i, and yg ion bottles Ses that begin with n--all catarrh--yy 18 debility Liquozong ret Accomplishing what ng gr, a gs . Bottle Free need Liquoz Jit, din and e will then r local wife Na is, n justice to Yourself p-day, for it pla gation whatever, costs 50c. and §). fever--n hav, this = you will throw away man; WT T hard e on worthless 'so-called cures' and waste Waste precious time, only aay a in HIS coupon the end. | TO? Cael To alo oy phe, medicines failed and I heartily recommend Or Tuay ug it to every one bo Tins, or suspects, kidney trouble. Me, Yarnell and es keep a Fill 'out oe pat, Press Er AM YARNELL, Chicago, nt. : L " Wabash gua ions Ca, ; 8) T. oF ae those who have kidney trouble fox do not know of 'Safe Cure" 58 8 een H T io ave You. ese Fatal Signs? ever tried Liguozon, frequent desire to urinate, painful passi Liguified Ozone, bug * o { ri dod Sr roll iO Sr aen particles in EE ore Biter ) uphly m i a Gc. Bottle oy Spy fou hours, are all absolutely certai certain signs that your kidneys have been dis- You have no Sime tals to lose if jt you ve ny of of these 8, or if any member of eset te a family in in this or gr pot generat aed kidney ora it's hereditary. It's A to neglect the ic agyaior ever for so one 3ag hau Get a bottle of "Safe Cure" at the nearest drug sire fy has © of cases after every other medicine failed, and will surely : a o eT mEuarantend absolutely pure and free from all dangerous drugs found in so many ress--write plahil It has been used and doctor thirt Y. one certain cure for all a T, Jiver ni i roman rer 7.Y000 ot te Fas formerly knews ia Cap *y's Liquified Ozone Russian greatness in limatic," economic and | as the lads, and hy ide one of the small tick like burrs to the furnish, and plenty of , like all other pio- the marriages are eddling with the af- the illustration, while of age, or about the JANGEROUS, Sick .e mind and body PILLS They do tha They wm ep them well with the Kidneys, GIN to relieve the pain sur druggist if they fail to cure, or $2.50, at your druggist's sthorize y C CO, WINNIPEG, MAN | blending that Scot- ge A\WN Cutters, n Hose, S, gs. 0S All drug stores, or direct; $v * dttle, To convince every that Warden's Safe paid. with a prescription for each, and SLY Sufltrer from diseabes 'About + Safe Cure." 'cure-all,' my burden easier b; stealthil : Te an anally to oof lapse comes, aud unless know of Warner's Safe TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. bladder and blood, of the ho kidneys, liv Ever, solutely free, post- cure Also free doctor's advice, and nda A booklet which a al about these diseases of the thousands of testimonials received daily from grateful patients ad yy been a chs] od bs Bute Cure. All you have to do is hc er De Soututads of a aie ore is trata by the oi ' wi d mention name of this "Your Spring Suit, And ! Spring Overcoat Ora ; Nice Raincoat Is your serious question [5 just now. You must ® dress well in order to gain ¥ ga position in life ; the g world demands it. "You & must also be careful about i the style of clothes you [§ buy, If you wear Ready- § 8 Made Clothing you will i he judged by that style of [= g clothing and take a poe M sition in life that that kind §of a man demands, but if ® you show taste about your [§ clothing you will rank high in life. Wm We sell ORDERED Kl can make them up in the i latest style and fit. § Try us for your Spring § Clothes. ABO 4 00 0, : Tailors, etc., 230 Princess St. DAVID HALL, Plumb:r, 65 BROCK STREET. Father, Mother «0d Son Doan"s Kidney Pills. THE WELLKNOWN SPECIFIC FOR Backache, Sideache, Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's Disease, and all Kidaey or Bladder troubles. Read of how a whole wing hme woode nas» Mr. Heary Hedrick, South South Woodslee, eos that Doaa's Kidney Pile ar lar He writes: "1 have tried Doan's Kidney Pills and can honestly say that I never used anything better, I was sobad with my kidneys I could bardly raise my- self up without help but Doan's Kidney Pils Swed me. "My wife was always complaining of a lama back, and they omy cured "Our son was a troubled with his kidneys and as your pills had done us so much good we got him to try them and they cured him as well. They are far ahead of doctor's medicine, and I advise a trial of Doan's Kidney Pills for all sufferers from kidney trouble." | Spice soem a box, or 3 for $1.15, all THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO, TORONTO, ONT. MASS FOR SLAIN KING. Peter, Of Servia, Will Disavow Conspirators. Vienna, May 20.--Die Zeit learns from a valuable diplomatic source in Belgrade that King Peter, acting on the advice of certain foreign govern ments, is contemplating having sol emn mass said for the soul of the murdered Alexander on the approach ing anniversary of his accession, there- by publicly disavowing the conspira tors, who sav that King Peter was indirectly their accomplice. New Delight For Smokers. London, May 14.---Cigarette smokers will be interested to hear of the new brand of cicarettes manufactured by Louis Coen, viz.. "The Roval Beau ties Cigarette." The "special feature of this cigarette is that the selected to- bacco frow which it is made is mixed with certain mineral waters, the sec ret of which Louis Coen alone holds. waters, by their petrifving ac tion, not onlv kill any germs which may remain in the tobacco, but also lend fo it a fresh, cool smoking, and stimvlating effect, which is at once palpable to the cigarette connoisseur. These A toilet necessity. Indis- pensable when travelling. Nodanger of soiling clothes. No bottles to leak. Al ways ready for use. Shines shoes quick as 8 wink. 15¢c a tube. Collapsible Tubes It's so economical, too. | The tube enables you to use just the right quantity of paste on the shoes--and there's no waste. One ap- a r "I do not claim that 'Safe Cure' is a but 1 freely admit that it has made 3p: my badly run ower sys I had' kidney trouble, ur work, At first one dos not recognize the symptoms of kidney disease. Bue. § 3pess you Comments It's at times useful to re-establis Japanese war began. ervbody to know that army has been exclusively created an commissioned ¢ conflict, pecially in view of the boasting of Japanese on land and sea. In November, 1866, military mission was sent to Tt was composed der the command of Capt. minister of war. In Mav, onel - Marguerie Marguerie. This last nrission was com- posed of twelve officers It stayed in Japan until 1888. Nc other military official went to Japan to train the army. It is true officers were at 'times called for con sultation by the mikado, in an individual capacity. It is als to the French comes the sole honor (i honor there is) to have trained anc formed the Japanes¢ armv. I am quite at case these missions, for I was myself a can I would not have broached this sub ject but it's quite irritating ignapant - people boast about. they know nothing about. It's a debt I am now paying to mere facts truth, so as to give every one their due. «eet. Spring has, at last made us once more. Winter, after a stub born resistance, suddenly brole away, prattles, all the sweetness of nature, which makes man so happy to see and live for. I have, in front of my window, a beautiful tree, a vigorous maple, of which the powerful limbs, leafy and numerous, shoot up proudly and then bend gracefully into an immense tuft of fresh and soft verdure. It's an old friend which protects me against the too ardent ravs of the summer sun and 'shelters my home from the cold winds of winter. In the morning, it salutes me with slight rustling of its leaves, through which the gay spring sun scatters its lights in all the recesses of my lodg ing. On evenings, when the noises of the street have ceased, I smoke the cigar of rest, my dreamy eyes fixed in the sombre foliage of its branches, when the light breeze murmurs its monotonous and reposing harmoniss. My visions are transformed and veiled and give life, into its crepuscular in terstices, . to mysterious phantoms, of whom the capricious and fleeting sil- houettes vary and change indefinitely under the caressing sighs of the com- ing night. t's the hour of reveries, the hour of projects, the hour of remembrances, the hour of regrets and lost illusions. I anxiously wait for the end of the day to come and converse with my faithful confident, my silent friend, al ways a kind welcomer. At times, it seems to implore my protection when the brutal gales of the storm trouble its repose. Its quiv ering -branches plunge desperately and suddenly rebound, now and then bend- ing towards me, as in a mute appeal for help. My friend is now making its toilat, pre paring ite summer attire. Its tiny leaves grow rapidly, slightly e¢nrved then slender, delicate, softly tinted with. a reddish hue and pale green. 1 love trees, flowers and all plants. They are a world of mysterious life, the charm of the eves, the delight of all senses, The other day, I saw down trees in our park, I felt a pain accentuate! with each blow of the axes, They were feeble oaks and pop- lars, emaciated and dying weeping willows and ash-trees, to which the meagre soil refused the sap of life. The park ig now like a hecatomb where dead branches and trunks lie helpless- ly in the fresh herbs of the spring. Arbor day is a feast of poetical beauty. Let us always feast flowers and trees and spread the taste of their culture all over our beloved and peace- ful land of Canada. They give orna men cutting mentation, shade and freshness to our cities and country and bring te the melancholy dreamers very tender and sweet emotions. ------------ Why Birds Are Easily Poisoned. London Spectator : Birds seen to have no diserimina- tion whatever in regard to poisons, probably beeause they have almost no' sense of smell and swallow their food without masticating- it. They are ter- rified to paralysis by the appearance of a poison snake (unless 'the terror is due to dread of the appearance of the serpent rather than to an inherited knowledge of 3 venomous power) ; but such intellicent birds as" rooks will pick up and eat poisoned grain, and crows and ravens readily eat poisoned egos or meat. Chickens will eat the poisonous seeds of leburnum and dia from ita effects. Whether birds such as tits and greenfinches ever do so does not seem to be known. But wild birds are feequently found dviog in gardens, though apparently they have been in good health a few hours before, and their death may be proba- histori¢al facts, which have been wils fully misrepresented since the Russo- It's well for ev- the Japanese trained By French officers and non- In the present the sympathies of France go out naturally to its allv. the Russian nation, but it's nevertheless right to give evervone their due. And this es of outsiders, mostly from over the bord- er, who have too great a tendomey to attribute to themselves the successes the first French Japan of five officers and twelve non-commissioned officers. un- Chanoine, now a general of division and former 1872, Col- succeeded Channoine, and in 1874, Colonel Masnier replaced and thirty non-commissioned officers of all arms. mission ever Japanese that several foreign but always true that many naval and land officers received their early military education in European or American schools. But to speak about didate to fill a vacancy, in 1880, but attempted. This prodigal display of wires 'were too weak and when I] medieval luxury and Oriental extea- pulled on: them they broke in my vagance is only in keeping with the hands. progressive policy of the Ringling to hear things and (as 1 said above), its bow to on the lst of May, leaving in its All cases of weak or lame back, wake the usual retinue of green | haekache, rheumatism, will find relief swards, budding trees and flowers, | by wearing one of Carter's Smart balmy air, sparkling waters and bird | Weed and Balladonna Backache Plas Ringling Brothers Present a Gor- geous Dramatic Spectacle, In- troducing 1,200 Characters. Jerusalem and the Crusades, Ring- ling Bros' sublime, beamtiful and in- structive spectacular production, is ted from the religious and his- torical story of which every man, wo- man and child in the civilized coun- tries of the world is familiar. X¢ other narrative of Christian his- tory, with the exception of those h Ueating directly with the birth and life of Jesus, is of such thrilling in- terest to pe of all classes as is the Crus: on which Ringling Bros' magnificent spectacular produc- d | tion is builded. Kings, quecns, prin- ces, lords, nobles, chevaliers, knights, courtiers, functionuries, church offi- cials, attendants, pilgrims, pages, sol- diers, penitents, choristers, theolo- gians, students, serfs, vassals, char- acteristic types of every class, dan: cing girls, singing women, exuberant children and a thousand and one other picturesque characters, give varied animation and color and en- thralling 'interést to the panoramic changes of incident und scene. The grand cathedral at Clermont, France, from whence the historic Crusaders started upon their holy mission, is pictured with classic accuracy and charming coloring. The palace yard of the Emir, the Egyptian rader at the time of the Crusades, is portrayed with voluptuous fidelity, and presents in its passing incidents the most be. witching exemplification of ballet and dramatic art. The grand ballet di- vertissement in this is an ori- ginal conception and more e ptrancing- ly beautiful than any dancing con ceit ever invented and interpreted. The legions of girls employed in evolving the elegant and graceful fig. ures of the novel ballet are' artists, * | graduated from the best masters of the terpsichorean art, lithelv and lissomely young and schsitively prae- tised in Rony. Berl the highest and {| most delightful effects "in ~ dancing 1] ctudy. The barbaric splendors of tne Egyptian court are 'revealed in this revelling scene: upon a scale of mag- nificence and expenditure never hLefore scene » Bros, who have enlarged and improv ed every, department of their efor wong shows, by far the greatest in existence, until now they appear to have reached the climax 'of human possibility. The great shows will ex- Lhibit in, Kingston, Friday, June 3rd, and give two performances only, in the afternoon at two o'clock and in the evening at eight o'clock. ---- ters. Price 25¢c. Try them. No girl apprecigtes her beau at his full value until éome other girl tries to annropriate him. PROTECTION for an lafant in the choice of its food is of the greatest importance. ' Nestlé's Food is nourishing, strengthening, makes bone and sinew and keeps the baby in perfect health, Amico] ole gd Bere bent fae LEEMING, NILES & CO., Selo Agents, Montreal. VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH. giant for the same NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT [modest sum indeed. But they have | the Court of lrvialon par, this Punic | only seven deetive cruisers bi the THURSDAY, Ju 2 hyn Hall on fore, and three of those are shut up TIERsnAY. June 3nd, at, 7:30 o'clock in Port Arthur. At the same time, if By order of the wpe. they fired all their guns only once, the J. W. HENSTRIDOFE, | cout would be £3210. The Pobedia Portsmouth. May. 14th, Jo08™% Clerk (the Vittory) may be taken as the ee -------------------- representative cruiser, for, although ¥ the Russian ships are built of vary- ing designs, they are armed more or Joss the same, The Pobedia carries four 15-inch guns, and a single shot Lawn Fence FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, the on stre tion. people. I can do. Show me the man who is troubled with rheumatism ; show me. the p who says he cannot get cured ; that is the man I want to see. Iwill is nothing for the patient. ders with this Belt of mine and I can do the same for you It is the unseen, mysterious power that It has been the mightiest agency in the development of It gives to the worn-out man new life, new health and ; nerves weak ? If so, throw away all drugs you have, try one'of my get more good from its use in one month than you will from' i you troubled with sciatica ? Victims of this painful affection are with it to need any description. direct to the sciatic nerve 'The Great Novel Tro Nearly everyone knows what a massage treatment is, and. of the finest things for nervous trouble there is. give it must possess an abundance of human electri got. Wity my appliance there is an electrical massage get a nice life-restoring electrical massage treatment, which I will charge you nothin, If you cannot come, write for one of my books. vey spark of life. ngthen the nerves. Come and see me. part of the want said Is that not reasonable ? The by 'th On cel shots amour Take as an example the Mikasa, the flagship of Admiral Togo. The Mikasa is armed with four 12-inch guns, four teen Ginch yuns, twenty 3-inch guns, six pounder guns and six 24 pound ers These 12-inch guns each coxt £6,000, and every shot costs £80. Two shots can be fired in a minute, and thus in a short quarter of an hour the Mika sa's four guns are booming, other guns keep up an incessant fire, Her fourteen 6-inch guns throw some 2t ghells of 100 pounds weight each per minute, and, as cach shell costs £14, the total for 60 seconds is £252. With her 20 3inch guns she ean hurl 240 hells a minute of 12 pounds weight, at the or $620 in all, "The guns on the varions . from twelve and a half' to single pounders, and Maxims, and Norden felts. The 5.5 Canet gun is favored by both sides, particularly by the Russians, It discharges shee at the rate of ten per minute. As aga inst the {£10000 odd for a single shot from all the Japanese guns (excJuding tor pedo boats and destroyers, of course), entails a cost of £60. 6-inch guns and twenty 12 pounders, Frost : = are her guns once There's nothing that will increase Will 'he a lot more enjoyed if you the beauty and the value of your buy a new pair of Abernethy's shoes. home so much as an attractive Lawn re Fence. We are sure we can suit you Ladin, We make. specialty of i ordered or ready-made corsets, an beth anne know what will suit the figure. Call THE FROST WIRE | ©0. Lvs. and examine stock, New York WELLAND, OWT. Reform. i Heary Outta, piano tuner AR1 ey from Chickering's. Orders received at BOARD. MoAuley's bool tn Princess street. bly due to the consumption of poiso. nous bath, etc, 103 ager steset, meat City Park. ap) EIGHTY POUNDS A SHOT. £10,000 Vanishes When The Jap- anese Fleet Fires Its Guns. warfare each These. are guns, and if every gun on the Japan ese battleships and cruisers was. dis charged but once, the total would £10,311 17. 6d ers costs the £3,210 that it would cost, the Rus Big Celebration On 24th. A enotmous cost of modern naval has been amply demonstrated ¢ recent battles in the far east. rtain ships the costliest single have entailed an expense of £80 from the 12-inch it to over £10,000, to be correct cost of £3 each, Je shot from one of her six 3 Mx., while that from pounders, makes ta Fig hole in fleets range thing looks a She haw elven 3inch guns total cost of firing --y £514, ---- the When a sure helping hand is right ord in Kingston ? 2 You hav to send away or take any chances on what you are buying-~you can see a POWERFUL ELECTRIC BELT before you buy. Men, hi is 3 sre cue or ot mantod, varicocele, early decay, or r form peculiar to mankind. taken many kinds of me ber of doctors; ne ln: not despair. There is yet he to my office, get a free much better you charged with give any current, mild ors ance is so made that is can b body, legs or arms, and most severe cases give relief in a minutes. These are facts, kind | ou to come and see for you before, 1 CHARGE NOTHT demonstrate the power of my great Belt. My Belt will cure this hd applying t You also know. rol roller in 4 It is an understood fact that Abernethy' Shoes are the Best and prices the Lowest. | Abernethy's Shoe Store. . Headquartefs for Trunks and Valises, » { $i v oo ecco Staak $ret A NEON a ee tent which, r 3 Lemmon, Trunks and valises at right ites 3 'at Abernethy's shoe store. Claxton & Lawrenson, 351 and 353: Ing Street. --"---- House-cleaning Time ! Calls for house cleaning tools. We have 'em;--Brooms, Buckets, Brushes--all the B's to keep you busy, and make your home look as good as new. If you can think of any thing we haven't 3 mentioned here, we "have "that, too. Oh, we are the bousewife's friend when it comes to "leaning up. 3