Su Liasps, Tapestry and na Dmner and Tea Crockery, Glassware Kitchen Range (aln Tables "and utensils Old Books, Pictures a.m. Piano sold at WM. MUR Umbrellas These words ¢ one thought. good Umbrell: at this seas year. Let w our line of gents' Fine NM brellas. SMIT nde NOT A SPECIAL MEE' rine Firemen, Oilers NIGHT pn ant business. ~All w ed to attend. T. H. FO! Corres) LET ME HAVE And 1 will guara: tory results. We d form the work. Nof best interest your W. J. MURRAY, AUCTION Wedfiesday, 27) Thursday; 28th April 30th, Rhj JOHN H. MI Dr. George F. 1713 Wellington ¢ Merchants' Bank. WAN 'A COOK. APPLY 8, at General He A GIRL TO housework. ASS App A MAID, FOR GEN ply to Miss Ferg BY THE 37TH, A housemaid. Goo Svienham street I -------------- ONCE, AN bousemaid. A Albree, Emily st AT A GOOD GENGRAI family of two. ine at 55 Georg SUNMER COTTAG) + front. Apply Estate Office, 51 AT" ONCE, TWE} Masons, at Co Wages $3 per ds Fallon, Box 448 DETECTIVE--Can time for dianapolis, Ind. LADIES--$15 PER home: 'materials beautiful sample of addressed env: Co., New York. | IF YOY ARE NOT your present pos reliable, write vu vou, local or u show cards and our x s at penses $2.50 a « write Drawer 55 LARGE COTI BT. LAWRENCE King street, Wes pairs made for oly to Kirkpatr Raticitors. Nnta niter 18c., exu | \