i Beil Hi about. The night was t and clear, and il there was on the water for some dis- around, it could have been seen. of a floating object could be and no of an outery had il { TD { Eel i: i F 2 thought that some a hot Had baa a or overhoard, ws downstairs 7 ; & i it & 15 Ca 2 BE g- Th £5 'a nature moment, ped suburban No. 3, | g £ i if at the No. 2, fast express, local, 8:16 a.m.; No. 6, mail, 1 pm; £ £ if i t : g i ! had jumped or fallen over- when the He claims she was of too happ; to contemplate that for a young man who saw the ir from the other side of the boat he doesn't think the girl really , or had any inten- o suicide. Sho appeared to him a little Intoxicu h 4 nd Sestitd ne maki an effort to get into life Boat lung over the side the steamer. He thinks over- she 'G.T.R) Change In Time. to-day, June 13th, the Commencing new G.T.R. Xie table takes effect, the trisiv. will leave city station J tne esto. 5, mail, 12:53 i west-<No. 5, hy E a.m. fast express, 2:26 a.m; No. 11, local, 9:15 a.m. No. 1, 12:16, pm; No. 15, Jocal, 7:03 ted International noon; No.7, mail, 3:19 p.m. 8, mail, 2:26 a.m.; No. 16, pom; No. 12, i] Barts retnived toe is Ste formerly of J venson, i fl fe pusher. Two 1 teams will accompany the {mon at Loughhoro Lake on June 10th, > tu rona, 3.43; Thelma, 3.47.30; Winona, Tost the | 3.51.98; Geisha, 3.54.33; Chiriya, 3.50; judging Harmony, 3.55.30. .| The finish : Verona, 4.44.15; Thel- man, 4.52.05; Chiriya, 4.53.25; Wino- na. 4 51.50; Geisha, 5.00.05; Harmony, 5.07. Church' Paragraphs. Nishop ills proaches at the cente- | Sporting Notes. ah nada et snthedral, Toron- | . Tye 6 Souriug Varsity baseball hon to, 1 - defea hatham to 6 in a close In St. Mary's cathedral yesterday, | oq interesting game on Friday. the Rev. Father Kingsley celebrated on Saturday: Toronto hich nash and the sermon was preach: | Chippewas, 5; St. Catharines, 3. Te- : by the Rev. Father Gray. cumseh, I; Brantford, 1. Montreal Rev. L. N. Sirrell Clayton, N.Y., Shamrocks, 9; Nationals, 1. Capitals, has received a wi call from 11; Cornwall, 3. Calvary Baptist church, Watertown, | 'The bench show committee of the N.Y., to become its pastor. He has [Toronto exhibition has claimed the not yet decided whether he will ac- [dates of September 5th to 10th for . D. C. Day, Wilton, preached in Sydenham Street Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. W. T. G. Brown {reaching at reopening services at jolet. Rev. Mr. Day has been trans- ferred to the Manitoba Methodist con- ference. Rev. Dr. Antlif began his fourth ited effort. Miss Hinckley and Charles T. Chapman were acceptable soloists Jeterday. A male quartette also sang ly. COMING TO TOWN, A Great Excursion Expected From : Toronto. The Kingston Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, is in a prosperous condi- tion and increasing greatly in num- bers. At the last meeting the secre- tary reported that he had made ar- rangements with the Grand Trunk railway company. to run a special train to Kingston on July 28rd for $2.45 a ticket, which will be good ro- turning on and up till midnight of the 26th. Last year the association sold over S00 tickets for their excur- sion to this city, and efforts are be- ing made to bring down over 1,000 this time and from the favorable re- they will be successful. of the printing commit- . The association is endeavor- to have the civic holiday in ton changed to the last Monday ly, instead of the first Monday in August, and, no doubt, the city council will accede to the request as it did on a previous occasion. The Canadian Wheelmen's Association will run an excursion on the Ist of August on the G.T.R. to Kingston and among the islands, so it would be impos- sible for the old boys to run one on the same date. Ii the council does pot proclaim a holiday the associa- tion will tuke a trip among the is- ands and river ports instead of re- maining in the city. Merchants and the hotels «ill reap e good harvest by the party remaining in the city for the three days. The Old Boys were greatly pleased with the kindness ex- tended to them by their Kingston re- latives- and friends during their visit last year, and feel thev will receive a cordial welcome this time. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Baying And Doing. H. Porter, Watertown, N.Y, is in the city, W.'N. Belair, Belleville, was in town yesterday. Dr. Ford McCullough, Gananoque, is in the city. J. 8. Shurie, town yesterday. Arnold Squire, for his vacation. : Rev. Father Hull, Kansas City, is at the Randolph. J. W. Robinson and wife, Napanee, were in the cit¥ yesterday. Douglas N. Maclatyre of the Mont- real Herald staff, was in the city over Sunday. : Mrs. Elliott and family, Kingston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Willrich, Brockville. Frank McKenty, son of E. McKenty, late of Bath, has graduated with hon- ors in medicine from McGill College, Montreal. We extend hearty congratu- lations. Rev. Douglas Laing, and the Rev. J. B. Grimshaw, lelt at noon to-day for Almonte, to attend the annual meeting of the Canada Central As sociation of Baptist churches. : Dr. Workman of Kingston, has been appointed assistant medical superin- tendent of the public hospital for the insane at New Westminster, B.C., un- dor Dr. G. H. Manchester, general superintendent. s Two Sunday Fires. There were two fire calls on Sun- day. At 1:34 am. the brigade was grocery store on Wellington, was in Montreal, is home called to Halligan's Broek street, 5 hook a small blaze had been discovered in a shelf in the cel- lar. No damage resulted. At 11:30 am, a chimney blaze in the house of James Savage, York street, demanded the attention'of the firemen. A por tion of a fire board was burned. A Good Day's Sport. J. J. Losee and son, W. H. Losee, of Collins Bay, caught seven fine sal- nada. No matter what time of vear it is, nor what game is uppermost in the sporting arena, Toronto has the poor est.--Ottawa Free Press pion wrestler, defeated Chief Two Fea- thers, the Indian heavyweight, in two straight falls at Seattle, Thursday night. McLeod has rerained his old-time form and is regarded by wxperty here as unbeatable. shipped a crosse sticks to Commissioner Hutche- son at the St. They will be used for poses in the forestry building, where they will show to good advantace and incidentally stimulate interest in who don't know anvthing about it. tries, the summer meeting of the Lon- don Trottine and Racing Association will extend over four days instead of three, as was list is the pace and run on the first three davs, and a pace, fi a farewell prograffime. its show this year. It is the inten- tion to make it a record-breaker. The Johns' Hopkins graduates' la- crosse team defeated Toronto Univer sity seven goals to three. The game was played in the Oriole Baseball Park, the field being wet and soggv. The injury which Arthur Dufiy, the world's champion sprinter, received at the intercollegiate championships has necessitated his withdrawal from the St. Louis , and it seems as though America has seen the last in competition of her greatest sprinter. Golden Way won the steeplechase at Hamilton, on Friday. Euclaire won the mile event. Bazil, Easv Street and Panella were the other winners. Et tu Brute won the 5} furlongs race at Kenilworth, and created a track re- cord of 1.0€ 2-5. For a city of its size, Toronto may be expected to produce more losing teams in different lines of sport than any other centre of population in Ca- Dan. McLeod, the Scottish cham- Wash., on Kervin, Cornwall, recently dozen of his high grade la- Louis World's Fair, decorative pur. 's national game among people Owing to the large number of en- first announced. The best that the association has ever had. There will be a trot, rall and a run as Baseball On Saturday. Eastern Leagut.--At Jersev Citv. €: Newark, 1. At Buffalo, 12; Rochester, HONEST FOLKS. Don't Always Write The Most Flowery Letters. "I was a coffee drinker and a great sufferer from the sick headache so one day I thought I would try some Pos- tum in place of the coffee just to see if it was any better for me than col- fee or tea. Friends said it would be but I couldn't befieve cofiea was hurt- ing me, but finally made the trial one week 1 drank Postum in place of cofice and at the end of that time my head had felt so much better all the week I gave up my coffee and tea for good and have used Postum ever since. At that time I was house- keeper for a Methodist Episcopal min- | ister and his wife and they both had ; poor health, so often he would feel so | bad he would lie down for several hours before he could go to church to hold meetings. So I said nothing to them but made Postum for their din- ner. He tasted it and said : " "That's the best cup of coffee I've had for a long time.' " 'Then I told him it wasn't coffee but Postum," he says : " 'Well, give me Postum time." "He was a very small thin man but got so well in a short time and gain- ed over fifty pounds and now he savs he don't know what sick headache is any more. While there | married a far- mer and came to Kansas to live . and and) would you believe it I cured him of smoking with the help of Postum. He used to suffer so after every meal he would smo'e he said it eased his stomach. Well all this trouble was caused by coffee and when I gave him Postum and weaned him from coffee he was cured, and now he never wants to all the I. "I tell every one I meet to trv Pos- tum and they will never want coffee again and when I go to visit coffee drinkers I take along some Postum with me and show them how to make it and in that wav have got many of my friends to using it and have done lots of good. I had a cousin in New York, who had verv poor health so I cut off the front of a box and sent it to her and told her that was what helped me so much so she tried it and says she will_pever drink any more coffee her health' is so improved sof do all I can to pet to use Postum and always will." Name eiven by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look in each package for the fam- store: class vaudeville doubt a large crowd will be in tendance. __Several picnic parties left the city Saturday -- afternoon = for Kingston Mills and other beautiful spots. of store, evening, Macdonald surpass Kingston as business centres, There's The cheapest man Baseball On Sunday. : Eastern League.--At Newark, 6; Jer- soy City, 2. At Montreal, 0; Toronto, 5. League.-- At Chicago, 8; New Yet, 2. At St. Louis, 1; Bos- ton, 2. Nie National League.At Brooklyn, 4; St. Louis, 3. Standing Of Leagues. Eastern League.--Buffalo, .718; Jer- sey City, .629; Baltimore, .617; New- ark, .500; Montreal, .484; Providence, - A424; 400; Rochester, .219. National League.--New York, .674; Chicago, .667; Cincinnati, .667; St. Louis, .500; Pittsburg, 488: Brook- lyn, 404; Boston, 372; Philadelphia, 205. American league--Boston, .674; New York, 591; Cleveland, .561; Chicago, 553; Philadelphia, .535; St. Louis, 500; Detroit, .312; Washington, .150. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. The country is a picture just now. The cemetery is looking particularly fine just now. You can always buy at Abernethy's. Beautiful unbleached sponges Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Bronchitis, tonsilitis and colds are very prevalent, Cold night air is the cause. - Fine bass fishing has begun among the Thousand Islands. Good catches aré reported. Abernethy's for all kinds of travel: ling goods at lowest prices. A fireman's cgat was lost in the dash to box 42 on Sunday. It belongs to the upper fire hall. ~~ The steamer Kingston had 300 pas- sengers on board on Sundav. includ- ing the English municipal party. Citizens with the advent of hot wea- ther are beginning to think where they will spend the next two months. Talcum Powder perfumed and bor- ated 15c. at Gibson's Red Cross drug rely on shoes you at 'olger Bros. say that they will in- sist in order on their steamers on ex- cursions even to tht extent of prose- cuting offenders. . Work on the proposed new building for the First Baptist church, was be fur. this morning. The site is on the sorner of Johnston and Sydenham street, Ontario Park opens its season to- night, the management promise a first entertainment. No at- which there are so many in the vicin- ity of Kingston. - Maple walnut sundae is rich and tasty only at Gibson's Red Cross drug t The dificrent city parks were well patronized yesterday afternoon and Park being es- pecially favored. 'Other places may but for beautiful parks few can equal and none excel. lots of funny things in We often notice here, is one whose wife Insists on calling *' dear." There was a slight blaze on board the steamer Kingston when she ar rived in Kingston yesterday morning. Some shavings on the lower forward life; deck caught fire, but the fire was speedily extinguished by Capt. Es- ford. A .small boy riding a borrowed bicycle while riding on Swift's wharf yesterday afternoon, had the misfor- tune to ride off the dock into the water. The boy was pulled out by some men on the dock and the wheel fished up from the bottom with a pike pole, much to the small boy's relief. COMPANY WILL ENTERTAIN. North American Life ciable. T. G. McConkey, superintendent ag- encies, Toronto, and W. J. Fair, dis- trict manager for Eastern Ontario, of the North American Assurance com- pany rcturned from Round Island Park on Saturday, where they made final arrangements for entertaining a party of about sixty-five of the com- pany's representatives on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of this month. This is wn annual outing extended to the re presentatives who secure the allott- ment of business entitling them to an invitation. The convention was held Gets So- in Quebec last summer and was a great success. The company 'bas se cured the exclusive service of the steamer Ramona for three. davk, dur- ing which time the partv will visit Kingston and be given a two hours' drive through the city, None Until The 20th. J. Hiscock, who is again appointed agent for the Niagara District Fruit Growers' Association, has been noti- fied that there will not be any Cana- dian strawberries until the 20th inst. This is fully two weeks later than usual, owing to the cold, wet weather. -- Mrs. James Cox, a beloved resident of Sheatown, died suddenly when driving with her son to visit a daugh- ter, Mrs. Flood, Lyn. She was seven- ty-six, and leaves besides her hus- band, eight stalwart sons : John and Michael, Sheatown: Henry, Thomas and Patrick, Potsdam, N.Y; David and Edward, Montreal; William, Bay City. Four daughters also survive, Borated Oatmeal Cream removes tan and sunburn only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Joseph Scott, a leading farmer and treasurer of Augusta township, was possibly fatally injured by being thrown from his bu; in Brockville, his horse having gaken fright at a locomotive whistle. Harry Geary, Belleville, saved the five-year-old daughter of Frank Wil- son from drowning on Friday. TRichard J. Spoor, Wolfe Island, he of WHAT KINGSTON HAS 0 PAY FOR IT. -- Tried To Get Something For Nothing, But Was Unsuccessful ~--Beaten at Every Point-- County Councillors Sharper Than The City Chaps. Ottawa' Free Press. 'Ihe railway commission reserved its decision in the request of the Grand Trunk railway company, to compel the City of Kingston county of Frontenac to make a it before the company, starts building subway at Montreal street, Kingston Junction. The application was for an order to amend orders of the railway commit- tee of the privy council of December 19th, 1902, and March 4th and June 16th, 1903, and to direct the two cor- porations to deposit security for por- tion of the expense to be borne by them in connection with the work. Many years ago, so far back in fact that the beginning is lost in tradi- tion--hecause a figure in mythology, as it were--an agitation was begun in Kingston to have the Grand Trunk railway company build a subway be- neath its tracks at the Montreal street crossing, a very dangerous place, where six or seven tracks arc laid parallel, and which serve to divide the city from the county and town- ship limits across an important high- way. Thereby hangs a "tail}) -- so Year in and out, it was the custom of that august body, the municipal council of the county of Frontenac, to appoint a special committee to deal with the "subway question." In- variably a deputation from the county council waited on Kingston city coun- cil and asked that a committe be appointed to co-operate with the county committee on the subway mat- ter. The request was usually granted as a matter of courtesy, and there the matter ended. There came a time, however, when portly portions, dealt the cards so cleverly, that he was called on to preside over the county council as warden. Then there was "something doing' This was a year or so ago. As usual, "Uncle" Richard appoint- ed a special committee to consider the subway question. . Heading this committee, he waited upon the city council and asked that body for its "moral support." It was pointed out by leading aldermen that as the city council's "moral support" would not cost the city anything, it should be freely given "the county council's ef- forts. The wily warden had evidently been able to penetrate the future and learn the value to his constituency of the city's "moral support." The city engineer, in the goodness of his heart, furthered the city's moral support, drew plans of the crossing, the proposed subway, etc., and a strong committee of the city council accompanied the county council's com- mittee to Ottawa to urge upon the railway committee of the House of Commons the necessity of the sub- way. "That was about a year ago. The railway committee turned up an old order--dated away bak in 1887--in which the constriction of the subway was authorized, the city to pay for the cost of the approach on the city side, the county likewise on the county side, and the company to bear the cost of the work beneath its string of tracks. This order was re- affirmed. Then there was trouble. The railway committee made the or- der a rule of eourt, which action the city fought, but was beaten, and no- thipg was left for the city to do but to assume its share of the cost. A semi-happy idea, however, seemed to impress itself upon the city council. It repudiated the whole deal, and sought to wash its hands clean of the pro ceedings, refusing to become respon- sible tor the $2,500 costs in connect ion with the matter. However, the railway company had something to say in this connection, and applied to the railway commission for an or der compelling the county to deposit a sum sufficient to cover the cost of this work, before the task was un- dertaken. The question was argued yesterday. D. M. Mcintyre, city solicitor, ap pearing for the city, Alderman J. M. Mowat, for the county, and Mr. Big gar, K.C., for the Grand Trunk com- pany. Mr. McIntyre, on behalf of the city, asked for leave to state a case for the supreme court, and for leave to ap- peal. _ Decision on these applications was also reserved. ~ MARINE INTELLIGENCE, What is Going on in Harbor ant Elsewhere. Sowards' wharf : Schooner wing, from Oswego, with coal. The schooner Clara Youell is at Rathbun's Grove Inn wharf with coal. The schooner Rutherford, from Os- wego, is discharging coal at Rock- wood wharf. Richardsons' elevator : Tug Nellie Reid cleared for Montreal with three grain-laden barges.' Craig's wharf: Yesterday steamers Ocean and Cuba down; Persia up; steamer Alexandria, due down to- night. The steamer Turret Chic called at the dry-dock wharf yesterday morn- ing to secure a pilot, and cleared in the afternoon for Montreal. M. T. company wharf: Schooner Oliver Mowat, from Bowmanville with 20,000 bushels of barley; tug Thom- son, from Oswego, with one coal- laden barge and cleared down with two Maden barges. Swift's wharf : Saturday night, steamers Hamilton down; Rideau King up. Sunday, steamers Kingston down and up; North King, down and up; Algerian, down; Rideau King for Ottawa this morning; schooner Aca- cia cleared for Charlotte Saturday. Fleet- 1,000 Islands And Rochester. Steamer North King leaves Swift's wharf at 10:17 a.m., Sundays, for Busi ledonds, and at 5 pm. for of linte ports d R er. J. P. Hanley, as - chester ous little book, "The Road to Well ville," : Gents' white canvas shoes at Aber- nethy's, - bs iB -- Get the habit of going to Gibson's RALSUPPORT| stupendous that it wagged the body. | 2 ! Stim gv4. Satin ribbon girdle, for young Dies with slender figures, « Hf you want « really ale ask for Sleeman's Black Label. The Sleeman B. & M. Co. Limited Guelph, Canada. ~ KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unequalled facilities for securing posi tions. Largest and best equipment in Canada. 831 Queen street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Ruilding. Teronte. Cook's Cotton Root Ladies® Fa \ Is the only safe, rel regulator on which EY) No. No. 1.--For ordinary cases is » far the best dollar medicine known. special Sues --10 degrees x. and imitations are 43 ua De No. 2 are sold and recommended all druggists in the Do- min$n of Ca Mailed to any ad on receipt of and four wits postage stamps. pan . 'Windsor, Onts | No. 1 and No. 3 are sold in Kingstea by All Druggists. "J. GILBERT Family Grocer and Tea Merchant Importer Special Attention Given Family Trade A FULL LINE 07 Grosse & Blackwell's Goods JUST ARRIVED. Main Store, 194 Barrie St. BRANCH STCRE Cor, Gore & Wellington Sts. *Phone 248 "Phone 254 : Swift's Scranton Coal ¢6.50. Quality Guaranteed. JAMES SWIFT & G0. Telephone 135. * ha i a : WHEN THINKING Of ordering your Groceries don't forget that you can get as go as can be got at the UNIQUE GROCERY, and our prices are right. We call for orders and deliver 'promptly. If you want us ring up 530. Cross drug store for ice cream : H ERING cB Picken f _ LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND | St. Louis, Mo. $22 (Good for 15 day $29.35 (Good for 60 « $35.20 (Good until Dee. 15, 3 vers allowed at any inten ---- in Canada, also Detro Chicago. 3 TRIP--Hamilton SE To additional For tickets, illustrated literatu tion, apply to wrther Information, oN LRY, 2 City Passenger to ! KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. fomeseekers' oav Excu --~TO--- Winnipeg - - $30 0p Regina Nowiray- } Moose Jaw Deloaine {3150 | Kamsack Souris J Swan River pal n | Saskatoon - Lewore Misiola - R00 Prince Albert Rigin | Wawances J Macleod Binscarth | oq on pL Moosomin y 23 1 cargary - Aniola 35 | Red Deer Bo } 800 | giratheona - Going JUNE 14th, 28th and 19th Returning until Aug. 15th, 2t Sept. 20th, respectively Train leaves Kingston 8:10 a Full particulars at K. & I'. and Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, J Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWA) SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, a jocal points. Train leaves City H 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Ry., Kingston. pot at B.Q. Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Is Brockville, Prescott and Mont: June 20d to June 16th, 190 LEAVE K FE KINGSTON uesdays, Thu lays, Thu and Sundays, at I i Fromr, June 16th' to Sept steamers will run daily, except M Hamilton, Toromto, Bay of Quin Monreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING = EAST--Wednesdays, Sundhye, 'at 4:30 pom. ING WEST 1Tuesdays, and Saturdays, at 11:30 pm JP. HARLEY, JAS. SWIFT & ( Fioket Freight Thu Agent. Lake Ontario and Bay of Q Steamboat Co., Limited STR. "NORTH KI! BETWEEN ROCHESTER, KINGSTON, 1000 IS Commencing May 20th, steamer or 1,000 Islands, Sunday, at am. and for Bay of Quinte por Rochester, N.Y. at 5:00 n.m. Connection at lochester with always. Baggage cheéched throu all points. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves daily, except Sunday, fc of Quinte ports at 3:00 p.m For further information anpiv K. HORSEY, G. P. & I. Agent, ston, Ont. aaa J. P. Hanley, Jas. Swift & Co dersiceve & Kirkpatrick Agents. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COM LIMITED River and Gulf' of St. Law Summer Cruises in Cool Latitu Twin Screw Iron SS. * Caui with electric lights, electric bells « modern comfort < . SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON DAYS at 2 p.m, 6 20th 4th and 18th July h an August; 13th and 26th Septembe Pictou, N.S., calling & Point, Gaspe, Mal 3 Cove. Grand River, Summerside, and Charlottetown, P.E.1 The tinest trip of the season for and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary For tickets and staterooms api J. PP. HANLREY, or J » SLI 3, Ticket Agents, Kingsto Kv ALLAN LI! Liverpool and Londonder From Montreal. From Q Ra an, June 17, 4 a.m. June 1 June an June 24, 9 a.m st Cabin--Bavarian, Ionian, 875 and upwards, Par and unwards. Second Cabin--Liverpool and I derry, Bavarian, Tunisian, and $40, and $42.50. Parisian, $37.50 don. $250 extra Third Class--Liverpool, Glasgow, London, $20 MONTREAL TO GLASG = Sicilian 2 June NEW YORK TO G Laurentian, Y J J.P. HANLEY, J Passenger Depot. Ji. Pp. SLEEVE, Clarence Street Derry, | MONEY AND BUSINESS EE OUR POLICIES COVER MOH buildings and contents than al er company offers. lxamine | Godwin's Insurance Emporium, et Square. ---------------- i a-------- MONEY TO LOAN IN LARG emall sums. at low rates of on city and farm property. granted on city and county tres Apply to 8. C. Motil ager of Frontenac Loan and ment Society, Office oppos Post Office Fire Insurance Company. A in add holders hn liabil assets $61,187,215 which the policy security the unlimited all the stockholders. Farm & Property insured at lowest | rates Refore renewing old ©