0000000, ® 2 $ to AL BRAND and address, sample, with tell you where BORN, ECORD- tment vest sale of May ady to | will do ood va- t. fine Bal- ICKINGS, 5 or with Sc, pair. make with Oc. pair. ial makes at 'KINGS, 35c. ys in White, CASHMERE \éavier than ble for sum- 1en, summer 50c, 65c., 8, in plain 1 up to 8% ED CUTTON. ing, and a Kingston. to size. & 20N p-- ES Ir STORE 5, $5.50. $7.50. $10. he only Ventilated Mattrass. Can't get humpys Last a lifetime. 18 perfectly resistent, y \ 2 a pshall Sanitary Pillow, in es ete. | Advertised Responsibility. FING contains uty and the r oualities. Therefo PELLED to make good as the pul never leave us if you try us once. W. G. FROST 1 'Phone 526. Queen street, tween Division and Barrie. be- Eye Needs Eyes Carefully Examined and Glasses Properly Fitted. Frames in any style, and pric es to suit every Spectacle or Eye- glass wearer: Optical Repairs promptly & neatly done SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. ¥ AUCTION SALE « EVERY NICHT AT 8 O'CLOCK Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, | etc. Wilkinson's store, Wellington street. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer, ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I BEG TO THANK THE TRAVEL- ks' Insurance Company, through their agent, J. 8S. R. McCann, with cheque for their prompt and satisiactory scttle- ment of my accident claim A. J. REES., WANTED, PLASTERERS. APPLY TO ROBERT erguson, Renfrew, Ont. YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. Apply at 200 Queen street seldom correctly hth ; 14th bar Old Dutch Jugs, make a handsome gift for very w ° ° * Ld ° ° 4 eo o ® ° ° ° ° ° ® ° ° I eo . ° eo ° o e ° * ° . ° ° * ® « FOR SALE ,<¢ DAILY MEMORANDA. : Pauline at Grand opera house, 815 yr The sun rises Wednesday at 4:17 a.m. and sets at 7:89 pun. So many men want the earth that there really ism' enough to go around. Even a professor able of mathematics jx to figure a woman's age Don't get fay. It is easier to keep 3571. Jthe lid on than it is to put it back Does not Pack. on again. brad A man thinks he knows a woman when he asks her to become his wife, wit after marriage he discovers his Hise take. There should be no objection to a nan_smoking cigarettes if ho 'is alone ind happens to have a grudge against himself, { Don t forget open air concert, hy ung Men's Club, of St. Luke's irch, Thursday evening, June 9th, on awn adic Nelson street. - DICKENS Coaching Days AND Coaching Ways We are showing some very pret- ty goods in this quaint old style, The very -BEST of workmanshi; : and the highest grade of Paints and - odd shapes, dainty plates and Varnish, used ig our work, have created in the public, a ju that can be used for placques, flable expectation t FROST'S CARRIAGE PAI etc., at 25c. and 50c. Odd shapes, ete. You can ittle money. ROBERTSON BROS.. . Always : y » » . * On Time : ° € wins respect for a woman it ¢ has gained a reputation for our ® Watches and Clocks $ That we feel proud of While : we consider the movement the most important part of a Watch or Clock, beauty, too, should he ® fered. Our selection of Time ® are marvels of artistic skill ® gn and finish. THEY MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. (We are leaders in our line). . B. CREWS,: Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts., § EINGSTON. ° - eo Will Sell Cheap for Cash $400 Grand Mendelssohn Piano A LAUNDRESS, WHO WILL DO FAMI- In service 8 months; owner leaving ly washing at home. Apply at this | city, 196 Johnston strect office. GIRLS, OVER 17 YEARS op, |, _ FOR SALE, steady employment; good wages. Ap- THE SHOP, DWELLING AND PREM- vly Kingston Hosiery Co. ises, No. 240 Princess street, occupi- : 2 ed by Maker Bros. Apply to. John Mudie, Solicitor. vant. Rigney, 126 Johnston street A COOK, NO WASHING OR IRONING, Apply in the evening, to Mrs. How- ard ¥. Folger, 55 West Street EMPLOYMENT AS PRIVATE TUTOR Dr. George F. Baker, Dentist, 71% Wellington St., 2 doors from chants' Rank. "IN PARLIAMENT. --departmental and university exami- i Ma B Re- nations. Address "Teacher" care of The Audit Act y e Whig office. vised. Special to the Whig : ; DETECTIVE~--Can you sunre part of Ottawa, June-7..~The duties of the ie 2 "No To8 nubile, deutiive auditor-general and the Cornwall can American Detective Association, In- [al lizht contract were aired im the dianepolis, Ind. commons yesterday. On a motion hy r, Le to appoint a commitive LADIES--$15 PER WEEK SEWING aT | 17: Lennox to appoint Nie Will i . : to revise the audit act, Sir illiam home; materials free, no canvassing: beautiful sample sent free on receipt | Mulock brought down the correspond of addressed envelope. Majestic ence relating to the Sidoey strike and Co., New York. t ere -------- earl ---- ACTIVE, BRIGHT, HUSTLING |! agents wanted, to sell teas, collevs, spices, ete. Over $2,000 a year is |, being made by agents. GG. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. i tr aeons -------------------- FERRY BOAT -- GOOD OPENING, where ferry has been running thirty | years. Capacity, six rigs. Give full particulars apply Henry I. Bedford, Secretary Board of [I'rade, Deseron- te. « ( i he Ottawa electric Lill was referred ack for amendment. No hint has reached the government w to who will succeed Lord Minto as rovernor-general, and to appearances aeelleney is equally in the dark. appointment of the present fov wnor was amounced in the mvmth of July, although he did not come to 'anada until four months later. It s probable that the imperial govern not made up their minds his ment have CONTRACTS TO FURNISH PLANTS | (ho subject 4nd keep lawn and gardens in order y the season or hour. wor St------------ done promptly under my instruction. CANNOT GET MEN. Geo. Lloyd, Nelson street green- hn Help From The Coal Company tees: TEMPERATE MAN, WHO THOR Wil] Cause Trouble. oughly understands boats and bhoat- ial to the Whig . ing, also wife to do plain cooking. [Nery 00 NR June 7.--The Domini June 20th, for island near G aque. Family of 5. Send rel Ww and terms to Tiffany, Yonkers, N.Y MEN AND WOMEN TO RUN QUR rapid knitting machines at eir work for us to sell ade: no ence, no canvassing. steady work, good pay; write to-day: distance no hindrance. Addgess Industrial Knitting Machine Lo.. Box 839. Windsor. Ont. LOST. PURSE, CONTAINING $15, BETWEEN obbs' meat market and Stephen ' Street, off Montreal street. Good re- Ward for its return to thisoffice TO-RENT. THREE FRONT BEDROOMS King street, corner Unipn strect So Islands And Rochester. i teamer North "King leaves Swi wharf at 10:17 Rte Sunday Thousand Islands, and at 5 p.m. Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. J.P, Hanley, agent. A ----------------_-- | Try a David Harum at Gibson's Red | Cross drug store fountain. ? homes, > es, making 160 ! the head of on Iron and Steel company made, yes- terday. an efiort to unload the steam a Trold lving at the Sidney pier with a cargo of iron ore from Wabana, but was unsuccessful. A North Sidney con tractor undertook to supply men but could not do it. There is practically no work going on in the plant, fewer employed now than last being men eek. * An ultimatum was issued to the Do minion Coal company, visterday, to the effect that any assistance to the «tee] company on the part of the coal will Be instantly_met by a company e d lodges. general strike of the miners -------- Illegal Fishing. Special to the Whig. . "Awhertsbure: Ont., June 7.--Péter Lamarsh, - fishery overseer of South Issex, made a raid on American stur- weon fishermen in Canadian waters off tl Bois Blane Island, this morning, confis ar over two thousand hooks. The tackle was brought here and will be destroy- ed. (OFDEMNED MAY BE A FEINT TO DECEIVE THE PUBLIC AND JAPANESE. High Honors Accorded to Japan- ese Officers--There is a Short- age of Food For The Troops, And The Advance of Forces Has Been Delayed. Special to the Whig London, June 7.~The news which attracts the most attention is the an- nouncement that Gen. Kouropatkin and his staff have 'gone forty miles south of Laio Yang. Military experts here and on the éontinent wianimous ly condemn the mowement, as it means that Admiral Alexieff has prevailed, and that Gen. Kouropatkin, against his own military opinion, will ieve Port Arthur. If it is considered army is destined to meet another Sedan. It is, therefore, surmised that Gen. Kouropatkin's movement southward is merely that of an advanced guard, the object, of which is to cover a Russian concen tration, the main point being to pro tect the Russians from surprise. It is thought that St. Petershurg's permis sion to let the intended southward movement be so freely published was merely an attempt to deceive public opinion, the journalists and Japanese, case Kouropatkin's Where Kouropatkin Is. St. Petersburg, June 7.--A telegram from one of the foreign military at taches with the Russian army an nounces that Gen. Kouropatkin and his stall went, yesterday, by railway to a point between Paichan and Tshi kan, sixty versts south of liao Yang, Shortage Of Food. Rome June 7.---A telegram from Mukden states that owing to the shortness of the supply of food, the despatch of troops' from Russia has been suspended for a time. Although forage can be obtained practically all the food for the army must come from Russia. A Place Evacuated. Tien Tsin, June 7.--~The Russians have evacuated Simmington and are said to be joining the troops on route to Mukden. Heavy firing was heard nt, Kingkow yesterday morning in the direction of Liao Yang. The Japanese movements are unknown here. Wounded Coming In. London, June 7.--A despatch to the Daily Telegraph, from Shong Taitse, says that heavy artillery firing © was heard yesterday morning in the diree- tion of Tawan, cast of Liao Yang. Natives report. that the Japanese first army is advancing and fighting daily Hundreds of Russian wounded are ar- riving at Tashichao. The Times' correspondeot on board the despatch boat Haimun reports that tht Japanese are diligently sweeping Talienwan Bay, <in order to clear it of mines, but as the torpedo ship Amur on = her recant trip laid wines indiscriminately, the operation is slow and hazardous. It is reported from two sources that heavy explosi ons continue at Port Arthur. These are believed to be caused by the de molition of certain government build ings. It is pretty certain now, from intelligence received by the Japanese that even if the chan secret service, nel were practicable for ships of large draught there is not sufficient coal at Port Arthur to. allow such vessels to be taken to sea. A despatch to the Daily Mail from St. Petersburg says that Gen. Kouro patkin has now heen reinforced by 10,000 of the 4th Siberian army corps, bringing the total available force at Liao Yang up to 200,000 men. Placing Of Forces. June 7.--~To distract the at the Japanese first army! Russian force Tokio, tention of under Kuroki, a large has been concentrated at Anshantien and Hai Cheng, covering the Motien Ling another 20,000 has been placed at Lang Tse Shan on th i Yang road, and 10,000 between antan and Takorei. The garrison Lino Yang consists of two divisions of infantry and 3,000 Cossacks with 70 ouns. The town is bring heavily forti fied. Alexicfl is leaving by train for Mukden. Pass Hurrying On Work. A telegram from To- kio savs the mobilization of three more divisions is being hurried for- ward. The new divisions will operate in Northern Korea and against Vladi- vostok. Rome, June 7: The First Object. Petersburg, June 7.--Viceroy Al- exieli has been authoried to inform Gen. Kouropatkin, that he (the gener al), must make the relief of Port Ar- thur the first object of his campaign. St. Japanese Officers Promoted. Tokio, June 7.~Vice-Admiral Togo and Admiral Yamamoto, minister of the navy, have been promoted to the rank of Kaigun Taisho, the highest rank in the navy. Licats. Generals Ok asawa. Hasegawa, Nogi, Nishi and cating seven lines and | Kodama have been made generals. Ok asawa i¢ the emperor's chief aide-de- | camp; Hasegawa commands the Im- | perial Guards division; Nogi has not vet been assigned, but probably will + be given an important command; Ni- | hi commands the second division, and « JUNE 7, 1904. Kodama is vice-chief of the gencral staff, and with Genetal Fukushima is largely entitled to the credit for the organization and transpartation of the army and the conduct of the war. The promotions are all in recognition of services. Has No Advices. St. Petersburg, June 7.-- The govern- ment has no advich-of a sortie having been made from Port Arthur hy the Russian sq resulting ins the sinking of four Japancse ships, It neither affirms or denies the report that Gen. Baron Stalkbery is moving south. emperor: has issued an edict mobilizing the first army corps. ---- Philippines For Japan. St. Petersburg, June 7.--The Novoo Vremyra, to-day, discusses quite seri- ously the report that the United States intends to cede the Philippine Islands to Japan. It argucs that the Yankee, anticipating the inevitable, future conflict with Japan, prefers to sell the islands inste of defending them, having learned Russia's lesson of the Prosont war, namely the diffi- culty of holding territory so far from the base. The paper adds: "Europe certainly was not pleased at tue ex- A Terrible Disaster, Berlin, Jume 7.--A tele- gram to the Lokal Ansie- ger, from Tokio, states that the Japanese warship blown up at Talienwan was the Shikishima, a sister ship of the ill-fated Hatsuse and one of the largest battleships in the Japanese navy and the tel- egram adds that all the Shikishima's crew, 740 men, were lost. + > » +> + + > > ha -> $ "+ * > + + + RIFE EIT ER 44444844 change of Spanish for American do- mination 'in the. Philippines, - but the latter is a thousand times more agrecable than to see Japan installed there, where she would be a constant menace to Kurope's Asiatic interests, England will have to look well to her position in "%India, France to Indo- China and "én Holland to Java. The only consolation is that the ces sion may keep Japan quiet for a number of years." k ---------- A Sailor's Defiance. Port Arthur, June 7.--Among the documents found on the steamer Yed do, one of the vesscls sunk at the mouth of the harbor; the following defiance was discovered fastened on the rail of the bridge: "Remember, my dear Russian sailors, my name is Licutenant Commander Keriso, This is my second visit; "first wae on the Kasuke.' I will come again' This threat was not carried out, however, as Keriso was found among the dead. Clearing the Bay. London, June 7.--Baron Japanese minister to Great Britain, has an official despatch from Tokio containing a report by Admiral Togo on the clearing of mines in Talien Wan: Bay. The report, says: "The clearing operation at Talien Wan ix progressing satisfactorily despite the rough sea. Forty one mines were dis Hayashti, covered and exploded between June 3rd and June 5th. Chinese who were formerly the enemy's pilots are now being usefully employed by us. Had An Engagement, Rome, June 7.--~A despatch from To kio says that two Russian divisions between Kaiping and Fuchau, appar ently moving on Kawantung, which is in the rear of Port Arthur, had an engagement on Wednesday last with advance parties of Japanese, thirty two miles south of Kaiping. A DEACONESS ORDAINED. Hurd, of Kingston, Was So Set Apart. Montreal, June 7.-The first service held in the Montreal conference for the public consecration of a deaconess was conducted by the president of the conference, by Miss Jean Scott, superintendent of the Metho dist training school in Terento. Af ter 'Miss Scott had addressed the con ference, Rev. Dr. Williams followed with a report of the conference com- mittee on deaconess work. The report recommended the setting apart of Miss Lottie E. Hurd, of Sydenham street church, Kingston, to this work in the Montreal conference, This being agreed to by conference, the conseera- tion of the candidate, by a form of service similar to ordination, though simplified, took place, the president of conference officiating . Miss Hurd was presented with her certificate from the training school and with a Bible from the conference as the symbol of hr authority to do the work of a dvaco ness in any part of the domivion to which she may be called. Miss assisted Baseball On Monday. Eastern league--At Newark, 1; Bal timore, 3. At Jersey City, 9; Provi dence, 2. At Buffalo, 7; Toronto, 6. American Joague--~At Detrait, 0: Bos ton, 3. At Chicago, 3; Philadelphia, 6; At Cleveland, 5; New York, 1. At St. Louis, 5; Washington, 3. National league--At New York, 15; Pittsburg, 2. At Philadelphia, 11; St. Louis, 6. At Boston, 7; Cincin nati, 9. At Brooklyn, 5; Chicago, 2. F. Carter Cotton was sworn in ves terday as president of the neil to fil} the vacancy in the British Colum- hia cabinet, caused bv the appoint ment of Hon. F. J. Fulton, as provin cial secretary. Nearly all the Preshyterian funds closed the vear without debt. The for- eign mission fund, however, had a de- ficit of $26,600. Horlick's malted milk gerve! at Gibson's Red Cross drug stere foun- WORLD AE GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest A Parisian modiste says the Eng- lish iden of clothes is a nightmare. Emperor William will be godiather to the expected heir to the Italian throne. A guide to a wealthy English visi tor to Paris, drugged and robbed his employer. The Thibetans attacked the village of Palla, held by the British, but were easily repulsed. Curl papers have been barred out of school by the Malling education com- mitte in London, Eng. The three-year-old son of the Rev. Mr. Yerex, of Clan william, Man., was accidentally drowned. The Ambrican Rifle Association may offer to return the Palma Trophy to the British R fle Association. As the result of a plot, twelve min- ers were killed by an explosion of dy- namite near Cripple Creek, Col. Six million tous less of shipping passed the American "Soo' canals in May this year than last year. Rifles are being sent from Halifax to the Cape Breton militia, All is quiet in Sydney, where the steel strike is on. The French war minister's order for- hidding officers to address soldiers "thou," is causing trouble in the ranks, Premier Balfour declined to answer a series of questions arising out of in cidents connected with the Russo-Jap- anvse war. Brandon fair directors will rebuild the blown down main building at the exhibition grounds at a cost of fifteen thousand. An egg of the great auk, will be sold by Mr. Stevens in London, It is a beautiful specimen, and has had an eventful history, Loval subjects are raising $1.280,- 000, for a gift to the German empor- or and empress on oceasion of their silver wedding next February, | John O'Reilly, aged' 105, who has spent sixty-vight vears in the United States, has gone Home to Treland to die there when 'his' time comes. G. F.! Kay. a graduate of the School of Praftical Science, ~ has 'been ap pointed assistant professor of minera- loov and petrology « in Kansas State University. The mysterious: death of a little girl in London, Eng., has been found to be caused by monoxide gas which also overcame the servant who was bathing her, Both houses of parliament in Eng. land have adopted addresses to the king. praving that a monument to Lord Salisbury be erected fn West minster Abbey. READY FOR UNION. . ------ A Committee Named To Take Further Steps. Special to the Whig, St. John, N.B., June 7-At yester- day afternoon's session of the general assembly the question of church union was brought forward by the presenta- tion of the report of the assembly's committee which conferred with repre sentatives of the Methodist and Con- gregational churches. Dr. Warden sub- mitted the report and the speeches that followed were all earnest, 'cordial and favorable to going forward while the obstacles to union were squarely faced. The hour of adjournment ar- rived before the vote was taken, but the temper of the assembly was evidently in favor of appointing a committee to consider all questions involved and to confer with situilar committees from other churches, THE CHIEF DISMISSED, Brockville Council Has Voted Him Out. Special to the Whig. Brockville, Ont., June 7.---At the council meeting, last night, the po- lieo committee presented its report and requested the council to endorse its action in discharging Chief Adams who had refused to act upon the com- mittee's order of discharge, claiming the committee had no legal right to discharge him. A large petition was presented to the council, asking that Chief Adams be retnined. After go good deal of discussion the council voted to uphold the police eommit- tee's action. The mayor gave "the casting vote, ITALIAN MURDERED, Murderer Was Chased, But Got Away. Special to the Whig. Port Arthur, Unt, June 7A bra tal murder took place on the Fort Williams Road, about a mile from here, yesterday, when an unknown Italian was shot by a follow eountry- nan, Two men saw the crime com- mitted but the wugderer held thegyy at by with his revolver until he reach: ed the bush, when he turned and disappeared. The police followed the man's trail in' the bush until it was impossible to go further on account of darkness. : The Despatches From Near And EVENTS OF DAY han promontory at time did not hout any i while py being heard there from o'clock until two o'clock i night. _} were endeavoring, on June 4th, clear the FONG of Port Arthur of mines, indicated an intention on their part to give battle outside the har- hor upon the first favorable oppor: tunity. A Japanese correspondent roturning from Talien Wan says there is a per- sistent rumor there that the J battleship Yashima struck a mine off that port recently and was sunk, Chinese arrivals from Talien Wan are unable to confirm the story, Was Not Warship, Loudon, June 7.~The despatch from Chefoo, which asserts that the Japan: eso vessel reported to have been sunk by a mine in Talienwan bay yester- day was the battleship Yoshima, is not correct, inasmuch as Aduuiral To- go's official report made public this morning, regarding the clearing of | This Flannel is positively wines, makes no mention of any dis- | shrinkable. It is made in se aster. weights, and a large variety na colors and patterns. ; g We are sole agents for Kingston, Other materials very suitable ------ Correspondents Fired On. New Chwang, Juve 7.--A private telegram Junt. eusivd L from Shannaik- wan save that Lewis Etzel, corrospon- dent of the London Daily Telegraph, and Ernest Brindle, of the London Daily Mail, were fired upon by Chinese soldiers while in a bunk near Sha- wantai Tse. Etzel was killed, but Brindle is believed to be safe. The men left here on June 30th to investi- gate the movements of the bandits. . Ktzel was a native of Butler, Penn. | Sicilians, : : United States Consul General Miller will make a personal investigation of ¢ : All can be had in Creme, Black, and dark colors. {ub the affair, PRESERVE FISHERIES, All at that will apy you, Inspection invited, Government Makes Proposal to United States. Ottawa, June 7.~Some time ago the United States asked the Dominion government: to hold a conference eith- br in British Columbia, Washington or Ottawa to consider the establishmen of joint hatcheries on tl Pacific coast to the salmon fisheries, especially on the American side. The Dominion govern: ment has repliad that a better method would be to adopt joint regulations for the preservation. of the fisheries, A joint commission reported in favor of United Beuken The nor No von: tions. ASSEMBLY DECIDES. Confer On Church' Union With Other Bodies. . Special to the Whi : St. ohn INE X fus 7.~The gener: al assembly, this morning, by an un: To animous vote decided to appoint a committee to confer with commitives from the Methodist, Con ational or other churches on the subject of church union, 4 B AN ALARMING BLAZE. Manchester Printing House Is In 'Flames. Special to the Whig, Manchester, Eng., June 7.--Fire has broken out in the Samuel Lée com. sany's printing warchouse in the ho of the business quarter. The blaze hos assumed alarming propor tions, and is burning fiercely. Made Moonshine Whiskey. . Rut Special to the Whig, Toas, ae Chatham, N. By June 7.Goorgo | leans. 8 tma tor. itis saan w 30a, Gautreau, a farmer, living near Rog | Pumpkin, 3 tins for . wo ww. .. 2866. ersville, was fined $260 and cost and | Kidney Hoans, 3 tins for ., six months in jail, this morning, by | Beets, 8 tins for ©. . ww ' : : : COR, por tn, i'w ss sae we Judge Connors, for having in his pos- Tomatoes a * wasion an illicit still and attach. | gotestanh 4 ments, Preventative Officer Floody, Toron- to, made the seizure and was the chief witness, Expert testimony was given by Dominion analyst MeGill, Ottawa. The trial lasted three days with the above result, To Send Reinforcements. Simla, June'7.~Two sections of a mounted battery, a company of sap pers and miners, and the 19th and 33rd Punjaubi Regiments have Deon ordered to prepare to go to Sikkim, It is presumed that these troops are intended as reinforcements to the Bri- tish expedition now in Thibet, . In consequence of differences between the Duke and Duchess of Valencay, steps have been taken to dinsolve marriage. The duchess was Helen Mor- ton, a daughter of Levi V, Morton, of New York. A new wi scale has been submit. ted by the Toronto Brewers' Associa- tion, and an t to arbitrate agreemen on points of difference with the men is exec tod. : The plant of the Palmerton Pork Packing company has been by Joseph M. O'Mara, Limerick, land, and is running to its full capa- ity, Phe - Grand How nt Sprin has Hod ot (Slaton rings, ope r . 4 torship, idee new proprie with Fred . Jones as '. 7) Nhe Toronto exhibition have decided to recommend the ereo- Fond a new art gallery. ut of cont bf : Alice Beat; t- Id tor of y, eigh year-ol Razoo Razor Paste makes shaving a pleasure, Sold tain. Searchlight, (Clayton, June Sth. Cross drug store. at Gibson's Red | Hains tox rats Tal James Beaty, od ang killed by a Queen and Dundas street i at 24} mills on the dollar,