int your hair to grow ng, and 'permanently it, you should use utherland isters' @ GROWER ir tonic on the market ill 'quickly regenerate tissues and make your ore beautiful than it re Scalp Cleaner is an for dandruff. For has no equal. At Two sizes, Hair and $1.00; Scalp dian Office STREET, TORONTO r, Foreign Manager. 7 ded and sold by d, corner Princess and ngston.= 0. 1 No 2. . ror ortifary cased y far the t doliag ie now, celal cases--10 degre ars box. | are sold in Kingstea ROOMS TO LET. RS, WITH PRIVATE Apply at *' Aven liam street. PAPER 04 various colourings patterns im attrac nd anything we 1. us soon; we be- tisfy your wants, d thas the prices are as attractive SBET, Book Stcre. So0eses ift's ¢ nton : al hat comes = ground. IFT & C0. me 135. A Abd TEMAN AGE LICENSES, FIRE INSURA' CE KER. trest. 'Phens I aS Srdesham Bb. 9 World's Fair St. Louis, Mo. $22 (Good for 15 days). $29.35 (Good for 30 days) $35.20 (Good until Pec. 15, 1204). vers allowed at aay In SET SE A ect C Nhe TRIP--Hamilton to Niagara Falls, $1.40 ditional, For tickets, illustrated literature and further information, apply to ity Passages Depot. -------------------------------------------- KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. Single Fare--Victdria Day RATES FOR ST. LOUIS, MO, FROM KINGSTON $22.00 Goad for 15 Days. $290 35 Good for 30 Days. $36.20 Good Until Dec. 15th, 1904. Commencing April 35th, and daily until November 30th, 1904. Full particulars iy & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F.A FoLann, Jn, Geom Pass. AgS- Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE | RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Twecd, Napanes, Dessronto, and all < local points. Train leaves Oity Hall De pot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, B.Q. Ry. Kiagston, ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. From Mooatreal. From Quebec. Pretorian, May 21, 7 a.m., May 21, 6 p.m. Parisian, May 27, Yan. 'May 27, 11 p. m. 'Tunisian, June 3, 6am. June 8, 8 p First Cabin--8$65, and upwards, ac cording to steamer. Second Cabin=Livorpool and London- gerry, $37.50, and $42.50, accord- oR to BE a location. London, +) 50 additional. Third Tlass--$23 and $26, to Liver- pool, Dovey, Belfast, Glasgow, london. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Sllician, Wednesday, May 25, daylight). 4.3. MANLY, Agent, UT.K. Ulu o 'P. SILDEIL Ageat, Depo Clarence 8 FOR SALE, SE SES LARGE ROUGH CAST' DOTTAGE, eight robs, ood Sellar, and city water, large of troets, Will sell cheap. Easy terms. Apply on premises. Cor. Patrick and Reg- lan Road. DETACHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE on Prone nac Bust, near Princess strest, 7 rooms. by 154 Tees deep. Lots of room to build. Also sheds and re boury Id ay Apply throuwh ee eee ete THAT.L LARGE, DOUBLE, BRICK RES- Sydenham Street, Henge courthouse, Nos. 17 ne To; Each house contains four bedrooms on' the first floor and three on the second, has large double parlors, separate dining room. excellent kitch- en. hardwood floors, cement base- ment full size with plastered ceiling. La stable and drive house at the This property cost We aro Passenger SLEBVE, varticulars stdress, Sharps & Couse, Real Estate and Ruxir «a Brokers, Winnipeg. Man. WARM CHARACTERS Our coal isa "warm character." It's just the hottest coal in town. And yet it's not only you want it hot. v regulation is one 'of its strong points. Jt steadily, and its increases, or de cregfes at your will and pleasure. Not every coal does that. Most of them go out without saving *"by your leave,' when asked to cool off a bit. You need our coal for variable spring days. R. CRAWFORD. BETTER THAN EVER -HOME- Rw Fork Samaages. tan: an, io, Foe kinds Hams. = Was Unable to Turn in Bed Without Help. Plasters and Lintments No Good. . This was the experience of Me. Benjamin Stewan, Zicaville. NB. mrs "Poon Kidney Pills Fle tells of his experience in the follow. words: **For four months | was troubled with a lame back and all this time was un Doan's and by the used two- Filled bythe me was as well and as strong as ever and has kep #0 ever since." Backache, Frequent Thirst, Seanty Cloudy, Thick or Highly Colored Urine, Puffing under the Eyes, Swelling of Feet and Ankles, are all symptoms of ey trouble that Doan's Kidaey Fills will cure. Price 50 cts. per box or 3 for $1.25, a} or THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO. TORONTO, ONT. Hisiatic Dyes « Wash Silks (IN PATENT HOLDERS) The colors are silk the Holders, which eens as » pln Same oe shade separate cally measures & correct needie- If You Want To buy a Dwelling, Building Lot, Farm, Country Store, or a City Business, please call and see our list and get particulars, A. F. BOND. 63 Clarence St., Real Estate and Insurance. CANNEL COAL FOR YOUR GRATE. Try it. I lasts all night. -P. WALSH - 55-57 BARRACK STREET. ree KINGSTON'S ICE GREAM PARLOR 184 PRINCESS STREET. Fresh leg Cream, made of pure cream. Fresh Candy, 10c. pound. Good Chocolates, 20c. 1b. UG. B. Chocolates, all prices. CARRIAGE PAINTING Glve us a can for First-class Carriage Painting. R. MOLONY, CLARENCE STREET, Next to Wilson's Livery. WO00D YARD--JUST OPENED Corner of Barrack and Bagot Streets. Hard and Soft Siabs constantly on hand J. GORRIE. TO-LET. EmImTTIITTTI: SUMMER COTTAGES, DWELLINGS, Stores, Offices. McCann's Real Es tats office. 51 Brock street. A SUMMER COTTAGE, PARTLY furnished, on Island, in Sharbot Lake. Appiv Mrs. T. G. Smith, 21) Queén street, ---------------------------------------------- FURNISHED, OR UNFURNISHED, eight-roomed house, with all modern improvements, 91 Clergy St, West Apply at Crumley Bros. dry woods THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE: ON' Union Street, know alder- wood." Possession about the fr: of May. Apply Walken & Walkem FOR THE SUMMER, located on the Church village of Marysville Post~ COTTAGE, beautifully hill, in the For furthet particulars apply master," Wolie Island ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT DE- sirable Store, at present occupied by Taylor & Hamilton, as Tinswiths and Plumbers, on Sh stfest TO-RENT. FU RNISHED HOUSE, 167 FRONTEN- Brock street. All ts, Apply 438 Beook iret, with large workshop in smsescecnge Colonel P rived yesterday visiting his sisters, the Mrs. Lamb, who has been staying Macpherson ar- Ottawa, and is Misses Mao: with Mrs. Bermington, left to-day for Toronto. Judge O'Reilly and his eldest boy, who have been with Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, went home to Cornwall yesterday. Mrs. O'Reilly is still with her mother, whom everyone will be very glad indeed to hear is fecling very much better rs. Worrell came home from Mon- treal yesterday. Miss Flsie Worrell goes up to To- ronto on Thursday, to visit Dr. and Mrs. Evans, College street. Mrs. Galloway, who has been having a pleasant visit in town, went home to Toronto on Saturday. Mr. P. N. Nissen, who has been here for some little time, expects to leave town towards the end of the bos - - - » There was an exciting match over at the liaks on Saturday when the Kingston men played the R.M.C., win- ning by twenty-four holes up. A "plea- sant little tea given by the club, was a feature of the afternoon. . » + . Lady Kirkpatrick was hostess at a tea in honour of Lord Dundonald and Mrs. Norton, of England, former- ly Miss Bickford. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. Bickford, Cap- tain Bickford, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Pellatt end Miss Hingston, Montreal. Mrs. Pellatt gave a small tea in To- ronto on Friday afternoon, in honour of Gen. Sir Robert Lowe and Miss Lowe, who left on Saturday for Eng- land. Among . the guests were Mrs. Buchan, Mrs. Otter, M:s. H. S. Stra- thy, Mrs' Delamere. . - * . Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Helena Edith Mal lory, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Mallory, to Dr. Charles A. Harding, on Wednesday, June Ist, in St. Mar- garet's church, Toronto, at five o'clock. The marriage of Miss Jean Topley, daughter of Horatio N. Topley, Ot tawa, of the interior department, to Mr. Frank Bertram Proctor, barrister, is to take place on the 25th of May - Ld . - Mrs. Stratford Dawson, came up from Montreal on Saturdav, with her baby boy. and is staying with her mo ther Mrs. Loucks, Mrs. Philp, wife of Dr. Philp, Los Angeles, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Gibbs, of Daly avenue, Ottawa Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merritt, Ottawa, have gone to their summer cottage, Britannia. Mrs. Carveth of College street, Tor- onto, gave a charming luncheon to some of her friends at Long Branch. last week, the cottage being decorated with ferns and wild flowers. Mrs. donald, Mrs. Warrington, Mrs. Holmes Mrs. Higgins of Kingston, and Miss Mair were among the guests. - » - - Miss Estelle Holland, who has been the guest for several weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Reaves, Toronto, has returned to Montreal. The Misses Miles, will leave Toron- to, shortly. Miss Mary will visit friends in Montreal, and Miss Eva will go to New York. Mrs. and the Misses Hahn and Mr. Paul Hahn, Toronto, have left for their summer cottage at Rosebank. Miss Stairs of Halifax, is in Toron- to, at the St. George. Miss Pauline Johnston, the Indian poetess, is going to England for the season to recite her poems before the audiences by whom she was so well re- ceived on her visit some years ago. Senator and Mrs. George A. Drum- mond, Sherbrooke street, entertained at dinner last week n honor of His Excellency, the governor-general, and Lady Eileen Elliot. Those present in- cluded among others, Major and Mrs. Maude, Capt. Graham, A.D.C., Princi pal Peterson, Mr. Kleezkowski and Dr. and Mrs. Adami. The table decora- tions were pink carnations. His Excellencv. the Governor-Gener- al, and Lady Eileen Elliot were the guests of honor on Friday night at a very enjovable and largely attended supper given by Mr. and Mrs. H. Mon tagu Allan at "Ravenscrag."' Sunper was served at small tables placed in the spacious hal} room, adjoining the conservatory, decorations being of tulips. oily one hundred ghd ten guests were present. Lord and Lady Borthwic re ex- the winter abroad, is in wr Kemi, in h jo Tulane, iron England, and be at ieorge apartments. 'Shaughnessy's friends , will Colonel and Mrs. Irwin entertained at an enjoyable dinner last The table was beautiful with pink fhe and giant mignonette. The included Mr. and Nrs. , Colonel and Mrs. Rivers, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Perley, Thacker le avoiding as much as possible all bln functions durine his stav in En , Lord Curzon of Kedleston will it is expetted he privatelv enter tained at a banquet bv his parliamen- tary and other friends. According to present arrangements Ladv Curzon will return to India in October with the viceroy. oo The wonderfully youthful aspect of the first lady in England is an elo- quent illustration of what care, com- mon sense and moderation can do to preserve good leoks and juvenility. Queen Alexandra has never induloed much in games or sports which entail over-fatigue or exertion, but she is a strong believer in open air exercise and the healthful effects of judicious exorcise. Although her majésty cannot be said te have shared Queen Vie- toria's admiration for cold winds and a low temperature, she is fully aware of the direful effects of overheated rooms and lack of ventilation. The "happy medium" in everv phase of her hv life is the explanation of her perennial youthfulness. A recent photograph shows the Countess of Aberdeen in the costume of "Mrs, McCandlish," in "Guy Man- nering,"' i by Lord and Lady Aberdeen with their family and friends. The countess' daughter, Ladv Marjorie Gordon, took the part of "Meg. Merrilies" and is said to have an unusual dramatic abi lity. -. . . The coqageient is announced : Of Miss Maude Ellis, sister of Mr. William Ellis, formerly imwanacer of the Victoria Colonist, to Mr. Joseph N. Ellis, son of Senator Ellis, of St. John, N.B. Mr. Ellis is one of Van- couver's most popular young barris- ters, and is @ member of the firm of Messrs. Ellis & Brown. In Montreal of Miss Marriet M. Bos well, eldest daughter of Mr. J. M. Bowell and grand-daughter of Sir Mac- kenzie Bowell, to Mr. David McHar~ eldest som of Mr. George McHarg, of Highfield, Bushy, Scotland. The wedding of Miss de Bassano, daughter of the Duchess de Bassano, to the Count de Viel Castel, was cele brated one day last week in Paris. The Duchess de Bassano was the onlv daughter of the late Mr. George Burns she was a member of the Manteo | Hunt. After her marriage she was member of the household of the Em- press Eugenie, and was privately and publicly presented to Queen Victoria. The marriage is uuisounecd to take place on June 22nd, of Mr. Edward R. Rowan-Legge, manager of the Matta- wa branch of the Bank of Ottawa, and Anna K. Stewart, second dauch- ter of Alexander Stewart, of Balmor- al Lodge, Chelsea Road. e cerp- monv will be performed at the home of the bride. A prettv wedding took place in Nice on Thursday, April 22nd, at the Am- erican church, when Miss Elsie Davis, of New York, was united to Captain Courtney, son of Bishop Courtney, of Nova Scotia, who is well known in Nice. The bride wore a beautiful ~own of white satin merveilleux, trimmed with rare old lace, and carried a bou- quet of orchids and white lilac. The marriage of Miss Theodora Kirk- patrick, and Mr. Gerrasd Strathv. will take place in Barrie, on Tuesday. June 25th. 3 The marriage is announced of Miss Olive Sheppard. daughter of Mr. E. E. Sheppard, to Mr. D. E. Kilgour, of Toronto. The wedding ceremony which took place on April 29th, was con dueted bv Rev. Dr. H. J. Cod at the home of the bride's parents. The marriage of Miss Margaret Plav- fair. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Playfair, of Isabella street, Toronto, and Mr. Charles Lee, son of the late Mr. Walter S. Lee and Mrs. Lee, will take place on Saturdav. June 4th. | . . ® . { At their majesties first court of the season, Lady Strathcona wore a hand pected in Ottawa some time this week. Lady Schultz of Winnipeg, who has some toilette in black and white. The petticoat was white satin veiled with net, worked with black paillettes and steel in a conventional and ornament- al series of star designs round the lower portion about the waist, the ornamentation assuming "the form of ---- Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. S Has established in con con vith this far Family Illustrated Paper fe : pope A MAGAZINE EXCHANGE And will give its readers the following unprecedented privilege : S For 30 cents a month we will deliver the Kingston alk Edition oie GIok: each week, together with one of the Magazines in the list below and we will allow you to ex- change this magazine at any time for any other Magazine in the ist ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. This gives you from 12 to 15 Magazines each month ae at a nominal cost besides the regular issue of our finely illus- + trated Edition of the Globe. : Our deliverers when serving pers will receive and exchange Magazines for you at your es if so desired. u The Magazines included in this offer are : Cosmopolitan, Strand, Munsey, Ladies' Home Journal, Pearson, Argosy, Red Book, Everybody's, Success, Leslie's Popular, McClure, 10 Story Magazine AND OTHERS. j Try it for one month anyway. Send in your order today ahd get the June list of Magazines which will be out this wee = Do this and do-it now. The Saturday Globe, 167 Wellington St. [&4 stripes; the bodice was filled into the neck with soft tucked and geuged tulle, and most exquisite Brussels Bu point, which down one side h / d of the train; the jet-embroidercd , uy sleeves were large and flowing at the elbow, supplanented by ruffles; the train was of black figured gauze, with a bold running brocade in velvet all over, it was lined with silver gauze brocade, which shimmered through it. Miss Alice M. Hanson had a very graceful presentation gown of ivory chiffon, with lace insertion worked with silver and satin ribbon, the white satin train was draped from one shoulder and trimmed with floun- ces of old Carrick-macross lace, oy up with trails of lilies of the valley. For the 24 Hh of Tiny Festoonii g, Stars, H Hoge Plumes, Shields, » Maltese Crosses, Ban made of tissue pa- per and used in all the large cities of 4 United Sates. The most satisfactory for out- side or inside decorations and its low cost. It is clean and durable and quickly put Made by the National Tissue Mant Co., New York. J. HISCOCK, THEY ARE FIRE! Babbitt your bearings with CANADA METAL CO'S. A Marvellous Discovery. New York, May 17.-4The World says: "Thomas Halpin, whose back was broken on May 7th, when he was hurl- ed from a toboggan, on which he was coasting, has recovered, His youth and marvelous constitution have on a victory that science ap) consider was next to impossible. The operation which is a rare one, is call- ed laminectomy, and its restilts are not always satisfactory. In the case of young Halpin, however, it seems to have been entirely sitccessful, The par sis of the legs is gradually disap- pearing and sensation is slowly com- ing back to them." ---- Our shoes are sure to please you, be- cause they are always uptodate and Shoe Established 1854 JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker Open dnd rr it. JPorsonal services | est ju price. Abernethy's Store. Try egg phosphates or coffee nogg at rear. Apply ta Felix Shaw, 118 Poot BL. CONVICT VILLAGE. This photo gives a glimpse of the convict village one 'mile from Vladivostok, the hold. Many convicts Rave been granted their liberty 2 return for at ingness to engage in the conflict 'with the Japanese. Ll the present war in Go-Carts and Carriages Fresh Bluefish, Rose Shad. Sea Salmon. Halibut. Cod. : Tako Ontario White Fish. Levees sad Bulk Oysters, Ro Mi a) "| QOMINION FISH co. Just Arrived. See our window display. ae a rs this yeas chen" oF es Broek St. 'Phone 520. "ead in your repairing and HS = ME YOR SUE And 1 will ; : JAMES REID. Ad 1 pt wit FFT] FIRST CLASS ft) AND BOARD) A