Mads For The - i SETss, Sip yaisid "eo They. are t $3.50 ering, Polishing, Orig. oli me 4 > 'week and $1,000 id of accident, | ter #8 and BS, Tos, A, forces with the union as the lathers, unable to leave the work able loss of time and while the warring members of Junion will be able to pick up te employment' elsewhore. The unfortunate is that a couple of weeks more work would havi finished the outside work of the maspne on Grant hall but wow it "is. impossible to. say how lon ng. .operations will be delayed, 1t.i8 very meldom that labor trouble occurs as in the present case, between two dilferesit branches of unionism and some very delicate adjustments will be necessary before matters ean he settled. The contractors havi charge all claim that "work on Grant h I not be put to any great in- , for some time, by trouble between the masons and their The stone cutters will "keep on working and it is expected Shere will _be Miffcienm work to carpenters busy for nearly iste Masha ta ome. The masons em- 'have agreed not to elsewhere until tha work on Grant hall is completed, and, although there is no present indication of a settle: ment, it is hoped that both parties will make some about peace once more. Although the work on Grant hall is more extensive than any othor build- ing operations in the city at present, stil there are several other of small: er dimensions that are being delayed by the dispute. Notes of Movements Along Har "bor Front. Craig's wharf: Steamer Ocean from i on! » Swift's whar! : Steamer Rideau King cleared for Ottawa; steamer Corsican from Montreal. The steamer Caspian has been mov. ed from her winter moorings to the Ror wharf. d Bak «1. company evator: Schooner Jamieson from Port Darlington with 10,000 bushels of oats, e schooner Acacia was delayed un- loading at Bwift's whar! by the break- ing of the hoisting boiler. "The steamer North King will com mence her regular trips between P'o:-t Hope and Rochester on May 30th. The steambarge Simla cleared from Garden Aaland for Frankfort, Mike | after un ing her timber vesterday. Richardsons' elevator : Schooner Metaner from Brighton, and schooners Granger, Laura D, and Two Brothers from bay ports. Messrs. Mpulther steamboat and Chestnut, inspectors, are here from the White Squadron. The barge Toledo is in Davis' drv dock for repairs. The next to enter will be the schooner Marianette which is to bo extensively overhauled. witness in a lawsuit over the schoon- er Marin which was damaged in beino hauled out on a marine zailwav. The rafting eang of the Calvin com many has arrived at Garden Island. The first raft of timber will leave gar- den Island for Quebec earh- next. 'he sloon Pilot was very little dam aged by her sojourn on the south shore of Howe Island during the win- ter, Capt, Mahoney expects to have her ready for service in a few davs. The stéamer barge Westport left Craig's wharf yesterday with a full loud of general merchandise and had to leave some behind. It was without doubt tho largest load of general goods that has left Kinoston on one trip for the Rideau in the last twen- tv vears. Capt. H. J. Arnold owns and sails the Westoort, which is a fine vedsel for the canal trade. At Chicago the steamer Kenneheo has 'heen chartered to take 75.000 bushels of corn to Quebec or Montreal, The rate is not quoted. Thus far this Season nino stemmers, representing a total of 095,000 bushels of corn and 135,000 bushels of oats, have = hoon shartered. A 'wear ago in the neigh: 'horhood of 23,000,000 bushels of orain had been moved by lake ap to ay Ind. Elopement Reported. _ The people of Williamsville are talk: ing of an elopemont which is said to have taken vlace. hers, the male see: tion of it being an uptown man, who has left his wife and two children be- "hind. married woman who ne sampanied him lived in the vicinity of the Bath road. Tan and sunburn removed by Gib- son's Red Cross Borated Oatmeal I! Harrison gpm ny' furnishe| rooms are ofen for visitors. n num- | are running an excursion to their for- on and | mer home on July 23rd, and have in+ ma- | Vited the Ottawa club ' helpers 40 that the masons' nc ged to the same branch of [The action of the helpers in de | haps for n week. There are now at manding control of the scaffolding has | least four hundred Kingstonians liv- haen Buken somewhat, in the manner | ing at the capital. ~~ aA ro a ond to be a Enel Snes ut ined to ght the matte ORPHANS' HOME. through 1o the end. It appears that smn : the main sufferers by the trouble will | The Gifts Most. Gratefully Ack- be the contractors themselves who nowledged, hsv all. theie tools and machinery at | Tp, committee of the Orphans' operations and will "be money | and the | cake and four dozen g%: committee their t of the trouble concessions and bring | ag Oswego, N.Y., to inspect the boats of | Capt. R. Davis is in Montreal as al ands, Mallen and Sears were prosent No p . " at the y committee meet- as secretary. Five initi- ing yes ; " ' took place inslating 3. Car- | Daniel 4 ident of the r,_confectioner, who is Otta- Oriental Baseball Club, asked tor the wd, and may go into business there, privilege of that club practising on H i man, who moved to the fair grounds. Permission was October, and is work- il restaurant business. | A letter from the Underwriters' & pence and 240 Brien, Wete ape was read. It natn] ingstonians, w vi t t ante on the wiv haildings ! would be reduced ii the stoves were The secretary will at once communi- cate with Mayor Bell in reference to 'the probability of any celebration this summer, The Toronto old hovs of Kingston to join them, here will positively be an excursion this "summer from the capital, and it juclikely to be on Saturdav, July 29rd, staying over Monday and per- ERY LITTLE BU _ FORE COMMITTEE, Can Be Seeured On The. In- | replaced by hot water heating; casks j and pails used for fire protection, a six-inch st pe erected and six-inch hose used. Sixteen cents would be taken off il the stoves were removed; a five cent reduction if pails and casks were put in, and one cent il hose was por of ay The committee had on little talk about removing the stoves end instal ling steam heati renewdhl vf the talk that has Loc periodically for so many, many vears. It was simply one of the specialties of the meeting after ""'Brore" Dan had taken his departure, The request of the Loard of educa- tion for the use of the seats in the City hall on Empire day was grant TO MOVE "A" BATTERY. ome most gratefully acknowledge the ing gifts : Miss Robertdon, goose five dozen buns; Mrs. Ca mn, of Leap Year dance, cakes; Mr. God- win, three jars honey; Miss Macmor- ine, two baskets of cakes; Mr. Flani- gan, skates an! a coat; Mrs, Bond, books and clothing; Mrs. Milton Clokey, Hartington, eight pounds _but- ter; Mrs. il. A. Calvin, cake; Chal mers church, three baskets cake, bread and butter; Mrs. Hendrie, candies; Mr, , oranges; Pilacess Street Me- thodist church, two baskets sand- wiches, cake and pies; Mrs. L. B. Spencer, ; ten "jars of fruit and box candies; Mrs. A. F. Chown, books for library; Mrs. Garratt, eight jars of fruit; a friend, candi-s; Miss Macnee, five dozen eggs: Miss Gildersleeve, six dozen buns; Mrs, (. 1vingston, €ve | at Wannapitae, His district is from dozen buns; Mrs, |. L. Henderson, | Toronto to Sudbury. Mr. Crpig is four dozen buns; a friend, six ozen | one of the graduates sent out by egg; W. J, Crothers, buns, eakes and | Queen's. School of Practical Seience. biscuits; Ancient St, Johns' Lodge of | He has had considerable experience Masous, basket of cake and cold | on the Bay of Quinte railway exten- meats: Mrs, Waldron, sixteen pounds | sion since completing his eollege of prunes; Mrs. Mackis, six dozen course, + buns; a friend, ten chairs; J Potter, Portsmouth, barrel of Duff, five graduating apples; Ts. dozen buns; Queen's College claws in arts, basket of © and sandwiches and butter; Mr. Harrison, three chairs; Mrs, Thomas ills, books and magazines. cm ------ A SUDDEN DEATH, -- Mrs. McCann Passes Away In + Syracuse, N.Y." In Syracuse on Monday, Florence Richards, beloved wife of Howard McCann, and only sister of Frank and Pierce Richards, Kin ton, Deconseq May 2nd, Canada, diced suddenly, was mbgried only one yedr, Her mother died December Gth, 1908. The. sorrésw. ing husband and brothers have the sympathy of a large gircle of friends, both in Kingston and Syracuse. The turned Wednesday evening from To- tunceal left her late residence, Bld | tonto where he went to look over the Mas rd street 5 Syracuse, Tuedday, | new ferry boat. He states that the §L OF >t ary's French building of the vessel is progressing church, where high mass was celebrat- ed, thence to St. Agnes' cemetery, where her remains were laid at rest. The pall-bearers were her two bro- thers and brother-in-law, Herbert Mec- Cann, and Thomas Murphy, of Kings- | ton, Ont. | The romains of | Richards were buried Mary's cemetery, the late Rosella to-day in St. A PURSE OF $1,000. Was Handed To The Archbishop Of Kingston, | During Holy Week the clergy 'of the { diocese met at the Archbishop's Pal- ace and a committee formed to ar range for the presentation of a purse to his grace to be used in the chasing of a team of carriage horses, | t Rev. J. 8. Quinn, parish priest, Ches- terville, was requested to act as trea | t uror of the fund. Mo-day Father | Quinn, and Father Connolly, Brower's Mills, visited Kingston and handed his grace the united contribution of the priests, amounting to £1.000. greatly pleased at this fresh wark of] t part of his clergy for him, and preased his deep princely gift. We wish his grace many years to enjoy this well deserved com- pliment. ex 1 ---- SIXTY-FIVE YEARS MARRIED. ] | Mr. And Mrs. Alex. Miller Cele: : brate Interesting Period. Brockville Times § ixty-five yoars of wedded tliss is {a long time, yot Mr. and Mrs. Alex I {ander Miller had the unique distinc | tion of celebrating the sixty-fifth snni- i versary of their iurtiage on Friday last. This venerable couple reside on home and farm still engross their at- | | tention with the same vigor and strength as persons of fifty. he day | « marking their: st anniversary was spent very quietly. Many iriends and || ntighors who were aware of the event called to extend their congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Miller come of Irish stock and since thir tion: to Canada about fy years ago, | ¢ have lived. continuously ia the home where they are now spending their de clining days. Though eighties both arushale and hearty and jn full possession of all their faculties. They are certainly a remarkable con- ple whose dealings for honesty and in- tegrity have won them true and last- ing friendships. sturdy | ¢ Kentucky lawn spots on lawns, only at Ginson's Red ass 'seed for bald ly agaih to-morrow, ship carpenters ment dry-dock with two well, and that it will be completed hy June lst. going travelling anywhere, it will pay You to buy your trunk or valise at Abernethy's. have sulphur, cream tartar and drug store, EE At The Top Of A High Waterfall. who went with her husband to an out- pur- | of-thesway corner of Old Mexico, where an 'experience witn an American state of Hidalgo, where the power sin tion was situated at the head of a gorge, where there was a. N78 feet high. | Needless to say, the arc bishop was | was winding and difficult and it took the continned Jove and esteem on the] 80 you see supplies were hard te got. appreciation for' the | away and we soon found we could not get proper food there, so we sent 'Mexico City for tinned goods, and as I nervous all the time. about Grape Nuts breakfast food and and before the week's trial was up we saw we had solved the difficulty, not { 4 Of I wize and easy to transport, buf be: the Miller homestead a short dis | cause their &trength is concentrated tance below Brockville on the Pros- | oq they are so full of nourishment. cott road where the dutief,of the We abandoned the old coffee and used Nuts faithfully. we cut out the meat and Coffee and fruit and I felt so strong and vigorous I started a little garden, immigra- | fresh vegetables, which we added as strong as before and although we well "in the | left there after a vear and return:d to the States we will never give up our Grape-Nuts and Postum for the heavy, rich diet and coffee again, for we value the fine health gained ahave everything else." tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Grape Nuts, Report That It Will Be Sent To Hamilton. Hamilton Herald. While in the eity yesterday Col. Woatherbe, of the militia department, Owtawa, stated that it was the inten- tion of the governmeny to move "A" battery, Kingston; to Hamilton, in the ncar future. The reasons given for 'this step are that Hamilton has proved a good recruifing station, and there is dot an institution of the kind in the district. There are abou: 1M members in the Kingston battery, A Railway Engineer. H Craig, B.Sc., of this city, is installed as Iresident engineer of | the Canadian Pacific railway company, , .Civie Finance Committee. The civic finance committee met yes- terday afternoon to consider a lot of important business. They-arrived at no conclusions, as . spveral matters have to be reported npon bv the city solicitor. The committee is to meet Made Them Quit Work. Messrs. Howard and Porter, two and caulkers, 'were working at the dredge in the govern non-union men, and the president of their union made them quit work on account of their associates. ---------- The New Ferry Steamer. Reeve Fawcett, of Wolfe Island, re- Going To St. Louis. Ii you are going to St. Louis - or Blotehy skins and primples should mo- lasses, only at Gibson's Red Cross IN MEXICO. The wife of an %lectrical engineer he food problem was ever present, bad food hat was worth while. "My husband's work togk ns to the waterfall The trail to the top wo hours steady climbing to reach it. "The nearest village was eight miles 0 was in an acnemic condition | hougkt I had to have lots_of meats © support and strengthen me. 7 rare v felt able to get up before noon- ouldn't seem to get hold of myself, ut just drifted around miserable and much in print "Finally, seeing so Postam Coffee we decided to tiy them > ly because they are concentrated in ostum Coffee instead and ate Grape The first month slow xl me a gain of three pounds. Next lived entire J y on Grape Nuts food, Positim ( nm lid all the work myself am! raised to our diet. "Husband soon declared he felt twice old - Name given by Pos- Food for any one im any place ~ Look for."The Road to Wellville" in USINESS BE- LOCAL NO1 IN GENERAL. Ab guy imaie » a : 2 "= : ; York The Excursion Will Likely Occur Club Can Practice At The Pair | Occurréates in Gh, sity sn ht On The Same Day As That Of Grounds' -- What Reductions | all next week at the' Grand. A 25e. tooth tendent Phillips. Henry Cunningham, McAuley's book store, Princess street. ~ A woman took a fit on Wellinoton street this morning. She was carried into McRae's store till she recovered. 88 Phosphates or culfee, No. 99. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Lifebuoy soap--disinfectant -- is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases. When a man bas money to burn Hé's a strong matrimonial catch; And some woman is willing to do him aA turn By furnishing him with a match. It seems that the gun fired off on Tuesday night was not out of posi tion before the firing. It stood on the stone blocks in perfect position. , Superintendent Phillips is getting the parks in good condition. They will be 'most creditable when the big completed a six-storey fire-proof build- ing, one of the finest in Canada. The building, handsome and imposing, is a credit to the Canadian capital. The company has also installed a three- deck Hoe press with a capacity of 24,000 papers per hour. H. 8. Folger, general manager ofthe Thousand Island Steamboat company, expects that the biggest crowd that ever visited Kingston will be here on the 24th. There has never before been such an interest taken in the celebra- tion by the New York Central Rail wav company as this vear. Moth proof bags, the kind sold Gibson's Red Cross last for years. The North American Review for May is-a-sterling number. Joseph Pulitzer gives sound views in: support of his endowment of a 'college of 'ournalism at Columbia Collége; journalism is at drug store, will shown' to_have a great effect upon a country. Count Cassini, Russian ambassador to the United States, presents the empire's position on the war questions. Oscar J. Crosby, just returned from Thibet, writes of that country and- the British expedition. Goldwin Smith discoursts upon the immortality of the soul. PERSONAL MENTION. Hii Movements of The People--What They Are Saying and Doing. C. F. Gildersleeve is in Montreal. Fred, W. Spiers, Montreal, is at the Windsor, W. A. Shaw, Toronto, is British, L. N. Vanstone, Toronto, 'is at the Randolph. P. C. Hagarty, Toronto, is at the Randolph. Dr. G. H. Bleecker, Trenton, is the British. John Hogan, town vesterday. at the at Sydenham, was in M. 0. Dafoe, Napanee, was in the city vesterday. Jdobn King, Ottawa, is visiting friends in the city, G. N.Belton, Toronto, was in town on business vesterdav, Dr. Robertson, Kingston, to locate at Smith's Falls. Dr. Dyde lectures on 'a Shakespear- ian theme in Brockville to-night. Miss Daisv Dempsey, Oswego, is vis- iting Miss Howland, "Alfred street. W. M. Fairman and W. E. Grice, Ga- nanoque, were in the city vesterdav. "Junction Jae" Clarke, Brockville, is renewing old acquaintances in the city. Mr. Duckworth, of the Great North- Western Telegraph company, is in the city, Frank McCoy and wife, of Peterboro, are visiting at Mrs. Asselstine's. All red street ! Annesley Burrows and sister, of De- troit, who formerly resided here, are in the city. "George McK. Wilkinson left to-dav for Montreal, where he has secured a good position. John Dunlpp, K.C., Montreal, just made la judged has a son at the Royal Military College) is likely J. W.. Mitchell of the Kingston aire School, has returned to the city with his hride. Robert Chestnut nnd 1. R. Woulther, Oswego, N.Y., are in the city. They are marine inspectors, A George H. Heiser, Davion, Ohio, ad- vance agent for Rinoling Bros eir- cus. is at the Iroquois, Heory Fox and wife, Cape Vincent, wore in the city vesterdav. celebrating Mr. Fox's eightieth birthday. Miss Dora Nugent, professinnal nurse, ie here from Watertown, N.V on a visit to her mother, Montranl street, Mrs. C. G. Rooth and Miss Tou Storms, formerly of Odessa, now liv- ing in New York, were in the city vestorday. ' © Liewt.-Col, H.R. Duff, A.M.8., hae heen in charge of Kingston Medical Statjon, R.C.F.A,, the month. W. H. Carnovsky is in Ottawa look ing, np a business "site. He will sol! out his Kingston business and remove to the canital. Mr. and Mrs. J: A. anogue, were unexpeectedlv called 10 Kingston, awing to the illness of the latter's father. Capt. Joyner, who met with an accident. He has improved mich during the past few days and will in a short time be able to' he around as usual. singe the frst of Johnston, Gan Police Court--Thursday. A lone drunk confronted his wor shin, at 'the police court this moruine. and as itgevns his first appearance in something like five years, he was al- lowed to g® A couple of boys who secured a revolver and made vee of it inside the city limits were dealt with AND THNGS Tom Marka Stoek company will play 3 powder, "Ur. Graves' 2c. at Gibson's Red Cross drug stere. The guns in the parks will have their fuse holes plugged by "Superin- piano tuner from Chickering's, Orders received at crowds visit Kingston on Victoria The sprinkler made its appearance Day. 3 for. the first time on the streets yes- Huyler's = delicious marshmallows terday. For the last few days the only by Gibson's Red Cross drug! awning man has been having his har- store. od vest. Every one wanted their awnings The Ottawa Citizen company has -~ THE TO MRS. H, W. WILLIAMS OF BATTLE CRECK. She Was Known 7 Napanee And Kingston -- Back From a Tour Of The Codtinent--Gener- al News. Napanee, May 5.---Word was receiv ed this week of the death at Battle Creek, Mich., of Mrs. H. W. Williams on May 2nd. Deceased was well known in Napanee and Kingston. Her maid: en name was Emma Allen, daughter of the late Chief Allen of Napanee. Her mother and sister left here last week to be with her in her illness. The cause of death consumption. One child, a boy of cighBAears, is left to mourn a loving mother. Jehial. Aylesworth is able to be out again after his recent severe illness, Mrs. A. J. Witham, Svracuse, N.Y., is in town for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hill returned, Monday, from a three-months' visit on the "tontinent. * George Mair returned this week from sponding the winter with his daughter, Mrs. MacMillan, Finch. The. past few days have been most enjoyable, ideal spring weather, and vegetation made rapid progress. The trees are fast leafing out, and the grass and shrubbery shBotine up with a rapidity seldom witnessed in so short a time. up and he was kept hustling. mines MAY BE .A STRIKE. Grand Trunk Railway And The Telegraphers. Montreal Star. Charles M. Hays, the general mana- ger of the G.T.R. is absent from the city, so that no additional particul- ars regarding the dispute between the company and its telegraphers are forthcoming. It is said, however, that indications point to a strike, the whole ease hinging upon the view the telegraphers will take of the railway company's reply to their statement of their grievances. In accordance with the act passed at the last session of parliament. the department of labour may interfere. One clause of this sta- tute bearing on the present situation states that wherever a difference he tween railway employers and en- plovees seems likely to cause an in- terruption in the regular transporta- tion of mails, nassengers or freight, the minister of labour may cause an enquiry to be made. The governmqgut would he reguired to appoint a con- already served fwo years and five months. E. B. Devlin, advoeate ' of uk END CAME] KINGSTONBUSING SEND FOR OATALOGUm 4 Confederation Life Building, Toronts, RR Our Motto : Courteous treatment, Value for your money, Correct styles. We guarantee to fit you, § TT ---------------------- ; Crawford & Walsh Leading Tallors, Princess Street, <> $35, $40, $45. All guaranteed. Typewriters, - Sewing Machines Repairing and' Supplies for all. Your money's worth every time. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co, 171. Wellington Street. -- Cook's Cotton Root Compound, ciliation committee of three persons Ladies® Favor : named according to the method of an- Is the only safe, relishie potting arbitrators. tor on which wi de "in the ae Cf ith n $ pa; n two APFLIJATION FOR PARDON. streagin No. J "and No wm 0, 1L.--For ordinary caged Has Been Made To Department of is 4 far the best dollag Justice medicine known. e No. 2-For special cases--10 degrees Ottawa Free Pross. stiongen--thres dollars per box. 4 Application has been made to the | Ladles--ask your a ist for Cook's department of justice for royal par- moot Dempaund, aka, Mo gthet don in the vase of James Martin, the dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are sold burglar who received an sentence of ge 1 doy ists ln Yee eight years in the Kingston peniten- 3 y tiary for breaking into Bryson, Gra- Stampa" "tre oaud:rqur d-cent postage ham & Co's store., The prisoner. has Windsor, Ons | No. @ und No. 8 are sold in Kingstold' by all druggists. Hull, has been retained by a of prominent. residents of New York, who are at present in Ottawa, . to urge upon the department of justice the claim for Martin's liberation. The case was presented and in the record are several certificates from 'the United States senators, members of congress and judges. Martin is said to be in a delicate state of health and his friends are anxious to sccure his release before it is completely under- mined. A Gentlewoman. New York American. Never indulges in ill-natured gossip. Never forgets the respect due to age. | & Thinks of others before she thinks of herself. Does mot mieasurs her civility people's bank accounts, Does got forget engagements, prom- ises or obligations of anv' kind. Is never argumentative or contra- dictory in conversation. Never makes fun of or ridicules the idiosyncrasies' of others. Does not bore people by talking con- etantly of herself and her affairs. Is always as agreeable to her social inferiors as her equals and superiors. Has not two sets of manners--one for "company" and one for home use. Will never attract attention by loud talk or lauphter or show her egotism hy monopolizing- the conversation. 0 by When Your fay Is Raised. Council Bluffs Nonpariel. Oh it means you're worth a little more you've not been wasting time, It means vou're on the ladder and are learning how to climb And you breathe a little you ever did before, And you work a little hnrder think. a lite more For work is just a pleasant life is light and gay When you élamber up another round and wet a raise in pay -- A committee of the 48th Separate company. Oswego, will look up rates and various means of transportation to Kingston. The company has been invited to attend the celebration on May 24th, and if satisfactory arrange. ments ean be made it will accept, It costs New York five timee as much as it does London t5 maintain parks and recreation grounds. LAYers Cherry Pectoral for hard colds, chronic coughs, consumption, old cases, severe casés.. Ask your doctor if deeper than and vou thing and Cross drug store. each package. privately by: the magistrate. ¢ *9 000 ¢ QUAL LPP00e - WALL PAPER 1904 Wall Paper in various colourings and very latest patterns in attrac: tive effects beyond anything we have ever offered. Come and ses us soon; we be lieve we can satisfy your wants, nd you will find that the prices f our papers are as attractive as themselves. : F. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, bath, etc 5» 103 Bagot street, near Oity Park. Reasonable rates. 5000000000000 Swift's § Fe! QQ pt oJ --- =m = --- 0900000000 The same always. QUANTITY :-- AS Jo order. JAMES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 135. 3 FOL RPLLHLY 1 3 » { . As BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, ©, LIFE aod FIRE INSURANCE BROKER. Office, 61 Clarence strest, 'Phone #0 has better advice, LSATES: = address. 88 Sydesham Gel i A Wa Evening a" Cents, COLLEGE. KINGSTON, TORONTO BU DuINESS COLLEGE BICYCLES b, $35.20 (Goo Stop-overs allowes station in Canada Chicago. SIDETRIP -- Hau Falls, $1.40 additio For tickets, illust further information, J.P Cc KINGSTGN & PEMI PACIFIC RATE ST. LOI FROM KI $22 Good for $29 Good for $35 'Good Uniti Dec Commencing April 25 Novumber 8 Full particulars at Ticket Office, Ontario F. CONWAY, PF. A Gen. Pass. Agt. THE BAY OF QUINT SHORT LI Tweed, Napanee, 1 local points. Train ue Sh gston. ALLAN Liverpool and | ROYAL MAIL STEA From St. Jo Pretorian, .. .. .. . Parisian, Sat. Apr. 28) Tunisian, Sat. Apr. 30 FROM MO} Saturday, M RATES OF ) First Cdbin--Preto) wards," Pabsian $70 islam "and 'lonian Second abin--Live dorry, Jalislan amd Tunisi ; Jonias LoRdoag .50 extra. Third Class--Superi #25 and :$26, to Li fast, Olasgow and I. Through tickets to 5 NEW YORK TY Mongdliap, .. +. .. 4 Laurentidn, .. .. ., .. MONTREAL TO GL Corinthian, .. M wl. P: HANI lonian, Y, A Passenger t. SLESYB, Clarence S MONEY AND Eien OUR POLICIES C( buildings and cont er company offers odwin's Iusuranc Square. MONEY TO LOAN tures. Apply te ager of Frontenac auent Society, O ost Office. LIVERPOOL, LOND Fire Insurance C¢ assets $01,187.21: which he Policy security the unlim all the stockpold property fusured rates. Before ret new business wget & Strange, Agents ARCHIT EE HENRY ¢. SMIT Sete, A or Square, 'Phede 2 POWTER" & SON, AR chant's Bahk Buil apd Wellington st ARTHUR. ELLIS, / 'fice site of New D ner of Queen, and ron WAM" NEWLANDS, / fice, streets. Entrance Telephone AOR. Dusky diam § 1 &6usins to the beautiful worth so my their weight in Nothing in | coal to appé eye. But a 1 contains more fort and satisfe all' as much poor, unclean, Qur coal iv 4 «it's ALL CO. "You reed a' t right now Ty best time to bh 2 3. CRAW