forms of It restores k i d n ey Ss 4 disorders ailments em. IEROUS YORK, Nn. '~ , PA ig awn Fence active and durable, © es by having ene of our ) carry a large line off Write for catalogue and prices EQ, MAN. WELLAND, ony. D o Ze e with clothes. f , the stout man need not hunt n a discouraged 2, 'TU COME HERE Our clothes are : DBR materials are of § 4 and 15. erges, $2, 2.50, Hat, nts, 50c., 75c., RGAINS ion NG SALE GE SUITS, sizes Week they 38. Sold here at eygoat¥ 33. Sold here at < they go at CAPS, etc, & TON, IE WOMEN OF THE NITED STATES. Successful Home Treatment. Pads Dr. Hartman's-Cure for Female Diseases--A Generous Offer © to Women. Invalid Women are Applying by Thousands for Dr. Hartman's 'Free Homo 'Treatment by Letter. mai 28 1 - ~~ RS, J. P. COADY, Treasurer of the Ivy Leaf Club, 1,702 6th Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, writes: "Peruna is no elt overworked and in need of a tonic, and I have always found that it was of grest Benefit to me. | am therefore pleased md happy to say a word ia its praise and stall gladly Indorss it to my friends." Mrs. J, P. Coady. Miss ITattie Grace, 254 West 46th St., Slew York, writes: *Pcruna has changed me from adel, irritable, nervous woman ris healthy and a happy oe, Nothing 2 pent to worry and to fret me any rore. Since early womanhood I sof-| fered with bearing down pains and nervousness, 1 was thin and worried, but Peruna me. Those who Loew me before cannot understand thechange, batlcan sum itail up in the blessed word, Peruana." ~lizttie Grace. Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson, No, 151 [1st 8t, Drooklyn, N. Y., President West 'eooklyn Audubon Soeicty, writes: "I am pleased to tell whata blessing Peruna bas beensaome. Several years ©go my constitution seemed broken dowa aad I cared little whether I lived er dicd. 1 bad takca so much redi- cine that the sight cf a bottle made me pro) had read abot Peruana curinz women, and I thought perizaps it would Lelp me. 1 bought a bottle and before jt was finished 1 felt beiter. 1 kept on txking M, aod after three moaths® ithiol use | was a well woman and able to da the work and undergo the strain of younger days."e--Elizabeth Fergosoa. In view of the great multitude of wo- men suflgring from some form of female disease and yet unzble to Sng any cure, Tr. Iartman, the renc Evizase Rows: FERGUSON, o application to hin summer months without char, The treatment will bo cox correspondence. Tho doctor ceribe all medicines clenic and dietary r to completo a cure. ceribed ean ho slores. This offer during tho summer me man can b » | dropey of the abdomen, shonld apply ot] oneo and become res istered as regular > will be No one knows better than Dr. Hart. man how much tho women suffer with diseases peculiar to their sex. No ona 3 knows better than he does how many 1, Dr, Ilartman is the [of them suffer with such diseases, y presides t of The llartman Sanitarium, | Patiently, hopefully, wearily, and often : n which hzsadepartment | Silently, they eke out a miserable exist- treatment of | €0ce, year after year. ¥ | romance makes a more touching appeal homes | to human sympathy than the woman . The burdened with the cares of a family on in such | trying to carry the extra load of some woman | tormenting and ever present female v &Tection of] discase. +iling to become! Dr. Hartman's sympathy for such is s Dr. 8. B. Hart. | unbounded, and his willingness to help | them limited iad aly do to his power. NOTICE. ' Debenture Holders & Kingston Light Heat and Power Company. IN THE HIGH COURT OF Juice All cases of fe monstrual irre ulecerattons, irritation cf the eam ovaries, Tumors and | CONFIRMATION FOOTWEAR .... The new Confirmation Suit or Dress will not look well un- fess the outfit is compieted with a NEW PAIR OF SHOES. Children's feet are always prominent, and if anybody is | entitied to a new pair of shoes, it's the boy or girl who is ae xt about to bo confirmed. The handsoms new styles in Chap Shoes, Oxfords, Sandals and Slippers arc ready. They MATTER OF and trav AN ACT itr 14th day of J are just right every way, as we have made special pro- ' BETWEEN THE KINGSTON LIGHT, HEAT AYD POWER COMPANY, Vendors, Abernethy' S Shoe) Store. | THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON, Purchasers, vision for Confirmation. Headquarters for IF ruks and J ilises. The Shirt Waist Year The Shirt Waist will reach the very pinnacle of its popularity this Summer. This is Shirt Waist Year--and this store is par excellence the Shirt Waist Store. We've been at a deal of pains in choosing the finest collection of Shirt Waists that could bz found-- and we're mighty proud of the result. These 1904 Waists far excel in beauty and daiatiness anything we've been able to show before. You'll agree when you see them. Prices--from 50c: up to $4. SPENCE & C0., The Leading Millinery i CUT OFF 75,000 MEN. Reduction in Working Forces In Years. N.~The re wees of the | | Greatest | adelphia, Pa. Mg i the working 2 in this country and radical thar and Mantle Store. is more ex was thought riers tod 3 wnts every | A yo wonle be necessary |} + that not less than 75, SC CE " . | oo «es have been dropped from TO-LET. it oad pay rolis. A large pro If You Want, once lig i | tl under orders from company Stores, tices McCann's Real Fs | iss from = the i To buy a Dwelling, Building | Lot, Farm, Country Store, or a 51 Brock street tats o To e person bot A ? =i hands, sta shitely Tre 1 i 1 t UNFURNISHED |' . in. Te City Business, please call and see ISH OF ooh IT meer: | tion men. and : 3 ne i avs 4 3 sergy St., West 2 tic to ine t our list and get particulars. Jy at Crumley Br dry goods ta 10th it 1s expected fe out process will have AT mM 3 RESIDENCE, ON Ph « . B Oo N D. FRAT PEs k as ** Calder- | weeption of the panic . 63 Clarence St., wood." > the drst o | £xception ¥ the = ! Nav Apply Wal kem & Walkem | " ilroad Rea! Estate and Insurance. mr re of 1904, THAT 0 Se ent occu ft by | main "at weep ! somy is the of railroad in fre FOR SALE. DETACHED, SOLID BRICK VO \ on Frontenac Street, mear Prin pcess | Lot 66 feet [ror . Lets of room to Also good barn, sheds and | t shipments 8 Freight t and west, not bright ng off bot . h t that the Sato 1 is No martyr in poetry or heroine in | MILITARY NEWS. THE CORPS THAT WILL GO INTO CAMP HERE. Indoor Rifle Ranges Should Be Supplied--Colors To Be Pre- sented To The R.C.F.A.--Notes About The 14th Regiment. Military Gazette © It is understood that the Kingston Army Service Corps will be commanded in camp this year by Capt. E. ©, Dean, at pre- sent of Ottawa. Captain Dean is the second in command, and his taking over the command temporarily will be Rroessitated by the fact that Major B. White will be supply officer on - staff of No. 3 District Camp, -- The announcement that the proposal to give city corps some little training in camp this vear has been in part adopted, and that facilities are to be afforded to some of them to do four days of their t m this way during the coming will be ac knowledged as a portant step in the right dire city corps attain formation wo! for manocuvy cannot possibl very initial stage The British government has assign od six colors, especially designed, for the purpose of tation to Cana- dian corps which tc art in the war in South Africa recognition of valuable services to the empire render ed by these corps. The colors will be allotted to the Roval 'Canadian Dra i in close are =o cramped ground that they get far bevond this ciency goofis, Roval ( vlian Mounted Ri fles, Strathcona's Horse, Roval Cana dian Field Artillery. Roval Garrison Artillery and Royal Canadian. Regi- ment. ng for a big time wl the wily chic attrac he 43rd "Re Ottawa is pre 1 for the spectat iment has induced the 10th Company of Malone, New York State. militia, to ha their guests ou that occasion. These corps field on June into camp at Barrie th: Third Dragoons, ith Hussa h Field Battery, 16th, 10th, 15th, 46th, 17th and 49th Regi Sth Field Battery. No. 3 Com CAS.C.. No. 2 Field Hospital It is expected that at least 2,000 men will be in camp. ol. Montizambert states that the warger of his. which died in Belleville few days 0, was not the one he rode throug + North-West Rebel wnts. In that campaign he o » little grev mare, which he shterwards sold His charger, which has just departed to the hapny hunt round, he purchased from the Major Shortt, at Quebec about po. He rode it fre of late vears. as the animal was ¢ wuld, he found a place of re fuge for it, in its advancing age, on Lieut. Col. Ponton's farm near Belle ville. There it lived at ease, as Col. Montizambert did not wish to have the faithful animal shot, and was used for a lady's carriage. In. his palmy days Col. Montizambert was one of the most daring riders in Canada, and the enthusiasm of the horseman still remains with the military officer, the ex-D.0.C. of this district. . rston » years ago, retained hy the tia, was witnéssed at the review here. The specta good chance to note this York | march States m Victoria day tors had a labored warching by the New State National Goggd in with the fry and style now in vegue r in Can ada Th latter preferred, even in the march past 4 | She companies of the New York | Stute National Guard, who visited | a day were armed with amount of drill than do their Can adian volunteer cousins in arms. Their | armouri are more comfortably | equipped and they are expected to drill six months in the year. Then | their arn ies are nearly all equip | ped with indoor shgoting ranges | Capt. Eddy, of the 3rd Regiment of a ted that practice at this was just ak good as at ne. The same cartii | ind the sighting pra No less than two-third sharp fifty were shooters, was scarcely one of them hut had a marksmen's decora tion. dian militia dep { I follow the system in Ju States by providing indoor i r various city armounes. | liberal supply of blank am. |! 1 might also be supplied to | especially when they are to tal part in a review and are to fire a fou de joie. The Mth did very well jast Tuesday in its firing, with nly ne tice, but it would ely better had it fired a few 1 rounds a couple of weeks previons Becan Major White, of the Army Service Corps. and Major Abbott, of the Army Medical Corps, walked at "the head of their umits in the Victoria | duy review, it must not be supposed that they were afraid to' mount a horse, Both are goixd riders, and look with moon or dinary livery horses. Their commands were small, and no doubt they didn't want to attract too much attention The Roval Canadian Field Artillery received far more ohservetion and praise on 'the 24th than the men of "RB batteries im s. The rtillery. and pointed to it a¥ the force foremost in the relief of Mafeking. England could turn out no better batteries than those that took part in Tuesday's review. They were looked upon with pride as they came down to the saluting base. and again for the summer. lores poultry house, Apply throusi Whig office. as they passed down-tows in the street t present the | gallant old | of proof: "For | years I suffered from anaemia." The old shoulder-to-shoulder akele of | lips and gums were bloodless end | stil nited | { using Dr. [fore T had taken com [fort of weeks I easy is certainly to be | rth returned, | back to my Springfield rifle, discarded | les due to poor blood or weak ng ago bw the Canadian militia, | porves, Don't take any other aédi- which is now supplial with the Leo: | tipo--see that the full name, "BY Wil Enficld, a much superior weapon liams' Pink Pills for Pale People." is a | found on the wrapper around very The United States volunteer regi | be Ii in doubt send direct to' the ments certainly receivs a far greater Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, At the police court this morning { Thomas Rush, a former inmate of the House of Providence, pleaded guilty to it, pleaded guilty to the same rge and was fined $1 and costs or | fifteen days. He paid the fine and started life again with $1.90 in his curves as otherwise. The Semerville parade, A more distinguished lot of sergeants attached to "A" and "B" batteries could not be He in any army. Col. Buchan, D.O.C., has a very | bright pair of window curteins in his office at the armourigs. They consist of two flags he took while on service in South Africa, in command of 'the One of the flags, 'Col. Buchan secured from the top of the town hall in Heilbron in the Orange Free State, hen that place was captured on May 22ud, 1900. Tt was the only ome fly- ing. The other is a Transvaal. which the colonel got from the top « an hotel in Johannesburg after his battalion rode in on June lst, 1900, The hotel had been used as the Boer officers' headquarters. The Army Service Corps are prepar- ing to go into camp carly in June to prepare the grounds for the reception of the troops on the 25th of the month The 59th Regiment, of Glengarry, are endravoring to raise funds sufficient to equip their large battalion with the Highland uniforms. They will look well in Kilts. All the companies of the 14th are now up to forty in strength. Licut.-Col. Kent was unavoidably absent from the paradg on the 4th. He was missed by the regiment, but no one regretted his absence more than he did himself, -- . Negotiations are in progress for the purchase by the government of some Barriefield property for the purpose of erccting a riding school thereon. Lieuts. J. Sparks and W. Y. Mills, of the 14th ri have returned from Toronto. 'They report a pleasant time at the school. A number of the junior lieutenants of the regiment will go-up for the July course. Pr. Mundell, of the Army Medical Corps, looks every inch a soldier. It is too bad he is not commanding: a company of the line. He gives evi dence of being a leader. -- The Highland Cadets have received several out-of town invitations for dif- ferent dates during this summer. They arc trying to decade which will make the most enjoyable outing. The citizen soldiers are still anx- iously enquiring when the rifle range is. to be located and built. The league matches are soon to begin and Kings ton, which a few years ago led the dominion in these com) "titions, is again to be reported as rd a8 "missing. BEAUTY"S CHAR CHARM. A Clean Skin, Rosy Cheeks And Bright Eyes Compel Admiration. No woman needs to be told the charm of a clear complexion. No man can be blind to the beauty of rosy cheeks, or the power of spark. ling eves. And every woman--mno mat- ter what F&F features may be -- can have a perfect complexion. Bright eyes and a perfect complexion come from pure blood -- and pure blood comes from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. By enriching the blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give vigor, strength, health happiness and heauty. Here is a bit upwards of three ays | Miss Mary Jackson, of Normandale, { Ont. "I had no color in my face, my grew so weak 1 could scarcely walk about the house. 1 doctored a good deal but got no benefit until I began Williams' Pink Pills. Be- them more than a could sce a change for the better, and continuing the use of the pills for some time longer my the color came face, and I gained four: teen pounds in weight. I can recom mend Dr. Williams® Pink Pills to every weak, ailing girl or woman." These pills are good for all trou- pills will be mailed at or six boxes for Ont., and the 50 cents per box, $2. Police Court--Saturday. a charge of drunkenness. He was given one month's seclusion in the county William Merritt, an Englishman _bas lived in this city for about a woket Two cases of persons charged with «ing insulting and abusive language were due to appear this morning. One f them was enlarged until Tuesday and the other settled out of court, Leit Methodism. May M.--Rev. Vietor J, Gilpin, formerly Methodist minister at Sheffield, Ont., has resigned from the Methodist body and formally entered the Unitarian church. Mr. Gilpin was a graduate of Victoria University and is a bright and promising * ister. He is said to have rec charge in Western® Ontario. Toronto, Rain Coats. Why not have one of The Somer ville Co's. Like their hats and bon- nets only the best makers are in their stock. An ordination service will be held in St. George's cathedral to-morrow at 11 am, when twelve candidates will He admitted to the ministry of the Church of England. Besides the Shop. a number of the diocesan clergy will be present. The Canadian Pacific colonization department has received requests for information on the unsettled lands of Ontario from Ernest Thompson Set- on, the author, and Frederic Reming ton, the artist, - You may as well have the graceful 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Rifles, | to erush them files poerial cust T FIGHT FO rR ern i Struggle wil To Give 3s 2 wei transformed from Sara "snake doctors" to roti fighting a ders battle against les powerful enough | moments if once the huge coils could fasten around the While the men were ing with the largest python, the other snakes became ened By rage and excite- ment and thrashed the cage, some timed striki a the b hispels. Jacob keeper, hind (he Ahan of Ne ght. and tad ly bitten, and H. K. Shahn, a & heey or, bad his right Hadly squeeaed before the work of giving, pythons medicine was satisfactorily accom- plished, The bite of the python is To poisonous, but the teeth of ome reptile sank to the bone in Cook's thumb. R.C.F.A. SPORTS. Both Batteries In Dismounted Events, "B" In Mounted. Following are the . results of the sports which were held on Wednesday, Thursday . and this week. Both "A" and teries kad Mptsteniatives, mounted events, ate Dut in t punted events only of 'St tiety took part. The hers of eX | the latter three, which were hele "' Battery grounds, took p e R. gill; Sergts. raniak and Tayl Judges for the remaining events were Col. Drury, Lieut.-Cols. Fages and Ogilvie. : The results of the different events wore--the batteries being indionted by the letters A, or B. : 100 Yards Dash.--Driver Billodean, A.; Sergt. Fowler, B. op step-and- jump. --Q. » 8. Ship- ton, B; Driver Billodéau, A. Hurdle Race.-- Sergt. Fowler, B.: Q, M.S. Shipton, B.; Driver Billodeau, A, High Jump. ~Driver Billodeau, A.; QMS, Shipton, B. Three Legged Potato Race. --Q.M.S. Shipton and Mate, B; Driver MeCut- cheon and Mate, A. Wheel Race.-Sergt. Kruger, Bj; Sergt. Fowler, B.; Driver Billodeau, A Heads and Posts. --~Sergt. Kruger, Bs Sergt. Hughes, B.; Corpl. Brown, Indiyidual Jumping. fiat. Reogh Poop 1 att, B; Serfit. Hazelton Hughes, B. Lemon Cutting.--Corp. - Brown, B.; Sergt. Peppiatt, B. Postilioin Race.--~Sergt. Hughes, B,; Sergt. Taylor, B. Tug-of- war, mounted. --Sergt Hughes team, B. Barehak att and Sergt. money divided. Wrestling. --~Sergt. Peppi- Hughes teams tied, Balaclava Melee.~Sergt. Hughes' team, RB. Tent Pegping.-Sergt. Peppiatt, B, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. A------ 3 What is Going on in Harbor and Elsewhere. Swift's wharf : Steamer Rideau King from Ottawa this evening. The vehooners Acacia, Metzner and Voges ccach:d Oswego" safely yester. da The tug Edmond is passing Kings. ton Mills with a raft of timber from Rik cu lake for Garden Island, # hardsons' elevator : Qué n-of the Lakes cleared fop with rye; schoonor Laura D. Tr ports i Chéuncey Darcau received ak tele gram "is morning from his son, "Unp- tain 'Dareau, of the schoowed Lizzie Metzner, announcing the safe | val of that vessel in Oswego, NY er a somewhat stormy voyage, = M. T. company's elevator : Stekmer Fairmount and consort Hamilton cleared for Cleveland to load coal; tug Thomson up with three Syht barges, tug Fmerson from Oswego with three coaldaden barges and clear ed for Montreal with two coal and cne graim-laden harges. The steamer Kingston will make her initial trip next Wednesday. On June 15th the steamer Toronto starts on the route. The oflicers of the steam- ers aro: Kingston, master, Capt. Heney Esford; purser, Harry Grange; steward, F. Hepburn; chiel engineer, Alexander Milne; first officer, Charles Redford. Toronto, master, Capt. Ed. Booth: purser, Joseph Gorman; stow ard, W. C, MeDonald; chief engineer, Joseph Black. George Mills & Co. For full dress silk hats. Taylor & Hamilton are headquart- ers for screen doors, window screens chicken wire, garden hose, lawn mow- ers and watering pots, 89 and 91 Princess street. Fireman Hoffman, Now York, was nearly suflocated in burning building. into whioh he had a to rescue man. "Organ, ly used; original price $125, ing now for $25, it 'was designed to 'be. "It's apt to play Bobet the machinery. : is that it fits any sppe- tite, and makes digestion For E Pa. Ge Po & das Beit 8 Co. Pe, corsets are artistic and hygeian.