vals to the arrival FF {= Ss You to see more partic. about your more yoy looking ~ at pieces of the Every de. making and ows plainly ce of our Our price onvince you fair house s with. 50.and $13, w Jats $1, $1 25, 75: , $1.50. aincoats, , $15, $16. ---- CO. all le ore to get a able and sty. yoks. ! d to win the ve wearers! xamine them ill become a 3 50, R. ndow. §, ete. , 60. St. second m---------- d that be- hbors in the | id Art Shoe," MR. 1S Te. Geo, A'ughes, FO. A. HUGHES [ "Poru-na Is the Medicine for, " "the'Poor.Man.% (oF. STidpigei, BA, Bo { «Peruna has done me more good than anything I have ever token. I am forty-five Gown--Many Outside Guests-- Mr. Lash Best Man, Special to the Whig. prettily decorated for ter Loucks. Hector MacCarthy presid- ed over the organ. The bride, who was given away hy her father, looked extremely pretty leaning on his arm. She was attired in a rich ivory duchess skirt made with a long train opening over an under dress of accordion pleated chiffon, and around the hem were large rosettes of ® white chiffon, The bodice had a yoke of embroidered chiffon studded with seed pearls, and an accordion-pleated bertha of chiffon finished in front with long stoles of chiffon caught with pearl ornaments. The full elbow sleeves ended with deep ruflles of chiffon, her veil of tulle was caught with a cluster of orange blos- soms, and she wore a handsome dia- mond star, the groom's gift and car- ried a-shower bouquet of bride roses and maiden hair fern tied with white ribbons embroidered with gold, the gift of a friend. PETERBORO--134-136 Hunter St. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL MARKETS, Canadian Pacific Co. . Montreal Street Ry. . Toronto Street Ry, Halifax Street Ry. Detroit United Street Ry Twin City Transit R.R Toledo klectric. Ry. . Rich. & Ont. Nav. Co. , Montreal Telegraph Montreal Power Dominion Steel Nova Scotia Steel Ogilvie Milling Co. . Dominion Coal Co SN Union Pacific St. ba Manhattan R. Transit , Sugar "a People's Gas . J. S. Steel, U. S. Steel, Pref. Tenn. Coal and Iron iss. "Pac ' Southern Pac. Ont. & Western Western Union NY.C Atchison, Pref, , Louis & Nash. . Rock Island Pennsylvania R.R. . Texas & Pac Atchison i Col. 1. & F. American Loco. , Amal. Copper Curtis And The Cinders. | The cinders lying on the road Earl street, helow King street, about which Dr. Curtis complains, were plac- ed there a long time igo for an as- pret walk which has not yet heen laid. Dr. Curtis' episib: of complaint 8 a very unique document. He men- tions no names, but thi places to which he offers to remove the cinders are to none other than &'e roads in front of Kouses of the ekv engineer and the chairman of the hoard of on works, er -- i years cold now, and. feel os wien Hur, sister ol be bride, and was Miss Minnie Lovell Caverhill were two : good as 1 did at 20. 1 brid ids. Jock Lash, Toronto, was } very thin and run down, but 1 best man. There were a number of Peruna acted just right in my case. | ar1 a carpenter and some § | outside guests from Toronto, Mon times need a tonic. Peruna is the medicine for & poor man."-5 | teal, New York and elsewhere. ) A. Hug ' > . - Interim report of scores in the first Geo. hes. ! two competitions -in the military rifle anne . league show. that the Royal Grena A Congressman Uses Po-ru-na Ia Nis|ing in nino cases out of ton is duo to a | diers, Toronto, have a good lead. The J \ Family. . catarrhal condition of the mucous mem- Scores ote Roval 0 renadk gs \ - branes. Peruna cleanses tho mucous | Thirteenth, Hamilton, orty derson, Mom! of : : a. (3 Hon. Thos, J, Bonds San dycuber of membranes and cures _ tho catarrh | third, Ottawa, 1,793; G.( ., Otta \ jg br ree Yo cight yous wherover located. wa, 1,700; Tarsison Artillery, Quebec, on building, Wash-| Thero are no remedies for catarrh just } Io; Sixth, D.C.O.R., Vancouver, 1, 4 730. fagton, D. C., as follows: *{2s food he Prufia. Auctpt so'sultle | "py olor "will bi ori. of. the field "Peruna been used In my fami- ee days of the session, .as on that day Iy' with the very best results end 1, 1 you donot derivo prompt and satis- the leader of the opposition will raise tske pleasure in recommending your factory results from tho use of Peruna, | he Dundonald issue, and there will be valuable re. {0 my friends as a | Write at onco to Dr. Yartman, giving a | a full-dress debate. nd amefloctivocare for catarrt. | full statement of your and he will fonicand an care, Ca hh ull statement of y: case, 0 «Thos. J. Headerson. be pleased to give you his valuable ad- Police Court--Wednesday. Catarrh assumes differont phases in| vice gratis. At the police court this morning erent seasons of tho year. In the! Address Dr. Hartman, President of | Robert McCorkil, who was remanded diff y! ; arly summer systemic catarrh is most |The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, | last Wednesday on a charge of va prevalent. That tired, all worn out feel- | Qhio, graney,"' was dismissed ; ry Two carters pleaded not guilty to a SC dR iy ---- = === | charge of fighting on the cart stand REE AT IN at the corner of Brock and Ontario | street last Saturday. They claimed that they were not fighting, but mere- | BUY SEPTEMBER WHEAT lv engaging in a friendly scuffle a la i McMahon vs. Hawkey. The magistrate We believe purchasers of Sept. wheat below 80c. will show ten coda not see it in that light ity im | EE es (a ae i au int comin sma {| could mot ace 3s iy that light sou ue i at' present prices. We buy w cat in lots of 1 bush. and upwards fifteen days. va neent margins for t. or 5 Tor July: r She The charge of driving a horse "at an . . immoderate rate of speed in the City McMillan & Maguire, S.-E. Cor. King & Yonge Sts. Park on Monday last laid against KINGSTON--Exchange Chambers. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, What is Going om in Harbor and Elsewhere. Craig's wharf: Steamers Persia, down this morning; 'Ocean, due up to- night. { James Allen will command Capt. Senator Fulford's steamyacht this summer. Richardsons' elevator: Steamer Rosedale, from Fort William, 65,000 bushels of wheat. I. company wharf: SS. Fair- mount and consort Melrose cleared up. The Fairmount will load coal at Cleveland. Swift's wharf: Steamers Hamilton up last night; Spartan, down to-day; Kingston down this morning and up this afternoon; Rideau King, from Ot tawa townight; schooner Acacia arriv- ed with coal from Charlotte yesterday afternoon. ies 300 Went To Ottawa. Three hundred people went from here on St. James church excursion to Ot tawa, this morning. 'That was the number in the train when it left the G. T. R. station at eight o'clock just as rain began to Vall, Had the dav been more promising probably fifty more people would have taken the ex cursion It was expected that 100 more would board the train at Gana nogue and Brockville, ------------------ The Bishop's Arrangements. The Bishop of Ontario was to go to Sydenham for next Sunday, but owing to local circumstauces the service has been postponed. Tab bishop has, there- fore, arranged fon a visit to Barrie- field on Sunday morning, and to St. Luke's church, Kingston, in the even- ing. Go to the Young Irishmen's picnic and dance, Lake Ontario Park, on Dominion Day. Matthew Blake, was enlarged until to- morrow. Blake was driving Dr. Bell's Lord Russell on the park track, and Caretaker Phillips claimed that he was going at a faster clip than the law allows. Cross-examined by J. McD. Mowat, for the defence he was very indefinite as to the rate of speed at which the horse was going. The case for the prosecution was somewhat weak and.was enlarged un til to-morrow to procure more evi- dence. ---- Case Of Dry And Wet. Three gentlemen at the military Lall lat night: became "dry'"" and went into a small room to have a quiet drink When they arose to return to the dance hall, they found the door lock- ed. One of them managed to squesze through a window, and dropped ; the ground, in the rain. He was to let his two more corpulent compan- ions out," but thought it would be a good joke to keep them lucked wn a while. So he returned alone to the dance. The other two got desperate, and by an effort crawled through the window and ont into the rain. They carried along with them a preacher's umbrella, which is said to be missing. Deputation To Ottawa. To-day a deputation consisting of A. M. Chisholm, Mr. Pense, M.P.P., James Redden and Joseph Bawden went to Ottawa to wait upon the minister of railways and canals, rela tive to the proposed extension of the Rideau into Loborough township so as to aid transportation from the mines. At Ottawa, they were to be joined by Charles Britton, Gananoque; Mr. Jenkins, Petrolea and Col. Hol brook, De Kalb Junction, N.Y. Mr. Chisholm took along various resolu tions passed by councils and boards of trade, -and also mineral samples, /| Well-Known Sculptor Gives Her Away--lIvory Satin Wedding Ottawa, June 22.---8t.° Matthew's | Cross Drug Store. Montreal, June 22.--A ju ent of church was the scene of a very pretty E. J. Bennett and P. Lance, Cape } ential, J me ronda this morn- wedding which took place this morn- | Vincent, were in town to-day. ing. Joseph Campeau rented a house, ing at eleven o'clock, when Coeur De When people want first class foot- last spring, to re. Patterson. He Lion MacCarthy, third son of Hamilton MacCarthy, the well known sculptor, | go to abernethy's. the widow of a negro, and that was married to Miss Florence Maud | Remember the Young Irishmen's an- Naa dav mes bad | blood in Cameron, third = daughter of Allan | nual picnic at Lake Ontario Park on them. He, €ampeau, thereupon enter- shoes quick as a wink, Cameron, Montreal. The church was | Dominion Day. Good ball game, fire- lod suit to annul the lease on the the occasion with marguerites and palms, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Wal. | the and sweet as she walked up the aisle satin gown, the Local Nows, and Alse Things in sli Senaral. IS ABSOLUTELY UNKNOWN E. B. Godwin, tawa, is in the ! a pe "07 IN BRITISH JUSTICE, u. Eh, Belleville, was in the | ity to x : "W.7 Blliott, st. Catharines, was 18 The Same For Black And White, For Rich And Poor-- Wholesale Hardware Men Pe- tition Minister of Finance. Special to the Whig. in town to-day. T. G. Blacklock, Peterboro, is in the city on business, ] New tooth brushes, Gibson's Red wear at the lowest price, they always | oft edenrds found that Mrs. Patterson works, ete., dance at night. The Wolfe Islanders feel pleased over prospect of a fine set of flags for their new ferry steamer, the Thomas technical Fround that the Fent had nt been paid in advance as ui the lease. The evidence honed that |. the plaintiff had never asked for the Fawcett. It is the invariable custom rent, and that, moreover, it had been for the person after whom a hoat is offered hy the tenant. The judge in named to give the flags © corpor- | rendering judgment for the widow, em- ation of Kingston gave a fine set to hatically laid down the ruling that the R. & O. steamer Kingston two | British justice knew no colour line. / It years since. was the same black and white, rich Jand poor alike. Weonresccesnnseresonel Ri man who called himself Pyke, BG 1d 6 a id De came rom Yoroms, was ° ° schar, v the police magistrate, : ©old in the : BGuwilight to-day, The manager of the insurance ° Wesosoocanesseensecnnen SE m company alleged to have been de- frauded, withdrew all charges. A delegation of wholesale hardware dealers of this city recently made re- presentations to the minister of fin- ance, regarding what they considered some objectionable features of the dumping clause of the ministers' tariff declarations in the House of Commons recently, and they have been officially informed by Mr. Fielding that it is the intention to enforce the law is that respect, notwithstanding their ob- Mrs. James Henry gave a little ver- andah tea yesterday in honour of Mrs. Britton, when about a dozen people had tne pleasure of a chat with South Africa, and who for the last six ! ion alliance of associations. The pro been with the South Af- visional 'dominion committee appoint 4 * a) 9 " this always popular visitor. to town. jections, + The hostess herseli, made the tea, Preliminary steps have been taken ¥: Mrs. Hiram Calvin cut the ic . | towards calling a dominion conventior 1 Captain Burstall, who ec od his of Y.M.C.A's for next year. One of th 4 brevet majority while in service in objects is the formation of a domin | 4 4 months has + R. B. Michel, Perth, won a travel the time the less gay of their sisters : ling scholarship, valuéd at $1,000 at are thinking of dinner or tea for the Canada you are going sake of being on hand, and having | Harvard University. . ' i PO Dror Ea. ae avg Miss Helen Drewry, Smithfield, anc cigars will be delivered to "8 ete W. M. Peck, Albany, were mariied i; . the same conditions. Belleville on Saturday. Prof. and Mrs. Butler, left the city EVERY CIGAR SMOK tican police, has just returned to led recently at Bufialo has the matter | T Kingston to rejoin his regiment, "A" in hand. + Battery. He was one of the contin- I system gent at last night's ball, who were . 0 receiving on all sides a hearty wel. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. el Tandy gave a small News Of The District On 'Both 3 pip dont mc Mrs. « 5 p 6 a " te ssterday for Miss. | A i Sides Of The Line. + F. fen yesterday for Miss Turner of Que Merrickville has introduced the earl, ¥ » y - The Military College hall, falling a: closing system. . . : it does when the do are ford 2 Licton proposes to spend $20,000 Pe long, Havana filler, Sumatra wrapper, an old-time flavour about it,. in that [on new cement sidewalks. i p long, popular shape, for - - the guests dress by daylight, go over Bunerdft has a population of SI! q to the point by daylight, and in the | and boasts two newspapers. majority of cases, a home by day- E. T Wilkie, Carleton Place, has I Smoke five of th se . : Ht Just as they did in the days of |been appointed engineer of Lanark. | Tas fresh, fragrant, rich and satisfying as any you have the long ago, when one hairdresser Miss Lillie Hetherihgion and Frank Fever smoked at twice the price return the 45 f * served the country, and the belles had | Gerow, both of Belleville, were mar > ' . we se to undergo the hairdressing misery in ried. on Tuesday. ¥ a ing and get back the full $2.50 paid us. You ve paid 3 the early hours of the afternoon. How- iss Alice Coleman, Belleville, was * 10c. for cigars npt as good, Trak ever, Kingston girls are willing to be- married in New York to H, L. Me I 1 gin putting"en their finery at about | Allister of that city. + No matter where you live or in what To know what our system of ) means to him, H money, time and r- X iment is saved to him. j§ We want to show that we can cut his cigar bill in half! To show 'I that our system of d tributing results inci quality' and unif at prices not p before, and made ble only through We send 10 any ade "dress in Canada a box 3 of 50 Cigars --gcl 3 $2.50. and if these cigars are not po to spend your vacation opr you express prepaid upon George Oliver, Perth, was shearing a ram, when it kicked and the clippers cut off a part of Oliver's finger, + Miss Adella Baker, Maitland, diec in Brockville General Hospital, from fein fever. She was cighteen years 0 d. Miss Gertrude Moran, Belleville, was married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Demile, to 8. C. Wilson, Winnipeg. Herbert Loucks, an employee of the Canada carriage company, Brock ille and Miss Lucy O'Connor, were married on Tuesday. Mrs, Annie Lloyd, a highly respect. ed Belleville lady, is dead from pneu monia. She was a member of Taber nacle church, Col. Ponton, Belleville has received enquiries from the war office for rela tives of the late Gunner Sharpe, No. 9 mountain Battery, R.G.A. Two™ wedding ceremonies in Athens were performed on Wednesday. At I to-day, and will sail this week for England, where they will'spend the summer. Dr. Carl Ford was one of the visi- tors in town for the ball*last night. Mrs. Edward Farrar of Montreal, who is attending the session in Otta wa, brought her nicce, Miss Cline of New York to the Ri. M. C. ball. Mrs. Farrar went hack to the pital for the debate on the Dundonal d-Fish- er question tonight, buf Miss Cline will remain a day or so longer for the festivities. Mr. Jamieson was here for the ball, and stayed with Mrs. Conway Cart- wright. $0002 TILVTTN Hawthorn 167 WELLINGTON ce Mrs. Crisp and little Miss Kathleen, will leave on Tuesday next for Musko ka. where thev will remain till the middle of August! Rev. Mr, Crisp will join them in July, Mr. Edward Crumley is receiving verv favorable reports about the con- dition of Mrs. Crumlev, rectmtly oper. | @-™-, the marriage took place of Mise ated upon at Clifton. Springe N.y, | Leonora, youngest daughter of Mr. ihn She is resting _ nicelv and free from and Mrs. 8. J Stevens, and James pain, Mr. Crumley will make another Walke of Seeley's Bay, and at 2 p-m., Miss Louisa May, only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wash . of Soperton, and the Rev. Parton Booth Brown, of Montreal, were mar ried at the home of the bride's par- ents, Miss Grace * Tennant, a native of Mallorytown, has arrived in Brock ille to visit her uncle, Peter Ferguson. Miss Tennant is a graduate at Clifton visit to the next ten days. Miss Violet White is visiting Mrs. Mundell, Brock street. . . .° sanitarium within the LEFT FOR HOT SPRINGS. Hon. Mr. Gibson Will Be Acting Premier. Special to the Whig. Toronto, June 22.--Premier Ross left to-day far Hot Springs, Va. He will Mr. Stratford Dawson has. come ww from Montreal far a few days' visit. Miss Archer of New York, is stnv ing with Mrs. Allaire Shortt at "Ot terburn." 3 . Springs, N.Y. She has just re Mrs: J. 8. "Skinner will leave {o oa TaDY with a Ty op rd stay there until August Ist, and prob- morrow for Montreal, a Sully, the cotton king, whose Yecont ably for a week or two longer. Hon M i Halton 3 Hontroal, 8 Visiting failure created a wide sensation in the J. M. Gibson, will be acting premier Mrs. arrv_ Ric hardson. : financial world. Miss Tennant was ny in his absence. Mr. Rose took no holi- day last year and the executive work has kept him pretty well tied down recently. As a result he is in neal of gaged by Mr. Sully in New York to accompany his family to Paris. They came direct to New York from Paris, Miss Sarah Lavell, who has been ab. sent. in Alameda, Cal, for several a rest. Ho says, however, that wpart vears past, is at present visiting her er sh---- from this and his rheumatism, which sister, Mrs. George Y. Chown, Barrie Ferry Lease Expires To-Day. has been bothering him a good deal street. where she will remain till the | The ferry agreement between the | recently, he js feeling very well, end of the week. She is accompanied Wolfe Island council and the Folg ghd nehow od niece. ole Island counc al ie Folgers * expires to-day. Tt has been. renewed on the basis of so much a day. The stouyet Pierrepont will continue on the ferry route until the new island At a meeting of the Ontario cabinet | yesterdov. J. W. Dill, ex-M.P.P,, for Mr. John J. Currie, the well known lacrosse plaver of the Shamrocks, Hon. Mr. Harty will introduce and assist the deputation. -------- Appointed To Vicarage. " Ls ch Bells, June 8 Er li tmem, forms erly oryanizing secretary, Church of h Temperance Society for Che shire dioces has been appointed by the trustees to the vicarage. Mr. Chaplin Wilkinson was ordained in 1889, and ten years later went to Ca- nada, remaining there until 1902, when rettrning fo this" entmtry, he became curate of Middlewich, in the diocese previously tamed. The above gentle man was sometime at Parham during his stay in Canada. England Joyceville Picnic. A great pic was hehd at Todd's grove, Joyeesille, on T uesday. The day was all that could be desired aml crowds of visitors thronged the beautiful grounds. Dinner was served at noon and tea at six o'clock. A string band furnished music for dan- 'cing and a mimber of races were held. Speeches were made by the rector, Mr. Jenkins, Arghdeacon Worrell and Rev. Dr. Nimmo. A considerable amount, of |} money was cleared, the object being the buildipg of a new Anglican church. daughter of Madame October, Shelburne, Vt., of Outremont, is church, Haverhill, Mass, marriage of H. Sandford Mott, of Teo~3 British. Montreal, is in the city with his bride on-a hHonevmoon trip Miss Edith Hardy, Napanee, is stay- ing with her aunt, Miss Corbett, Clergy street west, for a few days. - . . . Sir Sandford Fleming, Mrs. Ex. shawe, Mrs. Charles Coutlee and Miss Ethel Fleming. have lft Ottawa for Halifax for the summer. Miss Cartwright entertained inform- ally, at dinner at Ottawa on Monday night. The king has granted a set of apart: ments in Hampton Court Palace to Mrs. Hendersw, widow of Lieut.-Col, Henderson, O8., the well known mili boat is ready for service, which will be abouy the middle of August. ---------- To Close At Five O'Clock. The jRoprietors of all the shoe stores fp the city, have agreed to close evags afternoon excepling Sat urday at vive o'clock, during July and August. 8 baseball team will be form- ed from glarks in the different stores and they will defy all comerny) ------ Seiit Up For Thirty Days. Toronto, ) June 22.--Russell Melville, Calgary, pleaded guilty in today's yolice i to the charge of fraud ro + x id by the Canada Camera compan tary historian, who was sel to j 210 1) 8 mpany, prepare the oficial history of the and i sent. to J, for thirty days. South African war. iy a lwued. caoques for: which Ro . . . no funds were found, Keep Posted. Read the Lockett Shoe Store adver tisement and remember that the re duced prices in gents' fick shoes are only till Saturday next; » ot ---- The marriage of Dr. James Barclg, . eldest son of Rev. James Barclay, b: D., Montreal, to Miss Alice Beaudry, Beaudry, = hag been arranged to take place early in Egg, of to Miss Violet re anounced to take June 22nd at the North The wedding of Mr. Cecil G. The conciliation committee of the Toronto street railway has unanimous- ly arrived at a basis of settlement., J. E. Matthews and Miss Matthews, Charlottetown, P.EL, are at the place on Invitations are bring issued to the H. Hitchen, of the custom house, is', ronto, to Miss L in Rochester, N.Y., on vacation, .. | Delta, ou Wednesday, July 6th, A. Bell, daughte Speaker Cannon ¢ his office | | of Mis and Men, James A. Dia Thtes a great one, and ia willing 10 die Tu + it ; 3 ya - $F6E44 FEET re HA » (: nod, Ronnie "Lie "headache, pimplon, fing moma, Tasty Com of a cure or rewurn our hy . day's treatment sent free with & book Our models strength h . ul sample sent securely . caled in plain wrapper, ; Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P,0. Drawer L, 2041, Montreal. ©. oY = i dan x LE . 2 Ps be 2 ¥ Cleveland's Baking Do you wonder it makes elicous, ding food? 'Cigar 4 was appointed assistant postmaster in the inment. build ings at a dalary of $500 per annum. | "'An order was passed adv. the Sum of 81.550 to the Uni ty of 2 Toronto, for the purchase of. a N tus for the mineralogical and a sical oF departments, : -------------- ee It's Easy. ; Making a selection from our Inense assortment of mew. hats, sell a jou hat for 81, better 81.25, 81.50, 81.75, $2. Campbell Bros., Kingston's best hat and fur stove, Y. Trish on' 3 t" aX Ontario Park on Dominion. Day, Or. tal vs Renfrew, baseball. 40d | Muskoka,