$38.58585 5828725 ur - Eggs in great variety, ; Ta Good Potatoes, fr ote Oranges and other fruits, - Onions, Lettuce, Trimende stock of Groceries. yur and Feed of all kinds, + 'Phone 458 {THE 5 P.M." EDITION COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in The Business World--The Markets. Grain rates on the two Canadian rail- to the seaboard have been reduced. bank has increased its dive fdend rate from & 6 to a 7 per cent, railways centering in Chicago, in- €l the Grand Trunk, are to appeal to both the federal. and state courts for tection against ticket brokers. It is said that German insurance com- ies have decided to abandon their ness in the United States and Cana- da owing to the recent great fires in timore and Toronto. New York steel experts state that the men who built and put their money in the Clairton Steel company stand to jose mbout $3,000,000 by the sale to the United States Stoel company. At the annual meeting of the Domin- jon Cotton company the financial state- ment showed net profits for the year of ny : interest on debts, $101. 89; bad debts, 8820.87; leaving, with 9,556.0 brought over from last year, 7.102,68. The assets of the are given at $9.7798,822.05. The current assets are $218,000.57, while the floating debt is over $2,000,000. De- ducting the interest from the year's pros fits, the company appears to have earn- ed about six per cent on its stock. The company made more money in 1901,un- der the present tariff, than in any vear since 1890 The company did more business in the fast year than ever before. -------------- CHARITY CIRCLE TEA. Concert And Refreshments In St. Andrew's Hall. Charity Circle of * King's Daughters gave a concert, with tea and cake ac companiments, in St. Andrew's hall on Thursday night, to the members of the Food and Fuel club, which has Jon its roll the names of ninety-nine women. The programme consisted of piano solos by Miss Deacon and Miss let 'tice Tandy; vocal solos by Mrs, Mar tin, Miss Mildrod Macme , and little Miss Hazel Browne; violin numbers by the Misses Sylvia and Christine Coch- ; and two recitations by Miss Phyllis Welch, Miss Gertrude Strange ided, and introduced Miss Lucas, the Y.W.C.A, sceretary, who gave a Bible talk. * The sum raised last summer, totalled $644, made up of anounts from ten donts, to twenty-one dollars, only nine women, however, contributing more than ten dollars each. Orders for coal, given out during the winter, the treasurer of the fund, Miss rances Macaulay, came to a little more than 8400. Too much praise cannot be given the originator of the idea, and those who so faithfully keep it wp. DISCOURAGING WEATHER. Rain Keeps Numbers From Pleas- ho ant Church Tea. The ten given by the Church Wo man's Aid, St, George's cathedral, at Mrs. Grout's, on Thursday, was not the success it might have been, owing to the most unpleasant wea. ther. The affair was made most en joyable, though, for those who did go, by the hostess, Mrs. Grout, and hy Canon Grout, who is always most genial. ' In the tea room were Mrs, Martin, and Mrs. Bampfield, assisted by Mrs, Routley and the Misses Jessie 'Smith, Lola Martin, Grace Martin, Dorothy Brownfield, 'and Lillian Kent. The tea table was particularly pretty with scarlet and white carnations, and fern. Mrs. George McGowan was in charge of the door, and most delicious swerts were sold by Miss Lillian Dalton with little Miss Freda Burns as her as sistant. 3 Don't Be Satisfied. With anything but one of our new derby's at 81.50, 82, $2.50, 83. Camp- bell Bros, ' Kingston's populap hat store. Fine Custom Tailoring The Dress Suit, The Tuxedo Suit, The Frock Suit. Our business in these particular styles of garmeats this spring has heen very.large.: Our cutter exer- cises the greatest care in design- ing the garment in the way most suitably adapted to the figure. We are making them from fine soft finish Lamas, in Finished Worsteds, Thibets, Vicunas and Cheviots. . They are finished in the best possible manner, lined with French or Boiled Silk, and our prices are reasonable. ry _ Would be pleased to show you materials and quote prices. Watch for Specials Saturday Night 7-10 G/LIVINCSTON& B SECRETARY OF LEGATION 'DISCUSSES THE WAR. | -- May Involve The 'Chinese--But Gen. Ma Can't Rush Into War With, Russians Unless Ordered To Do So. : Paris, April 20--~Mr. Ou, first vec retary of the Chinese legation here, in an interview on the danger of China being drawn into the Russo-Japanese war, said that Gen. Ma was not a very important personage * and had never been commander-in-chicf. He is in command of the regular troops in the provinee of Pe Chi Li under the vice ray of TienTwin, who would incur the denth penalty if he acted without the direct orders of the Pekin government which, the secretary said. was deter- mined to maintain neutrality. Moreover, Gen. Ma had not more than 15,000 troops, which there was no reason to suppose were ill-disposed toward Russia. Asked point blank whether he dil not forsee the danger of complications the secretary admitted that the Chi nese people were favorably disposed to- ward the Japanese, and in this fact there might be a possible source of trouble, If the Buddbid priests and the secret societics stirred up a revolt and the rebels attacked the Russians the latter might coneider the imperial government responsible, "Uf wo should be treated as belliger ente,"' aid the secretary, "we would be obliged to defend ourselves. That would be the only event in which we would make common couse with Japsy an. . Russians Repulsed. Shanghai, April 29.--It is reported here that the Russians have sulicred a disastrous repulse after two days fighting on' the Yalu river. The Jap angse forces crossed the river and the Russians retreated. Hovering About, St. Petersburg, . April © 29.--Viceroy Alexieff telegraphs under to-day's date that Japanese ships were sighted six miles off Port Arthur last night and that this morning ten Japanese cruis- ers and six torpedo boats were seen in an adjacent bay. In the mest categorical terms Russia has officially notified the world that she will not accept mediation to terminate the war with Japan. The of ficial notification is contained in a cir cular issued by the ministry of foreign affairs to the Russian representatives with foreign powers, which is gazetted in the Official Messenger 'this morning, To Enforce Martial Law: Pekin, April 20--It is asserted, on the best author that the Russians are about .to enforce martial law west of the Liao river. The government is worried and the dowager empress Qos ordered the provincial governors to abandon her birthday celebrations and to use the "monev collected for that purpose tq equip "72,000 troops immediately, No Heavy Loss. St. Petersburg, April 20.- The ad miralty denies that treasure, am- ounting to $6,000,000, went down with the battleship Petropaviovsk. No Russian warship carries more than £50,000, Russia Has . Submarines Ready. St. Petersburg, April 29.--The en trance into the service of four sub- marine boats at Port Arthur weans the addition of a new and formidable weapon for the defence of that strong- hold. An effort now to close or blockade Port Arthur will 'w too dangerous for Vige-Admiral Tigo to atiempt, The Russian submarine boats may woon have an opportunity to denon strate the value of their type in war as the Japanese fleet ix reported at Che Foo and the interval «of time it is usually absent from Port Arthur has about expired. M. Jloubnofi, who has been awarded $12,500 for improvements in submarine hoats in an interview says : "There ix less danger in navigating a submarine boat than a torpedo boat, and during a battle the former is afer than other vessels." Ancient Honor Revived. Shanghai, April 29.-A despatch from Japan states that the old Ja panese war distinction called the Karjo, famous among samurai records has. been révived since the opening of the war. Japanese officers have been empowered to confer' the decoration on those soldiers who shall perform service of exceptional hravery. The war is in progress is calculated to stic the remainder of the troops to emula- tion. Sovera' of the men who participated in the sinking of merchantmen in the entrance of Port Arthur harbor will deeds of bravery were performed be fore the order was issued. : FULL OF HEAVY ICE. St. Clair River And Lake Huron Packed. Port Huron, Mich, April 20-8t. Clair river and the sofith end of Lake Huron, are packed full of hepvy ice, forced down by the: north-east wind. The steamer Houghton is fast in the joe, eight' miles above jFort Gratiot lighthouse, Running ice, probably, will carry away buoys. and stakes in St. Clair river, and Lake St. Clair, where the steamer Marigold just finished placing them, Said To Be On Fire. y Toronto, April 20.-A report is in circulation ~ here that the town of Fernie, B.C, is on fire, incinding the property of the Crow's Nest Coal com pany, The scevetary of the company, a S. Lindsay, is not in the city, to-day, and the cle in his office, while admitting having 'a despatch, statos that he has instructions not to give anything out. The despatch received at the Crow's Nest company's offices here state that the fire had been extinguished: The company's office, the Bank of Com. merece, the Royal Hotel and lumber vards were destroyed. The company's building was vilued at $25,000, conferring of the honor while the recive the decoration, although theif agraph Up By The Gondolier, ¢ MeDermott Bros Prof. MeComgh Th today for New York. iy Mes. Armstrong, Path, ic in the city. : See Ferguson's assorted pastry tor morrow, ' : John E. Nelson, carpenter, has re moved to Ganapogue, Dr. Horsey, wife and Alfred Cooke arrived in the city today.' . W. Metcalfe has accepted a position ir James Swift's office. Arthur Thompson left yesterday for Quebec where he will gpend the sum- mer. ; "Your apple turfovers nnd rose bud tarts are just right," said a lady in Fergusol's store to-day. Dr. T. J. O'Reilly left on Thursday for Sydney, C.B., where he will spend a few months visiting his sister. William T. Minnes, Gore street, re turned home yesterday from his ux unl, spring business trip to ther old country. At Oswego, N.Y., John Patrick Ouinn, Kingston, Ont., was naturaliz ed on Monday, and is "now a full- fledged citizen of the United States. The latest popular music. vocal anl instrumental succosses regiilar 50. nnd the. musie, Be. and 10e. ditring Fridoy and Saturday sale McDermott Pros John Sears, J. Grant, Charles Temp- | leton, Ben, Tett gnd 8. Cordon Smith left to-day for Brockville where they will attend the bachelor's ball this evening. The steamer Rideau Ki her first trip on Monday. T. Brien, who has resigned his position in Swift's office, will be purser on this hoat for the summer. The steamer Spartan was expected to arrive at Swift's wharf this after noon hetween four and five o'clock, She will be the first steamer of the R. & 0. N. Co. line to tolith here this Beason. A slight ripple of excitement dis- turbed the settled ealm of Princess street this afternoon, Two voung men, one of them slightly intoxicated, . got into an argument and the latter, who appeared to be gomewhat abusive, was brought to his senses by a few well directed upper-cuts from his com- panion. The affair only lasted a few moments and no police assistance was fonnd to be necessary in settling the dispute after the contest. will make MUST HAVE DOMINION ORDER. Tax Construction Of Bridge at Foot Of Yonge. Toronto, April 20,--The authorities now admit that they must begin again to get an order at Ottawa, for the constriction of the bridge at the foot of Yonge street, crossing the G.T.R. and C.P.R. tracks, and the order made some months ago by the railway com mittee of the privy council was never ratified by the governor-general in council. And since the act regarding the railway commission came into force, the notice must now be brought hefore that commission, unless special 1 lation can be obtained in this case. The original order directed the railways to pay all the cost, and, therefore, special legislation gould be vigorously opposed by them, S00 WEATHER WARM. Channel Open To Canadian Burg In Mud Lake, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., April 29. The weather of the past few davs has been warm and the Boo channel is now open from this point, to the Ca nadian burg in Mud Lake. The ice field in the remainder of Mud Lake is still intact but it is believed a steam er could force a passage through the river, without serious difficulty. Bryan Not The Man. Houston, Tex." April 29. -- The Post publishes a letter from Judge John H. Regan, the venerable Texas states man, to W. J. Bryan in which he gives the former candidate some ad vice. Judge Regan states - that if he had his way he would select Mr, Bryan ax the candidate, = But inti mates that he under prevailic annot Lave his cheice conditions. Two Auction Sales. Two successful auction sales "werd conducted this week by J. H. Mills, At. J. L. Renton's, carpets sold for cighty two cénts a yard and a square piano brought $60. At F. Dobbs, a stove brought 830, a piano $97 and an old bureau £3350. The sales | were largely attended . Completely Exonerated. Bellefonte, Pa., April 29.--Rev. Fa ther Victor Searka, arrested last Andrew Sclaka, was completely exon erated yesterday. The coroner's in (quest revea that the boy died of peritonitis, ---- The List Of Dead. London, April 29.--Reuter's Madrid correspondent wires ghat an official statement, issued regarding the "coal gas explosion, in the Reunion mine, at fifty-three, and the injured at thirty-six, . -------- Want Better Wages. Montreal, April 20.--A strike of 100 helpers in thie foundry of the Montreal Steel Works, was started today. The men claim ther cannot live on the wages paid at present, $1.40 to £1.50 a day. They want aw increase. All Grown This Spring Asparagus, bets, butter beans, car- rots, cucumbers, celery, tress, lettuce, miat, onions. parsley, radishes, rhu- barb, spinach, shives, tomatoes, ete., at Carnoveky's Baseball On Thursday. 5 National League=At St. Louis; 6; Cincinnati, 1. American League-- At Detroit, 8; Chi cagh, 2. Red, Ripe And Full Flavored. Strawberries; big boxes, 25¢., Satur- day, at Uarnovsky's, on the corner. Nice butter, 2 pounds for 25c. Sat. urday, at Unnavaky Big, solid, juicy Russet apples at Ferguson's, Sunday on the charge of cruelty to! NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES. The Great Salvini Seldom Acts In Italy--Stoddart, The Vet- eran Actor, Says He Has a Liking For One Night Stands. M. Sardou's "Theodora" is about to onverted into an opera, the com- poser being H. Xavier Leroux, who wrote the music for Sir Heary Irv ing's production of "Dante." New York is not the only hard luck place for actors this season. In Lon- don, where there are 5.000 actors and actresses, more than half of them are seeking employment on any terms. Mrs. Fiske closed her four weeks¥en- gagement at the Grand Opera Hou "an Francisco, on April 16th, and is now plaving in other prominent cities of the coast before starting on her re- turn to the east, The jewels worn by Miss Nance 0'- Neil tin "Elizabeth, Queen of England" are the identical gems which adorned Msue. Ristori when the Italian. trace dienne played this character at the Co vent Garden, London, in 1858. J. H. Stoddart of "The Bonnie Brier Bush," says he likes one-night stands. He declares that the traveling from town to town every dav and playing every night is. the best exercise he could have, He attributes his rugged health to the one nighters, and has a warm affection for them. Sir Henry Irving, who returned to ' v . London recently from his American tour, has told an interviewer that the Americans did not 'like "Dante," but were enthusiastic as ever over "Wat erloo," "The Bells," "Louis XI." and the "Merchant of Venice." Sir Henrv contradicts the report that Miss Fl: len Terry is to rejoin him, that he is going to Australia and that it is the last American tour under Charles Frohman's direction. Sir Henry is not to appear in London this yeas, but has started on a tour of the pro vinces, beginning . at Newcastleon Tyne, where he 'will revive "Becket." y correspondent of the iazette writes : The news that Tomaso Salvini is in Rome, and just on the eve of leaving for the Un ited States, on a tour in which he is to give thirty performances, will cause almost a 'shock to many people who have supposed him dead, or at st retired for good. To the younger gen eration Salvini. is but a name. They are accustomed to hear their parents speak of his Othello, and then : about the good old days when acting was acting. Tomaso Salvini'is now seldom seen in Italy. His first appear ance was in Rome a few vears ago, when Adelaide Ristori's eightieth birthday was solemnly celebrated and at that time he was said-to be over seventy. However, during these years of sil » for other countries it has been his custom to make tours in Russia, where he is so greatly appre ciated that they can apparently never get enough of him, and will not allow him to lea e witil he solemnly promis. es to return within a' given time. Supply And Demand. New York Times gin, the famous painter of war scenes, who lost his Jife on the battleship Petropavlovsk, had many curious experiences in this country, One day at an exhibition of his paint- ing= a rich broker said to him : "What is the lowest price you will take. for that picture?" "Not a penny less than §5 plied "the Russian artist. *Oh, 1 say, Mr. * protested the broker, "vou can't expect to get so much for your pictures as if you had been dead for several centwivcs, like Michael Angelo ard that class of can vas decorators. God knows how many pictures you'll paint yet." ? Housecleaning Tips. The way to get the scavenger man to do things he might kick about is by showing him real monev. Be obedient. Remember your wife is qarrying her favorite weapon of de fenge with her all the time. When vour neighbor starts a bonfire filling vour kitchen with smoke and odors don't kick. Wait till the wind changes and start "one yourself. Sing a gospel hymn while vou are "lifting" the carpets. Your wife will think you are enjoying the job. New Policeman Afbointed. The police commissioners met this afternoon and appointed Thomas Mul ligan, of this city, to the vacancy on the police force. : ------ It is announced in Montreal that the Canada Coal and Railway company is going into liquidation. The com pany operates a mine at Joggins, N. S., and the past few days' thére has been trouble with the men over wages and operations have been stopped. Dr. J. Howard Hunter, Torouto, provincial registrar of friendly socie ties, to-day, addressed the Canadian Fraternal Assocs to put their business on a new basis. Ss, H. Kent, Hamilton, has issued a writ against Alderman Bissell for near Seville, yesterday, gives theudesad | slander in' connection with tle alder man's statements regarding the city coal contract. 7 : J. K. Macdonald, Toronto, as pre sident of the Upper Canada Tract So ciety, said the society had an impor tant work in counteracting the cfiect. of newspapers. Lord Minto and Lady Eileen Elliott arrived in Toronto this morning to attend th horse show. They will re main to-morrow. Lord Dundonald did not arrive. U. 8. congress closed its sessions at Washington. Speaker Cannon, of the house, was praised- 'by both parties for his services. ! » ' |. The C.P.R. has awarded contracts {for ite new lines to be built in the (west this year to a firm of St. Paul | contractors. . ! Fred (C. Salter has heen appointed European traffic agent of the Grand Trunk, with offices at Liverpool. Come in Saturday night ior that rain coat. A regular £12 coat for $7. | 90, Last chance. Roney & Co. | Dwarf and Tall, Nasturtium seeds new fresh seed, Gibson's Red Cross; drug store P. J. Mcllquham, left last week for Pincher Creek, Alta, to look after a cattle ranch for Senator McLaren { * Mammoth sweet naval oranges, 75c. 'a dozen at Ferguson's, ON THE STAGE] No Corkscrews Needed. ollinaris - : : / ' . THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS" with crown-caps, can be opened without effort and without spilling the contents. Openers are placed in each case. Half the trouble to fouse cleaning--clean and Regular $4.50 lron and 3.50. Regular $6.50 Iron an 2 80° the best Mattress made, R BT. 8 2 Dooré Above the Opera' Ambuldnce Telepbone 577 CHILDREN Girls' Cashmere Stockings, Ribbed or plain, all sizes, 1n four different qualities, frem 15¢. to 49c. Girls' Fast Black Cotton Stockings. Girls' Tan Cotton Stockings. FOR BOYS Boys' "Leather Knit" Black Ribbed Cotton Stockings. This famous make of Stockings for boys" wear we now have in all sizes for boys from I year up to 16 years. Prices 15¢. to 25¢." a pair, according to size. These are uaques- tionably the best make in thetrade at the prices Boys' Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, double knees and heels, all sizes from No. 1 up. * ¥ FOR WOMEN Women's Cashmere 'Stockings, 25C, 35C., 39. 45€. 49¢., 50C. Women's Fast Fast Black Cotton Stockings, 10c., 20¢., 25C., 35C. {Women's Tan Cotton Stockings. Women's Tan Cashmere Stock- Women's Embroidered Cashmere Stockings. Women's Lace Front Stockings. rything in Stockings for Men, Women and Children. HVLAIDLAWESON distance no Home Industrial Co,, Box 839, Wind ep eee WE WANT ONE GOOI district, local or t vear and expenses, tack up show-card: advertising matter places, od No experience nece ticnlars 'write, Salu London. Ont. ion advising them This shoe will give you a good idea of a Man's ox Calf Lace Boot Solid leather all through. i Others ranging from $1 See our Bnow Flake Fel 'our Marshail Sani Eyes Carefully Exan " "and Glasses Pro Frames in any styl es to suitvery Spec xlpss wearer. Optical Repairs prompt! SMITH I Jewelers and Optici 350 A WANTEI errr A GOOD GENERAL SI ply to Mrs. A. P, C rie street. PURCHASER FOR inch frame, in ROO Brock street. ---------------------------- BOY TO LEARN PI girl to feed press, a lington street. a---------------------- VETERANS' UNLOCA' cates wanted for cas ell, 103 Raglan stree! GENERAL SERVA understands plain to No. 2, Emily stre A GOOD GENERAL St ol 10. , Ap inv. at 55 Geore st store, corner John University "A venue. HELP. WE WANT A in each locality to ° ing spare time. Plee eral pay. Imperial don,' Ontario, TWO SMART GIRLS room, also 10 girls, making. Work clea: ply at once to S. | tario street. DETECTIVE-C yor your time for pre work ? No experiop American Detective dianapolis; Ind. eet pee ARE YOU MAKING § t is being done Work ~ is pleasant, permanent. G. London, Ont. LADIES--$15 PER WE home; materials fre A FEW MORE CU first-class dressmak good cutter and fi suits a specialty. dress 68 York stree epee MEN AND WOMEN FOR SA em A LADY'S BICYCLE Apply 286 Queen @ eee te eran GROCERY AND LIQ{ Good stand. Appl BILLIARD TABLE, N with complete eq through Whig Office EIGHTEEN FOOT painted, $14. Als Bicycle, as good cheap. Apply J, ! PRE THAT LARGE, DOUE idence on Sydenh near - courthouse, Each house contai on the first floor second, has large separate dining roc en, hardwood flo ment 'full size wit} Large stable and ¢ back to a Jane. $12,000 and must now offering it a! cash, balance of For further pa Sharpe & Couse, Business Broke I ---- pt 'BUSINESS OPP PUTS AND CALLS- wherein 'sensations ble, minimum risk tion against anv The how, mailed The Rex and H bankers and broke Bidg., Cleveland, eee ee MEDIC LADIES : WHEN for free trial of re © ely. ou Chemicel Co. Mil