, 208 Woodward ; Ave., -188, "Mich, and it will ately be sent you free, jn a sealed package. America, has been loving cup by the men, of handled scull or sweep. He many Hy wiafsimalipe and was an all ways been his favorite sport, to-day, at the ent Mr. Pilkington has been prominent 15 always made with® Brook Trout, Fresh Mackerel, Frog Legs. DOMMON Figh_60 KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE and Feather ag gud Feat] SA, County of Frontenac =| WOOD AND GOAL canny iD, TENDERS . WiLL. BE RE- al office o ie Count Clerk, Court House, Kingston, ay THURSDAY, June 9th At 12 o'clock, noon, from persohs willing fo furnish 115 tons of Scranton Coal, be delivered at the Court House, Guol, or Registry Office, in King ston, as may be required up to Decem- ber 1 te coal to be of 3 screened, and free irt, and subject to the anproval Of the Chairman of County Property, fad. the tender must state the price per Tenders will be received for 25 cords of dry wood, and 25 cords wood, coi an of Cound Onehalt of the wi (dry and 3 ood, Sofen) is to be delivered at the Gaol ist of J , aa The git: hall Lars ant rary, ext 1; IE HE Ee pre pe Tho lowest tender not necessarily ac- TW, iowss srnopi: . Kingston, May S1et 1004" Com d Impression " PATENT ships, but his star feat was in 1889, when with John FE. Nagle, he won the double scull championship of the United States at Pullman, Ill. They defeated nine crews and rowed a mile and a half in eight minutes and forty-five seconds, which is still the 4 record. Sporting Notes.' Over 37 people, a record crowd, saw the innati-New York eleven inning baseball tie game, Saturday. Hesterfer is Newark's hoodoo pitcher this year. He has gone to. pieces at critical times, losing games for New- ark. In a recent lacrosse match between Almonte and Renfrew, W. Kyle of the former team scored a record of four- teen games, Labelle, 4 French Canadian, is ome of the crack pitchers in the New Eng- land League. He has won his last cight games, - won Lajoie's contract with the club of the Base- ball League calls, for $25,000 for three years' playing. To a friend in Boston recently, C. K. G. Billings stated that he will go against every, light harness record this season with various members of his extensive stable. Uhipire Fagan, who has been arbi- trating in. the Toronto-Buffalo series, is an ex baschall pitcher. He is a for- mer member of the Clam Diggers, and was a clever ball player. ota. the second baseman, who was wanted by Montreal, is playing the second sack for Brooklyn, Han- lon has recalled his release now that Benton and Chicago thought well of im. The Oxford-Cambridge athletic au- thorities hope it can be arranged to hold the meeting with Harvard and Yale at the Queen's Club rooms in the third week of July. It is anticipated that King Edward will be present at the meeting, . Toronto News : There is a rumor go- ing the rounds that when the ball Couldn't Rise From a Chair On Account of Dreadful Pains in The Kidney s and Back--A Complete Cure, Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills In its course through the body the blood not only supplies nourishment to the various organs, but also gath- ers up the po us waste matter. When the liver and kidneys fail to filter these poisons from the blood there are pains and aches and diseas- es of the most painful and fatal kind. Because they and activity to the kidneys and liver Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills over: come such troubles and purify the blood in a wonderfully short time. L. W. Dennis, Welland, Ont., writes: "It gives me pleasure to testify in be- half of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. For many years (I 'was seriously af- flicted with kidney wid liver troubles. At times my hack would ache 'so bad I could not rise from a chair, and then again I would be confined to wy bed. I was treated by the medical pro- fossion, but they all failed to under- stand my case. "About the time I was most dis- couraged, I heard of Dr. Chase's Kid- ney-Liver Pills, and they were so strongly recommended that 1 decided fived boxes my old trouble had entire- ly loft me, aod I was again as hoel- thy as in boyhood. I freely give this testimony for the benefit of those who suffer as I have." Dr. 's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dase, MWe. a box, at all di alers. or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. To protect you against imitatidns the portrait and signatures of Dr. A. W. Chase, the' famous receipt book auth- or, are on every box, James Pilkin, the president of the National ni Association of 1 i ted with a lem River oars- ew York City. He is one of lar men that ever has won i around athlete, but rowing has al- of the and, fifty-three, he has still all | ternoon. Her iasm of his earlier years. * Jor ly identified with aquatic sports for uarter of a century. One of his earliest victories in the water was when he beat the Battery boatmen in a five-mile race. In a seventeenfoot boat he beat the famous sculler of twenty-five years ago, Gilligan, and ih 1878 in one day he won a single soull race, and a race for four-oared barges.. In this race he rowed two wiles, with a turn, in : thirteen min- utes. He won many other ch ion- to try them. Before I had used all of | 85. HEL PEE fh : AiL 1ed resigned his position | height, and of rd, Sherwood for Hunt- ummond, iontreal, as a posdi- cup this season, successfully de Noorna, the new boat built from the on Saturday af- itor was Thorella Unfortunate Love Affair of Thir- teen Years Ago--Only Two Humans Have Seen Him Since. - ' Laodon, June 7.--For thirteen vears Mason, a farmer, who formerly worked i strange conduct unfortunate love affair. Thir- when a man of forty, was by the seventeen year- a neighboring farmer. thereupon vowed that he would in gaze upon a woman's face. left his home, disposed ofa part and took up his abode on =ifETHE #258 - ihetad dug a dyke twelve and twelve feet wide. He planted a thick hedge round--a hedze which has now attained an enormous i lined it with rows of barbed wire. Here, completely screened and pro- tected from all prying eyes, he has passed thifteen lonely years, and dur- ing this time only two human beings have ever caught a glimpse of the her- mit. One was the village postman, who, going his rounds in the carly morn- ing, for a moment saw a wild look- ing man, who, as he afterward said, "dropped to the ground as though he had been shot." The other was a woodman who, . 'anhaka "Cip for the | eight vears ago, was greatly alarmed al St.: Lawrence Yacht Club. at seeing a wild, bearded face plaring Varsity team with | at him through a hole in the hedge. wins to their ern tour. This 'week they play Nor- wich, Ingersoll, 'St. Thomas, Chat. ham and Detroit. They then go west to Lansing, where they meet the Mi- chigan Agricultural College team; re- turning, they play in Flint and two he with Mount Clemens. even Ottawa players journeyed to Perth on Saturday and eight Perth ladies went to Ottawa; ihe result be Ing a victory in_both events for | the Ottawa golf players. An enjoyahle luncheon took place in Perth, and Judge Senkler, Mayor Stewart. Col. Matheson, M.P.P., and many nromin- ent citizens were present, while in Ottawa the visiting ladies from Perth were equally well looked after and re- turn matches were agreed to. REV. DR. J. ADDISON HENRY, Of Philadelphia, the new moderator of the United States Presbyterian Reneral assembly, ------------------ U. 8. STOCK MARKETS, The Prices Paid at Various ~Receipts, 5,500 head; active, stock- & shipping. $5.25 to $5.75; butchers, i stockers and feoders, £1.50 to Eh good to choice, $45 to 800 head; 25c. higher, $4.50 to $6. few, $4.85; medium, $4.75 to $4.80; £5 to $3; dairies, $4.50 to $4.70. heep steady; others lower. Lambs, $1.50 $5; sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $5. higher; fat bulls, strong; othérs very bulls, £3.25 to 85; cows, $2 to $1.25. sheep, and 5,200 quarters of beel. er; closed easy. Veals, $4 to $6.25; lambs, receipts, 19.344; sheep weak to 50 to $5.26; culls, $2 to $3; Yearlings. 10c. to 20c. lower; state hogs, $5; Points. ors and feeders, steady, others, 15c. 85 to $5.65; heifers, $4.25 to £5.35; stock heifers, $2.75 to 33.50; $62; medium to good, $30 to $42; Hogs, receipts, 22,100 head; active to Yorkers, $1.65 to $1.50; pigs, $4.55 to and lambs, receipts, 10,000 o $6.83; yearlings, $5.25 to. $6; New York, June 6.--Beeves, receipts steady; cows, firm to 10c. higher ; Cables steady. Shipments to-day, 75 Calves, receipts, 6,344; market, Ho. choice to extra, early, $6.30 to $6.50. 18c. lower; yearlings, 50c. lower : 85 to $6.50; culls, $4. lambs, $6.50 to ehaice, $5.10. pte. East Buffalo, N.Y., June 6.--Cattle to 40c. higher; prime steers, $5.70 to cows, $3.50 to $4.75; bulls, $3.50 10 h cows and springers, dull, $3: to common, $18 to $28. Veals, receipts, Sc. lower; heavy, 34.75 to $4.80; a $1.65; roughs, $1 to $1.20; stags, head; active; yearlings and ewes, : , $5.25 to $5.58; ewes, ¥1.75 to 3,747; steers, active and 10c. to 20e. steers, $5.10 10 $6.15; tops, 36.20; sheep; to-morrow, 650 cattle; 1,354 to Be. higher; some sales, 50¢. high buttermilks, $3.75 to $4 lambs, 50c. to €5c. lower; sheep, $3 8. Hogs, receipts, 11,000; market, icago, June 6.--Cattle--Recei 18,000; market 10c. to 20c. hi good to prime steers, $5.50 to poor to medium, $4.75 stockers and feeders, $3. cows, 81.75 to $5; heifors, 15; canners, $1.75 to £2. $2.25 to Le, calves, $2.50 io 5. Hogs--Receipts, 42,000; market open- ed Be. lower, closed firm. Mixed and butchers, $4.60 to $4.80; to choice heavy, $3.75 to heavy, $1.60 to $1.70; light, $4.60 to $4.75; bulk of sales, ua tv us 3 Sheep--Receipts, 15, marke steady to 10c. higher: good to choice wethers, $5.25 to $5.50; fair to choice mixed, $3.75 to $5; native lambs, $5 No one in the locality has ever dar- ed to penetrate the hedge, for the he- lief is firmly. implanted in the villagers that the "wild man," as he is called, 4 carries arms, and would not scruple to use them if any attempt to invadas his privacy were made. It js rally believed that the hermit ps all day and works at night, for at late hours belated wav- farers have reported noises from be- hind the 'impenetrable hedge. em -------- AN ENEMY'S TESTIMONY. To Good Work Done By Govern- ment of Ontario. Toronto News. 'he people ordinarily overlook the necessities of provincial administra- tion. - They forget that the govern- ment has assumed large responsibili- ties that might have been shifted on to the shoulders of the municipalities. The maintenance of asylums and ' re- formatories requires a large sum each year. The grants to hospitals and charities involve an increased appro- priation ammually. The government his land as | Headaches can't always be blamed on the eyes. Upset stomach --constipation--biliousness--cause nine-tenths of ABBEY'S SALT cures headaches by curing the CAUSE of headaches. It instantly relieves stomach and bowel troubles, keeps the whole diges- tive tract clean'@nd healthy. It is a granular salt--not an alcoholic liquid. At all Druggists in 25¢. and "60¢. Bottles. Abbey's Effervescent Salt cause they are moulded by hand, and held in permanent shape by hand needlework. Our elegant Scotch and Irish Tweeds and Homespuns--English Serges and Flannels -- will add 100% to the reputation of " Pit. Reform " Clothes. { $12, $15, $18, $20. Fir-RErorm E. P. JENKINS, KINGATON might easily evade these expenditures Emme or tax the municipalities for such pur- a poses. Generous treatment has heen accorded the agricultural interests, D KOHR'S ESTORINE Retna ith the moet satisfactory results. I of the products of the farm have in- Centary.--tne A gyaeriut oria, 10.808 creased, in some chases, one hundred Sh one Ee a por cent. by Redan ol the gelucation- Medica | Board hit reommendea y - campaign conducted by the depart: . pr a a ment. These facts justify the expendi- Jaslon 17 of the rane In J remedy tures of the past, and the contin- + egdarsed by all now used as a uance of an aggressive campaign in Specific in {ue great pris Rib gd the future. For that purpose money 20 that they return. Draius suiirely Sins is essential. Fducation has been libe- after a Aeeg fhpibeMcriy The skin becomes clea rally supported. For grants to schools, and for the administration of the department a large sum is an- nually required. Services such as we have enumerated arc progressive in their demiands. The plans of yester- day will not do for to-day, nor for to-morrow. Increasing expenditure is inevitable. - Col uently the govern- ment is well within the limits of sound policy when the growing needs of the treasury are met by additional imposts upon the transportation com- panies, which have enjoyed such mark- od prosperity in this province during the past few years. Swiss Don't Want To Vote. Berne, Switzerland, June 8.--The grand council of the federation hav ing proposed a law which makes it compulsory for people td vote at po- litical elections, which so many have teglected to do that only about half #{ the qualified voters present them- solves at the balloting places, the poople were called upon last Sunday to sanction the proposed law. The law was disapproved by a majority of 1,000 Mrs. Maude Rowe, is dead in Belle- ville, aged twenty-one. She leaves ga and infant daughter. husban: McKELVEY the case. 0-day and address plainly written and a ys treatment of Restorine will Te soon FREE in hain sealed pack- fge. Do not hesitate a moment. 'e will 'with success and with hopest confidence, Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. Po. Drawen L 2341. MONTREAL. IF YOU WISH == Gas or Water connect- ions made you will do well to let us know. With our knowledge and experience, we'll save you "a lot cf trouble and expense, and the same is true of any- thing and everything in the line of Plumbing. & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. Summer comfort, coolness and style. gear, par excellence for Ladies' Wear. [cooL 0XFoRDs We have LADIES' OXFORDS that promise and supply The hot weather foot- Our Oxford's Fit | There's no cramping of the toes, no stinging sensation, no slipping at the heel --not a bit of it. Nothing but perfect fit and genuine comfort. . OXFORDS in all the fashionable leathers, button or ties. LADIES, COME HERE FOR YOUR OXFORDS. Abernethy's Shoe Store, Headquarters for Trunks and Valises. THERE ARE MORE : CANADA METAL COMPANY Stereotype and Lineotype Metals to $6.65; spring lambs, $5 to $5.65. used in Canada than any other, BUMMER tate © -- WELL FUI fully sit West venience Mrs. Wi ---- STEAM. ¥ feet lon A CHOICE G ;00P BUN NEW, BUIL n LIVERPOOL, Fire Insu assets $61 which the security the all the st wroperty i a Te busine & Strange, POWER & SO chant"s Bas and Welling ARTHUR EL) fice site of ner of Quee WA, NEWLAN PENITEN SEALED TI in and will spectors of endorscd be receive June, inclusive, contracting for year 1904-1905, tutions, namely Kingston Peni St. Vincent Dorchester Pe Manitoba Pen British Column Regina "Jail. Pri ince Albert Separate tend each 1. 2. 3. of the follo Flour (Ca Beef and Forage 4. Coal (Ant 5. 6 RB. 9 10. 11 12 Cordwood Groceries Coal Oil ( Dry Good: Drugs and Leather an Hardware, > Lumber Details of infc contract, togeth: will be furnish Wardens of the All supplies ar al of the Warde All tenders clearly the ins which must two it is pr bear the responsible Papers insertir authority from not Depa be paid the ™ Ir rtment of J Ottawa, My Positive Gen Stand witho ing pure gas economy and d 93 Princ LET And 1 will gua tory form your results. We the work. | best int, W. J. HURRA!