J cotton from L.B0H.654 to $5,768,640. Tactured cotton to thy value of $678, 940, Campbell Bros. For Hats, New American styles in silk hats. Celebrated boys' - stories, "Jack A Harkaway," and "Frank Merriwell's," 10c, McDermott Bros. IN sefurnishings! give but a partial idea of the large range we FEAR hy ny articles the prices are extremly low. 2 Curtains MUSLIN CURTAINS--Extensive ran 14¢., 15¢., 17¢., 20c., 28c,, 25¢., BoOc NOVELTY ace, SR A RS Rome ° values, at . 80, .28, 78, f 94.50, $5, $6.75. Swiss Net Curtains, $3.75 to $10 pais, : yd w w.| Tindow Shades We aro mak special trices an plain dl Varieties to select: from in every Satine Prices, 0c. up. Satisfaction Oileloths Rigs n value and moderate in price. L range. Suitable for all purpos- in new Spot and PFrilled designs, also road ot, with and Insertion Frills are ond hie Telia compos, m ae at Toronto Jue 'where the company in You Like It," "Twelfth Night." It t time in a quarter of a t "A Mid-sdimmer Night's * will hate been seen in Can- begins his season with plays in Washington next They Are Saying and Doing. Howard Kennedy was in town from Bath to-day. James Bartlett, Gananoque, was in the city to-day. ¢ . J. A. Scobell, Cape Vincent, was in the city yesterday. EB. T. Corkill, B.8¢., Sydenham, was in the city yes , or hth denhai; was in ig J. Luthewey, cit, is morning. Prof. Dyde ey in Brockville, St. John's church, on Sunday. "George Y. Chown went down to the Thousand Island Park this afternoon. Dr. Bermingham, New York, is with his mother and sisters for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Watson, of Deseronto, have removed to Kingston. George Mansell, Brockville, has been appointed ticket-taker at the ferry wharf gate. . William Dix, coachman for R. E. Kent, is ill of lumbago, and confined to his room. = Rev. W. H. Sparling, B.A, will re main as pastor of Quebec Methodist church for a fourth year. } Lake Guess has purchased a new Victoria. carriage for his livery. It ar- rived to-day from Montreal. Elmer Davis has taken up residence on Sydenham street, in the house for- merly occupied by Joseph Franklin. John Molntyre, K.C., is touring the schools and creating an interest in the coming Empire Ha wilobration. Col. Hughes left this morning for Toronto, thence going to New York, where he is to speak on Tuesday night. ®. removed Mrs. the Newton Jory has from Kingston to Ottawa, but Jory will not move down tiil autumn. Joe Daly leaves to-morrow for Fall River, Mass., where he has signed to lay ball with the local team in the Kew England State League. C. V tie Ling x apancs, Juin K , to a prio to his departure for Winnipeg, where he will engage in the practice of law. Capt. Fraser, of the M.T. company, Mrs. Fraser and the Misses' Fraser have arrived from Montreal and are settled in their future home at £4 Lower Union street. "Joe" Nash has steamer America for May 24th, and will run excursions from Prescott, Alexandria Bay and Brockville. Ha left to-day for these points to adver- tise the trip. A jolly little picnic party, nun ber- bering sixteen, went down to Cart wright's Point, and irom there to Island, yesterday. The prime chartered the and Miss Minnie Gordon, Mona Knight, REDUCING ITS FORCES. ------ Cut Said To Affect Men All Along The Line. Buffalo," N.Y., May 7.--The Express says the New York Central has issued orders to division superintendents to reduce forces in all dwpartments of the where a reduction is possible. The cut will extend al' along the line and freight handlers, yard men, clerks, employees of the train service, and a great many in the maintenance of way and engineering departments will be laid off indefinitely. The issu- ance of the order is dur to the low ebb of business, this sprifg's showing being the poorest in three years, Veteran At Rest. Iroquois, Ont., May 7.--John N. Tuttle, J.P., for many years reeve of Iroquois and secretary of the high school board, and more recentdv clerk of the division court, was found dead in a chair on his verandah this morn- ing. He had been out in his garden early, and returned to his accustomed seat, where he was found with his head resting on his hand. He was in his seventieth year. Has Fasted Three Weeks. Chicago, May 7.-Miss E. Ruesse was found unconscious in her resi dence and taken to a hospital, where it was found her weak and emaciated condition was the result of a fast just- ing for more than twenty days. Ladies Like The Art Shoe. We find this shoe is going to lead tho trade for fine wear, and price is moderate. At Abernethy's shoe store only -------- Campbell Bros. For Hats. New American styles in $2 derbys. The marriage of Norman Stewart, Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. McLeod Stewart, Ottawa, to Miss Jennie Mc- Donald, Minneapolis, has been ar ranged to take place in Minneapolis, on June Ist. : ville company's millinery--sure to seo tore Greet, the and produ- l will make with his pastoral movers in the outing were Miss Katie | and Miss Come and look through the Some. | THOMAS TAGGART, Thrice mayor of Indianapolis and dem- ocratic national committeeman for In- diana, who {is leading the conservative faction of the democratic party in In- diana in an effort to control the convention which meots at Indianapolis on May 12th. Mr. Taggart is a strenu- ous opponent of the Bryan element and, it is believed, will bend all his en- ergies and influence to have the Indiana convention take action favorable to the candidacy of Judge Parker for the presi- dential nomination. have had seventy loads of court house ashes carted away, for these would have been just as good for filling in the grounds as street scrapings. As for the street scrapings being hauled to 'the General Hospital to level the ground around the Nurses' Residence, the engineer stated that the city was ag much interested in the latter as in the court house grounds. Besides, the hospital was paying ten cents a load for all extra haulage, i.e., the city would not pav to haul scrap- ings from the far end of the city to either court house or hospital. Extra distance over an average, had to be paid for and the countv property committee could get scrapings on the same terms. This explanation will doubtless sat- isfy the county property committee. There is much more scraping of the streets to be done, and more than 1, 000 loads will yet go to the court house grounds, which will be com- pletely filled in by next fall if the county authorities secure ashes and earth from excavations. When the g ls are plete, thev will form one of the finest greens in the pro- vince, STRUCK CANADIAN GIRL. A Sensational Incident Outside a New York Theatre. A Kingiton man writes thus New York to the Whig : "As | came out of the Majestic The- atre, last night, about 11.15 o'clock, a woman unkown, dressed in brown cloth suit, sprang from, a hansom, tore the hat from the head of a wo- man accompaoied by a man, slapped the woman in the face several times, causing her nose and lips to bleed, | and then sprang back into the han- som, which went up Centrai Park west at a lively gait. The viciim of this assault wes a fashionably dress- ed and very pretty girl. She was hur- ried into a carriage by her companion and they: were driven along Central Park south, rapidly before anv inter- ference could be offered by police or citizens, I could learn nothing of the identity of the assailant, but her com- panion was a well-known member of the Union Club, and the woman who committed the assault is supposed to be his betrothed. His companion was of Toronto, who is visiting friends here." from Queen's Bowling Club. The annual meeting of the Queen's Bowling Club took place, yesterday afternoon, at the office of the presi dent, R. T. Walkem, K.C., a lars number of members being in attend: ance. A report of the club's opera- tions for the past year was read and gave great satisfaction. The member: ship was more numerous than in any former year and the standard of play had been very much raised. It is hoped that the club will be able this year to send a strong team to the club competitions in different places iu the provinces, -, The following officers were elected : President, R. T. Walkem, K.C.: vies president, 8. R. Bailey; secrétary- treasurer, Arthur E. Ross, M.D.; man- aging committee, the president and and Capt. Paul. Play will begin at once,and it is hop- ed that the club will be liberally sup- ported during the season. president, viee- secretary, Dr. Watson Paid Him A Tribute. Col: Hughes," M.P., at his locture, last night. showed an excellent por- trait of Sir Frederick Borden, Cana- dian minister of militia. In speaking of him Col. Hughes said that al- though he was of a different political party than the minister, still he con- sidered him as one of the most effi- cient ministers who had ever kad charge of that important department. He characterized him as a man who could rise above party differcaces to further the interests of the people of Canada as a whole. Secured Bread Contracts. R. H: Toye has been awarded the contract to supply bread to the R. & O.N. company's boats this season. He will also supply the Ring! drug 8 h You will make no mistake if you or der your ice from Gleeson. ' state J 4 field's birth. ling circus | TWO FRONT BED ROOMS. WITH ot next month, | AY : A SEVERE NINE COTTAGES BURNED AT ------ Cne Was Owned By Mrs. DeLong-- They Were Situated On The Main Thoroughfare -- Loss About $20,000. Syracuse Post-Standard. Nine summer cottages at Thousand Island 'Park were destroyed ail five others or less damaged hy a fire which started at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning and for a time threatened hoth the large Columbian and New. Wellesley hotels. The fire area is Jost north-west of the centre of the dock and only a short distance from the hotels. The loss incurred will prob- ably not exceed $20,000, only a small part of which, however, is covered by insurance. . The fire was discovered in a cotiage owned by Dr. Bailey, of Adams Uin- tre, located between Union avenue and Outlook avenue, by some workmen who were engaged in cleaning up the prem- ises. 'They were burning leaves and rubbish, and it is thought that the blaze started in this way, although there was little wind blowing at the time. Dr. Bailey's property was soon envei- oped in flames. bucket brigade was promptly organized, but despite deter mined efforts the flames communicated shortly to the cottage of 0. T. Green, the real estate dealer. Fearing that they would be unable to cope with the flames, which were rp rapidly, the 200 or more fire fighters who had gathered summon<-d the Clayton and "Alexandria Bay fire departments. The cottage of Walter Brown, of the park, Mrs. De Long, of Watertown. and E. F. Otic, of Syracuse, were the next to take fire, and these, with those of Mrs. 8. W. Stark, of Camden, Mrs Best, of Jordan; and Ira Ingersoll, of the park, and a small house at the corner of. Outlook avenue and Domin- ion street, known as the Pansy cot- tage, owned Miss Evans, of Utica, were soon a total loss. By the time the Clayton fire depart- ment arrived on the firchoat La France, at 11:30 o'clock, the park v-l- unteers were almost exhausted, and the newcomers found much work for them. Several cottages two blocks started to burn, but the flames were checked before -gaining much headway. Among the cottages dam- aged to some extend were those !e- longing to William Hall, of Utica; Mrs. James Sears, of Fulton; 0. P Plant, of Auburn; Dr. H. W. Carpen ter, of Oneida, and the Ryder cottaye, owned by Nehemiah C. Ryder, of Syr- acuse. The Alexandria Bay fire department started for the park, but before it aur- rived the fire was under control and the department was intercepted on the way. The damage was estimated at from £18,000 to $20,000, with probat.iv about thirty per cent. of the loss ov ered 'by insurance. tween twelve and thirteen years aga Thousand Island Park was visited by a disastrous fire, which destroyed the hotel, which stood on the site of the present Columbian, and three o-t- tages, causing a loss of about 870.000. F. G. , of this city, presides of the Thousand Island Park Associa tion, said that every effort would be made by the trustees to have {he damage done to the park property re- paired before the opening of the sea- son. away there ---- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled Fro: All Over The World. ! Pope Pius received Bishop I. A. Lud- den, Syracuse, in private audirnce on Friday. ; Franz You Lenbach, one of the most amous of German ortrait painters died at Munich. BS Pajutens Mrs. William® Cruikshank, wife of a wealthy New York real estate man shot himself dead. ' Ruby Barnes, Syracuse, N.Y. leup- ed into Rochester canal, but was haul- ed out by Gillespie and Davis. Prof. Maxwell Sommerville, the no- ted glyptologist, of Pennsylvania Uni- versity, is dead from heart disease, Churles sav hin, foreman for Se met Sovay company, Milwaukee, was Xun over by a sand wagyon and kill- ed The Primrose League had a big gathering in Albert I, London, to celebrate centennial of Lord Beacons- A seventeenrovths-old Italian child under treatment in Rochester hospityl for poor nourishment, has. its' fol§- head covered with a growth of hair. Rev. W. A. Loughead and Rev' J. A. : Mowat have been appointed to Preshy terian missions in Honan, China. and Rev. J. A. MacKay to Central India. William McDonald, Bracebe: fre, was killed by placing his hand on a wire fence in contact with a hanging wire, carelessly left hanging from the top of the poles by some workmen. Five miners are entombed and be- lieved to be dead as a result of a fierce fire which is burning in the rLocust Gap colliery of the Philadel- phia & Reading Coal and Iron com- pany. It May Be Given. There is a prospect of an out-dour performance of Xn You Like It" he ing given in the city during the sum mer, with Miss oselle Knott a "Rosalind." = The play, an out-door one, could be put on with great ac- ceptance. The baseball season in Portsmouth will open Monday, the Vesper and Frontenac teams . competing. The Frontenacs have secured a new bat- tery and several new faces will he {seen on the field. The Vespers wil produce the same old bunch. CARRIACE PAINTING RB. MOLONY, CLARENCE STREET, Next to Wilson's Livery. TO RENT. FIRE T. I. PARK. 2} Has won and richly deserved more Gold ang Prize Medals and greater distinction in high places than any other brand of Whisky known to man. It is undoubtedly "The Spirit of, and with the Age." » $1.25 White Lawn Waists. 200 smart, pretty White Waists, made in very latest style and just received to-day, Come and see them. WHITE SHIRT WAISTS at 754.81, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2, 2:25 and up. We are showing a very large assortment of White China Silk Waists in all the new designé- $2.95, 3 75, 3.93, 4.25. New White Lawn Dressing Jackets Special values at Z35c., 1.49, 1.25. Ladies' Stylish Skirts Ladies' Walking Skirts in Fine Home. spun Tweeds, Grey Mixtures, cut full flare, stitched seams, good value at $3.50. Our special price $2.98. A New Spring Walking Skirt * Of Canvas Tweed, deep lap seams, a par- Salaty smart style, Our special price A Handsome Skirt Of Black Canvas Cloth, made with nine gores, inverted flare pleats, finisited self strappings, $5.99. PASSPORT SHOES A woman's credentials to society are signed by her shoes. No fashionableness of costume will' cover a lect of footwea~ But with fest and hand properly encased, she cannot go finr wrong. What a joy it is to find a woman who follows the French definition of a lady': *' Bien chausse, bien gante." How disappointing, alter approving the details of a lady's dress, to spy a pair of rusty, dirty, unstylish shoes. It takes away all the charm : it stamps her at a glance as not a--hat 1 suppose I must not qu ite say that ! The one thing that such a woman needs is the "Style of a 'Dorothy Dodd' * shoe. : You escape all criticism if your pass- port is "the Style of a 'Dorothy Dodd.'" The 'Dorothy Dodd" hy fitting closel¢ under the instep and casily at the toes, gives a correet puise in walking, Ra $s Try it once ! Sincerely yours Oxfords $3.00. Boots $3.75. eyelets used exclusively The Lockett Shoe Store. DOROTHY DODD. Specials 50c. more, Fast color without board. 160 cornep; Union street. King street, grey Rr 99c., $1.25, create brain, | brings out the l is'in it. 'Napoleon los because of bra . he'd had "FO eat every day, how the map o would have 'I this twentieth *22y 'of MeiNouyse) George W.Mahood, corne Bagot streets, Kingston. -Frosi Lawn Fe: There's nothing that + the beauty and the val home so much as an att: Fence. We are sure we ¢ both as to quality and st Write for catalogue ang THE FROST WIRE FENC! WINNIPEG, MAN. ) Maypole S duet Ne TOUR SPRING SUT Will be up-to-d reasonable in e you perfectly, an well, if you get i LAMBER aya