3 § Th A od KINGSTON, "ONTARIO, SATURDAY, Marshall Sanitary - Matiress The best Mattrass made, The only Ventilated Mattrass, Does not pack. Can't ge'. Bumpy. Last a lilatime. 1s perfectly resistent. Marshall Sanitary Pillow, Ackma Bolsters, etc. mbroi- ed Insertions tern in the lot 1g for yard. nanufacturer of d too late and ed. The firm --s0 he turned ither than keep Eye Needs Eyes Carefully Examined and Gl: Properly Filted. Frames in any style, and pric. es to suit every Spectacle or Eye- glass wearer Optical Repairs promptly & neatly done SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. ¢ FOR. SALE will Sell Cheap for Cash $400 Grand Mendelssohn Piano In service 8 months; owner city, 196 Johnston street. NOTICE. DOWARD WILL BE ---- ) nbrellas leaving IN KING- and will pupils in and Voice DR. ston during July and August, accept a limited number of Organ and Piano playing, Culture, and will deputise for any church es and reliable DAILY MEMORANDA. Excursion to Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Remember Y.W.C.A. excurs Ve a © ion, Wednes- The sun rises Sunday at 416 a.m. and sets at 7:42 p.n. Men who go to law are sure satisfaction--if they are law 3 \ When a girl begins to criticise a young man's neckties he should prepare for the leap. You can afford to believe that the office seeks the man if you don't want the office. Many a man who says he has great presente of mind manages successfully to it. eee. DICKEN'S Coaching Days AND Coaching Ways We are showing some very pret- to get rs. ty goods in this quaint old style, and that etc., at 25c. and 50c. Odd shapes, Old Dutch Jugs, odd shapes, dainty plates can be used for placques, etc. You can make a handsome. gift for very little money. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. ° s - " : Always : ° :On Ti : tOn Time : i ¢ wins respect for a woman. Tt € hus gained a reputation for 'our g Watches and Clocks $ That we feel proud of. While o we consider the jovement the most important part of a Watch or Clock, beauty, too, should be considered Our selection of Time Pieces are marvels of artistic skill ® in design and finish. \ THEY MUST BE SEEN Hora, 45 King street, after seven iss _p'clock in the evening. TO PURCHASE, A DWELLING, WITH 5 to 10 acres, in suburbs. McCann's 51 Brock St o'clock. | en) | Real Estate Agency, A HOUSEKEEPER, BY AN LLDER- ly gentleman, living in country; iio work, Apply to milking or farm H C, Rothwell, Collins Bay, Ont. IMMEDIATELY, had experience children's clothes right person. Apply to ell, 78 Brock street. -------------------------------------------- DETECTIVE--Can you .spare part of your time for profitable detective work ? No experience needed. Write American Detective Association, In- dianapolis, Ind. -------------------------------------------------- EADIES--$15 PER WEEK SEWING AT home; materials free, no canvassing; beautiful sample sent free on receipt envelope. Majestic Lace .. New York. GIRL WHO HAS in white goods and Good salary to Mrs. Mitch- A ----------ee ee eee CONTKRACTS TO FURNISH PLANTS and keep lawn and gardens in order by the 'season or hour. All work done promptly under my instruction . Lloyd, Nelson street green- houses TEMPERATE MAN, WHO THOR- oughly understands boats and boat- plain cooking, ing, also wife to do June 20th, for island near Ganano- gue. Family of 5. Send references and terms to Tiffany, Yonkers, N.Y ARE YOU INDEPENDENT, OR HAVE you boss ? Get out of slavery and free. Write G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. and they will show yon the way. They have started thousands on the road to freedom" MEN AND WOMEN TO RUN OUR rapid' knitting machines at their homes, making work for us to sell : no experience, no canvassing, teady work, good pay: write to-day; Hiatance no alf and Boots hindrance. Address Home Industrial Kritting Machine Co.. Box 839. Windsor. Ont. FOR SALE. ® ® k J 3 : oreanist during July. 'or. terms, ete. awsly to Mrs. Doward, Norwood Cot- % tage, 129 William street. T0 BE APPRECIATED. ® AR a Ty fo We are leaders in our line). * WANTED, {Ws are, low . > ° A. COOK, AT ONCE. APPLY AT : Iroquois Hotel. P Bs C REW Ss . A STRONG BOY, TO LEARN HATD-| @® Cor Princess & Well Sts. ware business. Auply to A. Chown | @® . lington "9 & Co. ° KINGSTON. ---------------------------------------------- SO 0" a * A GOOD COOK. APPLY TO MISS 00000000000 000 ® EXCURSION TO OTTAWA VIAG.T.R. Wednesday, June 22nd FARE $1.75 « Under Auspices of St. James' Church. Special train leaving G.T.R. station at 8 a.m. Returning, leaving Ottawa, 7:80C pm. All tickets good to. return on any reg- ular' train June 28rd. NOTICE. THE MEMBERS OF the Grand Lodge of the Protestant Association of Prentice Boys of America, will attend de- vine service at Brock Street Methodist Church on TUESDA June 14th, at The members Lodge, No. 1 are requested to room at 6:45 pm i All Orange Brethren and Loyal True- Blues are cordially invited to accompany us. We also extend a hearty invitation who would desire to attend Pv HANDS, WM. DEAN, w Rec © 7:30, p.m. of Derry *A.P.B meet at their lodge "ST. MARCARET'S COLLEGE TORONTO A high-class Residential Day School for Girls. Modern equipment. Specialists of European training and of the highest academic and professional standing in every department of work. For Booklet, apply to Mrs. Geo. Dickson, Geo. Dickson, M.A., Principal Director Lady ¢ (Late Prin., Upper Canada ( oll ) 50 THE SHOP, DWELLINQ AND PREM- ises, No. 240 Princess street, occubi- ed by Maker Bros. Apply to John the money, all Mudie, Solicitor ' FINE CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH, 2 Black Iobes, and Double Set of Harness, nearly new. Can be seen at 146 Ordnance Street, at any time 4 -- z J - . ry a" ld THE REAL ESTATE ON KING ST. A ---------------------- formerly occupied by the late 1 / Stearne, There are several articles of office furniture which 1 will sel | cheap. Safe, Desk, Chairs, cl Ap- ace R ply at office on the premises Harri- son Montague, Executor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IMPORTANT QUALIFY TO FILL 1 A position. Learn to write advertise ments. Information free. Page Ave., Chicago SAME [T'S | Davis Co., 90 Wabash Ale popularity, be- = point of perfect- e, faultless in \VOT, MEDICAL. LADIES, WHEN IN NEED, SEND FOR free trial, of our never failing remedy, Relief sure and quick. Paris Chemi- cal Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Expelled From Exchange. Now York, June 11.--The expulsion of W. E. Woodend, of the suspended firm 'of W. BE. Woodend & Co., was an nounced on the Consolidated Ex change, the reason given being alleg: od irregularities in dealings. WwW. EK Woodend & Co. are in the hands of a réceiver, and various investirations of TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS WILL BI RYCEIVED (he undersigned up to Firm. TU DAY. 21st inst, for Maton connection with Nehnol Bu ldings. ic ms at Hoard ooms tications At. I0NN "MACDONALD, Secretary T urer, Board of Education i FOR SALE BY TENDER. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY known as flaptist Church, Johnston BY ES- in Spee- Street, Kingsto Any information can be tained from W. G. Strainge, 326 University Avenue, to whom all tenders are pddressod, up to June 20th 1904, at noon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DENTAL OFFICE 19 Montreal St., Cor. Princess. A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LD.S., D.D.S. 'Phione 852. Ground Floor Office. CO AUCTION SALE o be @ WILL SELL AT MY ROOMS, 27 Hicex Street A urduy. June 11th} Canopy Top Surrey, and very fine ere Woes? Terms Cash Sale N, The Auctionecr at 11 o'clock. { ALLEN LOST. wi > OF GOLD RIMLESS I A PA on Saturday. Finder please +4 This and | His Forward Movement Has Begun. IS THREATENING THE WHOLE OF THE RUSSIAN FRONT. A Gloomy Message From Alexieff Caused Depression In St. Petersburg--Port Arthur Can Hold Out For Several MoWihs At Least. Special to the Whig. London, June 11.--The St. Peters burg correspondent fof the Standard says that Great Britain has protested against the Russian declaration that food-stufis, including rice, are contra- band of war. The Central News * has a despatch from Liao Yang, of yesterday's date, siating that Russian scouts were at- tacked by a Japanese infantry divi- sion with two batteries and five squadrons' of cavalry near Suyan. Several sotnias of Cossacks (a sot- nia consists of 160 men) occupied a strong position in a mountain pass and held the Japanese for two hours, The fighting was severe and the Ja- panese lost heavily, but they finally A Last Appeal. Rome, June 11.--A de- spatch from Chefoo says that Gen. Stoessel, in com- mand at Port Arthur, has issued a last appeal to the garrison exhorting it to show the world how Rus- sians can defend the honor + > # * + + + +> 4 4 + of their czar and country. 4 + FEFIEFES4 4A carried the Russian position. The Russians lost one killed and wwenty- two wounded. 'I he Japanese still prevent any news of what is proceeding at Port Arthur from reaching the outer world, but telegrams from both sides pdint to the fact that the forward movement of Gen. Kuroki's army has commenced in substantial force. Gen. Kuroki practically threatens the whole Rus- sian front from Mukden to Kaiping. is sufficient, apart from any question of military science, to make a move for the relief of Port Arthur by Gen. Kouropatkin impracticable. Gen. Kuroki reports that a detach ment that was despatched towards Tung Yitanpu repulsed sixty or seventy of the enemy's infantry at Linchitatai on Monday. On Tuesday they encountered six companies of Russian infantry and 300 cavalry at Chang Kiashi. After two hours' fighting the Japanese drove the Rus- sians towards Tung Yuanpu. The Russian casualties were 'sixty or seventy. The Japanese lost four kill ed and sixteen wounded. tien. Kuroki also reports that a de tachment of Japanese troops occupied Saimchihi on June 7th. Their casual ties were three killed and twenty-four men wounded, while the enemy loft on the battlefield twenty-three killed besides two officers and five men, who were madé prisoners. Gen. Kuroki's army co-operating with the forces that landed at Takushan occupied Sinren, on June 3h, driving the enemy toward Towmching aml ai- ping. The enemy consisted of four thousand cavalry and six guns. Our casualties were three men killed, one lieutenant, one sub-lieutenant and twenty-eight men slightly wounded. The Daily Mail on the authority of a Russian correspondent, says that on June 7th two infernal machines were found concealed in to- bacco boxes in. the palace at Tsars- keo Selo, where the czar now 1s. The mechanism of both was working. Can Hold Out. Paris, June 115A despatch to the Feho de Paris, from St. Petersburg, savs that the pessimism shown in cer tain circles, yesterday, was due to a telegram from Gen. Alexief, drawing a gloomy picture of Port Arthur, and again urging the ezar to order Gen. Kouropatkin to march to the rescue of the fortress. Gen. Kouropatkin re- fused to do this, intimating that Port Arthur could hold out for two months at least. He said he was con- ctantly receiving troops and would "be kable to act energetically by June 15th. It 'i rumored that Admiral Skryd- lofi is endeavoring to distract the attention of the Japanese fleet before Port Arthur, having sailed from Viadivostok, hoping thereby to jen able the Russian warships at Port Arthur to make a sortie and join his squadron. -- Baseball On Friday. Eastern Jeague--At Toronto, 1: Mon- treal. 0. At Rochester, 3. Bufinly, 7. At Newark, 3;Providence, 9. National league--At New York, 5; Chicago, 0. At New York, St, Louis, i. Brooklyn, 3. At Boston, 4; Pitts- o. RK. Brg oan league--At Cleveland, 3 Philadelphia, 1. At Detroit 1; Vash ington, 4. At Chicago, %; Now York, 5. At St. Louis, {I: Boston, 7. et ---- the night of 2 Will Not Let Them Pass. Special to the Whig. "Constantinople, June 11.--The porte declares there is no foundation or the reports that the sultan has given semissiont to the Russian Black Sea fleet to pass the Dardanelles. BR ---- ose tooth powder, only 10e. bottle at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. return to this office. ph the firm's affairs have been institued Agent. in the courte, Abernethy's shoes wear the best. iA, 3 % Abernethy's for travelling gools. ON KUROKI! TALKED FOR HIMSELF. The Criticism Of Lord Dun donald, Montreal, June 10.--The Gazette re- fers thus editorially to the Dundonald: Fisher incident : "Garbled reports of Lord Dundon- ald's remarks, emanating from. Otta- wa, and wridently founded | upon hear- say, have their way into the press, and, seeing that they do a cer tain injustice to the commander in: chief, it will be well to give the speech exactly as delivered. Lord Dundonald said : " 'When a nation is at war, and when national danger stares that na- tion in the face, it entrusts the pro- motion and the selection for the ad- vancement to the general whom it en- trusts to lead it. Political intrigues, intrigue for personal advancement other than that deserved by military efficiency, is dormant in times of na- tional terror. (Hear, hear.) But when peace comes and all is quiet, aud! the vigilance of a mation for its national interests is at rest, political wiles and political schemes then begin to weave their nets, the mation no langer, at that time, being watchiul. But I care not, gentlemen, who the man is, if he advances one man or penalizes, an other on acegunt of the political color of his party, 1 say that man, whosoever that man may be, is not a friend of his country. (Applause.) " 'Recently, gentlemen, a gross in stance of political interference has oc curred. I sent a list of officers of the 13th Light Dragoons to the Gazette-- the 13th, commanded by an efficient gentleman, whom 1 see here now. sent a list of these officers to the Ga- zette. 1 was astonished to receive the list back, with the name of one offi- cer scratched out, and initialed by the minister of agriculture, Mr. Sydney Fisher. That ptleman was a man | considered well equipped to serve the king in the 13th Scottish regiment-- (applause)}--Dr. Pickell, mayor of Sweetshurg, chosen of the people, one of the champions of = Missisquoi. What better man to serve the king ? (Hear, hear.) 1 feel certain that had Mr. Fisher's life led him to soldiery in stead of to agriculture, he would feel annoyed, perhaps on personal, grounds, on the extraordinary lack of educa- tion involved in' scratching the name of a gentleman put forward by a man whose business it is to find efficient officers for the militia. (Applause.) But on personal grounds, gentlemen, I don't in the feast mind. Lack of eti quette affects me little; I have been two years in Ottawa, gentlemen, (Laugh ter.) It is not on personal grounds that I inform you of this, but jt is on national grounds, (Hear, hear.) I feel, gentlemen, anxious, profoundly anxi- ous, that the militia of Canada may be kept free from party 'politics.' (Hear, hear, syd Joud applause.) Debate Tn The House. Ottawa, June 1ls~The debate on Lord - Dundonald's # h, at Mon- treal, occupied the whole day in the Commons yesterday. The official cor- respondence showed that his lordship accepted responsibility for the pub lished speech and Col. Sam ilughes, to whom his case was entrusted, at tempted to justify it. Mr. Fisher made a spirited reply and several members as well as the two lead rs, took part in the discussion. No de on. Sidney Fisher made his state ment in regard to the Dundonald charge, that for political purposes he had stricken from the list of officers of the 13th Light Dragoons the name of Dr. Pickell. After the publication of the report of Lord Dundonald's speech Sir Fred Borden wrote to him, asking if the report of his words was correct. Lord Dundonald practically confirmed the report of his words, adding that Mr. Fisher had also in- terfered with the organization corps. Mr. Fisher, after reading these lot- ters, proceeded to say that he took an interest in the formation of the 13th Scottish Light Dragoons. The grounds on which he made suggestions were based on the publie interest. He took no action on political - grounds. He recommended many eonservatives for office. He considered only effi ciency in doing so. In the list of proposed appointments the name of Dr. Pickell was marked by an aste risk, which meant that he was only provisionally named and had to qualify. He had no military experi- ence; and did not seem very anxious about being appointed. Mr. Fisher was acting for the mimister of militia, wher Col. Smart, commander of fhe corps. came to Ottawa and asked ap- prova! of the list of officers. Col. Smart telephoned Dr. Pickell on the subject and received an answer to the effect that he gave up the idea of the appointnent. Col. Smart then asked that the list be approved without Dr. Pickell's, name, and this was. done. Mr. Fisher went on to say that this absolutely disproved the charge that for political reasons he had under- taken to strike out the name of an oflicer of the corps. Sir Fred Dorden confirmed what Mr. Fisher had said. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the premier. con dened Lord Dundonald's indizcretion in strong terms, He said that the commanding officer should know that Canadians would not be dragooned by him, and that there was a responsible government in this country. The commanding officer of the Can- adian militia is appointed bv the British government. As it would be impossible to retain an officer in the wition who was not in accord with fo government of the Dominion, no- thing remains for Lord Dundonald te do:but to resign or his appointment will be canceled. Will Not Resign. Ottawa, June 1l.--Lord Dundonald. speaking. to-day, said he had not re- signed nor had he any intention of doing so. Schooley Wilson, formerly a well fo do farmer on Kingston road in Pick ering township, died at the Whithy House of Refoge on Friday, from the effects of a kick hy a horse. JUNE 11, 1908. JU ---------------------- WORLD JE. FAN Despatches From Near And Distant Places, EVENTS OF DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From all Over--Little of stone cutters' strike has been dis- Lon: The Montreal has been settled. A case of small-pox covered in the militia camp at don. The Thihetans made a night attack on an advanced British post and were again easily' defeated. Miss Mary Anderson (Mme. De Na- varro) has. been offered and has re fused £30,000 to appear once again on the American stage. Major Peters' electrical target is to be used on. the two hundreds yards' range at the National Rifle Associa tion meeting at Bisley. Joseph Chamberlain spoke on the consolidation of the empire at a din- New Governor General. London, June 10.--Earl Grey, son of Gen. Hom. Charles Grey, and broth- er of Lady Minto, has been appointed governor general of Canada in suc- cession to Lord Minto. He will enter on the duties of the office in October. +4445 44444400 a FFALIFFIIFIT 4 ner in his honor given at the House of Commons by Col. Pryce, M.1% Sir William C. Macdonald, of Mont- real, has given a sum of money for the establishment and maintenance of two technical schools at Mount Her. bert and Pownel, P.E.I, The split between the Orange Order and the True Blues over the Picton orphanage, is complete. The Orange Order will erect a memorial home to the late N. Clarke Wallace elsewhere. . John Delaney, Peterboro, was sossing the Jeanie when a special train in| 5. t, rounde: the curve from. the. pis Yolv who being deaf. did not notice the ap- proach of the train. She was instant ly killed. The Anglican synod in Toronto, has decided after a lively debate to take action on the question of Sunday church parades of the military, and the bishop will confer with the mili- charge of the Toronto tary officer in to having them district, with a view discontinued. CURES BRIGHT"S DISEASE. Prof. Ayres Believes He Has Made Discovery. New York, June 11.--Believing that he has discovered a method for the cure of Bright's disease, Prof. Win- field Ayres made a report to the com- vention of the American Medical As- sociation in Atlantic City, which startled his hearers hy its importance. Prof. Ayres said he bad m experi: ments, which led him to believe that Bright's disease was cutable in its earlier stages, and that it is pos: sible further investigation and ex- periment may end in a practically complete victory over it. He based his conclusions on ninety- three cases, forty-three of which he tabulated, and of these he cured en- tirely n vatients. Twenty-five cases showed arsed improvement, and only one failed to respond to treatment. Through the use of instruments he injects medicines directly into the kidneve iv such strength as would he poisonous and cause certain death if taken inte the stomach. He has found his patients safe from harm, and also that action is immediate and permanent. To Be Farewell For Bashford. Special to the Whig. Delawame, 0O., Sure 11.--Many visi- tors are arriving for the commence. ment werk exercises at Ohio Wesleyan University. The commencement will complete the sixtieth year of the uni- versity and preparations hive been made to render the occasion ¢f more than ordinary interest. 1%esident James W. Bashford will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to-morrow. Thur«lay will be commencement day and the big day of the week. Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana, class of 72, will deliver the address to the gradu- ates, In the evening the exercises will close with a monster farewell recep- tion to President Bashford, who was made bishop at the Methodist' general conference at Los Angeles, and resi the presidency of the university, a being at its head for the last fifteen years, ---- Bull Fighter Murdered. St. Louis, June 11.--Don Manuel Cerevera, a Spaniard, who was intro- duced as the favorite matador of the King of Spain, when the bull f wns attempted last Bunday, was shot through the heart dnd instantly killed to-day by Carletod Bass, kbown as "the American matador." A Widow Receives $3,000. Port Arthur, Ont., June 11The case of Tapp vs. Port Arthur for da: mages for the death of Motorman Tapp, who was killed in a collision here some months ago, hgs been set- tld by the town payine the widow Special to the 8t. Petersburg, June 11.--There isa feeling in all circles that a in the affairs of Port Arthur is rapidly approaching, Tn several quarters the most optimistic feeling as to the out: come is expressed, Man: the night in the knees, praying for the sian arms, : The Novoe Vremya, discussing the report that the submarine boat Pro- Jector, had been shipped fom New ork for Japan, expresses hope that the United States will make a why the boat leave thé ~ United persons t on ir success of Rus- tailed explanation of was allowed to States, SA ---- Destroyed Mines. Tokio, Jume 11.--~(Noon)--Admiral Kataoka reports that on Wednesda and Thursday last he discovered destroyed sixteen mines in Taldienwan bay. A landing made at Takuako showed that the pier was and that two large reservoirs were intact, To Join Japanese Forces. New York, June Il.--From a re liable source, according to the Press, it was learne.), yes y, that a bat- talion of Rough Riders, made up of cowboys and broncho busters is being organized and is now partly on its way to the far east to join the Jap: anese forces as ii ar cavalry, -- Japan's Fine Medical Service. London, June 1h.--A despatch from Mukden states that the Russian sol- diers habitually speak with contempt of the quality of the Japanese troops. The Japs, they say, are good coolies, but. only <in that respect are they excellent ; but all the evident that has reached the Russian head- quarters as to the Ja hospitals and their medical re agiont ar- rangements generally is 'unanimous as to the excellence of that part of the enemy's equipment, Two wou men of tho 11th Rus. sian Regiment, which suffered so we- verely at * Kinliencheng, escape through the enemy's lines, have reached Mukden. ese men swpeak in enthusiastic terms of the manner in which the J e treat the Russian wounded. The Japa army doctors, they say, and they pe ly saw to the fort of all the Russian wounded. Russian officer prisoner is au is with & separate tent, and is to superintend the preparation food for the Russian wounded. T istance ly respecting soldiers.' doctors romoved the wow the field of battle without regard to nationality. i As it was practically im: ible tof remove all the wou from the round to the field hospital without slay, those w surgical aid would most likely cure were taken first, and the more serious cases were given first aid in the field. Wh a d man was , wheth or Japanese, he was placed on hia. feet, and if e to stand unsuppo for a few seconds he was taken on \ dle {a the bite i 'ruelties wi uw v trated on the Russian dis 5 : the miscreants wefe invariably Chi nese, who are bitterly anti Russian, It} is said to be a the Chinese, "If the pemark Amon | this wat we will send Backettulls- of | Russian ears to Pekin." : A -------- Toronto Boy's Rash Act. St. Louis, Mo., June 11.--Having one without food for forty-eight urs, and being too proud to beg: J. L. Willis, aged: nineteen, residing in the east end of Toronto, attem wh suicide by Jumping into the Mix river from the second span of the bridge. Big Sum Refunded. Detroit, June 11.--The Michigan Central Ra com will get | back $60,000 | the govern- ment, through the collector of inland revenue lad- I fn the duplicate bills of ing which the company paid protest some yoars ago. ------------ Decidedly Patriotic ! Prof. John Cuntsuian and his full | orchestra of Watertown, N.Y., have been engaged to furnish the music for the hall at the Royal Military Col- lege. The affair is the leading social event of the season in Kingston. a ---------- Another Yacht. Garnett und Warren Lockett have purchased a fine twenty-three foot, open-cabin, contro-hboard sailing vacht and expect to have it in the harbor in a few days. ' --------------- HE WAS FINED. For Carrying Imitation i 0 he 7 Se oronta, June Ii. -Pred 8. Mackay, Sherbrooke, Qué, was fined $10 in the police court, this morning, for carrying tation bank notes. Heo Dowie In London. . on, Jane 15 ~Alatandsr Dowie arrived in London, from ay this! pohing: His su ana liv Bienistt m. and escor! i Railway Hotel; where rooms te £5 i | tell the story ee -- JR (WEED MONDAY,