AND LINOLEUMS are fa and fresh in colors and AP for some one its. to make a nice ng and a comfortable Don't let this opportu- ty slip. Enquire to-day a reement to" health 4 blood. be resolution was by the eity solicitor. McLeod. ~The only difference in new agreement from the old woukl tthe company is to keep the reet in repair. Ald. Carson.--~That's the important point. There's no agreement signed as to that. Mr. McIntyre.--The logical way of 2 would be to have the ag- signed before beginning the . Strainge.--I 1 was surprised to jet, Su the work had been started before the authority was given. The work should be stopped i - réement is signed. It was ridiculous to start it without that being done. fayor Bell. --Mr. Nickle is perfectly satis! to sign an agreement along the lines of the resolation. The fact that the company have begun opera- tions for a double track is an accept- ance of the city council's permission, incloding the keeping of the road in r : Se. Melntyre.--The city engineer as- sured me the agreement would be drawn up. The company had assured him they would sign it before he al- lowed them to proceed with the work. It was their desire to get the tracks laid without fiirther delay. «Ald Carson moved, seconded by Ald. Couper, that the work on the the extension of the Y.M.C.A. switch | be tinued until an agreement hi bela be properly drawn up and signed. Ald. Bassam.~There are some peo- ple who seem to want to stop every- thing in the city. When the city engi: neer is satisfied, why need we step in and stop the work. It seems lamenta- Ble. In the absence of the city solici- tor, we not ask the company work and thera any sense in such a thing, when 16 engineer gave the company auth- ority to proceed. He is our official, and we should be satisfied that he will after our interests. Why do these gentlemen want to stop the work ? What sense is there of these men con- tinuing to act contrary {o the wishes of 'people ? Their action is simply ANOTHER VICTORY _ FOR FERROZONE 8 Life of a Lindsay Lady Saved By Its Timely Use. Remarkable Cure of Female Trou- ble That Doctors Gave Up As Incurable. Lindsay, April 18.-Owing to the gront number of wonderful cures per- ormed by Ferrozone in this town, its reputation is mow second to none. Many leading citizens have testified to igs rita, and scarcely a day passes but someone proclaims the untold benefit derived from this great tosie. Mrs. J, of No. 4 Peter street, the following state ment which will be ol interest to every reader. "About ten years ago I was con fined to my room for five months un- der the constant care of a doctor, suffering from weakness and female trouble, since them 1 have scarcely been abls to get around, being al ways run down in flesh, nervous and hysterical. My appetite and digestion became so poor that my strength failed entirely. A constant headache, palpitation of the heart and sores at the corners of my mouth added to my burden. "My druggist, Mr. Dunoon, advised me to 'try Ferrozone. 1 used three boxes at first, and noticing an im- provement bought six more. 1 improv- ed steadily and grow stronger = each day. Finally Ferrozone cured me. 1 am twenty pounds heavier, T have a splendid appetite, and my complexion is everything that could be desired. My heart trouble is gone, and today I am a strong, healthy woman, just t Ferrozone me. My lie was saved by Ferrozone, and | glad to testify to its : \ MRS despond- ent and ailing will find a and new in. Ferrozone. It makes rich nerves, st thens organs, Ferrozone carrects stomach trouble, improves the appe- tite and color brings to the cheeks, in 80c. per box or six boxes for 0, "at all"dealers. © ; 5 eo would support Id. Couper's motion if the word by- "ont. AN that was ent. It would I want is to have If things have been manner before, we don't want that style of business con tinued. We need an agreement to pro- We want it drawn up so that the city's property will not be unnecessarily wasted, by having. the widdle rails too far apart. 1 wouldn't take any company's word without an agreement. We have had experiences in the past, and don't want them re- peated. Ald. Carson--The city solicitor should put in the agreement the clause that the tracks are to be placed in the centre of the road from curb to curb. Ald, Conper--Another thing is neces- tary, 100. The cars should he changed #0 as to prevent aceidimts on the dou ble-tracking. "The sides which pass on the inner portion of the track should be closed up, ay is the case in other cities. That would allow of a good reduction in the width of the devil strip in the centre of the road. Ald. Toye---The city engineer, T un, derstand, hes given instructions to build the devil strip four feet four inches wide, the same as down town. Un Ontario street this afternoon | measured the space between two cars that passed on the double tracks. Where the devil strip is four feet four inches wide, the space hetween the cars was two inches, and where it is four feet two and three-quarter inches, the spice was three-quarters of an inch. | can't see that the devil strip can be made narrower. The old agreement was looked up, and it was found that there was no fixture for the devi) strip. It could be agreed upon, however, by the city and the company. The laving of rails is subject to the approval of the en- gincer. - - Ald. Kent pressed: for the elimina- tion of the word "bylaw" from the motion, else be would have to oppose if. Ald. Couper agreed to his request. Ald. Mcleod concluded the debate at 11:10 o'clock by criticising Alds. Cou- per and Careon for 'their action on the Guestion. A vote was then taken on Ald. Cou per's motion, which was defeated by nine to seven. The yeas and nays re sulted : _Yeas--Alds. Abbott, Carson, Couper, Kent, Knapp, Suds, Strainge--7. Nays--Mayor Bell, Aids. Angrove, Bassam, Hoag, Mallen, McLeod, Rig- ney Sears, Toye~9. his does not mean that an agree- ment will not be drawn up, but that work will proceed in the meantime. "he agreement will likely be signed by this afternoon. S---- Deseronto Board Of Trade. A 'meeting of the Deseronto Board of Trade was held on Thursday last. The officers of last year were elected by acciamation : President, Patrick Slavin; vice-president, Amos A. Richardson; secretary, Henry R. Bed- ord; treasurer, Alson G. Bogart. Councillors, John Dalton, Frederick J. Frost, William H. Stafford, Wil- bert Woodcock, Frank 'B. Gaylord, Richard Lawson, Charles J. Adams, John Harvey, Robert Miller, James M. Oliver, William J. McMicking, James Fairbairn and J. P. Agaworth. The members of the transportation committee' are : John Dalton, Elias Armitage and William H. Stafurdy te. \ He Stands Well. Speaking of Prof. Shortt as af.em- her of the railway taxation coyimis sion the Globe says Prof. Shorft has been on the faculty of Queen's} since \ \ 'Number of By-Laws--Fi- nance Committee To Consider of 5 A 's Insurance Rates. Al 'meeting of the city coun. Jast night principally to y by-laws for the con- permanant, walks under improvement plan. It took a half to do this, but continued an hour and a longer, most of which time was in a discussion upon the switch question, an account of which is given ia another ol mee M Bell At the ting were : Mayor and Alds. Abbott, Angrove, Ban, Carson, Couper, Hoag, Kent, Knapp, Mallen, Mcleod, ligney, Sands, Sears, Strai and Toyg. After the by laws were put through several other matters received consid: eration. W. H. Miller and D. F. Arm- strong, special audijors, reported as follows : We have completed the spe cial andit of 'the tax collector's rolls and street watering tax from January g shortage of $956.1 These communications were read : From Archibald Simpson, complain ing of an error 1902, and asking for an enquiry. Re ferred to the finance committee. From Edward Revell, offering $4¢ for the use of the smelter site as pasture. Reforred to city property owning pols on the streets be of the council the question of the underwriters raising' the jnsuranc rates ja Kingston. It matter, and there seemed no reason for it. Kingston had an eflicient brigade and. its fully erected and Leod 'spoke of as a "hold wp," located, Ald. Mec- and declared that pal insurance. Capitalists in Kingston could well afford to go into the in surance business and make money out of it. On motion of Alds. Kent and McLeod, the matter was referred to the finance committee tion: Mayor Bell advised the council to take up the telephone question at once as the agreement between the tity and the Rell Telephone company expired on July Ist. It was decided that the finance. committee and the board of works take up the question and report. There was some random discussion upon the enforcing of by-laws and the duties of the city commissioner before the council at 11:20 o'clock. Confirmation shoes at Abernethy's. OVER BACKWARD. The Horse Fell On His Rider. The sustaining value for hardest work' as well as wonderful health- bringing properties of proper food were never shown better than in case of a Colorado man, who received an injury to the stomach and intes tines from a horse throwing himself the | in his tax Lill for ) field yi Ald. Couper moved "that companies | in- | structed to paint them at once. Car- ried. Ald. Kent brought to the attention | » was a setious | five | buildings were care | the increase' of rates | now was the time to consider munici- | for considera- | | Day;™ | backward and falling upon him. He says : "For eleven years 1 suffered untold agony from eating, any food | distressed me bevond description. "At times | was able to work, but ed to satisfy with the common and substantial fare which is prepared by the average farmer's wife, hut almost immediately after the meal I would be seized with eran and convulsions, so severe that my was despaired of. Only the best medical skill and careful nursing could save my times. The injury had coused stric tures and adhesions, 'a the and intest which the rough food could not pass through, thus causing obstruction of the bo¥els which is so often fatal "These attacks occurred with great I was a physical wreck. My heart had 1885, when he was appointed askist- ant professor of philosophy. J§ 1859 | he became lecturer in the new dart. | ment of political science, and id 1892 4 professor of that subject. He bad fre quently contributed articles on econo- ; mic and social subjects to periodicals | in Canada and the United States. He | has also pueolished a number of es | says oun banking. For years he { given considerable . attention to the transportation problem. Prof. Shortt is forty-five years of age. : At The Grand, To-Night. One of the brightest comedies to come to the Grand will be John E. | Curran's sparkling farce, "Reuben in | New York." This piece was written with the one idea in view--to produce laughter. After witnessing the per- formance the audience is not left in doubt as to the playwrights efforts. It is simply one long, hearty laugh: the plot--and it has a plot--is absorb ingly funny, being founded on a 'series of misanderstandings, that would seem to require the service of a Sher- Llock Holmes to unravel, Three Good Ones. George Clif has sold the following properties this. week © James Suther land's residence, Queen street, to Will iam Cockburn; William Meeck's fine brick house on Clergy street to Prof. Publow, and Capt. Malone's fine resi- dence, corver "Brock and Frontenac streets, to Rev. Jchn Fairlie. Hats, $1, $2, 83. No matter what you pay vou're sure of the fullest value for vour m : at Campbell Bros., leaders in up-to-date hats. We sell the best gas stove in the market. 1t is called the Jewel. Sold only by Taylor & Hamilton, 89 ahd 91 Princess street. If we can't do better for you than Ferrozong Assures Health, ? any other dealer, you can have your money. back, Roney & Co, become very weak, my pulse slow, 1 had lost much flesh ry me of the best surgeons Th Denver fold me 1 must be operated upon at der to save my life. HH: said T'woulc surely pass away in one of these spells unlessI submitted to "the knife. Now, after these spells 1 flammation had subsided and 1 was able to move around again, but then would come another attack. After one of the most severe of these spel during which I became unconscious au tnable to use 4 muscle for hours, the doctor ing following, so I began to confine myself almost entirely to Grape-Nuts, aud in a remarkably short time I be- | hs | nette. The paper is of poor quality, gan to gain flesh and feel like work- mg again. The more Grape-Nuts 1 ate the better I liked them, so I made this almost my entiréd foor with Pos tum Cofice, the doctor having advised me to quit coffee on account of its ac- tion on my heart. "And now, at this writing, more than a year has passed away since my last sick spell, for I have not had one since I commenced eating Grape-Nuts. I afl working every day right along leside strong men in the garden and farm, do everything and anything that is required of the farmer--ploughing, hoeing or pitching bay, never have any more pains, in fact I cen almost forget my injury. ! "When | come home from market a saucer of Grape-Nuts is my breakfast and I can then go to work and feel that ['%an live and be as other men again. There is no other feeling like getting back your health. "I will give the physicians' names who attended me during those years if you wish for them." Name given by Postom Co., Battle Creck, Mich. Good food that can be digested will cure most any disease. "There's a reason." Look in each package for the famous Little book, "The Road to Wellville," this gave me an appetite which I tri- { visiting her mother, Mrs. Lee, John- | | i " { on a visit to friends in Kingston and life at these | Wolfe Island. stomack | have | | | i | | once In OF | nlays here this evening. | | i always | has | hed to diet for some time until the in | told me I would never again be | able to eat solid food or work hard. | "1 had tried a sample of Grape-Nuts food and found I had mo uncasy feel {| as conductor, frequency for eleven long years, until | 1 ness in Pittshurg for some vears, and of Om Utferings for missions. . Congregational church. --Rev. invited. Seats are all free. St. ~The right of confirma- tion wi admmistered, by- the Bish- op of Ontario, on Sunday at the ev- ening service, , YOLCA, Homing praver meeting, 7 a.m; nwus meeting at 4.15 p.m, Ad- dress by Seerctary itt on "The Re- turn of Christ and Reign Upon Earth." Workers' Bible class, Tues- day, 8 p.m. First Congregational church, corner Wellington and Johnston streets. -- Rev. D. M. Solandt, pastor. Services, 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Scott, a returned missionary from Ceylon, will give a lecture in the evening on wission work in that country. The lecture will be an illustrated one and on this account will begin at 7.30 p.m. ; | Calvary Congregational church, jeorner Charles and Bagot streets-- lev. G. A. Lowes, pastor. Service at { Mrs. (Revi) McCallum will {11 a.m. 1 speak on "Foreign Missions" and the st 193 to Hay nh; 1004, nd annual offering for the Canada For- Yoxes for: the vanrs 1900 1901 | tign Missignary Society will be receiv- 1902 1908 show as follows, viz. ed. Evening service at 7 with sermon 1900, over paid $2.96 : 1961, short. | on The Widow of Nain." Pastor's re- 8.48 : 1502. short, 865.91 : sidence 143 Pine street. . 1903. short 8811.42; making a total Cooke's church, Presbyterian--Rev. Alexander Lai minister, 65 Union street west. Sunday services, 1) am. and 7 p.m; Sunday school, 3 p.m. Sunday, May 29th. Morning subject, "St. Paul's Leading Ideas in the Epistle to the Ephesians" evening subject, "The » Young Ruler Com- | ipg to "What Shall 1 Do | That I May Inherit Eternal Life 7' Jesus"'- | livray, D.D., , pastor. Services, 11 a. m., Holy Communion, "The Doxology to Him That Jloveth' Us"; 7 p.m. "Man's Place in The Universe--Stud in the Pentateuch." Sunday school | and Bible Class, 3 pan. Prayer meet | ing, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. Strangers elcome to all the services. | Brock Street Methodist church-- Rev. { Eber Crummy, B.A. B.Sc. pastor. | Sunday servic 11 am. and 7 p.m. | Rev. Thomas Brown will preach in morning, the pastor in the evening. Solo by Mrs. Evans, "Daughters of ! Zion." Sunday school, 3 p. pas- tor's Bible class, 4:15 p.m; hristian { Endeavor, Monday, at 8 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wedne /, at 8 p.m. Sydenham Street Methodist church, May, 20th, 1904.--Rev. J. Philp, M.A. D.D.\ pastor. Services 11 aun, and £7 pm. Rev: W. T, 8 Brown will i preach at both services Sunday {school and Pible class at 2:45 p.m, | Pastor's class on. Monday at 3 p.m. | Social evening in the Epworth League jon Monday at 8 p.m. Mrs. Pike's Fible class, on Tuesday, at 8 p.m. | Prayer meeting, on Wednesday, at 8 | p-m. {| Queen Street Methodist church, May 29th.--Rev. S. Shibley will preach at { 11 am. and Rev. J, M. Treadrea at | Tp.m. Sunday school at 2.45. Ep- worth League of Christian Endeavor, Monday. Mid-week service on Wednes- day at 8 p.m. All welcome. Morning anthem, "This, Is The evening anthem, "Now The Day Is over;" solo, Mr. Shea. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the People--What They are Saying and Doing. A. C. Mackay, Renfrew, was in the citv last evening. F. C. Stevenson are at the British. Mrs. Fred C. Miller, Montreal, is and wife, Boston, ston street, Mrs. Neil --Me€Cuaig and daughter; Louisa, of Rome, N.Y., are visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. Thomas Stafiord and her daughter, Miss Julia, of Lanark, are Mrs. T. Tucker and Miss Loucks returned to Syracuse, having spent the past few days with Mrs. Jackson, Pine street. : R. 8. Richardson, so long known in connection with the B. of Q. railway reepted a position on the railway, with head- quarters at Smith's Falls. Rodney Horn has accepted a posi- tion as business manager of the "Ren Len in New York" company, which He has con- tracted for a three months' summer tour on the Atlantic coast. James A. Coulson, who formerly lived in this city left for his home in Pittsburg, to-day, after spending a week's vacation with his parents here. He has been in the contracting busi has met with a fair measure of cess in that business sue ---------- » Counterfeit Bills. Within the past few days counterfeit one-dollar Dominion of Canada bills have been floating around. One issue, a 1898, is a photo wood production and bears the log-rolling scene vig- and to an expert the fraud is easily detected. + A second issue, series B, bears the imprint "For Minis er, of Finance." -------- The Outdoor Shakespeare Plays. It is proposed to produce the Shakespearean - plays by Ben Greet, the English actor, on the grounds of the late J. A. Allen; on King street west, near the penitentiary. The street railway has been asked to erect the platform and supply the seating. In the event of rain the plays will be produced in the Grand Opera House. ------------ George Mills & Co. For girls' sailor hats. The steamer Stranger, of Morris barg, will come to Kingston next week and enter Davis' drydock to be re-built. Get the habit of enjoying an cream soda at Gibson's Red drug store fountain. . Abernethy's have just received a new lot of fine shoes for confirmation Sunday. Special prices in boys' confirmation ice Cross tran welcome! Chalmers, Presbyterian. corner Bar | | rie and Earl street.--Rev. M. Macgil DAY'S EPISODES {1 0€AL NOTES AND THINGS © IN GENERAL. Occarrences in 'the City and Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest to the People. A man's tongue usually outlasts bis brains, Looks as though ing in heats. After a man runs into debt either walks out or stays in. Carefully read section two of the Whig. It has much valuable news. Somehow a woman can tell when ; anyvhody is looking without doing it i herseli. He who takes good care of the | days need give himself no worry over the year. Character consists of a man stead- { ily pursuing the things of which he feels himse!l capable. - To-day is the anniversary of the death, in 1813, of the American lexi- cographer, Noah Webster. Come and look at what we are of- fering in boys' confirmation suits, Saturday afternoon and night." Roney & Co. Oh, the marvels at which we have won ered 5 They shift with the varying scenes, Where once on sea serpents we pondered, We now look for flying machines. The township of Ernesttown is to { submit a by-law to the ratepayers to grant a loan of £20,000 to the Ontario Electric Railway company. Steamer North King leaves Swift's ! wharf at 10:17 a.m., Sundays, for | 'Thousand Islands, and at 5 p.m for | Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester J. P. Hanley, agent. It is a waste of time for a father to attempt to train up his son in the way he should go if he doesn't keep in the middle of the same road him self weather was com- he We want the are hard to fit men with who think they ready-to-wear | clothing to let us try. We can sw prise you. Roney & Co. twelfth convention of the Ep l curt League of Northern New York | M. E. conference, will be held iat Ihousand Island Park, July 4th, to 7th. Born this Guillotine, who invent plan of exceution, 173%; Jr., 1759; Moore, poet, .- 1820, sts and Guarantee company, oronto, has been appointed adn rator of the estate of the late Mary O0'Coin. of the township of Hun gerford, in the county of Hastings, who diced on the tenth of December 1903, Tomorrow (Trinity . Sunday) the voung people in connection with St Mary's cathedral will . be confirmed iter high mass. The following Sun y (Fete Dien) they will make their st communion. 'The Master Mechanic's 1660; her French liam Pitt, 1779; Agassiz, day : Georg Pure Tar Saturday aiternoon and night we sell confirmation and first communion suits in black or blue chevoits and serges, all styles--the $5 qualities, for 3.75. £3.75. Last chance on'men's working shirts. Your choice of any 50c. shirt for 3%. or two for 75c. and The. shirts for 59%. each or two for 73ec. No more than two of any one line to cach customer. Roney & Co. Never Before. Wds 80 much good style combined with low price as 'in $1 hats Campbell Bros., the store that saves you money. ------ Cream of cucumbers for tan, sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "" Give me said; " The emblem of love and peace." And her milliner answered, ** Here. they - our the wings of a dove," she are, For a dollar'm a half apiece." EPILEPSY If you suffer from Epilepsy, Fits, Falling Sick- ness, St. Vitus' Dance, or have children or relatives that do, or know a friend that is afff ct- ed, then send for afree trial bottle with valuasle treatiseon these deplorable diseases. The san ple bottle will be sent by mail prepaid to yor- nearest Post-office address. Leibig's Fit Cure brings permanent relief and cure, When writing, mention this paper and give name, age and fuli address to _. TRE LEIBIG CO., 179 King Street West, Toronto, Canada. Mattings The new Mattings the summer. Prices vary from 10c. to 40c. a yard; but our Japan Matting, with fine Cotton Warp, at 15¢. a yard, is a leader. Many new designs in Blues, Greens, and Reds, and some very fine dainty weaves in pure White. ---- R.McFAUL Kingston Carpet Warehouse. suits at Livingston's to-night, i from China 'and Japan are here, ready to make your homes cool and comfortable for Jermanently cures all forms ness, Emissions, 8S; «nd alleffec : : ; reast and or of any part of Ras - Sheedy and ot all forms 2 heumal mbago, or In th Stir and roi Joints ack: hips and loins, Th put the disease to from the system. and makes good, rieh, Get a Bg bottle 3 this remedy, you are n ectly satisfied w results I a refund your w Munyon, GARRIACE PAINTING Give us a can for First-class Carriage Painting. R. MOLONY, CLARENCE § Next to Wilson's Liv ery, --_-- One Dealer|n Ten \ will try for the sake of a larger profit--fo make customers believe that other Soaps good as "' Baby's Own Soap are *¢ gg Such statements, and others of like nature, help to make his busi- ness quiet while others are thriving. The pub- lic know better, Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mirs. MONTREAL. Wood's Phosphodine, A The Great is an old, ell estab an preparation. Hashem soap heals and softens the skin while rerio penrs anal promptly cleansing it of grease, oil, N gists in the rust, ete. Invaluable for mechanics : N CH Canada wel ad farmers, sportsmen. Free sample on re- ore. and After. the eipt of 2c. for postage. Albert Toilet Be. fer. its kind that curesand Soap Co., Mirs., Montreal. fives gniversal satisfaction. I$ promptly asd tsof abuse or excesses ; Waod's Phosphodine is Kingston Druggists. =~ BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND, BOARD, bath, ete, 102 Bamot street, nem City Park. Reasonable rates. . WALL PAPER BARGAINS - 8c. Paper Sc. 5c. Paper 4. NEW PATTERNS 1109 Discount Remnants Half Price Etc, F. NISBET, The Corner Eook Store. oal No better in city ; lots worse. Give us a test order before buying so-called cheap coal. JAMES SWIFT & G0. Telephone 135. the 2000000000000 000006 00060007 G. A. BATEMAN -------------- ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIER and FIRE INSURAVCE BROKER. "Phone ou Office, ST Clursuce street. Evening address, 83 Sydeiam 8 - soid by ol | the gra dirt ei coal And good kinds fi preciate R. { KN ICE CRE 184 PRI Fresh 'Ice Crea Fresh Candy, Good Chocolat G. B. Chocolat S---- | «7 Not often do 3 ity of purchasi such bed-rock p Nottingham I long, wide widt wes, with effect Sid values at $ £2 pair. Fine Lace Cv centres . of pl Windor Attractive a neatly made in Frilled Muslin frills of lace ane together, mak tive drape, 30c. yard. Frilled Nets, | tion and net most fashional 20¢., 2c., 2c., Spot and Fa very large rang makes, at 12} 30c. yard C Sacrificing sal yard." Brussels Wool, Union, H sweeping reduct fits have been stances cost has considerable ext Tapestry Carp 60c., 75c., 80c., Brussels Carp £1.25, 81.35, #1. £1.10 yard. Rorderings, od cent. off regula ? 1 J Door Mats, br strong, new qual at 60c., 75c., $i Moquette Mats large range in £1.25, 85. English Mats made, new patte makes, £1.25, £ Sheepskin Mat ed, thoroughly f $1.40, 81.50. alos