A PASTOR'S WIFE relat hon She Suffered for Years and =: Felt Her Case Was Hope- + less--Cured by : Pe-ru-na, RS. ANNA B.FLEHARTY, recent Saperintendent of the W. C. I, U. headquarters, at Galesburg, Ill, was for ten years one of the leading women there. Her husband, when living, was first President of the Ncbraska Wes- leyan University, at Lincoln, Neb, In a letter written from 401 seventh street, W., Chicagb, Ill, Mrs. "Having lived a very active life as wife and working partner of a busy minister, my health failed me a" few years ago. 1 lost my husband cbout the same time, and gradually I seemed to lose health and spirit. My daughter is a confirmed invalid, and we both felt great need of an invigorator, me to try Peruna. A bottle was immediately secured and a great changetook place inmy daughter's as well as in my own health. Our appetites improved very greatly, the digestion seemed much helped, and restful sleep soon improved us, so that we seemed like new women. «I would not be without Peruna far ten times its cost."--Mrs. Anna B. Fleharty." 'What used to be called female diseases by the medical profession is now called pelvie catarrh. It has been found by oxperience that catarrhal diseases of the pelvic organs are the cause of most cases of female diseases. Dr. Hartman 'was among the first of Amorica's great physicians to make this discovery. ¥or forty years he has been treating diseases peculiar to women, and long ago he reached the conclusion that he use. of one of [Olng extensive repairs ing the remainder of Fleharty says the following in regard to Peruna: «One of my neighbors advised a woman entirely free from eatarrhal | cures simply by using and recommend- ing Peruna, Mrs. Esther M. Milner, DeGraft, Ohio, writes: "I was a terrible sufferer from female weakness and had the headache contin- uously, Iwas notable todo my house- work for myself and husband. I wrote you and described my condition £s near as possible. You recommended Pcruna. I took four bottles and was completely cured. - I think Peruna a wonderful medicine.,"--Mrs, Esther M. Milner. Congressman Thad. M. Mahon," of Chambersburg, Pa., writes: affection of these organs would not be «[ take pleasure in commendi ston. subject to female disease. He therefore your Peruna as a schoo ay Jokn ©. Frost, one of Bellevilie's began using Peruna for these cases and and a good catarrh remedy." w= prominent citizens died in: Kingston < found it so admirably adapted to their T. M. Mah = on Tuesday. Deceased had been engag permanent cure that Peruna has now | f+ M1. Maflon. ed for years in the furniture business, become the most famous remedy for| If youdonotreceive prompt andsatis- | He was for some years a member of female diseases ever known. Every-| factory results from the use of Peruna, | Belleville council. was twice a candi where the women are using it and prais- | Write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a | date for mavor, and twice the liberal - ing it. Peruna is nota palliative sim- | full statement of your case and he will | candidate for representation in the ply; it cures by removing the cause of | be pleased to give you his valuable ad- | Dominion parliament for West Hatt fomale disease. vice gratis. ings, but was unsuccessful. Mr. Frost Dr. Hartman has probably éured more | Address Dr. Hartman, President of Was B Prominent Society man, bejog . oohen ot lemale iments than any The Hartman Ssiitertua, Golmmbus, | Zombet of the Masons, Oddiellows. other living physician. He makes these | Ohio. + | of United Workmen. A widow and two daughters survive. CLAIM OF 14TH VETERANS. VAST UNDERGROUND LAKE Korean Diet. OR a risi < {ore yrites: T For Land Grants Meets Favor | Ten Million Gallons Of Water Tak- | J) Fient Visitor to Korea writes From Military Gazette. en Prom It Daily. the air, beasts of the fi)d and fish S A The Canadian Military Gazetis, in London, May 11.-The contractors' | from the sea, nothing comes amiss to - snappy, discussing the request by the vet-rans | men who are at work in Spring Gar | his palate. Dog meat is in great re we know, hut of the 14th P.W.0, Rifles of Kingston | dens have struck what was at first quest at certain seasons; pork and he ™ Tor'land grants, says : believed to be a part of the great lake | beef with blood undrained from the . "At the corrmencement of the N with- | which underlies London carcass; fowls and game--birds cooked | Gray Covert Ww West Rebellion in 1885, this smart Engineers, however, after investiga: | with the lights, giblefs, head and : corps at once volunteebed for service. | tion, have come to the e lusion that | claws intact; fish sun-dried and highly eviots At the time it was feared that a Yeni- | the water is too near the surface to mal ylorous, all are acceptable to him. ers who prefer an incursion might be attempted, ad- | come from the lake, and that it is the | Cooking is not always necessary; a ich vantage being taken of the absence of output of the old spring from which | epecics of small fish is preferred raw, ome very ri large bodies of our troops in the | the place takes its name. dinned ju' some piquant sauce. Other North-West. In consequence the 14th | "This vast underground lake," said dainties are dried sea weed, shrimps, was retained at its own headquarters | 8 prominent engineer, '"'extends not | vermmeelli.made by the women from 0 12. to guard the important stores and |only under the whole of London, but | huckwheat flour and white of egg: pine ' military magazines at Kingston, Here | as far as Westerham on the one :ide seed, lily bulbs, honev water, wheat, the men remained: on service, many for three months, some for as long as a year. True the danger was, as it turned out, nothing; probably that made their case all the harder for these men who gave up their ordinary business at great loss to themselves to answer their country's call, but their service was none the less the dir- ect result of the NorthWest Rebellion and a necessary one at that, from the view-point of these in authority at the time. The men who were out as we have described have formed an asso- ciation, and are now petitioning the Dominion government for the general service medals, and 'a share in any land grants. that the dominion may be making.' "Inasmuch as war medals may be quently been granted to British regi ments which had started for but never reached the front, the claim of our Kingston friends does not geem to be unfounded. The present excellent prac tice of giving bars on medals, which designate the battles in which the wearer has been engaged, serves the purpcse of distinguishing between those who meant well, and those who really did well, so that while the for mer deserving fellows do not go unre- warded, they are not put quite on a footing with the men who reallv bore the brunt." or shine, $10, department. Y Co, g | PEPSSTSSTIO ° ey! LOTHING trnishings To Confer This Afternoon. This afternoon a conference between the committee, appointed by the city council, and the street railway repres entatives was to take place relative to the Princess street switch question. The civic committee consists of Ald ermen Bassam, McFarlane, Sands, Carson, Tove, Hoag and Strainge. week at $5, $8 CHILDREN'S t $1, $1.50, $2 Chicora's Trial Trip. This afternoon, B. W. Folger, Jr. Toronto, general manager of the Nia- : gara Steamboat company, arrived in the city to inspect the steamer Chi cora, which it was expected would make a trial trip over the harbor this afternoon. If the steamer is not ready. the trip will be made in the morning. EE -------------- buy. TON, re pm---- ip on the plate. At City Hospital efiorts teeth were age ccess, and after com agreed that an oper sry. By means of an eck the oesophagu® the plate finally 1 it ie still in the hos able to leave in 8 suffered intense pain he -plate had three | was so const d somewhat of & being quite roat. } IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Aedalie is absolutely guaranteed to cure any headache or the most severe attack of neuralgia within jo minutes or money refunded. Each tablet is a care, Hed- rite is only in small red enamelled tin boxes taining 1 dozen tablets each, andis acid by all dediers oe mulled. Price 25c. Sample and humorous 2 The E dy Co., Montreal spent and St. Albans on the other. It is a natural reservoir which, in London, is being gradually depleted. "Private individuals alone take from it by means of artesian wells 10.000,- 000 gallons of water a day, and it is calculated that in consequence" the level of the lake drops every year from twelve to cighteen inches "Breweries, too, absorb quantity of this water supply. "There is no dangef in future years of any subsidences occurring through the exhaustion of the is absence has no effect on a large water, as presence or scil above." The depth at which the water is struck by well sinkers varies. In Tot tenham court road it was found at 1,750 feet and in London Wall it was reached at 450 feet underlying stra ta of chalk, flint, gray sand, and sur- face clay. WOMEN "ROB PASSENGERS. Culprits Accompany Notorious Pickpocket. Milan, May 11.--The police have ar rested several stylishly dressed thieves of both sexes, whose field of work the trains de luxe coming to Italy from Paris, Berlin and Vienna. Man complaints have been made by travel lers who had been robbed, and . the Italian detectives watched the trains ntering Milan. Three women wearing diamonds, nl accompanied by a well-known interna tional pickpocket named Henoit, were the first to fall into the hands of the Vis police. They gave French names which have been found fictitious. Jt vas their custom to travel frequently 1y "the international lines to Milan. Inverary Items. Ipverary, May 10.--Owing to the fine weather farmers are nearly through seceding. They are glad to see the grass, owing to the scarcity of feed. The additions to the Model cheese fac tory have been completed. A. Garrett wears a smile; 'it's a girl. J. Vanbrun and J. Lake also wear smiles over their, hays. Mrs, A. Garrett is very ill; little hopes are held for her recov ery. Mrs. T. Dongldson is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mre. McCaugherty. It is rumored that we are about to lose one of our fair maidens; she in- tends going west in the near future. Many are pleased to hear that T. Thompson has engaged L. Storms as bus driver for the coming season. A. Paterson and Miss M. Clark at T. Arthur's. A. Sleeth and Miss N. Gar dine, at Dixon's. D. Valleau at E. F. Dennee's. E. Joyner and W. Coop er at J. Sears'. R. Bell at J. Gib son's W. Stennor spent Saturdav and Sunday at G. Gmamer's, H. Gibson paid a flving vigit to J. Gummers' on' Saturday evening. Miss Nettie John- son attending Sydenham High school, Sunday at home. Sen HORSE SHOW HAS OPENED IN MONTREAL -- ATTENDANCE SLIM. Crowd Expected On Friday, When Governor-General And Party 'Will Be Present--Thirty Men Charged With Keeping Lottery ' Arrested. Montreal, May 11.--The opening of the Montreal show was preceded this afternoon, by a luncheon tendered by the cirectors to the judges at the St. James' club. There was not much of a crowd present, although it is ex- pected to night will see quité an as- semblage. The real crowd is not ex: preted till Friday, when his 'excellency the governor-general, and his children will argjve. Among the out-of-town horses that show this afternoon are those of Crow and Murray and Pepper and company, Toronto, and Dr. Web ster's, of Ottawa.' In the police court, to-day, thirty men who were arrested sometime ago on a ch of operating a lottery in the name of the Granite company of Argentenit, were committed for trial before the court of special sessions. A FLYING STONE Hurt a Man And Caused a Bad Runaway. Alexandria Bav. N.Y., May 11.-- John B. Van Dresar was quite hadly injured by a stone flying from a blast which was shot' on Church hill. Van Dresar runs an ice wagon and was delivering ice on Churdl when opposite D. H. Hajs' = blast was fired and a we flew--out from under the timbers t held the stones down, striking him on the left side of the face and badly injuring him. He was carried to Dr. C. B. For syth's office, where his injuries were cared for. His team ran awav. smash ing the waggon and also causing John Kepler's team to run awav and smash his delivery wageon. The horses were not injured. JOHN G. FROST DEAD. Belleville Citizen Expired in King- barley, millet, rice, maize, wild pota- toes and all vegetables of western and eastern gardens: even now the list is by no means exhausted." Grandfather's Good Service. Chicago Post Cd said the indolent youth, have decided that grandfather is en titled to some consideration." "Really "Oh, yes. Of course we can't aff to say much about him because he was in trade, but we have given a lot of thought to the matter, and we can see extenuating circumstances." "Perhaps he couldn't help it ?" "We considered that, but it's the main thing." "He left you a big fortune." "Oh, yes ; but that is of trifling iin- portance, except as it is associated with the one really great boon." "Which is ?* "Why, if we hadn't been in trade, we wou'd be, don't you know. He saved | us that humilietion." » 4 es, re not Reflections Of A Bachelor. New York Press You can mostly always tell who is the boss at hom» by the way the man lords it around in his office. A woman always has an idea that she would enjoy having a broken heart if it matched her style of beauty. Working lafe at the office always makes a mar want to put on a mac- kintosh to ge to bed in, but a wo- man can never séem to understand it. What is the use of discussing women in business when two of them will hang to the opposite ends of a tele phone wire for forty-five minutes try ing to explain something men woald settle in ten seconds and think five of them wasted ? -- Mr. Ruddick Ill. Toronto Sun At the time of the Western Dairy convention, J. A. Ruddick, chief of the dairy division of the Dominion de- partment of agriculture, -although tak- ing part in the convention, was plain Iv in a poor state of health. Mr. Rud dick, dairvinen will be sbrrv to learn, has been laid up practically ever since that convention was held. He spent February and March in Bermuda and the West Indies, but received no bene- fit from the trip, and has been con- fined to bed for the last four weeks. It is gratifying to learn he is improv. ing somewhat now. The trouble is due to sciatica. Over sixty employees are out of work as a result of the fire at the Skinner . works, at Gananoque. ; The works will be rebuilt. The delay will be unfortunate as the factory was full of orders. Mr:~ Skinner has a large trade in Canada, Australia and. New Zealand. THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY ii. Wounded sailors being broug Inspector Kidd at the request of public schools for cach month of the Enrolled 1509 January | 3 February . March April... May June September October November December AFTER A FIGHT AT PORT ARTHUR. The Attendance at report showing the enrollment and av erag 1000 Daily Attendance, Average * 1809 1900 1901 1903 January 1,941 2.000 1.50 1,940 February : 4 1,544 March ... 1,676 April ... . 1,806 1,866 May 2,003 1,921 June o. . 1,979 1,872 September 2,088 1,910 October 2,101 1,972 November ... « 2,003 2,035 1,954 December ... ... . 2,017 2,039 1,996 1,802 ht into a Japanese hospital. -- B---- ME -- the Public Schools the Board of Education prepared a e daily attendance of pupils at the Years 1800 to 1903 inclusive : Attendance. 1902 1903 267 RUSSIA'S POPULATION. Nearly Three Times That 0f Its Antagonist, A Boston Transcript * The populiittion of the Russian em pire surpasses Japan nearly threefold. According to the census of 1597, the empire had 129,562,718, Within th last half century the increase in popu lution has been tremendous. In 1515 it was estimated at 45,000,000. A th present it is nearly 150,000,000 According to its different tine divisions the population was distributed by tne census of 1897 as follows : European Russia, 107.000,000 (including 9.500 000 Poles and 2,500,000 Finns) governments, 9.300,000; Siberia, 30,000; Central Asia, 7,720.000. In European Russia the 'averare annual increase of births over deaths, accord ing to the Now International Encyclo pedia, ig 2.000000 souls, The empire has seven cities with population of over 200,000, and they Cauca sus are: St. Petersburg, 1,480,570; Ms cow, 1,2 5: Warsaw. 641,936: Odes sa, 111.215; Lodz, 316,145; Rica, 260, 717, and Kiev, 258,699. Doctor Had Settlnd. The Reieree A lady going through' a hospital | during the last war saw a couple of | soldiers sawing and hammering, and | said: | "What are vou doing *" | "Making a coffin; that's all®"' | "A coffin, indeed, and who is it for * "That fellow over there," pointing to a cot The lady looked and saw that the man was alive and watching what was going on, - "Why," she said in a low voice, "that man is not dead, and perhaps he won't die." "Oh, ves," insisted one of the men "the doctor told us to make the cof fin, and 1 guess he know'd what he giv' him." -------- A Sense Of Duty. Memphis Scimitar, e had two black eyes, a swollen nose and a cut on his chin, and soon after he had taken ga seat in the street car the man on his right ob served "If 1 had been pounded the way you have IT should show myseli as little as possible in public, "That's where we differ," replied the victim. "I'm sensitive about my looks, and vet 1 feel jt my duty to let the public in general see what certain things lead to." $0 "For instance | "I was whooping it up for i i | and the other fellow for Japan. ---- Queen Wears Irish Goods. The queen has chosen for the Irish visit several costumes of Fingal and Caledon tweeds, which were madv up | into coats and skirts in the Irish cap | ital. ] In addition to these are a couple of | warm travelling wraps of the thick | woolly material of which the (lad- | dagh cloaks are made, ' ! Her majesty quite recognizes - that | nothing gives the Irish people so much pleasure as to Know that when, she | goes to the Emerald fsle she is at { tired in clothes of Trish mapulacture, | and her majesty this year has chosen | an unusually Jarge supply of the na- 'onal fabric, Dish a Tooth brushes that wont wear out. 's Red 3 feud a | Normal 0 Clarified 717 34.9 Past. J i0 RK 5 7a Clar. 140 R65 a0.7 Past. 160 R70 764 Clar. 160 N63 750 Filtercd 34 40 2 Past, 180 R7.0 80.2 | that of milk at time of delivery to the RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS Which Were Held at The Agricul- tural College, Guelph. The following has been gleaned from the two most recent annual reports of the professor of dairy husbandry, Ag { ricultural College, Guelph, and should prove of real rest to all milk con sumers "The importance of pure and whole some milk for houschold purposes is recognized by all. Every Canadian interested in pure milk for During 1902 a series of ex periments was conducted relating to this question. This year (1903) a simi Inr was carried on in the months of July, August and Septem- ber." "It was not suflicint'for our pur- pose simply to say that one sample was better than another. We wished to know in what respect it was better.' Hence, "the samples were scored home is table use ac | cording to the following scale : f Points. Smell 20 Taste, Acidity Cream Appearance, .. Total ." .. 100 We learn from -the report that for ach experiment the same milk ' wos divided into several different lots. A series of experiments was conducted on an extensive scale and the follow ing is the table of average results giv en in the report, Average 18t Sco 72 Average re. 2d Score 3 34.9 What is spoken of as "first score' in the forogoing table corresponds to consumer, while the "second score," made twenty-four hours later. "Normal" milk is the ordinary dairy milk cooled, In his comments upon results the professor says: "I will be noticed that the normal, cletified and filtered samples decreased in value very mate rially in smell, taste and acidity at the second scoring." He is here com- was paring them with pasteurized, milk, ago. and he says in another part of his | He left his flock of sheep to preach fat report that "heating and cooling | the gospel to the lowly people of | Dominion Steel . (that is, pasteurization and cooling) | France, and now the good shepherd Silvie Milling Co. it possibly the best method to adopt, | may not even count his flocks of men, Nontnal fotton Co. we as it checks the development of lactic acid; or in other words it prevents the souring of milk, produces milk with a cleaner flavor and tends to destroy | has never heen known to line an digease or other bad germs which may | invitation to speak. He travels far a be in the milk." " Jand wide, and the homage him Ynion, PaCific ww. wien Sent ---- on his pilgrimages is like that | AL in ni, meen Point Road Pointers. Point Road, May 10.~The dry weather has bosn a areat to the farmers in order seeding done; nearly everybody is through, The concert held in town hall, Barriefield, on Wednesday night, Moone Loon to get their vader, the management of St. Mark's translated nto pos Bo clergyman's church choir, was a grand success concerni i The proceeds are to go towards a Jotters ing ha. volume ix one choir instructor. Dr. Nickle, city, is doing a rushing business in the colt line. J. Mucklewrath is convalescent, men Your - » Sotntey- F. Beggs is "At Home" to his He { his friends d friends in Battersea. admirers. many distinguished Ares Cold Enough For Oysters. Levi P; Weston and John Waoverhor You ean still get the best Blue ery Fea Points at Carnovsky's. | © JAS. McPARLAND, Agen Former Shepherd Becomes Famous markable men in France to-day is the Rev, Charles testant pastor, shepherd in Alsace some forty years for they number up in the hundreds of thousands. ed to a ruling monarch. preached in forty years from the pul- pit, he has reac tho! 'through > "Simple Life." This 'has spread all over the continent, from President , Roosevelt, who said an "f The Newest Oxford for Ladies, ford for Ladi Japan (Black) Patent Colt and Russia (Tan) Calf, - also the «Du Barry Made by Ultz and Bunn. SOLD ONLY AT THE SAWYER SHOE STOR Princess Street, Kings : HY PAINT IS AN INSURANGE - Against decay in woods metals. The tooth of time little headway if. your pres are painted with such reliak paints as we supply, Whatev. you fancy as to colors or you are 69 and 7! Brook St se Who Appreciate ( For the weak who need 0 to be strengthened : Labatt's "mo te For Tho Ww on IS THE BEST. : ) The leading physicians gg ER : Sa) / for its purity. Tek i FREE HELP FOR MEN x rk RA kot OE - the in It is controlled in this counwry by 4 shir Medichs RE Tat if 2K oe rong and ahd whe the best known remedies fyou are suffering from diseases of the generative ¢ as exhausting drains, nervous of abuse, this remedy can and will care 10. Ee I venarys ramp 'e make he of a cure or return your RK ars emanct vl \ In the French and German armies, and ' J] Sample Sot vrcurely nesad he oA wrap te " doy Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.0. Drawer L, 2841, Montreal REV. CHARLES WAGNER. Writer And Pastor. Paris, May 11.--One of the most re Lanadian Pacific Co 2 Montreal Street Ry. Wagner, a modest Pro- who was an humble Ca avin We en ni. Molson's Bank. NEW YORK STOCK EX This simple preacher of the gospel Besides the thousands to whom he 0! the medium' of "his book, and has been his letter to the author : rh roan