HR VICTORIA chal © 168 Vie _ hy -- soon, i Swifl decided to bine, He my freer it has {also lowering in the" esteem should over » meeting of 'invitation Rev. Mr. pastor's self- been reliev ing ate. S---------- |¢ An Important Gontribution. Toronto, O museum has Boyle. "py las." It was Powell, Another the tor in stated that 1 also about to hand in their resigna- tions, sl He was quite and able to recognize his wifo. he died Sir Henry expressed a wish to bi uried at tion, however, is being discussed burying him beside Livingstone, Westminster A Our Courteous |3 Crawford & Walsh Leading Taliors, followed suit, "have nothing hol been placed Remembered By Friends. On Wednesday evening of last woek the lady friends of Mrs. George Davis, St. Catharines street, waited on her at her home and presented her with a lamp as a mark of in which she is held by her neighbors, with whom she is ab- out to part to move to another sec- tion of the city. Mr. Davis on behalf of his wife thanked the ladies for the beautiful token of regard and assured them that although they were about ate, yet the bonds been formed nothing and they 'would ever retain the fondest recollections of the old friends whom they, after vears of social relations had learned to Jove and respect. Mrs. Davis has, by her kindly disposition and sympathy at all times in case of sickness and trou- beautiful parlor to separ ship that had tems Invitation For Fourth Year. At the recent quarterly atory terms their appreciation of spiritual and ha It is Worthy ol remark h tl ure) 1 e circuit has od of all the reverend gentleman's pastor- 1. There Is No Change. . The condition Tre, city Tetiaine uachuged toeduy, are still a ts of apparent. here will be a meoting of the Trades and Labor C is to be hoped that wards a settlempnt' will be 'taken, tant contribution to It is an octavo edition of American Military Pocket sumably in 1776, which date appears at the end of the dedication to Gov. Another Guard Resigns. guard has resigned from pemitentiary stafl. Last night, Vic- , not cease duty at once, ---------- Sir Henry M. Stanley passed after six o'clock this morning. 8000000000 0AA000000008 Value for your money, We gearantes to fit you. chants, it {8 understood, have not yet but will likely do so states that his firm has and more to do with a com- Side Shat his firm win do as well by sel at a lower Fit fa of 'proht, oy it will in the making of deals. All along in a somewhat ition. It was never enger to ane ihe pEicS ul. vou) so high, and 1 of its own froe-will loose and will run on no : intention t act independently, the hard coal price. of friend break, hersell to her neighbors fourth year, Several members of the board, including the mover and the : q in most land the denying for the material welfare of Jue that efforts indebtedness dur- of the labor trouble » an leisure and no immediate settlement are nt 'ouncil . to-night, when it same steps to- nt., May 10.--An impor- the provincial been received by David At- inted in London, pre- «d the warden that he e hree other guards were away to the last Before conscious his country seat, Furze t, Surrey. ques- of in Motto : treatment, Correct styles. Princess Street, be it breaks alone. It has of "smashing" prices, but! thinks that it is time! for a small official board the . Cataraqui Methodist circuit a most unanimous and hearty was extended to the pastor, Craig, to remain a seconder of some way'be made responsible for the wrong committed by children under age, that is, that in case of theft by a boy under age the parents be forced to make restitution,' ------ ESCAPING ON A LADDER. Hartle Tries To Break Away From Hospital. Detroit, Mich., May 10.--George Har- tle, an alleged forger and ex-convict, onday made a desperate attempt to escape from an officer who was ouard- ing him at a hospital, where Hartle was being treated for a wound re- ceived while resisting arrest. Hartle crawled out of bed and reached a window from which a ladder led down to a one-storey building adjoining. As he started down the ladder the officer discovered him and shot him twice, breaking his shoulder blade and wounding him in the abdomen. ---- ------------------ ps FRAUD IN NATURALIZATION, -- Every Naturalized Bluecoat To Be Examined. New York, May 10.~In the course of a sweeping investigation into natural- pa stated that parents should 4 A BEAUTIFUL HoME, JAMES HENRY SMITH. Smith, New York's has Ruechased t! late William C. Whitney and has re- vived rumors that he is about marry. So far as can be learned from and Sixty-eighth street was based up- on no matrimonial intention, but was merely in accordance with his plan, long ago conceived, to house himself in the finest dwell to be bought in New York city. In the Whitney house, for which he paid more than £2,000, 000, he has prgeured what is undoubt- edly one of the most aristocratic homes in the world. But a few years ago Mr. Smith, who is generally called "Silent" Smith, was but a clerk in a broker's office. morning he awoke to find himself the possessor of many millions left him by his uncle, a former Chicagoan, who went to London and amassed a great fortune by successful speculation. ---- ' INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Glass tooth brush holders for trav- elling at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, J. E. Forsythe has arrived England to spend the the year in Kingston. D. P. Brannigan left to-day to bill the Victoria Day celebration along the line of the K. & P. railway. from remainder of ization frauds which has been in pro-| There are seven cancidates writing gress here during the past. fifteen | on Royal Military College entrance months, the authorities have been | examinations in Kingston this year. formed that many members of the police force hold papers said to have secured by methods not in ac- cord with the law. Most of the 'men under suspicion are said to have been on the force some years. It is likely every naturalized policeman in Greater New York will be examined. -- ROBBED THE DEALER. -- He Was Held Up In By Thugs. Ottawa, May 10.--J oseph Levinoff, a cattle drover, reported to the police, to-day, that at two o'clock this morn- ing, while going home from the Union Station, where he arrived on the Soo train from Montreal, he was held up and robbed of a satchel containing $2,630. He can give no clue to the robbers. He got the money in Mon- treal for two carloads of cattle from Western Ontario. Some one who knew his custom of carrying money in a satchel had done the job, : Ottawa ------ A HOT BATTLE, -- And The Peruvians Were Com. pletely Routed. New York, May 10.---A despateli from Manaos announces that an important battle was fought between Brazil and Peru, near the river Chadler, says a Rio Janerio despatch to the Herald. The Peruvians were completely routed. © Brazilian troops, under Gen. Meidiros, started from Manaos, going directly to the front. In spite of the importance of this news it i: the general opinion here that there will not be a war between Peru and Brazil. Are Suspended. i y 2 - Views garding the rights of the New . York; May "10.=The firm of A Question .Of Age. views regarding g Flopd, ray. gw ny A certain clergyman, a man' of | masses, and these may create some ed by the board of the Consolidated | 2bout fixty-six, looks older than. he [dismay in conservative Canada if she pending further in-| really is, a fact of which he hates to | #¢¢s fi} to express them. Stock Exchange, The vestigation. : out | be reminded. At a small rural station | For several years she has been un- Ui gution bea ar hae Shout an aged and bent farmer, panting vio- afiectedly devoted to polities and lit- States, and one in Montreal. Its | lently, boarded the train. "I have had ature. Since she came of age she has members were A, S. Floyd, a member | to run," he said, "n.arly half a mile | been writing, and her last book of of the Consolidated Exchange. since | {0 catch this train." Then, ad. | Stories attracted wide attention 'by November, 1902, and E. B. Crawford, dressing himself to. the clergyman, he |T¢a%on of the charm and breeziness of whose 'mombership dates from Sep- tember: 1903, The action to-day was because of irregularities in business. ---------- Officers Quit Liners. Havre, May 10.--Jn accordance with the decision of a fommittee appointed by the officers of the Merchant Marine now on strike, the! officers of the Freuch line steamers St. Simon, Lab- rador, Canada, I'Aquatine and Ferdi TE ------ nand de Lesseps have left those ves. . Better Unsaid. sels. The officers of - La Savoie will A stout hostess, who was entertain- leave that vessel, but the French line | ing a large company one evening, is confident that it will be able to | turned to a group of young men winke arrangements by which the ship standing near her chair and smilingly will sail as usual next Saturday, asked : "May I trouble one of you -- Branded A Thief. New York, May 10.--Thomas Costel- lo, who for twenty-eight vears has been a clerk in tho paymaster's de partment of the Brooklvn navy yard, pleaded guilty to the theft of $302 and was "sentenced to serve five vears in Sing Sing and pay a fine of $5,000. he prosecuting officers said that Costello had confessed to peculations amounting to nearly £17,000. Costello is fifty-two vears old. Had Hard Time Of It. Halifax, NfS., May 10.--The Lunen- burg schooner Olymphia, wrecked on Sable Island yesterday, had a crew of vighteen, which landed at Canso this morning from the schooner Etta Vaughan. The Olymphia struck on the Eastern Sand Bar and filled immedi- ately. The spars were carried away and the crew escaped with great dif: fieulty. ---- Herring Steamer For Canada. London, May 10.--The herring steam. er chartered by Dominion govern ment with a picked crew to carry on experimental fishing work in Canadi- an waters sailed for Canada on Mon: Miss Minnie Hanley, Gore street, re- turned * yesterday from a six weeks' visit to New York, Troy and Water- town, The Ontario Medical council examin- ations commenced in the city hall on Tuesday morning witli Dr. W. T. Con- nell presiding examiner. There are about forty students writing on these examinations this year. At the session of the division court, to-day, representatives of nearly all of the different tribes and nations in- habitating Kingston appearad btore the judge. There were Chinese, Rus. sians, Jews, Assyrians and just enough English, Irish and Scotch to add tore to the occasion. INHERITS A HALF-MILLION. Relatives Now Fear She Will Squander The Fortune. Ballston, N.Y ,, May 10.--County Clerk George H, West was appointed to care for the person and estate of Jane Davis, Galway, an aged maiden lady who recently inherited a fortune of a half million dollars from her bro- ther, Samuel Davis, who died in San Francisco, leaving an estate valued at more than a million dollars. Miss Da- vis who is eighty-seven years old, had been in poor circumstances all her life up to the time a: her brother's death, and her relatives, fearing she might dissipate the fortune, applied for the appointment of a committee. These re- latives, grandnieres and nephews, re- siding in New Y,rk City and Roches- ter, asked that the Rochester Trust company be narmed, but after hearing arguments, Judie Rockwood decided to appoint Mr. West. -- Secured By a Bich New York Bachelor New York, 10.--James Henry ith, New" A richest bachelor, he city house of the to Mr: Smith, however, the acquisition of the magnificent home at Fidth avenue QUARTERS OF EARTH. of Everything Easily Read and | Remembered by the Public. divostok. | ' R. W. Baxter, Ottawa, in the civil service from 1858 to 1891, is dead, aged sixty-seven. The bakers of Berlin declared a gen- eral strike and a bread famine is im- minent as a result. Congress Hall, one of Saratoga's famous hotels, which is val at £300,000, is to be sold. The Winni] Telegram publishes a report that H. M. Howell, K.C., is to be elevated to the Manitoba bench. The engagement is announced of Dr. F. N. G. Starr, of 112 College street, Toronto, to Miss McKay, of New Glas- gow, N.S, At Caldwell, Tex., County Treasurer B. B. Hunt has been shot and killed by Clint Stuart, a constable, who has surrendered to the sheriff, Harry Payne Whitney has leased the breeding and "training farm near Red Bank, N.J., known as Brookdale, tho home of the late D. D. Withers. Governor. Odell signed the state agricultural college bill appropriating $250,000 for the erection of a college of agriculture on the Cornell campus. At Port Arthur, Ont., the first boat out was the Nepawah, which left on Monday with 60,000 bushels of grain. The Midland Queen followed an hour later. Harold T. Clarke, son of the late Jeremiah Clarke, San Francisco, kill- ed himself in a Paris hotel by blow- ing off the top of his head with a re- volver. At St. Louis, Hugo Von Kupfer of Berlin, editor-in-chief of the 'Berlin Lokal Anzeiger was robbed of $200 in American money, a hundred mark Ger- man bill and a gold watch. Foreign Minister Pardo, IF Peru, and Columbian Minister Tanso sign- ed a convention by which all boun- dary questions will be submitted to the arbitration of the King of Spain. All hope that the five men, impris- oned on Thursday last, in the burn- ing Locust Gap mine are still alive has been abandoned, and the mine will be flooded to extinguish the flames. An explosion occurred on Tuesday morning in the Sebaghticoke powder mill at Troy, N.Y. WO men were killed. They are Joseph Watt, assist- ant superintendent, and Chauncey Crandel, employee, Quartelling over a thirty-cent jack- pot in a "'penny-ante"' poker game at Chicago, Harry Simmons, a circus acronaut, shot L. B. Wickman, a waiter, through the heart, killing him instantly. Two men were killed on Tuesday morning in the wreck of a south-bouni Adams Express special at Port Ches- ter, on the New York, New Haven and Harbard railway. The dead are Engi- neer Keenan and Fireman Howes, both of Boston. FAVORS SOCIALISM. Duchess Who May Rule Society In Canada. Syracuse Post Standard. In the event of the appointment of the Duke of Sutherland as governor- general of the Dominion of Canada, to succeed Lord Minto, the court at Ottawa will be ruled socially by an interesting and versatile woman, who will be a worthy successor to the bril- liant women who have reigned over the society of that capital. Her Grace of Sutherland is the daughter of the fourth Earl of Ross- lyn. She was married to the Duke of Sutherland when he was Marquis of Stafford. She is a leader of English society, and her town house in Lon- don has been the scene of many bril- liant gatherings, among the most pro- minent of which were functions for charity. The duchess is a student of social problems and holds advanced NEWS OF WORLD NEWSY ITEMS FROM MANY -- Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From all Over--Little | The admiralty reports that Rear- ' Admiral Yessen's squadron is at Vla- GREAT SALE 'White Silks !'| To-Morrow. * TO MORROW we will 'offer the best bar. gains in WHITE SILKS that you will have this season, This lot was purchased from' an importer of Japan Silks in Vancouver, and at a" price that will enable us to give you a particul. arly good bargain. » Y FY 1,316 "ila sus, Corded effects, all White. This quality not only washes well but is of good weight and will wear well, and is in great demand in all the American cities just now for Shirt Waists and Shirt Waist 'Suits. This is all there is any possibility of our having this season as we tried to get more but could not. To-morrow we will ~ offer the lot at, = 25¢. yd! SALE AT 9:30. ALU SALES FOR CASH. "5 We 3 went on, "It's a bed job, sir, when old folks like you and me has to run." The clergyman frowning, asked the farmer how old he was. "I'm cighty-six," was the reply. "Oh," said the clergyman, "there is twenty years' differerici: hotwee yr "Goodness, sir," exclaimed the old man, "you don't mean ta tell me you're a hundred and six !" 1 you and me. young gentlemen for a glass of water from the pitcher on the table ?" Sev- eral of the young men hurried to com- ply with the request. One, who was particularly active, succeeded in reaching the table first. As he handed the glass of water to the hostess she complimented him. "Oh, that's noth. ing," he said. "I am used to it. I got into many a circus and menagerie when I was a boy by carrying water for the elephant." ---- Accused Of Crimes.. London, May 10.--Ernest Terah Hoo- ley whose meteoric earcer and com- pany promoting a few 'years ago as- tonished "the financial world was ar rested in London, to-day, on the charge of conspiracy to defraud. Henry J. Lawson, another company promoter, was also arrested to-day in connection with the Hooley charge. ------------ » Canadian Boats Moving. Detroit, Mich., 'May 10.--Canadian boats are not affected by the diffionl- ties with the Masters and Pilots' As- sociation, and they are becomi ac- tive. The steamer Ames, Sy for Montreal, stopped bere for fuel last evening. The Wacondah arrived at their style. It <is 2 8aid that she be- came imbued' with a"sympathy for the doctrines of socialism at a Sunday lecture at Leek, where she heard a woman deliver an eloquent address on the theory and aspirations of the socialist cult. The duchess sought the acq uaintance of the sodialist lecturer, a) ; s a warm friendship was the result of their meeting. The 'duchess has taken an active part in several movements hav- ng for their object the relief of ills afilicting the working classes. She was instrumental in causing the govern- ment to investigate the subject. of lead poisoning in potteries and to adopt remedial legislation to prevent the loss of human life. ---------- Irish Parliamentary Relics. The London Evening News says: Lord Massereene, whose second daugh- ter was married yesterday, is the first man who would be sought out were home rule with a senarate parliament ever granted to Ireland. For in his keeping at Antrim Castle are the mace Hdvertising Empress are the best shoes for the price ever sold in Canada, Oxford Shoes, $2, $2.50. Shoes Because we know they IN CANADA. Lace Boots, $2.50, $3, $3.50 Sold only at and speaker's chair of the old hish THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE parliament. He is the great grandson of that John Foster, Lord Oriel, who was the last speaker of the Trish par- liament, and who so bitterly opposed the union. After the historic meeting at which the parliament passed, Fos- ter refused to give up the mace. "Un. til that body that entrusted it to keeping demand it," he Said, "I reserve it for them." mv will Used To Lunatics. A clergyman was dining in a hotel with some commercial travellers, who made jokes about him. He moved not Is old and aged, scientifically distilled and § a muscle of his face, and after dinner one of them approached him, saying : "How can wou sit quietly and hear all that has been said without uttering a Vindsor yesterday, rebuke ?"* "My dear sir,". said the cleric, "I 'am chaplain of a lunatic asylum." . blended, but when it once gets into the hands of the lover of good Scotch, it is not left long £ to linger in bottles. Ask for it and get it ! 71ST YEA EAE Busi; 3 ESSEN" 'Good Workman: Good Mate . Good S "FIT-RE Fills the bill pe his acoounts f ing popu Y JEM ROYAL AR I DESIRE TO EX) Society my thanks fo tlemgnt of $8,000 fro on the death of my | J. McDowall. | WANT. CCITT I TEE A STRONG LAD, FO ply at Whig Office. | A GOOD CQOK. APP street. A HOUSEMAID, AT 16 Sydenham stree A BQY' TO WORK Apply to Mr. Hall A BOY, AT PARKE} 109 Brock street. RC A BILYCLE--24 1 goed cqaditien. Office, SMALL SKIFF, WI 'be. in od conditi this office. SECOND-HAND SAIL to 24 ft. water Whig Office. GENERAL wages. App! cess street. peepee TWO FIRST-CLASS Appl, a R. Mart otel. A ty. can A GOOD GENERAL |! family of two. A ine at 55 George A GOOD GENERAL ly Mry. George "ar]l end Sydenhw DRF" MAKI NG i whitewear--compet at once to 188 Dj TO PURCHASE, OR or three months, a waggon, or carriage SMART BOY, A of age. Apply t Co., corner of Kir > COOK AND A HO Ferguson, corner Streets. > BROOM MAKERS, rood per dozen. Co., Winnipeg, Ma S--------_------------ LADY SUPER the Home of the and Infants. Aonp Walkem, Arch 'sire > > STRONG BOY, waggon, and t¢ n ally useful. Mu mended. Apply © HELP. |WE WANT , in each locality to ing spare time. I) eral pay. lmperi don, Ontario. DETECTIVE--Can y your time for p work ? No exper: American Detectiv dianapolis, Ind. -------------- GENERAL SERVAI wood cook, light h washing or ironing W. D. Hart, King ing. DIES--$15 PER W LADIES. materials f) beautiful sample » of ld! envelc Co., New York. CONTRACTS TO FU and keep lawn an by the season or done promptly unt Geo. Lloyd, Nel houses. p---- WAGES FOR make hous nee oughly legitimate can start in witho tal. © G. Marshal Ont. BIG and women selline our Every family LET US START YO! us, tacking up sh tributing advertisis ear and expens ec want one goof cality, local or tra once for particular Co., Lohdon, Ont. SALESMEN--PARMA to sell new map map of the worl the size of each n 3 feet 10 inches J one; sells on sigh! McNally & Co., 14 York. SEVERAL BRIGHT!