ting a cool hot-weather shore. We rood deal of wear, Straw ts, and kin- C, $6.50, 7, 3 at $10 and EE ---- asy e'll satis- doubt in rchase of ) @ etain the ing here ir goods xcellence th every ry mode- --~ wey hoe Store. ©0996 cCe@9e tomer of (g) e quality @ ly it is? @ en switch 00 ©90v [ ill show ten nditions cosh Sept. is cheap and upwards Yonge Sts. 8s Chambers. Ee ---- ce bream CITY. colate or ruit, de- ny size, 11k. rincess St. ham's Vegetable Compound, "DEAR Mgs. PINknAM: --1I suffered | with stomach complaint for years, got 50 bad that I could not carry m children but five months, then would have a miscargiage. The last time I became pregnant, my husband got me | Brownfield, ydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. After taking the st bottle I was relieved of the sick. of stomach, and began to feel bet- n every way. I continued its use was enabled to catry my baby to aiurity. I now have a nice baby giv), snd ean work better than I ever could before. Iamlilea new woman." - Second St. Meriden, Conn. -- g5000 forfeit if original of @3vie letter proving genuineness cannot be proguced, FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO to take =- Mis. FRANK Beyer, 29 § WOMAN, Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham. She will understand yourcase perfectly, and will treat Jon with kindness. Her advice «free, and the address is Lynn, Mass. No woman ever regretted having written her, and she has helped thousands, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Grand Masonic Convention--Hon- orary Gifts From Craft. Edmonton," Alta. June 13. (To the Editor) : The - ty v-ninth annual session of the Masonic grand lodge of Manitoba and the North West i tories has just closed. Upwards of 200 delegates were present. who, with the Jocal members, madh n arly 100 present. The new Masonic h; was dedicated at the opening of ' sion by the retiring grand master, Dr. Brathwaite, assisted bv tl gra lodge 'offic An At Hom was given by the local members on hur day evening, at which about 1.5800 members and citizen ere Rev. Mr. Chishoh MeGre was ele 1 to the che grand ter for ahe cnsn During the session Judge Myers, Win nipeg, and J. J. Dunby. Edmonton, were made the recipients of honorary gifts by the craft. Strange toisay. the last day of the ""gesdion was one of the worst davs wo have had this spring. It in rain ing in the morning, and continued throughout the whole day and nicht. The only damage done by the rain was to the contractors. The large cellars of the new MeDougall & cord block, and the Hudson Bay com pany block were left in a desperate condition by the coming in of the side walls. They were just ready for the stone work. Little words are the sweetest ; littl charities fly farthest, and stay or on the wing; little lakes are stillest, and little hearts the fulles nd litth farms the best tilled. Little hooks ar the most read, and litte songs the most 'loved. And, when Nature would make anything especiall rar and beautiful, she makes it beautiful, she makes it littl tle pearls, little dia monds, little dews. Everyday Bargain Day McDowall's Music Store. A good Dominion Organ, slight- ly used; original price $125, go- ing now for $25. Pianos from $50 up. All kinds small musical goods ad 4 their original'price. Wood =n« Coal We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood ww: Coal Scssowrncncsussscccounen Window Screens TO ORDER. Made to fit window. SCREEN DOORS, etc. S. ANGLIN & 00., Foot of Wellington St. Wessessvswenanscocoue Perscancavcvecssscocon Auction Sale of Furniture, Watch for Particulars. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. THE Dany wma, HE IS OUT NOW. Questions, HE IS ABLE TO REVEAL REAL | The resolution of Rev. Dr. Langtry was' unanimously adopted : * That this Synod offers hearty congratula- tions to Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational brethren, on the as- d prospect of the speedy attain. ment of the corporate union of these three communions in one body. It feels that such a consummation will be a News | proclamation to the world of the evil 'Eram rom [of that spirit of divi at [shattered the Christian host, has account | alienated. brethren, and is a direct contradiction of the Will of our Bless- if away about seve time he will visit 's of the old world. n weeks during which the leading musical Gold in the town the end of last week. street, "and who will be at the ball to- | The Russians Have Plenty of Sup- plies, And The Fortress is in | sure Danger of Falling Just Carter has returned from visit to Moatreal ® . * . The yrge "At Home" giv The "many friends of Mrs. Drury, in hon \ Alfred street, will be that owing to iliness she received a speeial call of his release from the situation inside tl besieged fort: {ed Lord." PSS 3 Dr. Langtry recalled that the first motion made on Canada, in behalf of union, was made by himself in Mont- ard a Chinese [real, in 1882. At a conference with the Presbyterians all points were set- tled except one and their Presbyterian brethren were to call them to another conference, but this bad not been done, e hall this evening. Port Arthur and \fter spending five days in a Russian prison | released and put on 1 junk and sent to this place, ) ! i was Mabel Gildersloeve, Muriel Balfour, of Many women are denied the? happiness of children through derangement of the generative | ii organs. Mrs. Beyer advises |!" "sv women to use Lydia E. Pink Spangenberg goes Port Ottawa to-morrow, and also in keeping up h are Arthur spread by the Japanese tion which. is one ie untrue, as stores and { stantly arriving at th besieged city -- Japanese Abolish The Bar. The report of the committee on tem- perance reform was adopted, deprecat- ed the treating habit and the promise ants in houscholds, advocated the abolition of the bar, ps have all fang tho supersession of private by '1 | public control. A measure of total prohibition was against the best in- ! terests of the province ; it would create Place is in 4 new criminal 'class. On the other hand they held * local option," expeci- ally in villages contiguous to towns or cities to be effective and practicable, This committee was re-appointed, Rev, of the difficultics of Joim Waddell intends spending are con t Chicago in about between the and aiviliang 'ream was served | and Miss Ara Drury, flit] Im cen construct ed and in my opinion the a-table was adorned with, , no immediate danger f falling into 8 and » made on the 8th i was cgsily to blockade enter Port Arthur sine No Further Advance. re Ja no PRODUCE AND PRICES. § Local Markets. Kingston, June 21 Bakers' | that the manner of holding chure ; farmers' military service be changed. Hungari- Rev. J. P. Lewis said parades utter ly demoralized the Sunday schools. It was a shawe that some who had been \ (members of the Synod had taken part in" Sunday golf, and were thus setting a bad example. In relation to Sunday concerts, if the Anglican Church set a high standard the other churches , 98c. [Would be influenced to do better, antl Canadian Rev. A. H. Baldwin did not think much harm was done, If the military parades were to be. discontinued, then barley, [the Salvation Army might he included; a [the Methodist concerts on Sunday, such as held in Sherbourne street church, were a thousand times more to | destructive in their influence, He was a | 8 Sabbatarian, never used Sunday cars, and did not read novels or news- . a lb.: | papers. But he was not a prosecuting ' | Sabbatarian, and did not belong to the Lord's Day Aliance. He objected strongly to Sunday dinner parties, one of the curses of the city, and to an patent, 82.60 to ® 35 + ton; shorts, 7 ton; d hay, $12 t David Maclaren, Miss Maclavon and Miss Irene Bate, Ottawa, the city for the R.M.C, ball this eva ; dressed hogs, a ONTARIO" PARK. songs were also well Differences Very Great. tween the eivie fin city could think of giving. ion which cupus use of intox Charles L. Inglis being chairman. was unanimously adopted. A Warm Sunday Breeze. Govern The Sunday military parades were dis- cussed with vigor, and as a result the Bishap of Toronto and a committee will wait upon the D.0.C., Col. Otter, and other military authorities, askin, port if the others were, Canon Welch saw immehse advantage in the gathering of 2,000 men for re- . | ligiopd service. The evils had been © | absurdly exaggerated. The military service was an acknowledgement of the governmént of God. He deplored the growing practice of Sunday teas given of society, who had amply opportunity to entertain on oth- |er days. He protested against the ap: pointment of the first Sunday after Easter as * Lord's Day Alliance." He declined to observe it, as he preferred by the leaders to obey the prayer book rather than the Synod. Rev. G. A. M. Kuhring pointed out The preparations began early in the morning. Houscholds were disturbed, and also ¢hurches and communions. The men got home too late to go to church in the evening. Garrison par- ades also gave the opportunity to en- tertain at Sunday teas, which wers a disgrace, - No one wanted the parade discontinued if it could he held quiet ly. The shortest road to Massey hall was not all the way around the city. Rev. Mr. Baldwin thought St. An- drew's, St. George's, and other socie- {ties should also be prevented from holding parades. It was not fair to | #it upon one boy and let the others go | Hon. S. H. Blake deplored the use of | | E parades were not a small matter, | | automobiles, bicycles and other thin which took the people away from the | city. The military parade was a showy |For a week in advance the heople [ knew of it, and 70,000 thronsed the | streets. It was an insalt to Christian | people to select the very time chosen | to instruct the children in the truths of fq hristianity, He was grieved that any minister of the Church should sanction it by his presence, a Sunday of tur- moil and unrest. There was altogether too much militarism, and it was a shame to encourage it on the day set apart for the worship of thé Prince of Peace, Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfects. There are more women than men in the churches, because religion is their inspiration and cheer, their solace in home-life, their hope for the little ones. They will not easily forsake loved ones or a cherished cause. The New Testament frequently testifies to her faithfulness and at the . greatest tragedy of the: centuries when disciples forsook the Master and fled, she stood faithful and undaunted. THE IMPERIAL DOCK YARD. 10 Men Ask the first ten healthy, men you meet. They will answer, "We take Ayer's Pills." One pill at bedtime. Keeps the liver active. Pre- vents trouble. Cures con- stipation, biliousness, sick- { TORONTO ANGLICAN SYNOD. ! Interesting Discussions on Public PPO bbididiatara b-bd TAHITI IIILI T4044 bidet -ob-dd TITTLE T re Following the re-appointing of the committee to confer with other relig- ious bodies to secure religions instruc- tion in public schools, came a lively discussion upon the advisability of : compulsory use of the Bible as a text- Haicheng are | book. Rev.J. Pitt Lewis and 8S. H. Blake delivered forceful addresses, in advance | which they deprecated the lack of continuous | manners in the average school child and attributed it to the lack of relig- s army. }ious instruction. A motion that the "| Bible he adopted in the public schools TTL 44440 $404 + TITEL +444 ttt Canada you are going to spend your vacation ou cigars will be delivered to you express prepaid the same conditions. 9 rm OOO+ 4+ +44 F4 EFI EEH4- 4.4 Sunday golf playing. He thought these should be mentioned in tho ree EHEEEPEE ERE EP EEE WE WANT EVERY CIGAR SM To know what i , system of retailing! means to him. % money, time and iment is saved to We want to sho that we can cut his cig bill in half! To show that our. system of dis- .tributing results in quality and uniform: at prices not ible § before, and made possi~ § ble only through our system. 1 HX We send to any ad- Vi dress in Canada a box f------ =e' of 50 Cigars -- clear," long, Havana filler, Sumatra wrapper, 4£ .ing i long, popular shape, for - - 2 Smoke five of these and if these cigars are. not as fresh, fragrant, rich and satisfying as any you have J ever smoked at twice the price return the 45 remain- ing and get:back the full $2.50 paid us. Yeu've paid 1oc. for cigars not as good, (LR 3H No matter where you live or in what of & Hawthorn Cigar Couy'd 167 WELLINGTON STREET, KiNcTON. - + / |] and the very of workmanship rial make the D. & A. corsets the favorites" with all discerning women. We never sacrifice health and comfort to style--we combine them. Our lon hip, straight front med are ideal corsets--which ges counts for their enormous sale. : Lon hip, $1.00 to $3.50 ci D. & A. No. 233, price $1.50 0, DOMINION CORSET 232EXTRA LONG HIP. MFG. COMPANY QUEBEC TORONTO NONTREAL, We have {a [nice jline "== asia at Yokosuka has been a busy C pied the attention o workmen night and day. occupi e headache. 1.0: Ayezce.. McKELVEY & BIRCH [Eb we ii localities estern Ontario. v All St ilicy oad in Curlitig's Ale' is grown in these districts and crops are selected each year by ing's own experts, oh Before being used it is put through ial machinery which separates all' TE and foreign substances, © 4 Ask for Carling's Ale--accept no | pi) other because uo other is quite so good Carling's Ale The Ale that's Always Pure a Fer erson, Selling Agents, Rope, Lanterns, Blocks, Cleats, 'Rowlocks, i Sy Scrapers fCalking Irons and Mallets, Marlin ey Spikes, Sounding Leads, etc. i I, of Yacht'and Skiff Signal Lamps : ---------- tiring €9 and 71 Brock Street.