Sing Mastered 'gn al Lag astered "y re Proof. Rie ade ane Samples eople, Oshawn. Oaieat Street, Montreal, a a -- -- Ankles Swollen it Sleep at Night, aad Kidney Trouble he Canse. pan's ey Pills r Other Remedies jd Falled. ul Kidney Pills will Care tinate Cases of Kidney Only Given a Fair i Used According Directions. Mrs. Geo. H. Alward, N:B., has to say about } to certify that I have ney Pills for pain in the y trouble and I do most mend them to any person way. I was so bad with at I could not get around feet and ankles were so ful that I could get no . I tried several remedies > relief whatever until a 8 to try Doan's Kidney ceived a deci change nd bad only taken two s able to do my house- three boxes made a com- Pills are 50 cts rnd Jo 8. per box, KIDNEY PLL CO. 0NTo, ONT. Phosphodine, The Great Fuglish ) E prescribed and used recommend as bei er, the only medicine its kind that curesand sfaction. I$ promptly and IL forms of Nervous Weak permalerrhaa, Impotency, 80 Or axoesses ; the excessive {um or Sttmulants, Mental 1 of which lead to Lefirmity on and an Early Grave. age or six for 8. One will for 1 Bohlen. Ad dress Tee pam 0 d , Wood Coun . 7, *, Canada, dine is sold by all cal reck & Halliday, Electricians, Prin- ot. PAINTING It for First-class ting. LARENCE STREET, Ison's Livery. t ift's \nton al er in yorse. a test order ng so-called IFT & CO. me 135. the $00000000000000000006020 3 + : . TEMAN AGE LICENSES, FIRE INSURANCE: KER. arence street. '29 Sydenham St St. Louis, Mo. $22 (G€61for 15 days). $24.35 (Good for 6o days) $35.20 (food until Dee. 16, 1904). at any intermediate Siop-overs _ station In De 3 14> Cl " TRIP Hamilton to Falls, $1.40 agditional. For tickets, Hut tag litdeatury and wriber Inforuefiol, QVRNLISY, Agent, Ulty Passenger pot. i nt KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. RATES FOR §T LOUIS, MO. FROM KINGSTON $22.00 Ae Good for 15 Days. "$2936 Good for 80 Days. $35.20 Good Until Dec. 15th, 1904. Commencing April 35th, and daily until November 4 Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office; Ontario St. FOSONWAY, _F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt THE BAY NTE RAILWAY NEW thodt LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all focal points. Train leaved City Hall De pot at 4 pam. F. CONWAY, Agent B.Q. 'Ry., Kingston. Daily Line Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockviliie, Prescott and Montreal. June 2nd to June 16th. 1904, LEAVE KINGSTON GOING EAST---Tuesdays, and Sundays, at 6 a.m. GOING WEST-Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 5 p.m. 'rom June 16th to Sept. 18th, steamers will run daily, except Monday, From July 4th to Sept. 11th, there will be a daily steamer from Kingston to Thursdays, Montreal. Hamilton, Toromto, Bay of Quinte and Mompreal Line. Commencing June 8rd, 1904. LEAVE KINGSTON: GOIN, EAST---Wednosdays, Fridays, and Subdays, 130 p.m. GOING WBS ueadays, Thursdays, antl Saturdays. at 11:30 p.m. J.P. HANLEY, JAS. SWIFT & CO Ticket Agent. Freight Agent. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "NORTH KING" {iso BETWEEN ROCHESTER, KINGSTON, 1000 ISLANDS Commencing. May 29th, steamer leaves or 1,000 islands, Sidnday. at 10:17 am. and for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester, N.Y., at 5:00 pm. . Connection at Rochester with all railways. Bagsage checked through to all points. STR. "ALETHA" = Loaves daily, except Sunday, for Day of Quinte ports at 3.00 pw % For further information apply to E F. HORSEY, G. P F. Ament, King- ston, Ont. J.P, Hanley, Jas. Swift & Co., dersléeve & Kirkpatrick Agents. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY IMTITED. £ Gil River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises In Cool Latiiudes Twin. Screw Iron SS. * Campaha," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comiort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 2 pm. 6th and 20th June, 4th and 18th July; 1st, 15th and 29th August; 12th .and 26th Scptember, for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Father Point, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Ca Cove, Grand River, Sunimerside, P.E.L, und Charlottetown, P.K.L The finest trip of the season for health A andl conor. | RTH AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For ti ots and staterooms apply to J.P. HANLEY, SLEEVE; Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. From Montreal. From Quebec. Pretorian, May 81, 7 a.m., May 21, 6 p.m, Parisian, May 27, 9 a.m., May 27,11 p.m. Tunisian, June J, 5 a.m., June 8, 8 p.m at Cabin 885, and upwards, ac ng to steamer. Second Cabin--Liverpool and London- dorry, $37.50,. $40, and $43.50, aceord- economical It's free Ine "to By a ata London, from foreign matter, £2.50 additional screened clean, and de Third lass--825 and $26, to Liver livered -in the neatest, nool, N~ry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Siliclan, Wednesday, May 25. (daylight). P. HANLEY, Agent, O.T.R. Citv Denot. J. .P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence Street. CANNEL COAL YOUR GRATE. : It lasts all night. Try it. also Detroit and Niagara or J. P. GILDER- present time are adulterat a 10 wom "uitarated and in GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers aad REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, GILLETT'S costs no more than the inferior REFUSE SUBSTITUYES. E.W.GILLETT £00 Tortured with Pain. Too Weak to Work. ULCERS, BOILS AND PIMPLES ALL OVER HER BODY. Such was the condition of Mrs. Samus! Deitz, Zurich, Oat. She bappily found relief from ber terrible suffering by waing Burdock Blood Bitters. A remedy without a rival for the cure of all diseases and troubles arising from bad blood. A record extending over a quarter of a century and thousands of testimonials will prove this. Mrs. Deitz writes : "Toe weak to work, tortured with the pain of ulcers, boils and pimples all over my body, especially on my face. I had almost made up my mind to give up trying to have them cured. I was ashamed to have any person come to see me, my face was in such @ terrible state. I tried everything I could think of but got worse and worse. I was then led to try Burdock Blood Bitters and was surprised at the wonderful change the first bottle made. Altogether I took seven bottles and am now completely cured and am in perfect health again. 1 feel that B.B.B. saved my life." FIREWORKS | Large assortment of ROCK- ETS, ROMAN CANDLES, TRIANGLES and FIRE CRACKERS at A. J. REES', Princess St. Wood na Coal We have on hand the difierent varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood «a Coal To those who are fet- tered by poor. fuel Craw- ford's coal comes like a ministering angel. ' It bursts asunder the chains of anxiety, and shatters the manacles of discomfort This is no dream of a sprin~ poet. Our coal is reliable, clean, clear and most careful manner, know 1 vou want to coal satisfac- what true tion is, send us your or- der to-dav. Good wood and kind- lings at attractive prices, R. CRAWFORD. ee p----egs KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO, Unequalled facilities for securing posi- sions, ¥ aot and best squivment 10 'Cemda. Queen street, ingsten. - SEND FOR CATALOGUE, Confederation lide Puilding, Toreate. AT THE SYNOD. (Continued from Page 2.) tried institution which will be the foundation of our great dominion, the Holy Word of God. The meeting was brought to a close by the doxology and e benediction pronounced by Bishop Mills. Synod Resumed. Thursday margiag, -- After reading of minutes, Francis King called atten- tion to an electoral irregularity. The scrutineers for lay elections had been mixed. Those for mission hoard were accidentally reported for provincial synod delegates, and vice versa, As no corruption such as the bishop's charge denounced in politics was sus pected the scrutineers were forgiven and told to go and sin no more. on suggestion from . Montreal dio- cese, ugofficial, a requisition was signed by delegates-clect to the pro- vincial synod, asking for postpotie- ment of the trieonial meeting from September to October. 'rom the Bishop oi Nassau, Ba- hamas, (drowned since the letter was written) enclosing a unanimous feso- lation of synod, denouncing the growth of erroneous and strange doc- trines regarding the Virgin birth and other beliefs, in England, especial- ly, 'and asking for action for main- tenance of the Catholi: faith. Judge Macdonald moved reference to the Proviacial Synod, with endorsement of the protest, which was carried unani- mously. Judge Macdonald presented the re- port of the committee which had cong sidered the bishop's charge. They) ochoed the regrets over the weak state of politizal morality- and of the pre/ valence of the gambling enirit. large percentage of cases in court arose from the desire to get rich quick, to make something out ¢f no- thing, leading to cmbezzlement and duping of carcless men. The issuingoof a bishap's pastoral of = denunciation was advised to be followed by speak ing of clergy. * The success of Rev. W. W. Burton's canvass was applauded and offered as a fresh proof that when the church supplied good, active men, the laity would responsively do their duty, The bishop's desire for better support of the Bible Society and for a more free meeting together with other religious bodies, was heartily endorsed. scheme of Sunday school lessons for Canadian churches was advocated as a powerful agency for strengthening its work and standing. The Ontario Churchman was declared to be the hest religious paper ever published at a low cost. 1t was excellent, broad and interesting and the volunteering of eanvassers was urged. The tishop's energies and good nurposes were ap- plauded, and several points of his ad- dress responded to with generous ap- proval. General Missions. Archdgacon Carey--Report of com mittee upon Nor'-West and foreign missions. The call for $4,000 in 1903 was more than met. The parish of St. Paul's, Brockville, which gave $500, three times its apportionment,' was not credited, and the diocese ap- peared in the general treasurer's state- ment as about $300 bebind. More was given last year than by the former united diocese, including its W. A. offerings. The diocese gave $4,676 last year to general missions, $620 going outside the range of the general board. The only parish giving no- thing was Parham: eighteen parishes did not return full apportionment; Napanee's arrived too late; Frontenac and Leeds deaneries gave more than asked for; the other deaneries fell be- low the mark. Of the Sunday schoo! 37 gave 8555, as compared with 34 and $351 in 1902. A list of parishes to be visited by the Canadian mis- sionarios, Rev. Messrs. Boyd and Rob- inson, in June, was given.--Adopted. Canon McMorine--Report on state of the church, complaining of absence of returns from a few parishes, and the unsatisfactory nature of some of those reccived. One report claimed seventy- five individuals, but gixty-two com- municants. Another returns 120 communicants where his predecessor reported 253, with 185 attending at Faster. The total number of communi- cants reported was 9,253, a falling off of 40, occurring in Grenville and Prince ¥.dward, due partly to inac- curate returns either last year or this, partly to the general shrinkage reported by almost all religious bodies, One synod of. another body re- ported a loss of 1,000 communicants through western emigration. The Sunday schools showed a decrease of 122 scholars, all comprised in one par- ith where the rector confirmed only 142 out of 250 reported by his predecessor. There were increases for outlay for churches of 4,206; for stipends, $2, 600; for parochial objects, 81,742. THE STORY OF LIFE. Making the best of life is getting the best health you din out of it--goud digestion is the key. What you eat may or may not do you good. Itde- nds upon how it is handled by the 5 estive apparatus of the stomach-- Ifit is deranged, the bleod, instead of taking new life and strength to the various organs, of Be body, takes i hich kidneys, irri- fates the Eo tranane the heart, causing WeAry, 11 feeling, ¢ rheumatisn), qo ing es the complexion sal- low--caudes a re and const! tion, The greats '1- PI as & correcting & crippled bave when you Sh urong ou ot sorts, sick or getting t tens you hell. you feel 50 cents per oat or i Fyle Co., Niagara Ont. J. GILBERT Family Grocer and Tea Merchant + Importer Special Attention Given Pamily Trade A PULL LINE OF Crosse & Blackwal's Goods JUST ARRIVED. (HE DAILY and will visit Pekin, where the nrince in --__y .objects, due to act $05,000, a decrease of 22.900. St. George's cathedral this total, but the congregation last vear had given 810,000 apart from endowment.--Adopted. , -- W. And O. Fund. * The consideration of the canon was rosumed, and there were stirring speeches on the modes of assessment of ¢l v and rights of benefits, all in spirit. Clause €, compelli widows to before a committee and declare to incomes, was attacked as a retumm to the holy inquisition, . besides ungenerous an indelicate, and a resolu- tion of G. F. Ruttan, to strike it out, was uded. The bishop re- sponded, that if a limit were fixed on widows' incolnes rving of sustenta- tion they would not apply or be shock od by enquiries; again, if families of already fair income were to become beneficiaries the givings of the people would be discour! Rev. Nir. Lew- in knew of only two widows of means who had become beneficiaries, and one of them had annually returned her an- nuity; no fixed bar or painful enquiry was called for. A direct vote was tak- en, and by two- to one it was decided that a widow having 8600 or more a year of income otherwise shall not be eligible for annuity from this fund. A resolution of primeiple by Mr. Ruttan, to make the annuities of equal amount to all recipients, but in proportion to the funds in hand, was withdrawn, with the question undecided, go drifting debate being ended by a resolution dof Mr. Pense, referring the canon to a special Spiutitiee, with all 'pa pers presnted on the subject, to report at November session for ublication, apd for ample consider- ation before mext synod. The Lishop appointed the dean, archdeacons, DR. J. W. BASHFORD President of the .Ohio Wesleyan versity, one of the eight new bishops Uni- chosen by the Methodist Episcopal gen- eral conference at los Angeles chancollor, secretarios, Rev. Messrs. Jarvis, Jones, 'McTear; Judgy Muc- donald, Messrs. Pense, Halliwell NiRut- tan and King., General Business. A motion of G. F. Ruttan was car- ried to have reports printed cir- culated in advance of synod ineeting, to save time of synod in reading and give a greater understanding of busi- ness, Canon Jarvis gave notice of a mo- tion for extending the system of ap- portionment to parishes for support of diocesan missions, and that there be one cominon uiission fund, and one common call for foreign, domestic and diocesan work. The synod rose shortly after one o'clock. The executive committee then appointed Messrs. Patterson and Burns its official auditors. -------- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the People--What They are Saying and Doing. A. McNichol, Toronto, is in the city. James C. Smith, Harrowsmith, is in the city. Erwin Knapp, town to-day. J. 8. Carr, Le Roy, N.Y., ia at the Randolph. A. E. Battersea, was in Eagleson and wile, Cold Springs, are in the city. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Carter, Los An- geles, Cal., were in the city last night. Miss Maud Thornton leaves to-dav for Toronto to take a position in the Toronto School of Music, Mrs. M. Williams, Earl street, left yesterday for Cheney, Wash., with her granddaughter, to join her daughter, Mrs. N. A. Hinch. Reginald Dibb, from Lacon, Siam, is visiting Kingston with his brother, Rev. F. T. Dibb. They sail together for England next week. J. T. Dawson, a former resident of Wolfe Island, who has lived in Idaho and western states for the past four teen years, is home on a visit. City Solicitor McIntyre is in Toron {o in connection with "the lighting plant question, which will be heard iv, a high court judge to-morrow. Dr. Harold Ward, house surgeon in the Manbattan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, New York, is spend his vacaticn at his home in Napanee, and is also spending a few days in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Christie, Montreal, leave next wi to s the summer on Deeside, Scotland. Mr. Christie travels for Carter, Galbraith & Co., of Monireal and is well known in this_eity. Miss Florence White was, married in Toremnto on Wi to Alfred Stokes, Darlington, Eng., who comes to Kingston, on June 15th, as general secretary of the Y.M.C.A. He has just ended a threevear theological course | at McMaster University, Toronto. The Chinese Prince Pu Lun was pho- tographed in Buffalo, N.Y., with Major Donald MacCormack, the sev- enfoot drum maior of the Kilties' Band managed by a Belleville man. This band is on a tour of the world, promised to personally see to its en- tertainment. There ig no one article in the line of medicines that gives so large a return , of :$6,000 in giv- LIST PASSED, of THOSE WHO ARE IN ifies in~other directions. The people's; payments were $200 | greater, several parishes wepe, vacant scarcity of visitors.i|, t of the churches was owed $53,000 of. WOOD AND GOAL METHODIST MINISTRY ! ssn Men. A Special to the Whig. Montreal, June 1.--~The special min isterial session of the Montreal Me- thodist Conference was opened to-day in St. James' church, Rev. T. J. Man- sell, presid of. t fi was in the chair, supported hy Rev. A. H.. Visser and W. S. Lenno taries. An unusually large number of the ministers answered to the roll call only two were » as transferred out of as jae Revs. W. L. Scott and W. J. Con nclly, who have gone to Manitoba. Rev. Charles 8. Vaughan, who = has lon heen wcting as principal of the Madiera Institute in India, desired tc form ore convenient church rela- (tions and his resignation was . ed credentials being Font. rn tor was present in the person of Dr. Bone, the chairman, for twenty years, of the Canton district of an missions in China. Ministerial character, fortunately, occupied but little time and the stand: ing of probationers received atten- tion. Six young men are to be re- ceived into full connection, having finished their course: J, Pulp, M.A., B. Booth Brown, Robert (. Arnetrong, J. Ira Rughss, Arthwe EC Hagar, Alfred lL. Boyd. The four years' probationers are: George D. "Armstrong, W. H. John- ston, T. A. Halpenny. Probationary standing of three years is granted to George S. Schagel; Paul Villard, James M. Shaver, T. H. Bole, J. A. Miller, Arthur J. M tin, Ralph M. Timberake, Fred. W. Bates. A good list of two year men fo): low Thomas B. Billings, M.A, Julius, D. Anthony, James R. Cooper, A. T. Flynn, S. J. Bridgette, B.A. A. 8. Dobson, J. H. Fulcher, R. F. Ar- gue. The evenin, pasion was devoted to the annual theological lecture. The president, Rev. Eber Crummy, was in the chair and a most valuable his torical study on 'The Priest and the Prophet," was delivered by Rev. C, E. Bland, B.A, The first draft of the stationing committee was presented and among tho chiof changes are "these : Ki ston, Princess street, Rev. W. 5 Tucker; Wolfe Island, Rev. Job Road: house; Pittsburg, W. K. Shortt; Gan- nanoque East, W. F. Perley; Harron- smith, W. Service; Inverary, T. . Richards; Seeley"s Bay, Andrew Fair bairn; Verona, Asa O. Watts; Perth Road, J. A. Waddell. Ottawa, eastern, J. F, Pitcher; Ot- tawa, Bell St, T. B. Conley; North Gower, E. Thomas; Smith's Falls, C A. Sykes; Merrickville, F. A. Read; Billings' Bri W. T. Smith; Ne peat, A, T. Jones; Winchest D Vinter; Montreal Centenary, a Mavety: Montreal South, R. Timber. lake; Kemptville, S. J. Hughes; Gran: by, W. 8. Jamieson; John Grenfell; Cobden, son; Renfrew, A Conley; - monte, George Edwards; South Stiek- ley, T. Meredith; Ormstown, Thomas orth Wokafield, G. C. oud. William Knox; Augusta, Jos Oxford Mills, J. Howard Philp; Matilda, Gévige Stafford; Ma- tilda South, Robert Goudie; Cardinal, Charles J. Curtis; South Mountain, Thomas E. Burke, B.D. Newington, Joseph E. Lidstone; Grantley, Geor C. Poyser neh, William A. ton. Lanark and Clayton, J. Holt Mur- ray; Montague, James W. Charles worth; Lombardy, John Garvin; Westport, Robert C. MéConnell; Beach- burg, James W. Humphrey; Haley's Station, Paul Pergau; Braeside, James E. Blanchard; or. gan Fort, Que., Arthur E. Hagar; anville, Thomas J. Vickery; Aylmer, e.. Alexander B. Johnston; Richmomd, Robinson; Ashton, Frederick Tripp; Metcalfe, Henry A. Young; Riceville, Jacob I. Hughes; Point Fortune, Que., Alfred L. Boyd; Pickanock, Que., Wal ter P. Booth. Windsor * Mills, William Pgke; East Angus, Joseph BB. Howe; St. Philj de Chester (French mission), Arthur Delporte; Little Metis, George H. Por- ter; Gaspe, William Halpenny; Dun: ham, George W. Snell; Philipsburg, James Lawson; Bedford, James n McConnell; Granby, William 8. Jamie fon. This Is Headquarters. Yor girls' and boys' straw-duck and erash hats, from 10c. wp. Campbell Bros., Kingston's popular hat store. America leaves 7:30 sharp for Clayton June Sth. Po County of Frontenac SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- coived at the office he County Clerk Court House, Kings pA THURSDAY, June 9th wine 30 as 1 un eb aons vered at the Court Coal, to House, Gaol, or Oftice, in King- ston, as a OL Homey 4p 'to Decem- ber 1st, next, The coal to be of wood quality, well and free from dirt, and' subject to | anproval of the Chairman of Coumty Property, and the tender must state the price per ton. Tenders will be received for 25 cords of dry wood, and 25 cords of green wood, composed of Jhagle. beech, hick- ory, or jronwood. so and gogrd gual- ity, and' subject to the mi rement and approval of ibe C Coun- ty Proj y perty. } One-half of the wood ( and seen) is to ke delivered At Gaol before the 1 day of "Janus! next, and the other ball (dry and green) after the 1st of January next Main Store, 194 Barrie St. "Phone 254 REAN H §TCRE ' Cor, Gore & Wellington Sts. "Phone 248 for the money as & good porous strengthening _ plaster, such as Car- ter's Smart Weed Belladoima Rackache Plasters. ! "1 offer houndiess love to you I'* | Is what voung Ca said; Sh ried him. and found, p he mar Dit. 8 , poor Prue! The tender must state the price per cord of 128 cubic feet. The lowest - tender not necessarily ac- cepted, J. W. EDWARDS, THOMAS SPROULE. County Clerk. AS The Montreal Methodist Confer- ence is in Session, And Some Changes Made in Stationing n, socre- | tem of to him. Hoy money, lime and ex 2 iment is saved fo him. We want to show cut his cigar at } before, and ble only through our We send to ad- dress in a Ee -- "of 50 Cigars --clear, ¥ long, 'Havana filler, Sumatra wrapper, & 'inches long, popular shape, for - Smoke five of these ind if these cigars 'are: not as fresh, fragraat, rich and satisfying as any you have ever smoked at twice the price return the 45 remain- ing and get back the full $2.50 paid us. Yau've paid toc. for cigars not as good. No matter where you live or in what Cabada you are going to spend youe our cigars will be delivered to you express prepaid upon': the same conditions. g THEY 2 k. 3 J.P 1 7 8 3 Is a perfect revelation in shoe excellence. ' We've never before shown so fine a stcck, Many lives are made on lasts and from sp of : choosing. Light and neat shoes are this season. The new toes are narrower, heels higher. Aany lady, with a taste for handsome shoes, can be A Fide i satisfied and gratified at : iL