Daily British Whig (1850), 11 May 1904, p. 3

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"breakfast" food, ear you say? | be three times vhen you've dis. that a dish of E" and cream jg at your stomach ng signs for, the 0g before going to-night, and see u'll sleep. ' rn Soap Pure, t, Cleansing PORT LAGER, > beer that particular Ws just od as it arious colourings atterns fm attrac id anything as soom; we be isfy your wants, | that She prices re as attractive SBET, Book Store. JR GROCERY \anas. fare. a : May 215¢, 23ud, 28rd. and a rain on or before May 94th, 1904. * St. Louis, Mo. $22 (Good for 15 days). $29.35 (Good for 3o days) $35.20 (Good until Dec. 15, 1904), Stop-overs allowsd at any intermediate sutiod ia Canada, also Detroit and Chicagd. S1D8 THIER Hamilton to Niagara Falls, $1.40 additional. For tickets, illustrated literature and further inlormation, app! oJ. i HA Rudy Mover. mh Single Fare--Victoria Day Going May 21st, 23rd, 24th. Return- ing May 25th, 1904. RATES FOR ST. LOUIS, MO. FROM KINGSTON $22.00 Good for 15 Days. $29 35 Good for 30 Days. $35.20 Good Until Dec. 15th, 1904. i A d dail til Commenciax Apll 38th end y un Full particulars at K: & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, "FA. GHR, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt. Gea. Supt -- THE BAY OF RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, aud all local points. Train leaves City Hall De pot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Ageat, B.Q. Ry., Kingston. ---------------------------------------------------------------- : Live ¢ ROYAL NAIL STEARERS From: Montreal. From Quebec. Pretorian, May 21, 7 a.m., May 21, 6 p.m. Parisian, May 27, 9 a.m., May 27, 11 p.m. Tunisian, June 8, 5a.m., Juned, 8 p.m. RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin--$65, and upwards, ac- cording' to steamer. Second Cabin--LAverpool and London- $40, and $42.50, accord- derry, $87.50, , ing to steamer and location. London, £2.50 additional. Third Class--$25 and $26, to Liver- pool, Dry, Beliast, Glasgow, London MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Sflician, Wednesday, May 25, (daylight). |' NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. 'Numidian, Thursday, May 26th, 2 p.m. J. P. RANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City P. GILDbas- SLEMVE. Ciirence Street. New ! Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Will Issue a New Subscribers' Directory for the District of EASTERN ONTARIO Within a a days. Driers jor ions, changes of a es should be handed to the lo- cad 'madager at once to ensure insertion i k. E509 H. W. SNELLING, Local Manager. Kingston, May' 3rd, 1904. beset eee ee AUCTION SALE! All the Furniture at the resi- dence of Mrs. -Mcliroy, Colborne St, WEDNESDAY. Particulars = Jom H. MILLS, Auctioneer. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. BLE PARLORS, WITH PRIVATE i entrance . Apply at "' Aven. more," --207 William streej. new of i or WARM CHARACTERS Our coal is a *' warm character.' It's just the hottest coal in tows. And yet it's not only when you want it hot, Eas; ulation is on of ite Strong points. It | burns steadily, " heat increases or de- creases at your will and pleasure. Not every coal does that. Most of them go out without saving "by your leave," when asked to cool off a bit. You need our coal for | variable spring days. R. CRAWFORD. Stvie No. 3ra--This is a straight. front corset for those wha do not g%) to extremes. Jia tight In saxle, but stripped. © 3 € We have been making E. T. Corsets for a quarter of a century, and to this is due much of the perfection of fit and style we | give. , Every E. T. Corset is carefully examined before it leaves our fagory. Smaller defects than you would notice will throw a corset out, That is why we can guar- @ Corsets ALMOST AFRAID TO GO TO SLEEP FOR FEAR SHE WOULD NOT WAKE UP. FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. ' SHORTNESS OF BREATH. FAINT AND DIZZY SPELLS. Wm. Bingley, Grand Tracadie, P. Has a Very Try! Dag Rly but Thanks to MILBURN'S HEART .AND NERVE She writes: *'About seven rpool and Londonderry. | 1 was badly run down in health ry almost afraid to to sleep Would Dever wake ap. When I arose in the morning I would feel a little better, but as soon as I started to work my heart would start fluttering, my head would bee would advise all sufferers from heart and serve troubles to try them," Price so cts. per box, or 3 for $1.35, all or THB T. MILBURN CO., Limited, «TORONTO, ONT. TO HOME SEEKERS. AT A SNAP FOR A FEW DAYS, NO. 241 Queen street, cut stone front, with large brick extension, all modern, with hot water heating, containing eleven rooms. .For particulars apply to Geo. Cliff, Real Estate Agent, 93 Clarence street. J -- Skirt Protector "pete aig ssn, 'When soiled, a sponge or brush makes it slean again, and no damage done. AHousehol]) Dy Maypole Soap (in cake form) is a perfect home dye that washes and dyes at the same time. Cleanly beyond com. pare. Brilliant, fast colors. Itdyes toany shade. A household word in Ragland, Maypole Soap Made in England but sold everywhere, roc. for Colors--rse, for Black, WEN ARD WOMER Ge Big @ : ithe and Mining Broken, 95 CLARENCE STREET, L OPPOSITE POST QFFICE. ~ |EDGE OF WORLD| THE PARTHEST DISTANT IS. LANDS POPULATED. -- Seventy-Three Persons Spend Idyl- lic Existence--~Get News From Outside World Only Once a Year. London, May 11.--The man of war Odin, which returned recently | from Tristam Da d'Acunha, the furthest distant civilized corner of the world, brought interesting tidings of the lit- tle colony of Englishmen who inhabit them. The islands comprise a small group lying in the South Atlantic, midway between the coast of South America and the of Good Hope. The largest island in the group is twenty-one miles in circumference, and rises in a central conical mountain ta a height of 7,640 feet. - ---------- 5 - Schooner Caught In Gale, Went To Pieces. South Haven, Mich, May 11.--The schooner Afine F. Morse, sailing from White Lake, was wrecked three miles ol north o here, Fuaak ohn Ja 1 . «On Su land, lo ng theeytor struck toa and after several hours the ship part ed aft and forward. The three men aboard all ran toward the vawl, the captain, Will Minter, succeeding in getting in and cutting the davits, which left the yaw! afloat without any oars. The er {wo mon, Walter Craft and Tyler, stuck to the ship, which capsized, but when it righted Tyler was gone, and Craft still cling: i to a mast with which he came pes Wk vler has not been found. Capt. ter had a hard time on the yawl on account of the heavy surf, but succeeded in gotting ashore, and after several Lours being ahle to climb up a hill to a farm house, A Japanese sentry on guard at Ping-Yang. . At the present time, according to the 'news brought back on the Odin, the population is seventy-three, Eng- lish by birth, religion, ana: associa- tions. Their only link with. the outside world is the yearly visit of the war. ship, which brings to the inhabitants the mails, provisions, and parcels. There is no sort of government what- ever on the islands. The islands were discovered by the Portuguese in 1506. Tt was annexed by Britain in 1817, a company of ar- tillery being kept to watch Napoleon at St. Helena. On death of Napoleon in 1821 the gunners were withdrawn, with the exception of a corporal named Glass and (wo companions, who, with some whaling men, were the founders of the present settlement. CENTRAL TRUNK LINE. Anxious To Build From Gaspe Basin To Lakes. Ottawa, May 1l1.--A deputation of four Chicago railway promoters called on the premier vesterdav and explain: od thelr proposition for the incorpora- tion of the Central company, which proposes to révive the Atlantic and Lake Superior scheme for a through system from Gaspe Basiu to a port on the great lakes. They ap- nlied for a government guarantee of twenty million dollars of railway bonds and of seven million dollars of honds to bridge the St. Lawrence riv- er at Montreal. Their proposal is to build from Gasp: Basin to Paspebiac, to buy out the Atlantic and Lake Superior line, thence to Metapedia, to build an airline from Metapedia, to Riviere 'du Loup, saving seventy miles over the present Intercolonial route. They would ude the I.C.R. from Ri viere du Loup to Levis and the Great Eastern and Montreal and Sorel lines thence to Montreal. The proposal is to build a new bridge at Montreal and to either buy or build a connec- tion with Georgian bay. The promot- ers of this thirty-four million dollar venture are willing to concede the In- tercolonial running rights to the Great Lakes. Their idea is to open up a 'arge shipping business to and from the port of Gaspe basin, which is op- | en to navigation ten months in the vear. Blood Poison Often Results. From paring corns with razors. Vise people use Putnam's Pafilss o:n and Wart Extractor, the stan tard cure of Ameri a and Great Brit .in, for all sorts of corms, warts and yunions. Use only Jgutnam's. Lifebuoy soap--disinfectant -- is trongly recommended by the medical srofession as a safeguard against in- ections diseases. Ayers Sarsaparilla Over 60 years old! Think of it! Honesty, merit, power Trunk Railway | where he obtained holp. The schooner is a complete wreck, her load and parts being strewn for several miles along the beach. Parties on the beach are watching for the lost man. - Un account of the distance the life-sav- ing crew could do nothing. DESPONDEN1 WOMEN. . » Find New Health in The Use 'of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A few years ago, Mrs. James R. Stuart, of Tohorold, Ont., who is well known to most of the residents of that town, found her health severely shattered as the result of an attack of anaemia. As told practically in her own words, Mrs. Stuart savs: "My blood was turned almost to water; | suffered from nerve rackinc headaches and the least exertion would cause mv heart to palpitate so violently as to render me almost breathless. I wasted \ away in flesh and often was so weak that I could not walk about. I was under the care of a good doctor, but as I'was not getting better, I grew | melancholy and. despondent, and felt | T was becoming a hopeless invalid. At this stage | was advised to use Dr. | Williams' Pink Pills and I began tak- | ing them, thinking it would be a mir acle if they ever heloed me. To my great gratification when 1 had been using the pills less 'han a month, 1 found mv health im%roving. I used ab- out a dozen boxes in all and found myself enjoying once more the blessing of good health. 1 had been reduced almost to a skeleton in appearance, and while takine the pills oained over twentv pounds in wei~ht. I gratefully' recommend the pills to other ailing women." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest blood builder and nerve to- nic known to medical science. Throurh their use pale cheeks are made rosv. dull eves niade bright; and thin wast- ed ficurea made plump. Every dose makes new, rich red blood that drives out disease and strenotheps every or- gan in the bodv. You can cet these pills from anv dealer in medicine, or by mail post-paid at 50c. a box or sit boxes for 82.50, bv writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Worst Kind. After piles have existed for a long time and passed through differcnt stages, the sue ing is intense--pain, aching, thiobliny, tumors form, filled to bursting with black blood. Symptoms indicating other trou- bles may appear to a thoroughly pile: sick person. This is when Hem-Roid, the only in- ternal, the only absolute pile cure, hrings (he results that has made its fame. y It will cure the most stdbborn case in existence and a bonded guarantee to that effect goes with each package. It is to be had at the drug store of W. H. Medley. The S88. Melville, C.P.L. line from Newcastle, passed Father Point, in- ward, at 3 a.m. The captain reports having been four dave and twelve hours in ice. He saw several steamers in it. A massive gold seal, used bv anciht Chinese dynasty, and worth intrinsi- cally 85,000, has been rescued from a San Francisco smelting company, by Chinese consul-general. io cure, these are the reasons. Ask your doctor. wy Lili: Low prices, but high quality in foot- Rev. Rev. Rev. D. nominations. THE UTICA SATURDAY GLO His Grace Archbishop Gauthier His Lordship Bishop Mills' Rev, Dr Mack'e, St. Andrew's Rev, Dr. Philp, Sydenham Street E. Crummy, Brock Street With Short Historical Notes on the several religious de- If you want a copy of this issue send in your order once, as the issue is limited. X The Saturday Globe, 167 WELLINGTON STREET. UTICA Macgillivray, Chalmers Laing, First Baptist . United States Stock Murkets. New York, May 9.--Beeves--Receipts 3,488; steers, active and 10e. higher ; bulls and thin cows, steady; medium and good cows, shade lower. Steers, £4.60 to $5.20; no choice here; tail ends $3.85; bulls, $3.75 to $4.20; cows, $2 to $3.90; cables quoted live catile higher at lle. to Ilje., sed weight; sheep, steady at 12¢. to 13c., dressed weight. Exports to-morrow, R50 cattle, 1,250 sheep and 4,200 quar- ters of beef. Calves--Rbceipts, 7,199. Market 50c. higher; some sales 75c. higher. Veals, $3.10 to 85.78; choice, 85.90 to 86; culls and little calves, 82.50 to $3. Sheep and lambs-- Re ceipts, 6,814. Sheep, steady. ( o lambs, firm, to 18c. higher. Spring lambs, steady. Wooled sheep, 10 85.50; clipped do., $3.50 to 85; culls, £5; 'no choice sheep here. Unshorn lambs, 86 to 87.25; clipped do.. $5.38 to 20.50; clipped, culls, $4.50 to $5: spring lambs, $3.25 to $5 per head. Hogn--Receipts, 9,753. Prime «tate hogs, 85.90. Market barely steady. Fast-"Buffalo, ay 9.--Cattle--Re- ceipts, 5,500 head; slow; Se. to 10e. lower; prime steers, 85 to £5.20; ship- ping, 84.50 to 85; butchers', $4 25 to £1.56; heifers, $3.50 to $4.50; cows, 23 to 84: bulls, $3 to 84 stockers and focdors, 83.40 to $4.40; heifers, $2.75 to $3.25; good fresh cows and spring: ers, 83 higher; others steady; good to choice, $48 to $60; medium to £32 to 845; common, 820 to $30, Veals Receipts, 800 head; steady, to 8550. Hogs Receipts, 17,000 head. ize, slow and lower; - others, steady; heavy, $5.15 to $5.20; mixed, $5.15 to 25.174; Yorkers, 885 to 85.15; pigs, £1.80 to $4.55; 8, $4.20 to $4.- 40; lags, £3 to £3.50; dairies, $4.50 to $5. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 20,- 200 head; active; ewes, 25¢c. lower; lambs, 5c. higher; others steady; lambs, $4.50 to $6.40; yearlings and wethers, 85.25 to 25.65; ewes, 84.50 to $4.75; sheep, mixed, $3.25 to $5. Chicago, May 9.---Cattle--Receipts, 21,000, inglading 225 Texans; steady to weak; good to prime steers, 85 to £5.60; poor to medium, 84 to $1.90; stockers and feeders, $3 to $4.40; cows, R150 to $4.40; heifers, $2.25 to $4.60; Texasfed stecrs, 34 to $4.40. Hogs Receipts to-day, 33,000; market steadv,; mixed and butchers', 24.70 to $4.92}; good to choice heavy, 84.80 10 84.924 rough heavy, 84.66 to 84.75; light, £4.00 to $4.50; bulk of sales, $4.75 'o #4.85. Sheep--Receipts, 20,000; steady to easy; lambs, steady to easy: good to choice wethers, $4.60 to $5.25; fair to choice mixed, 83.50 to $4.50; clin ped native lambs, $4.25 to $5.75. This Applies All Round. The food that satisfies thé hungry man, like Clark's pork and , isa real food for everybody. Wm. Clark, Mir., Montreal. Wongon and Wong Gow, convicted of the murder of the man Quong, manager of the Chinese theatre at Victoria, B.C., have been sentenced to be hanged July 22ad. Premier Balfour does not believe, that there is any anti-Semitic feeling in Britain. ------ 'Sunny Days g Bring thoughts of Summer Apparel { and Lingerie uppermost in ry aTpat \\% J Summery things have been pouring in \ SS during the past week or two, and our 3 J stock will be found very aitractive' le complete. Important arrivals : : ; New White Duck Shirt Waist Suits, New Black Organdy Waste, lace trim: nicely trimmed. med. ki 8 New White Duck and Linen Separate Skirts. s New "Belfast" Silk Waists. i . : 3 New White U ear, Jndgeskists, New Butcher Linen Waists, lace trim- Corset Covers, N wie, worn, med. Chemises, ete. : Now "Royal" sists, in all season: able 'ma hg 4 ST oi SHOESHI All kinds 4nd makes for SUMMER WEAR just arrived. Prices lowest. ' TRY THE Abernethy Shoe Store. Headquarters for Trunks and Valises! / ny AS 'PENETANG REFORMATORY. | Penetang asylum. This will provide a rr piesiers. accommodation ut 'the other Buildings Converted Into Asylum | "tities laf patients not otherwise For Senile Insane. The Penet reformatory has pass- ed into Siators. One wndited' re have beon transferred to foster homes, and the institution, as a reformatory, has ceased to exist. From being a home for juveniles, the buildings will be devoted to sheltering the ther ex- treme<old age. A busy staff of work- converting buildings into an asylum for the in- sane--called senile insane. It is ex- potted that, by the frat «1 June or o ittle later in the mon wear; is Abernethy's motto. Violet Toilet cream at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store.

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