copied with ' SAUCE ie Standard ly as it did ual.."' "anadian Agents} Te Backbone" ner sole isease to ar Welt rces the ither for ywerfully ugh soft hat's one Shoe is en parts. ted. hoe r Women chia ston, Ont, nds of many house » into a room, and 'vering . economical ales and customers ed with our prices lesigns shown. 60c. a yard. h Linolium, 2 yards uare yard. , Rollers, Curtain ths and lengths. ns, from 25c. to $6 lins and Nets, from yard. vin Ends, for 25¢ ouble the money. id Chenelle Curtains, air. 2 with pleasure, and 1arantéed: ROS. r---- market, some of the and demanded an al thts, but it was soon re was less shrinkage improved quality and kly created a brisk ese coming fron ig stations mpardd to ¢ cod: linary factories The ken boxes was nots , although jt still ranging: fro: five fo ent. Care should 1¢ se green, unseas oned sese may be damaged this cause alow . rs are in: favor o indelibly with th? in the quality ! d August, brought uring" the makes of 'e proved nearly 8% "» clean vour tooth! Red Cross Special stles won't come out. I meetidl of the Ca nin By will be June 15th to 17th rn ills? p cause each pti of one aud jn. As a cure Go ey have all of one of its bad r box, > ect from nipey, Mar. A OL Loo 000 More delicious than Japan ! Cheaper to use than-Japan ! 'More healthful than Japan ! k Ceylon Natural Green Tea is absolutely free from colouring matter and has a most delicious flavor and is as far ahead ot Japan Tea as ** Balada. ** Black i; ahead of all o.h r Black Teas. Sold only in sealed lead packets. By ali grocers. oo 1904 SHOWERPROO cool days, cool evenings--they're "just right." the, weather. Note the moderate prices : $6.50, $7.50, $850, $9. $10, $1050, $11, $14 50. SPENCE & CO, The Leading Millinery and Mantle For Those Who Appreciate "Quality For the weak who need to be strengthened Labatt' S London Ale IS THE BEST. | The leading physicians recommend for its purity. ert san S 'Genuine "Mandlebergs'--perfect fitting rain, wind Fr dust proof. - Ten months of the year--wet days, Attired in, her jaunty Auto-coat', Milady of Fashion laughs at $350, $5 Store. and Porter it JAS. McPARLAND, Agent. 0009 ©9999 Sssosese DOODIOCIOC Feiner usins or PAPER BAGS ¢ Will consult their best interests by pure chasing goods manufactured by apy Our Saif-Opening. Square Bottom Grocery Bags sre made from the TOUGHEST papers in ALL SIZES and WEIGHTS. We ar¢ also head jearters for all kinds of Hat, Millinery and Glove Bags, and Flour and Cement Sacks. The E. B. Eddy Co., Limited, Hull, Can. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. ) 7 IPE EI Nee. ©0009 VVTIED0OIOEOE@P ©e0ses ANTIDOTE TO CARBOLIC. carholic poisoning, was treated simi- ee larly, with satisfactory results, Turpentine Is Said To Be The y St ---- Remedy. The New Dr. Jameson. London, April 2€.--The recent dis- | ~ London, April 25.--The personality covery by Mr. Allen, a Dublin veter of Dr. Jameson is analysed in the inary" surgeon, that ordinary turpen ourrent Sapue 2 The Review of Re tine ix an antidote to carbolic acid | YI®V® by W. T. Stead, who has just has aroused great interest. had a long chat with the Cape's Recently a well-known chemical ex- prime minister at Groote Schuur. Mr. Stead's interview is very fair, ¢ though the whole is a grudging throughout. He bears tribute to Dr. inexhaustible cfarm of manner, tested the efficacy of the antidote on a dog. A dose of carbolic acid was first -administered, and when al} the ordinary symptoms of ecarbolic poisoning bad been de | IP or 5 veloped. oil of turpentine was applied | kindliness of heart and and the dog recovered within a short | table, persistent courage, and | plausibility of his professions. pert in Dublin ven one Jameson's his his indbmi- the time. ; pasih h io : A curious thing about the discov | r. Jameson has proved to be a ery is that it was due more or less | political Teader of altogether wnex- to an accident. Mr. Allen had some | pected ability, end an excellent ex: horses in his establishment which | tempore speaker. Stadia were suffering from carbolic poison- | Of course, Mr. Stead does not see ing, and he asked for oil to be ap i politically eye to eye with Dr. Jame- plied as an antidote. son, "'about whom, however," he ad- y It was only when the offects were mits, "there must be some sterling found to be so unexpectedly success | metal. ful that it was discovered that it -- was turpentine that had been ad- Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store re pe! ministered. A few days after a blacksmith who bags from Napanee, Monday was unconseious from the effects of customer: wanted the best, A month on trial. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Write for free book on treatment, ceived an order for Tarine moth proof The | | same church, and his dramatic action FIERCE STRUGGLE ON ROOF OF HOSPITAL. Fireman And Man Insane From' Pain Grapple In Desperate Struggle On a Twelve-Inch Ledge New York, April 26.--Capt. Clark, of the New York fire department and two firemen engaged in a, desperate struggle with a maniac, on Sunday, on. a twelve-inch ledge which forms the base of the mansard roof of the Manhattan Eye and Ear hospital, in this city. The ledge is cighty feet above the ground and the man they risked their lives to subdue and res- cub from his perilous position was powerful and fought viciously, but he was finally forced through a window into the hospital, where several police- men took up the struggle and bound im The man whom the firemen were ealled @ipon to rescue was Robert 'Hyhdham, who had been admitted to the hospital a week ago to be pre- pared for an operation for a swelling in the ear. He showed no rign of mental disturbance until Saturday night. His condition then grew rapidly worse, and not long after midnight he escaped from his rooms to the narrow ledge, carrving with him a heavy pitcher, with which he threatened the nurses and policemen who appeared at the window to in- duce him to return. As it was im- possible to get behind the desperate man inside the hospital, the fire de- partment was at last appealed to. A seventy-six-foot extension ladder was raised and Hyndham.s aftention was not attracted by it. Uapt. Clark re- fused to assign any of his 1aen to so dangerous and difficult a task and went up himself, followed by Jere- miah Scanlon and. Henry W, Kimley. Hyndham had jut thrown the pitch- er through the window where the po licemen were holding his attention. when Clark erept up ' behind, scized the man by the throat and choked him, while his companions grasped his legs. Hyndham was Slightly ont by broken glass when his captors finally dragged him to the window and thrust him through. He was taken in a straight jacket to Bellevue hospital and the operation on his ear will be performed as soon as possible in the hope that it may cause him to re cover his reason. 'CHARGE OF GRAFT. Members Of Police Force Held Up For Money. New York, April 2. --A venark abe charge of conspiracy involving a pro mihent republican district leader; the purpose of which, it is alleged, wa: to procure money from applicants for the case. Duke's appearance in court and his story of alleged juggling in police ap pointments was brought about by a summons issued at the instance of James E. Fitzpatrick, who claims that he paid $600 last August to get a position as patrolman. The ex- pected appointment was not made, he he followed his story with the state ment that all the facts were in the possession of the district attorney, agistrate Ommen had a long con and- agricultural buildings at the world's fair. His company will have oti¢"of the largest tea exhibits at the fair, costing over $200,000. The publi: will have an opportunity to drink tea as made in Ceylon, there being al ready twenty Cingalese here to make and serve it. The public is rapidly becming acqueinted with the superior quality of the Ceylon product and its consumption has increased from prac tically nothing ten years ago to one fourth' the total amount--ol tea sumed. The "Salada" Ceylon pn com pany has headquarters in six Ameri can cities and two Canadian cities. A Wedding In Army Circles. Washington, D.C., April 26. ~ Two families well-known in army circles, were united, to-day, by the marri of Miss Mary Wallace De Witt, ihn ter of Brigadier General Calvin De Witt, U.S.A., and Lieut. Robert Moore Blanchard, U.S.A. The cerc- mony was performed this afternoon at the, home of the bride's parents and in the presence of a distinguished gathering of prominent army officers as well as others prominent in the- official and social life of the capital. Caused A Sensation. Montreal, April 26.--Mayor Rosevear, of St. Lambert, created a sensation in the St. Lambert Methodist church last night. Dwing the course of the ser- mon, Mr. Roseveer rose in his seat and began to interrogate the preacher on several scriptural points of the ser- mon. Mr. Rosevear has on several oc- casions occupied the pulpit of the is the sole talk of the locality. Getting A Little Light. Ottawa Free Press Mr. Dunlop's livery bill' of $3,500, which works out at a six dollar drive for every vote that constituted his majority, throws a light, in all the colors from green to ultra violet, on the methods by which the North Ren. [HARD BATTLE. said, and all attempts to get his Toronto Street Market. money back had failed. When the! Toronto, April 25.--Wheat, white, per case came up in court to-day Duke | bush, 95jc.: wheat, red, per bush.. startled tile magistrate with "his |95¢c.; Wheat, spring, per bush., 8s. 'o story. He said that more than $200,-| 90c.; wheat, goose, per bush., S0c. to 000 was involved in the scheme, and |8lc.; Oats, per bush., 37§c. to 38io. that he had personal knowledge of an | peas, per bush., 68c. to 70c.: barley. instance where a roundsman paid | per bush., 43c. to 46¢c.; hay, or $5,000 to secure a sergeancy. When | per ten, '$10 to 812; hay, clover, per 85.75; seeds, red 'clover, per bush. versation over the telephone with the {to apples, per bbl, $1.50 5 district attorney's office. He then an- ao BI hogs, $6.50 t, $7; egos nounced that at the request of As- | per dozen, 15c. to 16c.; butter, dairy. sistant District Attorney Kressel the | 18e. to 20c.; butter, creamery, 23. to case would be adjourned. Mr. Kressel, 26c.; chic ke 8, pe b., 13c. to 14 he said, would then appear in court turkeys, per th. 16¢c. to 18c¢.: potatos to assist in the examination. per bag, £1 to, 81.15; caliboge. tof i ' Re, Sones, 10 te 50c.; cauliflower, per Ceylon Tea At World's Fair. sng -- to 81.95; celery, per St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 5 4 5: to Blc.; beef, hindquarters, P. C. Larkin, president of the "Sa- | gq's) io beef, forequarters, 85 {o . . oe choice, carcase, £7 to £7.25 lada" Cevlon Tea company, has- ar beef. medin rived in St. Louis from Toronto, tof, + eeu, Sarean:, 86 to 8650; complete arrangements for the instal per owt -- 80: to R11; muit n. lation of a tea exhibit in the Ceylon' . 0 89; veal, per cwt., B< | He spoke of the empire's Socials Are Successful -- New Buildings Going Up. Deseronto, April 25.--On Friday ev: ening the Girls Guild of St. Mark's church held an entertainment in the Opera House. The play was "Everv- body's Friend." and judging hy the attendance, it was a great success; Much thanks ix due H. a for his untiring efior(s in the management of it.. The proceeds amounted to ab out $60. The funeral of the late Mrs. Morden was held on Friday morning, at the family residence, Mill street. After a short service, the remains were con veyed to Picton. She leaves two daughters , and one son, her husband having died about twenty years ago. Mrs. George Stewart, who has been seriously ill, for the past few weeks is still very low. The flag of the post- office was flying Saturday in honor of England's patron saint. Mrs. Mackie, Peterboro, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. McFarlane. The Oddfellows' lodge attended the service in the Methodist church on. Sunday morning. Miss Leah McGaughey, and Miss Pearl Vl Jeau, spent Saturday in Napanee: Steamer Deseronto of the Deseronto 'Navigation company cleared. for Pic ton, on"Saturday, in order to begin her regular trips from Picton oh Mon ay. To . Steamer Reliance took' a 'load of lumber to Oswego, on Saturday. The work of W. J. Molloy's new store on Front street is being rapidly pushed forward. The foundation is ab out completed, and the brick work' will soon be commenced. The Bank of Montreal has purchased a lot opposite the post-o and intend erecting a beautiful building shortly. The found ation of A. Wiodeock's building will be started in a few days. The stone is already drawn, and the digging of the cellar is completed. When there buildings ' are completed, they will greatly add to the appearance of our front street. W. H. Stafford intends moving into his new residence on Tho mas street, this week. W H. Harvey is having large re pairs made to his residence on Dun das street. John Dalton, one of Deser- onto's leading furniture merchants, is opening a large furniture store in }b Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ri chardvon are. visiting friends in Port Perry. The Ladies Aid Society of the They Attended The Eastern Meth- odist Chutch. Napanee, April 26.--The Oddfellows of No. 86 and 212, attended divine ser- vice in the Eastern Methodist church, Sunday afternoon. Rev. C. BE. Me Intyre preachéd a very appropriate sermon to the brethren. positions on the police force, was made in the West Side court by Wil; to Jubial Avxlesworth is reported a little COMPLETE CURE. liam Duke. At the same time he sta \ a Sixt ria . Mrs. C. A. Graham and sister, Mrs, Me. Jacob Jamieson, Jamieson Bros. jd hat the distries_atiorner's ofiite Hawley, received word Yorterdey that | the nown Contractors Builders, posses "| their brother, Welland, Ont., tells of how he was cured: Manly Snider, Trenton, was very ill, with but little hopes of recovery : Workme en are busily engaged repair- ing the ( Prog block recently burned. George A. Chiff has the: contract off erecting an up-to-date Photegraph gallery for Fi: S. Richardson ns ---- ton, 8 to 89; straw, per ton, 80 to to y S10; seeds. alsike, per bush., $4.50 to . as sds, timothy, 100 Ibs. tap © to $9.50 --r-------- Lord Alverstone Reappears. London, April 26.--Lord Alverstone. presiding at St. George's banquet at the Cecil hotel! said that - history dur ing the last few years had brought out in the strongest , possible relief the absolute duty of neglecting no- thing which 'would bind closer the various parts of the empire. They must not wait for a great epgergency. loyalty the colonies wxpresged in nw rble- gram sent To Montreal, Ottawa and Hamilton, by 150 Crimean veterans, averaging seventy-two vears, A telegram was sent to the king as suring devoted. attachment to the throne. The king sent a message of thanks. -------- No Dardanelles For Russia. It is again reported that Russia de sires the Porte's authorization for the warships to pass through the Dardan elles. The Russian ambassador at Constantinople has, however, not deemed it advisable to press the point, as he regards it as useless to make the request. There will be no Dardan elles for Russia, because Canada wants all the Dardanelles cigarettes that are manufactured. Dardanel are fine Turkish cigarcttes, and can be had at all dealers, with cork, silver or plain tips. r---- Cheese Markets. Crysler, Ont, April 23.--At the rego lar weekly meeting of Uegaler Cheese board, held here to-day, 600 cheese were boarded, and fe. offered by Hodgson Bros." representative, but the salesmen refused to accept the price. Twenty-two jactotias were represented. Bellaville, Ont. il 28. Twelve fac tories offered 450 A ite and 35 colored cheese; Tic. was the highest bid, ono sales took place. Liverpool, April 28.--Butter, good. steady; 74s. Cheese, finest white, dull 47s. cheese, colored, easy, 48s. ------------------ frew election was won, Methodist church held a maple sugar TERRIBLE PAINS ACROSS social on Wednesday evening. All re THE BACK. port having bad plenty of sugar and -- a pleasant time Could not Sit or Stand with Ease. ODDFELLOWS AT CHURCH. Coasulted Five Different Doctors. And The Yellow Mace Was For- gotten. The Toronto Telegram Publishes this from Ottawa : "Lieut. Col. ith, sergeant. at-arms, was not 'there. The 'business of Col. Smith's official life js to be there, not to slay or even maim wn- ruly members, and obtrusive strangers with his trusty blade, but to move the mace, carry. before the speak- er, and to lit it from the table and back again to the same. The shiny emblem leaves the table whenithe house goes into committee of the whole. When the house is no move in committee, the mace returns to the n plush pillow at the end of the Re, green table, On April 21st the house conceived the idea of going in- to committee on the G.T.R. resolu tions, in accordance with the wish conveved in the divieion sheets of Q. AM. Nobody saw that Col. Henry Smith was missing. The house went into committe, or thought it did. It began to deliberate; certainly it began toutalk. Minutes went by. Then a man of unsettled attention glanged towards thé contre of the chamber and ' 'saw the trouble. He leaned over, being in a position of elevation, and communicat- ed the primary facts of his, discovery to Haughton Lennox, member for South Simcoe, who told a page, who told a man .in buttons, who became suddenly galvanized and removed the mace. When it was all over and the constitution had recovered somewhat from the blow, there entered Lieut. Col. Heury Smith, sergeant-at-arms.' Monkey . Brand Soap removes all stains; rust, dirt or varnish--hut wos wesit clothes. ue LL liet 't wash clothes. Cis Biel 2 Day? Ss w. onevey A NISC DOR. 250 A Kidney. Sufferer Fourteen Years. Doan's Kidney Pills PINALLY MADE A "For fourteen years | was afflicted wilh trouble which increased in severit the Se years. My most serious sack was rs , when [ was ied: "Fo had terrible pains atroms specks eyes was in oti constant orment' 1 could not sit or stand with ease and ey wreck in , haviag no appetite and lost greatly in flash. | had taken medicine from five different doctors 'and also Sun toatty parations to no pure 3 an to take Doan's Boinay Pilla: Pills acd ore I bad taken five boxes the trouble left me and I now feel better than I have for tweodty years, Those who know me know how | was afflicted and say it is almost ithpossible to believe that [ have been , yet they know it isso. 1 jbave passed the meridian of life but | feel that I have taken on the rosy bue of boyhood." Price gd ela, per box, or 3 for $1.18, all T ™HEB 'DoAN KIDNEY PILL \ TORONTO, ONT. DAVID HALL, Plumber, 66 BROCK STREET. J AMES REID, Clea] i i and nl, night. "none 1 for ambulance. Go-Carts and Carriages Just Arrived. Sce our window display The feature this vear és the Automo= bile gear, making light and easy running Send in your repairing and upholster- r bouse cleaning ox use FURNITURE RESTORER. 3 costumes. are. too good ori would like to have you come in and see what ne means The better ey. ie of materials El pr the costume wears: better and | looks better while you are. Call in and look around any you have a few inves jo spare. It re it. Ne pl or ia fancy t Are the "QUEEN QUALITY" Shoes for Ladies. We are now show- ing a complete line of this famous shoe in Boots aud Oxfords. Why not t pair of these most sty ish shoes which give Boots, $3.75, $4. We are sole agents, Serviceable, These words and $1.75. try ours. Most on STYLE, FIT AND COMFORT GOMBINED? Made in all leathers. All styles, sizes and widths, J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE SHOE MEN. FOR BOYS Comfortable, and Neat, describe our BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS and the prices arc low. goc, '$1, $1.25, $1.50,'$1.75, $2, $2.25 and $2.50. See the Shoes at $1.25, $1.50 If you are dissatisfied with the shoes your boy has been wearing McDermott's Shoe Store. °F Ox 8 iL prices. Ei# For the time being we and take . halt in the advance and Twenty-five eggs, 2e.. Crawford. JAMES REID. \ Attentio We have just received a new lot of LADIES' and GENTS SPRING SHOES, consisting of newest shapes and styles at the lowest Try us for Trunks and Va Swtholities " ERR EE SH o3f the Chicago Board' of Trade and can give untacafled EEA