Germ the Sick a, He Frac Are Cases oa ahat begin; ~all Fr Clarthwg) t ver yy resulty o COMlag 'blood. of Hupypg or Yous debility oth i or, accomplishing whort ty Ho dry, on Jc. Bottle fr , heed Liquozone ied it, please She We will then my) tis our local druggi You an o., e and wo will 0. elves for ji. de 10 convince vy, t Iquozone ig, 4 In Justice to yop i ligation 'vhs, 0 You Whatever, ¥°U Une ne costs Si) / ree ' and have us 1 pay 3 This and 8], "OUT THis ny 0 hd Coupon Fil er may not ap) ; out the blapy, ner ji "eo the Licuiq Ozon, cod Wabash Avo., (pienso. BeAse 19 ........... @ never tried Liauozone 's Liquificd" 02 " n uy IL supply me o 0c it it will take it. Hottle full address--write plainly. ¢ was former iy k wlev's Liguified Dron i Cor SHOWS EME, INVINCIBLE, HOUS MONARCH AMUSEMENT WORLD "NOVELTY RIDERS. AND THE CRUSADES| OW ON EARTH. Deplctin Hy of tho 4 XUSALEM CRUSADERS. JO DANCING GIRLS MUSICIANS Costly Costumes. CAPITAL INVESTED AL DAILY EXPENSES ARADE CLOCK. A. Doors open 1 hour carller. ) Everything ALF=-PRICE. be on sate show day it ow grounds. PoP OD IBE@IT N, LONDON, 1900. = 3 And The Aged. tation. Neave's Food in two of and the Village Home) aying it has proved very GE,. ENGLAND. yronto & Montreal: That Mr. WILLIAM F. MONTGOMERY, of Albany. Rk Mr. Montgomery is a living testimonial of what this great medicine will do for any man or woman who has kidney or bladder trouble. - " Justead of writing this letter I wish it were possible for me to see and talk with all those who are suffering from kidney troubles, I {our medicine has done ealth up to a year when overw: 1d tell them in one brief interview what for me, what I know it will do for them. I enjoyed vigorous, good seemed to undermine my tig tm oy paid little attention to the matter until it was brought home to mo forcibly at an insurance ex- amination, examination I became aware of my disease, "Of course, 1 was alarmed had 1 failéd to secure my policy, and after consulting the doctor who made the ted tests made of the urine for albumen, and the horror of the thing grow upon me when the doctors all pronounced the case Bright's Dis- ease, Complications of cialists 'W rap that the my stre attention Warner's Safe Cure, the stomach set in, and although ome Jus Squdition of affairs continued until last November, At some relief was soon found. It was at this sf Cases were cif doctored with well-known spe- to me that I could mot get well unless that interested friends brought to my where it had accomplished good results, There boing no objections, and all hope having been despaired of, I procured the first bottle. After a few days there were some encouraging indications. The slight improvement noted continued w and in a mouth albumen was entirely eliminated from the urine, 1 gre! ined rapidly in strength and health and am now in perfect condition. My life insurance p been granted me and I feel that I owe my health and life to Warner's Rafe Cure." Yours truly, WM. F. MONTGOMERY, Albany, N. Y., Jan, 10, 1004, 53 Hamilton st. Warner's Bafe Cure has been used by leading doctors, and prescribed in their practi and sold by kidneys, liver, everywhere, for over 30 years, eT Rls font cares and leaves no dangerous after effects, One as the certain cure for all diseases dollar a bottle. If your druggist does not have it in stock, send direct to us, REF dangerous. USE SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. They are worthless and often exceedingly Ask for Warner's Safe Cure; it will cure you, WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. - To sufferer from diseases of thie kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, coyvince every suf! that Warues's Safe Cure will cure them, a trial bottle will be sent absolutely free, post doctor's advice, and with a a medical booklet which tells all about these diseases, on for each, and contains many of the thousands of testimonials received daily fran grateful patients who have been cured by Safe Cure. All you have to do is write Warner's Safe Cure Co., 44 Lombard St,, Toronto, Ont., and mention name of this paper. . The gen of this offer is guaranteed by the publisher. . Better Late Than Never. After a period of six months of wi- dowhood 'Mary consented to again en- ter the married state. A few weeks af- ter she was led to the altar her for- mer mistress met her in the street dressed in deepest mourning. "Why, Mary," she exclaimed, "for whom are you in black 2" "For poor Tim, my first husband. mum. When he died 1 was so poor that I couldn't, but I said if iver I could T would, and me new man, Mike is as ginerous as a lord." EE -------- (We. do not _publish testimonals.) IS A*GRAND CURE FOR SICK, BILIOUS, NEURALGIC OR . NERVOUS HEADACHE It is particularly recommended to deli cate dnd hysterical women, for whew it is a positive boon. It is a beautiful white lozenge which can be easily swallowed and leaves a delicate flavor on the palate. ds put up in small red enameled boxes which can be easily carried in a lady's purse. Each box contains ene dozen lozenges, each one of which is guaran teed to be a cure. Sold hy all drug gists at 25c. or mailed. Write for free sample and booklet." "The Herald Remedy Co., Montreal. FATHER FALLON'S TRIUMPH. Back As Personal Conductor Of Cardinal. The Toronto News in its report of the Ottawa University function on May 24th,.says this of a son of Dom inick Fallon, Brock street : "In the middle of it arose Father Fallon, the erstwhile general of the Ottawa College football team, almost idolized of the students past and pre- sent. He was 'removed' from Ottawa, some vears ago, and a protest from the parishioners of St. Joseph's church followed. The discipline which Father Fallon obeved was absolute. The Ob lat Order of Mary the Immaculate ex- acts these things. The story at that time was that he had been removed from his position as priest in St. Jo seph's church and professor in the universify because of a personal anti pathy to the alleged tendency to hand the control 'of the university over to the French influence. "He comes back to Ottawa as per sonal conductor of a cardinal. In the cardinal's personal entourage Father Fallon is the man who introduces to his eminence the men he may proper ly meet. Father Fallon's very presence at the ceremony sets the seal of au thority on the utter defeat of the plan to alienate the Irish influence from the interests of the university. Father Fal lon has fattened physically, and ripen ed mentally, though he has never heen deficient in. either regard. Last night he made a speech in terms of hichest cloquence. He introduced the cardinal in a graceful sentence, which set out that the introduction of a man whose name was a household word was a mere formality. Father Fallon made reference to his own CQanadianism, told his audience that the United States was a cood country, and as sured the cardinal that he found in Canada a country loval to its politi cal institutions and its religious con- vietions." A LEPER CURED, A Creole Lad Has Been Chang- ce ed. New, Orleans, May time in history, it said a leper will be ordered from the Lazzaretto completely cured. This week Louis iana Lepers home at Indian Camp will discharge one of its patients, a Creole boy, a native of New Orleans, aged fit who has been afflicted with leprosy for four years and has been under treatment at Indian Camp When he went to the --For the first for, three years, asvlum his body was the color of jee and covered with leprous ul cers. Hise face was blotched, and puckered up with open sores; he had no evehrows nor eye lashes. Now he is clean to look at; his face is clear, with a slight touch of color; his eye- brows and eve-lashes have grown; his ar instead of glassy, and he eye is cle : ha wed control of his facial mus- cles. | more patients are on the road to recovery, and will be dis- charged within a vear. The treatment which has caused such results is sim | ply persistent appli ation of treat mont used for leprosy since the world bigan Diss been treated s lily cvstematically and con lute cleanliness, © pure food and ant surroundings are provided. eee Andrew Dawson Reid, steamship Glasg®v; has been sentenced imprisonment for fore obtaining a mort manager, y to eight months ging a receipt and gage of £3,000. [1] i Guwilight (Continued from Page 3.) The Rev. Dr. Parclay and Mr. Gre- gor Barclay, of Montreal, sail about the third week in June, to spend the summer in Scotland. Miss Murial Galt, Montreal, is spend- ing the summer with her sister, Mrs. W. Harvey Smith, Winnipeg. : Montreal fricnds of Mr. Trevor Evan will be glad to learn that he has suf- ficiently recovered from his recent 'se vere illness to be removed from the Royal Victoria Hospital to 'the resi- dence of his grandfather, Mr. Rethune. Mrs. R. E. Webster, Ottawa, left yes terday for Brockville to attend the wedding of her sister, Miss Elsie Jones, to Mr. Alban Bedford Jones, of Tor onto. Mrs. Bell has gone to Lake Mem phremagog, Quebec, to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs, Walter Douglas. Miss Elsie Helliwell, who has been the guest of Mrs. George Chillas at Beaurepaire, has returned to Toronto. Miss Mary Miles, of Toronto, is in Montreal, the guest of Mrs. Spray. Miss Mollie Cartwright has returned to Ottawa from Toronto. . . . . The engagement is announced : Of Miss Grace Stearns, eldest daugh ter of Mr. and S. P. Stearns, Montreal, to Nr. W. F. 'Angus Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Angus. Of Mr. Arthur 8S. Maynard, of C.P.R., Montreal, and Miss son of the Florence MISS ADA LA CHAPPELLE It is reported that the purpose of the trip to Kurope of: Senator Clark, the Montana copper magnate, js to marry Miss Ada La Chappelle, his protege, who has been receiving a musical education in Kurope at the senator's expense, Sen- ator Clark's interest in Miss La Chap- pelle dates from the time, six years ago, when her voice attracted his attention and caused him to the expense of her" education, which was begun in Washington. © Miss Chappelle is twenty- eight years old, and is the daughter of a Butte, Montana, physician, who died vight years ago She has several brothers and sisters in Montana Her nother lives in Minneapolis It was aid recently that she contemplated a grand opera career the stage name ** Montana.' iis ---------------------------------- Jackson, of Dorchester street, Mont real In Quebec, of Miss Fustace Cave PBrown Molscns Bank. Of Miss J. L. Evans, of Hamilton, to Mr. L. D. Oakley, of Peterboro. The marriage will take place early in June At Winchester, of Miss Lilly Johns ton, daughter of Mr. James C. Johns assume under ¢ to Mr the Irvine Cave, of In Ottawa, of Miss Bonnie Simpson, Ayers Sarsaparilla We always put the best in it; you always get the best out of it. The kind all good doc- tors order. J.C. AyerCeo., Lowell, Mass. House-cleaning Sales Your labor seems in vain if' you do ot procure something new im the furni- ture line These are a few things which may in terest you i-- One Solid Birch Bedroom Sett, in Gol den Finish, British Bevel Mirror, 24 x 20; only $13. One DNrass Irop Ded, Swelled, and only 750; © One Combination Bed Couch, in Velours, only §12 T Children's Cots, in Solid Oak, only ws, spring attached. These are close outs at these prices. Use Furniture Restorer, Batsblished 1854 JAMES REID, and night. EL Personal services ope o one 147 for ambulance. Gold in the : ton, to Mr. Nelson W. Morton, man | arer of the Bank of Ottawa, Winches ter. Cnt. oy pha Dr. Is useful in a score of way a box, niece of Mr. Alexander Simpson, to Mr. Boyce Sprague, of Winnipeg. . ae In Neweastle, South Africa, recently, the marriage took place very quietly of Mre. Ralph Chiappini to Mr. Rene P. Doucet, son of Mr. Thedore Daucet, of Montreal. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Dr. ¥orbes, Mr. and Mrs. Doucet will reside at Johan- neshurg. The marriage of Miss Ruby Parsons, daughter of Mr. Edward Parsons, of South Quebec, to Mr. Edgar Mitchell, nephew of Senator Mitchell, of Drum- on June 7th. for curios and books in London sales rooms includihg £1,030 for an auto- graph letter of Nelson and £2,760 for a miniature by Holbein, There never was a man a woman couldn't flatter: there nevex wa a wo- man that didn't do it, A ~The man who leads a sed- entary life frequently believes he is the victim of some serious malady. f ~Do not alarm yourself. So many things that seem like '"gerious trouble" are only some form of Indigestion. ~If you are anxious about your health--make sure at first that the trouble is pot Indigestion or Constipation, it must be something else if Tiny Tonic Tablets do not make you well. Fifty Ironox Tablets, in an ! attractive aluminum pocks et case, 25 cents at drug. gists, or seut, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Iron-ox Rem» edy Co., Limbs ted, Walkers ville, Onts 25 Cents Tablets EXPORT LAGER. The Perfect Beer. Send a 20. stamp to pay postage and receive a nickel plated pocket opener--opons Gold Seal and other crown corked goods. The Sleeman B. & M..Co. % 1.imited x Guelph, Canada. ree A Pitiable Sight to Sco How TH mondyville, Que., is announced to take place in the Anglican church at Levis Sensational prices have been realized Ch piti Lo liiy . ai : nt Chase's Ointment Where there are children it is wel nigh indispensable as Wherever there is it¢lfing or a sore thagtwill™ = =} s in every home. a treatment for skin troubles, 'chafing, burns and sores. rey Itin S not heal it will be used with most excellent results, and will not injure the most delicate skin. At all dealers or Edmanson, Bates &:Co., Totonto. : p-To protect you against imitations the portrait and signaturo of Dr. Receipt Book author, are on every box of his remedios. SPORT REVIEW, Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And General Sport Providence has picked up a good man in Catcher Beville, late of the New York Am§ricans. Toronto wilifplay a mateh on Sun day at Montreal, and then jump to Rochester for Monday. Jersey City and Buffalo are now nip and tuck for first place in the Eastern Baseball League. Dan Patch, 1.56}, has been booked for an exhibition at the Lincoln, Neb., State Fair, on August 30th. Toronto is only two watches alead of Montreal. Sunday's contest, if lost to Montreal, will about put the Key- als in sixth place. "ls Sunday baseball sinful 2' asks me Cure. Young children seem especially liable ma. Net only is the si burning skin intense; but the ger of eczema becoming ch the entire body and lasting for years. : There has never yet been discovered a pe paration which is anything like as successful as Dr. Chase's Ointment in the cure of eczema. are thousands of cases on record to prove this statement. Bathe the parts with tepid water aad castile soap and apply Dr. Chase's Ointment 'night and morning, and the soothing, healing influence of this Ointment will bring relief quickly and soon make a thorough cure, lea smooth and natural. : | MRS. E. ST. AMOUR. 203 Richelieu St., St. Cunogonde, Montreal. Que., writes:--* For fifteen months [| used Dr. Chase's Uintment for my two little girls, Angeline and Antoinette, who suffered dreadinlly with eczema. sores, and though we tried all sorts of salves and lotions it seemed im- possible to obtain a dure. i; "Then we lente of Dr. Chase's Ointment and bog \ the result of this treatment my two little girls were completely cured, and are happy to be free from this terrible ailment which caused them to sulfor sc better Ointment than Dr. 's, Tub [have seeu it tested in this case of my children. wee how they suffered, and the cure is perfect." a contemporary. We don't know, hut we have seen some week-day baseball that was positively criminal, Cincinnati leads the National Base- ball League, with Chicago and New York bang up, and Pittsburg coming through tne bunch like a streak. Some of the clubs in the Eaktern Basoball League have been having ut tendance almost as good as in the National and American Leagues. The Toronto fans are demanding the | return of Toft to the Toronto team. It does not look as if the popular | catcher would strengthen Manager | Irwin's bunch, | A revolution in lacrosse is expected | to materialize in the cast this sum- | mer. Tt is said that the clubs in the | N.A.L.U. will declare for straight pro- foasionalism. i The Oxford University Athletic Club on behalf of Oxford and Cambridge | Universities #haé sent a challenge to | Harvard and Yale to hold an athletic | meeting in London this summer. | Tenney, Pittinger, and Wilhelm, of the Hloston Nationals refuse to play Sunday ball. Manager Buckenberger gave he will make them either go 1o church regularly or get into the Sab bath matches next season. The Brantford lacrosse team, chal- lengers for the Minto cup, think that they have a very good chance of lift- { ing the trophy this summer. Their home was the weak spot, and it has heen very greatly improved. Two new track roecords were made at Woodbine, Thursday, Cobourg ran 5 furlongs in 1.914 and Latheron went mile in 1.42, winning Queen's Hotel Cup. The other tile was won by Dis ens in 1.43, which equalled the old re cord. | Montreal bafehall team is anxiously | awaiting the arrival of Jordan. With | Jordan at second, Atherton out in right field and Walters back in the game, Montreal won't take back talk from anybody, The infield, Hartman, Yeager and Clancy Jooks great; Joyee | is playing grand ball in left and the | recent pitching done by Pappalan, Mc- | Carthy. and Adams speaks for itself. The following are the pet names given the major baseball league clubs: Boston, the "Bean-eaters'"; New York, the jants"' and "Highlanders": Brooklyn, the '"Superbas"; Philadel phia, the Quakers'; Washington, the | "Senators"; Pittsburg, the he | Cleveland, the "Spiders"; ieago, 'ults"' and "White Socks'; Detroit, Wolverines'; St. Louis, the "Cardi nals" and "Browns"; Cincinftati, the "Red." . \ The 'Tecumschs, of Toronto, are scouring the country for lacrosse play- ere. Their defence is one of the strong- ost that has ever been gotten together in the C.L.A., but the attacking div- iwion is exceptionally weak, The Chip- pewas, the new Toronto team in the C.I.A. senior series, hank on being able to trim their old rivals, the Te cumsehs. Their defence is not so formi- nt Was Us Their hands were al nuch, I do not believe there is a sighs Comfort Clothes able suits, Flannels Serges With Homespuns ddble, but the team is much more ev- enly balanced. Fit-REFoOR E. P. JENKING, KINGSTON CANADA METAL COMPAN Stereotype and Lineotype Metals ~~ used in Canada than anyother, ; ring from the re is alws ronic, sprea ving the skin soft, ' Ari Fit-Reform has divorced ore the idea that cool, comfort . necessarily be ill-fitting ; Fit-Reform hot weather clothes have all the style, and suap, and shapeliness, of the heavier fabrics, Planned by artiste : moulded by hand--end held in permanent shape by thousands of tiny stitches, Fit-Reform Specials " to completa the suit. English Flannel Suits. Blue and Black Serges, Genuine Homesprms, the dan- ing over There Il covered with itching an to use ity As It was a a Go cents summer shits must Frise English Flannel Trousers $12, $i, $18 and oo Bi a | $5 8, - no other, :be- Pogo ge