ve the dirt When you 1 dry towel. es will be ill do more NNE'S YNE g: Asthma, : Bronchitis. the. profession to ha ul and valuable rem known for COUGTIS, IPTION, BRONCHI- n in DIARRHOFA, pecific in CHOLERA, attacks of PALPATA- ort all TERIA, iS. ive in NEURALGIA, GOUT, CANCER, ININGITIS, ete. IDYNE," and beware s the words "DR. J. t Stamp of each bot 4s. 6d. each. each bottle.) d, LONDON. AW s Cutters, len Hose, les, 2S, Ceylon Natural Green Tea, same flavoras Japan tea, only perfectly free from adulterations of any kind. Itis to the Japan Tea Drinker what "SALADA? Black is to the Black Tea Drinker. | TEA DRINKER OU REALLY MUST TRY : « MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES YER MONE ON buildings an nten! an any oth- xa min er company R eo at Uodwin's insurance Emporium, Mark. «tl Square. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR emall sums; at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county deben- tures. Apply to S. C. McGill, man- uger of Fromtenac Loan and Invest- went Society, Office opposite the Post Office. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insuranc® Company. Available assots 1, 218. © In addition to which the policy holders have for security the umlimited. liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing eld or giving mew business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. , - ARCHITECTS. HENRY 2. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc., Anchor Building, Market Square, 'Plsae 245. I'OWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets, 'Phone 212. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITEJUT, OF: fice, second floor over Mahood 4 drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance om Bagot street. Telephone 60R. FOR SALE. ess ems = LARGE. ROUGH CAST COTTAGE, has eight rooms, geod cellar, and citv water, large garden frontage on three streets, ncar I'rontenac park. Will sell che on premiss lan Road. .. DETACHED, 'SOLID BRICK HOUSE on Frontenac 'Street, near Princess Lot GG feet front, Lets of room te p. lasy terms. Apply Cor. Patrick and Rag- street, 7 rooms. by 154 feet decp. build. Also good barn, sheds and nree poultry house. Apply through Whig office. YHAT LARGE, DOUBLM, BRICK RES- idemce on Sydenham Street, West, near e¢ourthouse, Nos. 17 and 19. Each house contains four bedrooms on the first floor and three on the second, has large double" parlors, soparate dining room, excellent kitch- en, hardwood floors, cement base- ment full size with plastered ceiling Large stable and drive house at the hack to a lane. , This property cost £12,000 and must be sold. We are wow offering it at $9,500, one-third oash, balance of - terms very easy For further particulars address Sharpe & Couse, lleal Estate and Busin «a Brokers. Winmipcg, Man, TO-LET. Ferm -------- BUMMER COTTAGES, DWELLINGS, Stores, Offices. McCann' Es- tatn office. 51 Brock FURNISHED, OR UNFURNISHED, eight-ropmed house, with all modern improvements, 91 Clergy St., West. Apply at Crumley Bros. dry goods. -------------------------------------------- THAT DESIRABLS. RESIDENCE, ON Union Street, known as " Calder- wood." Fossession about thes frst of May. Apply Walkew & Walken. ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT DE- mrahle Store, at present occupied by Taylor & Hamilton, as Tinsmiths and Plumbers, on Wellington street, with large workshop in the rear. Annly to Felix Shaw, 115 Ragot St. Wood =« Coal We have on hand the differant varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood =¢ Coal SUMMER FUEL] Dry Slabs and { Soft Wood At right prices. iS. ANCLIN & C0., Foot of Welllagton St. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. i Unequalled facilities for securing posi- tions. ¢ Largest and best equipment in Canada 831 Queen strect, Kimgston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Building, Teronte. Weak Kidneys. A change in the weather-- the slightest imprudence--and O! what excruciating pain in the back. A cold flies to the weakest spot. And Kidneys that take cold easily, prove weal --perhaps disease. A slight weakness soon becomes a serious disease in such vital organs as the Kidneys. Heed Nature's Kidney SIIK ~N. he secret may make you > HORE » FAMOUS' Dieu, Kingston, but not cured. r. George Graves, Pitts Ferry, Oat. of a very bad ease of kidaey trouble. He tells about the cure in the following words: "I cannot recommend Doan's Kidney Pills too highly. I never took any. thing that did me so much good. 1 hada severe pain in the small of my back and could scarcely get up or down without help. I could bardly urinate, but when | did the pain was terrible. 1 was in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, last winter and when [ came out I was some better but not cured. It was then I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised. Since taking them I have been completely cured and have not bad any trouble with my kidneys since." Doan's Kidtey Pills, 50 cts, per box or 8 for $1.25, all dealers or THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL 60, TORONTO, ONT. Empire Day At Stella. Stella, May 23.--We have to chroni cle the deaths of two more residents of the and, George Howard, broth er of the laté Charles Howard, pass- ed away on Monday, 16th, his remains ed in Glenwood vault on Wednesday. William. Garrett an old man who has made his home with Mrs. Kerr for a number of years died on Monday, his remains were also placed in Glenwood. Farmers have ab out completed their s gz. Early were pl well. Planting has not vet' been done so much rain last on account of week on Saturday by different school Point. Specches I2ev. Mesers. Cumberland, Lindsay. Our band was ¢ the children of the sections on Stella were delivered by Eaton and o in at ! summer tendar afternoon. held service in St. Al 1 was ban sickn as not able to attend. A int me Patituts will be held on Thursday in Vicotira Hall. Good speakers are ex pected. Rev. Mr Wilkinson has moved from Emerald to Stella Paint, for the and wife are visiting at Ww. H. Mou trav # Make the Kidneys well and strong, so they 'can. perform their proper duties. GIN PILLS well and keep them well, ney If they don't com- we authorize your drug- or dir from THEI BOLE DRUG CO., WINNIPEG, Man, 1 ! Ladies, if you know of anything setter than Corticelli Sewing Silk, Gould soaroely got up or down without help. Had a severe pain In the small of the baok. Was treated In the Hotel Kidney trouble was the trouble, FU LL DETAILS 'EARLS AND DIDN'T KNOW IT. (OF THE SHOCKING ACCH DENT AT NEWBURGH. tion--Other Notes. Newburgh, Husband, for years for for the and a huge rock way down: the incline, it the back, pioned him "Billy I belive I am dying. Sweet ran immediately to foundry for aid and W. 8 to his home at eleven o'clock. The ac cident cast,a gloom widow and family. The place this was held in. the Presbyterian after which the body was interred at Harrowsmith. Besides the widow, de ceased leaves three daughters, Miss Myrtle, teaching near Sydenham, and Miss Edith, at home, Victorian day was celebrated very quietly in our vi'lage, the citizens amusing themselves in different ways The public school baseball team with George Shorey, the little southpaw, in the hox, trounced a pein sized team from the town by a score of ten to three. The whist club intend holding an assembly in Finkle's hall on Fri day evening. C. W. Thomson, Toronto, is visiting his family, John Thomson and wife, Napanee, spent Victoria day at C. W. Thomson's. Mr. Mott, of the High school staff, I a few days this week at his home in Lyn, Ont. Mr Hodson, high school inspector," visited our school on Friday. Mrs. Percival, Merrickville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. B. Stickney. Mr. and Mrs J. R. Sharpe spent Sunday in Odes ea. Miss Sharpe, Belleville, spent Vice toria day with her brother, J. R Sharpe. Rev. D. C. Day and wife, Wilton, spent Monday at the Metho dist parsonage. One fone flag was all our village could sport on Tuesday and that the one that flew from Finkle's carriage works. T. D. Seriver went to Toronto on Sunday evening to attend. the funeral of his sister, Mrs. J. H. Low, who died on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. MeGuiness, Selby, spent Monday evening at Thomas Winter's, | ers, Misses York and sown grain and meadows are looking Empire Day was celebrated here | James Eby, city, at . Lunch was furnished by the The bishop Battersea Briefs. Jattersea, May 24.--Crop prospects are splendid, especially | for hay. It is already well advanced and hide fair for June cutting this year. Tho farmers have nearly concluded seed ing, and planting has already logun. We aro glad to be bble to report fa- vorably of the sick. Mrs. George Kirkpatrick, formerly Miss Boal, who has been very seriously ill for seve ral weeks, is now out of danger and doing as well as' could be expected. Isanc Holder has almost fully recov ered from Lis late illness. A meeting of the trustee board of the Methodist church will be held on Thursday night to make arrangements for church re-opening entertainment. The interior of the church underwent much needed change and improvements dur- ing the wintes, and it is lat fitting that the public should be given a spe- cial opportunity of showing ther ap preciation of it. Rev. Mr. Beli. ac companied by C. W, Vanluven, as ley delegate, attended the Kingston dis trict meeting last week. Our teach- Todd and - L. the teachers' com vention in the rity this week. Quite a number from here celebrated Vie- toria day in the city, and those who were too busy to go, entertained equally loyal sentiments at home. A new boiler is being put in position in a new boiler house at ths cheese fac- tory. Our salesman made consider able money for the patrons by hold- over last' week's shipment of cheese. Misses Guthrie aad Clough Perth Road, are learning dress-mak- ing at Mrs. Brown's shop. W, Merri man has set out one thousand berry bushes this season. He has one of the finest fruit gardens in the township. W. H. Jamseson has been enlarging and improving his house Matthews has completed the painting of his new residence. Visitors: Mrs. Mrs. Kirkpat rick's: Miss P, J. Sweet, 8 Bay, at W. H. Jamieson's; lop, city. at Thomas Clark's; Sears, Buck will attend George esdav, 17th, but owing to ting of ladies and farmers' W. H. Moutrav 1s under the doctor's care We hope soon to see him around again. Rev. Mr. Lindsay | worn at | |cult to lay stress on any one especial That shows our * Curson is in city; O. Mass... at J. L. Seam'; T. E and wife city, at Isaac Holder's; | Mrs. James Hughes at Smith's Falls | Divide $100,000 With Employees. New York, May 26.--Officers of the American Smelting & Refining com- panv will within a few days divide 100,000 in cash among their employ- ees in accordance with the profit shar- ing scheme announced a few days ago. ing Arr ments are now being perfected to divide the eash in proportion to the amount of carnings. Managers, iperintendents, assistant managers and assistant a mis, togeth or 3 foremen and assistant foremen chemists and a te and a number of others will participate in the fund. re------ Fashion Tip. There are 30 many varieties of skirts the moment that it is diffi- style. Skirts are increasing at the } hem. although the idea is to have them a little closer about the hips. Every shoe as advertised or a little better at Abernethy's, | Injured Man Lived But 3 Few Minutes -- Victoria Day Cel- ebration--High School Visita- May 25.~It is many years since our little village has had such a sad accident as that which oc- curred on Monday wiorning. Absalom who has had the contract supplying the cement works. at Strathcona with sand, in company with Robert Sweet, started sand pit near the cemetery about 7 a.m. They were taking the sand from a pit which apparently had been dug under the bank, for ~ sud- denly the bank above became loosened weighing 600 pounds, rolled down the embankment with terrific force.When about half suddenly turned and striking Mr. Husband in w the wheel, The blow was fatal and the unfortun- ate man turning to ms comrade said, i " These were the only words he uttered, Mr. ney's evenson went for Dr. Beeman. But ths sufferer was beyond human aid, and by the time the doctor arrived Mr. Husband was dead. The body was taken to T. A. Dunwoody's undertaking rooms and prepared for burial, It was then taken i over the whole village and the sympathy of the enite commdnity' goes out to the bereaved funeral took morning at 9:30. Service church Florence, teacher at Switzerville, Miss bs THE DAILY WHIG, 1HURSDAY, M How the House of Courtenay Lost Title For 300 Years. The death is announced at Powders ham Castle, near Excter, of the thirteenth Earl of Devon, in his ninety<third year. The late Earl who was prebendary of Exeter Cae thedral and rector of Powderham, succeeded his nephew in the Barldom in 1891. The house of Courtenay, to which the Earl belonged, dates hack to a very early period, aod members of the f have for centuries been associated with tho history of the country. The existing branch was founded by Sir Ihilip Courtenay of Powderham Castle, who received the honor of kanighthood from Edward the Black Prince the day before the battle of Navaret in Spain. One branch of the Courtenays were Counts of Odessa, and another be- came allied to the royal family of France. In England the Courtenays have been allied to the Bonvilles, Bohuns, Spencers, St, Johns, Tak bots, Veres and roval house of Plan. tagenet. With the city of Exetor the family has always been closely associated, and in olden times there werg stout struggles for privileges between the Earls of Devon and the Mayors of the city. Few, if any, titles in the peerage have been; for long periods of their history, involved in more mystory and doubt than that of the Farls of Devon. For several hundreds of years the heads of the 'house of Courtenay were Earls without being aware of it. Indeed, so far were they from be- ing acquainted with the dignity that should have been theirs that they ace cepted baronetcies and viscounties, and were proud to hold them, After three centuries had passed, however, an astute lawyer discover- ed the patent among some old re- cords, and found that there were two missing words, 'de corpore,' usually inserted in patents. The discovery meant that the Barl- dom could be inherited by collateral heirs, and a Courtenay in 1881, af- ter a hard fight, established his right to sit among his peers. The peerage he recovered was tho one created by Queen Mary. Five times the Earldom has been supposed to be extinct. Fowr of its holders have been attainted and four beheaded. Qucen Mary revived the Barldom in favor of Edward Courtenay, who, in the previous reign, when only twelve years of age, was committed prisoner to the Tower. He was re leased when only twenty-eight years old, and he died at Padua of poison. --London Express. After Thirty Years Service. {| General Sir John Dartnell, who has just retired from the command of the Natal Mounted Police after thirty years' service, distinguished himself in the early stages of the war in South Africa, when his knowledge of the country was of invaluable service. He was with Geraral Penn Symons when he fell at Talana Hill, and to his guidance General Yule's column owed ity safe arrival at Ladysmith. Among his other exploits be made a march of 120 miles in thrée and a halt days without transport. Lord Roberts, in his report to the War Office, said that General Dartnell"s 'name stands very high in the estimation of the colonists, and he possesses the greatest influence over the na- tives. His advice was of much as- sistance in the earliest actions of the war, afterwards during the siege of Ladysmith, and finally ia the gen. eral advance through the Biggars- berg to Laing's Nek, when Natal was cleared of the cpemies of the Queen.' General Dartnell was born at London, Ontario, in 1838, and entered the army in 1855, He was severely wounded while serving with the Central Indian Field Force in 1857, and received the brevet of Major. He had plenty of South Af- rican experience, in the Zulu war of 1879, the Basuto' war of 1880, and the Boer war of 1881, before the re- cent struggle.--London Star, For Asthma, It ix said that a muskrat skin, worn with the fur side next to the lungs, will bring certain relief 46 asthma suf ferers. -------- We don't expect everybody's patron age, but we would, like, your's, Aber nethy's for she NEVER VIOLATE NATURE WITH DRASTIC PILLS Give Her Aid, Assistance, But Do Not Over- step The Mark. Shameful, indeed, is the use of dras tic cathartics a« a family medicine The drastics play great havoe with the sensitive organs and. invariably cause grave troubles. No pill is to be trusted as a family remedy it should be so active as to be always woffecctive, but so mild that the youngest child might use it. It was a family pill Dr. Hamilton had in mind when he prepared his famous pills of Mandrake and Butternut. They are a happy combination of vegetable extracts that afford most satisfactory results, Dr. Hamilton's pills act in such a mild and peinless way that they sin ply establish natural action of the bowels and thus prevent constipation Of course they are active,~a good pill must be, but there is a wide difference between the drastic action of most pills and the natural stimulus given by Dr. Hamilton's pills, which never gripe, cause pain, or necessitate a lay- up and Joss of valuable time. Dr. Hamilton's pills are the perfect pill. Try them and be delighted with their merit. They are just a little dif ferent and a little better than any: thing * you have used before. should be need very. young and th condition demand a laxitive free from all reaction, Prompt to work, certain to, cure; eaty to take, one a dose, you can't find anything so good as Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Bufternut Turkish. acted for a Egypt just arrived in his rare holidays, says 'The African Mail. He is accompanied by Lend Her Proper | Col. Morland, whose brilliant auda- city won Kano for the Empire. Mr. Wallace (who used to be thought a negro hy our French friends in days when their knowledge of British co lonial methods was not so accurate as it nuw is) has years ou the Niger, and is malaria- proof. Mr. Wallace Sokoto and Kano, on behalf of the Royal Niger Company. journeys risk. On the assumption of Imperial control Mr. Wallace, who is a CM.G., was appointed High Commissioner. every comer of the protectorate from Sokoto to Lake Chad. From him Sir Frederick Lugard has had most value able help in bringing about the ae ceptance of Dritish rule. question by the trade and department, J. G. Jardine, Canadian commercial agent for 8 writes that for Chineze have been admitted to Cape Colony upon depositing £100. a recent act of the Jameson admin- istration, however, they are to he ex- ded They | 41 al on hy ged . Iransvas ) ¢f hs = e by She the mines, They are r 08e delicate | otal, although thirty thousand East Indian coolies are admitted under contract, AY 28, the spark of life. people. you troub direct to the sciatic nerve. strengthen the nerves. MEN, WH! "When 'a sure helping hand is right here in Kingston 2X ta send away or take any chances on what you are buying--ydu can POWERFUL ELECTRIC BELT before you buy. Be - tion. It has been the mightiest agency in the development of the earth and i It gives to the worn-out man new life, new health and: . Are nerves weak ? If so, throw away all drigs'you have, fry one of my Belts get more good from its use in one month than-you will from drugs ed with sciatica ? Victims of this painful affection are too well with it to need any description. The Great Novel Treatment Nearly everyone knows what a massage treatment is, and acl of the finest things for nervous trouble there is. You also know #h give it must possess an abundance of human electricit eve got. Wity my appliance there is an electrical massage rofler attael get a nice life-restoring electrical 'massage treatment, which will Come and see me. I.can do. If you cannot come, write for one of my books. J. GILMOUR LAR Yuh 8h : 4 En ger id 4 od Men, this is a sure cure fof lost marc | varicocele, saipdenal: or any Jom of d takén many ° I ber of doctor 1 wil : Hot despais There is yet help for you dr A much better ill feel after it. "My charged wi nuine Electricity," and give any EfrdY mild. or strong. The ance is'so wgpde that fis Aa be placed a | part of the body, legs or a, an most severe cases give relief i minutes. These are facts, k "want you to come and see for elf. As said before, I CHARGE NOTHING demonstrate the power of my great Belt ad Show me the man who is troubled with: rheumatism ; show fic the Jerson who says he cannot get cured ; that 'is the 'man I want to see. I will try ; the cost is nothing for the patient. ders with this Belt of mire and I can do the same for you. Ele It is the unseen, mysterious power {hat 'controls all life and Is 'that not reasonable? People, I irked ER en My Belt will cure this by rE iy ' which e 'Stim I will charge you nothing to see what 1% 8 ® ok FINANCIAL ADVISER. He Is An English Officer And Well Versed. Mr. Vincent Corbett, who has been appointed to succeed Sir 'Eldon Gorst as Financial Khedive, has for been the British Qomwmissioner on the Caisse of the Egyptain Public Debt. Mr. Corbett has spent twenty years in oflicial positions, He was nominated an attache in 1884, and was appointed to the Embassy at Berlin in: 1885. He was transferred to The Hague in 1887, and a year later was appointed to Rome. In 1891 Mr. Corbett was sent to Con- stantinople, where he was granted an allowance for his knowledge of He later tilled positions at the Embassies at Copenhagen and Athens, at both of which places he period as Charge d' Affaires, Before proceeding to Mr, Corbett held the ap- pointment of British representative on the International Financial Com- some time past mission for the control of Greek fin- ance. m---------------------------- - Malaria-Proof Wallace, Mr. Willian Wallace of Nigeria. has England on one of West served eighteen A Scotsman and a diplomatist, went on embassies to when such personal direct involved great Deputy He has visited Mr. Jardine Explains Law. Ottawa, May 26. In reply. to a commeras Africa, back South three years Under are admitted to the contract for 'work in excluded from Chinese to work Ten miners were suffocated by gas Pills. Price 25c. per box, five boxes | and sulphur fumes from a small lo- genuine and beware of substitutes. for #1. At all druggists, Tnsist on the | comotive in a Williamstown, Pa., coal |. Adviser to the EEREREES EXEPT EER RT Ne AEX EXEEE i First Communion OR se go! : : Confirmation Are the children's feet. right for this most important event? If not we have a large line of SLIPPERS and OXFORDS that will please the Boys and Girls and make their feet glad | All Styles and Prices. . wt bk Eat by J. H. SUTHERLAND & The Leading Shoe Men. un: FERRARA,