nplaing ality of IXCuses 'them {OUNG MEN'S SUITS, | ren want and will have, 1 ) longer a boy to us--he s OLOTHING WANTS g man, him, styles must be just ion, )Y, and there's many a and See! 12.50, $13.50, $15. $10 and $12. --A mighty useful ood rain or shine, fe Gown . hia oY new. BY C0, Oak Hall. [Hf KEEPING ombination of a pair of few tools, and a grain of . This will be found a ul and a very convenient ion, that will save you bense in general repain urnish Tools, the finest ade, . and many othe hat are handy about be 'BIRCH Kingston. ARGAINS Y Union ING SALE RGE SUITS, sizes turday they 0 38. Sold here at vey go at $5. § 0 33. Sold here at y they go at , CAPS, etc, 8 STON, ME GEORGE KING, Députy Sherif of Rensellaer Co., N.Y., for years was & well known merchant of Troy. In a letter from No. 45 King St., Troy, N.Y. he writes: "Peruna cured me from what the doctors were afraid would turn into Bright's Disease, after I had suffered with catarrh of the bladder and kidney trouble, "Peruna is a blessing to a sick man. Eight bottles made me a well man and were worth more than a thousand dol- lars to me. I cannot speak too hig iy of it. It is now four years since I troubled, and I have enjoyed pore health since."--George King. A Prominent Member of I. 0. 0. F. Threatened With Bright's Disease.-- Pe-ru-na Restored Him to Health, 0, Fred Lindstrom, Past Grand Master Independent Order of Odd Fellows, writes from 1923 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn.: ee #1 contracted a severe cold several years ago, which from neglect developed into urinary trouble, and threatened Bright's disease. I'uscd Peruna faith- fully for three and one-half months, when my health was perfect once more. I have never had any trouble since." 0. Fred Lindstrom, Catarrhal inflammation of the mueous lining of the kidneys, also called "Bright's disease," may be either acute or chronic, The acute form produces symptoms of such prominencé*that the serious nature of the disease is at once suspected, but the chronic variety may come on so gradually and insidiously that its presence is not suspected until after it has fastened itself thoroughly, upon its vietim. At the appearance of the first symp- tom Peruna should be taken, This rems edy strikes at once at the very root of the disease, A book on catarrh sent free by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O, TO-LET. rr SUMMER oTTAGHS DWELLINGS, Stores, Offi McCann's Real Es tats office. ST 'Brock street. FURNISHED, OR UNFURNISHED, eight-roomed. house, with all modern improvefuents, 91 Clergy St., West. Apply at Crumley Bros. dry goods. THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, on! i Umion Street, kmown as * Calder- | weod." Possession about the first of | May. Apply Walkem & Walkem. | FOR THE beautifully located on the urch ill, in the village of Marysville. For furthet particulars apply ** Post- master." Wolfe Island APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT DE. erable Store, at present occupied by Taylor & Hamilton, as Tinsmiths and Plumbers, on Wellington street, with large workshop in the rear. COTTAGE, SUMMER, ON Avnply to Felix Shaw. 115 Bagot St. House-cleaning Sales Your labor seems in valr if vou do | not procure something new in the furni- | ture line. These are a few things which may in- | terest you i-- | | | | One Solid Birch Bedroom Sett. in Gol- dem Finish, British Bevel Mirror, x 20; only $15. One Brass Iron Bed, Swelled, and only | $7.50. o One Combination Bed Couch, only Two Children's Cots, in Solid Oak, only | $3, spring attached. i These are close outs at these prices Use Furniture Restorer, } in Velours, Established 1854 JAMES REID, | | The Leading Undertaker Open a" and nigel Sesutmal ve services If You Want To buy a Dwelling, Building | Lot, Farm, Country Store, or a City Business, please call and see our list and get particulars. i A. F. BOND. 63 Clarence _St., i Real Estate and Insurance. WOOD YARD--JUST OPENED |. Corner of Barrack and Bagot Streets. Hard and Soft Slabs constantly on hand | J. GORRIE. Ji SALE BY TENDER. HOUSE AND LOT, FIFTH STREET. ! City, at present occupied by Mr | Gates. One-third cash, balance in in-| stalments, at office of J. A. Gardin | Tenders 11 treet. rece od "aa clock, May 18th, . 1904, | TAXES 1901, 1902 and 1903 WARRANTS ARE NOW BEING 1S- sucd for all taxes, including Street Wa- tering, and Sewer Rents, for the above vears Owners of vacant lands should sce that the taxes are paid for at once, otherwise their property will be offered for sale Ww. KING, Collector. 1904. Kingston, May 19th, ay {SUMMER FUEL Dry Slabs and Soft Wood At right prices. S. ANGLIN & GO0., Foot of Wellington St. 9 KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unequalled (acilities for securing posh tions. Largest and best equipment in Canada 821 Queen street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life TNuilding, Toronte Soap That Dyes! " MaypoLr '!--that's the name of cake of soap that makes success ccensial dyeing at home cleanly, + Faccesdt ut, safe. " fast and bri nl -- Shade. No streaks, No mess of trouble. Give yourself 8 FHaypole real pleasant treat with Soap cleanly * Maypole" Made in England, but said everywhere soc for colors. 15¢ for black. Bread! Bread! Bread! THE SCIENTIFIC BREAD MACHINE of the gifts the flour and mixes 10 lbs . most perfectly digestible bread in 3 minutes A very remarkable invention Bread, when risen, can be put into the pans without using any more flour to | keep it from sticking to the hands Spves flour, labour, money and such bread that people come miles to rot it Sold on trial and approval Ar for Booklets, with the most in- teresting inforination, to the Agent, at New "Windsor Hotel, City TO CONTRACTORS. TI ND ERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT Y undersigned, (where i specifications may be seen), up yok, p.m., MONDAY, 23rd inst Trades Works required in improvemeaits to the of Messrs. Mahood eral ertain premises raking business g.. in this city Lowest Of any RENLANDS. Architect, fice, 258 Bagot Street tender not necessarily d wM {Or r. George F. Baker, Dentist, 171% Welineton St, 2 doors from viarchants' ank. occ BRIGANDS RE: 'TREAT INTO MOUNTAINS ' Warships Under Orders--Two Squadrons Will Go To Tangier To Aid in Hunt for Kidnapped Men. Washington, May 21.--Mr, Pordica- dis, the wealthy American resident of Tangier, Morocco, and his stepson, a British' subject, who were captured by brigands, were carried into the moun- tains where pursuit is almost impos- sible. The state department las been advised to this effect by Mr. Gum- mere, United States comnsul-general at Tangier. He also reports that no terms have been received from the brigand chief, Mr. Gummere says the Moorish au- thorities are assisting in every way they can and adds that a war vessel will be of great assistance. He asks for a big one. -_-- It is learned at the state depart- ment that lon Pardicadis is really a native born! American citizen, His father was a Greek resident at Tren- ton, N.J., where lon was born sixty- five vears ago. During yesterday the state depart- ment that Ion Perdicadis is really a from people who have known Perdi- cardis, appealing for instant action in his behal Acting Secretary Loomis has . in- structed Consul Gummere to demand of the Moorish government that it take sweeping measures to procure the release of Mr. Perdicardis even if necessary to accede to the terms of the brigands. Admiral Chadwick when he reaches Fayal, will receive orders to proceed with the whole south squadron to Tangiers, while Admiral Jewell, with the newly-formed European squadron, who is about three days behind Ad miral Chadwick, will be ordered to follow to Tangier. if the emergency still exists. JAPANESE RETREAT. Dislodged From Four Positions Covering Fifteen Miles. St. Petersburg, May 21.--The follow- ing despatch from General Kouropat kin to the emperor, dated Liao-Yang, May 19th, has been received : A detachment of Cossacks engaged a detachment of the Japanedé advance guard on May 18th, north of Feng Wang Cheng, in a mountainous di trict. The fight began in the morning and lasted until 2.3) o'clock ia the af ternoon "The Japanese were successfully dis lodged from four positions, extending over. fifteen miles. "The pursuit of the Japancse was stopped at Datiantsy, thirteen miles north of Feng Wang Cheng. "Our casualties were six wounded, ,two horses killed and horses wounded. "There is no trace the Valley of Tsanhoka, road leading to the "Tchangouline Pass, eighteen miles north of Feng Wang Cheng, or in the valley of the Ai river from Saimatsa to Kuan Dian San on the road to Dou Sian Lintsa. "A squadron Cossacks wight of the enemy in as far as the of Japanese cavalry which left Kuan Dian San on May 17th, for Saimatsa was repulsed by one of our patrols at Schaogo, twelve miles from Kuan Dian San. The patrol retired without loss. "Japanese infantry, strong, advanced May Salitszaipudza, which was Mgy 16th." Taken By Storm. Chicago, May 21.---A special to the Daily News from Tokio says : "Port Arthur is to he taken by storm the moment proper preparations | have been completed. Siege guns have vet to be placed in position and the land forces appointed for the assault have to be strengthened. "The. vnexpected loss of two fine ves scls have emphasized the insecurity of sea power, and the authorities feel that no ch:nces must be taken that would encourage Russia to send out the Bgl tic fleet counting on finding a harbor of refuge in Port Arthur. two thousand 15th, toward evacuated "It is realized that the storming of the fortress will inovitably cost many lives, but it is said that the waters where the Japanese ships are forced to manoeuvre are becoming so dangerous because of floating mines that heroic measures are "Under the thought that mperative. circumstances it is life will be vepnomized stronghol"? ond elim by storming the inating it and the ad scent waters from the arca of actual conflict." CONTRACT GIVEN MARCONI, Seven Wireless Stations To Pro- tect Shipping. Montreal, May 21.--The 'Dominion government; through Hon. Mr. Pre. fontaine, micister of marine and fish eries, has rigned a contract with the Marconi Telegraph company for the establishment of seven stations at the mouth of the St. Lawrence. The con tract calls for the completion of the seven stations by April Ist, 1905. F, W. Fishback, manager of the ecom- pany, said that the first four stations to he erected would be Fame Point, Heath Point, Point Amour, and Belle Isle. These four stations would he completed and placed in operation by July 31st. The three remeining sta- tions would be at Cape Race, Sable Island, and a point near Canso. Are On The Staff. Reo Dupuis, Marshall and Wil nson, of Queen's; Rev. Dr. Macgilli- vrav. Dr. C. K. Clarke, Principal W. 8S. Ellis, Misses Shaw (drawin~' Ad ams, (paper work and junior kinder methods). and Sparks (house hold science), arc among the lecturers for the Kingston Summer Schocl. Decoration Day. Spend decoration day at Rochester amir "North King"' leaves Friday, 27th, at 3 p.m. Fare $2.50, good to return un'il 30th, garten When You Want The Pest. Butter; fresh grass, 17c.; eggs, Crawford. 15¢. Air tight moth proof bags at Gib- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. at lowest prices court this morning The Lockett shoe store will be open for business Monday evening, The army service foot powder, 10c. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. nations commenced this afternoon. Do. not forget the special bargains in corsets. New York Dress Reform, John Sears went down to Brock- ville, this afternoon and will remain there over the holiday, Sce handsome display, boys' blouses in Livingston's window, After the wrestling contest last ev- ening, the two contestants were ban queted at the Windsor by their many friends. Our special bargains are for Satur- day night and Monday only. Roney & Co. Essence Vanilla only 3¢. bottle. Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store, The suplo¥ees of the Kingston street railway aim that one of their motor men ix developing marvellous powers as a weather prophet. Boys' suits for 24th, Livingston's to- night. Penitentiary Inépector Dawson left vesterday for Ottawa, but will rentrn shortly to further enquire into the affairs at the local institution, Ladies before buving elsewhere; see our values in ordered or readv-made underpriced. corsets. New York Dress Reform. A young man who veeontly escaped from th: asylum at Prockville was taken charge of by. the city poliea last night. He will be sent back to the asvium. Boys' knee pants underpriced. Liv- ingston's to-night. The steamer America has heen char tered by Joseph Nash for the holiday and an excursion will be run from Ogdensburg, Prescott and Brockville to this city. The other steamers of the White Squadron will be on = the Kirigston Cape Vincent route. Sore, tired feet instantly relieved hy army service foot powder, l0e. Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. The beautiful big hat store of George Mills| is literally filled with suthmer oad gear for men and boys, girls and children. It is safe to say that in no one store in either Toron to or Montreal can a larger or more varied assortment of stylish hats be found. The millinery department of the Somerville Co. is up-to-date, with the choicest of hats, bonnets, and trim- mings... Let the Somerville Co, have your order, \ resident on Princess street claims that the railroad company's proposed switch in that block would prove a hoon to men of business in that por tion of the city instead of a hindrance. He said that passengers on the cars would often have time to 'stop off to quench their thirst. We always do as we advertise. and our patrons know it. Roney & Co. The Empire Day committee of the Board of Education has concluded all arrangenients for the demonstration in the Armouriés on Mondav. The trustees will oetupy the platform. Quite a few ofl chaitmien of "the various schooly # pupils, ------------------ # MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ---- What is Going om ia Harbor and Elsewhere. parade with the Craig's wharf ; Michi gan, up. Garden Island : Steamer Tecumsch and consort cleared for Toledo. The steambarge Westport cleared for Smith's Falls with géneral cargo. Crawford's wharf : Schooners Trade wind and Rutherford, from Oswego, with coal Repairs to the schooner Grantham on the marine railway at Portsmouth have been completed, Steamer Lake Swift's wharf : Steamer Rideau King, from Ottawa to-night; schooner Acacia expected from Oswego to night with coal, Ihe steamer White Star, partly burned at Toronto last summer, has been purchased by the Montreal and C ornwall Navication company M.T. company elevator : = Steamer Rosemount: and from Fort William, of wheat, consort, Minnedosa with 140,000 bush and will clear this evening ee. HAD TO PAY UP. -- Margin Stock Buyer Ordered To Pay. Montreal, May 21.4 Another case of a youth of twenty dabbling in stock gambling wax decided in appeal ves terday. A voung man named Braul tried to follow Dan J. Sully's flight in cotton, hut was on the wrong sid: of the market and dropped 21,200 which was 200 more than his de posit, . He refused to pay the broker on the ground that it was a gamb ling transaction The broker sued and the court decided it was u legal business transaction. pen For All Children. Baby's Own Tablets is a medicine good for all children, from the feoll est infant whose life seems to hang by a thread, to the sturdy boy whose digestive apparatus oceasic nally gets out of order The tablets instantly relieve and promptly cure all stom ach and bowel troubles and all the minor ailments of little ones. Thous ands of mothers have proved the truth of these statements, among them Mrs. Robert Morton, Deerwood, Man, who save: "Baby's Own Tab lots have hi Iped my baby more than anything I ever gave him. I can con- scifntiously recommend the Tablets to all mothers" We give you a solemn assurance that the tablets do not con tain one particle of opiate or harmful drug. They do good--they never can do harm, and all children take them as readily as candy. SoM by medicine dealers or sent post peid at 25c. a box by writing the Dr. Wi liams' Me dicine Co., Brockville, Cut. ---- Moved To Texas. : J.T. White, has received a letter from his daughter, Mrs, H. B. Sewall, stating that her hushand, an electrical expert, had been. removed from Lowell, Mass, to Dallas, Texas, to mnnage a large concern. They are now in their southern home. Mrs. Sewall was ill for a time after arriving there, but is Abernethy's for up-to-date' footwear There was no session of the police The primary medical council exami- VICINITY NEWSPAPERS. The News Put Into Condensed Shape -- The Episodes That Create Talk In The Country And Herabouts. Mrs. Thomas Murphy, Napanee, was is very low, It is rumored L that Miss Nora Kearns, Bachelor's Corners, is going to Kingston as nurse-in-training. The death occurred at Northport, on May 15th, of R. A. Brooks. The funer- al will take place at Picton on Sun day. A latter addressed to James Rich- ardson, tailor, Napance, was opened, but its contents, a 32 bill, were over- looked. Miss Beatrice Scott, a graduate of the Cornwall hospital, has accepted a position as nurse in a private hospital in Detroit, E. B. Hemstreet, Napanee, stepped through a hole in his barn floor on Tuesday, and nearly broke his right leg. He is able to be about with the assistance of a cane. rs. John Cooper, Pishop's Mills, died in Kemptville, on May 12th at the home of her son, Charles H. Coop- er. Her,maiden name was Mary Camp- bell, daughter of the late John and Mary Campbell, Augusta township. Mrs. George Hunt, aged but thirty- two, is dead in Lanark, She was a member of Zion Congregational choir, secretary of the Ladies' Aid, and a S. 8. teacher. She leaves, hesides her hushoid, a two-year-old daughter and a voung infant, . Mrs. L. D. Williams, Camden East, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. RB. Blanchard, Napanee, who met with a painful accident' last Sunday. She was going down the cellar stairs, and tripped, breaking her right arm be tween the wrist and chow, and also dislocating her wrist, PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. McGhee, Elgin, was a city visit- or to-day. C. R, Woodburn, Ottawa, was in the city to-day. M. R. Davis ix in Belleville inspect ing vessels, . F. H. Rice, Syracuse, was in town yesterday. John D. Owen, Wakefield, Va., was in the city yesterday. Miss Penner will be with Mrs, Yates, William street next week. Dr. George Hanley is back from a week's trip to New York, R. J. Walsh and wife, Shawinigan Falls, Que., are at the Randolph, Secretary Leavitt of the Y.M.C.A, will preach in Picton to-morrow, Alexander Milne and W. S. Milne, Toronto, will be in the city over Sun day. Prof. Ozear Telgmann will produce "Leo, The Royal Cadet" in Prescott in June. The Misses Farley, N.Y., are visiting in the city for holidays, Mrs. Graham, Bagot street, has re turned after visiting relatives in Wat ertown, N.Y Rev. Father Doyle will shortly leave for a trip to the old home in Ireland, Carrick -on-Suir, James Bews, formerly ector of the YMC Almonte, NWT. Miss Burtch has reached Tweed from Kingston, to take up her residence there with her parents. A. H. Simmons, Kingston, organiz- er for the LO.F, is spending a few days in Brockville in the interests of the order, Miss Susie Heaney and Miss Lizzie McDonald, Deseronto, will spend Sun- day in Kingston, as guests of Mise Heaney's sister, Mrs. A. Deem, Wv the will of Dr. Francie Clunie Sibbald, township of Georgina, his nicee, Mrs. Georgina Charlotte Mar tin. Kingston, gets a legacy of 81,000, Hiram Vannest and Mra, James Shangraw, Petworth, started on May 19th for Gladwin, Mich., to sce their brother, Vannest, who is not expected to live, thi= day: Elizabeth Fry, the Quaker philanthropist, 1780; Knowles, Iti-h dramatist, 1784. Born on May 22nd Pope, poet, 1688; "Madame Milly" Gris, 1812; Wagner, 1513; J, (i. Schurman, of ,Cornell, 1854; Conan Doyle, 1850 It ix reported ton, Morrisburg, has accepted junior judgeship for Prescott Russell, and will shortly remove to Vankleek Hill. Judge Johnston was a former teacher in Kingston Col- of Watertown, the physical dir i® located at John forn Johns the and that Adam leginte Institute, W. Henderson, in Detroit, Mich., for some time, returned last week to Gan- anoque, not being in the best of health. On Monday he came up to Kingston to undergo an operation at the general hospital. He is the eldest son of R. Henderson, Gananoque. RIVAL FOR IRISH POTATO. Uruguay New Vegetable From Promises To Supplant It. Washington, May 21.-The good old Irish potato ix doomed. A new vegetable from Uruguay, which some- what resembles it, is to supplant it. For lack of a better name, the new vegetable ie called the Uruguay po- tato. United States Consul Haynes, at Rouen, France, who has reported the discovery to the state depart- ment, says that the plant is cultiva ted like the common potato, its yield Las adopted the new potato official ly, and has imported 'a great number of plants from the Mercedes river in ruguay, in order to give the new in- dustry a start. $2.50, Rochester And Return, $2.50 Steamer "North King" leaves for Rochester, on Friday, 2ith, at 3 p.m, Fare $2.50, tickets good until Monday 30th. : Dressy Rain Coats Are sold by the Somerville Co, Your comfort is assured when one of the Somerville Co%. shirt welsts is son's Red Cross Drug Store. recovering raf idly, DISTRICT NEWS. SPICE OF THE ARTICLES IN the victim of a paralytic stroke and ord. 8, eno nd that it is not af- Felix Bissonetto, Montague, was a. ted Tas now . disease, > struck by the C.P.R. local at Switi's The Fronch National Society of | Falls, and fatally * injured; his. horse Agriculture, writes Consul Haynes, | Was instantly killed. # ASTOR'S TROUBLES. His Hote! Near Church And Can- not' Sell Liquor. Special _to the Whi ' & Mew. York, May 91.--~John Jacob Astor is having his troubles. He built the Str Regis, a magnificent hotel, at the corner of Fifth avenue and Forty- first street, and it is now completed, but it is doubtful whether it will ever be used for hotel purposes. By an oversight the building was erected within two hundred feet of a church and, for that reason, cannot obtain a liquor license under the dates. It is strongly doubted that Mr. Astor will be able to secure the consent of the church people and the owners of pri- vate residences within the same limit, Fven il he should get the compentiof the church people, the owners 'of"pri- vate residences would bar his Wa CT is known that they are gregti¥ in. censed over the bold action of TM Astor, in erecting a sky-scraper! With in the sacred precincts of Filgh* Hye. nue, They were furious when ®f learned of 'Mr. Astor's plan and *he théy have n chance to: get even. . As these neighbors are, without exception wealthy, they cannot well be bought out or pacified by any money consid- eration, Socity is curioud, how Mr, Actor will manage to crawl out of the just now. To run a hotel without a liquor license, is, as everybody admits a practical impossibility, BLACK SEA FLEET READY, Turkey May Let Vessels Pass Dardanelles. London, May 21. The Odessa cor respondent of the Central Newh wires that the whole of the Russian Dh Sea fleet ha bee 0 ordered to be Held on a complete footing from 1st. In the meanwhile the Hee hr vided into two squadrons wh - > exccuting a series of practical, exolu: tions in Crimean waters, It is reported, adds the correspond: ent, that an arrangement has been ar- rived at whereby Turkey will allow the fleet to pass through the Darda- nelles for service in the far east. Be Sure And See It. "Are You A Mason ?'" which will be a here at the Grand on. Victoria day, Tuesday night, is said to be one of the funniest farce compdies that has played in this city in years. The piece contains bright comedy Lines, rich witticiamys and ridiculous eccon- tricities. The engagement ix limited to one night, and seats should be secured early or 'you may go way back' and stand up. The Season's Event. Grace Van Studdiford, in the new De Koven opera, under the manage- ment of FP. Ziegfeld, Jr., almost di: rect from the New York Lyric theatre, opens at the Grand Opera Honse next Wednesday evening, May 25th, with the whole of the original cust - and report says the most wopnificent stage settings of any musical produc tion made this season. The prima donna is known from end to end of the country as having one of the finest voices ever heard of in light opera. She was for the past two sea- sans the peer of the Bostonians' or: ganization. No soprano known to that famous company "ad Lefore heid such sway as she did. Glorious as was her voice in "Maid Marian" last renson, critics say in 'Red Feather." ¢he far surpasses her previons work. De Koven has taken care that some unusually fine numbers should fall to lier share of the opera. Grass butter, 17¢c ; eggs, 18e. Craw- Coughiog is an an outward sign of ard disease. Care the disease with : part of your outfit, . station tight place in which he finds himself Round trip - tickets "will be all points in Canada at single auls; Me. ok 1 S26 dl 3s $35.20 Gots or Stop-evers allowed at station in Canade Liar HE BAY IR OTE ALA IEW ; Tweed, local points. Train leaves Oity Hall Dee pot at 4 pm. ¥. CONWAY, Agents B.Q. Ry. Kingston. ALLAN LINE Svupte and entimbeny oh = ing to Second obs arey and derry, hd $42.4 30, Reoatd to Fao 0 jadi #26, to om and oon Doty, ant aay Clan , NTREAL i LANG ao, mesday, ly 5 Agee, bE Silician, Wednesday, wk P. RalLBY, Clarence Street. TH. Oreras FOR SALE, LARGE ROUGH AST Fi Se o has eigbt, ton AG A wil on «l on Jolt cova Ea lan Road. DETACHED SOLID BRICK HOUSE A rooms. Lot by feet deep, lars pauls Whig le olin a THAT LARGE, DOUBLY DOUBL®, Sins hh Rear i Now, x