SE ------ 1ulant s absolut, ly pure, RAILWAY. rvice. ent-- Double Costs no nth only, I have decid- free of charge to every e his name and address latest edition of my book, entitled * E ," which explains and women, and how , every case. It ig beautifully Mistraies ad by every man and decided to give away a if these splendid hooks, , man or woman, w rhlv understand the we lth and disea: and it in perfect trength iod-send, and of great s fully all men and es a positive home cure matism, Losses, Sexual evs, etc., fuwily explain- name and address and in, plain Wrapper, this t send at once for vy will be sent to each t., Montreal, Que. i EE HEAT - « ten xisting conditions cash )04, and Sept. is cheap M bush. and upwards ing & Yonge Sts. Main 3613-3614 --Exchange Chambers They are ¥ advertise- st silver Ws Nata A EAL THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY," MAY 28 cnn. a If You Are Thousands of cured ones testify (Catarrhozone treatment. diseased tissues by the air how it works, Catarrhozone has gained its ren because it is sure to cure, diseased condition. How can you put ointments, or wa You wold choke. The lungs were treatment harnesses the plains why it relieves at once and « CATARRHOZONE but pleafant treatment for Nasal Troubles. WITII Catarrh, Bronchitis or Asthma YOU CAN'GET QUICKLY CUR- ED BY BREATHI! Catarrhozone = er. sir, this medicine is taken in air. Catarth, Bronc hitis or Asthma is the well known and well t Little drops of healing, it is carried to the Dosing for Lung Trouble is now discarded by progressive medicinal men. no matter of how long 1s it not rational to apply medicine where air to be a bearer of healing ;ampletely cures. CATARRHOZONE Price 25c. and $1, at all druggists, or by mail from N. son & Co., Kingston, Ont, or Hartford, Conn. Troubled | G for sted that the only certain cure 1 1 you breathe. This is )arkable and unfailing standing is the discase the wale or sprays into the lungs? for air. Catarrhozone is not only a prompt all Throat, Lung and C. "Pol VICTORIA DAY FIREWORKS ! Large assortment of ROCK- ETS, ROMAN CANDLES, TRIANGLES and FIRE CRACKERS at o> A. J. REES', Princess St. Wood =a Coal We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133." Foot of West St. WwW SUMMER FUEL | Dry Slabs and Soft Wood At right prices. 8. ANGLIN & 00, Foot of Wellington St. Boronia ttn art attia-piay eat ood nd Coal ROOMS AND BOARD. 10 FRONT ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen or two ladies Fine view; tting room {i desired. Con= i ---------- cod impression 1s always made with MACK'S PATENT Flexible Cushion RUBBER STAMP Prints on Uneven Surfaces. " WE ALSOMALE on SEALS, STERCILS AND STEEL STAMPS. PRICE MARKERS, & WHITE ENAMEL LETTERS. AG PAISURdXBU] 'pd 'ugpng ofioery = SU, THE FASHIONS. BEAUTIFUL GOWNS, BEWITCH- Striking Feature of Spring Modes , New York, not yet fairly begun, but during the EF GODELET ON EACH 02 GEYERAL CATALOGUE (SENT TO BUSINESS USES ORLY; ING HATS. Is The Variety of Colors-- Unlined Blouses Warm--Voile 'And Taffeta Prime Favorites. May 28 --Spring has past week there have been at least & few = comfortably warm and clear days. Only those who have lived in New York and have made a study | of observing . fashions, fully appreciate what a magic change the first few warm days of real spring weather will produce in the appearance of Fifth avenue and other aristocratic thoroughfares in. the vicinity of Uen- tral park. The magnificent display of beautiful gowns, bewitching hats and stunning coats or jackets on such days reminds one vividly of. the dazzling sights of a baliny spring day on the Paris boulevards or the pro- menade at Nice or Monte Carlo. It is safe to say that never before has there been such a remarkable variety of styles and designs in gowns, waists, jackets, coats, hats and such a bewildering display of colors than this year. More than ail any other time is there liberty allowed to in: dividual originality and although certain simple rules are generally con formed with, there the monotonous fameness be fore. One of the most strik'ng features of is less of than ever constiuctcd upon the general idea of the empire style. The short waisted robes are gathered in just below the bust, where they are finished with a ribbon or embroidery girdle. From that point they hang in straight folds to the ground. Some of them are entirely untrimmed in the lower part, excepting perhaps, a deep Fem, while others" have one or more Hou ¢- os at the bottom, which cause th< gown to fall in more graceful lines These flounces also have a tendency to better preserve the gene ral contour of the drapery. "(ne of the most fashionable new materials in Paris is white tafieta and so great is the beauty of the material and so manifold are its advantages, that it will undoubtedly become equ- allv popular here. The tafieta psed is of the softest quality, which is rather an important condition, as the stiffer and more unyielding grades of tafieta completely destroy the charming effect of the present style of gowns. Anoth- or material, which is extremely popu lar is eolienne, this vear, is used for some charming aud decidedly smart coat and skirt suits. This ma- terial is not particularly adapted for the most severe styles of tailor mades, but is well adapted to full boleros, plaited skirts and loose, short sleeves, For dressy afternoon frocks voile and taffeta are probably the most fa vored materials. Next in order come the crepes, eolienncs, chifions, bats tes, mousselines and fine cloths, 1 hey all have their special missions and are shown in the shops in a bewildering variety of styles ond « Yor ther which, also dainty smnmer wear are many: other favor aterials, like white and. natural « pongoe, a HH RBA 56) +4 TIE RUSSIAN CAMEL CORPS OF A the great Among the are various the fashion displays is variety of colors shown. most favored colors shades of pink and pinkish mauve, all kinds of blues, from the palest to some C.W. MACK. i xing ST. w. TORONTR THE GIRL WHO DOES THINGS. tn She Is The One Who Is Most Attractive. It is the girl that does things men and to her own sex, which last counts, too, in the run may not be able to do great things, to paint great pictures or to sing in grand opera, but you can learn long and your friends and perhaps to play that your friends will enjoy Any man who is continually la fool of himself must be a na venjences. Also table board. A. Ricard, 120 Barrie street. born tautologist. where make tailors, to see Crumley Bros. There are only a few in a few of the larger cities, whose work equals Novi-Modi costumes. necessarily away higher Ready-made costumes, them, are superior to tl pensive. We would like to have you call in and examine our stock. 1] ent is most popnlar Costume, Style No. 388 Th ERTImen 34 1m : LJ Ba for every-day wear. 0 oat ilk line Coa one, RCW & fancy mixed tweed. = ew Rh No? Skirt inverted pleat oF ha eo -- ladies' tailors But they make one costume we wo score, "so their prices are than ours. t as we make 1e work of most and in mosk cases not So £x- There is much and no one will press you to buy. Sole Agents for Kingston, Ont. in this world who is attractive both to You to make bright little things for vourself the light, "catchy" airs of the day so them, tural the darkest, with especial shades, like hydrangea and hyacinth, the dainty and delicate willow and and if you can't do anything else cul- | 5,0 ghjection to it, it is not partion | ohrado 20 tivate the art of talking hizhtly and Jarly suited for hot weather, as it | ¢ (tole and women are grad of being sympathetic. : _. | absorbs too much eheat and also | firming to ner and less ug Every girl can do one thing well if | Jooks too warm. of dressing the hair. Now co she will only take the trout le to find Unlined ble « are worn a great | giee when the women who were fool out what that thing is. The difficulty | goul with dr skirt and coat cos: | jihS\nsugh to follow that abominable is that che often looks in the opposite | une nowadays and there is none | fachion, will have occasion to re direction: she wants to do something more popular and becoming than the | {heir foolishn Complaints are | great and showy or nothing at all | pious of batiste, trimmed with ba | ginning to from all sides and tut there are other talents within | ig embroidery or with a comhina | more are re to come, as the pompa reach if she will only look, and these | 45, of embroidery and lace. Some | dour hecom a nightmare of he talents may be such a comfort to her exquisite specimens have been shown | pa At t fashion décrees that in her dark hours that they will make | wpontly and they seem to be even | the Le parted in the middl lite better and happier both for her popular than Jace blouses . or | and mint d on either side. That and those about er a al of fine lawn embroidery with | is just wher trouble hb « How the world likes a cheerful, | joi trimmingy. those who have been i plucky git} who makes a brave fight | pre is nothing prettier and dain- | dours durin past § and hides her skeleton in a chest in | Go the line of negligee than the | all of them fh that their hair, just Stead of folding her hands and whin: | sprpents after the Japauese patter est should be. fully shows wore ing hesies Tings dos come he ' vay | Whi, are displayed iy the shops " igns. of © baldness the girl who puts her own gric a time. The main featetres of the much as possible aside, who takes a Ho anoee style are retained, but they | > wholesome interest in life ! are jnodified to' adapt them to out pl fi | ee set corditions, and' the requirements of il i NW makin pedition of wearing thes Lal SEU ¢ | American methods ' garment It is difficult to imagine x more artistic kimono robes, which design and workm the mate anythin than these rs, sacks, wrap] ful in color, i « In most cases Roft crepe 1s rial of which they arc the crepe beautiful designs ers, hirds or butterflies are skilful hands. are Japanese. of dow ered by tions of woteristically mer negligees are charming an Most cut rath colors ol the nec or square, There , regard to that point. I'b | although 1 and pliability whic h makes th aterial and pic turesc ue, though less cor or with lace and deco! ith fine handiwork, ng embroidery, delicate tue Some ns, ote pecimen } & in the shops. ; marvels of workmanship and artist elaboration and their price amoun to a small fortune. 1 Jrecns . ever popular ecru Th + i lind grees , ux eve pon 8 us | With a pongo gown piped with brown and, "last hy not, \ at asd and trimmed with lace medallions, a . ite. Light grays are us i tints of whit grays a plain pair of tan lisle stockings = can to some extent, but by no means as | \ 5 a0 cory smart by the nee of . in former years. The same SS. > ; much as " ' at ye nS: Se a of Lo edallions, one just above each instep may be said of e. VE us 8 of } ' rst appliqued the stock : hey are first appliqued on the stoe champagne color, which was so ex nav ith silk tl hE) H very fine stitch am) ary 3 ly ho sw ren fin } trol ly popes last yest, Atmeng 3 thon the liste beneath ¥ carefully reds there are a Jew particula y fa I the 1 : cut and the edees of the stock vored shades, like coral, fruit and ing od with button hole stitches American. beauty. Browns arc as po laced closely and fine Iv to the wrong pular as ever, the reason being, probe | Giga of the medallion. Worn with ably, that brown is becoming to | brown suede shoes they give 'a dainty nearly = every combination 2 con finishins touch to thg costume, plexion, hair and eyes. ere 1s only The excerahle monstrosity, of the big and delightful i and are equally beaut: anship. made and on embroid The combina & are either round, seems to be in cks seem to be partic ularly | prabably becayse tigy are | becoming to various fornis and | shapes of necks. ° Soft finished taffeta is also u od | quite exten ively for summer neghigees, it lacks the clinging soft- | ne } i such delightful material | 1 purposes. Some of these es are in the form of | outer robes, which are worn' witha | girdled under robe of #oft and sheer }* Pt These robes are quite hand: js esTLESF OOD! than these made in one piece. in in itation of Japanese | tele do not exclusively dominate the assimilated that the most delicate field shions in negligee costumes, baby thrives on it. Made ouly of eld of fa bY . ho M | ho r. Many women of taste pre pure cow's milk, needs only for French neghgees in sheer lin: water to prepare it for use, | mmed with batiste or Swiss Let us send you, free of charge, a ie sample package of Nestié's Food in the form exquisitely beau « of «such negligees are Some of them are FRONT TYPE ORDERED TO THE l seare 'of weaves in linens and other waterdals. Women with an eye to cconomy will be olad to read the following sugges tion by a writer on fa hion matter A pair of lace medallions, left over from last year's summer frock can be put to excollint use in trimming stock inus to mateh the gown. For instance, out fortunately ge HTH Ii Hit i i / 1 i i i i r © a hs . x Bas stood the most exacting tests of = several generations. It. is so easily x containing suflicient for eight full meals. Send us 6 postal cord, LEEMING MILES & CO. + Canadien Agents MONTREAL | ie ts lathers richly them a delightfully clean better and more clothes i day. * Sunlight Soap does not make the clothes ill-smelling or yellow in color. : N\ All the pure fats and vegetable oils used in its manufacture are saponified __that means there is no free or surplus fat left in the soap to grow rancid and i make the clothes greasy and sticky. and creamily--washes the clothes white as snow and leaves in One bar of Sunlight Soap, when used colon to directions, washes LEVER BROTH fi iil y fifth f ih * smell. bop ; i than two bars of common soap. Use it next wash [1 wo nati cy BUY THE OCTAGON BAR. fy ae " 1. Ry ERS LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA § F - This state of affairs, aghinst which women had been warned g gre times during the past year ly due to the pompadour. ing of "rats" caused an overheating of the scalp und, in consequence there of. a drying out of the glands and falling out of the hair. The punish ment for foolishly sinning against sa is fully deserved and rather wild inasmuch as in Tnost cases it be lasting ly systematic and the use of proper tonics a new growth of hair can he eqused in most cases, but it will require several months of patience, before the normal conditions of the scalp and hair are restored. : In the meantime the vietims of their folly will he compelled to cov er the bald with light tullebows or come ornaments, ture, at that, will not sage ma Immoderate, Rather, Catholic Record That they besotted thi would ever become the they are never enter ed into the mind of so ealled "moder drinkers." at the beginning. The ¢ man fresh from eollece had vi of noble living And we have Jim fall by the wayside. We have wn him incredibly mean and selfish, with never a thought of his duty to man or to God and 8 prey to the vic follow in the trgin of in temperance. To keep a family in sor ofttimes not §r from starva nt es which row and tion, to break the head. of wife and mother, tn court the dager of dam nation--thi® 3s whit the drinker does every day of his life. ICE ! ® RED WAGGONS They are ours Fe on the look out or them. Gentlemanly drivers We would like to retain all MR. W. TI. WILSON'S old customers Our terms will be entirely satisinctory. We would to have many new customers WIVES consider it ECONOMY to have ICE in the sumfhior season. 'The spoiling of ene roast of beef would pay fof a month's supply And how delightful to have the Crean Milk and butter, cool and fresh always Ilo wot imperil your health by being without it Should you entrust us with vour ice « we will do our best to serve you or well, St. Lawrence Ice Co. (HARRY W. NEWMAN & BRO) (Successor to W. H. Wilson.) 255 to 267 King St., Wet. 'Phone 638. Sesd post card: 'Phone us, or give your order for ice to your grocer, ask- ing him. to send word to us, and Wwe will be at 'your: sefvige jet once. Wood Burning Outfit We have them from $1 up. Aso An Artistically Framed Picture Our Frames are MADE IN KING- STON and are guaranteed by the Many of the lingerie negligees are . : KIRKPATRICK'S ol Call in and lot us show them fq you. a X, Lelio. Claxton & | La 351 and 353 King Street. a § ASanitaryBa ° Moulding and mixing sow machinery--no handwork edip The most up-to-date Bakery in