body ang power ? improperly fed " with use the e built up ang e food element Mer coatings of the wheat that d with it the ming elements, 1 fat-producing [SCUIT which contains requires and in at Biscuit and Nature's laws with the exact s prescribed for result is sound es, firm flesh, tive brain, and body. ide of the whole vhite bread toast y it toasted for 1d. Book" free ronto, Canada you start your cooking w're through? That is Vith the Range imediate fire for boiling jiler--they very quickly king when you're ready gencies. Co., Limited Vancouver ros, Kingston, ------ LAWN Grass Cutters, Garden Hose, Spades, Rakes, Fittings. 3ROS reet. {Suits 71ST YEAR. NO. 126. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 30, 1904. Ee . 5 y First Communion DAILY MEMORANDA. " Erminie,"' Grand opera house, _ Ontario Synod opens ing One will apply it well. After some men too lazy to stop. Tuesday v Some men work overtime tryir dodge hard work. The sun rises Tuesday, at 422 and sets at 7:34 p.m A distant relation is one and doesn't recognize you The lay of the average poet wo more valuable if he could exchan v re the lay of a hen. 5 No man need hope to pass th the pearly gates on the strength ¢ epitaph on his tombstone. ' JENKINS BOYS' CLOTHING} Has won for him a reputation among the mothers of the city. They are continually compli- ; menting him on their excellent 1 wrote the girl a letter, Oh! Most unlucky day! Her lawyer has that letter It's marked '* Exhibit A' This day in history : special attention for Come and look and you will be , satisfied. ys JENKINS 3 Promoters of Progressive Dr:ss= | i: - ing for Men and Boys. > this year. Tuesday morning munion, 10:30 bishop's €} R pm. Montreal praver, } business me 3 pm Rev, H sermon by, Syi Eye Needs Eyes arefully Examined and Glasses Properly Fitted. Prames in any style, and pric- es to suit every Spectacle or Eye- glass wearer: Optical Repairs promptly & neatly done China, Glass, etc., we 'also be had Plates, Cups, Saucers, Jugs, etc., and twenty per lower than elsewhere. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. ---------------------------------------- '¢ AUCTION SALE EVERY NIGHT AT 8 0'CLOGK Dry 'Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, etc. Wilkinson's store, Wellington street, JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. NOTICE. NO MORE ASHES ARE REQUIRED for the Court House grounds, as plenty has been secured. : Of Gime . » ® : » A YOUNG LADY AS CASHIER. WM ° . Davies Co.; Princess street. io OUR WATCHES infantry had first moved forward, sud > : ® | denly resumed the shelling of Nanshan SODA WATER BOTTLER. APPLY ® | Hill. Thereupon the Japanese artil to Thompson Bottling Company. s We have an elegant assort- : lery began a 'heavy firing and in the A COOK. AND A DINING-ROOM GIRL, | ® ment of Watches, as well as $ (evening, during seyerest cannonading, for the Lake View Hotel, Ontario everything that's current and g¢ | the last charge was made and the ° Ty g } street. ® sanctioned by fashion in the breach was opened with great diffi a ® x culty through which the Japanese EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, IM-| og Jewelery line. rained the whole. height, expelled the nuadiatery. Apply to Mrs. Riggs, ir and captured Jl the guns in 30 Princess street. " y i guns ued . P. B. C R E Ww S, ® | (he forts. The enemy retreated in con ERAL SERVANT, FAMILY OF ellington fusion, exploding magazine at Ta vo. Apply to Mrs. W. Murch, 2161 ® Cor. Princess & W Sts. fangchen . Johnston street, in the evening > One of ihe fortunate incidents in the A GENERAL SERVANT, FOR SMALL attack was the Sissovery of Bane family No washing. Apply to wire a ie eastel 00% O ansha Mrs. H. F. Mooers, Union street. ROOMS AND BOARD. Hill. the cutting of which prevent TWO FRONT ee ee ere, AT CHOWN'S IRUG STORE, A two gentlemen or two ladies. Fine oe SR strong active boy and a girl of good View: sitting room if desired. Con- Ha The fourth diyision Jo mod i address, to wait on Soda Fountain veniences Also table board A. {right wing, the t vision « Ricard, 120 Barrie street. wing, and the first division the or GIRLS AND BOYS, FROM 14 TO 16 tre. The enemy consisted of one divi vears old, steady work. Apply to LOST. gion of the field army and two bat years Oould & Co. corner King and | pyRSE, CONTAINING A SUM OF | terics of field artillery, besides for Quean streets money, on Suturday i afternoon, on | ress artillery and marines The Princess street inder wi we Te- | h » CONKIS fs GENERAL SERVANT, MUST BE Prinfess Street, mine te Whig: Office, | trophies of battle consist .of sixty good cook, light house work and no or 268 University avenue j right guns and ten mac hine guns, he washing or ironing. Apply to Mes -- | sides 'many other things The Jap W. I. Heri," Kink street. in \h¢| pyRNISHED ROOMS TO LET. | unese casualties are estimated at about ening 2500. The memy left on the battle ------------ DETECTIVE~Can 'you spare part of your time for profitable work ? No experience needed. American Detective Association, l1n- front entrance . more."'--307 William street. Senipotis Tne. 1714 Wallington St. 2 doors from LADIES--$18 PER WEEK SEWING AT ferchants' Rank. oy home; materials free, no canvassing: beautiful sample sent free on receipt of addressed envelope. Majestic Lace Co., New Kk. o ow Yor A New Postmaster BY JUNE 1ST, COMPETENT GIRL. ler. 3 cr to do general house work. Good ; 0. Dennis 0'Sullivan modern wa are. / . ol a, despa ch wages. No washing, or ironing Jttawa, May JU. ? bars 21 deseribes how in the earher Japan Avuly Jo ure 3. W. Folger, 143 |, native 2 Kiilaloe, Iedland, dis rushes every man participation was ght, : on Saturday morning a shot down before he reached the first t's » anced age of TIVE, HT, STLING | trick's Home, at the advance line of the Russian trenches. It was A ae JLUSTIINS 101 years. He had full command of EV therefore, to stop the spices, etc. Over $2,000 a year if |his faculties to the ast. O'Sullivan | foro and rake the Russian pos heing made by ages. eatne 10 Casula in 19h appointed tions with artillery fire before the fin ub Co, oniom, CM eee | C. M. Shu fz. has hon al assault. The supreme effort was suc- CONTRACTS TO FURNISH PLANTS | postmaster of Hespeler. cessful owing to a Japauese detach- iss keep lawn and gardens in order . e------ ment, more intrepid than the rest, r hour. ul : ivi Ming » Russi ines eds EB Sader my instruction Weeping For A Living. { piercing the Russian lines. Hundreds Geo. Lloyd, Nelson street green- bei Mav 30.--Pretty Mme. Anais of their comrades inspired hy this houses. i re: rs on ared in a Paris, po- | sprang forward = and soon the whole ------------ hire, "WhO appeare RB, po aul ry court the other * day fashionably Japanese line swept up the hill CARETAKER, FOR ST. MARY'S AND lice i - St St. Vincent schools. Applicants to | dressed, gained her | | A 8 a state whether they - will undertake | f,chion : | plain tha the ¢ ve of he omian the work of one or both schools Pressed in deep mourning she walk- | reverse was a severe shock and the Applications will be: Jeceived ig to } up and down outside the cemetery | fate of Port Arthur, despite the great J. Leahy. Market Square, uj ed uf Ian 1 directly she saw | strength of the fortress, is recarded 6 p.m., Monday, May 30th of Pere Lachaise, and Girecii 82 i t dos nev. The Jo xpensive-looking funeral would join | with the Gtmoss de pondency. The « un eS} sobs with | panese victory hae created a nrofound IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH | {he mourners, mingling her firesen and are 3 t position in life kre i Ki reliable write us and we iL CU tel: or the interment she would an- | tic of the Vossische Zeitung savs that Tho cars 'ax a general? vert sing re h ): olf as the friend of the | the news of the battle reads like a show cards id nerally adver nounce herse s r | ! ! ods at £10 a year and ex- | jo. d person in a long distant, happy | chapter of a modern text book on tac our goods at penses $2.50 'a fay. For particulars n d would fall on the neck of the | tics. ' write Drawer 558, London, Ont past whom in the midst of her | demical example foe Jhaiyeis in the 3 i» we she skilfully robbed of the| study of war nglish experts are FOR SALE Shan oh pockets | most eulogistic, agreeing that the re GOOP BUILDANG LOT, SOUTH IDE conten et. cults &f the vietorv. wep cheap at the Queen street, between Montreal and Can't Pay The Price. price of the casualty list, heavy as it Barat. Aphly 49 Colborne street. | (ool May 30.--The kidnap, | was TE . wT TY 2 yordicaris and his stepson | STEAM _ YACHT. ABOUT THIRTY pers of Pere p- : feet long. Enquire through Whig Varley in Motocco. have subniit od | 400 Miles In Fortnight. Office | their terms for ransom. and the state Qt Petersburg. May 30.--The corres they are the Russian Invalid, (the THE PROPERTY | department has decided that GAS \ Be ns. 1 : \ A a or Abernethy, de absolutely impossible of acceptance. | organ), with Gen. ! ceased, 21 feet long. 5 feet wide i | vision of 5.000 trans Baikal Cossacks Truscott, Bnwine. New last season | (hy habit of drinking" eIf |} cent to Korea to keep in touch with Aphly to John Tweddell, or H. Your, hosphates at Gibson's Red Cross | (ho enemy savs the command rode 400 PCE] | miles in a forinicht, and approached executors. . The eontract for the construction of | The missionanes the Temiskamingue railway was not | River diocese lost t awarded because of errors in the ten- (in a flood. ders, { Drug Store fountain. of always has time enough if ne, synod service, AT AN ADVANCED AGE. 8 pm morn- one get started they are we to am. who is rich uld be it for rough »f the _King Arthur, of fit and say his values are un Nritain, died, 343: Kruger fled irom 're . x surpassed, Pretoria, 1900: Joan of Arc burned . . . 1431; John Frances fired at Queen A Communion Suit above al tors, J843: Peter the Great born, 1 others needs to be perfect fit- oltaire died, 1778. ting, and these have received Ontario Synod Meetings com 12 nonds, Do not overlook the fact that while we carry the finest line. of have at all times the very cheapest to in white Earthenware, Bowls, cent. ..ROBERTSCN BROS.. PHOS. SPROUL iy So nOLLEab. : gunboat on Talicn Wan Huy, and four e Is always going. Resolve nine centimeter guns posted a a- : WANTED, to be on inh in te You fengchen. At a critical moment the BC andaumseased : . : ammunition of the artillery ran low A HORSE, APPLY AT S51 BROCK can do it without any trou- and it was decided to use the remain- tS sepia ® bleibt you al Jeger 33 ing ammupition into one final desper- "BOYS RT*MHE GARDINER BISCUIT 1. Se a ate assault. Fortunately, however, at Factory. cy CET ONE OF the moment this decision was reac hd : the Japanese squadron in Kinchau ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR DOUBLE PARLORS, WITH PRIVATE Apply at ** Aven- wore. --Miy Wiliam stray, Dr. George F. Baker, Dentist, For Hespe- livelihood in a no the Mackenzie heir year's suppiies 10S 15 3,000. The Japanese Made a Big Fight. KINCHAU FIGHT ANOTHER TOWN CAPTURED BY JAPANESE. The Fighting On Nanshan Hill Was One of The Fiercest And Desperate in The History of Modern Warfare--Finally Ja- pan Swept Up The Hill. Special to the Whig Tokio, May 28.--The commander of | the army attacking Kinchau reports that a detachment of our troops, con sisting of infantry, artillery and' en- gineers, occupied Nankwanling on the morning of May 27th. Fhe enemy fled in the direction oi Port Arthur, after burning a railway station at Shan shihlitao, north-west of Dalny. On the 26th our troops captured fifty guns, besides many other things. The number of the enemy's dead alone and left in the field amounts to 400. Our casualties, including dead and wounded, are estimated at 3,000 The Russians have abandoned Nan: kwanling and have been driven from Sanchilipu, retreating towards Port Arthur. A Chinese merchant, just ar- rived, who left Dalny five days ago, says the Russians have vacated the town, which at the time of his de parture had not heen occupied hy the Japanese forces. 1 he latter were still engaged in landing troops at Kinchau The details of the fighting at Kin chau emphasize the heroic tenacity of the Japanese in their conduct at Nan shan Hill Nine successive times the Japanese charged the fortified heights Jay. in the face of a storm of death deal ing missiles and in their last effort they carrigd the forts and trenches only after a bayonet-to-bayonet con flict with the Russians. The final as sault of the Japanese was marked by the most desperate hand-to hand en- counter that has thus far character ized the war, The Japanese left throughout the entire action until nicht was exposed to an enfilading fire from the Russian infantry and ---- them to retive, and ihev reluctantly went back to Wiju. Gen. Mistchenko's division is mow eastward - of Penge ' Wang Cheng, threatening Kuroki rear. Dalmy About Evacuated, Chefoo, May 30.--Duluy has been practically evacuated according to Sikh and Russian refuges arnving here by junk. All valuables, anamuni tion and most of ithe troops have been taken to Port Arthur: The only civilians remaining are the electrical engineers in charge of the mines laid in the harbor, and also those set to destroy docks and piers -- Dispute Every Foot. London, May 30.--The Times corres pondent at Wei-Hai-Wei learns from a fugitive Russian that Gen. Stoessel's orders are to dispute everv inch of the country between Port Arthur and Kinchan, because it is believed the main advance on Mukden can be de layed until Port Arthur falls. Every dav is important to Kouropatkin, Stoessel, upon receiving these 'orders hurriedly prepared a succession of po sitions. A Japanese refugee from Port Ar thur is now at Uh chartering steankrs to convey supplies to Port Arthur when it falls. An Offensive Movement. Paris, May 30.--A Petershurg telegram to the journal says that Kouropathin has commenced an offen The Russi St. sive movement southward reached a point thirty seven miles north of Kinchan The Echo de Paris' St. Petersburg battleship Orel has been refloated. The dvnamos, the only part of the machi nery seriously damaged, will be chang- ed. UNVEIL MONUMENT. An Interesting Event At Ander- sonville, Georgia. Bav., had ccased bombarding when the heavy loss in the attack on Nanshan field over 500 dead. Fierce And Desperate. London, May 30.--No further details of the great Japanese victory hevond what are contained in the official re ports have reached Europe. It is re cognized that the Japanese assault on Nanshan Hill was one of the fiercest and most desperate affairs in history of etorshurg despatches make it impression in Berlin. The militarv eri i | The battle will become an aca sondent of X Mistchenko's to within a day's march of Seoul, GOVERNOR BLISS Special to the Whig, Andersonville, Ga., May 30 monument erected here to the memory of the Michigan soldiers who sufiere in Andersonville prison during the ¢iv il war was unveiled to-day with im posing ceremonies in the presence of « large throng. The guests of the occa sion included Governor and Mrs. A T. Bliss of Mickivan and a large par ty. of state oflicinls, civil war veter ans and other citizens of the state. Orations appropriate to the oc and others and the unveiling cere mony was performed by Mrs. Bliss. C.P.R. EARNINGS. Great Increase In The Profits was a net profit of dec period last year is, therefore, fol April, $50.6i1, and from July Ist 1 April 30th, £1,%545,505, President At Gettysburg. e Whig 3 Pa., May 30.--Followin the example set by, President McKin in the executive chair, Roosevelt came to Gettvsbur to-day and delivered Mav oration he field. The crov est that ever es here, and tions of veterans Fliladelphia, decessors sident on famous } cttle included Reading ani el over the ses and the president as the chief orator the dav. The president was given A exer enthusiastic by the large crowd. Dream Came True, London, May 30.--Troubled by dream to the effect that her husbanc who was engaged at a colliery, ha been injured, Mrs had foreseen -------------- vine, lian merchants in London, seid shoul the Russo-Japanese war result in great dominant Mongolian power i far eastern seas Pritish supremacy i and were anxious to capture the town but the jmperative orders - - have to be an advance guard is supposed to have correspondent learns! that the Baltic fleet will leave in two detachments The first consisting of four battle ships, is due to start June 24th. The same easton were delivered by the covernor of This Company. employer, nan od Posey, who owed « 20.--~The C.P Jas | him money Ly i ol, li pg rps A Canadian survey. par VF ninstoen B2, 64%, net profit, $1, | strong. has left to sury in von 412,533. In April, 1903, net profits junction with an Ame corps, the were $1,491173. and, for ten months boundary line between Alaska and ended April 13th, the figures are as Canada. It will take three years to follows" Gross carnings, $37,988,641 complete the work. i working expenses, $26,567,012; net Miss Ramhootaging a nnree at a he profits, ®11,371,629. For ten Rattle Creck sanitatium, was calle the pther day to act as an inte rpreter months ended April 30th, 1903, ther $13,207,433. The ase in net profits from the same ley and others of his distinguished pre Pre- the Memorial d was one of the lars attended similar exercis large deleoa from Harrisburg, Cther points. Governor Pennypacker presid introduced welcome and his 'address was listened to with closest attention Morgan, of Porth cawl. took train to the colliery. She wife. met her hushand, who was guite well, 4 and both laughed heartily at the Convicted Of Manslaughter, dream. That very hi organ sus Farmington, Me Mav 30.--Frank ~ oe identi injuri in io hy » yy ald ee tained the identical injuries his wife to" go gioed, leader of the Holy Ghost See Jap Terror. London, May Sk Premier Ir speaking at a dinner of Austra- Australia would be jeopardized and faced by a united empire, WORLD NEWS. EVENTS OF DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. And Remembered. The theatrical season in London was the workt in years, Toronto tanners adopted shorter terms and smaller hours. A linen mill will shortly be establish od at Edmonton, NW.T M. C. Chalmers, manager of the Traders' bank, North Bay, is dead, Dalhousie University, Halifax, is to have n department of civil engineering. Communication with * the British camp at Gyangtse has been restored. Upper Canada Tract Society acquir- od the F. H. Revell company, Toron- Mrs.. Maud Castle, New York, starv- od herself to death after the death of her husband. The "Soo" mortgage has been paid and the property turned over to the new company. It is reported that the boundary dispute between Peru and Brazil has been amicably settled. The corner stone of the new Salva tion Army citadel, at Cornwall, was laid by ex-Mayor Alguire. Dr. J. W. Harris, Toronto general hospital, has been appointed refieying physician to the prov incial insane hey: lume. Ewing Buchan, leaving for Vancouver, with a purse of $200 in citizens, Scholars in the secondary schools of Russia are to be carefully instructed as to the causes and significance of the war. Miss Jane Payne was struck by a Owen Sound, who is was presented gold by the train at Belleville and thrown upon a bank, hut escaped with a few bruises. 3 The French government is informed fhat Turkish troops burned forty three Armenian villages und killed the inhabitants. Gaynor and Greene, the Yankees who have been evading extradition for three years, have left Quebec and headed for Toronto. A writ been issued hy 2. McArthur, of Beaverton, against Her pert Doble, for $2,000 for breach of promise of marriage. The bodies of several persons who are supposed to have committed sui cide were taken out of the St Law rence river near Montreal The Moroccan brigands who kid napped Messrs. Perdicaris and Verley at Tangin are asking alinost impos 1 | sible terms for the men's release, The loss of the W. R Brock com pany by the Toronto fire has been ad « | usted, the total amount of insurance received by the firm being 618,500 Charles Parkin, aged sixty-six, died in New Kensington, Pa He may be properly termed the father of the cru lle steel industry ing the United States Investigation alleged license irregularities in West Nipissifig is pro- ng. Dr. Henderson, of Warren, rman of the license board, is sus- into che pended Montreal! police are I.. Shannon, murdered \ by searching for re re latives of v his ently at Edmore, J, an aged woman, who had been for " put off the Grand Trunk train sick Ph unable to speak English. The sick r mother, proved'. to be. ber dead whom she had supposed to be for many years. , | woman ---------- LOVE LETTERS COST $7,500. Jury Returns Verdict Against Widow. «| Baltimore, Md., May 30 The pas sionate love letters signed *'Na x land written by Mrs. Annie Radchff, widow of a bank director, to Thomas 1. Eareckson, superintendent of 'a Sun dav school, will cost her, according to a decision of the court of common pleas, Thureday, 87,500 for the aliena tion of the affection of Mr. Eareckson The jury agreed on the verdict after ") deliberating twelve hours. Love letters, couched in the most af. fectionate phrases, from Mrs, Radcliff to Mr. Eareckson, were found in Mr. Fareckson's pockets one night by his wife, and the suit was shortly after ward instituted. These letters were read 10 the jury. a! Mrs, Radelifi's defence, ax put in by i. {her attorneys, was that Fareckson in A | duced her affection for him, not that «he alienated his affections from his n and Us Society, of Shiloh, has again heen found guilty of manslaughter, this. time for causing the death by neglect of Leander Bartlett, one of the members of his colony. The Shi- d | lok colony was compo a num- a | ber of fanatics who observed certain n | strict observances, one being rigorous o | fasting. Bartett, though, ill 'with JAPS ROUTE RUSS Repairs To Railway: ing Heard. Special to the Whig. Tokio, May 30.---Gen, Kuro ports that the Japanese have 2000 Kussian cavalry near & Chong, twenty miles north-west of Kuan Tien. The Japanese afterward ocoupind Aivang Chene. Kuan Tien is about sixty miles north-east of Feng Wang Cheng. Patrol Hears Artillery. St. Petersburg, May 3Q.--The emper- or has received the following from Gen. Kouropatkin under vesterday's date. On May 26th, a. Russian patrol heard heavy firing of artillery in the direction of Kinchau. Lieut:-Col. Spir- idonoff has repaired the railway line north of Kinchau, between the sta- gions at Sininchen and Vazalin, and to-morrow will complete the work be- tween Efangey and Wafandian. DETERMINED STRUGGLE. Between Men And Company, Ov- er Question of Wages. Special to the Whig. Halifax, May 30.-- Everything now seems to point to determined st a Lotween the Dominion Iron Sieel company's management, and the men over the question of wages. The men have given the company until nine o'clock to-morrow night to give them an answer and if one is not forth: ¢éming, the union, it is declared, will take action. Snakes Scared Policeman. Pittsburg, May 30.--Two "blue chaser" snakes took possession of Beechwood Boulovard yesterday. Por licoman Grimes, mounted, was riding along, when his horse shied to one side. lLoisurely passing across the broad houlevard, were two snakes. "The horse reared and plunged. The officer tried to got the animal to tread on the reptiles, but one of them started after the horse, and animal and rider dashed down over the embankment with the snakes in pursuit. Grimes is a big. man but he shivers when he tells the storys Man Who Chews The Cud. Vienna, May 27.--A doctor has dis- covered a patient in the military hos his victuals during the second pro . 3 Before you know § will be here, and 'you'll waists . galore. In these times waists, so bea made clean, and you'll n one, VIENCH LAWN WAISTS. (White) Desp | Hemstitched at 90e, iy § FRENCH LAWN WAISTS (White stitched ° J and very latest ecial, FRENCH LAWN WAITS {Whive) Pina; Tucks, trimmed with Cluney iy new sieeve, at $1.98. FRENCH LAWN WAISTS (White), All over Lace Front, fine tucks, beaut Tully made, special, at $1.75. - LAWN WAISTS (Color-Linen), Hem- stitched Tucks, ipto-date waist, ood value at $1.50; special for 1 5% LINEN CANVAS WAISTS, Mate with drop yoke, y ULtons, very special, at $1.35; dreds "of others that Pave nor space to talk about. ' oo 5 Any woman can find here just what she wants. pital here who chews the cud. . He eats rapidly, and then, as in the case of a cow, slowly mastioatos J « 2 ni his food at leisure. He states that he fF /4 only gets the real enjoyment from | CORK, A similar case is known of a Bavas rian family, consisting of father two sons, who have been rumin all their lives. They, too, are voracious eaters. Faithful Dog's Death 1 Winonah, N.J., May 30.- When time came at the home of G. Charles, and his six-year-old son, B sell, had not appeared, there was | deal of anxiety. Search was made him, und on the shore of the 'lake they came upon the lad's faithful dow playmate, sitting upon the little fel- Jow's clothes, He had evidently ge into the water for a bath and drown od. The body of the lad was found af- ter an hour's search by Frank Ben: son. a -- Bank Officials Sent Down. Indianapolis, Ind. May 30.--Cyrus KE. McGrady, president of the Sevmour National Bank, was sentenced by Judge Anderson, of the Fodetal court, to six vears in the United States pris on at Leavenworth, Kansas, Alfred C. Parker, president of the First Nation- al Bank of Bedford, was sentenced to five years in the same prison. te > Riches Led To Death. Lancaster, Pa;, May 30.--Several weeks ago William Vandevere, thirty- five years old, of Coatesville, came in to possession of his father's fortune. He went on a prolonged spree and last night was arrested for recklessly drive ing into a trolley car. This morning he was found dead in his cell as the result of alcoholism. -------- Bars Peg-Legged Bridegroom. Scranton, Pa., May 30. Refusing to marry Anthony Yorkonas when she found he had 5 wooden leg, Mary Gar row wus arrested for securing her wed: ding outfit from him under false pre tenses, and being unable to settle, Squire Myers, North Serapton, com witted the woman to jail to answer at court. ' mn cnnen-- o-- Kicked In Front Of Train. Pottsville, Pa, May 30.-William Anton, a laborer, was killod at the Otto colliery in a most peculiar man ner. The mule which he was driving kicked him with both feet, lifting An- ton bodily and throwing him on the railroad tracks. Before he could get up a train of cars cut him in pieces. --- ee Heavy Loss, Gitomir, Russia, May 30.--The large village of Iskorosk has been 'bu down. The loss is estimated at 81, 000,000. The fire was started by chil- dren playing with matches. The whole Sf the population is homeless, and re: duced to beggary. J ta School Superintendent Griffith, 4 ea, and expert swimmer, is beliov have been drowned in Honn Lake, Adirondacks. g AS a a a a Reliable h Carriage Painting The reliability of our Carritge Painting 8 becalise Ww the very best grade of Varn -, and sheolutaly pure paints. ve © w| % + toed PAIRING: our nest stor warcho! Toronto oh ora between WwW. G. FROST a reece wasn. Disinige Phone 526. 2 diphtheria, was refused food or nourishment, aT eb | its fis : ,. DIED, . O'DRISCOLL--In_ Kingston, at 4 dence, 17 Montreal ht O'Driscoll, 'Funeral notice LAPP AG E~On residence of teorge Nicholls, of I formerly J 'yen m. "i ater, his eigh Funeral from ston 1 on nie Weathersby, William C. Perugini, an ensemble of Jerome, Jen 100 in a Sumptuous Production of the World Fa- wous Comic Opera Class g « ERMINIE » Prices, 3%¢c., 80c.. 78e., $1. $1. Heata now on sale at Hanley' : 94, 9, THURSDAY, June 2 VIOLA ALLEN As Viola in Shakespeare's Comedy " TWELFTH NIGHT *, Wik Notable, Qonmpany and Production, 8 Wek of uss Sa, Po ype. 1d A : Canned Vegetables Although the wholesale price of Canned Vegetables has gone away up we are selling as follows :-- ; Peas, 8 tins OF co wo a on ow aos 286, Beans, 3 tins fof .. .. « 28. Pumpkin, 8 tins for « « « Kidney Beans, 8 tins for . Bedts, 8 tins for .. « «wo Corn, per tin, « ow wo ww ow Tomatoes, : Rigs pure. ed 1b. As sat In sure of success: flake, it's perfectly 25c.