on ERATUs TME BEST. comp LETT Sar RONTO,CNT, rr ANTED rance Manager Life Insurance Go, nal Opening ANAGER for unent haston business in Canad ymposed solel a °F rood barn house. Aj Phosphodine, aud reliable J preparation. Has been ow} Proseribed and used 7 over dl yeers, Alldmg gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and "= pecommend as being or, the ouly medicine its kind that curesand isfaction. It promptly and Al forms of Nervous Weak permatorrhea, Inp 190 Or bxcesses ; the ex; rium 'or Stimulant. 1 of which lead ¢ ion and an age or six { re, Mailed yp | for freo pamphlet, e Woad Cen puny, ira . One will pty on ro Addross Windsor, 01% , Canada, iodine is sold by all StS. < T . PAPER GAINS ae. 5¢. Paper 4c. PATTERNS discount s Half Price Etc, ISBET, or Book Store. 006000 29 ) at. @ mi =f a wn etter in the 3 WOTSC. s a test order ying so-called al. SWIFT & C0. phone 135. COP PVPPOIPODOPOPO OH 5000000 )--JUST OPENED rack and Bagot Streets ahs constantly on hand DRRIE. JATEMAN RRIAGE LICENSES, wd FIRE INSURANCE. OKER. Clarence street 23 Sydenham Sh 55, \ Ly Ta rHE EXCURSION RATES yi * World's fair St. Louis; Mo. $22 (Good for 15 days). 529.35 (Gpod for 60 days) $35.20 (Good until Dec. 15, 1804). Stop-overs allowed at amy intermediate station in © da, also Detroit and Shicagd. Clea? PRIP--Hamiltdn Fulls, $1.40 additional For tickets, illustrated literature and further information, apury to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passcoger Depot. te Niagara KINGSTON & PEMBROKE, & CANADIAN PACIFIC - RAILWAYS. RATES FOR ST LOUIS, MO. FROM KINGSTON $22.00 Good for 15 Days. $29 35 Good for 60 Days. $35.29 Good Untii Doc. 15th, 1904. and 190 & Pr April 25th 30th, Commencing daly until November 1 end C.P.IR ull particulars at K Ticket Office, Ontario St CONWAY, KF. A. FOLGRR, JR, Gen. Pass, Agt. Gen. Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Napanee, Deseronto, and al! Train leaves City Hall De CONWAY, Agent Tweed, local points. at 4 pm. F. Ry., Kingston. pot B.Q Eline Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "NORTH KING" BETWEFN ROCHESTER, KINGSTON, 1000 ISLANDS Conpucing Mak D0 ns a and for Bay nte ports and Rochester, N.Y Connection alt railways Baggage ch all points. STR. "ALETHA" all i through to WHAT WOMEN SHOULD KNOW. That the cause of a great de suffering, usuall Es to tal « account of female disorder, is over. come by ANTI-PILL, the ¢ pred. S. Leonhardt. : greatamountof womens' ailme are caused by ®he food that is a being turned (through improper diges- tion) into poison instead of nutrition. This poison carried by the blood throughout the system, makes weak women--women who are hardly ever well--nerves in dreadful condition-- limbs ache, back aches, head aches-- billious, constipated. ANTI PILL, the Great System Treatment, will correct these troubles--it starts its work by making a well stomach--It insures strength to weak women--It is harm- Jess at any stage or condition of a Woman's life, and there is uo time 'ANTI-PILLcannotbeused with safety. Any woman who cares to may use a bottle of ANTI-PILL free from any expense. If satisfactory results do not follow its use, mail us wrapper with name of druggist from fo pur- chased and Ret your money back by return mail, Wilson-Fyle Co., Niagara: Falls, Ont. A month's treatment for 60 cents, Lame Back for Four Months, Was Unable % Turn in Bed Without Help. Plasters and Liniments No Good. | This was the experience of Mr. Benjamin Stewart, Zionville, N.B. TWOQ.THIRDS OF A BOX OF Doan's | Kidney Pills Ha tells of his experience in the follow. Ing words: 'For four moaths Iwastroubled with a lame back and all this time was un. able to turn in bed without help. 1 tried plasters and liniments of all kinds but with no effect. At last I was induced to try Doan's Kidaey Pills, and by the time | had used two-thirds of a box my back was as well and as strong as ever and has kep/ so ever since." Backache, Frequent Thirst, Scanty Cloudy, Thick or Highly Colored Urine, Puffing under the Eyes, Swelling of the Feet and Ankles, are all symptoms of kidney trouble that Doan's Kidney Pills will cure. ¥ Price 50 cts. per box or 3 for $1.15, al dealers, or » THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO. TORONTO, ONT. Secvessssssessssececed | ° . ° ° very of : * * * ° ©0000000000000000000090 I sant match wa Gold in the Guilight Let us hope for the brightest and warmest of summer for the two June married at St. Mary's, and Miss Workman," whose wedding has been ar free maidenhood, to the re- ies and happiness of a wat 's to them! And of Thursday, from care sponsibi life, here's also to the bride Miss Daisy Drennan. . . . ron's So here's Today was a regular fi Id day over at the UVnks vt half past nen most cheen was given in hon Gray ty the captein of the Gol Chili, Mrs nee, and sowie of the committee Martin, Mrs. Carruthers, field, Mrs. Rodorick Mackenzie, Constante Hora, Miss Redden, Miss Bea McGill, Mi Mahel Gildersleeve, The onests we Re Read Mrs. R. T a , Mrs. Stokes, Mrs Capron, Mrs. ce Carruthers, Mrs Hemming, ois Saunders, Mr Kennedy Miss Hora and | dav won which many . Dr. and Mr dinner | in horor aests being . Dr. and Mrs. Garrett, and NM Mrs. Carruthers Mrs. Hoden gare a tld tea th other day in boror of Miss "Daisy rennan Miss Geraldine Doran we raison d'etre of a merry lo tea given by Miss Ag Brown - Mr. Francis Wilson was tertained at "Posclawn' sesterday . . . . Mrs. Buchan is expected in town on Monday next Mrs. McParland received word this morning from Montreal, that Mrs, Howden and Miss Gertrude McParland, who were expected to-day, will not come up to Kingston til Friday Miss Macpherson, who has heen stay ing with Mrs. Alexander Mackie, loft this morning for Newark, NJ, to vit her micee, Mr Smith. Mrs. E. M. Fly, of Willow City, N D.; anived yesterday, afternoon t visia Mr. and Mrs. George Mills. She will he at home ebout two months Mr. Whalen arrived in the city from Fort William on Saturday, and is stayiltg at the British $e oe Leaves daily, except Sunday, for Day of Quinte wits at 300 po For further information apply FE. HORSEY, G. P. & F. Agent, ston, Ont J). P. Hanley, Jas. Swift & Co. ceve & Kirkpatrick Agents to E King- Gil- der ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. From Montreal. From Pretorian, May 21, 7 a.m, M 2 Parisian, May 27, 9 a.m., May 27, Tunisian, Juve 3, 5 a.m., June 3, 3 pun KFiret Cabin--8$65, and upwards, ac cording to steamer Second' Cabin--Liverpoel and London- derrv, $37.50, $40, and $42.50, accord ag to steamer and location. London e250 additional <--$25 and $26, to Liver- Belinst, Glasgow, London SAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT Wednesday, May 25, (daylight) HANLEY, Agent, G.T.It City Uassenger Depot. P. GILDER- SEERV rence Street Silician, J.P. You'll never feel that way through any fault of Crawford's coal Our coal is dependable * When you won't follow suit always find it glowing with hospitality on your return Freedom from f matter is one reason slate and stone » 4 No dust Just a our wood is as yd Fire fuel of all is for those who Aap iate the hest "R CRAWFORD. TORONTO. Unequalled facilities for securing post tions. , Largest and best 821 Queen street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Confederation Life Building. LET ME HAVE YOUR SME And T will guarantee you satisfac: KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE © 7 URINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE equipment in Can ada Teronte ; 4 Hiiatic Dyés « Wash Silks (IN PATENT MOLUERS) The colors are fa in Patent Holde House-cleaning Sales in vain if you do & few things which may in- h Bedroom Sett, in Gol. ne Solid Bird or ritish Bevel Mirror, 2 den Finish, x 20; only §15 One Brass Iron Bed, Swelled, and only §7 00 nation ped Couch, in Velours, One Comt only §12 bwa Children's Cots, in Solid Oak, only | 3. spring attached These are close outs at these prices {ure Restorer Use. Furn REID, {ine Undertaker o Persons) services for ambulknce a new in the furni- by Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie to day to Cornwall, to. be the marriage of Miss 1. Mitford Folger, of Montres A! will be the guest of Moutray ter, Mrs. J I been in town for a few to Stella yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8 were in Ottawa fo returned to Montreal who have 5, went up Lindsay, day who , have Skinner, a fow y da, Mrs. Mowat is the. guest of Mrs. G L. B. Fraser, Elgin street, Ottawa. Mrs Mre. John Carl Jeddome and ing of lon, both held "delightful satertainments in honor of Mrs. Bue han, during her visit in that city. Mrs. Lindsay and Miss Ethel Lind av. of Kingston, are the guests of Mrs. C. A. Lindsay, Drummond street, Montreal. . . . . Mis: Louie Strathy, of Walmer Road, ntertained at tea at tl Lambton Goli Club on Victoria day, her frie nds, the Mi Shaw Hillier (Path, Eng), and Miss Igthleen DPaly (Kingston, Ont.). It was a lovely afternoon, and wo guests were delighted with the iew, while enjoying their tea upon the verandahs Faton, Royal Canadian Ar , Mrs and Miss Fitzran Frederic NB, Faton, on, nttended Mrs. Ea Duchess of majesties' | cc vas presented by the rough fessor Pike, of Queen's Univerlity, When You Need Physic, Avoid Drastic Pills | | Thousands Injured For Life By Careless Selection of Purgative Pills. : the bane of modern food, imperfect mastien lyspepsia are the exciting Constipath uses life, impr {tion ant « | ea | Add to this the use of drastic pills which vcaken the muscular coating of he bow: 1d you have the cause ol : out of ten. nine een ib pills became such a menace | to public he that Dr. Hamilton de vised a Spe pill for his own pra h mild and certain a rom the injurious ef ining mercury. Hamilton achieve! sticcess that their fa ti hich a { fox | E wrvellous ' | and wide, till to-day they 0 every druggist in the land i ditions giving rise to const Ifa n are never aggravated, bat mptiy ed by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, wd assist the forces of nature in de their work properly You will find Dr. Hamilton's Pills an idcal cure for constipation, sick head ind billiousness. have they heen known to fail, and ce rtainly } t fall short in your for young people, ak, and above all, Never fr Give us 2 can for First-class tory results. We don't brag, but ver form the work. Nothing sacrificed, but | your best intercst studied. W. J. MURRAY; The Auctioneer. Carriage Painting. | Next to wiison's Livery. GARRIACE PAINTING R. MOLONY, CLARENCE STREET, | yr people who ae strong h to keep strong. Pr « need only be tested their value. jon they are the eaf t scientific cathartic according to Dr Ha n's own 'formula. Price 25 wr five boxes for $1, at all Refuse any substitute for proj t and ) nufa pill manufactured, cottage up t Col. eo. oe | in a few weeks. ° The Rev. R. J. Moor will come down from Torento to-morrow, and will be the guest of Nrs. J. H. L. ther. Mr. Ernest Chris brides, who tomorrow will usher in Fhe li ; the month of roses and of marriages-- be his best man, arrived in town to- Miss Geraldine Doran, who will be | Ca¥: . Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sills have re- ranged for the house. And while wish- |. . ing them fine weather for to-morrow, lion Drury, oi: Jen Rony Ho thut of E r Mehaik it is safe to say that no hrides were! i i , he kh MIO, WAL 81 ER I es Tor gues to hear shy TGs Levh SUAGHDE | \ ; v {irom a compound fracture of her right happy future, than will be the two aT a on, marass Vhs lire yoru, the result of un accident on April Stef p 1st. She is just begimuing to regain DAILY s occupying Mr. E. Landon's island he river. Mrs. F. D. Woodcock, of Brockville, is the guest of Mrs. Waldron. Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Kirkpatrick left on Monday, for a trip to Denver, Mr. Reoves-Smith sails for England logart. 4 . sr. Harry Christiias and his bro- nas, who is to moved to Belleville to reside. The many friends of Mrs Jennie Al the use of her an. Mrs. Carter and Miss Madelon Carter are expected dn town to morrow, and will be «n pension, with Mis. Yates. By en error Mrs. Stokes was an nounced in Saturday's column as stay- ing at Mrs.lrwin's. She is at. Mrs, Yates', William street -. . . * Mrs. Phelan, Johnston street, will not receive again, until the autumn. . * . . Mrs Blair, wife of the Hon. A. G. Pair, has sailed for Ingland, to vis it her daughter, Mes. Brewin Mr. end Mrs, Henshaw, of Montreal, an | their grenddaughter, Miss F reda Mcn-haw, huve arranged to spond the season in tolendl lienthaw's cottage, near the Maneir, Richelieu Lotel, Mur Pay. Mr. Lorne Somerill Foronto from th he left his parents, who joving their sojowin in 1 Miss Dorothy Hewar to Montreal from' iro Mrs. A. Guy Ross ¢ avenue, 4 has returned where [341 much as. returned lv, Rose al, will spend motnt the summer at Sir Hemry Geary, accompanied by Lady Geary and the Misses Geary, have gone out to Esquimalt to visit their son, who is stationed there in the royal navy. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mills. left Tor onto to day for Ushavia, driving the disten-e, and spending a month: with Mrs. Mills' parents, Mr. and dvs. Mae Millan. Lady Ross, who has been visiting her mother in Bentucky, bas returned tg Quebec. } the Very Rev. Dr. | Peterborough, England, with Canon and Mrs , dean of staying , Toronto Miss Batlow is staying at Havergal Hall. Canon and Mis. Cody gave a reception on Saturday in honor of the dean. Lady Kirkpatrick goes to Ottawa to be present at the wedding of her nep hew, Mr. Reginald Deckett, to Miss Freda Montizambert on Wednesday next. y . -. . » Tho engagement is andounced Oi Miss Florence [Edith Fletcher, daughter of Robert Esten Fletcher, "Roselawn," Barrie, to Mr. S. G Beciett, of Toronto. Ci Miss Ida Harvey, daughter of Mr. J. G. Harvey, Todmorden, to Nr, Fred. 1. Withrow, son of Rev. Dr. Withrow, Toronto, - The marriage will take place in the "latter part of June. Of Miss Marion Miles, daughter of Mr. Henry Miles, to Mr. H. W. Blay lock. : Of Miss Florence E. real, to Mr. Arthur S. merly of Ottawa Of Miss Winnifred EE. Gardiner, daughter of Mr. H. F. Gardiner, intendent of the Institute for Jackson, Mont Maynard, for super the Blind, Brantford, to Dr. Nathaniel Philip Rathbin, Brooklyn, N.Y. eldest son of the late Ather Rathbun, of Stockbridge, Mass. Of Miss hate Burtchall, daughter of the late Mr. Archibald Burtchall, Tor onto, to Dr. J hn C. Berry, of Chi cago. The marriage will take piace in June. : "sce. At the Chelsea Congregational church, London, "England, watseeslo brated the wedding of the Rev. Will iam G wd and Miss Laura Duke, daughter of Mr. EF. Duke, of ""1 he Law els," Church riet, Chelsea The bide is a sister of Mr. FE. W. Duke; of Montreal The marriage of Miss Frances E Byrnes, eldest daughter of Mr. Her Byrnes, Winnipeg, to Mr. George Ste then, of the Canadian Northern rail formerly « Montreal, is an e on June Ist only daughter of Steele, barrister-at-law Mrs. C. J. Bowell, of Belleville, Ont., was married on April 20th, at Vancouver, B.C, to Mr George Adam Parker, eldest son of wa etd to take Mis Hazel the late A. ( Toronto, and fold. daughter of the late Mr. Jefiray Id. of Montreal, to Mr. L. 1 Gisborne, son of the late Mr. F. N of Ottawa, will thke place at the Advent, Westmount June Sth, issued in Toronto for Gisborne the Church of Montreal, Invitation the marriage of Miss Katherine Siu coe Cross, vidoe! denghter of Mr. W H. Cros to Mr. William Alexander Rodd Kerr, at St on Jung 15th afterwards at 111 St. George street Loronte Invitations marriage of Miss Lave been issued for the Adelaide Jane Lan «treet west, Hamilton. Royal Pavilion Is Robbed. Mav 31.-The Royal Pavi London, was a number. of valuable articles stolen. {he pavilion is un low, rambling build ing of the bungalow type, and is "pear the line when the kaiser's train Mr. Adamson-Parker, Sheflield, Eng., ant cousin of the Earl of Macclesfield 1 v Miss Steele and Mr. Parker are great niece and nephew of General Hugh Kilbravock, Silver Dale Road, Ea r England. . . -. The marriage of Lieut, R. J. Bird whistle to Miss Carolyn Savage will take place in Uttawa on Wednesday, June Sth The marriage of Miss: Winifred 1 Albans Cathedral, A reception will be held grill, B.A., 1:97, second daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Langrill, Hamil ton, to Mr. Francis George Evans. barrister, ' Orillia at All Saints' church, "on June 16th. A reception vill he het rwards at 220 King Jion, the Aldershot residence of Prince Alexander, of Teck, and Princess Alice broken into a few 'days ago and situated near the south camp. Prince Alexander and Privcess Alice took up WHAT SOI DIER'S INNOCENT REMARK COST HIM. Prummed Out Of The Army, And Sentenced to Twelve Years' { Imprisonment -- The Specta- tor's Comment, New York, May 31.--The Sun has the following from London : The fol- lowing astonishing story of terrible Spent in the German army has ween published for twelve days with: out being contradicted, so it may be accepted as a fact. A squad of soldiers were drilling passed. 'The commanding officer or- dered all to salute as the train pass ed by. Alterwanrds a sergeant over heard a private remark : "The kaiser might have let the train slow down so that we could catch a glimpse of him." The private was arrested, tried by court-martial, found guilty of lese majeste and sentenced to seven years' penal servitude after being drummed out of the army. The Spectator, commenting on this, asks © 'Can we wonder that the in ternal condition of the 'German army is what iti Though externally it still looks as strong, efficient and well organized?" ------ Wall Street Report. New York, May 28 Henry Clews & (o., report a leasenéd demand in con suming markets; manufacturers are expetiencing a falling off in orders railroads announce frequent declines it. earnings, and bank clearings prove that the reac ion which began in the cast is extending to the west and south. New enterprises have received decided chock; new incorporations dur ing the first four months of this year were scarcely one-third of those creat. ol in the same period of 1903 and 1902. The reasons for this large shrinkage in new enterprise are: First the general recognition of business re action; second, that costs and wages are often prohibitive; third, unsettled labor. conditions, . and fourth, uncer tainty about crops and the election. There is no occasion, however, to be unduly depressed by these develop ments. So far as the stock market 1s concerned, they have been largely, if not entirely, discounted, and correc tive influences are already at work. ------ Death Rate In Transvaal. London, May 31 startling reports of the native mortality in the Transvaal mining dictricts-have just known. A death rate of over 1,000 is reported from several districts, and rates ranging between 75 and 90 per 1,000 are quite common. The period covered is round Iv from August, 1903, to February, 1904. Since that date, there has been a diminution of 66 per 1,000, Lord Milner says that more than hall this enormous mortality is due to pneu monia, induced by the sudden change from semi tropical regions to the cold climate of the Witwatersgand. Some been made 130 per Duke Lives In A 'Tent. London, May 31.--The Duke of Nor- folk, premier carl of the united king dom, who went to the front during the recent Boer war, again is showing h's-military enthusiasm Last week he has been sl ng on a trundle hed under canva¢, notwithstanding the rain end thunder, for he ix the officer commanding the Royal Sussex Regi m.nt, which was having an annual field L. Arundel Castle is only a fow hundred vards from the camp, but the duke prefers to share the lot of his men rather then enjoy the comforts of home ---------- Nothing Lopsens Up Colds. On the chest and relieves that tight feeling and hard cough like Nerviline, writes E. P. Renshall, of Sutton. "I never use any other remedy but Ner viline aud find it serves as a genera household liniment best of all. €hil dren's colds and inflammatory pain: are quickly cured by Nerviline, and its action on colds, coughs and sore throat is unequalled by anything T ever used Nerviline is both powerful, pleasant and reliable." Every mother should nse Nerviline. Price 25c. et ---------- Left All To Young Wile. al to the Whig enna, May 31.--Maurus Jokai, the cat Hungarian novelist, who died a ke ago, has left the whole of iderable fortune to his voung formerly a prominent actress, hom he married four years ago, when seventy-five years old. He ex Iv bxcluded from the will his ad I daughter for having opposed his marriage For Sirenuous Life it is necessary to have your system in good working order--to havean energy born of perfect health and strength-- it is imperative that each organ be kept in frec action, and BE {CHAM'S PILLS are foremost of the few things that will do it, For Active Brains your liver must be right, your stomach ina healthy condition and your kidneys properly performing their uliar functions, or your body won't stand the strain and your brain won't be active. If you would have a clear head and keen perception, get a box of BEECHAM'S PILLS. use themand ce how much more alive you will ac For Perfect Health there is no greater promoter than these famous Fills, You will find it so all over the world, and, mark you, the most perfect specimens of manhood, womanhood and childhood are the BEEGHAM'S PILLS prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. |Common Sense and DEWAR'S the other.--They blend perfectly. ~~ ° sr HBG x OR yo ges § DEWAR'S and Common Sense. No difference which, you can't use one without : EVERY CICAR To know what our system of retailing means, to him. How money, time and exper- iment is saved to him. We want to show that we can cut his cigar bill in half! To show that our system of dis- tributing results incigar quality and uniformity at prices not possible before, and made possi- ble only through our system. We send to any ad- dress in-'anada a box , of '50 Cigers --clear, long, Havana filler, Sumatra wrapper, 14 inches long, popular shape, for - - $2.50. Smoke five of these and if these cigars are not as fresh, fragrant, rich and satisfying as any you have ever smoked at twice the price return the 45 remuin- ing and get back the full $2.50 paid us. You've paid _10c. for cigars not as gool. 3 she: ac lh HHL 444444444444 EEE E EES No matter where you live or in what part of Canada you arz going to spand your vacation our igars will be delivered to you express prepaid upon * the same conditions. Hawthorn Cigar Co. 167 WELLINGTON STREET, KINGSTON. . Poor hops spoil ale-- make it dead, sour and cause biliousness to the con- sumer. Hops used in Carling's Ale are chosen by Carting's hop experts from certain localities where only the best hops grow. . Are gathered at just the right time and kept in cold storage until used. * Ask for Carling's Ale--accept no other because no other is quite 80 dod. Qarling's Ale PA Tne Ale AL LAWN Grass Cutters, Garden Hose, J. rT FOR THE Lawn Mowers, Lawn Sprinklers, Spades, Rakes, Watering Cans, Garden Forks, Hose, ete. NE We carry a large stock of Tile Pipe and Filings. -- i . > .. ELLIOTT BROS .. i 77 Princess Street. : Telephone 38. ---------- OUR DISPLAY OF LADIES CRADE F 0 0 T FOR SUMMER W Is a perfect revelation in shoe excellecce. We've never before shown so fine a stock, Many lires are made on lasts and from specifications of our own choosing. Light and neat shoes arc "I." this season. The new toes are narrower, heels higher. Any lady, with a taste for handsome shoes, can be satisfied and gratified at li Abernethy's Shoe St D iy ilton's Pills. In residence there a month ago. Helens. > Sold erywhere in Canads snd U, Kimerica. in boxes, 25 cents. Headquarters for Trunks and Valises.