wh tioneer." [A duces a any age. » cure for DAND- llent . B. EL- thon Par- ton. FURN- APPLY 1 BELVOIR IE P0000 00 0000 wa = z3 arsine vail J Homeseekers' oz, Excursions Winnipeg = - $90 00 | xegina Cen Mowbray 1 Moose J ae | 31 50 Kameack gy Swan Rive Lrieton | Saskatoon - - Misiots He 200 | prince Albert - awaness J Macleod + - 3800 Binsearth' ! Moosomin | na Calgary - - 38 10 Arcola, - = - BB ; 55 Retovah 3s Red Deer --< 390 390 Yorkton Strathconsfl- - #10 Sona JUNE 14th, 28th and JULY 10th. Returning until Aug. 15th, 29th and Sept. 20th, respectively. Tike By are wot good on " Imperial Limited. ull particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R Ticket Offices, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F.A.FOLGER, JR.. Gen. Pass. Agt Gen. Supt Train leaves Kingston 8:10 am. OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINEFOR ~ Tweed, Napance, Descronto, and all Jocal points. Train leaves City Hall Depot wt 4 pom. F. Agent, B.Q. Ry, Kingston. CONWAY, DAILY EXCURSION RATES FROM KINGS ION TO WORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS, MO. $22 (Good for 15 days). $20.35, (Good for 60 days). $35.20 (Good until Dee. 15th, 1904. sitop-overs « allowed at any interme li- ate station in Canada al:o Detroit Chicago. SIDE TRIP--Hamilton to Falls, $1.40 additional and Niagara Dominion Day Return tickets will be.issued at Single First-Class Fare (Good going Thursday, June 30th, and Friday, July 1st. Goo#l returning on or before Monday July '4th, 1904. For Pullman accommodation, tickets and all other information, apply to J.P. HANLE YY Aguol, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. From Montreal. ° From Quebec. _lavarian, June 17, 4 a.m. June 17, 3 p.u. sarisian, June 24. V a.m. June 24,10 pw First Cabin--Davarian, 'Tunisian and Joniam, $75 and upwards, Parisian, $0 and upwards. Secopd Cal n--Liverpool and London- derry, Bavarian, 'Tunisian, and Ionian, and $42.50. Parisian, $37.50, Lon- 2.60 extra. Third Class--Livervool, Delfast, Glasgow, Londos, $26. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Sicilian, .. .. June 29th, (daylight). NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Laurentian, .. .. .. June 33rd, 12 noon. J. P., HANLIY, Agent, u. T.R. Uiry Depot. J. yr. GILDER- . Clarence Street. Derry, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Sommer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. + Campana,' with electric lights, electric pelis and all modern comfort SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- and 18th July: 12th and ., calling pe Otlice ununerside, I.E.L, DAYS at 3 1st and 15th and 20th September, for Pictou, at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Day, Perce, C Cove, Grand River, and Charlottetown, U.K 1 The finest trip of p.m., 20th August Elephant Mixed Paints the "season for health CARRIAGE PAINTING ve: Ha Give us a call for First-class Carriage Painting. . R. MOLONY,. CLARENCE STREET, \ Next to Wilson's Livery. Screen Doors and Windows, Princess Street. WOOD YARD NUstumne Hard and Soft Slabs eonstantly on hand t THE BEST | PACKED | , ust "MAPLE LEAF" CANNED SALMON 1 Better Than Ever MYERS' CELEBRATED HOME- Made Mince Meat, Pork Sausages, Ten- derloin, Brawn or Head Cheese. An kinds of _ Cooked Meats, Bacon and Hams. All to be found at 60 Brock strect. 'Phone 570. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. DOUBLE PARLORS, WITH PRIVATE front 'entrance. Apply at * Aven- more." --207 William steeat re -------------------------------- BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD bath, etc, "102 Bagot street, near Citv Park Reasonahle rates AN EARLY AND LATE FIERRY SER- vice from King + to Wolfe Island should be an in + parties to rent a t situated cot rry landing For ter to i Island P.O Ma --e STORAGE IN THE STEARN BUILD- ng, 200 King street, rat and mouse proof. J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock street FURNISHED ROOMS, THREE LARGE front rooms, with or without' hoard Apply 1 King street, near City FOR SALE. JNE EACH, 10 AND 12 HORSE POW- er Horizontal, Statiomary Boilers, one 8 ilorse l'ower Horizontal Slide Valve Engine, all a perfect con= dition, used ouly a short time and will be sold at a low price. Also one Reversiblp Marine Portable lin- gine and Boiler, suitable for light | work or Stoam Yacht, about 141} horse power. cost $150; will be sold | for $75. Bale Wire for building Rail | Fences, 75¢. per hundred pounds, will | do tre work of wire costing 3 times | de price. Apply to J. A. Gould & ve.. Cor. King and Queen stroets. DETACHED, SOLID BRICK HO SE on Frontenac Street. mear Princess Lot 66 feet front, street, 7 rooms. by 154 feet deep. Lots of room to build., Also good barn, sheds and large poultry house, Apply through Whig office. NEW, BUILT-UP WH S, WITH NEW Morrow lirake, only $4.35 each Everything at equally low prices. Bicycle Munson, Toronto. THE SIIOP, DWELLING AND PREM- ises, No. 240 Princess street, octupi- ed by Maker Bros. Apply to John Mudie, Solicitor. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Queen street, between Montreal and Bagot. Apply 49 Colborne street. BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW York make, with Cues nd Balls, $180. Apply through Whi Office. STEAM YACTT, ABOUT THIRTY fect long. Inquire throuzh Whig © MONEY AND BUSINESS. rT d comfort: SE -- ARTHUIL AHERN, Sccretary, Quebec. J LT rooL, LONDON -AND GLOBE For tickets and staterooms apply to re Insurance Company. Available J.P. HANLEY, or J. P. GlLbER- assets $61,187,215. ln addition to SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. which the policy holders have for security the umlimit d liabili of all the stockhold Farm and city insured at lowest po ible SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingsion, 00 The Bay of Quinte Route DAILY SERVICE --TO-- Rochester, N. Y., & 1000 Island STHS. "NORTH KING" AND "CASPIAN" Returning. will p.m of Rochester, days and leav rive st 10:00 a.o. same for Thousand Islands, calling at Alexans dria Bay and Gananoque. { -- STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Mondays at 500 pm ton and Bay of Quinte Ports. ©. HORSEY, G. Agent, King cu ston, Oni, », Gildersles is quite possibic that you may | gneeial to the Whig. 3a Homer 2 pe Cilaauicets, Jus PRIVAT SCHOOL. Lave faulty kidneys, ahd not he aware Cia fork, June 27.--Frank Purness : p= I =n Al King, assisted by Miss the fact. Among the nae) in was put to death in the sleeiric «hale Ww ie hE: i 1 oo toms are puia in the bac and | yt Sing Sing prison early to-day. The Greg Clack. MA. ard Marurat | making headache, nervousness, | qpecific crime for which Burness paid i i gma wo. hoa! early in gil] edin mt in the ugne, specks In fore | the death penalty was the murder of al y ine Rey Bee hi id Soret t | 1h oves, dizziness and sour stoma h.la sea Faptain in the Part of New meh LR, morning and afternoon. {UC VL Bony" of 'thew, harten at] York last fal) In addition to Pupils prepared for Entrance, Civil] "10 take the subost of Kidney and | ypurder Burn confessed at hix trial Toronto, Charlotte, Thou od Istands, | ST and Matriculation Exuming roClres; rozone. It is guaran | that he had killed more than hall a Brockville, Pre cot montreal. | Ho" |" to bring prompt ndief avd ban fdoren persons during the laxt ten es nr A vb Monday Junior' Classes for Heys and Girls. eh evesy pain and ache vers. Bumess was a sailor, and his MB + SX . ply A ice Street. I cht oct Toalth ] on ea he doclated, wore ud ite doing 0 Ga, Boing West, 5 AY ee Thousands are kept in per crimes, =o h . ym = Rin zs C "Q and free from kidney complaints by | ted in various ports of Spain, China por bro Koi Clayton, 1.000 Iona KINGS TON BUSINESS COLLEGE | Ferrozone. Among those who speak in] and other parts of the world where Nursing Sundey omy. Single fard, | KINGSTON. | the most laudatory terms of the merit | his ship calid.' G pon his conviction Kingston to Montreal and return. Go- : Qe ee | of Ferrozone is Charl F. Clive, of | here he pleaded wit the authorities 2 lm Saturday or Junday, lteturning, TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE | razette, St. John, N B wr =ev- | to let him be excited a8 apocdily i Tey Mop 3 ave had kidiwey trou ible. He decla at it would TORONTO. ral vears I have hac : . possible. 1 $ i i i { ble + avs Mr. Olive, "'until quite re-1pg dangefous to the community to al a. Oy, pau end} | Cunqunlied Justices 198 SICUFIBR POSE: | oon 4 flored tortur A few | low him at large as he was totally - i i S f cent sullerec 0 " v aw ; - y on aT N: Hans ipment in Canada ithe ago my condition assumed a unable to control his passion for mur G LEAST: Nene P y Largest, anid best Subir rg vo y form. 1 consulted several | der when his temper was aroused, f0ING EAST Wednesia Fridays, 321 Queen street, Kingston. | very sero rl ; « and Sundays, at 450 § vs, Thursdays "7" SEND. FOR CATALOGUE doctors, used: a well-EnoWn et wrsdays, sh 5 ol . 4 WRT - ' . but without th izhtest benefit A Famous Canadian To Visit City GOING W Tuesday! 80 p.m RWI Freight and Saturdays, 1 J.P. HANL Ar Ticket Agent leave Kimg- 5:00 for Plic- ). Agent property Before remewing old or giving MET DIS ASTER 3 Admiral Togo Reports a Success- the Central re STRACHAN'S HARDWARE -- - escape from with disdster. ships poured a destructive fire of shell into the Russians. practical annihilation of the Russian fleet at Port Arthur. J. GORRIE. |. destroy the enemy's fleet at Vladivos- in rapidly on in a short time. on the part of the the remainder of their fleet from cap ture by the Japanese. about forty miles west of Kaiping, was NE SHIP SUNK AND TWO DAMAGED. ful Clash With Russians on Thursday, June 23rd--A Heavy Russian Loss. w York, June 25.--A despatch to 1 News from Tokio says : tis believed that the bottled up Rus- inn fleet made ; a desperate attempt Port Arthur and met Togo detected the move and his war- Togo's victory has resulted in the This will release his battleships and ruisers, and Japan, being master of he sea, will at once bottle up and ok. This news is taken by experts as svidence that Japan's army is closing Port: Arthur on the . and that the city will fall and attempt save The dash was a desperate Russians to Russians Lost 16,000. A special to The n Tsin says: New Chwang e battle menting, Chicago, June 25 Daily News from 1 Officers arriving at from the fromt say that fought on Thursday at the hardest blow the Russians have yet received. The Muscovites lost, according to these accounts, 16,000 in killed and wounded, missing and prisoners. That the Russian fetreat did not turn into a rout was due to the dog- bravery of the men of the Sth iberian Rifle Bricade, under Kondratsvitch, who flving troops, contesting every covered the inch of the way. Japs Lost 1,500. 9 Chefoo, June Steamers arriving at Chemulpo from Moji, Japan, report » numbers of Japanese troops w are awaiting traneporta tion at Japanese ports, The loss of life resulting from the attacks of the Russian Vladivostok squadron on the J sports Hitachi and Izu mi is now placed at 1,500. Many hors vs also were drowned. r apanese tr Cornwall Mill Burned. ' Cornwall, Ont. The worst fire in several vears took place here on Friday night when the fine new sawmill of J. B. Atchison was de stroyed, along with his sash door factory, planing mill and or throe hundred thousand feet of lumber. The fire originated about ten o'clock and spread very rapidly. The energetic endeavors of the firemen and citizens, coupled with the fact that it was dead calm, saved the houses with which the mills were surrommdud and prevented a gre conttazration, the mills and lumber vard being loca- ted in the centre of a block of dwell ings. The mills and most of the lum bor were destroyed. Mr. Atchison says his loss is nearly $10,000; no in June 27 surance. PRS---------- Toronto Boat Disabled. The Torturirs Backache new. business get rates from Strange went 10-8 small town in the & Strange, Agents. Nelraska. . MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR | Causes Untold Misery: and Drives It made the cure of a case of piles S email sums, at low rates of interest The Poor Sufferer to Distrac- | thap was considered hopeless. ; on city and farm property Louns : , The news spread and although this granted on y and county deben- | tion--No Case That Can't Be was only two years ago he" Homand ot Avy, to 8, O_o Jorvast: | Cured By Ferrozone. prompted Dr. J. 8. Yeonhardt, 'of * fant Society, Office opposite the Lincoln, Neb., the discoverer, to pre: Post Office he dutics of the kidneys arelpars it for general use. Now it is > OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON | am mg the most important that de- | being sent to all parts ol the world, "Buildings and contents than anv oth | volve upon any organ ol the humai It will cure any case ol piles. There er company offers Examine them at |), ]y, Ii for any reason they get out i month's treatment in each box. Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Murk- of lr te in the system Ye €o'd for 8, with absolute guaran oN ---- ---- oming poisoned by w healthy matter | tee. o EDUCATIONAL. | that is bound to cause serious illness It is for sale by W. H, ey, eT -- his explains, the large number . ---------- = from neglected kidney troud) Was Electrocuted. Confederation Life eet i 'S of my " : + me quick relief Col. ARCHITECTS. Si ST. MARGARET { Ferrazone. h gov. me qu k reli, and Lol_t ils Yo ston. At ree = If un dozen boxes curs . 8 i % 1 oad as & 8 ec for disor-| J+ Routley's story, where there will ; WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITEUT, OF- E TORONTO i recommend 8s opt i Offs > also be a display of premimms given fice, second floor, ovel Mabooy s drue te i red kidneys." 4 part fee, a Be ae Tor tie hom tags ON corner rincess an. Axo | Ferrozrone ot nly cures idney | se tole : OA store, "Bntrauce on Bagot strech. | A high-class Residential and : ' " ie pg 1 maladies | "Bobs" plug chewing tobacco, and Telephone 608. hool for Girls compat', \ Sin erup- | other plug tobaccos manu actured hy ee ee Schoo. . ai how jem, gout, sciatica, n Oe " a De odern equipment. Specialists |! 1 I dinhot ' stile and ne -- | Empire Tobgero Cou, all of which bear ARTHUR ELLIS, Jucpnect, OF-| of European training and of the | Yfiich are. caused hy defective the snowshoe tag: Fd a and Montreal Streets. | highest academic and professional |) It neutralizes and 'destroys all | EET ET ; i tandin in every department of | s in the tom, cleansed thei ¢ A, Swayse, Detroit, shot "Miss POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER-| © g bl and invigorates the enfeebled pddie L. Alford, 'on Friday. He Shant'a Bank Building, corner Brock work. 1 end It is mild, gentle and eer then jumped out of the window, fall- "Phone 212.| For Booklet, apply to n. Costs SOc. per hox, or SIX for ing eleven storeys to the pavement, ed will re- and Wellington streets. ENR , SMITH, ARCHITE! 3 ny X nehor Building, Marl *Phese 345. Square, or. { Mrs. Geo. Dickson, kets Building, Toronto + -------------- Director. | Geo, Dickson, MA. |: incipal. ! Tagy (Late Lrin.. Upper Canada Coll.) | deaths | {1 (fered from an intense pain in th { groin, and the increasing rouble prompted me to Osworo, June 27.--The steamer St. S. A. Maxwell's. houseboat Parnctla, Josephs, Capt. E eto dor while] which 'has _leensoit winter juitons in midlake and rifted about for here, was fitted out last wee and twenty-four hours. She was towed to taken to Alexandrin Bay. Alexander this port by the tug Ferris. She was Hore 18°10 charge of the craft again bound. from Toronto to Oswego for this se ihe bass fishing has coal. opened gloriously and catches made during the past' few days have been . % good ones. Come to Cape Vincent for An intermittent snow storm Was jp, best of bass fishing. raging at Butte, Mon, on Friday. On Friday evening of 'this week the Aig ountains were covered. 'The 1 ihigiars of the intermediate depart- temperature was forty degrees above | ont of the C.°V. high sc hool will 7010. give an entertainment at the Odd: I - . fetows'hall. . of Kidney Disease. LPTIOUSNIEER try DPR. JOHN 'W. COOK, PRESIDER Special to the Whig. 0 is; Mo., June 27.--Secretary St. Louis; fi \ Irwin Shepard, of the National Edu-| and do his purchasing of boots, dry- cational Association estimates that | goods, hardware and got his hair: cut 25,000 teachers are in St. Louis for { but the by-law will not allow him the annual convention of the associa: tion. Twice that number are expected to be on hand when gets under full headway to-morrow. Every state and territory from Maine to California has sent its contingent of educators. The South, though it has its. own educational association as distinctive from the national associa tion, will be well represented at the convention of the latter organization. California, Washington and Oregon will be in evidence and even the dom- inion of Canada will represented hy a score or more of its foremost edu cators. ett GRADUATE OF HARVARD: Wind And Rain Storm Did Much Damage. Cape Vincent, June 24.--A number of summer vigitors have already ar- + rived at the Cape. A roi hany and retails, yes often, less than the sturgeon are being taken from the grower or producer, His the Mii waters adjacent -to this village. Wiss who buys up and ships out of our 4 4 city or corner the market and. sells the graduation of his son from Har- vard College. Mr. and Mrs. FP. VW. Sacket returned from their wedding trip Friday evening and are 'At Home" at the Hotel Carleton. Bass fishing is fine. The Foresters have ac- cepted an invitation from Rev. G. Ernst to attend services at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. The lad St. Vincent de Paul's church erémn and cake on Rev. ies of will serve PD. Gilbault's lawn next Saturday evening. If the weather is favorable the sale will take place in the vacant store in the Fitzgerald block. Eugene of Watertown, spent Sunday Carnes, with. friends "in" this village. Miss Estelle Dezengromel, who has for the past four months been stoppin, at Munila, is now at, Hong Kong, China. Miss Mamie Roat, who has been at- tending the Ithaca Conservatory of Music, has returned home for the sum- mer vacation. A grand celebration here on the Fourth of July. The severe wind and rain storm of Wednesday morning did considerable damage to a number of docks and boat houses on the shore of the river. Hew It Spreads. The first package of Hem Roid (the in'allible pile cure) that was put out state of June 30th, ales Fri- 2nd, man On Thursday, dav and Saturday, July Ist and Collins Young, the smallist 50 At 'druggists everywhere. Fersozone Assures Healt And Make or): I all the city by-laws rigid, Hors would be in the treasurer's de: than a board of enquiry to Tnvestigate and remodel ly and obnoxious clauses which like toll gates may have been useful a century ago. merchants buying before on market days 1s one of the most ab- surd on the for mine-teriths of Pie dinner. miles wants to sell his load, =o he can attend to his these privileges, ! a' load of the convention | early so he can do his buying as he has twenty-five miles to drive. man in blue catches "Sunny Jim" and forces him to stand before the Cadi_afiid pay his compliments and cash or spend a month supping roll- ed oats, gruel and drinking pea cofice at Charlie's restaurant. was framed by a couple of Loise Hall, of Cornwall, Ont, is « % v visiting relatives and friends in Cape agen on the market is the real ofien- Vincent. Mrs. Louis Mance and Mrs. "et. Thomas Daley spent a portion of last Now that bylaw should be erased week with friends at Ningston. Liv- at once for it is an injury to our ingston Stone left Tuesday for Cami erty; market tolls and road tolls bradge. Mass where he will attend should also go. No matter what cor- ena] , per of Kingston vou come in every main give 'wha is Everybody Pay For y Their Offending--A By-Law That Should Never be Allow 'ed To Be On The Books. Kingston, June 27.--(To the Edit-, were enforced what a jingle of coins t. If there is one thing more ther needed in our city it is some of the said sil One of the by-laws which prohibits ten o'clock books. Merchants buy the ople want their goods The farmer who comes many horses, get his dinner Jim" buys "Sunny a, man off berries to let The this old by-law aldermen 1 have been informed dry before they and chicken Now, 1 understand long ago and that it was hardly bought up turkeys, geese to ship out of our city. There is just one point. Goods bought by merchants for nine-tenths of our good ladies who do not care or have not got the time to attend market, does not injure anvone. It is a direct bene- fit to buyer, seller and consumer, for the merchant buys in large quantities few inches a man holds up his finger und you have to give him five cents or go back, I the by-law is to re the members of the police force a free hand and half of the five and 'make oll obey lads and lassies alike, as it is now, the man who , is punished by not be: ing able to get what he toquires as the law breakers have bought every: thing up.--CITl -------- GENERAL STOESSEL A SWISS. Received Education in Native Country. Jeneva, June & «General Stoesstl, is defending Port Arthur, is a Swiss by birth, and has received most of his military education in Switzer: land. His father and two brothers still live at Wulflingen, in the canton of Zurich. General Stossel passed through the military school, and un til 1858 was at the head of the engi neering department at Winterhour. He was soon afterward appointed to the small arms factorv at St. Petersburg, and in 1590 ented the Russian army beconing naturalized. His rise to his present position was very rapid. He is dgscribed as Courageous, determin: od. and tenacious, and a favorite in military circles. ea -------- Toronto Market. Fggs--Fair lots are col g forward, but the shrinkage is increasing. Quota- tions are steady at 15¢. to 154e. Sec- onds are unchanged at 12¢. to 124c. Potatoes--The market is firm in tone, About enough stocks are coming in to fill the demand. Quotations are un changed at Xie. to Ode. for cars on track here, and £1.05 to 81.15 for out of store stock. Beans--Are quiet and quoted nn changed: Hand-picked are quoted at £1.50 to $1.55 and prime at $135 to £1.45, ° Baled Hay There is pleney of hay rae. Try a lemon phosphate at ( Red Cross Drug Store fountain. Remember the lawn social orchestra in attendance. Miss Helen Drewry, Smithfield, and W. H. Peck, Albury, were married in Belleville, on Juac 1Sth, hy Rev. A. C. Maybee, uncle of the groom. It being the first wedding in the y church, the bride wis given a hind. h hook | 594 'he trustees, sackage maken five gallons. everywhere, or by mail' for ond 25¢c i offering, but the demand is quiet Puy- a a. r Le ers anticipate a heavy crop of new, and are holding off on that account. The market is quoted casy aot ¥8.50 i 3 per' ton for car lots on truck here, Baled Straw--ls in fair demand aml . =e is gucted unchanged at £5 to $5.50 pir This warm weather ou ; ton lor ei - re 3 £) a for our Jota ow track here, will, undoubtedly, - appreciate ibson's R at Sib- bit's farm, Front Road, Pittsburg, on Monday evening, June 27th. Crosby's ¢ If you'll only give as much thought to the fitness of the food you put inside of your body as you do to. the fit of the clothes you put on the outside of it, you're pretty sure to make RCE" a part of your breakfast every day. The elements of energy, will, brainpower, push, initiative, ability to command success, all lie waiting you in "FORCE" © In its flaky deliciousness combined minute atoms of fat, starch, a absorbed Ladies' Queen Quality Tan Boots in Jaced and | buttoned ; alto a large assort= ment of Tan and Black Oxfords. | Boots, $3.75 and $4. Oxfords, $3 and $3.75. J. 0. Sutherland & Bro. =% The Fashion Store. COOL SHOES. a Our Men's Tan Oxfords Come as near filling the bill as possible. We show nobby styles in Button and Blucher, on- com- fortable easy fitting lasts and with all the style that is usvally | found in our Men's Shoes. Killing himself. Miss Al cover. WP. DOWNEY, Sols Agent, Ct AY