ere IN CANADA To Use ¢ Baking Powder, llett's Perfumed Lye, Imperial Baking Powder, Qillett's Cream 1 Veast Cakes, A: liett's Mammoth Blige, Magic Baking Soda, (lllett's Washing Cryst, FOR OVER 50 vegans, (zsTaBLISHED 1082) comp, uimMiTey AILLETT TORONTO. ONT. Phosphodine, over 40 # LY All droge of Canada sj) i ag the on ta kind they 1 satintaction, It ir ; the ex, py Opium or Stimulants a rm all of which lead do Tnfrmiey mption and an_Farly Grave, askage, riz for 8. prompty on re Sand for ree hlet, Pap of y Addr The W. 'Windsor, O: sCanada, osphodine is sold by all uggists. 0 utherland Sisters' ir Grower' ARAM . SUTHERLAND, onge Street, Toronto ieters" Hair Gower ane § Alp a stal s ins for the a: o poral. 11s A wvizorating to be n the very first le boatic will, in A swwifio virtites. : NOW at all Sea | $1.€0 per bottle. THERLAND SISTERS .E PROPRIETORS ice, 266 Yonge St., Toronto romana, ail ey. Foreign Manager 9 ed and sold by Geo. W. er Princess and Bagot ° on . ILBERT er and Tea Merchant nporter on Given Family Trade "ULL LINE OF Blackwell's Goods ST ARRIVED. . Barrie St. ANCH STCRE llington Sts. * Phone 248 Bargain Day ee ATT ee s Music Store. 'Phone 264 ninion Organ, slight- inal price $125, go- 25. $50 up. all musical goods at al price. POO 6OOOO - TS ee 8 --, = @ ni ® anton oal tter | in worse. ; a test order ing so-called WIFT & GD. one 135. the 0000000000 ssst00e ounces of the | Each Pill Contains . + all the medicinal best Holland Gin. As cure for all kinds of Kidney trouble. . "GIN PILLS stand unrivalled. It is not qualities of one and one-half positive necessary to wait for days Sor enshcial a) reno: ip know at once that Gin Pills ---- nor a from THE BOLE DRUG CO., . . all Druggists at 59 cts. per box, WINNIPEG, Maa. r roaster, evenly and quickly heat a considerable sized dinner, and expensive gas range. ° The Oxford handsome in nomical. Call at one Oxford Gem Gas Range This range is placed on the market to meet the demand for a moderate priced and thoroughly efficient gas stove. It is made with either two or three top burners, and a large oven, with drop door, which acts as a shelf, on which roasts, cakes, pies, etc, may be drawn out. The oven isa perfect baker and This range, though very compact, is quite big enough to cook Gurney Foundry Co. ed. will do it as well as the most Gem Gas Range is very appearance, durable and eco- of our agencies or write for The Limited Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver wo A JUNE BRIDE WAS FOUND IN PICTON ON SATURDAY, A Lad Operated on in Kingston-- 4 Visitors in The Town--Gradu- ated as Nurses at Yonkers, N.Y. Special to the hie. Picton, June ~June claimed her first bride m Pi ton, on Saturday morning, "hn Miss Ethel Williams was quietly married at her father's home on Main street, to George Wil- liams, of town. The happv couple left on the steamer Alexandria for Ro- chester and Buffalo. Visitors in town are: Dwight Tyner, Standard bank, Kingston; Kenneth MeCuaiy, Montreal; Miss Sutherland, Belleville; Miss Proe- tor, Brighton; Miss Erma Spencer, Grand Rapids, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Saunders, Rochester; James Fre leigh, Toronto. Town people who are visiting out of town: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Widdifield in Toronto; Miss Mu- riel Barker and Mrs. J. F. Beringer in Montreal; Miss Violet Gearing in Cres- sy. Mr. Bolton and family of Montreal, came up on the steamer Alexandria from Montreal, Saturday, to take up residence for the summer at his home in Wellington. Mrs. Thomas Shannon is home from Chatham. Mrs, R. Har rington returned home, Thursday, from Kingston with her little son Eugene, who had an operation per- formed on his head at 1'Hotel Dieu. There was a large crowd on Hep- burn's wharf, Friday night, t moonlight excursion, on the. ste Argvle zo out. During the bustle and commotion, a man named Kearse fell in the bay. For some minutes excite ment re «dl and another man jumped in after "him, keeping his head above water, until others jon the dock pulled both out. St. Andrew's Presbyterian church was filled Sunday morning when the A.O.UW. and C itizen's Band attended se . Rev. W. McLaren's sermon was much enjoved. The schooner F. H. Benton in with coal. Judge Merrill's steamyacht is A , Kingston, Eunict, is ready to launch. C. H. Wid difield's sailing vacht Salva has been pulled up on shore for repairs. On Saturday the steamer Argvle passed into the hands of the new companv and Monday morning she left port, Our Seif-Opening, Square from the TOUGHRST papers in ALL SIZES and WEIGHTS, Weare also headquartérs for aft kinds of Hat, Millinery 1d Glove Bags, Wil consult their best interests by pur- chasing goods manufactured by ans PAPER i] Bottom Grocery Bags sre made 7 A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. We believe purchases of Sept. at present prices. We buy w eat on three cent margins for Sept PETERBORO--134-136 Hunter St. THERE A CANADA METAL COMPANY BUY SEPTEMBER WHEAT points profit before the option expires wheat is not likely to fall below 90c. or McMillan & Maguire, S- below 80c. will show ten With existing conditions cash during 1904, and Sept. is cheap in lots of 1 M bush. and upwards 5 for July. wheat -E. Cor.' King & Yonge Sts. "Phones Main 3613-3616 KINGSTON--Exchangze Chambers. RE MORE Stereotype and Lineotype Metals used in Canada than any other. = Py with a few passengers for her route along the north shore of Lake On tario. The captain is George O'Brien, and engineer, J. W. Hazlett. The grand lodge of Orangemen of British America will be in town Wed nesday, Thursday and Fridav of this week. Thursday an excursion will he given them, down hav and to Forest ers' Island. 'The same ovening. they will visit Loval True Blue Orphanage. Miss Maddie Alcorn, daughter of George 0. Alcorn, K.C., M.T., Picton, and Mis< Adelphia Savior. Bloom field, were recent ordduates at St. lohn's Riverside Hospital, Yonker: N. Y. SPORT REVIEW. Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And General Sport Kane, of Rochester basehall team, is said to be one of the few Hebrews playing professional ball. His real name is Cohen. He looks like a good pitcher. Towns, the . champion, and der, the challenger, have signed arti cles to race for the world's seulling championship and £500 a side on July 20th, on. the Parramatta river, Aus tralia. In the drawings for the championship, which open golf begins at Sand- wich, Tuesday, the ollowing pairings were made : Walter J. Travis va. J. Randall, E. M. Byers vs. Rowland ; Harry Vardon vs. G. Duncan of Carnarvon. The match at the Theatre Royal, Montreal, Saturday night between Jim Parr and Gonthier was a lively ones. and went twenty-seven minutes before Gonthier's two shoulders were put on the mat. Parr has gone to Buf falo, but will return within a month's time, to meet Maupas in a mixed eateh-as-catch-can and Graeco-Roman match for $200 a side and the gate nioney At Liverpool, Saturday. an enthusi ic reception was given to the Can- Frost Lawn Fence iL § is strong, attractive and durable. ~ 4 B 'y your homes by having one of our -- Fences. We also carry a large line of Or tal Gates. write for catalogue and prises THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO., LTD., WINNIPEG, MAN. WELLAND, ONT. To those who are fet- tered by poor fuel Craw- ford's coal comes like a ministering angel. - It bursts - asunder the chains of anxiety, und shatters: the manacles of discomfort. This is ng" dream of a sprine poet. Our coal is Acliable, clegn, clear and economical. I's free from foreign matter, screened clean, and de- livered in the neatest, most. careful manner If you want to know ¥hat true coal satisiac- tion is, send us your or- der to-day. Good' wood and kind- lines at attractive prices. R. CRAWFORD. - Bailey, East Putney, Vt., was | QUEBEC STEANSEIP COMPANY LINITE Summer Cruises ia Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron with electric lights, modern comfort IL. ON MON ir and Charlottetown, P.I ATHUR AHERN, Secretary. For tickets and staterooms aphiy ol. P SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Liverpool and Londonderry. wt and killed by her husband. who Says he thought she was a Asurglar, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence SS." Campana," electric bells and all The finest trip of the season for health Quebec. to LDER- Kingsto n, Ont ALLAN LINE JOHN H. MILLS The Leading : Auctioneer. adian bowlers" team landing, by re presentatives already notified. and a delegation from the Liverpool Asse ciation. As the vessel docked the team sang "The Maple Leaf" and were heartily cheered. An informal reeet tion on board followed. The team, including the ladies of the party are' well and report a fine vovame. Referee F. CC. Waghorne said that the St. Catherines-Brantford lacrosse gamé was close a struggle between two well matched teams as he ever saw. Both tcams were anxious to quit at the end of full time, and he will report the game as unfinished. Ac cording to the rules the teams should plaved thirty minutes' extra The excentive will deal with the have - | time. DAYS at 2 pm, 20th June, | case and the match will probakly be 4th and 18th July . 15th and 29th | roilaved at the Island. August h and 20th September, for Pictou calling at Quehec. Father = . Point Mal Bay, Perce, apie Relations between the king and the Cove, r. Summerside, PEI, Royal Academy = have become some what strained, owing to the latter de elining to accede to the roval wish that Emil Fuchs, a portrait painter, should be elected an associate 40 the academy. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia, should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for slesp- Jose, nervous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price From Montreal. From Quebec. When Mrs. Rebecca Bailey. widow, Pretorian, May 21, 7 a.m., May 21, 6 p.m. | cali at a Chicago hospital to see Parisian, Ma, " May 27, i he her fiance, Miller, who, was fatally 4 me, 3. 2 ' . : PUnitias. : hg ad upwards, ac- | shot, she was arrested. Miller said she i o 8 ting. cording to steamer did the shoo Second abi Livernool and, Landon Women with pale, colorless faces, 87.50 and omen nt 50 3 derry, S58 temmmer and location. London, | who feel weak and . discouraged. will eX 50 additional receive hoth mental and bodily vigor Third ©} 25 and $26, to Liver. by using Carters Iron Pills, which pool, TH Glasgow, London. are made for the blood, nerves and LASGOW, DIRECT, iy MO TR nesduy, May 25, (daylight). } complexion : silen. HA NLEY, " Awent. GFR. ity The . directors of the re organized o P. GILPER-| ¢ = mpany will elect two more Ca today in New York. nadian directors d has nominated two The ernment Toronto mbn. Mrs, Wallace, gov horn in countv Cavan, Treland, is dead ja Belleville, ih her cightv.sixth vear, leaving three sons, and three danchters: 2nd pops., Clayton, June Sth. Tressi? | VERY SUDDEN DEATH. Was That of Mrs..Gali, South Fredericksbur : g- Special to the Whig Na June Noy doen was the call which came to Mrs. B. Galt, South Fredericksburgh, on Mon. day morning. She was in her usual health on Sunday, and on Monday morning her spirit was in the great bayoud, Heart failure was the Su. Her maiden name was Edith W daughter of Robert Wagar, of en Ross; formerly of South Fredericks. burgh. She was aged forty years, The funeral takes place on Tuesday afternoon. The funeral of the late E. Rikley took place on Sunday Ain and was very largely attended. Services were held in : Eastern Methodist church, Rev. C. hes! Melntyre officiat- ing. 3 Davis Miller, is confined to his bed for the past two weeks. Miss Lottie Gilpin and her eaulin Miss Florence Ming, leave next ek "for Cheyboy- gan, Mich., to spend the summer with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gilpin, Mrs. Fralick, South rn accompanies them to spend the sum- mer with her son, M. D. Fralick, oi Cheyboyvgan. A Kingston accompanies soung lady Ak Nir. and Mrs, wes, to Daw son, -Y.T., where she will wed the man of her choice. Mr. and Mrs. Boyes leave Thursday, but will spend a month or more visiting relatives at Mdlita, Man., and Regina, NW.T. Miss Edith Hardy returned lass week from spending She winter with friends in Florida. A. Pruyn, Wiar ton, is renewing Saat, ances in town this week. His mother, Mrs. T. D. Pruyn, is also visiting "friends in town. Hamilton Armstrong, Carman, Man., arrived in town last week on a visit to his aged father at Forest Mills, who is very low. Abernethy's shoes give the best sat isfaction. Thomas Rowlands, formerly dent of Brockville, is dead at Alban's, Vt. He leaves a wife and one son, a resi St. Liver Yellow Sallow, Muddy Looking Skin Is Always An Evidence Of In- ternal Poisoning. We really only learn to live properly about the time wo are ready to die. This is not altogether the result of ignorance. It is a careless disregard of the laws of health. There is a rhythm in nature. Appe- tite comes with measured regularity, then desire for sleep, and other mani festations which nature has establish- ed with unerring reasop. The trouble is we 'are too thdughtless with royal disregard of the conse quences we are apt to use the first medicine presented. It may be a pill, so harsh and drastic ag to excite vio lent inflammation of the whole alimen tary tract. It 'makes us feel sick and gives no permanent results. Above all else, be emreful in select ing your laxative medicine. Nothing pn. Fg purpose' like 'Dr. Hamilton's Pills. of Mandrake and Butternut which contain only the choibést vege table remedies, known to scimice. No evil effect follows their use. In prepar ing the formula for these famous pills Dr. Hamilton was careful to avoid using any minerals. He discovered a happy combination of vegelable ex- tracts which, without question, make the most satisfactory laxative ever compounded. Dr. Hamilton's Pills have a direct action on the kidneys and liver. They tone up these organs and 'compel them to elimigate the poisonous wastes which cause' a yellow unhealthy condition of the skin. They restore normal action of bowels and promptly eure constipa tion, headache and all diseases of the stomach. Just the pill for elderly peo ple and for delicate women and chil dren who are injured by using harsh purgatives. The most searching and the most effective of all pills. Dr Hamilton's represent the ideal medi cine for onl in every walk of life to use. If you want to loosen your bowels and cure your headache and bad taste in the mouth, there is no remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. One trial = will prove this. Price 25c. per box or five boxes for $1 at all druggists. See you get the genuine. the oe " Six Doctors Failed to Cure Him. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT RHEUM WAS THE TROUBLE. Burdock Blood Bitters THAN SIX DOCTORS COULD DO. Mrs. Theo. Newell, Argyle Sound, N.S., expresses her opinion of this wonderful blood remedy in the following letter : "It is with the greatest gratitude that I can testify to the wonderful cur ative powers of Bardock Baud To. Bit. ters., For years my serribly with ee sa an He was so bad at times that he could no sleep on account of the itching and burn. ing. He bad been under the care of six different doctors, but they failed to do him any good. I bad read different times of the wonderful cures being made by Bur. dock Blood Bitters, so advised bim to give ita trial. He did so, and alter five bottles was cured without a doubt 1 would strongly advise any person troubled with blood disorders to give B.B.B. a fale JUNE 7. Sgeees Se410894444000¢ Bold i in the Builight} ®ececceccserescessenca - . - . There was a cheering sight down on the cricket field the other day--a hali dozen or more young fellows, a ball and some bats, and wickets, and a leg pad to be lent round. Their bowl: ling and their batting and their field- ing, very much more especially their filding, was a little green, but they were at all three with a will that showed that a pro. could get them into shape in no time, and tum out from Kingston an eleven that wouldn't be any thing but a pride to the old Limestone City." The boys missed their chance of somo good coaching lust week though, for they had right here two veterans of the game that could have told them lots more than they know now, and told them right glad ly of course, too, even if they had had to leave the Synod of Ontario to do it. You'll may be guess that the Rev. Herbert Grout, who usod to be one of the bowlers of Canada not so long ago, and the Rev. Harold Bedford-Jones,who could be depended upon to run up a pretty decent score at the bat, and was a good man in the field, just about the same time that Mr. Grout made his reputation, are the cricketers referred to. They could have given our would-be @ick- eters a finish which they themselves learnt, as Trinity College school fel lows, from erack professionals at the old school, and frem experience in the days when thew, used to carry the red and black of Trinity to viotory., However, these heroes of the crease have gone, so it's no use lamenting the fact that their coaching wasn't asked for. Now are the girls going to take an interest in the game, as they do when our men play football: and hockey ? I'd like to stake a good deul that it wouldn't he Jong before our girls know more about the game which Wellington said won him the battle of Waterloo, than their sweet voung sisters of Toronto who have been watching matches all their %, and one of whom, upon a time, en quired gently : r. So-and So, what is a duckegg? Oh! yes, of course, | know, its what you call a foul" Or still another who asked anxious ly when she heard some one say some thing of a maiden over, "who the girl was that made one too many." Or the further example of Queen City intel ligence, who when she heard a man was bowled, gazed upon his aspect of deep humiliation as he left the wicket and remarked, "He doesn't look hold." Now Kingston girls wouldn't do gny of these imbeccile things would they ? . . . Mrs. Allaire Shortt came to town last week, and will spend the summer here. Lancaster ik regretting the loss of Mr. Hansard Hora, who has been pro njoted from the accountants desk in the Merchants Bank 'thive, to Dita. Mrs. Wilkinson returned from Napa nee 'this morning. Madame Panet left to-day for Mont } Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie came back from Cornwall last week. Miss Grace Evans has issued invita, tigns for a recital of her pupils at Mrs. Cochrane's "on Thursday even ing The Sketching Club which was post poned last week on account of the rain, will meet at Centre strebt to MOFTOW. « Mise Caldwell, of Isabel Moffatt, of Win r, town last week and are the Mrs. Strachan, Bagot gure Mr. Boyd Caldwell i Dr. Winnett. - . - Lanark, and Miss ame to guests of 1. staying with . * Very much sympathy is felt for Mrs, J.C. Almon in the sudden death, on Sunday morning, at Halifax, of her father, Judge Ritchie, of the supreme court. Mr. Justice Ritchie, who was one of the foremost judges on the Nova Scotia bench, was lite well till about a wérk ago, when an affection of the henrt developed, Mrs. Branscombe, who has been the guest of the Warden and Mrs. Platt since Saturday, went up to Picton to day Mr. Athol Carr Harris hos returned to Ottawa from a trip to Plue Lake, up the Gatineau, » . - » Sea At the last May Court her majesty wore a wonderful dress of light mauve satin, the train and gown alike em- broidersd with rose, shamrock and thistle, combined with the lotus flow er. Her lovely small crown of dia monds was 'enhanced hy a tiara in front of amethyste and diamonds, and agtralles of the same stones were car: ried round the edge of the bodice, a pretty contrast to the delicate mauve, A thin tulle was worn over the neck from the decolletage to the magnifie- ent necklace, amethysts and diamonds. Miszs llethune, daughter of the late Mr. George Bethune, and granddaugh- ter of the second Bishop of Toronto, who is at present taking a course at Pratt's Institute, New York, has been requested to give lectures for three weeks at McGill University, Montreal. of peculiar interest to Canadians took place at the parish church, Shirlev, Southampton, Fne Mav 17th, when Captain Arthur J. B, Mellish, barrister, of Charlottetown, PEL, ADC, to Lieutenant-Govern- or Mcintyre, was married to Miss Ev. angeline Hutton, daughter of Mr. Au- gustus Hatton, of Woodstock, South Africa. Captain Mellish went out with the first Canadian * contingent to South Africa, and took part in all their fighting, being among the first into Cromje's lnager at Paardebere, Captain Mellish met his bride for the first time two days after the Cauali- ans landed at the Caps, and a friend. ship sprang up, which wos incressed | when the captain alter being woinded at Pretoria on June 4th, and pescing thronoh the Wynbare Hospital, visit: od Miss Hutton" : home tn convalesce, A wedding The ------_--; of the Right Rev. William Wilcox Peerin, D.D., Bishop of the new Diocese of Columbia, and Miss | ter trial for I am sure it will cure them." 3| i Te softens the hard water and makes a When you have to ss hard water it is fot a oisy household utensils. Teds od i Td ve op and soft water (rain water). If you use hard water you must have good soap, and the best soap you can get is Sunlight Soap because it light Soap for all household purposesand the results will Tl surprise you, ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR. Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white without injuring LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. copious creamy lathér, - Use Sun- +44 ARIES long, Havana filler, long, popular shape, as fresh, fragrant, rich and ever smoked at twice the ing and get back the full roc. for cigars not as good. No matter where you Canada cigars will the same conditions. WE WANT Sa Smoke five of these and ou are going to spend your va 1 be delivered to you express prepaid, boon 9 o Know. what our pn of means to him. Hae money, time and iment is saved to We want to sh 3 bill in' half | To show § ill in hal that our HTT | tributing results quality and ui % Gad wrapper, these a satisfying as any er the 4 r .50 paid us. Svea 5 pad et Fis LE ¥ a live or in what Hawthorn we cannot sell repaired we can do it. sharpen grass sheurs : garden tcols. Soouthanpton, England, is announced | The leaves Victoria, B.C. on] July 1st for England, where the mar- riage will take place immediately aft- er his arrival. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Johnson of Consecon sail on the Dominion on the lth for. a three months' trip to Europe. Captain and Mrs. Noel, England, who have ben visiting Sir William and Lady Mulock. in Ottawa, are at the Place Viger, Montreal. Lady Alexandra Duff, elder daugh- ter of the Duke and Duchess of File, Mi 4b 2 lows Isoline Harriett Nr. James 167 WELLINGTON STREET, KINGSTON. AAAARAAAAAASASAAMASDAMMSSSAAMDAS MOWER from our large and varied stock perhaps yours requires repairs. If it can be. | en and repair and relurn promptly. McKELVEY & BIRC 69 and 7] Brock Cigar - Co. you a new LAWN We send for it, sharp- We also. end repair all kinds of and eldest grandehild of an... sulebtaten hus day. nex LT a en rained d by a o of affec ol Kingwktil, of ville Avenue, Toronto, ---------- Lover's "Y-Z (Wise F ant Ee eat top to-morrow. Hy