Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1904, p. 4

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Iabor seems in vain if something. now in. the Turns mo. are a few things which are a, few Ings may in<4 Iron Bed, Swelled, and only'! Camplasiion Bed Couch, tn Velowrs, " Opifer per Orbem Dicor." THE QUESTION OF FEES. It is a notable circumstance that 'thé experiment "of abolishing the fees in the junior classes of the institutes Toronto, has mot produced - the de- red resufts. The plan was to ad- | vance to the institute the boy owgirl 'who was eager for education and - de- wired' to pass through the higher -aghool. The ambition to succeed "has 'not been whetted by the experiment, and now one of the principals has sug- that the fees be restored, but he studious pupils be dealt with 10 the record which they de at the entrance examina- The leaders are to be given a standing in the institute and Aree of fora for a certain time. fla ho cotte sel ase tp pay fo, : graduated down so that those lower on the list will pav the full amount. So that the deserving ones may not suffer by accident or draw- back the principal of the school should have the power to nominate those who have earned special men- tion or favour. The merit of the should be made almost self-support- ing." This is something which the school board in Kingston can consid: er, and very much to the advantage, perhaps, of the high school and its pupils, ---- i TELEPHONY IN GLASGOW. «The Chicago Herald has had a re- |ipresentative investigate the Glasgow "teléphone system, and the outcome is letter in which municipal menage ment. gots another strong endorse. ment, The government of Great Brit. ain refused Glasgow a license to gb into the telephone business when first it was asked for, but the Scotch are a tenacious people and those in Glas- gow, having taken hold of the sub- ject, were not disposed to drop it. repeatedly appealed for the per. mit they desired. They failed to" get it, however, until the allied cities of the old land united and made the cause a common one. Here was the evidence of what unity can accomplish, and the lesson will not be lost upon the association of Canadian mutici- palities.. The cities of Canada have had their gricvances from time to time, and they have mot always com- manded the attention of governments -when thoy operated singly. They have adopted -the principle of co-operation, and it will stand tiem in good stead. . But mark the resilt of municipal telephony in Glasgow. The service was limited to the congested district under private 'management. Now it covers the entive service. The instal lation of the plant and its extension to this date has involved the expendi: ture of $1,350,000 in capital account, but the profit last year was $70,000, that is the earnings, the receipts over and above all expenditure and liabi- lity. This year the sum saved will, i: is expected, be increased to $100,000. The single service that used to cost $60 per annum is now $35.50, and the price will go lower as the revenue in- creases, as the city has no desire to make money out of "he plant but to simply maintain it efficiently, and to preserve a sufficient rest gocoumt jor improvements. . The secret of success "in Glasgow lies in the management. The city was caroful to get the right men for the direction of the enterprise and «it found him in one who had "vears be- 'fore reached fame and standing as pi" electrical engineer and inventor." is proceeding cautiously in ifs plectric_ business. it is finding out Pwhat it should do with the plant it is about to take over, und it will see something in the study of Glasgow's experience in municipal management. The DAILY WHIG. t At the January election the people of Ottawa approved of municipal en- terprise so far as the lighting of the streets is concerned. The council, however, has abandoned the ilea and given a contract to the Ottawa Elec trie company. What's the matter ? The Montreal Gazette is very much against the dropping of protests against liberal elections on condiiion that the protest against the conserva- tive by for North Renfrew is' abandoned. The Gazette does not want any compounding of election crookedness. Hear, hear. OBSERVATIONS. A Safe Conclusion. Mentos! Rs. paid $30,000 for a manuscript of a dead author. It would be safe to offer 4 living author that amount, particularly if he had a weak heart. Indeed They Have. Ottawa Journal. z An msane man down in Pennsylvan in threw 81,200 into a creek. Many men have thrown good money into worse places than a creck. Perhaps They Would. Ottawa Free Press. In the Panama cenal deal France gets rid of a big Sees. of trouble and receives $40,000, in exchange. Many nations would like to have similar ex- periences often. jo Suggestive Thoughts. Hamilton Times. 'Ihe Toronto Telegram suggests Ac- han, Beelzebub, Belial and Judas Is- carit as names for New Ontario town ships, and then complains that no township has yet been named after Gamey, Association of ideas ? Mrs. Eddy's Wisdom. Metitreal Gazette, ary Haker Fddy has declared against the segregation of the sexes in clubs. If/ Mary Baker Eddy had bern a man she would never have proposed anything of the kind. Being a woman she can never under stand or be made to understand why men want a place where women can- not follow them. -- Offers To Settle Strike. Cleveland, 0., May 18.--The civic federation through its conciliation committee has proflered its services with a view to bringing about a set- tlement of the existing differences be- tween the Lake Carriers' Association and the Masters and Pilots' Associa- tion, District Captain Paul Howell of the Masters and Pilots' Association received the offer favorably. Robert' Jamieson, Glenora Road, tall} a somewhat peculiar story of a turkey. One turkey laid a number of eggs, and seemed disinclined to hatch them out, when another turkev, who bad laid no eggs evinced a desire to set, and the eggs were placed under her, and she is now doing duty in her efiorts to hatch out a brood of young turkeys. Big value for little money when you buy your shoes at Abernethy's. [NEWS OF he is using i followed bv a visit to Potsdam. A man who says he is H. R. Willard, what Hon. Mr.! Whitby, Ont., is held on a charge of Ottawa. He hood murder at loston, Lg HOY 3 : ppointment of Sir H. E. Tas- conferring with Hon. Mr. Fitz - to the imperial privy council patrick with regard to the criminal | i" hnounced in the Grote y code and Lord's act. The minds | Attorney-General Campbell, Mani- NEWSY ITEMS FROM MANY QUARTERS OF CARTH. Ls Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and from Montreal, reacked Liverpool Fuesday. King Edward's visit to Kiel will be toba, is urging ing the adoption-of a high license system. in that province. 'A bottle thrown into mid-Atlantic by E. F. Kerr, Montreal, in July last, has" just been returned to him from Spain. The marriage of Lady Marjorie Gor- don, daughter of Lord Aberdeen, an. John Sivelair, M.P., a liberal, will take place sgon. Wilcox, the alleged mail robber at Regina, N.W.T., is reported to have confessed. lis trial has been post- poned until next week. Jake own, D.D.S., Cobourg, last' winter's right wing of the Var. sity'\Hockey Club, was presented with a purse of gold by his comrades and the citizens of Cobour}. Evelyn, the younger daughter of W. T. R. Preston, Canadian immioration Commissioner, was married in the Wes- levan church at Warwick, to E. A. Alexander, a London solicitor. John Kennedy, a prominent contrac- tor of Brooklyn, one of the survivors of the famous charge at Balaclava, is dead from pneumonia. He served in the Crimean war as a gunner in the Royal Horse Artillery, - Stephen Jones, Victoria, B.C. pro- prietor of the Dominion Hotel, Vic. toria, B.C., has purchased the Wind- sor - Hotel property for $25,000. He will erect at an early date a first class modern business block. Harry G. Selfridge, who began his carcer as a clerk in the store of Mar- shall, Field & Co., Chicago, at a sal ary of 810 4 week, has just purchased the dry goods establishment of Schle- singer & Mayer for 5,000,000. A drunken man placed a pile of fish plates on the track of the electric line running between Vancouver and New Westminster, and onlv the presence of mind of Mrs. G. Adams prevented a tuck and probable serious loss of re, At Milwaukee '"e supporters of Edward C. Wall defeated the adher- ents of William R. Hearst in the de- mocratic state convention, a resolu- tion instructing the Wisconsin dele gation 'to the national convention at St. Louis to vote for Mr. Wall being adopted. ------------ Treatment For Poisoned Dogs. For dogs poisoned with strychnine a Chicago doctor employs common table salt as an antidote." He pries open the dog's jaws, with a stick, ours in a téacupful of salt and fol lows it with a quart of water. The mes dissatisfied, o tdrates freely, and in doing so rids himséli of the ptison. The doctor says : "My theory is that the stomach on receiving the poison diffuses the solu- into the blood vessels. The injection of the salt changes the osmosic cur- rent and the poison then runs back from the blood vessels into the sto- mach, whence it is ejected by the emetic properties of the salt." Little Game Of Seesaw. Chicago Tribune "Did Herbert wn 2" 8 He did." "How do you know?" "Well, 1 noticed he noticed it, and what's more, he noticed I noticed he noticed it, and I noticed he noticed I noticed he noticed it. If you don't believe it you can ask him. He'll tell you he roticed I noticed he noticed he noticed it; and if that gives you a headache it's your own fault." notice your new ------ A Printer"s Work. "May I print a kiss on your lips ?" I said, And she nodded her sweet permis- sion So we went to press and I rather guess We printed a full edition. According to a magazine devoted to engineering, the Yukon river, which is 2,400 miles in length, is navigable by steamers jor over 2,000 miles. The long green cologne only 2%c. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, tion through the walls of the stomach | Lighting Plant. Chairman Toye, of 'the civic fire and light committee, has received from Expert Ross, Montreal, a statement of what he will charge for preparing plans and specifications in connection with improvements to the light, Heat & Power com, 's plant, and an expert opinion as what is required and how to about it. It is understood that the amount is quite reasonable. The docu- ment submitted By Mr. Ross will be before the fire and light committee at its meeting this afternoon. Chairman Toye does not to leave this matter entirely to his committee, al- though it has power to act, but will bring it in as a rt to the city council at its meeting on Monday t. ¥ t present, the city solicitor, the city engineer and the chairman of fire and light are actively engaged in making e financial arraagements necessary to take over the company's plant. Some persons speak of techni- calities, but the probability is that the plant will be in the hands of the city on July lst. POLICE COURT ITEMS. -- Three Very Obstreperous Lads are Whipped. At the police court, this morning, Cooper and John Cooper, pleaded guilty to a charge of loitering on the streets. They were fined 83 and costs or fifteen days in jail. The three lads who were sent to the House of Providence, yesterday left that institution again yesterday of- Gallagher and O'Keefe took a notion to some oranges in a Brock street grocery and stole them. James Galla- gher, one of the two, was caught and brought before the police magistrate this morning. O'Rourke and O'Keefe returned later. They were all three given a taste of the cat-o'-nine-tails, and were sent back to the House of Providence. ---- Death Of George Holland. George Holland, ex-guard of penitentiary, died at his home in Portsmouth on Tuesday night, aged eighty-three years. He was born at Oxford, England, and came to Canada when a young man. Fifty-five years ago he was married. Surviving are his wife and two daughters and four sons-- Mrs. C. Lewis and Nrs. E. Red- den, Kingston; John, William, James and George, of Portsmouth. By his death Portsmouth has lost one of her best and oldest citizens. He served bis queen and country faithfully for twenty-five years, and retired on a sergeant's pension. He was a guard in the penitentiary for twenty-three years and was retired fifteen years ago, living quietly since in Portsmouth. where he was highly respected for his kind and generous disposition. Mr. Holland was a member of the old Royal Canadian Rifles, and also a Crimean veteran. ' He was a member of the Church of England. Runaway At Craig's Wharf. What might easily have proved a serious accident occurred on Craig's wharf, Monday afternoon. Thomas Makin, Sunbury. was delivering a load of cheese which had been purchased by D. J. MacKinnon, at the warehouse on the wharf. His horses became frichtéened and made a mad dash down the wharf towards the water. The driver who was out of the rig at the time, with rare presence of mind, jumped between the- horses' heads, catching hold of their bridles. He was dragged for some distance in this way but managed to bring them to a stop before they could leap into the water. They were so close, however, that when thev were stopped, one of Mr. Makin's legs was hanging in the wat- er. The waggon was badlv smashed, and the owner somewhat bruis- ed and scratched in the face. but oth- erwise no serious karm resulted. Some Spoke To-Day. Inspector Dawson, who is here to hold an inquiry into alleged penitenti- ary discontent, gave a brief lecture to the guards last evening. He said he had been here two days for the pir- pose, and no officers came to sce him about the grievances complained of in the press, and he, therefore, concluded that there were no grievances. He said he would inform the minister that the reports were got up by some one on the outside and were without foun- dation. It is rerorted that, to-day, various parties were before him and related Try Uno shoe polish, the best cf the best Price 10c. and 25c. things they considered unfair. in all countries owi ing in China in FRENCH LEGATION AT PEKIN. The French Legation at Pekin is one which is just now being watched with unusual interest by three young men, Frank Lee, Thomas ternoon. While wandering the streets, | Se, = shou'd see the ou Wont Mind We hope you won't mind beg prodded gently about your new Buit--for it's time you were thinkiog about it. If every man in town, who goes to the tailor for hig clothes, SUIT ELEGANCE We are now showing, we are very much afraid that some o the tailors would have to close up shop. Bee the three and four button BACK BUITS, single and double-breasted styles, hand-padded col. lars, narrow hand padded lapels and hand-made button holes, Tronsers cut generous ia width, with narrow welted side seams, Yes, sir, wo want you to buy one of these suits ; you will find it satisfactory to the last degree, and come again. Suits, $10, 12, 12.50, 13.50, 15, 16.50, Headquarters for Boys' Clothing also. 200 and $7 per suit. be THE H. D. BIBBY (0. Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. L.ow Shoes! 200 YOUTHS'; BOYS' SUITS on sale this and $2 50 per suit. We have just received their Newest Styles of Low Shoes in : * Black } and Tan. Call and see them. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE Save 'Money! THE SALE OF THE GRAND UNIUN CLOTHING C0. STOCK OF Ready-made Clothing and Gents' Furnishings IS STILL GOING ON. MEN'S SUITS on sale this week at $5, §6 AND CHILDREN'S week at $1, $1.50, $2 Take a look--No one forced to buy. JAS. JOHNSTON, 122 PRINCESS STREET. THE MCTHERS' MEETING. Closed For Season, With Pro- gramme And Speeches. The closing meeting for this season of the Mothers' Union was held in St. George's hall, on Tuesday night, and was a great success. A musical pro- gramme had been arranged by Mrs. Grover, and was most successfully carried out. This consisted of piano solos by Mr. Herbert Robinson, and Miss Jean Paterson, songs hy Nrs. Betts and Miss Bates, who also gave a beautiful duet; Mrs. Nelson, and Miss Mildred Macmorine. Canon Starr gave a humorous reading, which was very much enjoyed. » Dean of Untario, fakes" a great interest in the neat. Ings, was present, and gave a short and witty address, in which le wie most encouragingly of" tne rood work done by the union, ani expressed warm. wishes for its continued success when re-opened in the autumn. Delicious refreshments which were under 'the management of Mrs. Hug- who always to the well-known and open symp athy of France for Russia, and the wing alf of Japan, which may make rat her embarrassing the position of 2e French Diplomatic Representa tives at the Chipese capital. gins and Mrs. Welch, were served at the close of the evening. Special men- tion must be made of the very tooth- some sweets made by Mrs. Thomas Decker for the occasion. The gather- ing dispersed after the singing "For She's a Jolly G Fellow, in honor of Mrs. Grover, jwho is the ori: ginator, and the prescht lead of the mothers' meetings. " THE DAIRY Sf HOOL. ( The Improvements To Be Made There. Toronto News. : J of J. W. Mitchell, superintendent the Kingston Dairy School, called on . A. Putnam at the parliament buildi to discuss the alterations which the government will make the building. There was inserted in the supplementary estimates the st of 89,000 for the purpose of puttaf on an additional ttorey. Accore ny to the plans this will provi): ed » other lecture room, size 28 by 30 fot reading room, = a dressing room '% the students, a milk testing Te and offices for the director. Fhe or er storeys will be used exclu Y butter and cheese- ing. . tendance at the school last session was about 150. ; A -------- Sponges that wont tear. G Red Cross Drug Store. ibson's rse of rte letter. Her pos professional sts give special p utterances. * HICAGO, ILL "AsfarasIh is the finest tonic can use who is y effects of any seric Columbus, Ohio, if ture on catarrh. TO CARR Rate Of Three C Lumb Chicago, May 1 przin"f& bringing ing fleet for tha grams from Can state those not al go to Chicago rates are expected bermen declare th their own market coupled with the the railroads, is threatened paralys lake commerce, ow the Masters' and Town Instry Londen, May 18 cil has added to i instruction of pare babies. To that « printed instructio and prospective pa Rev. C. E. Hopkin council, makes the that the clerk shall aveddings in the to ~of-the-anstructions the council's comp! The Hardest P Is the pain of a perience proves th quickest by Putne Extractor, which hours. Putnam's n es sores. The only nam's. Use no oth The Rig To buy footwear, is Abetnethy's, 12 The Bfitish Hous asked that a mon the late Lord Sa mond being the or o---- (We do net publi eQ SPEAKS. F( 0 CUR HEAD within 3C or money

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