PALS IN THE LATEST ROY. Mosse: marriage Will Pouch, who was years old, was the : | ---- h J The Very Latest News Culled From i All Over the World, s¢ have strongly occ to oppose the adv Miss Girdlestone, Galt, it is annoue- the scholarship at the ther of the central The first wife obtained his second wide died tw Since her 'death Pouch podent. Monday he mailed a letter to Physician Westcott informing hould go to Pouch's house as "there was something the night shift of the Find- al machine with whic committed consisted dynamite, probably 300 loaded revolver with a wire attached to the os. BE At Dutton, ont. * Dr. ngerously ill with o monico property. | gy. Sir John A. Macdon ,- where its end 8. , The amount of cotton pi 3 increase of 2 shout: 400 fect away, 9.8 por oun: the avor » was fastened to go The dynamite was neerVative candidate for St. President Loube vitation to atten pulling the wire., The ploded the dyna- t has refused an in- with a bullet in his rig] 3 e heomd alta concussion the fort ACOng alive but unconscious, years old, who was s Bloodhounds On The Trail. Albert was hurr as seen running down the Delmonico pfoperty af- ion. The Vietor troops, were ordered out by Mayor re so stafioned as to peopl 'om passing taken by this man, 'were. sent from Trinidad to trail The infernal' machine used was lar to the one exploded in the dicator mine on November 21st, 1903, utomobile Club, ele : : a8 saying that 1905 instructions from prove boom years for Corporation on account of the probable in ship ar oh fro men ve stocl m wi gag ounted y hi While these figures Loughead, entomologist in exploring tario Agricultural found in a room on the first out as if by an undertaker, of two little College, has been the white clad corpses daughters of Pouch years, and Grace aged and bloodhounds 0 alary of £100 por vear, Canyon City and at present considering The hearing of Mantreal views the government trahsportation on, at the board of bert Meighen, J. A. all prominently conncete ness. of Montreal, Their mouths were bolic acid, and on the the marks of fingers, sides having the poi the mouths by . their burned with car- of apples from the United showing that he rophe has aroused the further trouble is feared. Militia guard the soene of the dis- 2, aster. Angry evowds of then are mak- he . duns are: displayed with that broods blood- shed. vp ! ' \ The death-dealing explosion, inspir- whom citizoms threatened father, they had They had been dead ut | the boxes except 12,500 says that Sunday morning an and Grace in- their bodies wire nie and himself to the house. Albert Lillian avd Grace again 'vet know their fate. He father told him he had Tocked the back room. Albert Minnit: remained = Jocked in the aftemoon and night and of the'time their father i eat n tay to the room where b ¥ Ha- found and sent Min the upper part of DIVISION COURT. Several Cases Heard at Morning Sessiox The following. cases. . were d Annapo- Ee en to lynch if curred ot Shay an midn the result of a carefull against 'the non-wnion wight shift at the Lost Isaac Wood vi. James £17.50; adjourne Rudd Hamness Co. vs. J dolph, damages $60. Shurtleff, Findlay Dollar mines, who had 'bern working in the places the strike of 'months kept Colorado 'aflame and a part of it under martial Juw for woeks. i erin No Warning Of Fate. These non-union night of toil in the grimy shafts and were about to return to their homes and their wives, mothers and children. They had no warning whatever of their 'inpending fate. of laborers awai the train which was to carry them to those they loved. It tomary hour for departure, Suddenly occurred. The miners were hurled high into the air, some to instant death. The dépot was smash- od into kindling wood. A great hole wax rent in the earth. 'the great quantity ii, sagt se g743 fit Z 1 : Albert says that he were seated in a corner. as asleep leaning against rapping on T arose from and his sister £5 > i m-- : § vs. Coleman Grim- $100; adjourned until 1 ¥ 5 : some seaspny ago a regular fixture, The . to put on these con- and will also give nee, It is understood citizen has taken ter in hand and bs dving to necessary funds hy indivi: hseriptions, It is to be hoped will meet with a hearty re- F 5 £ the front door. His fathe his chair and shot them -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs July 19th, 1904. J. G. Patterson vs. J. B. 9 Judgment for $421 and £ er i 3. i vs. Mrs. I. Hamilton, - Picked Up By Their Rounds. ow night. ednesday, Carnovsky, cton left for his hom atform the group | T. J. Rigney vs. Langley Bird, ac- Go to Clayton to-morr. Judgment for plaintiff tor - £ Mr. McFadden's Statement. Edward McFadden 1 between partis, I. Sharp ws. Mrs, » contractor for account £21.32; adjourned until desires: to make this "If any of the aldermen are not satisfied * with my work and think it ean. be done hetter for 1 » I am willing to give up my t they may put their gn, work is no cinch 1 have a contract for it, and am re povsible to the city engineer alone." a ------------ | Which got off the dynamite under the p---------------------------- platform, 2 © county court meets next Tues- Margaret Cuzons vs. Dina Cunning- ham damages 210, id Mrs. Behan left noon train to-day, 1; ghton vs. Barnet Stone, note $25.72 and costs. Gibson's Red Cross platform was at first thought to have heen set off by the concussion caused by the approaching train. wharf: Steambarge Later detectives found the machine schooner Maggie L, from bav norts with grain. While performing in the life" at Luna Park, Katisk, fell to his de John Elmer, note $200. Judgment for plaintiff for $200 Killed At Victor. Victor, Col,, June 7.--Deadly riot- ing broke out in Victor: furing mass mwecting to at Independence, Forty shots fired into a crowd in the street. R. MeGoo, of Victor, was shot dead and at least six, persons were injured. Rn Jie Jor ON ath in the circus IT is impossible in (J any kitchen to use with good results the cream of tartar and soda found in theshops, because they contain impurities and vary so greatly in strength that || they cannot | in proper proportions. Watertown, N.y., acht Surprise, was to-day with four other GANANOQUE MARRIAGE. The Bride a Daughter Of Charles owner of the steamy; wego, NY, on 8 a fourteen footer, painted green outside an The Kingston police Special to the Whig. \ Ont., June 7.--Christ of a fashionable unday night. It was by gasoline, d red inside, are asked to be church was the scene event this mornine. when Hey, J. D. Davis, skull old Hudson Bed fractured by blow from revolver, Secretary Clarence N. Hamlin, the Mino Owners' lford-Jones, M.A., of was united in marriage to argaret, the eldest daughter of and Mrs. C. Britton. The core mony, which ocourred at eleven Q'el was performed by Bishop ston, assisted by Rev. J. R rector of the church, with full cf Miss McCammon preside regan. The ushers were W. Wads. worth, barrister, Reg. Parmenter -- THE YACHT IN PORT. The Boys Thought Much Of New af Association, made and in conclusion said : "I want to hear what the boys in the mines have got to say ahout this trouble." referring to the Indepen- Senator Fulford to-day, 8 new yacht the Mage. ht's second ap- William Hoskins, a union miner frog, Goldfield, threw up his "Let me talk!" s owd began to hiss arance in Kingston Bi, Ta 10 SUIT CASES IN ALL QUALITIES AT THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Good Suit Cases, $2.50, $2.75, $3 Genuine Leather Suit Cases, $1.75, $5, $5.50. Extra Leather Suit Cases, $6.50, $7, $7 50. Extra Leather, Leather Lined, $7 to $10. F. G. LOCKETT. Parmenter, Bufialo; Harold Ra Ford Jones, Ganan- decorations were snowballs She was purchased this "Sent owner in New York. Craig's wharf, this afte neatest and most comfr: out yachts on the river, ten and can make hour without trow- run irom Ww one shooting began. Most of the shots word dirceted skyward body and the crowd scattered. J rotary Hamiin, who was standing on kept on talking, unmind: storm of bullets that head. M of the bride. Miss was flower girl, TI by H. C. Simp- Toronto. a reception was seventeen miles an | ble. She made the New York to Quebec ------ Canadian Products. Hot house tomatoes at Carnovsky's fruit ste Qroowm was suppérted son Prinity College, After the ceremony held at the residence The wedding breakfast was by Webb of Toronto. present from Kingston, Canalo. | Montreal , DBrock- Mr. and Mrs. Bedford-Jones tack the for Montreal, r Europe on n 1wo- hered and cucumbers t hy ; . Metiee, of Yictor, 3 was kill. tly, had ' been standing on ment thirty feet above the mon who had been fighting and was t tator, ea A vere vietims are : the namite outrage he eysini died in a hospital J] wounds. received at the mass meeting, reinforced Liv details of the making arrests until now the bull pen Albert J. Pitkin, director of the Am company, was clected president of the Company to sueeeed the late R. Callaway, who died last w . Friends of Father Doyle, purse of £200 prior or the old country, eddy and Edward livan, Belleville, w. going west for a trip, The newest American styles in sam- mer shoes just arrived at Abernethy's, vice-president and rican Locomotive two o'clock train Samuel ng to-morrow fo Brockville, -------- Whig's New Prels. Today's issn wae new pres just installed in ere married an Mon- in rapid fashion, ved to have been insane. about fifty-two son of a wealthy in Brooklyn. When the el ied years ago, he is said to have left his entire estate to a bro- I figure in the trag- twice married. a divoree and 0 months ago. doing in hig Westcott notified Marshal a policeman, went to the house. When they knocked door there was a few seconds of silence and then three shots were heard in the front roo two officers broke do went up stairs, where they came up on the body of Pouch. breathing, but gasped hi nds m upstairs. The wn the door and He was still s last within rner of the room was ten years old, ht side. He was Beside him lav sister Minnie, five hot in the breast. ied to the hospital, bullet was extracted and his chances of recovery are excellent. Lilk were into and front thinks to his for four Os- of Was Che at ably | She to Bul- 4 Ceylon Natural Green Tea is nest Japan Tea grown, pared and absolutely pure. ts the same as the cele y all Grocers. in infusion to only' in lead brated **'Sal A -- New Cotton Voiles ne of the favorite wash goods this season and are considered the correct thing for Shirt Waist We have them at 2 White Mercerized Damasks For Waists and Shirt Waist Suits. ast received at 25¢., 30c., lot of new designs j 33c., 35¢ yard. White Drills, 15¢. and zoc. White Duck, 15c. and 20c. White P. K's., 10; 12%c., 15¢., 20c.,' 236, 3 White Satin Finished Twills; 20c., 25¢. i also in 'plain shades, 10c., A2%c, 15C., 20C., Fancy Ginghams, 10c., 12jc., 15¢., 20¢., 25C. Linen Suitings, 20c¢., 25¢., 30cC., 35c. Linen Repps, 15c., 20c., 25c. Natural Linen Lawns, 121{c., 15c. Black Fancy Lawns, 15c., 20c, 25¢., 35¢. Black Muslins, 10c., 123c., 15c., 20c., 25c, New Shirt Waists 375 Pretty New Waists read Every fashionabl $1, 1.25, 1.49, 1.69, 1.75, 1. y to put on. Eyery 99, 2, 2.25 and WHAT COMFOR INA For summer pelt and straps. some very cha signs at $5, $8.50 Come in and and see how nic Y JENK Promotors of Progre ing for Men and Eye N mine Frames in any styl es to suit every Spect glass wearer: Optical Eepairs prompt SMITH BE Jewelers and Optici; PRING street A NURSE GIRL. APP] John Donnelly, 50 Ka PLASTERERS. APPLY Ferguson, Renfrew, On A LAUNDRESS, WHO W ly washing at home, office. AN EXPERIENCED GE! yant. Apply in the ¢ Rigney, 126 Johuston A COOK, NO WASIIING Apply in the evening, ard I. Folger, 55 West et ecctenmieteas OYMENT AS PRI =departmental and uni Bations. Address "Te Whig office. DETECTIVE--Can you your time for profits work ? No experience American Detective A: dianapolis, Ind. WDIES--$15 PER WEEK home; materials free, r beautiful sample sent f of addressed envelope. Co., New York. FERRY BOAT -- GOOD where ferry has been r s. Capacity, six ri iculars apply Henry etary Poard of Tr CONTRACTS TO FURNI and keep lawn and gar by the season or hou done promptly under m Geo. Lloyd, Nelson houses. TEMPERATE MAN, Vv oughly understands boas ing, also wie to do | June 20th, for island avs Family of 5 St and terms to Tiffany, ARE You INDEPENDEN you a boss? Get o ard be free. Write G Ce London, Ont an show you the way sturted thousands on freedom. ------------------------------------ SALLSMEN; PERMANEN t¢ sell new map of world, size 66 x 46 waps in one; represent: Work making § to § Address Rand, McNally Fiith Ave., New York. ™O Goon DRY GOODS one for dress goods; on and housefurnishings. workers. Good pay t Apply personally, or by Ing references State ay wanted Hardy Dry Napanee. -- VE WANT ONE GOOD MA district, local or travel Your und expenses, $2.5 tack up show-cards ar advertising matter in al Places, introducing nes 0 experience necessary ticulars write, Salus M London, Ont. -- LOST. = PURSE, CONTAINING $15 Robbs' meat market Street, off Montreal stroc Ward for its return to A MAPLE LEAF, FOR badge), with Canada the past week. Kind Whig and got reward mm FOR SALE. THE SHOP, DWELLING ises, No. 240 Princess s el by Maker Bros. Ap Mudie, Solicitor. 4 PHARTON, OF THE est design, nearly new. al a bargain. Apply Campbell, 44 Albert s Princess street. BLANDS S17. GABRIEL and, about § acres on Of St. Lawrence River andria Bay. Look-Out 3 acre, close to Canoe Island, Island 81, Gana about 4 pere Any or fan be bought with Steam Yacht, ahout 40 all. Title from Gavernn 2 en bloc can be bough to close an estate. Apply E & Wilson, Attorneys, ete.,