3" SAUCE Nereastershirs owl have aq alled by any Scan supply a >Cce its useless picee of furni- or days, Our two- ®. proper for hot om Flannels, Oxfords splendidly cut and are tailored to keep ood broad sho alders, ed. 7. $7.50, AL! lave some- t you will ve got in a D CHAR- eceive any ur prompt AWIenson, S re! toom, Second Floor, the effects that, Sum produce' in a 4901 ly made Skirts, Zibelin, Broadc! , and marke on would expect to ties shown--certainly thn you could make seli. Now that Shirt into their own, a | that is lacking to summer here with a value at Yc. good GE SKIRTS. 3 . HALF PRI mn g Millinery Mantle Store. )pportunity ! Gre- at- Corner «with dwelling jor the right man, lished business and Enquire , O ND. "REAL ESTATE. est Hale, of Edgerton, Wis., tells pow she was cured of irregulari- fies and uterine trouble, terrible . pains and backache, by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. «DEAR MRS. PINEHAM:--A while my health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not helpwe. Iremembered that my mother used Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound on many oc- asions for irregularities and uterine troubles, and I felt sure that it could pot harm me at any rate to give it a ta), was certainly glad to find that within a week I felt much better, the terrible pains in the back and "side were beginning to cease, and at the time of menstruation I did not have pearly as serious a time as heretofore, so I continued its use for two months, and at the end of that time I was like a new woman. I really have never felt better in my life, have not had a sick headache since, and weigh 20 nds more than I everdid, so I un- Pesitati ingly recommend your medi- cine." -- MRrs. MAY Havre, Edgerton, \Yis.. Pres. Household Economics Club. -- $5000 forfeit i Srioival of above letter proving seauinencss cannot be produced. © COMPANY INSOLVENT. So It Was Stated in The City Council. fThe city council will likely have to proceed against the sureties of the Light, Heat and Power company, for the costs of the arbitration appeal to the privy council. That was the an- nouncement made last night by John McIntyre, K.C., who stated that the company was practically insolvent and xmable to pay these costs of £100, 2., 8d. taxed in London. While it cost the city only about $500 in defe nding that appeal, the company was "soak- ed" to the extent of 21,600, and had to pay it as the proceedings went on. The city's credit was good, and the bill has come in only from the Lotdon solicitors. It is extremely mo- derate, too. now Married At Cornwall. At Cornwall, on June lst, Roderick Ross Sangster; Montreal, only" son of the late arles Sani, Kingston, and Miss Catherine J. Porthwick, of Cornwall, were married at the church of 'the Good Shepherd by Rev. Gower Poole. They were unattended and af ter a Juncheon at the home of the bride's brother, leit by the afternoon train for the cast. Sunday "sacred" concerts have been started in Winnipes. (We do not publish festimonials.) Me SPEAKS FOR ITSELF IS A GRAND CURE FOR 8ICK, BILIOUS, NEURALGIC OR NERVOUS HEADACHE Kis particularly recommended to deli cate and hysterical women, for whom it is a positive boon. It is a beautiful white lozenge which can be easily swallowed and leaves a delicate flavor on the palate. Is put up in small red enameled boxes which can he casily carried in a lady's purse. Fach box contains one dozen lozenges, cach 'one of which is guaran teed to he a cure. Sold by all drug Oists at 23¢. or mailed. Write for free sample and booklet. The Herald Remedy Co., Montreal and Chicazo DEFER ACTION, NO MEDICAL SUPERINTEND. ENT TO BE APPOINTED. To General Hospital, Till The Enq Of The Year at Any Rate--In- stitution to be Disinfected Under Dr. Williamson's Super- vision. The chief matter of discussion at the meeting of the General Hospital governors on Monday afternoon was the proposed change of manageme nut and the appointment of a medical sy perintendent. It was fully expected that this would be doné, but instead. the matter was given the six months' hoist. At the meeting were: D. M. McIntyre, chairman; Dr. Wood, B. W, Robertson, F. G. Lockett, Dr. Third, Dr. Herald, Rev. D. Laing, Dr. Kil born, Prof. Marshall, Archdeacon Carey, T. McK, Robertson, Dr. Dufi, Dr. J. C. Connell, Rev. rnc Tighe, a Dr. Winnett, A F. ub Capt. Bruce Yarrathers, Y. Chown, R. Waldron, a: James A. Minues, Dr. Nai Dr. Bell, W. F. Nickle, H. W Richardson, Dr. Chown, H. A. ( Dr. Sparks, John McIntyre, According to one of the governors a large majority of the board had pro mised to vote for the appointment of a medical superintendent, and he has a list of the promises, but, some of them changed their minds and opposed such action at present. It was moved by Dr. J. C. Connell and seconded by B. W. Robertson that a medical su perintendent be appointed as soon as possible. Archdeacon Carey moved in amendment, seconded by G. Y. Chown, that any action regarding change of management be deferred till the an nual meeting in November. After a lengthy discussion. the motion prevail ed. It was held by those favoring the present system that it was unwise and unfair to make a change at the present time. On the other hand, it was declared that a crisis having been reached, now was the time to take action. Why should an ill be allowed to remain _for six months before being remedied, they asked, In the meantime the hospital is to be thoroughly di infected, the walls and ceilings whitewashed. and a gen eral cleaning made. The disinfecting is to be under the supervision of Dr. Williamson, assistant pathologist and bacteriologist of Cnr Medical Col ege. The contract for the supply of coal was awarded to Booth & Co., their tender being the lowest. The contract for the supply of meat was awarded to W. H. Reid. Additional rules alvin, were promulgated for the government of the isolation department, making the precautions more stringent. The ser s of Ben Greet's company have been secured to give a perform ance on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, June 16th, in Lake On tario Park, on behali of the hospital, which will reccive twenty-five per cent, of the proceeds, No report was received from the vis iting; governors. Messrs. R. F. Elliott and F. G. Lockett were re-appointed far the.presentananth. 4 3 -- ------ CONVICTS IN TRUST. Other Prisoners Term It Violation Of Law. Marquette, Mich., June 7.--On the ground that the business conducted by three convicts in the penitentiary cons tos a monopoly in violation of federal law, other convicts who tried and failed to establish & rival enterprise want the prison authorities to dissolve the "trust" and abolish the concern. The three convict magnates conduct their business in adjoining cells on the second floor of the prison, where they stock, such as is found of any grocer. A. V who is be have a good in the Freeman, serving five for embezzlement, formerly a promin ent Menominee lumberman; Edmund Holzhey, who terrorized the peninsula as a bandit, and is serving a life sentence for murdering a bank er, and a convict namied Manning, are the partners. They have made some money and all hope for freedony store vears once and 'a fresh start in life. Holzhey wants a pardon on the ground that he was iusane while he was a high wavmgan. Thé trio enjoys no special privileges in the matter of prison work and their bartering is done "out of hours." Holzhe was editor of the prison paper which was recently sus pended. BIG BREAK IN TIE-UP. Many Captains Quit Masters and Pilots' Association. Cleveland, 0., June 7.---The most serious break in the Great Lakes tie up was the withdrawal of twenty or more captains from the Masters' and Pilots' Association yesterday. They will report for duty at once. Capt. Mitchell, of the Mitchell fleet, caves he has assurances that fourteen of will resign from the s captains rs' and Pilots' number of men are have gone Association. A also under- back to work like stood to , with the Gilchrist fleet and have been uested to withdraw from their as re rey oclation . A nme of the Lake Carriers' As sociation said to-night that they ex boats in com and some of largest on pected to have seventy mission hy Wednesday them would be among the the lakes. --n Heart Palpitation At Night. Rattles even the strongest man, but verage woman it is a taste o to the Take a little Ner water and away You'll he saved Nerviline on general purgatory. viline in sweetened goes the palpitation. ing r s of worry hy keej lot sure for all sorts Baud) ah . ««." Nerviline cures rato, stomach and howe! Wouliles quickly. Costs . for a large battle An address and purse of gold wax nresented after the service at : t. Peter's Brockville, on Sunday night, to the incumbent, Rev. H. H. Bed: ford-Jones. on the eve of his martin to Miss Britton. Gananoque we clergyman was deeply affected. Lieut.-Col. Drury is at St. Cathar- ines, transferring the stores of the 7th Field Patter from Major Merritt to Capt. Singer of Niagara. BMG CHARGED WITH LOAFING. -- Some Aldermen Are After The City Officials. Nearly every civic official seems to be under the suspicion of some alder- men who accuse them of loafing at the expense of the citv. The official who received the most criticism at the hands oi Alds. Carson and Couper, in the city council meeting last night, was the city enginebr, who thev claim- ed, was not too burdened with work to be unable to attend to the mensur- ing of asphalt walks. They also claim- ed that much of his time was taken up by some men who were continual- ly monopolizing his office. Alds. Mcleod and Behan rose to the defence of the engineer. The former de- clared that the city was lucky in hav- ing such an experienced man as Nr, Kirkpatrick, who, by his engineering ability, could easily save the cit the amount of his salary in shutting off waste. In fact, said Ald. McLeod, the engineer is saving the city money every day. Regarding the charge that he was a lecturer at the School of Mining, Ald. McLeod said he did that work outside of his office hours, which were from nine to four o'clock. Ald. Behan pointed. out that when Mr. Kirkpatrick was engaged as city engineer, the council decided not to tic him down, but to allow him as much freedom as possible. Thev re cognized that they had secured a first- class man, and in order to hold him, they allowed him to do other work, bv which he could perhaps minke more than hali ax much extra as his sal ary. Ald. Behan understood that sev eral good positions were open to the engineer clsewhere. He had every con- fidepee in him. Ald. Behan drew attention to the fact that some members of council had thrown the suspicion of loafing on nearly all the civic officials--the engi- neer, his assistant, the foreman of streets, the market clerk, the strcnt watering contractor, and thev even were after the police. Is there any one left on whom we have not cast picion ? the speaker asked. He claimed it was unfair, and reflected no eredit upon the council. If the market clerk is amointed to do all the work su~~ested for him hy one of the aldermen, he will be a won derful man. His duties would include police work, market and harbor over- secing, measuring walks, following the watering car enforci ing by-laws, and sundry other civic bits of work He wonld have to work twentv-six hours a day to perform all these duties. sus PUT BABY IN SACK And Threw It In Trough, Paris, June 7.--A remarkable case of juvenile depravity is reported from Sery, in the department of Aisne. M. Germain and his wife went out on Friday, leaving their one-vear-old son in charge of the eldest girl named Adrienne, aged twelve. Scrving that the baby was asleep, she went into the village for some milk, and in or der not to. wake the child got out of the window, leaving it open. She had scarcely disappeared when two little boys named Maurice Hurin and Jean Bideaux. cach aged six who were plaving close by. entered the house by the open window. Finding the baby asleep, they put it into an empty potato bag, which thev pro. ceeded to stuff with grass, and then carried it between them to the waters butt outside the house. They threw the sack in the butt, and then scampered away. When the sister returned she was as tonished at finding that the baby had vanished, and after several hours' search found it drowned in the water butt. As the boys had been seen near the house, the mavor of the village stat for them, and, in the presence of the horrified parents, they related what they did, though they were ap' parently unaware that they had done anything very wrong. Watering THREW ACID ON PERSONS. Deserted Wife Burns Many With Vitrol. Paris, June 7.--A handsome-gowned entered a cafe on the boule vard Wednesday night and walking to woman a table where a man and a well known actress were sitting, drew a bottle of vitrol from her jacket and with a wide sweep sprinkled the con tents. Her aim was so comprehgns ive that nineteen persons were burned. In the panic that the man and the 'actress escaped. vitrol thrower was arrested. She seriously followed The said the man was her husband and he de serted her six months ago. She pur sued him to America where he cluded her. She followed him to this coun try and finally located him in the cafe. 'A gevoiver was found on the woman. She said her original inten tion was to shoot her husband and the actress, THIRD SET OF TEETH. Woman Lives Up To Family Tra- ditions. Owingsville, Ky., June 7.-Sixty Maria Williamson, of attracting much atten tion heeause of a third set of teeth is cutting. Two teeth have al ready made their appearance, She lost her second set of teeth several vears ago andl has since used false vear-old Miss this. town, is she ones. Recently on adjusting the plate she teeth interfered ! the found that the new with the plate. Her grandfather, who died many Years ago. cut a third ot of tecth after he had passed his sixtieth ar, and it is said that other members of the family had similar experiences, <. W. A. Delegation. A large contingent of W. A. work ers went down to Brockville today, including Mrs. Lennox Mills, Mrs. Bux ton Smith, Mrs. Clare Worrell, Mis Gilder<leve, Miss Annie Muckleston, Miss Charlotte Macaular Miss Lewin, Miss Annie Daly, and Miss Agnes Mac mori who are all members of the board: and as delegates, Mrs. Welch, Miss Rogers, Miss 'Rosalind Corbett, Miss Frances Macaulav Miss Aileen Rogers. Mrs. Grout, Mr. W. B. Ca rev. Mrs Roberts, Adolphustown. The meetings begin in St. Paul's school room, this evening and will continue till Fridav morning. Rev. W. C. White to be one of the speakers at issionary meeting. THE DAILY WHIG, BUYING A CAR WOULD NOT WAI WAIT TO HAVE PULLMAN BUILT, City Electrician Fined For Play- ing Auctioneer--Body Found In River--Church Union Up At Ottawa Synod. Special to the Whig. ave June 7.--The Canadian rail way commission is purchasing o Pult man car, which is wanted [or the work of the commission" which will «it at different places. 0 ing to urgency, the commission could not wait to have one built and will buy one now in use. A representative of ihe Pull mans is in the city Begotiating the sale. George 'F. Macdonald, city electri cian, and secretary the fire and light committee, recently acted as auctioneer at the sale of a fre sta tion hose no longer required by the city. The licensed auctioneers prose cuted and, to-day, M trate O'Keefe inflicted a fine of 35 gad costs. A body was found floating in the Ottawa river, yesterday, at St. Joseph's village. Coroner Baptie left to-day, to hold am inquest. It is be lieved to be the body of Edward Phil lips, reported mi a few weeks ago. The sy) nod of the diocese of Ottawa opened to day. The principal feature of the morning session was the ad dress of the bishop. He dealt' with the church's position, and said she has not departed from the traditions of the past. He referred to church union, expressing the hope that the other denominations would some 'dav find themselves back in the unity of the faith. A. B, Hannay, sessional correspon dent of the Montreal Herald, was presented with a solid silver tea ser vice by his confreres in the press gal- v, as a token of esteey on the oc casion of his joining the ranks of the benediets this week. There are now two vacancies on the bench of the supreme court of Nova Scotia, including the chief jus ticeship. Dr. B. Russell, MP for Hants, will, it is said, be appointed chief justice, The rumor that Lord Onslow will succeed Lord Minto as the next gover nor-general of Canada is repeated to dav. The government has not ven of ficially notified of anv appointment It is stated that Simeon Lelievre, one of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's private secretaries, will succeed the late Al fred Garneau, ag chit French trans lator for the senate. GANANOQUE NEWS. The Death of James S. Watt-- Club House Ahout Ready. Special to the Whig. Gananoque, June 7. On Sundav morning last death claimed a much respected resident of this town in the person of James Scott Watt, aged fifty-six years. The deceased was born in Aberdeen Scotland. For memy years he was in partnership with his brother as ma chinist, but lately engaged in the gro cery business. He was a prominent member of the Masonic order, an ¢l der of the Presbyterian church. and a conservative in polities. His quiet, un assuming manner endeared him to all he tame in contact with, and much gvmpathy is felt for the family, The Bedford Jones-Britton wedding took place at the English church on Tuesday, the 7th inst, at 11 o'clock Some four hundred invitations were issded., A great many guests arrived vesterday. including Mrs. J: Ross Ro bertson, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs, CV Schuvler, New York: Mr. Paranter, Buffalo, N.Y.; Reginald Parmenter, Toronto. Confirmation service was held last eveni . Bishop Mills officiating, Dr. J. T. Rogers and wife. from Ha milton, are renewing acquaintances iy town. The vacht club house is being push ed rapidly forward and ig expected to be ready for occupation in two weeks time. The summer cottages and hotel up on Tidd's Island, are fast filling up with guests. IF SHAMROCKS PLAY Brantford They Will Be Barred as Amateurs. Special to the Whig. ~~ Montreal, June 7.-The Canadian Amateur Athletic Union has decided to take up the question of profession alism in lacrosse, at a meeting cailid for the 13th instant. It is expected that the outcomt: will be that Sham rocks will be unable to play Brau ford, for the Minto cup, and remain in the amateur The members transportation Jertram, Toron ranks, ol the government tission, Messrs Redford. Montreal, and Fry, Quebec, were the guests of Mayor Laporte at luncheon to-day, at the St. James Club, Afterward they were guests of the board of | commissioners on a special which made a trip through the bor for the purpose of showing the commissioners the present facilitios, and what it is decided to add to the port, Four members of the Montreal Board of Trade will leave for Ottawa to night, where they will be joined, to- morrow, by delegates from Toronto and Winnipeg, which will form a J putation to ask the government to repeal the present law relating to grain inspection, and place the matter in the hands of the boards of trade of the different cities to manage. A DASTARDLY CRIME. An Attack Made On ga boat har Sister Superior, Special to the Whig = Shilbyville, Ind, June T.<A das and an attempt to ie by a tramp at wid night on the Sister Superior at the local Roman Catholic school. The fiend was pursued and caught and a mob is now forming to lynch him Three men were hanoed here three years ago for a similar crime. tardly assault, murder was ma Children are counting the dave thev «till have to attend school before holi- days. They are seventeen. ESDAY, 'Cleaning out the flues of most furnaces is so difficult and complicated that only an expert can do it, and oxperts' services usually come high. The flues in tho Sunshine Furnace can be cleaned from two --different clean-out doors and from the feed-door, so that there is no part of tho flues which is not easily reached. A special brush for this purpose is Always supplied, and tho operation is so simple that a boy can perform it. ° The whole Sunshine Furnace construction is on tho same plan of simplicity. Sold by all enterprising dealors. Write for booklet. M<Clary's LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N.BY Lemmon, Claxton & ¥awrenson, sole agents, Kingston, \ ) A weak inner sole is spinal disease to a shoe. Goodyear Welt stitching forces the makers to use best leather for inner sole because its powerfully drawn stitches cut. through soft material like cheese. That's one' reason why the Slater Shoe is stronginthe unseen; hidden pars.' It's Goodyear Welted. Slater Shoe | For [len « For Women $5.00 "Shoe Backbone" "\ Jf WELL FURNISHED F. G. LOCKETT, Kingston, Ont, ss ne THE ¥JUDGMENT OF PARIS is all in favor of the Dip Hip. This corset gives to any figure the long waist and slender hips about which are built all the latest modes in ladies' gowns. The D. & A. Dip Hip, No. 310 is modeled on the lat:st Parisian lines and is a work of art. You will find in it the maximum of style, comfort and wear, The price is $1.25 DOMINION CORSET MFG. COMPANY 310 DIP HIP quesec TORONTO MONTREAL Ale brewed from malt alone pessesses important dietic properties / that are lacking in common ales, Ld Carling's Ale is brewed from the purest and most scientifically pre- pared malt, and contains more food and less alcohol than common ales. That is why it is so regularly prescribed by family physicians for building up their patients, No ale is equal to Carling's for medi- cinal purposes. Ask for Carling's Ale --accept no Sthet; ; because no other Is quite so good. Sorting s Ale The Ale that's' Always Pure Tei st RRR A333 HENS tats 51 Tully situated, Wi "ret SHS 'veniences. For STEAM YACHT. © ABOU feet long: Enquire A CHOICE JERSEY COW Arniy to Mrs. Road, Pittsburgh. coor Bullne. LOT, oer h a tthe NEW, BUILT-UP WII Yhy 3 P WHEELS, hoa. at * ovualty ow on street, . by 154 feet Niza "00 puna. | SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the whderuigncd, an it der for Goderic water," w rucei ted at this un Monday, July 4th, 1904, inclusi , for cons struction of a Breakwater at Gi County of Huron, Ont. plan and specification to he office bf H. Gray, Ksaq., ni {hare of harbor orks, taro, cov § federation le Building, 0 Foi the Postmaster of "to a at f on application to Goderich, Ont., and at! the Department of Public Works, Otta Tenders will not be Vnlue made on the Brine Cha signed with the actual signatures of -- derers, An accepted cheque on a ered bank, payable i of Honourable, ter of Public Works, for nine dollars ($9,000.00), Just cach tender The cheque w if the party tendering deel tract or fail to complete the work con tracted for, snd will be Joturneq in case of non-acceptance of te he department oe not bind osit to the lowest or any tender. ? Fitkb. a Li Department of Public Works, x N Ottawa, June Ath, be os w: serting om mony witho ut tnority fi ment will "Not THURSDAY, June 9 At 13 o'clock, hE le Milling to furnish Coal, ot ity' ood oe -- he ene a es TL drat he 1st of January noxt, A : The toner" must, oe state the price per oO cul "Tho "Towost "londer mot necessarily a, » EEWARDS, Rha a, Kingston, "ihe a 204. Lake Ontario aud Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "NORTH KING" ROCHESTER, KINGSTON, 1000 ISLANDS Lonimensing, May 29th, stonuar ve or 1,000 Islan unday, a aw, and for Hay inte ports % tL N.Y, at Bb . hE Connection at It with all © Aailways. Daggage to all pointe. yd oR STR. "ALETHA" Leaves daily. excent Sunday, for Bay! of Quinte ports at 3.00 p For further intormation Mavply i. HORSEY, - P. & F. Agent, Rio Kins. s. Suis & & Co. ol CANNEL COAL} eee FO Re " YOUR GRATE. It lasts all night. Try it.