clares + At Buffalo, the propelior AN COMMAXDENT T. A. CRONJE. Parie, June 11.--Members of the once nelive & nor fuscetien of this city determi are planning to persuade Gen. Cronje gh niddte not ty ra a he St. Louis expo- sition, in command of the Boer veter- avs, who have been engaged to, take part ; ia mock fights. Since Cronje writes to ihe Tench press that he has accep s engagement ause he is compelled to ---n hig bread, the leaders of the former Boor organiza tions propose to ask him to accept a siibscription. They also plan to appeal "to ex President aid of his old friend and fellow sol- dier, y "UH Kruger, who is rolling in money, spectacle," said M. Paulint, former president of 'the Boer societies, "his rench fiionds ¢annot keep up their respect for the president, "The fulfil: ment of Cronie's contract must be prevented at all costs." Dr. Leyds, former plenipotentiary of the Transvaal, is credited with the statement that Cronje will not accept charity, but that he would feel that any largesse from Kruger was merely restoration of part of the property he lost during the Transvaal war. Mean: {ime a representative of the movement has gone {6 Mentone to see Kruger, ASKING AID. . Sm--------is Various New Canons rated. Special to the Whig. © Ottawa, June ~Rev. J. A, Sin- clair, Regina; Rev. Dr. Carmichael and Rev. A. G. McQueen, Edmonton, are here interviewing Mr. Sifton, aski for more hel or Preshyterian wor among the North-West Indidns. Lord Minto has not received any word announcing Farl Grey as his Sutentor up 10 Boon. to-day. Ww The Gibson T' company, of Win- Colebrook was a Apicial lo x hi 1.<The wort nipeg, stock $200,000, has been; form- storin in the history of the district, | 51," Rin nipesaon bie. terd, evening. Several | } 3 " Wolsales W.T. a ie Robert 8. Banbury, Wolseley, N.W.T., number E lawh were badly over, anda | gq 7. H. Davis, Winnipeg, as direc- art of $he skating rink was carried The Richard teamship . company, ay. Storm came from the | noon Sidney, N.S. with a capital south-west and appears to have been stock of $40,000, has heen incorpora- ted with William Hackett, J. G. Bur- t is impossible, as yet, to find out J. ER Il, J. E. Salter, E. I aaible, chell, J. E. Burchell, J er Captives Recover Health. Woshinetofl, June 11.--Rear-Admiral leg the navy department from Tangier that the captives, Pordi- caris and Varlev, have recovered from their illness, and therefore a surgeon from the fleet will not be sent to Rai- y suli's camp. ' i -- BURIED IN MONTREAL. ¥ ---- Remains of Belanger Are Laid At Rest. the 3 ea)! Faia 11.---The body of ¢ Belanger, who was hanged at St. Scholastique, yesterday, for the RTD Dor a Saguin. Maw burind A Nd : ¥ te iges cemetery, i this A. A. McGregor, Cornwall, is at the city, this morning, on the advice of 3 Archbis| i. It was feared ok, Napance, was in town that nop might be a, demonstration Howard, 1 , waa in the hie was buried at home and by the Ruttan, Yarker, was in town ~ Dr. Allison, Adolphustown, is a city | visitor, 'Incorpo- it was felt would be sooner forgotten. tt BLEW DOWN HOUSES. A Furious Storm Swept Over Brandon. sustained in | W. fligkey, Sidney, and Maj. Shur- is in Ham- Ty. man, Risingron. PEL, as directors Yo cottey: ; d William O. MacLarn A NONOGENARIAN Yo bull, buy, operate, pte, vessels. The Montreal Pretaed Neus vou F. Mitchell, Cobourg; Thrown From Waggon And A. Bessner, W. Mit. ar Shoulder Broken. chell and G. Mischell_of Hontrenl, as Special to Whig. directors, has Been chartered with a Fednenday he Detroit, Nich June 11.---Thomas | stock capital of $20,000, to carry on Bullion, while driving, yesterday, was butchering, packing and' ranching n from his w n and sus- rations. i a broken sho ., Mr. Bul- e . governor-general has been n i" ninety-six years old. Ho was pleased to make the following ap- n . His parents both ntments : W. A. er, Sarnia, beyond the ordinary span of t,, to be inspector of and gas , his father dying at the age of | meters at Sarnia; W. M. Hunter, To- people. | 115, and his mother at the age of 112 ronto, to be assistant inspector of gas years. Prior to this accident he had | and gas meters and clectrie light at passed his | hover heen confined to his bed. Foaronre. -- : v y, withy C. lL Mitchell, and A. F. atlucation have provided a scholar- May, Ottawa, and J. E. $400 for three vears at Montréal, "The company es over the periodicals, the Cana- suhway matter tare the railway Hardman he Christ's College, Cambridge, speciall uot adopt the atgnment-of Mr. Welw: | for Koti stutter tor Their ey [ket rr he wfcriodicals, the Cana- tyre gag of Sonsidered mt ot. | made by the principal and professors | Manual formerly published by B. T. of the county and the city were tho | of NCill, and not by competitive ex- | Bell. amination. England And The Tariff. London, - June 11,~The Yorkshire Presbyterian Opinions. James Croil : Generally, there exists het ween tbe Methodist iid Preshyter- amended Observer, commenti Mr. an churches substanti agreement 19 be at this late wage. Jn ing's budget says if, - the North | 88 to the essential elements of Chris- West, Canadian consumers are willing | tian belief and fellowship. In regard woollens ials, we ate much nearer TR. . company plenty of time | 10 pay seven por cent. on to noncssentinls, we ate, much ne long age to secure any a more than' at present, for a | ress Mout Neither iy the and wisdom will die with us!" h has much to l& from the athe. Tie staid Preatipteriun would presumably shift half none worse nnocula wit to please them. We, on 2 al othr the ovangelic fervour of the Metho- , shall more frecly continue to | dist, and the eo Methodist take our grain irrespective of dis- | might derive benefit from a closer in- tance, fi the cheapest dumper of | timacy with Ha ld demonstrative the 5 : Presbyterian brother, pm. . Jolin Cameron : Union is bound to Ate Poisoned Currants. Brockville, Ont., June 11. --Waster | God and the advant ; rather than the same made i. theuspnd miles away, that is ~ Rollsof fin: buses, prints. Buttor their aif. and some machinery and te thousand miles away in Eastern | has any right to Lorne Wh: the present state of on {arnonty seam death be cairn: { the subject is _ providential, neither oned currants. © His mot our old-time den: adjust, bushes with Paris green to kill in- | ments, nor our fe personal i sects, and the boy, not knowing this, Jerente. a oven Se nto. 3 umiset of the currants. 1 fl the at. of, + nceds and conditions lently "a and only the action | of the dominion. of a doctor prevented a fatality. . 3 nn ---------- A Farm Sold. Dufferin, June 11.--No 'service in the 0 Lo the ames vee Woods mg noe: . Mr, | at conference, St. John's had } er tiind raising bee at D. Patterson's. Mr. on the factor wo Mrs § Blake, who has been. ili, is on the road . evening, J." Purcell, of this vicinity, and Mine Emma Waods, Cash- nll. ue waited. A Bittle i Jhow the home r. rs. H. Gough. J. Clark has sold" his farm to Mr. Germaine. fer tho finest, Craw Harrison Cao's, was stoned by a mob with the striking masters Three hundred employees accept the sister's wedding, died terday. The motion of Kelly, nd Denmark have conclud- ng must cease, al paper mill at East' Anpus, Qubhec, are on strike for semi-monthly pay ye. Ambassador Puter, of France, will republican candidacy for gover soe of New York State is offered im. Miss Lydia Swallow, of Durham, who was in Ingersoll to attend her suddenly yes- t differ Heffelfinger in svmpathy and pilots, of the Roy- a Toronto r to come .10 the its the memary of Boer valor to be degraded by the proposed St Louis EE Se t-- The Review Publishing company, 5 SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDED. limited, with a total capital stock of | This Lord Dundonald Proposed profes dE Ae ,000, the business formerly carried Recently. For McGill Students at Christ's, | on by the late B. T. A. Bell, of Ottawa, Montreal, June 1}. te 1) h e 11.--The Herald ---------- Cambridge. has been Suearpordted with the a says : Could Agree Special to the Whig. *® lowing directors : rs. ydney Bell, "We print in an siioining' colin J. MeD, a Not Ape hat in the ontreal, Fane .--Two friends of | H. F. MacCarthy, Drs. 8. MacCarthy | ihe toxt of the ig. column 'drawn it upon himself," iliary of Ontario diocese, are as fol- Burnash proposes tn erect a windmill |Jows : Burns had a bee on |sleeve. of C.C.M.G.--Miss Lewin, Junction hotel-keeper, to quash the local option by-law of that town, has been dismissed with costs. Miss Nellie Black, daughter of John Black, farmer, near Alvinston, was killed by her father's horses rumning away and jumping a fence, beside which she was standing. Premier Coombes was offered two millions if he would bring in a bill authorizing the Carthusian monks to femain at Grande Chartreuse. The Bremies refastd and he savs he sacri- proof of the infamy to high poli- tical considerations. rs. Hannah Elias, the New York negress, who gained notoriety be cause of the suit broucht acainst her by the aged millionaire, John R. Platt, walked out of court free from the charge of extortion made acainst her by the gray-haired octogenarian who had accused" her of blackmailing him out of a fortune. He failed to prove his claim. enc INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Butter the finest. Crawford. F. W. Muschert and J. C. Richard: son, Trenton, N.J., were ire the city to-day. sy Miss Fannie Time, Danbury, Conn., and Mrs. F. Young, New York, are Yisiting Mrs. Harry Coulter, Williams- ville, William Allen, bootmaker, Brock street, is the oldest merchant in the city. There is nat a living soul on old Broek street who was there when he begdn business on the thoroughfare. Butter the finest. Crawford. a Seaton from "A Battery, King- Stom, gave himself up to the police at Preséott on Wednee or. Sees. W. A. Peppiatt and Pte. J. Ennis arrived next day and returned io Kingston with the prisoner. Three Ogdensburg lads left home to steal their way on freight trains to the St. Louis fair. They were appre- hended at Richland, N.Y., and two of them sentenced to sixty-five days, and the other to forty-five days 'in the county jail at Oswego as tramps. The Cardinal, the steamer purchas- ed by the Edwardsbhurg Starch com- pany. made a quick trip to Kingston and back, She left Cardinal at five o'clock, Saturday evening, for King- ston, loaded 6,000 bushels of grain and was back at the company's dock at six o'clock. the following evening. Butter, ereamery. Crawford. en A ROD IN PICKLE. remarks made by Lord Dundonald on Saturday last, when, before a gathering of all his subordinate officers of the Montreal district, he vigorously criticized a member of the cabinet. Nobody, we venture to say, can read what Lord Dundonald said and honestly "excuse him for saying it. Nobody, we are free to concede, can read it without feeling that Lord Dundonald has done himself an injury because of his lack of understanding of Canadian conditions. He has qualities which For Cool Prettiness Ther: is nothing to bs com- pared to the New White Shirt Waists We are now showing. Every good style, every fashionable wrinkle ' and prices so moderate, too, for really well-made Waists. We can only mention a few : -- White Shirt Waists $1, 1.25, 1.39, 1.49, 1.69, 1.25. White Shirt Waists $2, 1.99, 2.25, 2.49 and others. Summer Corsets fe The ever necessary Corset is ¥-7 here in all the summer coolness you require. Put away the heavy Winter Corset and get into a Sum- mer Weight that will more than save its cost in ease and coolness. Here is a list of the good ones, for which this store is noted. Pick and choose you won't find a style that's poor or a fit that is not correct. Eclipse Summer Net Corset, 35c. Dominion Summer Net Corset, SOc. Fairy, Fine White Batiste, Z5c. Elete, Fine White Batiste, $1. French Model, White Batiste, $1.25. French Model, White Batiste, $1.50. French Model, $2. French Model, White Silk Finished Brocade, $3.50. This a very light weight but strong and beautifully made. (Jor LLaweSo have caused him _ to become excend- ingly popular in Canada, and Cana- dians have not been grudging of their admiration. Even those who will most strongly resent the position he has now seen fit to take will feel grieved over his having done himself such an injury. But this mischief has heen done, and the grave danger is that circumstances are almost cor- tain to arise which will make it diffi- cult to allow the issue raised to be avoided. "KH Lord Dundonald had known more about Casadian conditions he would mot have made his first hlun- der of attacking a minister for doing what he was hound to do. Had he known more vet h¢ would not have made of himself a rod to be applied by the Canadian conservative 8s to the back of a liberal minister, with every prospect of being broken in the process. Canadians will view the whole thing with regret, but they will be well assured that he has me atmaisiins Election Of Officers. The officers of the Woman's Aux: President--Mrs. Mills, Fiest « viee-president--Miss Gilder- Becond viee-president--Mrs, Loucks. Recording sccretary-- Miss Macaulay. Corresponding _secretary--Miss Daly. Leaflet Sditge-- Hide Mary White, Treasarer--Mrs. Worrell. Doreas secre --Miss Muckleston, Secre ol WA, and secretary Butter, creamery, Cra Our Men's Box Calf and Dongola Laced Boots at $2 and $2.50 Are the best we have ever seen for the money, all ~ solid leather and geod shapes. taf or [45 L020 C| THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE parm 71ST YE fe The Pol ers oO A Vigorous Letier b Speech of Jo Make Tr James H. Stark, of Bi to Kingstonians, takes newspaper controversy a vigorous way. After local arguments he says The principal complai da makes against the ment i6 that they have erous with the United 8 ing boundary dispute Thomson facetiously put to the Canadians believe industrious beaver, whil cheerfully skinned off as peltry as he coveted at with a hope of saving of the hide that John C to negotiate for himsc true. There is no doubt | ada has been badly ski United States in the j sharp practice, and tha given way, sooner tha with the United States ans must remember tha have béen no pelt to di not been for Britain, grab wae for the whole The indifference shown ligations by Congress a and the secret determina cate everything Pritis) America is now known the deliberate, well con of the founders of the 1 'the close of the revol came the long twentv-the in which Great Britain part single-handed fough dom of Europe against lossal tyranny ever devi torious captain. No nati tory of the world carrie war; so stubborn, so de tal. Had Great Britain would now have been h the world ? At the very time when was the sorest, when eve soldier, every sailor dl find was needed to brea power' of the man who ed the whole of Europe and Great Britain, the | the land of boasted lib host to cripple the arw by proclaiming war ag Napoleon was at the power with "an army for of Bagland at Boulogne eshausted in the con Her great war minister, broken-hearted. Every i favorable to the conaw by the States and the all British interest on In the motherland it popdiar imagination, th er sie of the Atlantic placable enemy, whos even greater than their of liverty. The action o States in declaring war Brritain, when she was the Liberty of mankin forth in the famous spe (mindv, delivered bef 1813, Its author. on rea his uld age, micht shrunk not from the ju ter times.' He denoun jon a8 "cruel, 'wanton, wicked." He said: * great lamentations grace of oir arms oh Why. sir, the disgrace « the' frontier 'is -ferve comparison with the « attempt. When T conten acter and consequences sion of Canada, when crinfinality and its d peace of this once hap thank the great Author all Nirtue that, throu that section of count have the hapniness to great a degree free fro of this transgfession. 1 wride: the people of th dona what thev cod themselves from the bh sini" H-must be said 1 New England that it 1 anv wart in the war ¢ solatelv to send anv tr the invasion of Canada of Bonaparte, there wa prehend that the Prit) tion trfumphant over i its armv and navy rel incessant service of so EE ---- Beware of Ointment That Contain As mercury will sure sense of smell and cor the whole system wl through the mucous sur ticles should never be prescriptions from repu! as the damage they wil 10 the good you can from them. dall's Cat ulnctured by F. J. Uhe ledo. O.. contains no n taken internally, acting the blood and mucous system. In buying Cure be sure you get th taken internally Ohio. by PF. monials free. pom by Druggists. Take Hall's Family stipe tion. and 1 . Cheney