Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1904, p. 3

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: sal- usness and constipg. new discovery A NT]. rvellous uence in or rebellions results that follow... ® most perfect, help to 21 wrong, out of sorts, sick. It brightens you feel better, 5 druggises or Wilson. Falls, Ont, n by W. 11 Med FLAKE NG ER ? pute and contains not 3 m Or ammow . Ib, Dy ylor Drug Co, t. "Phone 59, ---- hosphodine, The Great English Ry he is an old, well estab. aod reliable preparation. Has been preseribed and used over dU years, All dmg. gists in the minion of Canada sell and " recommend as bein, the only medicine of its kind that curesand tion. It promptly and rms of Nervous Weal watorrhora, Impotency, excossos ; the exenccive or Stimulants, Mental which load to Inflrmity, nd an Early Grave. or six for &. Ome will failed prompty on re- reo pamphlet. Addross vod Cemparny, dsor, 01%, Canada, @ is sold by all 960000 ft's ® ¢ é = = = -- teed. T & GO. 135. 200000000000 3 ® ® ® 6640 LES $45. ing Machin plies for all. ime. bs & Co. » Street. ST OPENED Bagot Streets istantly on hand RIE. RS ention as usual, 11's Pickles, yuces, Chip ter Crack- ed Meats. Grocer 'Phone Gore street; ton and sium MAN LICENSES, INSURANCE. ] street. ydenham St. ume 23rd, Returni ane oth, Jou, Teturing on 5 . + Single First-Class Fare "odd going Thursday, June 30th, gug Fra July 1st. @ood returning on or before Monday, July. 4th, 1904. For Pullman accommodation, tickets, and' all other information, apply to " « FP. HANLEY, Aguut, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN "* PACIFIC RAILWAYS. -- ' 60 E I Humeseekers' 5%. Excursions : --TO-- Winnipeg - - $30 00 ; Regina Sn Mow Moose Jaw oon 31% Kameack { tw J Swan Kiver ° igisien | Saskatoon HB 2 Mi 20 at - 9% Lin i Prince Albert *6 00 aringe J Macleod 38 00 PBiuacan ! . Moogomin | BB | one LL gy Arold er + BMW | Bed Door 20 50 Yorkton j 90) ess ow Going JUNB 14th, 28th and JULY 19th. Returning until Aug. 15th, 29th and Sept. 20th, respectively Train leaves Kingston 8:10 am Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F.A.FOLGER,JR., Sen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local pints. Train leaves City Hall De pot "at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent, B. Ry., Kingston. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR,. "NORTH KING" BETWEEN ROCHESTER, KINGSTON, 1000 ISLANDS Commencing May 29th, steamer icaves or 1,000 Islands, Sunday, at 10:17 Electrical Work Consult Breck & Halliday, practical Electricians, Prin- cess Street. Screen Doors » and Windows, - STRACHAN'S HARDWARE -- rincens Street. CARRIAGE PAINTING Give us a call for First-class Carriage Painting. R. MOLONY, CLARENCE STREET, Next to Wilson's Livery, KINGSTON'S IGE GREAM PARLOR 184 PRINCESS STREET. Fresh Ice Cream, made of pure cream. Fresh Candy, 10c. pound. ! Good Chocolates, 20c. 1b, G. B. Chocolates, all prices. LET ME HAVE YOUR SALE And 1 will guarantees you satistac- tory results. We don't brag, but per {orm the work. Nothing sacrificed, put pour best interest studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. ~ ENJOY A DRIVE? Them make it doubly emjoyable by en- waging 'ohe of our lnc turnouts, and showy horses. HARDING'S LIVERY, 210 Wellington St. "Phone 236. CAPILLI FORMA A glean, healthy tonie, produces a luxuriant growth of hair at any age, prevents y hair, is a posflive cure for HEADACHE, NEURALG DAND- DRUFF AND ECZEMA, eo Mustaches and other tonsorial pu Munufactured and sold by MME. § DER, at the Canadian Gunagathon lors, 251 Princess street, Kingston, FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE Consult with Geo. Cliff before buying, at 95 Clarence strest. R Par am. amd for Bay of Quinte ports and Rechester, N.Y., at 500 p.m. Connection at ltochester with Baggage checked through all ailways. to all points. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves daily, except Sunday, for Day of Quinte ports at 3:00 p.m. J.P. Hanley, Jas. Swift & Co., Gil- dersleave & Kirkpatrick Agents. ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. Kr Montreal. From Quebec iavArian June 17, 4 a.m. June 17, 3 pn 5 an, J une 24, 9 a.m. June 2410 pn Cabin--Bavarian, Tunisian and , $75 and upwards, Parisian, $70 | upwards. ond Cabin--Liverpool and ILondon- pty, Bavarian, Tunisian, d_lonian, $45. and $42.50. Parisian, $ , Lon- , $3.50 extra. bt Py Class--Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Londom, $26. MONTRPAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Meith, .. .. .. .. June 29th, (daylight) NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. EAurepban, .. .... June 23rd, 12 noon NLEY, Agent, G R. City Siatmrer eas" Aft ST ho E, Clarence Street. Daily Line od uk Better Than Ever MYERS' CELEBRATED HOM I- Maude Mince Meat, Pork Sausages, Ten- derloin, Brawn or Head Cheese. All kinds of Cooked Meats, Dacon and Hams. All to be found at 60 Brock strect. 'Phone 570. Elephant Mixed Paints DONALD EPISODE. m---------- ports for the IS will refresh his memory, Hon. Mackenzie Bowell was plain Major Bowell, the" Belleville struggling weekly town paper. Adjutant-General McDougall, a Brit ish officer who. was then commander made a public attack upon Major Bo well, similar to that made upon Hon Dundonald. Adjutant-General Mele u- gall held to that recently donald. Major Bowell held by Lord Dun attacked General Me er was given: the choice of two cours ®--10 resign or be dismissed. He re signed. This was a if any were needed. The reason given by Adjutant-Gener- al McDougall for his the interference of the with his appointments. With but little difference the incident bears an exact similarity Dundonald. Dougall resigned rather than be dis ibid, General Lord Dundonald re- fused to resign and courted dismissal Lieut.-Col. Jarvis, then deputy ad- intant general at Kingston, gave au- thority to. Lieut.-Col. David Shaw, brigade-major, Kingston, fo make cer. tain appointments. In a letter to him he named the day for making the ap- pointments Upon Col. Jarvis' return to Kino- he declared the appointments had been made too late. A court of inquiry was held and re- sulted in the suspension for several months of Litut.-Col. Shaw. The Macdonald government infer vened and removed the order of sus pension, at the same time condemning the action of Adjutant-General Mc Dougall, to whom the deputy-adjutant had reported. For this the adjutant-gentral made an attack on Major Mackenzie Bowell, then a member of the House of Com. mons, for what he had said upon the subject in the house, In parliament Mackenzie Bowell said that he had the liberty to sav what he liked to the house about even superior officer in militia. The action of the government in up holding the subordinate led to the re- signation of the adjutant-gencral. ston, his SKIFFS FOR SALE. NEW, BEST WHITE CEDAR, VARN- ished, 17 to 18 ft Apply to A. McCorkill, boat builder, corner Gore and Ontario street FOR SALE OR TO-LET FURN. ; ISHED FORGE STREET. Wm. Lesslie BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND ROARD bath, etc, 102 Bagot street, near Oitv Park Reasonable rates ' © EDUCATIONAL. KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unecqualled "facilities for securing posi- APPLY tons Largest and lest equipment in Canada 321 Queen street, SEND FOR Confederation Life ~ TO-LET. Kingston. CATALOGUE 4 1. q. Toronte, Charlotte, Th , Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Leave Kingston daily, except Monday. Geing East, 6 am. Going West, 5 jr. m x Kingston to Clayton 1,000 Island Ports, 'Brockville or Prescott, gong and Single fare I and return. Ggo- 4 Returning returning Sunday only Kingston to Montre ing Saturday or S GARR. Monday Ramiiton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and : Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: on EAST--Wednesdays, Sundays, at 4:30 p.m. "Ho a WEST Tuesdays, Thursdays, R Saturde s, at 11:30 p.m 3%! NLEY, "JAS. SWIFT & CO .Tiekes Agent. Freight Agent QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. Rive and Gulf of St. Lawrence Craises In Cool Latitudes Fridays, ° Screw Iron SS. * Campana," wi ectric lights, electric bells and all nu 3 fort. 8 FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 2 p.n., 6th and 20th June 4th dnd 18th July: Ist. 15th and 29th August; 1ith and 26th September, for Pictou, N.S, calling at Quebec, Father i , Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape @rand River, Summerside, PI and Charlottetown, P.E.I : The finest trip of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec For tickets and staterooms apply 10 s. P.OHANLEY, or J. P. GIKDER- SLEBVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont HONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available asse! ,187,215. In addition to which policy holders have for security the umlimited limbility. of all the stockholders. Farm agd city Property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving Bow business get rates from Strange & ments. Moxmy AN IN LARGE OR mall aon low rates of interes! O8 city and farm property. Loans &fanted on city and county deben- tures. Apply to S. C. McGill, man- ager of Frontenac Loan and Invest- ment Society, Office opposite the ost Office. ------------------------ OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings wnd contents than anv oth. er company offers. Iixamine them at WELL FURNISHED HOUSE, DEAUTI- fully situated, opposite City Park, on West street, with all modern con- veniences. For particulars apply to Mrs. Wilkinson, 134 Bagot strect STORAGE IN THE STEARN BUILD- ing, 200 King street, rat and mouse proo J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock street BOATHOUSE--WILL TAKE A STEAM vacht #2 jeet long. Plenty of water S. Anglin & Co ARCHITECTS. ------------ ey ." NEWLANDS, ARCHITEJUT, OF- Tl second floor over Mahood's drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street. Telephone GOB "HU ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- ARH of New Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. ER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- PO Bank Ruilding, corner Brock " and Wellington strects. 'Phone 2132 ee ------------------------------ INT 8. SMITH, ARCHITECT, HENRY Anchor Building, Market Square, 'Phvge I FOR SALE. STACHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE Reva Street, near Princess street, 7 rooms. Lot 66 feet front, by 154 feet deep. Lots of room is build. Also good barn, sheds an large poultry house. Apply through Whig office. on. Alexander Mackenzie, then leader of the opposition, asked that all correspondence relating to the mat- ter be given to parliament. He stated the case to be that Col. Shaw had been dismissed by the adjutant-genor al. but that the dismissal was disal lowed by the ernor-general, or, as the premier, Sir John A Macdonald, had said. the commander in-chiof. He considered it a public grievance that an officer who eved his superior should be allowed to retain his posi tion. : The conservative government had thus interfered to upheld an act of in- sithordination. Tl did it because dis Shaw was a conservative. Sir George E. Cartivr, minister of militia, refused to bring down the papers as they related to a court of inquiry, The adjntant-general, in 1869, dis charged the duties also of general-of ficer-commanding. The adjutant -gener- al who resigned was Col. Patrick Leo nard McDougall, appointed Mav 13th, IN65, and resigned Mav 5th. 1869. He was succeeded bv Col. Patrick Ross. The whole trouble was over the rvin statement of Lient.-Col. Shaw as bri gade major in Kingston. Literary Notes. Scribner's Magazine for Julv con tains an ar » on the negro problem by Thomas Nelson Page, which sum marizgs in vigorous fashion the conclu Ty his investigations have brought regarding "The Disfranchise ment of the Negro--the result of the so-called "grandfather clauses" which Southern States have adopted v gives it as deliberate belief that "the disfranchisement of the main body of the negro race in the South ern States was a weasure of high ne cossity, and for the permanent welfare of both races. Captain Mahan tells of the campaign on Lakes Ontario and Erie in 1813. Tulv. Suggestion, a magazine of the many New Psychology, Chicago, makes an attempt at a scientific explanation of the cures made hy Christian Scien- tists. It admits the genuineness ot these cures, but élaims they are all due to natural laws, easily under wl. and that the same laws explain all vs, whether made bv regular physicians or faith healers. W. A. Fraser, a favorite writer of fiction, wifether it be of horse races or life. bas written a story for t Red Book, Chicagp, in which ht returns to his fascinating Burmese field for dent and color. "Taunla the Dacoit," is excitable enouch for the most exacting reader. Walter Whitchead has made the illustrations 16 2 2 CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH, 2 NE Robes, and Double Set of Harmess, nearly new Can be seen at 146 Ordnance Street, at any time. NEW, BUILT- SRLS, WITH NEW ; LT-UP WHEELS, WITH NE Xe YL Brake, only $4.35 each Fverything at equally prices I low Bicycle Munson, Toronte, THE (FELLING AND PREM- THE SHOT 34 Drincoss. street, occuvi- ives, No Apply to John ed by Maker Bres Solicitor Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system wi ente; it the mucous surfaces Sua ar icles should mever be used except on b escriptions from reputable physiciass, as the damage they will do is tem fold to the Xood. you cam possibly derive from them all's Catarrh Cure. man- ufactured by F. J. Cheney £ Co. 7c ledo, O., contains mo mercury, and taken internally, acting directly wpon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure vou get the genuine. It is Godwin"s Insurance Emporium, Mark quarg. Mudie J ; LOT, SOUTH SIDE yoo! RUILIBRY, von Montreal and Quen Apply 49 Colborne street ih TABLE, CAROM. NEW BILLIARD 7 ARLE, CARON, NES Sr Ay h Whig Off AN Al THIRT STEAM . re through Office TORY INCIDENT RECALLED BY THE DUN- Upheld The Act of an Insubordi- nate Officer Because He Was a parliamentary session of then M.P., editor of Intelligencer, then a in-chief of her majesty's loyal militia, Sydney Fisher by Major-General Lord the position corresponding Dougall in parliament, and that offic- conservative precedent, resignation was government b to the one just closed by the dismissal of Lord There is this difference: General Me- bursting on his motor car when run a Are Coming To Market--Picton nals. place Sunday, at Black River Bridge on Thursday, aged Glen: forty-six. goodly number go there, especially on Conservative--An Affair Of Sunday afternoons to sit and rest. G. cestors Distinguished in Mili- 1869 Recalled, 'Lest we |W. Morden, late science master at tary And Afai Forget." . the high school, has come over from . Naval xs, Ottawa Free Press. George school, Buck's County, Pa., to : There are probably = few gentlemen lis a story of long, long ago, | $Peud the summer in oud about town. | in Canada who would seek publica- though no doubt Hon. Mackenzie Bo- Percy Williamson, Union Bank, is Son of the detail of their Pursanality well will recall jt. down from Wiarton on his holidays. with less zeal that Lord Aylmer, who Should he forget, the Hansard re. | L. C. Gilbert and Frost 'Thorne, ure [ix defacto general office commanding home from Toronto. James Shannon has taken up residence in Dingman's house, Main strett, cast. H. S. Wil cock's suffered a Severe sprain of the ankle on Saturday. Mrs. H. 8. Wil eocks, who has been spending several days recently in Adolphustown, re- turned Friday. After a three weeks' visit in Mont- real, Nrs. J. F. Beringer, wife of the United States consul, has returned. A. W. Hepburn is home from his westorn trip. By sixteen to cleven, Picton was victorious against Wellington in her own village, Fridav afternoon. Gerald Norman, Metropolitan bank, Welling ton was in town on Sunday. Mr. Woodworth, principal of the publi¢ school gave the entrance class a picnic to the Sand on Saturday. R. G. Keith Hepburn, assistant purser on the steamer Alexandria, was in town over Saturday and Sunday. Master Drummond Burn is up from Ottawa. visiting at the Bank of Montreal. Mrs. Herbert MeMulln, Chicago, gave a beautiful violin solo at the evening service in the Fipst Methodist church, Sunday. Mrs. McMullen has a finished artist's touch and plays with excel lent expression. Miss Lane and Fred. W. Routlev. Parkdale, sang a duct in the First Methodist church Sunday evening. The steamer Aberdeen and tow, Rob Roy, have eared port, The steambargp Waterlily is unloading soft coal at Hepburn's wharf for Wright's canning factory. The first of the Nia gara's popular excursions, Saturday, to Belleville, was fairly well attenuated, C. H. Widdifield's sail yacht was launched on Saturday. The schooner A. Falconer is in with coal for Hughes, Miss Minnie Porter is up from Mon- treal for the sum Master Price Drummond, who has been staying with his uncle, George Drummond, at the Bank of Montreal, for the past vear, returned to his howe in Montreal on Monday. With the warm, sunny days of the past week, strawberries, have commenced to come in rather plentiful- ly. From 12¢. on Saturday. they fell to Yc. and 10e. to-day. Farmers sav that if a shower comes the crop will be large. Factories will be at them hy the latter «nd of the week or first of ntxt, sure. Peas will be ready for the factories in two weeks and in a fow places in ten days. Hay is a big crop seemingly, throughout the country Fred. W. Routley sang "desu, I of My Soul," at the me rning service in St. Mary Magdalene's. Picton bas been visited many times by autos, the in habitants have read about them and seen' the pictures in magazines, ete. but now its the grim reality, a recent Iv purchased automobile owned by G. M. Farrington. ] ------------ A $1.75 DEPUTATION. Ald. Bassam Wanted One Sent To Ottawa. Alderman Bassam wanted the city council ; 10" take advantage of the cheap excursion to Ottawa to-morrow to send a deputation for the purpose of interviewing the. minister of public works regarding the building of a post office or examining warehouse on Clarence street between the present customs house and - post office. When some aldermen ---- at the idea, the man from Victoria ward declared that the city would get nothing if it didn't wry, and the proper way to do was to keep urging. Alderman as sam shot a sharp, steel pointed ar row at Aldermen McLeod and King, when he re d them that the de putation would cost a great deal less than the subway deputation which last year's conservative council sent to Ottawa, and which has put the city 'to such enormous expense an trouble. Alderman King replied that he didn't think the city of Kingston would have the nerve to send another deputation anywhere until at feast six months had passed. Ald rman Bassam moved a regolution and in putting it to council the mayor asked for the vote of those in favor of seud ing a 8L75 deputation te Ottawa Alderman Bassam changed his resolu tion at the suggestion of Alderman Mowat, arranging first for a visit of the deputation to Hon. Mr. Harty at his office here. One Of The Vilest Diseases. Is catarshi which first attacks the nose amd throat and finally spread: all thbdugh the system. The one sure gure is fragrant healing Catarthgzone which is gent by the air vou breath dircet to the root of the trouble. T. Y. MacVicar, of Yar mouth, suflered for years from catarrh and says. "In nv long experience with this loath<ome disease 1 never used any remedy that relieved and cured «« promptly a: Catarrhozone. When my nostrils were so stuffed up that | couldn't breathe | found a few inhal ations of Catarrhozone was sufficient to clear away, the mucous. 1 am per feetly cured by (atarrhozone and free from the disease entirely." Use only Catarrhozone. Complete outfit, £1; trial size, 25c. ---- 14th Ready For Inspection. The 14th Regiment drilled in the Cricket Field last night, the march past being the principle formation gone through. This is the last drill preparatory to inspection. To-morrow evening, companies 1, 2°and 3 will he inspected, and on Thursday evening companies 4, 5 and 6, On Friday ev ening in the Cricket Field, Col. Buch an, D.O.&., will inspect the whole re giment. Every member of it who wish es to go on the trip to Syracuse, N. Y., must attend the inspection. The regiment is up to full strength. and is well drilled, while the bands on the march are doing grand work, The Marques D'Andifiret Pasquier died in Paris, as the result of a tire Picton, June 20.~ "he funeral took of Cynthia Jane Grimmon, who died wood cemetery is looking, beautiful; a GENERAL ' OFFICER COM: .| MANDING THE MILITIA. A Man of Great Tact--Is Descend- ed From a Long Line of An- the Canadian militia. He bears an J ancient. and honorable name. If cor tain distinguished heralds are proper. ly informed, one of his ancestors was brother to the good King Alfred. The histuty of his ily sie the six- centh century sparkles with good works of many kinds. The present Lord Aylmer's father was a member of a cadet! branch of the family hich had sottled in Virginia. The main stoek is Irish, but there is an infusion of Cornish and Huguenot, a three sided crystal which shows ne flaw. Lord Aylmer, however, has never soaght publicity. His title as an Irish peer has carried with it no consider. able estate. He plays manfully and well, though humbly, the weight of the civil servant's task. Neither him- self nor Lady Aylmer-a daughter of the man who originated the project of a deep water ship channel between Montreal and Quebee-- have ever tried to thrust themselves into that curious mixture of the- real and the false which is known as Ottawa soeiety. Aylmer, in his official capacity, in a man of unfailing tact. It is true that he has not been called to do many big things in the course of his de- partwmental duties, but he has shown himself able to do them. He is be- loved of all in the militia department whose claws he has not aided at clipping. He is now in his sixty-third vear, He does not look it. He carries him- self like another Sam Hughes. His hair is grizzled, but not grey. Ho is not bald. He is said to he a martinet in the enforcoment of his commands in the department, but ho strikes the outsider as a reserved, incisivoly speaking and clean Canadian gentle: man, with all that the term Cana dian gentleman implies, Burke's Peerage says : Thee Baron Aylmer (Sir Matthew Aylmer), of Balrath, county Meath, and a Baronet of Ireland, late lieu- tenant 7th Royal Fusiliers, now colonel and adjutant-general Cana- dian militia, succeeded his father as eighth baron, 20th November, 1901; born 28th March, 1842; married 20th October, 1873, Amy Gertrude, socond daughter of the Hon. John Young, of Montreal, and has issue. The issue in three sons and two daughters, The beginning of the lineage is set at Sir Gerald Aylmer, knight of Dollards- town, Meath, Lord Chief Justice of "mw THE SAWYER 212 PRINCESS ST. baron bears, was a distinguished na- val officer' in the reign James II, and after the Revolution rear-admiral of the Red. He was clovated to the peerage in 1718, by the title of Lord Aylmer, Baron = Balrath, county Meath, and was appointed in 1720 rear-admiral of Groat Britain, The fifth baron, another Matthow, generil in the army, colonel of the ISth Foot. and G.C.B,, assumed the name of Whitworth before that of Aylmer, and the arms of Whitworth in addition to those of Aylmer, by royal license in 1525, at the death of his uncle, Charles, Earl Whitworth, The sixth baron, Frederick William, who died in 1830, was admiral, K.C. B. and K.S.F. He was sucesedod by his cousin, the seventh baron, Udol- phus by name, father of the present baron. who had previously come to Canada to- seek his fortune in farm- ing in the eastern townships. He was a colonel in the Canadian militim, but lived at his huts in Melbourne, Quebec, the simple life of a _Cqnadian country db The Arte its several branches shows many names distinguished in the service of the country throvgh the army or navy or church. The prosent Lord Aylmer was born at Melbourne in 1542. He was educa tod at the high school, Montreal, at St. Frances College, Richmond, and at Trinity College, Dublin. He entered the army as ensign, in the 9th Royal Fusiliors, at Malta, in 1864, and ser- ved with the regiment in the Mediter- rancan, Canada and England. He went through the Fenian Raid of 1866, and wax at the skirmishes at 8t. Armand and Pigeon Hill, He re- tired from the eorvice in 1870, and re- turned to hix father's home. He was adjutant of the 54th Regiment, com- manded hy his father, in the second Fenian Raid. He was appointed dine trict pavmaster in 1871, brigade major in 1874, and was transferred to Ireland. who died in 1560. The first Baron Avimer, whose bap- tismal name, Matthew, the present A Crime A Trial The Verdict And even 10 days' trial w.ll show roally big improvomont, fur thors is a TUM and it will net take long to shiw oven ia the worst, sickest, broken-down and howl "Nonsense, colfso dou't hirt me, why I've drankit all my life," something. If yoa say like thouvan 1s of others "'soffoo don't hart" you do find out you're wrong, ard 10 d .ye trial of POSTUM WILL nternally and made fm Toledo, io by Foal. Chepey & Co. Testi: onials free a > w" Sold by X DPruggists. Price, T5¢. per boreke Hell's Family Pills for eon- stipstion. ning at fifty'six miles au hour, ret + ee ---- London in 1881. In 1803 he was call- ed to headquarters as assistant ad- od 4 the ont oh contingent at the diamond Vaprous As he rocks o'er gol B Rest his halt Torwed ER al y sleeps. : Hark ! that little" troubled sigh, Baby d 3 y dreams. & Gatheriag round from 's rim, Ecrie shapes gro SER TU Distant, vague, they ce him, ! CRRA Gua 2 2 v Tt baby's d Incense seems to Sil the air, Angels, ERE Mystic converse with Visit baby's WE rE 2 ¥ With a sigh of volt content, al Baby w i Phy y pA God it : es lm with Fare SL Sebi i A Colorado judge, before. the or's congtems at Chicago, wade remarkable statement that half of the murders jutant-general, and in 1896 was eleva- Your Sn ies of ula such so Bt shin your. trouble or nervons tho nervons trouble ocffoo has beon PROVED to bo the on troubles, -------- In ouffve's place 10 days of a robuildiag agout that is p Erp io at all a drug usually a hs snd that's just POBTUM'S job to rebuild cells in brain and nerve ceutres. The POSTUM has the fine color and mont Java aod What fue with rich Sram a fow days the o'd coffeo ails disappear" to like delicions POSTUM for its owa flavor wud for the fed feoling that follows tho use of this tee fool-drink. puroet cereals only). Is always ia POSTUM'S favor for the reason th the most fastidious yo ph peti Sol, fot place sc far as ths te goes Body, feel as if you have taken a new lease of life, a taste of glow of health that canoot possibly come so lo liko eoffee is made a part of the daily diet. ed u will feel better il you eat out the taken its feel if you dridk eoffeo, drink well-boiled POSTUM in its place taste of The Joy of Living Then Put Aside the Drug-drink for a Short While and Try i POSTU geoat, geanl myssags br hamAaity in but SHOW There's a Reason. cal 8 Get the little book, * The Road in Wellville, " in each package. 3 course, bat sti'l ouly a slight form of dyspep.ia, or y a slig! ia pep 08 may eofloe DIRECTLY the nerves, stomach, in sore oyes or piles you are on'y gaming, The reward is BIG if aU rs from McAuley's store, "don't E, use of thee aod ai en is pleasant, The rim is flavor | ay s. bly you would like ooffse toper. Don't sik on thy fence make a little trial that will prove

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