i in taste ang flavor ly infinitely more it's Pure." al grocers. rm ---- \ ; s Protection" re ------ nakers r Shoe alue of trade= utting earing value ts the rotec= RS -- tnown Good= hoe mp ston, Ont. rink of the splitting Tying of coal and ashes--the tiresome summer with a coal --the dirt and heat --you'll turn with ulness of the rd \nge summer. No fire >--just the lasting FR be. will show tem . ting ®onditions cash and Sept. is cheap bush. and upwards ry & Yonge Sts. n 9613-36:¢ xchange Chambers. " fioney Back" aa means merit. No house would offer to refund money, unless they were sure you would not want to have it refunded. When a house with a well-earned re- putation ®says, "your money back if' you are not satisfied with 'our goods," you may be sure the goods are right. We have such implicit confi- dence in the virtues of * GIN PILLS that we authorize druggists to refund the money if they fail to cure. : We KNQW they WILL CORE all Kid- ney Troubles--strengthen weak Kidneys, and relieve pain in the back, dull head- aches and all other distressing symptoms of Kidney Disease, That is why we make this emphatic of. fer. (Ts worth soc to be relieved of the agonizing pains--its wo:ih §1 or even fo. to be completely cured. Andre refund the price if they fail *P# certa money's worth either w: $2 59, at druggists or d mn THE BOLT DRUG CO., WINNIPEG, nan THE BISHOP'S be found. There is nothing which 1 can do to Serve the society that wi i yn > t as a bolt out not be willingly and gratefully done 18 lon, Came gut of a clea) of. 1 reluctantly acoepted the resignation lainey of the penitentiary. Rev. and expressed its. deep regrets at the loss sustamad. The illness of Mrs. Courtne live in mate, and who has ben away now for seven years, made the bishop feel that this year is to he devoted to the sup- erannuation fund, which is certainly Fimbiaé 100 Cents Worth of Sold by Leading Clothiers Throughout Canada Clothing For $1 in Cash i ~ There are 100 cents worth of service and-com- fort and satisfaction in every dollar's worth of "PROGRESS" Clothing Every * PROGRESS" Suit and Overcoat has this invincible argument of quality behind it. You buy clothing value--as well as clothing reputation--in ** PROGRESS " Brand. N & BRO. only. Washington on Oct. 20th last. After x PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING is sold in Kiogsion by CG LIVINGSTC ' MEN'S Swell creations in Patent Colt, Patent Kid or Box Calif with mat Kid quarter, for $2.50, $3, $4. They are ours. or them. youl s., Kingston, Hl. JENNINGS, KING ST. ICE! RED WAGGONS Be on the look out | tlemanly drivers. (HARRY W. NEWMAN & BRO) (Successor to W. H. Wilson.) 255 to 267 King St., Wet. "Phone 638. Send post card. 'Phone us, or give order for ¢ to your grocer, ask- him to se word to us, and at your service at once § Standard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrhea and Runnings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- ney and Bladdes Troubles. your clohes. It does soap in half the "time Sunlight Soap Washes 1 he CL Boots and Sho struments and 2 2nd Hand Clothing, etc., below cost. for Stoves. I. ZACKS. For Electrical Work Consult Breck & Halliday, practical Electricians, Prin- OXFORDS an ope i like to retain all MR. W. H. ( S old customers Our terms will be entirely satisfactory We would like to have many new customers All good HOUSE WIVES BCONOMY to bava ICE m the summer season. * The spoiling of one roast of beel would pay for a month's supply And how delightful to have the Cream, Milk and butter, cool and fresh always Do not imperil your health by being without it. Should you entrust us with your ice orders we will do our b well. ° St. Lawrence Ice Co. Londeshorough consider it sug chioness of Zetla to Dublin castle, for some time until Earl ( adoga was appointed. est to. serve you bv a cord fixed to the baluste his cag ss to save her life, the body down, forgetting woman was hanging directly hastily a that the Sanlight Soap maites homes bright. SUNLIGHT SOAP should be used to clean your twice the work of a common take our wod for it thes White and . & LEVER BROTHERS I [MITED, Pr 1 Hand Clothing, Furniture cess Street. REGARDING NEW VICEROY. Lord Dudley To Resign--Several Suggested. London, May 3l.--Therc is mu h speculation as to who will be next lord lieutenant of Ireland. n secret that Lord Dudley will resign before the end of the year, mainly, it is said, continued illness of the countess. is the hope of many that the Earl of may be appointed, and in some quarters it 1s stated that the post will be ofiere d to the Duke of Marlborough, but there this dra not an English woman Again, it is the Marquis and Mar whack, that the duchess rested that should go + they pr ---------- Helped Woman Kill Herseli. 31. A remarkable ca Paris, M of a § + being expedited by 1 cuer occurred in Paris March who lives in: the on coming. out of hs flat, landing found a woman har the well of the staifcase on the stone paving sixty jow. She was dead when icked house as well as wash and with less labor. Don't but try it for yourself: iA LY it ASK FOR THE OCTAGCN BAR 't Hurt, the Hands. TORONTO 5a REMOVAL SALE & ci ie] Am building and have moved next door, below S. S. Corbett"s, the undertak: i will sell all the goods. New Ready Made Clothing, - Ge : Furnishings, 5, Jew v, Musical In- Bicycles, and Stoves, Furniture, will pay" the highest price mem] It is on account of the ow AILY WHIG, TUESDAY, CHARGE. (Continued from Page 6.) I believe the offering of the auxiliary in great need of assistance. -- Pan-American Conference. The Pan-American Conference met in service in the Pro-Cathedral and a magnificent sermon by the Bishop oi Albany, the conference was organized under the presidency of the late Bish- op Duley, of Kentucky, whose sud- den death, during the past winter, re- moved from the American church one of her most eloquent and scholarly bishops. I was elected secretary of the conference and as they gave me two clergymen as assistants | found mv duties very light indeed, in fact, it was the first office which I have ever held in which I did not have to work. A series of papers, twenty-three in all, on subjects of deep interest to the church 'were. given by appointed es ed. The papers, which were of a ve high character," will probably be pub lished in book form, as were the pro ceedings of the Lambeth Conferences. Several of them have already appear ed in different church papers, ¢ had a great missionary meeting, one afternoon, in an cnormous hall when it was estimated over six thou sand people were present. We had eral short addresses, and v music. Such an attendance certainly could not have been secured in any city in Canada, no matter what the attractions might be. 1 never saw people turn out to meetings and sex vices as thew did in Washington. The conference closed with a sermon by the bishop of Nova Scotia. Un the Sunday, all the Canadian bishops were drafted into _ service and occu pied Washington pulpits. Tt was a beautiful dey and in the aiternoon a grand service was held on Mount St Alban, the site of the National gathe dral, which it is proposed to build in Washington, where a © erected to commemorate the con clusion of the war between the United States and Spain. All the bishe were present, and robed, and abe two hundred clergy) vested, es well as two or three hundred choisters sur pliced. "There "were also several bands among them, "The Na i supposed to be the te tes, The cor estimated at being over . thousand and 1 think this was @ very moderate estimate] There is a natural amphitheatre on the grounds, having at its back a beau tifel wood A great platform was erected here, and in this beautiful After a short and most impressive service addre livered by President Roosevelt, the Bishop of Was ton; and the Arch bishop of the West Indies. The Am ericans certainly are adepts at carry of music tional spot we me cose, sayists and were afterwards oy cross 1s | vnod will meet next vear in the old historic city of Quebec. Resignation Of Bishop. The 'church in Canada has met with a great loss by the resignation of Bishop Courtney, of Nova Scotia, whose ability and eloquence have heen held by her in high esteem. His rosig and was the last thing dreamed The House of Bishops met, vary Yi who found. it impossible to Talifax on account of the chi it was a necessity for him to resign The Cathedral. Our beautiful cathedral, which no one can fail to admire, while a parish church and doing parochial work, has been wade by its rector, our dean, to all intents and purposes, a cathedral indeed, and as such worthy of the dio- only but in reality. It has connected with it a large staf of clergy and with its stately and well ordered ser vieds and its dean for what he has den Very ew Year's morning, with the deter mination that from the ashes of the past the present beautiful and stately as a monument to his en and exe cutive ability which over e all dif ficulties. The cathedral gives our see city, "and indeed the diocese, an im could not otherwise have Episcopal Acts. Since last synod, | have held twe ordinations, and have admitted ten tc the diaconate, and « i priests. At the ordination last Sun were admitted to the diaconate : Her bert Francis Dealtry Woodcock, M.A. William Ennis Kidd, vard Smith. ton, Rev. James Connolly Dixon. norial font at Warburton, and a pu Mark's, Deseronto. Dedicated lector crated a church at Harrowsmith, an of Oxford Mills. ing our great functions. They do not lightiul; the people, from the presi no date has been fixed; it is to be at in hospitality. If conventions and synods are hely many of them! Kingston was hon amongst the good people of our city highly pleased with Kingston's hos them decided to make it only a "pro + will be, at the same time, a the constitute a quorum ug Archbishop will then be n sion, to crown his rions course in the se hated t to he ag vers ts chief business w ar for and attend its own funeral all of ths metropolitan, or the peti +d in it from each diocese, ac miad either trouble or expense. Our visit to Washington was most de- dent down, left nothing undone which they could do to make the stay of their visitors pleasant. The next conference is to be held in Montreal, the call of the archbishop and 1 hope we will show our American friends that the Canadians are not wanting ful the affairs of the church ought to be at high water mark; we have so ored in April last by a meeting of the house of bishops, and also by the hall vearly meeting of the general mission board, which was held at the same time. From the presence of these important assemblies, as well as from the able addresses given, by the Bishop of Huron, Bishop Carmichael and Hon S. H. Blake at the public missionary meeting, which was held in the city hall and which was suc h a t success, | trust some extra mis sionalw enthusiasm was aroused Our visitors expressed themselves as pitality and _ the reception given : ladies of the different Anglican congregations added much to the pleasure of the visitors by the admirable luncheons which they served un both days of the meetings, to the delegates and their friends I « autumn, we are to have a meeting of the Provincial Synod of ada. The canon requires that it I be held in September, but it has hee forma' meeting then, and adjourn until October, when the half yearly meetin of the wmission board will take coin Montreal. The object of this is to save the delegates the time pense which two meetings would weting of the House of Rishops of the whole dominion, when ¢ will be elected. This could ne at the meeting of the here, for two reasons, a metropolitan had not inted for the province of {upert Land: secondly, because there was not a majority of the bishops of dominion present, and that wasks Tablets. however, that our will have given him is long wirch. He is indeed, a wonderful man: hix voive as strong and clear as i and he carries the weight of ninety vears with erect figure, with eve undimmed, and with natural force ting of the vincial Synod It will not, meet again unless by the of five bishops of the prov mee. neral Synod will take its place, ate for the whole church the dominion. A larger tion: than formerly is now to the number of parishes. This diocese ix now entitled to #ix munion, 67 times. Visitation Of The Diocese. ward, Hastings and Lennox and A dington, excepting three parishes church people in the different paris es pretty well, and T am glad to fi myself known, and to hear the pe speaking of me ag belonging to thes as belong not only to the diocese as Appointments And Changes. pointed the newly ordained deacons yositions, as follows: Rev. Robe of Coe Hill; Rev. Charles Masters, A., to be cur 5 ston; Rev. mn Edwin Lindsav A., to the mission of Bancroft; Re herst Island: Rev. Joseph Stanton the mission at Clarendon v. Jan TConnolly Dixon to the mission Maynooth. I also made the following appoir ments : Rev. W. W. Burton resign Madoc, and was appointed missiona mt of the diocese; Rev. W. Ro Seaborne, of the diocese of Arizon was appointed to Milford and Mar burg. diocese of Rupert's Land, was a pointed to the new missioh of Me 1, M.AA.. of the di o Frankville; Rev Rev. W. A. Howa cese of Alpoma was appointed to Shannonville: Re George Code, B.A. Ww 8 appointed the new parish that § formed at M dese, Queenshorough and the Rockic clerical and six lay delegates. The noly rendered music, it Tear, L.S.T., resigned the w may well be a sore of pride to every churchman in the diocese. We all owe a debt of gratitude to the Hutton, deceased. Rev... creph ined = seven dav. Trinity, the following gentlemen Richard de Pencier, B.A. Walter Hil 1 have sot apart three 'lav readers, baptized five children, dedicated a me at Christ church, Wolfe Island. edd commatiion Vessels, "altar cross, altar desk and window, in St. After the ordination last vear Iap Charles Blagrave, B.A., to the mission | I¥ lorvtown, Escott and | Ballyeanoe ; ma, was appointed 1€ Wellington and | asm? Gerow Gore; Rev. A Ly Geen, whol] n had been taking service at Wellington, etam--------------] coon MAY 31. Bannockburn, Glénmire and Millbridge ware formed 'into a new mission, and Mr. Roliit, a student, was placed in charge, Rev. Rural Dean Dibb resigned the rectory of Bath; appointed to the mission Odessa. . Rev. C. H. J. Hutton appointed to the rectory of Bath. Rev. Canon Grout, M.A, shpoined registrar of the diocese, in place of James Shan- non, Esq., deceased. Rev. Conway E. Cartwright, B.A, resigned the chep- Canon Cooke resigned Cataraqui and St. Luke's and was appointed chap- lain of the penitentiary. On the re. sighation of Canon Cooke, I divided the parish of Cataraqui and formed St. Luke's, in this city, into a new parish, The Ven. Archdeacon Worrell, L., was called to the rectorshi of St. Luke's, and resigned St Mark's, Parriefield, to accept it. Rev, Pr. Nimmo resigned Rawdon; appoint: od to the rectory of St. Mark's, Bar- riefield. 'Rev. Canon Loucks retired from active work, as rector of Pic. ton, and Rev. W, 1. Armitage, of the with its chapter not in name diocese of Toronto, was appointed vicar. Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A, appointed canon tia of St George's cathedral. Rev, L. Me ear, sien of Cardinal, and was appowted rector of Bath, in place of les, © WN, J, Elliott resigned the rectory of North few would have had the courage to Augusta and was appointed rector of face those blackened walls, on that Cataraqui. Rev. Ogilvie G. Dobbs, MA. rector of St. Paul's, Brockville, . | appointed rural dean of leeds, vice Rural Dean Wright, . deccased, Rev. edifice should be reared which stands J. E. Lindsay, ILA. resigned Ban croft, appointed to Cardinal. Rev. George Code, B.A, resigned Madoc » and (ueenshorough; appointed rector of North Augusta. Rev. Francis MN. portance and position hich they | Dean, M.A., resigned Westport. Rev. R. B. Patterson, B.A, of Toronto, appointed rector of Lansdowne Rear. Rev, R. C, Blagrave, B.A, rcaigned Coe Hill, appointed to Rawdon, Hev. . G. Rollitt, of the diocese of Mon- treal, has been appointed assistant to the Ven. Archdeacon Carey, at St. Paul's. Rev. Rural. Dean Young re- signed the mission of Sharhot lake, appointed to the parish of Madoe and 5 M.A. Charles Queenshorough Rev. W. Hillyard Smith appointed to Sharbot Lake. Rev. Herbert Woodcock, M.A. ap- pointed to the mission of Westport. To o priesthood were raise tev vs 3 the priesthood were raisgl: Rev. |p C0 0 Kidd, M.A., appoiated to y. © Robert Charles Blagrave, B.A. . Rev. Charles Masters, M.A., Rev. John Ed win lindsay, B.A., Rev, Richard Wil liam Irvine, B.A., Rev. Joseph Stan the mission of Coe Hill. Rev Dixon appointed to the mis Bancroft. | have removed litt, the student, from the charge of the mission of Bannockburn and have sent him to work under Mr. Dixon at Baneroft and Maynooth. 1 Lave ap- yinted the Rev. C. R. de P'encier, 1.A., to the mission of Bannockburn, Millbridge and Glenmire. i, The Trust Funds. choir gates, screen, altar rails, ete, in St. M lalene, Napanee, 1 wish to draw the attention of the Dedicated pulpit and readigg | members of synod to the condition of desk in St. George's, Trenton. Conse: | our widows and orphans' and super d | annuation funds. Surely. the thurch a burying ground at Ardoch. Induct: | will not continue go stand and do no ed the Rev. W. G. Swayne, as rector | thing for these funds. This has been her position for years. The widows 1 have confirmed cight hundred and | and orphans' fund will soon be bank fifteen persons, three hundred and | rupt @ nothing is done and pay- thirty-eight males, and four hundred | ments from it will have to he stop and seventy-seven females, 1 have | ped. The overdraft has now reached a preached 151 sermons; given 103 ad- | sum within twenty per cent of the dresses, and celebrated the Holy Com: | amount of our capital. It is perfectly phin from the offertories received, thet stromy appeals are not made by the clirgy for this fund. On April 19th, 1 began mv fifth visi Dida brethren of the clergy. will you tation of the diocese and have com- | not make, each one of vou, a determ pleted the rural deaneries of Prince Ed | ined effort in your parishes to wipe d- | out this overdraft ? It is in your own in | interests as well as in the general in the latter. T am getting to know the | terests of the church that you should h- | do so. If you should be taken away vou do not wish those dear to vou o | 1eft to the cold charity of a pitiless un. | world. Your salaries have not allowed "Our Bishop." IT like to feel that 1] vou, perhaps, to make any provision a | for them; your lives are not insured, whole but to every church family in it. | Unless vou have means by which you can provide for your families you ought to subscribe to thie fund and put forth your best endeavors to in to | terest vour people in it. To the man rt | who makes no provision for his fami surely the words of the apostle are M. | peculiarly applicable, "He who pro te of St. James', King: | vides not for his own, and especially B. | for those of his own house, has deni w. | ed the faith, and is worse than an un- Righard Skelding Wilkinson to Am believer." to Brethren of the laity. will you not ses | put vour hands in your pockets and of | give? If vou do not the crv of the widow and the orphan will go up to \t- | heaven against vou As regards the od | superannuation fund there are clergy rv | desirous of being superannuated and He | for the reh's sake ourht to be but a, | cannot because the fund will not allow of it. Yon mav trv to excuse 8 Rev. C. J. Easton, M.A.. of the vourselves with the thought "We are pn | not our brother's keeper, wo are all J. | right, other parishes will have to look out for themselves"; but vou will find in the great day of God Al £. | mighty that it will be said to vou, if Lawlor, M.A, of tha diocese of Algo. | You heed not the weeds of others, "Tn wh as ve did not to these, ve did ot to Me." v Death Of The Primate. to The death of the primate on March a | 9th. removed from the church in Can . a most distinguished and conspi figure, who had "The head of a statesman and the heart of a saint." The Most Rev. Robert Machrav, D.D., LLD; DCL, prelate of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and ada "Felt Ga » After the Sec- St George, was 4 ripe scholar and a - born cader ol men, He was ond Box of lron-ox | "0 0" "Aberdeen University, and Cambridge, carrying off the high- cst prizes from both universities. He January 6, 1903. was consecrated Bishop of Rupert's a | land, by the Archbishop of Canter- bury, in Lambeth chapel in 1865, and out of the immense diocese to which he then came, known as "The Great Lone Land," eight other dioceses have l One |i. formed. For both the church I was conscious an improve- and education he has wrought a t great and lasting work in the North. West. It was under his guidance that the second one did the busi- a provincial synod, consisting of up- per and lower houses, was formed in connection with an ecclesiastical pro- vinee. ealled the Ecelosinstizal Pro- we of Rupert's Land. so that the 182 Brunswick Street, work of the church ight he harmon- ious. He was elected ite first metro- politan and was indefatigable in his Fifty Iron-ox Tablets, in an attractive i 2 ket cents at drug- labours, not only for his own dio- slum Bo t of | cose. but for the whole chureh: We took an setive interest always in edu- cational matters, not only in conncet- jon with the church, for whieh he founded St. Jobn's College, Winnipeg, and provided means for its support, but in a general way, as well, havin Flues, grates, fire-pot structed to burn an . is always supplied." booklet. specially con a special wood grate Sold 'by 'all enterprising dealers. Write for y kind of fuel, and. the University of Manitob he was chancellor. ral Synod, held in he was 'unanimously primate sof all: Can: He had much to consolidation of the church, «hie became one from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the est hii of the General Mission Board « whie! already done mue Toronto in 18007 RRL $ tate office, 51 Brock street. = 5 UNFURNISHED, with Bron jmproveaents, #1 Apply at Crumley h for the Uhurch in bors but his works hear witness ito coling himself physi him. Last year, f he work of the die: cally wnablé for t cose, ho asked for a co adjator, Dean Matheson, wells hout Canada as the pre, and in due time man admirably adapted to the work, for he thorou the North-West and anxious to have him but unfortunately it Two names must House of Bishops because. the bishop of and has nothing to commend In Our Own Diocese. . last, James Shan: Hed to the vest of thing concerning. the chure and her work in ore for the church, and was in his atteadance at vices and faithful in gentle and oblig- he commended his re ife I'he Rev. Henry Austin, for many years a clergymar e tired list, paged away Gananoque on 8th of much beloved by those For a number of years in delicate health, he not attended the known to the younger clergy as we of twenty years ago. saw him about a death and he then looked, he felt, remarkably well, He at the service on that occasion his voice was clear and strong. {Wood Burning Outfit We have them from $l up. 1. death clanned one, apparently, strongest clergymen, in the prime life, and from whom many years Also An Artistically Framed Picture - Our Frames are KINGSTON and are guaranteed by the makers, KIRKPATRICK'S "ruse. ENJOY A DRIVE? The Hake {t doubly ehloyabls By en- gaging one of our fine turnouts, ' and 'S LIVER ERY, Rev. C, J, H. Hut a successful and re muneraiive busdness life to « church and was or. been expected, the and a hall years he w strengthen ite endowment, to Ottawe shen the divis jon of the diocise took' glace subscriptions from people wha, it was generally soppy HARDING 210 Welrlngron St, "Phone f thy diocese and . of taking! ap paroc appointed him to when he wax sud en down and taken away after a few days illness, Guy Aylwin Gamsby, a faithful churchman and Sunday school teacher of Lansdowne, apart as a lay reader, was also: taken away no ness. He delighted church and will be gréatly the parish where he lived, Rural Dean Wright was several parishes where fully and in the deanery of 'Leeds, where he was wo widely: known and loved, but throughout the diocese, ways at our synods a he labored so success! nd our executive he'took an ae- thing which con tive intarest in every cerned the church. Thus the workers pass or the Master calls them home, and we are loft still in the field, for how God only knows. Let ux "work then, while it is day, for cometh when no man ean work." Our at them as He only can: commending * you wpirit of Gods 1 deliberations, p that He may bestow upon " 4 wisdom that I Jom above, sympathy to eae ight jodgment milion, , and that, Gods milies, and we pray that the God of much to do with the establishing all consolation will comfort and - sus- Ween dry goods. D; as Towns t a ---------------------------------------------- ON APRIL FIRST Lom T r & a Plumbers, AT ington the ctically new), inv Ao. street al con he grounds; and stable t= are her's. § JoLioiks Sota, ok of uildings an » or y offers a eiie them Godwin's Insurapce Emporium, 'Marke i So ---------- TO LOAN IN LARGE O at low rates of ny i