p AlN | ) 1€ agents of an a remarkably balance he had IN'S BLACK 14 the lot at g You a special ack imere Sox ht, pure Cash. et. Many have s and toes, oth- Ik run through adds to the s. The regu- greater part of air. rice To-mor. ot air. k Stockings Stockings will nary makes of ur prices are + 20c,, 23c., for Men, ren. IRT . upon ly dur- ected y, at red tyles S them. ya 71ST YEAR. NO. ---- FIRST SECTION. THE DAIL 120 % = » KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, GO-CARTS, BABY CARRIAGES. @ood assortment, all shades of wiholstering. Mattrasses, Spring Bottoms, gron Bed, Odd Dresser and Wash- stands, from $9 to $75. ROBT. J. REID, 222 Princess Street. 2 Doors Above the Opera House, Ambulance Telephone 577. BY JOHN H. MILLS Auction Sale of Furniture, Plano, etc. I HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS «from Felix O'Riley, No. 204 Montreai street, to sell all his furniture, on MONDAY, May 23rd Viz.: Upright Piano, Hair Cloth Parlor Suite, Cobbler and other Rock- ers, Brussel Carpet, Brass Table, Writ- ing' Desk, Sideboard, Parlor and Hang- ing Lamps, Pictures, Hat Rack, Lace Curtains and Blinds, Oil Cloth, Hed Room Set, Wire Cot, New Raymond Sewing Machine, Duchess of Oxford Wheel Barrow, Glass Chairs, Kitchen Utensils, 0:30 am. Piano at 12 " JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. Eye Needs Eyes Carefully Examined and Glasses Properly Fitted. Frames im any style, and pric es to suit every Spectacle or Eye- glass wearer- Optical Repairs promptly & neatly done SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. SELLING OUT ? EMPLOY THE BEST JOHN H. MILLS, Auetioneer. -------- WANTED, « NURSE GIRL, APPLY TO MRS. I. C. Mitchell, 154 Earl street, BOYS, AGES 14 TO 17, STEADY FEM- ployment. Apply to Kingston Hosiery Co. ----------eeeet teen een A YOUNG GIRL, TO ASSIST IN light house work. Apply at' 200 Queen street, TWO FIRST CLASS maids. Apply A. R. ish. American Hotel. CHAMBER Martin, Brit- A SMART BOY, ABOUT 14 YEARS of age. Apply to J. A. Gould & Co., corner of King and Queen Sts. A GOOD SECOND-HAND CAN( must be in good condition terms. Apply by letter, to Whig Office ----n GENERAL SERVANT, MUST BE good cook, light house work and no washing or ironing. © "Apply to Mrs D. Hart, King street, in the evening. HELP. WE WANT A FEW PEOPLE in each locality to work for us dur- ing spare time. Fleasant work. Lib- eral y. Imperial Company, Lon- don, tario. AGENT, LADY DR GENTLEMAN, , in spare tims, can attend to the collection of amy accounts we may have. References. The Business Al- liasice, Toronto. DETECTIVE--Can you spare part of vour time for profitable detective work ? No experience needed. Write American Detective Association, In- dianapolis, Ind. LADIES ~$15 PER WEEK SEWING AT : materials free, no canvassing. sample sent free on receipt of addressed envelope. Majestic Lace Co., New York. BY JUNE 1ST, COMPETENT GIRL, to do general' House work. Good No *' washing, or ironing Apoly. to Mrs. B. W. Folger, 143 King Strect, West. EONTR, CPS TO FURNISH PLANTS and keep lawn and gardens in order by thé season or hour. All work done promptly under my instruction. Geo yd, Nelson street green- houses. PEOPLE TO RAISE MUSHROOMS AT good income. = Experience not neces- sary. English & French Mushroom Spawn Co. Dept. 13, 176 So Water St., Chicago. BIG WAGES FOR AGENTS. MEN and women make handsome wages selling our household specialties. Every family needs them. A thor oughly legitimate business that vou can start in without a cent of capi- G tal. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. te MEN AND WOMEN TO RUN OUR rapid knitting machines at ° their homes, Jaaking work for us to scl DAILY MEMORANDA. To Be Sure of "the latest and best.' Rd Your new -hat from George Mills 0 hats at Campbell Bros. is Ascension Day. City council, 8 p.m., Monday The sun risés {Sunday at 428 am. and sets at 7:26 p.m. Garrison church parade, Sunday, (from cricket field). Sons of England at St. George's Ca- thedral, 7 p.m., Sunday. School children's Empire Day celebra~ ticn, armouries, 2:30 p.m., Monday. Ii a woman really loves a man she doesn't ask him to give up gnything for her sake. Marriage is a failure only when the wedding altar isn't used as an altar for mutual sacrifice. The individual who possesses both dollars and sense is pretty well equipped for the battle of life. "Tis very important That all men shoiild know The best hats are sold By George Mills & Co. It's a curious thing that girls go from the nursery to school and from school back to the nursery. There is hardly anything a woman likes more than to hear that one of her neighbors has called her a snob It's pretty good fun to pretend you're woing to kiss a girl and then to have to do it to apncase her indienation as day in history : Motives) riots, 183 Montrose executed, tice between Turkey and Gr independence of Roumania, 18 Fact. Fact, Fact. De not overlook the fact that while we carry the finest line of China, Glass, etc., we also have at all times the very cheapest to be had in white Earthenware, Plates, Cups, Saucers, Bowls, Jugs, etc., and twenty per cent. lower than elsewhere. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. : Ghe Wheel Of Gime Is always going. Resolve to be on time in future. You can do it without any trou- ble if you GET ONE OF OUR WATCHES We have an elegant assort- ment of Watches, as well as everything that's current and sanctioned by fashion in the Jewelery line. P. B. CREWS,: o Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts. o eececetueseccanscessce IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE -- OF Groceries, Dry Goods, etc. WELLINGTON Wilkin 2:50 p.m., 0000000090000 0909000000rA000000 8 AT THE STORE, strect, lately occupied by G. M. son & Sons, COMMENCING WEDNESDAY At 230 pm, and 8 pm., and every dav and night, until all are sold Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, iroceries, Crockery, Wall Paper, tains, Blinds, and all kinds of goods JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer EMPIRE DAY Celebration by Sehool Pupils in the Armouries MONDAY, 23rd inst At 2:30 p.m. Pupils not in the school procession will not he admitted. Admission of adults to galleries, 10¢c. Doors open at 27 / MINTYRE, K.C. Jou N © smite MACDON AT Secretary-Treas- ou of Education NOTICE. urer, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock Holders of the Cataraqui Ceme- terv Company will be held at the office Drugs, Cur- Chairman of Kirkpatrick, Rogers and Nickle, On- tario Street, on SATURD the 28th day of May, at 4 o'clock, p.m., for' the election eof Directors and for general purposes, relating to the management of the Company. G. W. MAXWELL, Secretary-Treasurer 20th May, 1904 PIANO BARGAIN steady opt mood pay: write to-day: hindrance ddress | gary One $4.50 Gerhard Melntzman Home Industrial Knitting Machine ab Grand Co., Box 339. Windsor. Ont Cabinet Left. EE i This magnificent Piano, a genuine FOR SALE. $150 instrument, will be sold at a big --_------------ lena for Cash Can be scen at 383 A JERSEY COW, SEVEN YEARS Johnston street eld, also Two Sets of Grocer's EN E----T -- Scales, at 141 Johnston street LOST. A GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE: AL-|A SHINEE ad re DAY, thie id Sk, or Punt, Apply at greenstone Finder kindly return te a -- Wh g Office. 4 SKIFFS FOR SALE. A BLACK CHATELINE BAG. CON- iW, 2 7 t eg an Alligal er Purse NES BEST WHITE CEDAR, 17 TO taining an. Alligal i Fedde 8 ft. Apply to A. McCorkell, cor- ner Gore and Ontario streets. in it 0 NOT A FACT! That Kuroki Has Been Severely Repulsed RUSSIANS' ACT COMPELLED THE JAPANESE ¢ TO RETREAT. Four Bayonet Charges Made Against The Japanese--Skryd- loff Has Gone To Vladivostok --It is Likely Squadron Will Dash For Port Arthur, Special to the Whig. London, May 21.--So far as can be judged from the news, thus far re- ceived here, the St. Petersburg rumor of the repulse of Gen. Kuroki with great loss is untrue, and is based on the engagement of May 18th, report- ed by Gen. Kouropatkin, which was little more than a skirmish. The fact seems to be that no important infor- mation is more likely\to be available now than hitherto, 'éfther from the the Russian or Japanese side until presevIey Has Been Repulsed. St. Petersburg, May 21. --A report has been re- ceived here saying that Gen. Kuroki has been re- pulsed with great loss. $2444 4020 commanders have had the final say. Two or three special . correspondents with the Russians send colorless mes- sages which throw no light on the situation. A despatch to the Central News fram Harbin states that A 'niral Skrydlofi has left Harbin for Viadi vostok. The correspondent adds that the five cruisers and fifteen destroyers of the Vladivostok squadron will probably make for Port Arthur. * Russian Cruiser Lost. Tokio, May 21.--A rrastworihv re port has been received av imperial headquarters that the Zussian cruiser Bogatyr ran ashore outside Viadiyvs tok in a heavy fog and was destroy ed. This is the first ship of the Vladivostok -squadron to be destroy- ed. The Russians Are Gleeful. St. Petershurg, May 21.--An official report has been received to the effect that Gen. Nennenkempfi's Cossacks fell on the Japanese columm advan- cing on Feng-Wang-Cheng, on Wed nesday, and that the Japanese were compelled to retreat for a distance of twelve miles. The Russians have ova cuated Kiapin (or Kaichou) about thirty-five miles south of New Chwang without a fight. The general 'staff attaches great im- portance to the Russian success against the western wing of the Ja- panese advance." believing that they have outflanked a movement that was destined to circumvent Gen. Kouro patkin. The newspapers treat the en gagement as a great victory. They say that the Russians made four bayonet charges against the Japan- ese. Admiral Alexieff has telegraphed to Grend Duke Alexis a despatch which he received from Rear-Admiral Wigert, Thursday night, which hy mail, on confirms the report that a Japanese battle ship, apart from the Hatsuse, was damaged by a mine off Port Ar thur on Sunday. Reer-Admiral Wig ert writes that after he sinking of the ship Hatsuse and the damage to the other warship, he wnt sixteen tor redo boats to harrass the (memy and should a favorable gpportumity pre sent itself to attack ihe ships separ ately. Five of the @aisers opened fire with all their heavy runs on the tor pedo boats, but the latter returned without loss The damaged ironclad then disappeared' below the horizon with the attendant cruisers escaping irom the flotilla. The admiral stated that there is no yundation for the report that the cruiser Bogatyr has been destroyed The squadron, the admiralty asserts, is intact at Vladivostok. A Big Battle. Berlin, May 21.--A despatch to th Tageblatt, from Harbin, says that the Japanese have retired from before Haiching. A despatch from Harbin, to the Lokal Anzeiger, says that a big hat tle is expected near Haicheng. To Have Free Ports. Paris, May 21.--The Fcho de Paris save that Russia has decided to make all the ports of her Pacific possessions free. This is intended to meet the objections of the United States and Great Britain to Russia' occupation of Manchuria. The Si. "Petersburg correspondent of the sdéme paper tele graphs that negotiations are in pro gress for a rapprochement between Russia and Germany, with a view to an agreement similar to that reached by England and France. Big Fire In Montreal. Special to the Whig Montreal, May 21.--The carriage fac tory of Bledeoux & Co.. one of the finest structures of its kind in Cana- da, was completely destroyed by fire. Loss $250,000 or £300,000 When You Want The Pest. BRITIS MAY 21, 1904. th MUCIE CAPITAL, -- Fidkrishing Co-Operation in Eng- d. Shecial jo oe 21.--Nowhere else in the world do co-operative societies flourish as they do in England. If any one were inclined to doubt this state: ment he would have been convinced of its eatire truth had he been present to-day at Stratford, where 2,000 dele- gates were assembled at the opening of the annual co-operative congress. The delegates eame from every corn- er of England and represented no less than 7,000,000 of the population. The al of these societies apg fabulous figures and the pro- fit to the members is v great. In Stratford alone the societies have a membership of 33.00 000, among whom more than $125, was distributed during the last Er The congress will continue one week and will be devoted to discussions of the co-operative movement in all its phases. The delegates will also in- spect the great industrial institutions in the ncighborhood, including the Great Eastern railroad shops, the Woolwich Arsenal, and the Albert and Victoria Docks. TO BE PUT IN SHAPE. Napanee Has Made An Addition To ol Park. Special to the W Napanee, May or ~The Friday ex cursions to Belleville and Trenton be gin the first Friday in June. The Ella Ross, so other seasons, is vi to carry 10 carry the excursion- I oat A. Chiff has secured the con- tract for retonstructing the two stores in the Grange k recently damaged by fire. The first two stores are al- most ready for occupancy now. One of the frame houses on the park property was, this week, removed to Carscallen's property on Water street, and put in repair for renting. Anoth er of the houses will be removed next week. The park is being put in shape as fast as possible and before long the ground will be levelled and seeded down and walks laid through the newly acquired property. ------------------ JEWISH UNIVERSITY. For New York Discussed By Wealthy Hebrews. Special to the Whig. New York, a. 21.--At a meeting of prominent Jews from all parts of the country the plan of establishing a Jewish University on a large scale was discussed at some length and with considerable enthusiasm. Many prominent rabbis jand speakers eox- pressed themselves in favor of the plan and it was Jeet of the movem spirit for the literature in all parts of (he country and to educate mais and teachers. The university shall stand on equal footing with Yale, Harvard amd the other great institutions of learning in this country and it is expected that it will tend to promote Jewish learning and spread the Jewish reli gion in the United States. STAYS WITH GLOBE. stated that the ob- was to create a of Jewish J. A. Macdonald Emphat- ically Denies Rumor. Toronto, May 21.--Rev. J. A. Mac: donald asked regarding the truth of a report that he was about to resign his position as editor of the Toronto Globe, sgid : "You have the best authority for denving in the most absolute and un qualified manner all rumors of that kind. My relations with the manage ment and the stafi of the Globe have been, and are, of the ost cordial nature; and, up to the present mo- ment, nothing has happend to case the slightest suspicion or strain. Fyven if the court sends me to jail for con tempt, | would return to the Globe, and leave mv cell for the imaginative individual who makes a business of originating stupid and impertinent rumors." Rev. World's Press Parliament. Special to the Whig : St "Louis, Mo., May 21.--P. V. ling, of Minneapolis, president of Col the National [Editorial Association, pre sided over the concluding session of the World's Press parliament to-day Among the distinguished speakers were. Fritz Rotiers, editor of the Chronique, I'nt ussels; Gustaf Gullhery editor of Tidningan, Stockholm; D. A van Waalwyvk, of Het Nieuwsglad Amsterdam, and Croshy 8. Noyes of the Star, Washington, D.C. Mr. Sutherland's Health. Ottawa. Ont, May 21 ~My, Suther land has left for Woodstock in « he govertmont cars, There i talk of his t r an occan voya fire his ret but it ix not i rified by anything Mr. Sutha { himself has said Left For New York. Special to the Whig Toronto, Mav 21.--N. W. Rowdl K.C., and W. T. White have left Tor York to investigate the for the Ontario onto for New Soo reorganization government. Healy Dead, Too. Sherbrooke. Que, May 21.---Henry Healy, injured in the arcident at the Canada Paper. company's works, Wind sor Mills, on Wednesday, died Thurs day evening in the Sacred Heart Hos pital. BE A Ten Years Franchise. Special to the Whi Peterboro, Noy "9 ~The (Canadian Machine Telephone company, Toronto, received a ten years' franchise from the Peterboro council, on Friday night. ---- Campbell Bros. For Hats. Children's straw hats from' 10c. up Have vour tried an "Elk" the new drink at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Butter, fresh grass, 17c.; eggs, 15c. Crawford. Beantiful soft sponges at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Albernethy's for best vaiuz in foot- Wear, 3 for its return to | Store fountain, WORLD NEWS. Despatches From Near And Distant Places, EVENTS OF DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read: and And Remembered. Moosejaw, N.W.T., is spending $150, 000 on civic improvements, Winnipeg street railway employees are demanding increased wages. The London limes js to reduce its price to one penny. It is now three pence. Victor Geolirion, MP. for Vercheres, may be soon appointed postmaster at Montreal. The International convention will be held in year from July, Brantford's special committee will unanimously recommend a municipal telephone system. The Allan liner Hibernian, ashore on the Newfoundland coast, is likely to prove a total loss. The third body within a week has been found floating in the Ottawa riv- er at Kettle Island. The Ottawa public schaol board will have to pay ten cents per ton more for coal than was paid last year. The iron industries of Russian Pol- and are suffering as a result of the war and thousands of workmen are Sunday school Toronto a idle. E. B. Osler, in an interview at Win. nipeg, expressed the opinion that the federal elections will be held this au- tumn. At Romeo, Mich., six out of sixteen members of a charivari party, three of them women, were shot while serenad- ing a newly-married couple. The steamer Turret! Bay, struck on the rocks off 'St. Paul's Island. Of the fourteen saved by the life-boat, five died before reaching shore, The citizens of Ottawa will tender a banquet to Hon. N. A, Belcourt, speakor of the House of Commons on June Ist. The affair will be non- ole tical in charactes, Considering life without children wor worth living, Mrs. A, N. , wife of an Aledo, 111. Physician, o commit ted Wha couple had suicide by hanging. been five y Carnegie told ads of Edinburgh University yesterday that the epitaph cn his tomb would likely be, "Here lies a man who knew how to get around cleverer men than himself." Hon. John Dryden inistu of ag riculture, and Prot. G. E. Day, of the Ontario Agricultural College, will sail for England on June 10th, to purchase thoroughbred stock for the rollege farm ' A "'deal" has been arranged between the political parties in British Colum- bia by which ell, election protests are dropped. 'As part of the "deal" J, F, Fulton is appointed provincial sécre- tary. HOLLAND BUILDING. Was Opened At The World's Fair To-Day. Special to the Whig. St. Louis, Mo., May 21.--The Hol land building at the World's Fair was formally daélicated to-day with ad: dresses by President Francis of the exposition, G. H. Ten Broek, the Hol land commissioner and others. The binlding is one of the handsomest cdi fices of any of the foreign buildings at the exposition. It is an exact repro. duction of the Rembrandt house just outside Amsterdam. A garden of tul- ips, geraniums and other flowers has been laid out in the formal style of Ditch houses in rectangular flower beds. The inside of the house is divid ed into two rooms, one of which con tains Rembrandt's famous masterpiece the "Night Watch." Princeton Day At Fair Louis, Mo., May 21.- Young men and old men wearing badges or bows of orange and black ribbon were much in evidence at the exposition grounds to-day. All of them were pra duates of Princeton University and they were present to help in the cele bration of Princeton Dav at the great fair. Their headquarters were at the New Jersev state building, where there wad held during the dav a meeting of the Western Association of Princeton clubs. The meeting was attended hy Princeton alumni from Cincinnati, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha and numerous other places, St. Baseball On Friday. Eastern League.--At Rochester, 0 ; Providence, 2. At Buffalo, 2; Balti: more, 0. At Toronto, 8; Newark, 0. American League.---~At Boston, 2; St. Louis, 6. At Philadelphia, 5; Cleve land, 8. At Washington, 3; Detroit, 0. At New York, 3; Chicago, 2. National League.--At Pittshure, S; Boston, 2. At Cincinnati, 10; Philadel phia, 0.- At St. Louis. 4: Brooklyn, 0, At Chicago, New York, 2, May Cost Mother's Foot. Moncton, N.B., May 21. -Mrs. John England, at, Adamsville, Kent county, was shot in the foot terday. Her son was going Ihmting, and whilst fiking up the gun in the house, the wehpon was accidentally discharged. The contents lodged in his mother's foot, severing it. It is provable the foot will rewuire amautation. Egg. phosphate or coffee nogg at Gibson's Red Crow. Drug, Stote foun- [ you buy your shoes at Abernethv's. BLEW HER UP, ---- To Finest Tg Falling Special to London, fre 20.--A Lie St. James Gazette from , Japan, dated to-day, after con the re- port of the stranding of the Russian protected cruiser Bogatyr, on the rocks near the entrance to Vladivos- tok adds that the Bogatyr subsequent- ly was blown up by the Russidns to prevent her falling into the hands of the Japanese. Were Near Port Arthur. Tokio, May 21.--An official despatch from Viceroy Admiral Togo reports that the Japanese gunboats and tor- pedo destroyers reconnoitered toward Port Arthur vesterday, steaming close to the entrance to the harbor. sustained little damage from the fire of the shore batteries and despite a hot crossfire there were no casual- tim, Japs Approaching Mukden. St. Petersburg, May 21.--A roport wired to the Russian capital to-day says that a detachment of Japanese is approaching Mukden, A telegram from Liao Yang states that Gen. Kouropatkin has strongly fortified Liao Yang, &nd iofends to await the Japanese, and engégo them in battle there, Routed The Russians. Tokio, Mav 21.--The Japanese forces which landed at Taku Shan on Thurs- day surrounded and routed a force of Russian cavalry at seven o'clock on Friday evening in the neighborhood of Fang Tune. seven miles north of Ta- ku Shan. The Russian force which consisted of about one squadron, lost many men killed or wounded, as well as a captain, who was captured. The Japanese sustained no losses. Russians Still Hold Railway. Mukden, May 21.--The main body of the Japanese forces, estimated at S0O,- 000 men, remains south of the Rus- sian troops who are covering Lino Yang. They have apparently suspend- ed their advance. This inaction, cnuses sur] ie and some satisfaction, as every day's postponement of a civive engAgement is considered Ta- vorable for the Russians, who are dally incrunsing Shai forces and' are enabled by t ay to Ciegtien their positions. It is supposed the recent rains hampered the ments of the Jupuaa army, "a compelled a temporary halt. Russians 'still hold the railway to Tehikiau, s CANADIAN WORKMEN Discriminated Against On Repairs To Bois Blanc. Special to the Deis gi Amherstburg, Ont. May 21.~Citi- zens claim that the Canadian work- men are being discriminated against on the repairs to Hois Blane Infand They state that the Canadian wor: ingen have been discharged iy the foremaa of ~the works, and that Ame- ricans have received their places. island being a Canadian one, Auld, M.P.P., will he asked to the matter before the proper au ties. A BIG TUNNEL, | Calais And Dover May Be Coh- nected. » Special to the Whig. Paris, May 21.--It is announced that cighty-five French chambers of com merce have passed resolutions in favor of a tunnel from Calais to avoid the rough passage between Fng- land and France by way of the chan- nel. It is now suggeste® that a mon- ster petition be arranged signed by people on both sides of the channel, Ontario Appointments, Special to the Whig. Ottawa, May 21.--The "governor-gen- eral has been pleased to. make the fol- lowing appointments : John Wesley Greenw Ottawa, to be commissioner of dominion lands in the room and stead o/ John Gilland- ers Turriff, resigned. Henry Foreman, Collingwood, Ont. to be harbor master for the port of Collingwood. Everything is in readiness for the laying of the corner stone of the main building of the University of Ottawa on Empire day. The honor of band: ling the trowel has fallen to Mgr. Sharetti, who represents Pope Pius X, in Canada, and the ceremony will be followed by speeches by Cardinal Gibsons the Bishop of. Valley- field. Campbell Bros. $2 Derbys. Are easy fitting and extra light. Special values in Corsets, 20¢., 40c., . and up New York Dress Reform' Big value for little money when American blouses "for boys 6 to 14 years from 50c. up. Livingston's. Saturday Night ane Taylor's HOSIERY ! Our stock is all carefully selected for superior quality and serviceableness, for artistic patterns and permanent coloring. We carry an assortment that enables us to supply every need, from the boys' strong hose, or the smallest infant's socks, to the more elaborate lace patterns for woman. Ladies' Cotton Hose, Aanhraideted), Bead Spots and Stripes; special, 26¢. Ladies' Cotton n Howe, wd WhES I vy and White; Ladies' Cotton + nT Sanaticy bam wie oR Ladies' Lisle Hose, (Lace Work: wood patterns, very fine, at 87¢c. to he. Ladies' Cotton Hose, (plain), at 100, 124c. 15c., 20¢. to 40c. ies' Cashmere Hose (summer ht), special, at 20c., 2bc. and 38¢. Children's Ootten H Hone. Ribbed) 10 ioe knee, double sole, 84, at 17c. to 20e. Children's Silk a noi; Flak Sky and Cream: sizes, te 64: from 28c. to 8%e. All are worth your motice. MILLER~On May Hisbeth R relict icy jot uneral on the taste is being acquired very Iv, judging by our increased sales. carry a large stock in all sized bottles. Olives at 23¢. per pottle. Olives at 30c, per bottle. Olives at 83¢. per bottle. Olives at 50¢. per bottle, Olives at 60c. per bottle. Olives at 75¢, per bottle. | Olives at 90c. per bottle. Olives at $1 per bottle. Stuffed Olives at 28c. per bottle, Stuffed Olives at 85c. per bottle. Reding, Ge Cw