| 3 most com- ion. ies |_awns 2%c, 15c., 5¢., 35¢, ns, Oc., 25c. ess Organdie insertions to nse cleaning tools. Brooms, Buckets, B's to keep you ks your home look ew. If you can we haven't "we have that, re the housewife's somes to cleaning cad ywrenson, mi KINGSTON, com -- 0-CARTS, : [BABY GARRIAGES. Good assortment, all shades of upholsteging. Mattresses, Spring Bottoms, Iron Bed, Odd Dresser and Washstands, from $9 to $75. RE ER ROBT. J. REID, 222 Princess Street. 2 Doors Above the Opera House. Ambulance Telephone 577. ET, BY JOHN H. MILLS AuctionSale of Furniture Frisay, May 27 WILL SELL ON THE ABOVE wmentiomed date, at the store next to McRae Bros'. grocery, Wellington street, all the" Househoid Elects named for con- veneince of, sale, viz.: Fine Doherty Cabinet Grand Organ, cost $150. Ta- pestry. Brussels, and other Carpets, Ma- hogany Dressing Case, Mahogany Table, ved oom Sets, Sideboard, Bedding, Curtains, Blinds, Springs, Mattresses, Plush Parlor Suite, Dining R 1 Chaus, Dinner Ware, Chamber Sets, Hanging and other Lamps, Blinds, Wire Cot, Mitchen Cabinet, Hammock, Mat- ting, Hat Rack, Sewing Machine, Wash- ing Machine, Refrigerator, Clocks, Hap- py 'Thought Range, Kitchen Square Heating Stove, Box Stove i'hae- ton, and goods too numerous io men- tion. Terms cash. Sale at 10:30 am. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. ROOMS AND BOARD. TWO FRONT ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen or two ladies. Fine view; sitting room if desired. Con- veniences. Also table board. A Ricard, 120 Barrie street. -- -- SKIFFS FOR SALE. NEW, BEST WHITE CEDAR, 17 TO 18 ft. Apply to A. McCorkell, cor- wer Gore and Ontario streets. WANTED, A HORSE. APPLY AT 51 BROCK street. A BRIGHT, ACTIVE BOY, AT Wade's drug stere. HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS, R. E. Kent, 85 King street. A HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS Wm. Lesslie, 57 George street. A ------------------------------------------------ EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, IM- mediately. Apply to Mrs. Riggs 430 Princess street. TWO FIRST CLASS CHAMBER maids. Apply A. R. Martin, Brit- ish American Hotel. A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH- ing or ironing. Small family. Ap- ply 136 King street. GOOD AD- Apply FOUR YOUNG MEN, OF dress, to distribute samples. to H. Howard, Queen's Hotel. GIRLS AND BOYS, FROM 14 TO 16 years old, steady work. Apply to J. A. Gould & Co., corner King and Queen streets. A MAID, TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL + house-work. Must have references. Apply to Mrs. F. G. Lockett, 109 Wellington street. WHO UNDER- and General Apply at Auctioneer. ONE Goods wages Mills, SMART GIRL, stands Dry Godds. Good once: to John H. washing or ironing. W. D. Hart, King street, HELP. WE WANT A FEW PEOPLE in each locality to work for us dur- ing spare time. Pleasant work. Lib- eral pay. Imperial Company, Lon- don, Ontario. 0 part of ur e for profitable detective wo - needed. Write Detective Association, In- American dianapolis, Ind. ------------------------------------------------ LADIES--$15 PER WEEK SEWING AT home: materials free, no canvassing: 'beautiful sample sent free on receipt of addressed envelope. Majestic Lace Co., New York. BY JUNE 1ST, COMPETENT GIRL, to do general house work. Good wages. No washing, or ironing Apply to Mrs. B. W. Folger, 143 King Strect, West. BRIGHT, Over $1,000 a year is being nade by agents. GC Marshall & Co., Londons, Ont. | TO RENT, FOR ONE YEAR, BY minister and family, a house, 4 to partly or completely fur- nished preferred; small vard desira- ble. Address C.F.B., 5 Quebec St by the season or hour. All wi done promptly under my instruction Geo. Lloyd, Nelson street green- houses. MEN AND WOMEN TO RUN OUR rapid knitting machimes at their homes, making work for us to sell sendy vo io? write to-day: ; w 7 steady ork, rood ; Jos rance. BH Industrial Knitting Machine Co... Box $89. Windsor, Ont. ee] ' LOST. 71ST YEAR. NO. 123 DAILY MEMORANDA, To Be Sure of the " latest and best," Buy your hats from Geo. Mills & Co. Royal Arcanum meets to-night. Time that is lost is never found. A soit answer may be a hard argu- ment. Civic fire and light committee, Friday, 4 pm. Difficulties are meant to rouse, not to discourage. It is more Jrogtatis to read one man than ten books. The sun rises Thursday at 4:25 am. and sets at 7:30 p.m. Frontenac Teachers' Association ses- sion this evening and to-morrow Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A.O.U.W,, meets this evening, at 8 o'clock. G Some men imagine they were born great and later on achieved a fresh crop of greatness. Hlustrated lecture, with views of.Cev- lon. by Rev. Dr. Scott, in Bethel church, Thursday, at 8 nm. Silver collection. This vou hear Wherever you go:-- "For nobbiest hats George Mills & Co." This day in history Bede, historian, died, 735; Calvin died, 1564. Charles 11. landed at Dover, 1660: Princess of Ww born, 1867; De not overlook the fact that while we carry the finest line of China, Glass, etc.,, we also have at all times the very cheapest to be had in white Earthenware, Plates, «Cups, Saucers, Bowls, Jugs, etc.,, and twenty per cent. lower than elsewhere. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. ihe Wheel : Of Gime Is always going. Resolve to be on time in future. You can do it without any trou- ble if you GET-ONE OF OUR WATCHES We have an elegant assort- ® ment of Watches, as well as oe everything that's current and ® sanctioned by fashion in the : Jewelery line. SP. B. CREWS, o Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts. ~ WANTED Life Insurance Manager By Leading Life Insurance Co. Exceptional Opening DISTRICT MANAGER for Kingston wanted by prominent American Life In- surance company, established in Canada for over 40 years, issuing the most lib- eralized and up-to-date policy contracts on the market Policies totally unrestricted ab, re- gards travel, residence and occupation from date of issue, with rates lower than the American, and on a par with Canadian companies. This company has the best line of gilt edge securities on deposit with the Dominion Government for the sole pro- tection of Canadian policy-holders of any company doing business in Canada; the deposit being composed solely of Cana- dian securities. A most liberal commission and renewal contract, with liberal allowances for travelling expenses, will be accorded a competent man Applications preferred from men who have made a first-class record fer them- selves as life insurance producers, but who are ambitious to secure a more ex- tended field of operations, by means of a eral rmCcy contract EA communications will be considered confidential, and should be addressed im- mediately to ERAL MANAGER, Box 1,119, Montreal. AUCTION SALE Come to the Sale of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, etc. Private Sales going on at Auction Prices. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to 8 p.m. MON- DAY, June 6th, for Painting, Carpen- tering. Mason Work, and! Tinsmithing, A GRAY HAND BAG. CONTAINING several keys. to this o EYE GLASSES--LAST NIGHT. ON | on William, wi to opera house ) Wellington, Fy ohnston, or Bagot Sts Reward for their return to this office. | Finder kindiy return i to be done in the school buildings Spec tions in Board Rooms. SpecOiN MA CDON ALD, Secy Treas | Board of Education FOR SALE. SD. | SATL. YACHT, 22 FT. BY 8 FT. AP- | ply 48 Livingston Avenue. A ROUND GOLD BROOCH, RAISED Sunday, on Joho- head in centre, on n Sy vn Pam, Princess. Lower Willigm Fron rk. F . or | tenac pa ewntd | for its return te 115 Brock street. | GASOLINE YACHT. THE PROPERTY Estate of A. y, de { oe 21 long, B feet wide, ruscott Engine. New last season. ry to John Trudell, or H. Youl- den, executors, GUNS IN MUD And For This Russians Are Rejoicing. MAKE ATTACK! THE STORIES AFLOAT ARE NOT TRUSTWORTHY. The Rumors Are Many, But Are Very Conflicting, When an At- tempt is Made to Run Them Down--Chefoo Advices Tell of Losses of Japanese Boats Off Port Arthur. Special to the Whig. London, Mav 26.--The bulk of the war news still comes from more or léss questionable sources. There is no- thing official from either sides con cerning the Japanese forward move ment, the re-bombardment of Pert Arthur or fighting ashore on the Liao Tung Peninsula. The rumors re garding land fighting show great vit- alitv, but none of them are trustwor- thy. The Chefoo correspondent of the express again mentions the daily skirmishes, the Russians attempting to drive the Japanese northward with varying success. The ground gained toddy is lost to-morrow. The Japa- nese have a precarious hold on the range of hills across Kinchau Neck. but apparently they are not yet ahead. A correspondent dating his of the Standard atch. 'Japanese Head quarters, says, there is no change in the situation that can be reported. The Russians seem content to remain on the defensive and' are continually strengthening their posi tion. They are, however, a 'little more active north-east of Fene Wane Cheng where the patrols of the two armies are in touch almost daily. The Times revives the rumor of Rus sia's alleged necotiations to purchase Argentine cruisers. It savs it learns from a well informed source that a deal is proceeding. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Express savs that the officials energetically deny that anv mines were laid outside of territorial waters. If any are afloat bevond these waters thev are Japanese or went adrift by accident. Artillery In The Mud. St. Petersburg, May 26.--The gener al staff expects that Gen. Kouropat- kin will now assume the offensive, striking Gen. Kouroki's army fifty verts north-west¢_of Feng Wang Cheng before it is joined by the second Jap- anese army. A report that Gen. Ren nenkampf's Cossacks have made a successful forced march round the Ja panese right, menacing their commu nications, encourages an attack bv the Russian army. The superiority of the Japanese artillery has been dim inished by their heavy guns becoming embedded in the muddy roads. A Russian officer who has just ar rived at Laio Yang, from Feng Wang Cheng. reports an unconfirmed rumor that in a ficht between five Japanese battalions and a strong Russian force near chou the Japanese were fore- ed to retire with serious loss. Japanese Losses. Paris," May 26.--The Echo De Paris, savs that, according to a despatch from Chefoo, Russian torpedo boats attacked the Japanese fleet at Port Arthur and sank one gunboat and damaged two destroyers. A despatch from St. Petersburg. states that Admiral Skrydloff, the commander of the Russian Asiatic fleet on board the cruiser Rossia, has gone to sea from Viadivostok. The Rossia was accompanied bv the cruis er Gromoboi. No Japanese warships are visible in. the neighborhood of Vladivostok. . The Echo De Paris has a despatch from St. Petemshure. statine that the battleship Borodino, one of the Bal tic fleet now at Kronstadt, has been in collision and dented her stern. The damage is not serious, but the work of repair will be a delicate matter and will take considerable time. A Humanity Of Empress Of Japan. Seattle, Wash.,, May 25.--The Naga- saki I'ress, of April 24th, just receiv ed here, says iz "In connection with the announcement by her majesty the empress that the wounded Russians should be given, if needed, artificial limbs, it is reported that a set of artificial arms and four feet have been recently sent to the Matsuyama Red Cross hospital, in which the wounded Russians are receiving treatment." Brief War Notes. The Russians again have row their guns and troops to forts at New Chwanu. Kinchau is being besieged by the Ja panese and its surrender is monnntar ily expected. Gen. Kouwropatkin has cut the land communications between the armies of Gens. Kuroki and Okun. A body of Cossacks, 1,000 strong, is reported near the port of Song Shon, 350 of whom separated at K pro ceeding south-west through the moun- tans The Yalu river is mow precumably the rendezvous of the third army or independent Japanose force, part of which has already landed at Tako [shen Palny refugees say that Gem. Stoes cel has taken all the cash from the Port Arthur and Dainy banks, so that the depositors are unable to cash checks. 2 There are two Takushans on the Liao Tung peninsula. One lies about forty miles south-west of Antung, and the other is situated midway between Pitsewo aud Talienwan bay. The lat- ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904. ---------- ne ter is the point where the Japanese have been landing their troops. The Russian government is king great efforts 10 buy 'thirty "large steamers from ium and Holland to accompany the Baltic fleet as col liers. -- JULIA WARD HOWE. Eighty-Fifth y. She Reaches Her Birthda JULIA WARD HOWE. Se Be Nhitiny 26.--Surrounded by her children and grandchildren, not to mention her litlls great-grand- daughter, Julia Ward Howe, aut or of the "Battle: Hymn of the Republic and the foremost woman writer of America, will eclsbrate her eighty- fth birthday on Friday in her home in Beacon street. : Born three - days after the birth of Queen Victoria, Mrs. Howe is to-day very aétive in the intellectual and so- cial world of Boston, and ong of the most remarkable examples of mental and physical vigor extant It is: not unusual for her to deliver three . or four addresses a week, and she still discharges with great fidelity her du- dies as an officer or member of many of the leading women's clubs of this city. She is now looking forward to an active season at her comfortable summer home, Oak Glen, on the out skirts of Newport. A COCKING MAIN. County Constables Make a Haul Near Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont., May 26.--County Constable Nichol heard that a cock: ing main was in progress in Barton township, in the mountain, and he set out for the scene of the conflict, which was on Gerrard's farm. He dis. covered about 130 men in the n 1 and, i periority 3 ! started in to make things interesting for the gang. Une of the number ob- jected to this rash intrusion, and a "scrap" (nsucd. The officer came out on top, and then proceeded to take into custody fourteen birds, two pairs of spurs, and one pair of scales. It is understood that prosecutions will follow, as Constable Nichol has the names of a number of the men pres int. It w= said a number of well known citizens were in the party. DEAD MAN APPOINTED. Admiralty Named One As Honor- ary Chaplain. London, May 26.--The admiralty has made the extraordinary blunder of ap- pointing a dead man to the honorary post in Liverpool. There is a dignified announcement in the London Gazette that the ad miralty has been pleased to appoint Dr. John Charles Ryle, Bishop of Liv- erpool, as honorary chaplain to the newly-formed Mersey brigade of Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves, Dr. Ryle, however, died June 10th. 1900. The present bishop of Liverpool is Dr. Chavassc A JULGE NAMED, He Will Enquire Into The Charges. Special to the Whig Ottawa, May 26.---In the House of Commons, yesterday, Sir William Mu lock announced that a comprehensive measure would be introduced to pro tect Canadinn labor of all kinds on all classes of work, also that Judge Winchester would be appointed a commissioner to inquire into the al leged: employment of aliens on the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, SERIOUS CONDITION Russia -- Many Of Affairs In Hanged, Special to the Whig London, May 26--The Standard prints a number of , mailed reports showing a serious e ition of inter- pal affairs in Russia. Recent distur bances in Warsaw are rumored to have been followed by wholeale exe- cutions by administrative order with out civil trials. It is staged that over six hundred persons w hang- ed in Warsaw alone. Will Visit Battlefields. Special to the Whig. New York, May 26.~The automo: bile run from this city to the battle field of Gettysburg, for which the Automobile Club of America, has been eparing for some time, was bogun, 9 The start being made from the club house in this city. No attempt will he made by the tourists to re speed records. FE day's rm is to be "go és you please," and the tourists will rendezvous at the night stops at Philadelphia, York, Gettys- burg, Harrisburg, Atlantic City and Lakew # George Mills & Co. For men's rainpropl comnts. i En TWAS A JOKE That a Robber Played on Victims. PLAYED DOCTOR AND DAUBED HIS PREY WITH PLASTERS. New Jersey Business Man Made The Subject Of a Grisly Josh While Being Looted--A Story Of Much Interest. Newark, N.J., May 25.--Two staid business © men have been victimized by a clever thief. The victims are Seitz and J. S. Ward. The Ward case is an excellent eample of the robber's method of operation. Ward sells car. riages. The other day a man called on him, introduced himsell as "Dr. C. 8. Colder," sclected a fine $350 ear- riage, agreed to come back in a couple of hours to pay for it and to give directions as to where it was to be sent, and started out, remarking cas ually : "You don't look well, Mr. Ward." Ward admitted that he didn't feel well, either, ani after brief parley invited the "doctor" to go to his home to make an examination to determine his ailment. The doctor went. "1 see just what is the matter with you," "Dr. C. 8. Colder" said to W after extensive bodily examination, including sundry jabs, pokes and thumps. "Those pains in your back are due to a certain specific cgus:, which I shall proceed to remove. To take the treatment properly you will have to undress and:lic down on your face in bed. Ward obeyed with mt question. From a satchel he carried the supposed doctor took a piece «of plaster, which he cut into strips and pasted across Ward's shoulders and back. . "By the way," he said suddenly, *'1 came away in such a hurry [ didn't have time to provide myself with bandages. Have you any linen in the house ?"* "We have," said Ward, "but | don't know just where it is. You hal better go down stairs and ask my wife." "I'll do so," said the man. "Keun very quiet till I come back. ere's no danger in disarranging the plaste.s, but if you move you'll wrinkle them, and when the bandages are put on they Avill form little lumps and hart ou." in. Ward was down stairs in the PAEIORes-imisbmangs ssiniantis "I'm going {0 step ont for a mos ment," the "doctor" said as he passed the door, "to get some bandages from a drug store. If you'll leave the door on the latch perhaps I won't need to trouble you on my return." 3 . Ward howed, snd "Dr. Colder' passed out. For half an hour Ward waited patiently. Then he found his position uncomfortable. "Doctor ! Doctor |" he shouted, There was no response. A suspicion flashed avross hix mind. He called his wife and she hurried up stairs, "Just look in the shirt beside the bed," he said, "and see if my diamond pin is still there." Of course, it wasn't there, A hasty inspection of the room revealed the fact that besides the pin a gold watch and chain and about 830 were miss- ing. Ward had been olastered so effective lv by the joking "doctor" it was nee essary to soak the plasters off, and even the separation caused great pain. Im the Seitz case "Dr. Colder" got away with £110 and a lot of jewelry. Fortune Left By Miser. Special to the Whig. London, May 46. --An extraordinary affair is reported this week from Zur- ich. The police, on examining the room of an old man who had died from starvation, found a veritable gold mine. In every nook money, notes, and bonds were discovered, and on an inventory being made it was found that the miser had left nearly $200, 000. Nobody was ever seen to visit the old man, and as there was no will the authorities are greatly puzzled as to how to dispose of the fortune. Big Fire Down South, Jackson, Miss.,, May 26.--A tele phone message from Yazoo City says that the fire there caused a loss esti mated at $2,000,000, Chambless White was killed and Mayor Holmes badly injured while fighting the Hames, The fire covered a space of twelve blocks Jong by three blocks wide. All the banks, business houses, newspaper of- fiees, post office, court house, city hall, and other buildings have been destroyed. China Sends War Vessels. Hong Kong, May 26. Four Chinese gunboats and two torpedo boat des troyers have arrived at Maccao, the Portuguese settlement in Kwang Tung province, to support the demand of the Viceroy of Canton, for the extra dition of a fugitive from Chinese jus- tice. The government of the Portugu- ese settlement is preparing to resist a landing by the Chinese, English Colleges Challenge. Special to the Whig. London, May 26.--The Oxford .Uni- versity Athletic club, on behalf of Ox- ford and Cambridge universitics has sent a challenge to Harvard and Yale to hold an athletic meeting in London this summer. George Mills & Co. For the finest two fifty hats. In a thunderstorm on Wednesday - -------- . Japs Within Ten Miles Of Port to the Whir. north of Daluy Langalien. The Ri ans offered a stubborn ta the advance of the Japanese battle was fought at $ 22ud, at Sassuripo, The result of ¢ battle was not learned by the rors of the news. dicates that they have recovers the reported reverse at Kinchau. 38 Russians at Talienwan have pared to destroy the town, upon arrival of the Japanese. The Russian plan is to. have the troops on the Lino Tune peninsula fall back to Port Arthur, after pass- ing the iuvaders. From the best information obtaina: ble it is learned that the J have Tandd near Kinchau are ad- vancing along the way tp Port Ar- thur. Those that landed at Pitsewo are travelling from down the east side of tha peninsula" to Dalav, and those that landed at Takishan are going to reinforce the. Feng Wang Cheng army. Captured XKinchau, London, May 26.---The Tokio eorres- pondent of the Central News wires that word has been received there that the Japauese to-dav stormed and carried Kinchau, to the rear of Port rthur. Royal Shrines Destroyed. Seoul, Korea, May 26.--A telegram has been received hero from Gensan, saying that the Russians after the en- gagement with Kordan troops at Ham-heung on May 19th, burned the shrines and the Roval mausoleum, which were erected there by the foun- der of the present Korean dvnasty in the vear 1364, and which were re garded by (the Koreans as sacred, This apparent wanton desecration of tombs in a land imbued with the spir- it of ancestor-worship has caused ox- cited denunciation of the Russians. Russia Bars Correspondents, Washington, May 26.--The secretary of state has received 'the following cablogram from Ambassador McCorm- ick, at St. Petersburg : "I am inform- ed by the foreign office that foreign correspondents will not be admitted the front, by ordér of the peneral cu Special to the Whi» v Mo Mav 26.--~The men whe were found guilty, some dave ago, © operating a policy eame under the name ol the Argenteuil Granite com- pany, were, to-day, fined amounts ranging from $200 to 810, aggregating 8850, all of which were paid. Casmir Beaudry, the organizer and backer of the company, was fined $200, and oth- ers, who had a smaller interest in the business of the company, the smaller amounts. WILL NOT BECOME GOVERNOR. Duke Of Sutherland Has Work At Home. London, May 20.--The Duke of Su: therland is oving "an enthusiastic friend of Canada since his return. There is no truth in the report that he is still considering the acceptance of the vost of governor-general of Ca nada. He feels that he has other work here. He is persuaded of a grest fu ture for Canada in the empire under a preferential policy. -------- Broom Manufacturers Combining. Chicago, May 20.--The Inter-Occan says: At a meeting of representatives of the principal broom manufaetur- ing companies of the United States, held here, action has been taken which practically insures the tion of a combination of the principal compan- ies under the name of the National broom company, and on a strict baris of actual valuation. At the meeting it was decided to include only nbont sv: enteen or eighteen of the largest broom companies of the country, mid to js, She capital stock at or about 8 ! Suspended Payment. % : ¥] ..The advance of the Japanese . BEI E 8 Fredericton, N.B., May 26.--R. has suspended payment and a of creditors has been called in thi for Fridav next. The liabilities ount to £105,000, with nominal * sets of $110,000. { The visiting soldiers thou Lockett shoe wtore one of they had ever ween. The best jce cream sodas 11 taken évery morning: up the. liver and ¢ headaches, " ~ OURS IS PURE! viet of sen. , died # Mrs. A. T. wold, widow of the late ator, di uddenly at Hamilton on Wednesday moraing. ° 1 re . morning, at Dereham," Ont., Camb was i vs i Hghwaing - wo a» wo Estey, a leading lumber operator yo, gives at 2 rices, 25¢., Boe. On sale Friday. High FEE of ; i 2 i FF 1 LE £