@ "FORCE" food bounti-* fully supplies to the system' 'the Phosphates and Nitro- | gen of Whole Wheat and _ Barley, malted together 80 that they convert freely into Brain and Brawn. Arrirey flies Most people who eat a great deal of meat would be better off with less. Per haps you are one. ind out if your meat habit is simply a habit," If you are not in perfect: condition, try "FORCE" a while and see what it does for you. "FORCE" iy made in Canada. ttc tetera A SECURITY, Genuine | Carter's | Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of CURE 10K HEADACHE. _ » 4% DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE 3 OTTAWA. _ | SEALED TENDERS Sod DUPLI- J cate) for the Sup ol and Wood required to hea aHlitary Buildi at inuaton. Ont., for a" on is beginn w received up. to THURSDAY, Son June, is to marked and to the Minister of Militia of the Militia and Defence for five per cent of foieied i the arty kine Bo inde ig making decline to sign the contract whon-called upon to do so. If the tender bo mot ac- g Septed the cheque will be returned. i flebartment, taint does not bind itself to an g teat \ . BENOIT, Major, / . Director of Contracts. Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, June tn 1904. Ffion.\ Tt | with UTE "| threat which is expected to be effec " Opifer per Orbem Dicor." -- disposed began some years ago how much money has been put to say. The information can be had be suffered by any one, and that all the electors will be similarly served, will require the raising of a very large sum by direct taxation. The ar- gument is easy and convenient that all public works should be met out of the general taxation, but to do that the rate would have to'go up five, per- haps ten, mills on the dollar, and it is doubtful if any man could face that alternative and be a candidate for election to the council. It has been said that by economy and, retrench- ment in expenses the necessary funds can be had for public walks. Economy and retrenchment in what ? The coun- cil has control of considerably less than half of the amount which is an- nually raised from taxation, and the municipal reformer has not so far been found who can suggést where this great saving or expense can be effected. He can be converted to a new way of thinking, and it will be to the effect that walks on the local improvement plan do not add to the annual expenditure. The portion paid by the city is the portior. that would fall to its lot under any circumstane- es, and in permanent walks there is a 'ery decided saving--to the city. AN ATTEMPT AT COERCION. The Montreal Gazette comments up- on the misfortune of Quebec in being so influenced by racial considerations that it elects, practically, a unani- mous party to support the government in th¢ commons. ; And it utters a tive. "It would be a much safer po- licy for Quebec," says. our contempory "to close its ears to the bogey race cry and vote as the other provinces do. Otherwise one of these days a government will be elected despite the fact that Quebec throws its solid vote the other way, and then the patron- age will naturally not go Quebec's On the other hand if Quebec way. : . could show a fair representation in the house the province would be al- ways sure of liberal treatment. There is no race cry in"pointing this out." Of course not. This species of in- timidation is .to be regarded as a bit of pleasantry which the French-Cana- dians should enjoy. The precise ob- ject of it is not apparent. Quebec is liberal, politically, because the conser- vative party has forfeited the confi- dence of the electors. Tt is liberal be- cause the government of the day com- mands their support. The conserva- tives have been at some pains to show that Sir Wilfrid Laurier has no special hold upon the people. He has had a large following from Quebec, but that is the result of other men's work | Mr. Tarte laid the impression that he had largely contributed to it, and when he loft the government the conservatives eagerly' sought his help in bringing about a change in the sit- uation. Mr. Tarte threw himself, vigorously into the campaign and un- dertook to demonstrate his power, But he failed, signally, completely, and left the field, for the time being, a disappointed man. IF YOU WANT §| To buy a Dwelling, Building R End Farm, Country Store, or a City Business, please call and See our list and get, particulars. To Wd ihe is to talk in French and to tell the folks what the conservative party has done for this alien race. Lest the pleading has been of no avail the chief organ for the party has undertaken to bull- dose the recalcitrants by threats. They must divide their votes, more of them must side with the conservative party and aid succeed the Bordens, Monks and Hughes wil: deprive them of the governnient tronage, and punish them died neglect. evidence of a desperation that hardly suspected. They will see more --a resentment of the insult in a very dec di the Still the party is angling for the French-conservative vote. Mr. Borden has iadertaken to show how tenderly inclined towards the French. Canadians by addressing them occa- sionally in French. Mr. Monk, de- throned for the benefit of Mr. Tarte, has resumed his prophecies of success in the next election. Lately Col. Sam Hughes has been taken to Montreal to imitate his leader in his attempts it in its to poker ambitions, without or them, A pa: with stu- ® Most people 'will see in this work the was . way. If the French-Cana- not to be won or woged by |THE DAILY WHIG. "The sidewalk difficulty\is not to be of with a trifling considera construction of some walks on the local improvement plan. Just out on the sharing principle it would be hard but it will involve careful computa- tion. The annual charge for interest on this account now amounts to eight or ten thousand dollars, and to re- move this (in the event of a change of policy), so that an injustice will not public tical. ? says contemplay d the United § Act is not to amended 86 that his rulings can hot be set aside by. the: tréasury" board ard. Is he or parliament responsible to the TR -- Montreal Gazette says the best friends of Quebec are not 'those who use race cry, True. They are not of conservative party, and they are not the political "assailants of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, The government is' being urged to amend the regulations with regard to grants to firms. The.idea is to make this grant correspond with the amount which is expended in progress for farm or garden . products. There is sense in that, A prominent retired military officer in Toronto says the defect in the mili- tia system is He more social than pc ---- The minister, of militia is quite will- ing that the commanding officer of a corps shall be consulted about the of- ficers who are to serve with and under him, but he does not admit that the staff is to be made up : t tates. Ho good there have not been politics enough in some appointments, that some good grits have been turn- ed down and appointments given' to offensive tories for social reasons. of only those The Gathering Did No Business Chicago, June 22.--Without a turbing slement, the frst day's gramme for the work. Not a jarrin, not a false step ] sem of noncombative whish carried into effect, without U us demonstration usually en, It was an : The ' Fairbanks ' boom for the flouri was received by any is distinguished colleagues. The first speech i was by Senator Scott, who inform to * Chairman Payne he the the oli- DEXTER M. FERRY, of the Republican delegatic ' from Michigan. Leader operated with the National sub-com convention, woman delegate who had the right to' vote that was held by eac pro- republican national convention was earried out like clock- sound was heard, delegates tendant political conventions, a that had been clearly defined. Vice unrestricted dur- g the convention proceedings. The ovation given Senator Fairbanks was at the convention presented Be oDeene gavel, It was the gift of the SE re ------ Chicago citizens' committee, which cc mittee in making arrangements for the In the convention hall there was one same accredited male delegate. She was Mrs. on dis- the at- of al- a 1- $3, Serge Suits WNegligee Shirts Raincoats, Distinguished Hrrivals . WE refer to the arrival of our New Serge Suits 'We want you to see , them. The more partic. "ular you are about your clothes, the 'more you will enjoy looking at these masterpieces of the g, - tailors' art. Every de. y. tail in cut, making and ." trimming shows plainly , the 'excellence of oyr i Serge Suits. Our price «will at once convince you "* that we are a fair house to do business with, $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12, $12.50, $13.50 and $13, New Straw Hats 50c., 75¢, $1, $1 25, $1.50, $1.75. Newest designs, soc, 75¢, $1, $1.25, $1.50. Raincoats, Raincoats, $4, $5.7 $6.50, $7.50, $10. $12.50, S15, $16. h THE H. D. BIBBY C0, The Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak H who are the personal or political [Charles A. FEldsed ge, of Colorado friends of the said commanding of | Springs, Col, an alternate delegate fi whose principal was absent. Other wo- oer, : . men alternates present were Mrs, THE Owen Lefreve, of Colorado, Mrs. Jen- SPIRIT OF PRESS. nie E. Nelson, of Utah, these states ' having woman suffrage. Mi € My Lord. The incidents which are destined to Montital rad. Star bas it ~ live long after the spasmodic demon- 8. an iar has Na 'BY I strations have been forgotten are Mr. Lord Dundonald ,will soon be nothing orp . but'a knot in th vative kite, germs, New Dangers Arige. Ottawa Free Press. ! Life's terrors and. horrors, of diminishing, are increasing. now announced on scientific that the cockroach, the housefly, and some other insects gre classed mosquitoes as In A Great Huff. Torénto Star. The O 80 an tt, this kind awa opposition members are Sydney Fisher with Hon, to a single Yunlike any that they they refuse clause of his seed bill. interests, them just but the sceds of dissension. Putting It Straight. Toronto World. » hatever ma; conduct of Mr. tional phase have to most A Taleum ative party they ATR 'coerced by it, are not! ated, 13c. ¢ Store; scene of th were attended Ly dents of Bowdoin, alumni and friends of the institution and leading educators from several parts of the country, President Hyde presided over the exercises and chief speaker was Dr. Bliss Perry, edi- tor of The Atlantic Monthly. ---- are simply powder, Gibson's i In Memory Of Hawthorne. Special to the Whig, Brunswick, No Difference. No distinction is kind of piles that Hem-Roid cures.' The names internal, external, bleed- ing, blind, itching, suppuratin names "which pos 4 will pass if it continues long Piles are caused by stagnation Ef bowel, and it takes an intemal medy to remove the cause. Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is a :ab- let taken internally, { It is a permanent cire and no ¢ase of piles has ever been found it failed to. cure. Money back if it does. x uarantce with e pac " Sold in Kingston by W. H. Medley. ---------- Mr. Rubidge Dead. Comwall, June 22.~Thomas S. Ru- bridge, chief engineer of the St. Law- rence canals for the past twenty-five or twenty-six vears, passed away at Cornwall on Tuesday after an illness of several weeks, in England over fourscore years but most of his life country, of bl Virgin Brand Castile soap, 1 dozen Cakes, 2c. Gibson's Red, Cross Drug tore. 5 ? vd £3 Me., I It i captiors of diseas: fog to Nothing Ol Fisher in this matter there is no doubt as to the constitu: dispute. Lord Dundonald has no more ri tack the minister of militia, whoever he may be, in Canada, than he would criticize the state for war in Britain. of the ight to secretary Nathaniel to graduates, the faculty and stu- a large number of the made as to, the ete. case emongh. congeskion or in the Jower , Tes was born hie was spent in perfumed and bor- e, tail of the conser- instead authority with now at- of \ June 22.--As the crowning feature of the commencement week programme at Bowdoin College, to-day, was devoted to exercises held in memory of one of the institution's famous Hawthorne. The ohstrvance was mark the centennial of the great. nov- elist's birth, which falls on July 4th. The Congregational . church was the e memorial exercises, which The temporary chairman spoke of the late president's administration of pro- gress, his gentleness of character and those qualities so beloved by the na- tion, and in that connection said feel- ingly : "And with McKinley we re- member Hanna." A hush, almost oppressive, spread over the 7,000 or more persons pre- sent. The speaker paused expectant- ly. As started to resume, the full 8 e dorce of "the tie. stretched . between the two greatest of recent political heroes went home to the delegates. The ap- plause started and in a sympathetic wave was carried to every part of the pgreat hall. The demonstration was had preceded it or that came after. An indefinable dig- nity was attached to the demonstra- tion, which seemed foreign to a pwli- tical gathering. i -- ..THE WEDDING STOPPED. vol 4 ' y be. thought of the . -- Prospective Bride's Father Secures Writ, Montreal, June 22.--The shop win- dow wedding has not taken place. The contracting parties, W. F, Seaman and Miss Rosa Castonguay, were on hand, and an enormous crowd had collected outside, kept in order by a special detachment of police, and amused by a brass band, when a wpid. of injunction was served by the bride's father. It was alleged that the young woman is under age. A strenuous en. deavor was made to carry the girl off in the morning, her captor succeeding in gettiag her into a cab, from which she was released by friends of the bridegroom. A writ was awaiting the officiating clergyman, who did not, however, put in an appearance, Alexander Taillefer, a blacksmith, was killed by a blast of dvnamite, while digging a well on the Elmwood farm' at Longue Pointe, Que. The Grand Trunk railway company intend acquiring additional property at Point St. Charles, for the purpose of extending their .car and locomotive works. Actions for damages have been en- tered against the Richéliew & Ontarie Navieation compas" passengers on board of the ill-fated Canada for loss of baggage. ---- The Best $1 Hats. Are to be found at Campbell Bros. The Master Mechanic's Pure Tar soap heals and softens the skin while promptly cleansi itwof grease, oil, rust, etc. Invaluable for mechanics, farmers, sportsmen. Free sample on re- seipt of 2c. for pos'age. Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mirs., Montreal. A serious break of small-pox has oc- curred in the Temiskaming district, CER Maar di Root's tributes to President McKinley. for the 'coming. be good feet cool by wearing a pair of our CANVAS SHOES. We have special lines for Men at ther prices. sortment of Canvas Shoes for Boys and Girls. About The terday, that election act would be ig! no would he voters' lists. Mr. Prefontaine reiterated the gov- ernment's intention to naval militia Mr. report that the been ordered sul in Argent marine promi: garding the report. $1.50 and $2. TO MAKE ENQUIRIES. nadian Flag. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, June 22.---Si Wilfrid Laur- ier announced irr the sed to It doesn't cost any more to get a shoe which is both comfortable and stys lish as to buy simply for looks. : Our shoes are designed to win the approval of discriminative wearers' The more carefully you examine then the more likely that you will become a cegstant buyer, : 1 So0 Our Ladies' Low Shoss, From $1 fo $350, THE SA 212 PRINCES OOL, ANVAS OMFORT We are fully equipped WYER SHOE STORE S ST. "PHONE 159, hot days that are If you want to natured, keep the lines at higher Also a large' as- McDermott's Shoe Store. Orderihg Down Of Ca- ("ommons, yes- the amentlments to "the ht and there legishition affecting Sure Results . a Made in England but soli Bourassa called attention to a everywhere. roc. for colors, Canadian flag had 256. Jor Sach. down hy a British con- ind and the minister of make enquiries re- ok: 1 McDougall, auditor-gencral of ® . gg 4, has applied for superannua- ¢ Window Scr eens A hint at soni te wii olor busi (3 TO ORDER. ald for agpal defence as proposed 2 Made to fit window. in his su Pressed report to the minis- ° er, 18 given in * a Globe editorial, | @ DO which savs that Lord Dundonald 'ad- | ® SCREEN ORS, elc. vised an expenditure on armaments | ® and armories that aggregated a sum | ® : which oovas variously estimated at :S ANGLIN & 60 from $35,000,000 to $40,000,000, "Ca- eo Wa " hada was to assume g m, t aggres- | @ Foot 1lington St. sive attitude," says the Globe, "Great | ® ut Ye of: ' fqgtresses were to be built along our Sovsrusvansnnue so 005 52 on Hordes, and if his lordship had had TT IIT . WAY we may presume that the jin- | phere would have resembled that wractically fire semis on requeae | 80° in the United States wo ave Pere France and her neighbors in the | Siteul i wa, Ont. or FePUed with Mortresses five tim « 4s | time. of Louis XIV." 767 Crain stv, Thana, formidable, so" that 'within a few Vears TY -------- the borders hotwen these two peace | Ladies should wear the "Art Shoe," --_---- ful nations r 2 : of this northern hemis- A sold by Abernethy's only, it } a ar potie He 8 { «Peruna has done m good than anything ever token. I am fo, years old now, and, good as I did at 20. | very thin and ran dos Peruana acted just right times need a tonic. P '$ Geo. A. Hughes." |A Congressman Uses Pe-ru \ Family. ! Hon. Thos. J. Henderson, from Illinois, and' in the Union ! Army for ci Arrites from the Lemon build tagton, D. O., as follows: "Peruna been used In Iy'with the very best res Ee amy 03 aos re. 0 my fr tonic and an effective care fou «Thos. J. Headersou. Catarrh assumes different different seasons of tho yea arly summer systemic catar prevalent. That tired, all wo BUY SI We believe purchas points profit pefore the wheat is not likely to at' present prices. We vas recent margins McMillan & Mag PETERBORO--134-136 H: COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL MARKET! Canadian Pacific Co. . Montreal Street Ry. . Toronto Street Ry, .. Halifax Street Ry Detroit United Street Ry Twin City Transit R.R Toledo klectric. Ry. . Rich. & Ont. Nav. C Montreal Telegraph 15 Montreal Power . yo Dominion Steel Nova Scotia Steel Ogilvie Milling Co. . Dominion Coal Co SN SEW YORK STOCK EXCH June \ 5 Open Union Pacific' ,..... .... .. R87 St. Fa . Manhattan eens a R. Transit , Sugar . a People's Gas . J. 8S. Steel, U. S. Steel, Tenn Miss Southern Pac. Ont. & Western Western Union NY.C 143; Pref. Coal and Iron Atchison, Pref. , Louis & Nash. . Rock Island Pennsylvania R.R. . Texas & Pac Atchison i Col. 1. & 'F. - American Loco. , Amal. Copper Curtis And The Cinder | The cinders lying on the ro Earl street, below King street which Dr. Curtis complains, wei ed there a long time igo for | phat walk which has not y aid. Dr. Curtis' episib: of co 8 a very unique document. FB tions no names, but thi plac Which he offers to remove the are to none other than tle re front of houses of and the chairman works, the ev of the hoa