Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1904, p. 9

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air in America on 23rd appearance lent nd assortment of Wigs. which and Kemonstrn. EXE HEH . 8 g * re Bags, A , Can. ¥ MNF *® i$ KN ES locks, ° [arlin Lamps CH, centr ms et received of the No kit- e with- se cabi- s dust f, moth oof and )S .. » v larity, be- of perfect- aultless in gent. PANY Ll 3 WAS COMPLETEL GURED BY WARNER'S SAFE CURE discovered In time. Kidney disease works slowlyand steadi ; and often gets a firm holdin - ip it. If you hh h doubt about your condition you should at once J float about in it, or it the least cloudy ar pains when yp '; undice, urinate, eczema, ja sation, fainting pei, paintul ) or as ease has been working a long time. There is not a minute to be lost--get a 50-cent bottle of Safe Cureat your druggist's. cure. It will relieve you at once and effect a SAFE CURE CURES Cure is . 'Warner's Bafe the only certain cure for Bright's disease and all diseases of the kidneys, liver and b . It soothes inflammation and irritati pair the delicate tissues, the organs, restores energy and vigor, and builds up a strong, healthy body. o Cure is made and t to take. ment Sold at all stores or direct; $1 a bottle. AND IMITATIONS. They are worthless and often exceedingly Ask for Warner's Safe Cure; it will cure you. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. sufferer from discases of the Wiveys, liver, bladder bottle will To convince every that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them, a i Also free doctor's advice, and a medical booklet which tells all about these with a prescription for each, and contains many of daily from grateful patients who have been cured by Safe Cure. All you have to do is write Warner's Safe Cure Co., 44 Lombard St., Toronto, Ont., and men! The genuineness of this offer is guaranteed by the publisher. paper. See Our Window Display Odd Dressers and Stands In Oak, Mahogany, or White Enamel. Some perfect designs in oval, or shaped Mirrors. a Also a line of Brass and White Enam- el Iron Beds to match. Pillow Sham Holders that you can fasten to iron or wood bedsteads. Only a few to close out at the present prices, Established 1854. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertake er. Open day and night. Personal services. "Fone 147 for ambulance. Everyday Bargain Day eA McDowall's Music Store. A good Dominion Organ, slight- ly used; original price $125, go- ing now for $25. Pianos from $50 up. All kinds small musical goods ab 4 their original price. WOOD YARD--JUST OPENED Corner of Barrack and Bagot Streets? Hard and Soft Slabs constantly on hand TEST YOUR KIDNEYS AT HOME, Zeizomnmen vulsions. h it ha in the back, uric rheumatic and Tou have pains the Dee re bane biker and arinary organs, calling of hy tains no harmful is free from £ horba, contains uo hassméul drugs Jo S38 from SSA urine stand 24 hours ; if a t forms or if particles rJourkidueyasroubiar)y nnablet SHITY and death KIDNEY DISEASE IN CHICAGO. THIS ONE WILL Pn TAME. A Cut And Dried Affair, And Roosevelt To Be The Candi date--Visitors Are Not Flock- ing To Chicago in Great Num- bers. Special to the Whig. Chicago, June 18.--There is little or nothing in evidence about the streets and public places of Chicago, to-day, that would indicate that republi- can national convention is but three days off. Few visitors have arrived as yet and practically none of the delegates has put in an appearance, excepting those party leaders directly concerned with the arr mts for tion 'the man who furnishes unclean for consumption or to the creamery deserves no consideration. = Unelean milk from one herd may spoil the whole day's receipts 'the dairyman who looks after the comfort of his cows will get the most out of them. He will lessen the cost milk production, which is the same E = a 2 neg hi thing as incr in price. The an ol agric the season: British Columbia can boast of one of two of the best equip- ped and largest creameries in the do- minion. 4 3 washed strainer, milk a utensils used about milk flavor of butter. Cleanli- EE 8 £ the gathering. 'The situation is in most important adjunct SH AVENUE, CHICAGO. sent absolutely free, post- Ao ena of testimonials received name of this Handsome Cabinet Photo of a Celebrated Oil Painting, Also Tin of LAGTATED F00D Sent FREE to Mothers. nsiinenis A handsome full sized cabinet photo of a celebrated oil painting, prepared by one Canada's best photograph- ers, will be sent free with a trial tin of Lactated Food to any mother who has not yet given this famous infant food a trial. No cost to the mother, and it may be the means of saving baby's life. Send name and full post-office ad- dress to The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain Street, Mont- eal, Que. This offer is good till July 30t OTTAWA LADS GOLLEGE A first class residential school for girls and young ladies--in the Capital of the Dominion. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT covers courses Pp! for the University. Music, Art, Elocution, Domestic Science, Stemography, Physical Culture, Etc. SELECTIVE COURSES arranged for Definite aim to dovalop strong, intelli- went, refined Christian 'omanhood. WRITE for CALENDAR containing particulars. Mrs, J. Grant Needh Lady Principal. Rev. 'W. D. Armstrong, .A., D.D., Pres. -------- CLEARS UP MYSTERY. Confessed Murder For Which An- other Suffered. Kansas City, Mo.," June 18.--In sur- rendering himself to the police William Miles, sixty years old, cleared up a murder for which William Waltham spent twenty years in the Montana penitentiary at Butte and subsequent ly went insane. Miles walked into. the Kansas City central police station 4h a dared be had killed John Ed- wards, a railway brakeman, at Deer Lodge, Montana, over twenty years ago. His motive in confessing, he said, was to ease his conscience an clear Waltham's name. Miles is a rail road laborer. ---- There is not a single moment in life that we can aff lose.--Goul- J. GORRIE. without shining them. «wg In 1" _ghoes are shined. IN 10c AND 26¢c BOXES, vement, but meant too much Ru is the perfection : ood points a Paste that embraces the good with none of their faults, One application--one It's made of puse-oiis] Contains no acids or turpentine. AND 18c TUBES. AT burn. striking contrast to the turmoil and confusion that have marked the eve of 'all previous political conventions in Chicago. Viewed in comparison with the con: ventions of former years that of next week is bound to be a tame affair. The thousands of persons throughout the country who make it a point to attend one or the other of the politi- cal conventions every four years would as soon think of missing it as they would of missing the circus on its annual visit to their native heath are likely to be disappointed if they come to Chicago. With the ticket agreed om in ad- vance and little or no difference of opinion among the party managers as to the platform, the republican national convention this year could not be expected to be otherwise than a cut and dried affair. The visitor who comes from a distance to attend the convention does so with the ex tation of secing a wild scramble Por the nomination or a fierce contest over the resolutions with the oratori- cal outbursts and fervid debates that accompany such contests. The public is well aware that the pr ings in the Coliseum next week will be little more than a for- mal ratification of the decisions pre- viously reac! by those in present control of the destinies of the Yopube lican party. There will be no il- liant extempore speeches, or, at least, not to the extent that has characterized former L onvension. The incipal speeches that are to be Pere are already prepared and for the most part are known to the part chiefs. It is safe to say that wit such a ter of epigrams as ex-Gov- ernor Black, of New York, an orator of the "spread-eagle'" variety like Cotton, of Duluth, not to mention a score or more of gifted speakers among the republican members of congress, and all of whom will be called on to address the convention, the gathering can hardly be lacking in interest. At the same time it is not to be denied that a stirring im- promptu speech of the "cross of gold and crown and thorns" brand ap- peals more to the galleries than the studied efforts 'even of the most polished speakers. This, it is felt, is the principal reason why visitors are not flocking to Chicago in any groat numbers at the present time. The St. Louis Souvention Yo weeks hence will undoubtedly be a bi drawing ecard. A tour of the tending (hic: hotels show that they wil be well filled during the coming week, but not overcrowded, as t have been in previous years. The delegates and alternates will make a large crowd in themselves and the number of newspaper men present will prob- ably be larger than ever before. Re- publican w.arching clubs will be on hand, but what will be lacking will be the rousing delegations coming from various states to boom favorite sons. There are no favorite sons this vear and the delegations will stay at_home as a consequence. he sub-committee of the republican national committees, which has charge ters to-day were National Ci man New, of Indiana; Secret El- mer Dover; sergeant-At-Arms Stone, and Charles W. Johnson, of Minne- cota, the general secrotary. At the (Coliseum a small army of carpenters and decorators are working night and day getting in re s jor the eonvention. structure, in addition to having a splendid central location, is admirably ed for a large gathering. In the main build- ing ample accommedations will be provi for the speakers, the dele- gates and alternates, the pew corres) and several spectators. In the annex will be the telegraph rooms, committee rooms and other jes. The Wabash acessori ! N avenue front of the building will be handsomely decorated with flags and bunting as well as the inside of the hall. Smart Weed and Belladonna, com- bined with other ingredients in the best rous plasters, make Carter's S. oy B. Backache Plas- ters the best in the market. Price ALL DEALERS. 2be. of the arrangements for the conven tion: is up to its ears in work. ville, Ont. the busy ones seen shout endo ttee- to the dairy business. When overy- thing is kept clean there is littlo com- plaint of baeteria or trouble. Dairying has become with competi- tion, a complex industry which takes in the whole of breeding, feeding and directing the individuality of the cow as well as a study of grain ratioms and feuding with an understanding of 1p! the prinei of milk-giving. While the merits of the farm separ- ator are generally understood, dairy- men in many instances fail to appre- ciate that it is an invention appli- cable to their own individual condi- tions, and that to everyone separa: ting cream from milk it offers better results. A good dairy converts the vegeta- tion of the farm into a finished pro- duct, and so concentrates it that it can be put upon the market at a low cost for transportation. Grain rais- ing and solling tends to deplete the fertility of farm. Dairying, if properly managed can be made the means of increasing the fertility. AFTER OTHER HELP FAILED. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restore a Young Lady To Full Health And Strength. Doctors and nurses recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills because they have seen their wonderful power to wake new, rich, red blood, and to cure all diseases due to poor blood or weak nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a common medicine. They do not purge 'and hey youtsin_ ue isonous jirge, are safe, Sure Lien stimulating and scientiuc. 'That is why these pills should be tak- en by all who are weak, bloodless, nerveless and sickly. Here is a bit of very positive proof of the wonderful power to conquer disease which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills possess; Miss Es- ther E. Lowis, Lynn, N.B., says: "At the age of sixteen my health failed me completely. At that time I was at- tacked by la grippe; which was fol- lowed by measles, the after eof: fects of which I was left in a deplora- ble condition. I became very pale, sul- fered from headaches, dizziness and want of appetite. I tried several medi- cines, but they did me no good; on the contrary | was growing weaker, and finally became so bad that I would take spells of unconsciousness lasting from fifteen minutes to an hour at a time, and I had become so weak that I could hardly move ab- out. At this stage 1 was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and 1 have good reason to bless the day I began their use. I had only taken them a few weeks when I began to re cover and under their continued use for some time longef I fully regained my former health, 1 wil! be glad if my experience will be of benefit to some other poor sufferer." When buying the pills see hat the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is printeu on the wrapper around each box. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for 82.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- Will Be Free To-Morrow. Special to the Mik. Manchester, N. H., June 185-- A case that attracted wide attention five years ago will come to an end to morrow when H. F. Bailev, former cashier of the Colebrook National Rank, will be released from Hillsboro county jail, afte having compldied a sentence of five years for violating the United States banking laws by per- _mitting depositors fo overdraw their accounts to the @ jo. of. $35,000, y Bank was closed December 28h, 16808, and the affairs of the Colebrook Savings Bank were also tied up for a time on ac count of irregularities. Both institu: tions were found to be solvent, howev- er, and soon resumed business, no depositors losing a dollar. Much sym- pathy was ex for the convicted cashier, as it was generally believed that he had no intention of commit- ing fraud. A scientist clalms to have discover ed liquid sunshine, but it will never beautiful young girls of millions. What would be 'the use of fortune and beau ty, if there was only one man to pos: sons these charms and treasures ? The grandiathers, the fathers of millionaires, as a rule, got rich for the simple object and purpose to have silly children. Silly children are taught the elegant science of expenses, of use- less expenses, and itn.a gréal boon to tradesmen, or other ul men, for they so get back the money the mil lionaire's forerunners had squeezed out of them. Millionaires of both sexes are very proud of their silliness, for it's the on- vy gunial way they have to distinguish themselves. . » . . Well, Miss Elsie Whelan, went to St. Mary's church, at Wayne, Pa, with the bridesmaids, groom and best men to rehearse her marriage ceremony. Miss Alice Roosevelt, the lovely daughter of the strenuous president of the United States, was one of the bridesmaids. The organist was late and M. Goelet and Miss Elsie, while waiting for the musical gentleman, had to stand very many good-humor- ed jokes from the attending party. It was a rich display of select cheap wittiness. At last the ceremony of the re hearsal and was repeated three \ began times. One of the ushers or masters of ceremony got angry at a certain mo- ment and said so, for the bridesmaids kept time with their heels and tips of their parasols on the pavement of the holy sanctuary, Miss Alice Roosevelt, his unti Elsie had fou fun, quite new, to music, with heels joke, thus approved Miss. Alice, refined, and the keeping time was ac: centuated with a vim. At a critical moment, Mrs. Craig Biddle, the matron of honor, came to the front, when she had to raise the bride's veil. But she could not do it, while' holding her parasol. What was she to do? Grave question. M. Ogden Mills, another playful 'millionaire said to her: "Well, tuck it under your arm." "No," said Miss Harrison, "let the bride hold it." "Horror," t in M. Chanteelair, a leader in Then followed a long and serious de bate. At last it was decided that the matron would lav her parasol on the chancel steps. This ended this sensa- tional controversy. y Three times the rehearsal took place, as | said, and after the third time it was pronounced to he perfect. Of course, Miss Elsie Whelan's vown is from Paris, and an airy floating crea- tion at that. The bridesmaids will have pink dresses and parasols. And after this if M. Goelot and Miss Whel- an are pot happy in marriage, I would like to face the man who dares to sav the contrary. And if divorce intervenes, one of these diys, as the thing happens at times in the best regulated communities, it will simply be one of these voluntary divorces which please both parties, In the meanwhile, while marriage lasts, the two will be happy but wont have many children. * . . » Mind vou, 1 don't: despise million- aires, on the contrary 1 envy them ; and if 1 was one of them, 1 would likely be proud to be as sillv as they are. Unhappily T am not a million aire, so'I write spiteful things against those that are. What a pitv thourh I am not a millionaire, for if T was 1 would build a summer hotel, suppress the curfew and cut down the dead limbs and trees, from our streets and parks; I would not forget even the green sward around our armoury. appeal to a like the liquid moonshine of his native state. To om rt vn "3 makes the part you do see; worth ) seeing. Sa ments. But they tell in and fit of ** Fit-Reform" C Tlines and is a work of art., will find in it the maximum TW Shirt Waists Shirt Waist 8 jous array of Shirt Waists jon the Second STRIPED PRINT SHIRT WAIST SUITS 39, 34 and 36, special price POLKA DOT PERCALE SUITS, sises WANE sATIIN SHIRT WAIST SUITS, . WHITE SATEEN JEAN AND P, sw ri SKI JAPAN SILK "ROYAL" WAISTS, catohily trimmed tion, a waist you'll enthuse over . he C2 ile,

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