Daily British Whig (1850), 4 May 1904, p. 7

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important feature t as important a ies. Every house. od cooking but she cost 'her too much cooking qualities ford rium ** an' selects hls cigar m Cigar Ju etislying flavor yd pure, whit i a ite ash im," and you smoke at toc can buy, D BY FMPORIUM OT. RYACINTNE, Que, mtry welties. State ; th od at customs dep! Y AND FRIDAY, R eceived. cr ou any of tie ne Oil. Wax. to serve ouf IRCH, 0 Quality eed n Ale 'and Porter T. ecommend it Agent. THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4. In 10c and 25¢' boxes and 15c tubes . Is an elegant oil dressing, that keep shoes fresh and bright with the 'least possible effort. It oils the leather--prevents it from cracking -- keeps shoes waterproof. 2 inl is a Paste, shines easily and quickly, and puts a shine on shoes that dust, sun and dampness can't affect. It won'terub off on the clothing--makes shoes look r and wear longer, tate office, 51 Brock street UNFURNISHED, cight-roomed house, with all modern Apply at Crumley Bros. dry goods. THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, ON Possession about the first of Apply Walkem & Walkem. BY THE FIRST OF Brick Dwelling, 181 with hot water heat- Welch & Son, or to 179 Division St ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, at present occupied by on Wellington street, Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot St ---------------------------------- rere berm RUBBER STAMP sufficient for sever- | Cheap for spot cash | DHSIRABLE GROCERY STORE at 619 Princess street. Will be sold cheap for cash large garden frontage on near Frontenac park was going to die. A DETACIIED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE Frontenac Street, | again. Tnrge poultry house. HOUSE AND 1O7 ood =n¢ Coal We have on hand the difierent varieties of Wood aud Coal. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133. Foot of West St. i pvsiil - Wood and Coal ~~ BARGAINS IN Musical Instruments Was Unable to do any Work for Four or Five Months. Was Weak and Miserable. Thought She Would Die. Doctor Could Do No Good. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Effected a Complete Cure In the Case of MRS. CAROLINE NUTT, Morrisburg, Ont. She says: 'It affords me great pleasure to speak about what your Heart and Nerve Pills have done for me. I was taken ill with heart trouble and got so bad that I was unable fo do any work for four or five months. and miserable that my friends thought 1 The doctor attended me for some time but I continued to grow worse. At last I decided to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking two boxes they made me well and strong I cannot praise them too highly to those suffering from nervous weakness and heart troubles." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.35 at ali dealers, or - THE 7. MILBURN CO., Limited, TORONTO, OND ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of He Torro See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. About a year ago I got so weak selling now at $1.2 Pianos and Organs at greatly AT McDOWALL'S MUSIC STORE, 471 Princess Street. A.E. KNAPP B.A, LDS, DDS. DENTAL OFFICE 19 Montreal Street, KINGSTON. All branches of DENTISTRY, perform- LIFE s on Serves svsenserneneeees EL COAL YOUR GRATE. 1 lasts all night. Try it. _P. WALSH - 5.57 RARRACK STREET eee en tion regan cssssssasssssssssas FOR SALE A Jewellery Business with stock and fixtures. A C0OD STAND. A. F. BOND, Teeursnce and Real Estate, 63 Clarence ®t LET ME HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantee. you satisfac We don't brag, but over form the work. Nothing sacrificed, put your best interest studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. | Ge drying up--Lasts -- STRACHAN'S HARDWARE - "emt forget weather strip to keep ont. the cold AUCTION SALES FOR BILIOUSKESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. GENUINE wost uve ume, of Gots | Purely vegerasie, Zot | CURE SICK HEADACHE. NORTH AMERICAN Head office, Toronto, Ont. DO YOU KNOW ? That vou can buy five per cent. gola instalments--and have them in- vou are paving for th od investment f YOU =i A splendid prote FAMILY --if vou die - Opportunities for men 6f character act as representatives Apply to W. J. Fair, traaNan, Send this coupon, or write, for narticnlars 5 J. FAIR, District Manager, North American Life Assurance Company, Kingston, Ont. I would like to receive informa- ling gold Lond for § issued to a person aged vears Name v Address "| The Brightest Thing in Stove Polish Is! X=RAY Goes twice as far as paste or liquid polisn--No P pnger--At SELLING OUT? Employ the Leading Auciioneer, JOHN H. MILLS, 3° a CTY Ty 4 FOR THE COMPLEXION ASSURANCE COMPANY JOHN L. BLAIKIE, L. GOLDMAN, President Mng. Dir. ) n for YOUR SUDDEN CAL Ll RUSSIANS NEVER WON, RALLIED FROM STROKE. { Quarterly Service Largely Attend- ! ed--Mrs. TFinkle's Fine ' At Home '"--Epworth League An- nual--Many Visitors. Newburgh, May 3.-- Quick indeed was the summons that came to Mic Murphy. a much respected resident of our village, on Wednesday afternooh, about four o'clock. He was* engaged in some work at Stickney's foundry. when with hardly a moment's warn ing, he was stricken to the earth with a stroke of paralysis, rendering his right side useless, hind himself uncon- scious. Seven men lifted him into a buggy and he was taken to his home He did not rally, and yesterdav mor ning his spirit took its flight to that land whence no traveller returns. The late Michael Murphy was sixty Stickney's foundry for thirty-four vears, his chief work being the sell ing of the machines throughout the country. He leaves a widow and six children. Mrs. Foote of Kingston; John of Ottawa; Mrs. Costello, Archie and James of Renfrew, and Thomas, of Spokane, Wash T funeral "will take place to the Roman Catholic ce metery on Wednesday morning. * © Quarterly service was held in the Methodist: church on Sunday morning and was largely attended. Rev. R. W Whattam preached from. "Who loved me and gave Himself for me." During the offertory, Mrs. G. B. Thomson and H. 8. Mott rendered a verv beautiful duet, "Jesus, 1 am Trusting, Trust ing in the viof What Thou Art." I'. D.: Seriv was summoned to the bedside of his sister, Mrs. J. H. Low, Thursday. He returned vesterday, t = now thinking that Mrs w will recover. Miss Flor ence Johnston, and Miss: Prive, Na punee, called at Dr. Beeman's on Mon day. Perey Madden, and F Millar, B.A. spent Sunday afternoon and ev onl in Toronto, o in Centreville ial event of the season took place er hen Mrs. ( H. Iu " The guests nun} a special train bringi + guests from Napa Crosby and Thornton's orchestra. music for dan able to be out | Henry Paul and James Holmes have moved into Stanley Chan s house, Pand Robert: Hope is moving the house vacated by Henn nd purchased along with the In M. Rvar Mr. Ryan intends to place hi department in his new the annual meeting of the Fj ' . \ League, held in the Methodist on Tuesday evening. the fol officer ed for the en resi Ca president. Miss + Beeman first vice-president, Mrs. D. Moore second vice-president, Miss Emma Shorev: third vice-president, Mrs. JJ Ww Courtney: fourth vice-president. Mrs. J. Rl Sharpe; recording s ary, Rov Farley: corresponding secr tary. Fraser Paul; treasurer, Miss | Mchim; organist, Mrs. J. W. Conrt The weather of Sundav and vester day, is certainly the kind we hav ng for. House cle ng i and lucky is he who can r enough for-his meals, while ths women are t 1 down. H ing the house upside McKim, of the Dental College, Toronto, is spending a few weeks at his home here. Rev. and Mrs Chant attended the nuptials of their niece, M liner, Kingston, last week, G Deroche Wednesday evening Deseronto, spent \ in Shorey's Canadians Over The Line. Hamilton Spectator There are over 30,000 Cagadian born residents in Detroit, and with their children they make up whout 60600. Detroit has a population of 5,000 of which one sixth at of Canadian origin. Buffalc i= shows a Canadfan born of ISO Cleveland 10,000, » and 000 or more over Cl figures up Canada is the third of United Stat rest consumer wis, Great Bri and Germany second EE Household Hint. Afier washing lace ties, ete, rinse them in milk wad of starching then Let the lace dry, then dam; arid iron and you will find it looking i xu quiie new 2 A marriape without romance is like an olive to an uneducated palate To use Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It is an antiseptic, heal- ing dressing, applied directly to the diseased surface by the patient himself, who blows the powder through a tube into his nostrils. The cure dates from the first puff. You needn't snuffle from colds' or Bay fever if you have the catarrhal powder in the house. § Cures aheadoche inten minutes. Rev.J.LL.M XCK writes "1 have used Pr. Agnew s Catarrhal Powder i P | vor furnish any. 1 never remember of l { pending of their winnthg a victory i two years of age, and had worked in {dours and her fierce hussar of light horse, about 600 in all, Iv routed a Russian army in position with guns infront and on cach Hanl.. also regiments of cavalry and infant just behind the guns, through all «i which what was left of the 600 went IA Victory Unless They Were In MICHAEL ' MURPHY NEVER Overwhelming: Numbers. In a letter to the Canadian Military : { Gazette, Henry J. Woodside, of Daw-' son, Yukon, has this to say about the Russians : : I must differ from you in your esti ! mate of the Russian soldier and offi | cor. whom 1 consider out the poor- st in Europe, and have yet to see roof to the contrary ; nor does his with equal or inferior numbers against lan cnemy of equal or superior num- { bers. The Swedes used to "thrash them when there was one Swede to from three to six Russians in the fight (sce campaigns of Charles XII of Sweden). win the battle of Pultowa by means of greatly superior numbers and the sa- gacity of an Irish marshal (Lacy), who taught the Russians to hold their fie until the Swedes were close upon their heavy masses. The Russians had to pour over crush that brave people with thew small but heroic armies. It required the united. efforts of Austria, Russia and Prussia with vast armies to sub. jugate' the raw levies of Hungary in the '40's. 1 think it was about 'wo hundred thousand soldiers that Russia had to pour in of "her whiskered she could teach Huns that five cians were equal to one | x The memory of that splendid strugsic should be tanght to Canadian boys as a lesson in defending their country, no matter how numerous the invaders may be. Thank odness we have some Hun colonies in Canada May hatred of Russian tyranny Of the Russe-Turkish war of about 5 preceding the landing of (he ies in the Crimea, the Tks alone Wl! driven the Russian invad rs back across the Danube Furkey was a very poor ally to have, but it was a choi of two evils for the British statesman same time a noble®Cana i Sir Fenwick Williams elf, with a few thousand disorganized and demoralized Tecks, into a dilapidated fortress called Kars, and there for months defied the power of whole Russian armies, It was only when his men were ready to drop from famine and sickness that Williams eon sented to surrender. ' He refused to sign the conditions offered, and plied that he would burst every can non, blow up the magazines, and th Russians could work their--witb-on the famished band. It was then that the Russian general, taught by bloody re pulses, granted the heroic Canadian and his little garrison all the honors of war, fand, strange to say of a Rus- sian, kept his word. I'he British veteran of the Crimen remembers the Muscovite with a sort of contempt. At the Alma, when a. Russell s, thie Highlanders swept up the hillside, like dark cloud shadows up their native hills, whole of Russians turned wmfd fled. v heard the bag-pipes, ahd exe themselves by saying they thought it was a regiment of centaurs neighing in a headlong charge against thew At Balaclava, old Sir Colin Camp bell had such a contempt for the Mus- covite cavalry that he thought thf .) cimated old "Ninety Twa," drawn up in line two deep, was good enough to meet and scatter such foes. This, too let it be 1 was on the sane day that "'Searlett's massive squad rons "(heavy hrigade) rode and literally | "rode down". two or three times their number of the elite of avalry. And again a { after that a few weak squadrd ns like through pasteboard. And so * strenuous was their action, Kirg lake tells us, that Russian infantry egiments 4 mile and a half away on the slope of the hill were thrown inte square to receive the demon caval: At Inkerman about 40,000 Russians with many batteries of artillery at tempted by a surprise attack in the misty morning to oust 3,000 British troops from a poorly defended camp on Shell Hi but were foiled even Le fore the scanty French reinforcements arrived. Ini this same battle, two Brit ged the whole field © of deployed by batterios, one by one over th which they had gain ed by the surprise attack. (See Kine lake). The writer proceeds to point out the ish g Russian gu and drove ns engi rest of the state of corruption which exists in the Russian army, and then thus con tinues "Fortunately this corruption and inefficiency will greatly help the Jap- anese, an! illustrates to. a great ex tent how the Japanese fleet has hoo able with such ense to virtually wip out the sian Asiatic fleet. Ther are alway tances of bravery amon: the most corrupt races, hut the aver age R an = not momy estimation to be put ar here near the sani class as the rage Britisher I can ay ciate the chivalry of the ditor in putting the. Russian officer in the best light possible, but as for me bdr the line at Russians. A 1 ent writer and traveller savs that the Russian peasantry is hopelessly soil den and brutalized mass, which it will take generations to elevate to decent itizenship I Japan d not succeed, the Piit sh race will almost certainly have to take up the task, | have for fwent years or expected a conflict ax there are mapy no same way who did not Even Brishen Walk inevitable, who think y few years a r, the anti Britisher editor of the wnti- British "Cosmopolitan" magazine and who claicis some experience in hina, now ounds a loud note of varnineg that the Russian peril n for the last t+ months gnd am now completely cured of Catwarrh of five years' stand.ng. It is certainly ru jcal in its effect. The first applic tion benefited me within five min. utes." Dr. Agnew's Pills costing 10 cents for forty doses, two-fifths the price of other first- class pills, first cleanse and then cure the bowels and liver for- ever. 1 aces the | nglish speaking race, and that "America" will have to fight it or life He hates war, but sav the pre on the part of Japan is the. most justifiable of all recent vars : Ing the absence of reference book here "1 bwve had to give facts from nemory, but think they will be found orrect. In any event 1 do not re mire a very retentive memory to now that a few more advances on the part: of Russia and the balance will "he almost Kopelessly tilted against us, and then it will be a The Russians managed eventually to! whelming numbers - into 'Poland to they retain their fighting quality and' that Th Our' Vital Question ". Gook Book tells all about it--write for it. Shredded Biscuit ~ Tri With milk, fruit or vegetables : THE NATURAL FOODS Made light, short and: porous by mechanical shredding, ensuring _proper digestion. . The all-day foods for everybody. <F ¥ ike s apindind eas THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, TORONTO matter of time only before the great Russian glacier, preceded by freshly raised, hordes of Chinese barbarians in Russia's pas will roll over the world and modern civilization. PRODUCE AND PRICES. The Rates Which Govern the Local Markets. Kingston, April 25.- The local pro- duce market prices this week are: Flour and Feed.--Flour, bakers' strong, $2.60 to $2.75 a cwt.; farmers' flour, $2.50 a owt. ; Hungari- an patent, $2.90 to $3 a owt. Oat meal -and rolled oats, $1.50 to $4.70 a cwt.; cornmeal, $1.40 to $1.60 a ewt.; bran $21 to $22 a ton; shorts, $22. to 84 a ton; straw, 87 a ton; hay $7 to 8 a ton; pressed hay, $11 a ton. Grain.~--~Wheat, Manitoba. No. 1, OGe. a bushel; white winter and Ca- adian spring, 90¢. a bushel; local soft wheat, 0c. to S8dc. a bushel; buck- wheat, 50c. a bushel; peas, 75. a bushel; bailey, 45c. a bushel; oats 30c. a bushel; rve, 50c. a bushel, Meat--Beef, Gc. to Sc. ia Ih; veal, to Be, a lb. spring lamb, $1 to $1.50 quarter; mutton, Te. to Se, a lb; yearling lamb, %. to Mle a lb; pork, by the quarter, 7c. to Se a Ib; live hogs, $4.75 a ewts; dressed hogs, $6 5 Fruit--Apples, 50c. to 81 a bag; le mons, Wes a dozen: bananas, 2c. a dozen: oranges, 15¢. to She, x cranberries 121¢. quart; Mala- gn grapes, 20, a lb. Vegetables--Potatoes, $1 to $1.10 a bag, turpips, 40c. to 50c. a bag: ea dozen ro 5c. a bag: onions, 81.50 a bush. : cabbage, 5c. a head; celery, Bc. a bunch Poultry--Chickens, 60c. ta 78c. a pair; fowl, 70v. 10 Sc. a pair; ducks; We, to R110; geese, SOc. te £1.10 turkeys, 13¢. to ise. a th Fish--White fish, salmon trout, and pickevel, 12jc.- » W.; finnan' haddie. 124c. a lb; pike, Se. a Ib; lobsters He. a db; smelts, 19. and 15+, a lb. Seattle salmon, 25c¢. a Ib; salt cod fish, 7c. to 15e. a Ib.: kippered her- rine, 30c. a dozen; halibut, 20c. a Ih; adddck, cod and bullheads, 10c. 1b, + bluefish, 15¢.; oysters, 4%. fc. and 60c, quart Hides.-- These prices are given bv John McKay, Brock street ;. --Recf hides, Ble. to 6)e. lb kips, No. 1, Ge. a lh: dekin skins, No. 1, 60c. to 0c; veal skins, 10c. per Ih; lamb skins, Se; tallow, rendered, 4c. a Ib; tallow, rough, 2¢. a Ib. Butter. Wholesale--Creamery, 17c. a Ib. far mers" prints, dey to i%. a Ib; in rolls, 13¢. a Ib Retaii- Creamery, 1% a Ih: farses pints, Me, to 16e. a thm rolls, 15¢, a lb Eggs. Wholesale-- Fresh, lle. to 13¢. dozen Retail--1resh, 13e. to 4c. dozen ---------- Loughboro Township Council. Sydenham May 2, Minutes read and adopted. Moved, Thompson Free man, that clerk notity county trea urer to write oli the back taxes on lots, 12,13. 1, the 12th ecn, up to date of convevance of said lands to Nelson Amey, and on lots 17, 19, 13h on., to the time of conveyance to J.C. Freeman, and also on lot 10, 1th cor said taxes having heen paid. Carried Moved, Thompson Davey, that the statute labor charged to Sidney Orser be remitted, he not having a public road to his. place Carried Moved, Thompson Freeman mas. O'Connor he appoin pon per and pathmasier in of George Kavana. removed; Luke Me D 1. in place of James Koen, ond w Walker, pound keeper, in place of Syl. Beye Moved, Davey Freeman, that Ne. dL relating to eatth running iarge be amended Ly add ing that A deseription of cattle, horses hep, pig wl are hereby forbidden to _be herded or allowed to raz vithin a distance of twenty { fronting any dwelling or en trance thereto. Carried Accounts passed J. Woodruff, lumber, 81.70; Ww th. balance on Stor rington boundary, 56; Jal Hogan ovelling snow on North Shore road 21.00; Martin, cedar for bridge covering, ¥20; A. Page, culvert on Portland boundary, 81; D. Lake, bri Thomas Young, sey of stone cn North road H. Martin, qu elary, #1. Council adjourned to at 10 an Monday, May 30th, or conrt Of revigion % ' Genius often regards with envy the well filled stomach of mediocrity. Twgatry dt. FREE Every mother who sends us her address én a post card will receive a generous free sam ple--enough for eight meals--of Nestlé's Food LEEMING, WILES & CO. WowTataL. Presh from the land of the Thistle. Every yard of the cloth woven in Scotland's finest mills --expressly for " Pit-Reform." The patterns are those quietly elegant colorings for which "" Fit- Reform" is famous. Made up into Spring and Summer suits; by & Fit-Reform?" tailors, to delight the well dressed $18, $20, $22 and $25. IT-REFO E. P. JENKINS, KINGSTON 4 pH Poor hops spoil ale-- make it dead, sour and cause biliousness to the con- Hops used in Carling's Ale are chosen by Carting's hop experts from certain localities where only the best hops grow. Are gathered at just the right time and kept in cold storage until used. Ask for Carling's Ale--accept no other because no other is quite so good. Carling's Ale The Ale that's Always Pure J. 8. Henderson, THE 206 GENTURY The-Source of all POWRr, , re Tile Fountain of Youth, sues. after years of weakness restored of the rarest chemical Tenge fi the ole by is use : vara oh weak Ang ~ I'rove it yourself by a test. utely fo carefully sealed fna full 30 days treatment Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve Dr. KOWR MEDICINE CO.. P.O, Drawer L 2341. MONTREAL $3 SHOES For Men worthy of the highest They are made in Box Calf, Velours Calf and Vici Kid, with double and single soles. Every pair Goodyear welted and made on the newest lasts. We shall be glad to show them to you. McDermott's Shoe Store, |

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