Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1904, p. 3

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girdle, for r figures, ; bn't make you buy. des a dis- ylish figure F and per: rt of per- tor your iE T. sets M. Co. S COLLEGE 5 COLLEGE securing posi nt in Canada. on. OGUE. ing. Teronte. ordinary cases 0 best dollar wn. 3-10 degrees t gor Cook's Take no other imitations are 9943 KING ries don't t as good UNIQUE rices are d deliver World's F air St. Louis, Mo. $22 (Good for 15 days). $29.35 (Good for 60 days.) $35. 20 (Good until Dec. 15, 1204). vers allowed at any intermediate ation in Canada, also Detroit and Hite TRIP--Hamilton to Niagara $1.40 additional Rr tickets, illustrated dierature and rmation, any 8 mrther Informaiol; WANLIY, Agent, iy Passenger Depot EINGSTON& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. fameseekers' oa Excursions Winnipeg - - $300p Regina - - . $15 Monray } Moose Jaw - Delotaine P3150 | Kamsack tare foun | Swan River Lyleton | Saskatoon - - 352 Lenore Misiola i R00 I prince Albert - 26 ® n Hh } Macleod . - 380 Binscarth ! e095 Ld : Moosomin \ - Calgary - 33 Anoln 85 1 peabDeer - - Mu yan 1 Ba { Bw Strathcona - 1) Going JUNE 14th, 28th and JULY 19th Returning until Aug. 15th, 29th and Sept. 20th, respectively Train leaves Kingston 8:10 a Full particulars at K. & I'. and C.P.R Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER Gen. Pass. Agt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, JR., Supt and all jocal points. Train leaves City Hall De pot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent, B.Q. Ry., Kingston. Daily Line Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. June 2nd to June loth, 1004. LEAVE Rin PON uesdays, GOING and Sunda GOING W Thursdays jesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, at 5 pin From, June 16th' to Sept 18th steamers will run daily, except Monday Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Thursdays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, at 11:30 pm ING JP. HARLEY, JAS. BW] T Tioket Agent. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "NORTH KING" BETWEEN ROCHESTER, KINGSTON, 1000 ISLANDS Commencing May 20th, steamer leaves or 1, Islands, Sunday, at 10:17 a and for Hay of Quinte ports and Rochester, N.Y. at 5:00 n.m. Connection at Rochester with all always Baggage checked through to all points "" STR. "ALETHA Leaves daily, except Sunday, for Day of Quinte ports at 3:00 p.m For further information anply K. HORSEY, G. P. & IF. Agent, ston, Ont J. P. Hanley, Jas dersiceve & Kirkpa QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes to 1} King Swift & Co., Gil- Agents. Twin Screw Iron SS with electric lights, electric bel modern comfort 3 SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 2 p.m, 6th and 20th 'Jum 4th and 18th July Ist. 15th and 28h August; 1uth and 26th September, for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Father Point, Gaspe, Mal Bay, | Cam Cove, Grand River, Summerside, I'.1.1 and Charlottetown, P The tinest trip of the season for health and comfort. : ARTHUD iH AHERN, Secretary, Qs he For tickets and staterooms J. Pp ;ANLEY, or J. P SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. Montreal. From Q apply Glia ER Kingston, nt erian, June 17, 4 a.m 17 and une 24. 9am pr Cabin--Bavariar unisian ane Ionian, 75 and upwards, Parisian, $70 and upwards Second Cabin--Liverpool and Londor derry, Ravarian, Tunisian, and loniay $40, and $42.50. Parisian, $37.50, Le don. £2 50 ¢ Third Class--Liverpool, Derry, Be Glasgow, London, 20 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT - Sicilian June 29th. (daylight NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Laurentian, dune ¥ 4 12 ngon te fh Agent. GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence Stren) MONEY AND BUSINESS Em OUR POLICIES COVER MOR buildings and eontepts than anv oth- er company offers. Fxamine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark et Square. eee ------------------ MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR emall sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county debens tres Apply to 8. C. Mctill, mans nves ager of Frontenac Loan and ment Society, Office opposite Ue Post Office. eee a VERPOOL, LONDON AND G1ORI Fire Insurance Company. Available assels $61,187,215 In addition ie which the policy holders have security the unlimited Ii ny d city 3 yenihle all the stockholders. Far Broperty insured at lowest 1 o Before renewing old or giving nw husiness get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. dollars a ton." in Pitchblend costs eight The Radium particles it are worth eight million dollars a pound. Why? Because pure Radium works wonders nothing else will work. "FORCE" costs more than the run of break- fast foods because of the pains I take to make it pure. But it's worth the dif- ference. that SPOOL. SIIK Ladies, if you know of anything setter than Corticelli Sewing Silk, he secret may make you - FAMOUS R. CRAWFORD. Wood JOHN 1. MILLS Better MYT RS Hams wll nev- Wood =a Coal We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Foot oi West St. Coal The Leading Auctioneer. All Than Ever 10M oy nt 60 on Brock sii, WHAT IS TOLD Rumors of Big Naval Con- flict. VESSELS SUNK ENGINEERS WORKING WAY TO THE FORT Japs in manding S. a Strang Town Com- Two Roads--Siuyen Considered a Town of Great Strategical Importance. Special to the Whig. London, June 13.--A despatch to the xp from Nagasaki) via Shang that information fron to the efi an a high sour Japanese engineers ect that the apping their way towards the fortifications at Port Arther under cover of the artil lery. New parth works are thrown up nightly 'and the trenches are gradual lv n g the Russians. The garri- son using shells sparingly and are rving their anmunition. eld guns cover the opera foe of the trench-makers. Siege guns have not been used yet. They are being mounted on cement plat forms, in commanding positions. A despatch to the Standard from St. Petersbucg says it is stated that a telegram has been received from Adnir Skrydlofi, commanding the Vladivostok - gagrison, stating that, on Tuesday last, he moved with the Viadivostok squadron towards Port Arthur He arrived within thirty miles of the, fortress, when he ran in to a fog. He found several « anese torpedo bants wd two iy hips confronting hi The Japanes at ed fiercely a The it as none of the Port 1 inflicted some dam 13 - returned . the Arthur ships fire, appeared, as Admiral Skyrdloffi had hoped and expucied, he returned to Viadivostok oh was reached by the squadre m on ¥ riday morning The Vladivostok squadron is report ed to consist of three cruisers and four ironclads. Tt is, therefore, pre sumed that it has effected a junction with some of the ships of the Port Arthur fleet. There is a rumér to-day that a gre naval battle has been fought of ort Arthur. Two Rus cians and four Japanese veksel of larg + reported to have been sunk n of the report can be obtained. -- He Is Watching Vladivostok. Rear Admiral Nagai is now with a torpedo-boat destroyer flotilla near i stok commanding eight , who ¢ expected to watch vastok t of the enemy, uld that squadron of six arm ored' cruisers make an attempt to es cape from practical confinement in the landlocked harbor of Viadivos tok, Ad m bat Nagai has orders to ac vo essentials--first to hurass wlo what eruisers he can Y kh, but first of ali to send two of his fh des rovers to Port Ar f t} n Japanese of the ma th the information All Used Up By Headaches. Could Not Eat Or Work--Powders And Quick Cures Of No Avail --Lasting Cure Obtained From Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. -- th of Mr. Barber well illus rat in which Dr. Chase's Ner ! adaches. il ed "quick cures' first wut obtaining benefit, Tt known fact that such reme ith a tremende Nerv ood, vitall ih y the =) other syn d svstem, disay 3 Ite cures are HE the cause ns force and consdquent ipjury they do bring temporary re waste of to + Food cures ie on he toms of an ar before ePuas of trouble, writes long 0 barber Simcoe, Oat, Dr. Ch Nerve Food is a splendid medicine, 1 was troubled for a vith headaches, which would » a week with such about on kat I could not eat or do Y L. 1 tried headache powders wel qu cures, which did no ge \} t cht months ago I to . and Towns, ¥ Tokio, June 13--The town of Siu- yen, now occupied by the Japanese army, is of great strategical impor- tance, hd situ about forty miles th-cast of Haicheng, It Hea porteetly ithe roads to both places. Sismataxa is also an important point as it controls the roads to Liao Yang and Mukden. By following this route the Maotienling pass, a strong. b fortified and: almost impregnable ssian stronghold, will he avoided on the advance of the Japanese army northward. ane The Wily Russ. London, June 18=The Daily Mail's Chefoo corvespondent says: "The Japanese consul has disc rovered that a wireloss telegraph apparatus is attached in the night time to the Russian. consular flagstafl here and that the consulate is in communica tion with Port Arthur." + o-- War Bulletins. A rumor is current at the admiralty that the Japanese battleship Yashima is on the rocks near Port Arthur. Gen. Kouropatkin is reversing Gen. Kuroki's flanking movement north of Saimatsza, by sending troops from Mukden to turn Kuroki's right wing. The Japanese forces near Port Ar thur have been heavily reinforced. It is believed that an attempt to take the fortress by assault will be made so soon as the Japanese are strong enough to invest it on the land side and at the same time protect them selves from possible attack in the rear in case the Russians send a foree from the north. PICTON PARAGRAPHS. '-- Successful Orange Meeting--VYacht Club Formed. Picton, + June 13.~Tuesday morning in Hotel Quinte, a large number in terested in boating and vachting, met and formed what will be known as the "lay of Quinte Yacht Club." The following were dlected to hold offices: Honorary commodore, David McAuley; vice-commodore, A. H. Bak H. S. Miller; vice Moffatt; captain, M. honorary er; commodore, commodore, W, lierney; + secretary, Charles Smith; tr rer, George Williams; skipper, I. C. Macnee, The executive commit tee is composed of a number of the town's prominent sport enthusiasts, Phey intend - to entertain the Ameri can 'Yacht Club of Watertown, at a rogatta in August, and look forward to the building of a «club house in the near future. The water in the harbor is very high and many of the hoat house floors are covered over. It is claimed to be thirteen feet deep at Hepburn's wharf, % Emerson Burley, aged seventy-six vears, died at his home in Miliord on Friday, June 10th. Funeral from the fauily residence on Sunday to Cher rv Valley cemetery. Owing to the cold damp weather of Thursday night, very few "took in" the Niagara's trip to the orphanage. The Orange men sent their regrets at being una- ble to attend, as invited. They held an all night session, until 6 am. in the court house. This finished' the con vention, and the majority of the dele. left Friday mowning for their Their next annual moeting-- be in Vancouver, B.C. C. | RR. Hepbur n, are Toron 1 and B. home from a business 'trip in to. That the day night band concert is a big Fri- attraction is proven each week by the large number who come out and promenade in the vicinity of the stand. There was not, however, a full attendance of the bandiFriday sv. ening, and though the music was not "up" to what it has been on their previous concerts it was emjoved. The 1Gth Reeiment will po to Kine Miss Kathleen Evans, who ston camp, for a month past has been visitine Mr. and Mre. H. 8S. Wileocks, left this week for Montreal, where she will re main until September, when she re turns to her home in Exeter, Eng land. Mrs. W. W. Tobey has recovered from . her recent illness. Miss Julia informal dance, on at her home, Main May Blackhall, Toronto, is visiting in own. Miss Helen Davis on entertained twelve of her girl friends on Fridav afternoon and even ing at her home on Paul street. Little Miss Dorothy Wilcocks gave a birth- dav part on Saturday afternoon There died at the residence of her son, +. D. flilbert on Friday, Mrs. Agnes Gilbert, aged ninetvefive vears The funeral 'will take place on Sun day from her late home, Mary street Wileocks gave Thursda streat, ar ming, From Mother To Teacher. Louisville Herald man who fells text books, and who is not without a sense of humor, was in Louisvill t night. This man John L. Young, of Roanoke, Va. has collected for the entertainment of his customers a long list of "letters from mothers to teachers," The letters redound in humor and odd sayings. A few of them follow : "Dear Miss Baker Please excuse Rachael for being away those two days. Her grandmother died, to please her mother." "Miss -- Frank could not come those three weeks Docatse he had amonia and information of the Teacher : John save vou want to soo me. [| have a beer galoon and nine children. Piziness is good in morning and afternoon. How can | coms "Mise home at ont a little father's grav Please let Willie come two o'clock, I take him for Jeasure to see his grand "be fully "WEATHER. New Caps For Postie -- The Panama Hat Steps Down And Out--Steamer Crushes Into Freight Shi Spcelal Corredoonbine: 1a Priti-h Whig Boston, Mass, June 9.--Panama hats are out of style this year, and the 830 and over paid last year, and one which was to have lasted a life: time is put on the shell, and & three dollar one takes its place. This ix bad enough, but the ladies' hats cost as much as one of these everlasting Panamas and change every season, so the men on thinking the question over are not at so much of a loss as they were only caught once, It is very nice to be up-to-date, but fashions and styles come high, especially when they chang with the weather, The mail carriers and collectors have been 'treated to a new style of hat than heretofore prescribed by Uncle Sam. Up to this season grey caps have been 'worn, but the departments have given them light brown, soft felt hats, which make a pleasing contrast with their gray flannel uniforms, The building occupied for years by Kidder, Peabody & 'Co. of world famed repute in the banking system, was of an old type and only five storeys in height, and is being torn down to be replaced hy a twentieth: century skyscraper. In one corner is a portion of the undemolished structure in which the company are still carry ing on business without a roof over their heads and surrounded on all sides by scaffolding. On the front of the building is a large sign, "Open For Business." The firm cannot afford to leave the location so long occupind by them, and are going to remain in their old quarters until a scetion of the new one iv ready for ocenpancy, offices look like a contractor's store room, but instead of containing build ing material, it contains many mil lions of cash and securities, Automobiles are nearly as common as horses only of a greater variety of style, size and color, Of horseflesh There are somo fine animals owned hy private individuals' for carriage pur poses only, but the autos are used by private individuals for pleasure and by mercantile and express houses as delivery waggons, There is the palace ear kind, the small noisy runabouts with the escaping ~ steam pouring ont from the 'rear and those run by gaso lene, which can be we wl before they can be geen, All machi have to be registered and have the card with their registration number hung in a conspicuous place. According to these statistics there are over five thousand automobiles owned in the ity. The blue number is a telltale for those who think their speed is unlimited and in most cases they all have the same idea when they get the rubber suit and goggles on. For the past three summers Boston has been favored with exceptionally cold weather throughout the season. Save for a few days this year has been very cool, amd even now licht overcoats are worn in the evening. When a change in temperature takes place here it is very sudden. Last Saturday at 11 p.m. it was 76 degrees and at 2 a.m., Sunday, it was 32 de- grees, a change of 44 degrees in three hours. This is due to the cast winds, which make Boston so hard to keep in touch with the weather, as these changes come without warning. Charles L. Tucker was indicted by the Middlesex grand jury this mora: ing, at Fast Cambridge, on the charge of murder in the first degree, of Miss Mabel Page, of Weston. It is altogether likely he will be arraiened carly next week, when a date will be fixed, probably in early September, for his trial. The news will be commumnics ated to him when his brother and counsel visit him in his cell. The terms of the indictment have not been made public and will not until the arraignment. His immediate relatives believe that a trial before the jury will clear him. His mother, when in- terviewed, said. she was now fully con- vineedl of her son's innocence, and while realizing the punishment of eon. finement in jail, vet she thinks he will vindicated at the next trial. While trying to reach hor berth ina dense fog early. this morning Gover nor Dingley, of the Eastern Steam- ship company, crashed into a freight shed near India wharf, endangering the lives of several firemen from the fire boat, who were asleep and passed within a fev feet of a compartment Captain Ritchie and eleven fire min of Company 3 were asleep. The steamer was wedged in the shed amidst shattered timbers and ruined freight, amounting to several hundred where dollars. At dawn the ill fated steam- er was pulled awav by a tee and when she was withdrawn a portion of the end of the shed fell into the water entailing: a further loss of property. The damage to wharf will be about £1,000, and to the steamer S500. At the time the captain was trying to effect a landing a gust of wind, swung the bow of the boat around, which placed him in a verv danoerous position, and he had only two chane- es to save himself, one was to crash into a Metropolitan line steamer, which would probably have resulted in surprise, and it was thought that the governor's wishes would be carried out and the bill passed. These Sunday THE HUB HAS HAS UNCERTAIN From an exterior view their elaborate | loss of life and the freight shed; hel § chose the latter, § Gov. Bates" "Sundav Observance Bill," was defeated in senate to-day by a vote of ninetvaine to rixty- eight. The action of the house was a Have You e ing Boné Shank, Ti elluoid Hooks and The entlemen, Kan-Opener The new TOE just received from Boston, the. shoe centre of the world." {This is a $5 Guaranteed Patent Colt Shoe with Fish Fin Sole and Her- J. H. Sutherland & Be Seen » o Heels and Eyelets. Fashion Store. Still points profit pefére at present prices. McMillan & amusements have heen allowed open for hospitals, ete., woe but little of their when it touches their | press their charitable felines, them Rebel Leader Sent d Manila, June }.--Judgpe Araulio hat sentenced Artemio Riearte, the former Filipino leader, ta one year's imprisonment on the charge of carrv- ing concealed weapons and to six vears' imprisonment and a fine of £5, troubl«d with head i been . it makes a thorough and [Ian aes Nerve Food, Sic. a box,] i i 150, at all deal rs, or Fein t de Ro. ». Tol ro fast imitat , the gia signature of br. A Ww. i Chas the famous recdipt book au thor, are on every box. 0060 on the charge of conspiracy against the United States government. ------ Candies in fancy boxes, gingers, burnt almonds, Jersey creams, Pal morals, chocolate wafers, ete., fresh at Ferguson's Lover's ant Soap Pawder dusted in Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect: Vigor. the hai grow, and the bath, softens the water and d A New Grocery. Dead Creek, June Clancy has started a grocery in house lately occupied = J. Ww, eock, J. A. Newton has arrived after completing his eontraet of frivin for Allen Bros, Migi A ibort Gaylord and Miss od have retuned after several weeks visiting fiiends a Chap- Laxative Saline for hives and ley heat, only et Cihson's Bed drug store, Oranges, pineapples, bananas, coconnuts at Ferguson's, McDermott's = Holds First We helieve gp archosers of Often the wheat is not likely to fall below We buy w eat in lots on three cent marging for, Sept. or § for PETERBORO-134-180 Hunter st. doors on the plea of benefit ello: 2 but the hospitals apen hearts, "ig to ex- up, and have the Sunday ob served as in a siviliad country, ~ED- WIN PARKER 11. 'vleman ALWAYS THE expires. D0e, SE Cor, King & Yous Se. KINGRTON -xthaaas Chambers Close the | + Tab- home log th ing § picks Cross new

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