| wiP WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 13 , B4 columns, is publistied in t¥e on he . PE Managine Director -- THE DAILY WHIG. Opifer per Orbem Dicor." vill be EROQISM AND.ITS RESERTS, o tn cost, will it] Oo Gen. Shafter has been humiliated hy his countrymen jn being refused a you perfeatly, and will wear board 'of nt, of well ifgongetiar {Ro ne that there 2 p » ' are some. people who think that he did \MBERT' S not distingish - himscli at Santiago, 1 B | and desire to give expression to their feelings in a very petty manner. It is More ban YOU ASK? | cxpicined on his behalt that he en; Via countered rare difficultios, and that at 147 Princess Street. they ean only be appreciated by those " . who were with him, The army did its work, laboriously and well, and it eventually succeeded. It had a leader and he was Gen. Shafter. |; The greatest of men fail to reach X [ expectations. Buller did not take Ladysmith as he desired, and he came, back to England to suffer vebuff. Lowd® Roberts failed to reform the war in office as he expected and was replaced by another' in a manner which reflects sadly updn British nobility, Gen. Wey- ler failed to hold Cuba against the rebellion of natives and went back to Spain to struggle against a rising tide of disfavour and persecution. The commander of the Spanish fleet--ol craft wholly unfit for the service into which they were pressed--suffered from 8 the anger and hostility of & nation ¢ «f that owed him only honor and hom- age. Admiral Makaroff took charge of the Russian fleet at Port Arthur at.a serious time and lost hi¢ life and re putation in the first bout with the Japanese, Death to him would have w= | hoon preferable to the disgrace of his offending. Gen: Kouropatkin, in his re- verges at the Yalu, is laying up for himyeld. the: stings 'of disgppointment, and" they wilt be experienced sooner or later, = It Ww the pecitiarity of human nature to land and magnify and exalt the heroes of afmy and navy one day, (when 'they succeed), and to humiliate them the next, (when they fail), and the experience is not confined to any w@ | country and any people. The situa tion is not known to any but those who participate in it. But that makes no difference. The most popular man is *{ dethroned in the distress of the time, '4 | and Gen. Shafter's emotions are those of many other and better men. hd Electric Clean- ee re it. GENT & CO. Near McPartand's. 2 po hooks, etc., "to order 5. ANGLIN & ©0., Seth and Door Factory, THE TRENT VALLEY CANAL. The Trent Valley canal has been, for some time, the cause of much contro versy, especiglly as to 'where its ter minus should be, at Trenton or Port Hope, The canal was originally a po litical project, and it was charged that the expenditure upon it way meant to affect the public pulse rather than the public trade. But in 'the successive elections, or periods preceding thpm, vast sums have been expended, and the question is a serious one as to whether some defin- ite and useful purpose cannot be secured by the canal. Incidentally Kingston has been referred to, and the charge has been made that those who endorse the Trent contention are anx- ious to build up Kingston at the ex pense of Port Hope, Hamilton, and other western places, It is not apparent that Kingston is very-much concerned about -the result The canal will not build up the trade of this port in any case. Kingston stands at the foot of lake and head of river navigation, and from it the trade east and west will come as usual, | The Trent Valley canal may be a short cut to certain points in the west, and it is a convenient cut in- land in stormy weather, but it cannot amount to as much as some people al: lege. The Hamilton Spectator "talks shout the effect of the canal on the trade of Oswego, Sodus Point, Cape Vincent and other American ports "in the east half of the lake." So far as wo understand the situation, it makes precious little difference to Kingston whéther the tepminue is at Port Hope REAM fp (Next Mclood's Drag Stoze) . Cream, Finest Candies and Fruits in the City. | Was In Flower," ha rather than - + judicial 'one, and this left the impression that a ed the error, but in the meantime the speech had been copied very largely. In consequence Sir Louis has had to write to several of the| leading papers. "I did not say," he remarks, "that the question had been negotiated in advance, but in closing my statem speech he said : some were of opinion that diploma- tically the award was perhaps the best solution that could be reached for England 1 remained convinced of the righteousness of the Canadian cause and had already the satisfac- tion of seeing this view now. accepted by many of the leading reviews: and newspapers in Great Britain." The meaning and effect are quite different, and the eminent jurist is entitled to the explanation in support of that reputation for precision and clearness which has been his. EDITORIAL NOTES, Oh the walks and the streets. Their condition is terrible, and they must remain in this way: The city can: not afford to rebuild manv of them. The Expositor advises the Brantford Street Car company to refrain from Sunday traffic, which the circumstan- ces do not justify. The cars may be needed in some places on Sunday, but Brantford is not one of them. King ston ditto, Members of the Cagadian Manufac- turers' Association are "red hot" on the fire insurance question, and there is now the prospect of their forming an insurance fund of their own. It is a case of war with the knife between the great corporations. wh---- In the Quebec legislature there is de- mand for a Jaw which will make bye elections occul at certdin times and under certain \circumistances without the initiation of good in provincial expt good in the federal as well e government. MH ice why not Guelph, Goderich, Clinton and Strat ford are being connected by electric railway. Gradually the whole west will be covered by a net-work of rail ways and travel made expeditions--in summer. A winter like the last woull tia most of the street railways up, "The Montreal Gazette Kingston ease as a proesdent for the guidance of municipalities, which de sire to acquire lighting plants. "The good will of a company which uses the streets in its business," says the Gazette, 'is not likely henee- forth much of an asset." regards the to be At The Grand, To-Night. This season Frank L. Perley is pre senting Rosella Knott as a costar with thé eminent English romantic ae- tor, Charles Dalton, in Paul Kester's dramatization of Charles Major's ro: mance of chivalry, "When Knighthood which will be the at- traction at the Grand to-night, If dra: matic eriticism can be believed, Miss Knott has seqred a veritable triumph as the wilful, winsome Mary Tudor in Mr. Major's 'aflightfal rlay. The Saturday Event. Mr. Reeves-Smith iz coming back again in Haddon Chamber's greatost success "The Tyranny of Tears." The play as seen here before. was a really splendid production and made as real actors * could do. Everyone will go to see Reeves-Smith, and the ones who do not will find themselves "out. of it" so far as the artistic ot Trenion, . événts are contverned. Matinee and evening, Saturday, bof the case I observed that although IN BRIEF FORM. 7 The Buke of Pevonshire: resigned the presidency of the British Empire Aeajfue. League. Lord Derby was clected in his st Mrs. Clara Morgan, wife of Judge Morgan, Toronto, died suddenly of nervous .prostration. She was sixty years of age, Charles Frohman has arranged for the dramatization of 'Pilgrim's Pro- gress," which will be produced next season in New York and London Within the next two weeks two mil- lion trees will be sent out from the experimental farm at Brandon and In- dian Head to be planted by farmers in the west. WHE CZ AR BIDDING GOOD-BYE TO COS SACKS. The Czar speaking from the st eps of the Winter Palace at St. Petersburg. "I am firmly co nvinced that you will all uphold the honor of ments, and that you will readily r isk your lives for your dear old f atherland." The Brooks comet was observed by its discoverer, Dr. W. R. Brooks, at Smith's observatory, Geneva, after a long interval of cloudy weather. The comet is now on' the northern border of the Constellation Hercules and moy- ing _northerly toward the head of Draco. OBSERVATIONS. So It Appears. Toronto Star. vod The people may not always know what they want, but they generally know" what they don't want. Hasn't Been Around Lately. Hamilton Herald she depends on wild flowers for Ker diadem, the Queen of the May in these parts will be an uncrowned queen. | It All Depends. Montreal Herald Russia has paid $16,000,000 for three cruisers. The investment may not be a bad one if the new cruisers can be kept out of Japan's way. § A Sudden Shock. Toronto Star. New York man has died of a broken heart. They must have. raised his rent, increased his interest rate, and mentioned 'him for vice-president all 'in one day. Doesn't Believe It. Belleville Intelligencer Hamilton's fire chief says 60 per | cent. of the fires in that city are of incendiary origin. . Fire insurance in the ambitious city must be looked up- on a% a get rich-quick scheme. Dut we feel inclined to dowbt the chief's story. Death Of Mrs. H. A. May. | Ottawa Free Pre The death occurred Tuesday of an | estimable lady in the person of Jane Horsey, "wife of H. A. May, of the privy council office. She passed away at her father's residence, 243 Daly | avenue, after a short illness of pneu monia. Deceased was in her thirty- fourth year, and was a daughter of | H. H. Horsey, architut, She leaves besides a husband, youay son, ic, | live years old. She | is survived by al sister, Miss Amy, and a brother, Horbert Horsey, who has just arrived in the city after a long absence. The | late Mrs. May was a woman of | many admirable traits and ner death | will be regretted by a large circle of | relatives and acquaintances. The re- | mains will be taken to Kingston, where interment will Le mad: in the | family burial plot, | A Great Question. od Another large audience was gather | ed in Bethel church, last evening, and | after a bright song service, the pas | tor Rev PN, Morden; preached from | the text, "What shall 1 do then with | Jesus, which is called Christ" This! momentous question, said the spe ak | er, was aske d the multitude, by Pil-| ate, and we are all familiar with the | awful answer. God, not .Pilate, hae been asking the same Guestion among | the children of men everywhers, for | over 1,900 years. . He asks it at every gospel service, He' is asking it here. | What is your answer to God's great | question? A man can be guilty of | no greater sin than that of re jecting | Christ. Mr, Tompkins sang during | the évening, with much power and | sweetness, "Almost. Persuaded" and *What Will You Po With Jesus?" | Mrs. Abhles, sister of Mrs. Samuel | eo ret , {| 2nd, We count on giving a serv onnor, Brockville, is dead from pneu- | SiG 0€, CORY ioe monia, following a long period of gen-| 3rd. Our drivers will be civil and eral delility. She was sisty-piae | courteous Flake camphor for furs, Gibson' s| in Our Ice is one, hundred per cent 3 , RR " * Red Cross drug store. i Sth. A post card or Telephone message OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED { viline and find it serves as a genera. { household Jiniment { is unequalled by anything I ever used. Gardening. Tamworth, May 4.--Rev. G. Shearer. Day Alliance, was in Tamworth last week. delivered an interesting lev: ture in the town hall, and afterwards organized a branch of the alliance with our resident ministers as officers, and an executive committee of representa: tive citizens. Quite a large percentage of those present gave in their names for membership. Friday night's lecture on Windsor Castle, the Tower of Léndon, West minster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, ete., was much enjoyed by those pres ent. Rev. W. H. Adams, the lecturer, was afterwards thanked for the enter tainment he had furnished. One of our prominent men says that three evenings, ought to he gives to these splendid limelight pictures instead of one, that Mr. Adams might have time to furnish a still fuller description of the various points of interest. Rev. J. K. Henry and wife are in * In the course of his your ancient regi- Montreal, whither they went to wit ness the graduation of their daughter at McGill. Miss Henry has done the four years' work in three, and has a brilliant record. We wish har con tinued success in her subsequent ca recr. The mumps are epidemic in tho town and vicinity. Young and old are afflicted, and one or two cases have heen unusually severe. The complaiat is no respecter of persons, business men and school children being among the sufferers. This is feuncil week, and the town ship fathers' sat in the town hall on Monday and got through quite a hit of business, under the direction of sur popular reeve, John Wagar. Our clerk, James Aylsworth, J.P., is not in the best of health these days. Dame Rumor says Schylor Kennedy has bought Richard Hassard's farm. Jay Taylor is on the sick list. Fred. York, Napanee, called on Wednesday evening last. J. Floyd & Son are making big improvements in their n-w house and lawn, with a . new hedae and shrub trees, and when | complet..d will be one of the finest places in the county. May In Chicago. es the merry month of May-- "Tis merry in the song-- The month that makes the woodland v Or used to, right along-- The month of bowers--or so the bard Once named it, anvhow-- The month--alas ! it's mighty hard To hail May gladly pow, For rioters are in the street, IL hear them hoarsely bawl; he mover, wit his muddy feet, amping through the hall ¥ happy home I had Is Poon up through and through, And, though in winter garments clad, I'ma nearly frozen blue Nothing Loosens Up Colds. On the chest and relieves that tight fecling and hard cough like Nervilitie, writes E. P. Renshall, of Sutton. "I never use way other remedy but" Ner- best of all. Chil dren's colds and inflammatory pains are quickly ctired hy Nerviline, and its action on colds, coughs and sore throat Nerviline is both and reliable.' use Nerviline. powerful, . pleasant Every mother should Price 23c. After The Rain, Unitarian Herald. birds, leaves and" flowers grow With life anew Nature R:. ks smilingly h skies of blue Hrightivesy reigns all around, Sadness with joy is crowned, Freshness and light abound After the rain Peruna, the great spring tonic. Gibe son's Red Cross drug store. Away with the coal man. The good old summer time is coming at last. Ice cream Water Ices, Cool Drinks, etc. will soon be the rage You must have absolutely and we hav? it to supply you. St. Lawrence Ice Co. (HARRY W. NEWMAN & BRO) (Successor to W. H pure ice Wilson.) | 255 to 267 King St., West. Phone 638. Notice These Points Please 1st. We have Ice to supply you as long as vou need it Toronto, the secretary of the Lord's ee Sunshine Easy to Shake. More than half the drudgery of "tending a furnaceris in the shaking down. Enough to break a man's back, and cer tainly no work for a woman, is the job of shaking down some furnaces. ' Y With a Sunshine Furnace you stand up and i ) RBRRIGN0ouproniig oscillate a gently working lever that a child could handle. It's so easy you won't believe it, if you've been used to the common back-breakers. And the Sunshine is a hygienic, coal-savirig, practical housewarmer in every way that a .good ~ furnace ought to be, Sold by all Enterprising Dealers. - Write for booklet. aye Sais, Yooh oral, Wir Vancouver, St. John, N.B. NBT TE PRS ARRLDAIIH Cv SARA ANAC u \7 : Lenion, Claxton & Lawrenso n, sole agents, Kingston. 3 5 yy . oo Men's $15 Suit ' What's the matter with the man who goes to a tailor and planks down $25 for the same kind of suit, same style, same fit, same material, same everything. Isit prejudice, or hasn't he heard of our Good Clothing ? We want to tell him fairly that other men are enjoying advantages that he does not. Are you one of them ? * The newest fabrics, the latest cuts, the best of tailoring, a fit guaranteed, and a "CORRECT FIT AT THAT We give you everything the exclusive tailor gives you, EXCEPT HIS PRICE. Investigate our statements concerning our $15 SUITS. HER H: D. BIBBY CO, Clothiers and Rabardaghess, Oak Hall. Me fH Jyrost Lawn Fence =) is strong, attractive and durable. 1] Beautify your homes by having one of our = Fences. We also catry a large line of Ornamental Gates, Write for catalogue and prices 'vue FROST wire FENCE CO.. LTD., WINNIPEG, MAN., WELLAND, ONT. This Week's Bargain List At The Grand Union Co's. CLEARING OUT SALE | 25 Children's Blue Serge 'and Tweed Suits. $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Suits to go at $1.50. $2 and $2, 50 each, 25 Men's Double-breasted Serge and Tweed Suits. $8 $9 and $10 Suits to go at © $5.86 and $7-ea.ch. fo Dozen Men's Hard and Soft Felt Hats. $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Hats to go at will have quick attentjon (Grand Union Clothing Co's. 01d Stand) 75c., $1 and 5). 25 each. JAS. JOHNSTON, : Crumley KILLED AT William Powell Shunti Prescott, Ont. moriing William 1 man for the C.P killed. During the into the starch fa atory 'to being | was crushed out | though no one kno body was found was about sixty vy been on the railw He had three brot way conductor; J. Thomas of Smith' - The marriage Miss Annie Lucy 1 nesday at the Ma : eQ SPEAF ITS] - v CUR HEAD Cures withir ,Or money i::Jms80ld by a 25C. § Sample and HERALD RI MONT