Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1904, p. 6

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anti potatoes, Rev. Mr. a. gave us an exchl- Sunday night. Rev. preach his farewell sermon Sunday. The Ladies' Aid So- Ten Mr, Meredith will y Mrs. Meredith with a Lizzie Hughson 3 on Lyon's. Mrs. G. Hunter, ards'; Smith's; J. Allison at, gu Miss Anna Simpkins, Ox ills, at M. Ware's; Rev. Mr. and Mr son at Charles Perry's; Farlane, Spafiordton, at D. ~ For Women W Sleepless, Nervous And Despondent. The majority of trou to women are due in the Kaladar Notes. Kaladar, June 17.--C. Godfrey erecting a store which makes a good addition to the King Edward. Messrs. Oliver, Beatty and Allore have taken the contract of blasting the Actinolite rock near the station. Mrs. J, Morton left to-day for Kingston to visit her sister, Mrs. Filtz. Mrs. H. Allport and Pickering returned spending a week visiting near King- ston. Mrs. Wilson, Napanee, is spend- ing a few days at the Algerian. Miss ; Guess and Miss Burnett, Perrv Road, were the guests of Miss Effie Pickering on Sunday. A. Fleming moved the new residence are passing here en Echo Inn, Massanog: $0 many women. To diseoura, Wn women Paine's ife. It positively cures in- dizziness, weakness, neural: insomnia. It restores gth. It purifies the blood, plexion clear and sud- Paine's Celery Com- ife to women who ing with weakness and proves the value of last week. People route to the Bon a Lake. A little boy has come to stay at Edward 'aine's Celery . Compound - Woman's Friend In Times of ll Health. i you are sick and desire free me- i advige, white: to Physician," the & 200 Mountain street, i MILNE, Only Electric Clean- ing and Feather Renovating Pl:nt in Long Lake Items, Long Lake, June 20. passed through here last week, giving in the schoolhouse one and moving nights with gramaph i a photograph of Pictures, also taking pils. The crop of hay is , except ins some low ground. good, many trees were killed by the severe The cheese factory received of milk last Monday. and George Baboock are ng new houses. George A. ld a team of horses. Drow sold one. All brought prices. The mines are taking out quantity of ore, and good inducements offered for hauling ore. farm and H. Beverley fred Barr's farm, Mr. and Mrs. Zara Vanluven, Mos- cow, are at Alfred Charlton's. Busy Fence-Making.' Sunbury, June 20.--The appearance of all growing crops are in a most Promising condition, and should conditions continue beautiful harvest will result. ber of farmers are busily en, erection of stables and in all in- stances a most notable improvement Local factories weekly make of cheese, taking the changeable condi- et which occasionally to improve. D. Stoness ed a fine horse barn on the place the form- h a few weeks ago tiow of the mark er ne s stood, whic was troved by 'Phone 542. 272 Bagot Street. improved his. hich" oq Ee ---- and now both present a m 6G. T.R. World's F. H. B. Charlton, has the world's fair folder the great show at St. Reneral be accomplished pathmasters are mak- Mrs. A. Smith, Queen st indisposed through illnes Society will conduct a G ty on _ W. Shannon's hursday evening, his recent marriage. Miss B. K. Woods has resigned her position as teacher. and for that even- with its fish and its ] . picnic was in honor and who to ber with ber four children. The pi nie party included Mr. and Mrs, done at present. Jawn. Stood The Test Well. is brisk. The Smith's Falls in mowers, rakes and other imple from the north will furnish music for dancing, and Newhor, Masonic Brass Band, will also be on hand. A wed- ding is on the board for next week; lady of Westport. Visitors during the week: M. J. Haddigan, Lansdowne, buying cattle; Mr. and Misses Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Crosby; Mr. Manhard of Fairfield; P. J. Quinn, of Micaville. Frank Renaud has finished his contract here and returned to Westport. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Aren- non contemplate a trip to New York city to visit friends and relatives. The Narrows road, as usual, took the lead at Ontaria cheese factory, sus- taining the highest test for Mav milk, We have nal silos here. Many farmers in the surrounding country have bought carriages. =}. G. Delong, ac- companied by J. Armstrong, of King: ston, representing 'the Deering com. pany was through here this week. James Houghian, who spent the win- ter in these parts, has sold out his farm property here and returned to the Western States. Cheese Factory Busy. Keelerville, June 18.--The recent rains have drowned a large quantity grain in this vicinity. Rev. G, A. Bell and Mrs. Bell 'are homb_ after at tending conference in Montreal. We are glad to have Mr. Bell with us for the second year, as he is well liked by all the people. The farmers have all nearly finished planting. The cheese factory is doing a rushing business under the management of Rontree lire thers, Morton. A large quantity of milk is brought in daily. Charles Clarke has the wall under his barn al- most completed. Joseph Keeler is preparing to build a cement wall un- der' his barn. George T. Clarke has been remodelling his house which adds to its appearance. Clarence Hanley is all smiles; it's a boy. Charles Moore is still very poorly. William Loucks is | Canadian hard wheat by a new pro sawing lumber. People are looking | cess and is both nutritious and plea- forward to the celebration to be held | sant to the taste. The premiums in Battbrsea on the Twelfth of July. | clude heavy silver-plated spoons, The matrimonial wave is about to | sugar shells and butter knives. Full sweep over Keelerville. We extend con- | directions are in each packhge. gratulations to qur mail carrier on George Christly and Mrs. P. Christly at B. Clarke's; Miss Winnifred Shan- non, Sunbury, and Miss Annie Gord- on and Master Joseph Gordon, Pitts- burg, at W. J. Loucks'; Miss Katie Moore has returned home from a visit in Kingston. Miss F. Dunlop has re- turned to Kingston after visiting 1 More delicio 5 "7 [Cheaper to use picnic at. Charles. | friends here. 1 and children, of Central City, Neb., who have been visiting their relatives Fiore since December next week. , Steacy went to Neb- raska, when she was only eleven years old, and has lived there twenty-two years. None of her relatives had seen her since except her brother, John had to plant their corn the second Schofield, until her arrival in Decém- | time, and a few have planted their Schofield and children, Mr. and Mrs. M. Schofield and children, Mr, and Mrs. Young and children, Mr. and. Hudson and children, Mrs. Steacy and children, Mrs. Schofield, Miss Ruthy Wiltsie. Master Charlic Yates and Mr. and Mrs. Beach. On Saturday last the same party enjoyed an outing at Delta Park, and the two picnies will long be remembered by Mrs. Steacy, when she is in her far away home in Nebraska. Statute labor is being Mrs. R. Steacy, Warburton, visited at : x i ; 4 W. R. Green's recently, oJ. Frond oF the roads in the old-fashioned way. | having a new fence put around his is at Gibson's Red Cross drug store -- of TO BUILD ROADS ic- his road division. fined to the house for some time cheese factory to the station, ---- Toronto Street Market. Toronto, June 20.--Wheat, white, per bush., 92c.; wheat, red, per bush., 92¢.; wheat, spring, per bush., 90c.; wheat, goose, per bush., 77c.; oats, per bush., 37. to 38c.; peas, per bush, 63c. to 66c.; barley, per bush., 42¢c. to 43e.; hay, timothy, per tom, 29 to $10; hay, clover, per ton, 87 to $8.50; straw, per 'ton, to 210; ap- ples, per bbl, $295 to £3; dressed hogs, $6.75 to $7.25; eggs, per doz. l7c. to 18c.; butter, dairy, per Ib., 17c. to 18c¢; butter, creamery, per Ib, 18¢. to 2le.; chickens, per Ih. He. to 15c.; turkeys, per lb., 16c. to 20c.; potatoes, per bag, 9c. to $1.10; cabbage, per doz, 81 to $1.50; beef, hindquarters, $8 to 810; beef, fore- quarters, 85.50 to $6.50; beef, choice, carcase, 87.50 to $3: beef, medium, carcase, $6.75 to 87.50; lambs, vear- ling, 810 to 811: mutton, per ewt., R750 to 29; veal, per cwt., $6.50 to $3.50, -- Orange Meat Premiums. Period of coupons extended until the first of January next, 19035. The premium period for using Or ange Meat coupons has been extended from July Ist, 1904, to January 1st, 15. All coupons are good, which. ever date is marked on them. Orange Meat is the most popular cereal on the Canadian market. It is made from in "The best ice cream' I ever tasted Visitors : J. J. Robb, B.A. Kingston, at J. Robb's. Mrs. George McFarlane of Battersea; Miss N. and G. Sleeth, der gets there, fountain, said a customer to day. While the plotter schemes the plod- of the Atlantic. It will Pp . t after folder, The mob gives a clear idea of the means tions in: thirty-six have borne hi or ake of Pros, 7, they have all of Gin, with nove of its bad. 3,000 infantry, who attempt to capture Pe is ovident that a terrific a the city of P recall of the Russian 'forces 1from Korea and the headquarters from Port Arthur to Harbin. When the Japanese began pur of Manchuria, troops were ordered to retire nort were hurriedly thrown into P. Arthur. Now that the ré- their march on the lower In Old Fashioned Way--Family leave for home Feud Over Land. Philipsville, June 20.--Many of the farmers 'have been hard at work the past week putting in corn and late oats on the low lands. A number have potatoes again, the first having rotted J. | in the ground. New meadows, especi- ally those on the high lands, never looked better. They promise a great yield, in some places clover is down already. Upland spring grain is look- ing fine. Corn that did come through the wet alive is looking rather feeble. Samuel Carr has the contract to put down several hundred tile for Mr. Merriman, near Singleton's Corners. Harry Coon has put up two large piles of stone for the stone crusher on Mrs. E. Keanedy, who has been con- able to be out again. Mrs. Tackeber- ry, who has been in poor health for the past year is not improving as Narrows-on-the-Rideau, June 16.-- fast as her family would wish. George Pastures are good: meadows will give | Whitmore has a very above the ordinary yield. Many farm- | looks very much as if it had been ers in this section have not planted | poisoned. There is a family feud here, their corn yet and some have to plant | arising over a small the second time. Traffic on the Rides worth about $25. M. Lockwood has a chine | couple of union painters paiating his agent here, is doing a great business | residence and outbuildings. . M. Delaney, Jockvale, Ottawa Val ments. A great picnic is promised | ley, was the guest of Miss Laura El- here on June 25th, to help pay off a | liott a fow days last week. Mrs. W. H. debt on the school. A string band | Farl has been troubled with rheuma- tism for a number of years. Now she has to be propelled around the house in a wheelchair. She has been a very great sufferer. Denis Downev of the B. one of our young men will wed a fair| W. & N. railway, Brockvil ing a couple of days with his mother hete. J. J. Sexton, Plum Hollow, took out two salmenm out of the Rideau wat ers that tipped tht scales at twenty- pounds after they were cleaned. George Lammin has the contract to draw the cheese of Farmers' Pride sore foot, it piece of land, le, is spend. BLACK SATEEN or frying. The same with th gain the proper heat. . Why should you burn fuel a long time before ] . is resi. | 2 The council voted against renewing and keep a hot fire going a long time after yo P. F. Johnson has improved his resi- any of that two million dollar grang dence by a coat of paint. Mr. and for road purposes, preferring to build you start your cookj what you have to do with a.coal range. Oxford Gas Range a match and a turn of the valve gives you immediate fire for boiling oven and broiler--they very quickly The Oxford Gas Range is ready for your cookin and the fire is out the instant you're Write for our leaflet or call at one g when you're ready of our agencies. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Canada | Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver wm Good Whitewear at this establishment means good grade of fabrics, good styles of trimmings, correctly pro- portioned, properly shaped garments, with liberally lap- ped seams, and put together in a manner that baffles the keenest gritic searching for detail to find fault with. NIGHT GOWNS « 50c., 65¢c., Tc, 85c., Joc., $1, to § CORSET COVERS, 13c., 20c., 25. to $ WHITE UNDERSKIRTS, some tucked some trimmed with embroidery others: with lace, &Uc., Goc., 9c, $1, to $3 NEW PRINT WRAPPERS PRINT WRAPPERS, in light or dark colors, nicely trimmed in the latest styles, frill founce, 75c., $1, $1.25, 5 $1.50, $1.75 3 WRAPPERS, new style trimming, flounce, $1.50, $1.75 For Sale by Simmons Bros, Kingston, GOOD WHITEWEAR The Leading Millinery : Spence & Co., EAEEEXE EXXXXEEEERESE GROCERS and other USERS of PAPER BAGS Will comsuit thelr best interests by pur chasing goods manufactured by Our Self-Opening, Square Bottom Grocery Bags sre made from the TOUGHES © papers in ALL SIZES and WEIGHTS, Weare also headquarters for all kinds of Hat, : and Flour and Cement Sacks. Millinery and Glove Bags, The E. B. Eddy Co., Limited, Hull, Can. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. EEEEER EXEXER ERR EERE EEE $9 Telephone 3s. Southern Man- Spice Cabinet We have just received a consignment of the above cabinets. chen is complete with- out one of these cabi- nets, proof, rust proof, moth proof, mouse proof and damp proof. - ELLIOTT BROS 77 Princess Street. THERE ARE MORE snags wiiesines (CANADA METAL COMPANY strueole will be necessary before, the yellow infantry gains the top of Golden Rill, which ort Arthur, and which forms the final kev to the Russian positiof in Stereotype and Lincotype Metals used in Canada than any other Magic Baking Powder. Gillett's Perfumed Lye. Imperial Bakiog Pow Gillett's Cream Tas Magic Baking Soda. QGillett's Washing pE FOR OVER 50 vEas i. (csTASUISHED 1882) W.GILLETT TORONTO, ONT. 1STERS WITH THE LONGEST AND; cu math 1h THE WORLD LING PROGFS OF ITS MCRITS AIR GROW Great Hair Tonic Is a Pt vr ie; ED IN 1 ROY THESE $. re h wih of t 1 A fom applicatio hair faigly sparkie and vighr. Th x hair gibw twic fast t y » show the | ered atergie,n) Falling and Baldn VEN SUTH Wl dmazists and SEVEN SUTH do and sold by u Princess and corner Kingston 0% Hiiatic Dy 8 # Wash S (IN PATENT HOLDERS) The colors ara fast--the silk thé best. Patent Hoiders, which prevents w: OF soi ling--keeps each shade ally measures a corrcet ns DEPARTSENT OF MILITIA AKD DE OTTAWA. TENDERS (IN D apply of Coal and at the Military Bu . Unt., for the 12 n on 1st July, 1904, w Up 10 THURSDAY, 30th Tob. Each tender is to be n Tender for Fuel," and addres lonourable the Minister of J . Ottawa. ms di tender cont s may 'he obtained wed at Ottawa, and @ District Officer Cor I furnish any fn il applied to the der must be ace i ¢hted cheque, payable to U Of the lionourable the Minist Hitia ond Defence for five per ot rie) Cunt of the tender. which w ieited if the party making the | line 10 sign the contract when "08 to do so, if the tender be ni ied the cheque will be returncd department does mot hind it UPL the lowest or anv tender A. BENOIT, Malic Director of Cont ariment of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, June 15th, 1904 eee tm orc cu F YOU WAR To buy a | Dwelling, = Buil ot, Farm, Country Store, uty Business, please call our list and get particula A. F. BOND. SURANCE AND REAL EST. 63 Clarence St., I id Dei Printed i

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