e a 1 equal facility. eed-doors, are nd of fuel, and lied. ~ for booklet. ) ver, St. John, N. B, wow what our of retailing o hint." How ime and exper- saved -to him. it to show an cut his cigar alf ! To show system of dis- results in cigar ind uniformity not possible 1d made possi- through our nd to any ad- Canada a box Cigars -- clear, r, 4% inches 2.50. igars are not any you have 1€ remain- yi Mo paid what part of r vacation our prepaid upon FH EEL IID > Co. Wel] JRTS of frozen dainties g like a MOUNTAIN EZER an and economical, and will freeze your e minutes. With e give a beautiful ipts for making ts, Water Ices, etc. sk all sizes, from IRCH, ston. 00, into posses- ay so. We know jay more, except s? We await 0" basis of all STORE lises. x Swift's 3 iH i { ~ eo 00000000 5 ar iM the St, oe : oa : nope tw ) iw "Sunday in $00006000000000000000@ cranton @1 That He Will Using: | ferent day k (Continued from Page 3.) o A a oon y . Sion +. BE[ Them. . maby pas SU] The frat wadding since the Peitish ; = ge 00 | Prince Atbert + 16.00 Dr. Lapponi, whose skill preserved | cares to carry on hi Jay | Scupation in Wawaness Macleod - - 38 the life of the late Pope Leo XIII to | do so. The saloons run Ul blast, | Sou a f 25 | gary - . . sw] the great age of 92, and to whose | and their Sunday trade is probably -. Bm» gare the health of the present Pope, | greater than any other in the o Eteran moo | TedDeer - - 2M His Holiness Pius X., is confidea, has woek. The theatres are all and N : Y {= Strathoons - - #010 | written the remarkable letter of which gala performances are given. Un the : S6 5 0 sedge JONE 14, 30th and JULY | the following e's ravalation : * | Sunday which 'the 'Ca journal . ' patuine until Aur 16h. 39h and fiamme "Fink Phila in ou ease of he | opost in tha ion o baseball Quality a few weeks of ron A rg nn the heaviest , | Chapel, Which was filled to overflow- : : fo Sit © 22d OR | came fully up to my expectations. For | street cars, and ing, the bight Sniforuus sud ------t You can make dirty pictare frames, or any other such articles, Joc Guaranteed. F. A. FOLGER, JR., - | that reason I shall not fail in the fu- | seems to be a bri scone. The bride en: you clean them the Sunlight way, Chop very finely a piece of : Gen. Pass. Gen. Supt | ture to extend the use of this lauda- | ing. The exposition gates are tered the church on the of her put it into bottle witha teacupful of hot water, shaki SWIFT & 40 Train leaves Kingston 8:10 a.m. ble preparation not only in the treat- | closed, but this is because of the ac- brotherin-la AR 0 Siried lass full of spirits of ammonia, Paint the frames with this liquid, letit stay ona JAMES . ent of other morbid forms of the | tion of the Washington government, | hopes law, re ny: Sheers | I Rw minutes, Shen wash off with a, sof brush amd sold Sa water, and 'polish Telephone 135. THE BAY OF RAILWAY NEW category of Anaemia or Chlorosis, but | While Sunday means for St. Louis an ee apr 8 ay. ce with with clean chamois leather. Sunlight Soap is the only soap that can be used LINE FOR also in cases of Neurasthenia and the | open city the churches appeared to be | b, organdie, trim i fully in every cleansing of in the household : : . alg : : lace, with long tulle veil, caught $ . Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and like. fairly well filled, and in two of them blossoms and ry ; 3s Jocal points. - Train leaves City DR. GIUSEPPE LAPPONI. | which were attended by The Herald k . eh hi Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY. Acsat ive, GHT 0h : ey As the bride entered the church, "The . : § si seuding] Nice, That, Broathed Oar Edun, * wan ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR ok ae v- fiovr ¢h 6 and ho officers 'of the Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white ad thon't injure the hands, + h 2nd yal Regiment. , After the cere- + AR - ) SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED work or on securin their own plea | sony, "leaving the church to the LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. ira to the undersigned, and endo ** Ten- ® or gan, were allowed 10 do it inl strging of . Mendelssohn's weddin fe a ~ -- der for Supplying Coal for D giion any way they saw fit. The workers on march, they under the & ---- - EE ---------- -- 5 a ONDA ot anal aLthh oftice ST. LOUIS, MO. the cars on other enterprises, | qwords of she guard of honors. The : : ~~ ively, for the supply of coal for the $22 (Good for 15 days). yer, however, not free, 'Their hard scene outside was a very bright one. ' - Pubic Buildings th Pourhout the Domin- $29.35 for 60 da : lot seemed to be to work seven days | My. and Mrs. F den were grooted ' embined specification and form . of 35, 4 ys) [la Nook, and hardest on Sunday, a re- with showers of rice and many con- tender can be obtained on application at | $35.20 (Good until Dee. 15th, 1904, 8 rh bn sure to come to a gratulations, amid the cheers of the : this office. Stop-overs allowed at any intermedi class when labor and pleasure seeking crowd of friends and soldiers who OF. ; ta tert be a a Siicotation In Canada. also Detroit and are indiscriminately pursued on Sun-lhad gathered to witness their depar- -- a - ; made on the printed form supplied, and SIDE TRIP--Hawmilton to Niagara ' oy by any able section of ture. The bride and groom drove away i signed with their actual signatures. Falls, $1.40 additional. people. in a landau drawn by six white horses ' A ' an qe on a chartered aie 5 ZG SPECTRE SOARES wich a sergeant and five drivers of the I made payeble to the order of the Hone 3 BE N FARMERS. Royal Field Artillery in review order, n a ominion ay DR. GIUSEPPE LAPPONI, y ° z ; Sari fa Jnister. of Public Works, ne letter th obe: Who hat writ: | Scuds Over Fields And Through | hich had been placed at their dis pin tender, which will be fo if the par- Return tickets will be issued at ten raise of Dr. Williams UEH posal by the 0.0. 3rd Battalion R.F. bi Sondering decline to Suter Into a Son Si 1 Fi Cl F he fast to complete the work cont ted ing e irst- ass rare Siggue Th, KS TEUROE on pc vo | Pri SR ERY. June 300. ana 2 iday, ' accept Te ent o- aby tender. Jaood tuning on or before Monday, By orddl ID. GRLINAS. For Pullman accommodation, tickets, Secretary and acting Deputy Minister. Department of Public Works, wa, June 24th, 1904. Newspapers inserting this advertise- i ment without suthority, from the depart VERPOOL 3 ment will not pa or it. LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIN LONDONDERRY " From Montreal. From Quebec. Tunisian, Fri. July 1, 4 am. 8 p.m. Ionian, Fri. July 8, 9 am. 9 p.m. Bavarian, Fri. July 15, 8 a.m. .3 p.m. EE -------------------- Parisian, Fri. July 22, 9 am. 8. p.m. Paint a carriage we put brains as well as paint into the job. Our work is of the highest standard. JPhone 526. Queen St., above Barrie. A" good storage warehouse in connec- tiom. * Wood Burning Outfit We have them from $1 up. Also An Artistically Framed Picture Our Frames are MADE IN KINGSTON and are guaranteed KIRKPATRICK'S foe | Eiiiie 4 P. WALSH, Barrack St. Is selling SCRANTON COAL As follows :-- Pea, per ton........... $5.50 Chestnut; per ton..... 6.50 Stove, per ton......... 6.50 Egg, perton.......... 6.50 Well Screened and Prompt Delivery. H. MILNE, Only Electric Clean- ing and Feather Renovating Plnt in Kingston. : "Phone 542. 272 Bagot Street. CAPILLI FORMA A clean, healthy tonic, luxuriamt growth of hair at age, vents Bair, 1s a positive cure for BRSRACER, NBUEALGIA, | DAND- M anufactured DER, at the lors, 351 tonso purposes. sold by MME. BE. EL- diam Gunagathon Par- street, Kingston. Screen Doors and Windows, Princend Street. LET ME HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantee you satis- fact regults. We don't brag, but perform the work. Nothing sacrificed, but your best inter- est studied. ; 3 W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. WOOD YARD--JUST OPENED Corner of Barrack and Bagot Streets Hard and Soft Slabs constantly on hand. Elephant Mixed Paints| OING 3 Po ARNIEY. "SALW o co. Ticket Agent. Firs The D. derloin, Hams. street. "J. GORRIE. and all other information, ap ly J. P. HANLEY, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets. cording to steamer; erpool and Londonderry, $87.50, and $42.50, London, $3.50 extra. Third Class, superior accommodation, from Liverpoo! London, $15, from London, $17. Through tickets to South Africa. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Pretorian,. .. W. G. FROST,|™ ( NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. R dia W bov Te. a y above ad application. J. P. HAN FERRE Smet. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY River and Gulf of St. Lawrence | making Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw with electric A. FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 8 p.m. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Fer tickets Jd. P. HANLEY, or J. LEEVE, Ticket Ageats, Kingston, Ont. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rochester, N. Y., & 1000 Islands STRS. "NORTH KING' AND "CASPIAN" - ston dally, oo, ha for ay For fu datormation apply to E. B. Rays G. P. & F. Agent, King- Hanley,J. P. Gildersieove, Jas. Co. Ageats. J. P. Swift & Toronto, Charlotte Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Leave Kingston daily, Goma East, § am Hamilton, Picturesque Rideau STEAMERS LEAVE KINGSTON THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 6 A. M. Better Than Ever MYERS' ee en naan NEW. © debed, to Agent, it. Cabin, $70 and upwards, ac- Second Cabin, Liv- $40 to or 1, Derry, Gl w, $15, to .. Wed. July 6, (daylight) urs. July 7, 11 a.m. steamers on City LEY, Agent, G.T.R. t. . P. GILDER- Street. Irena SS. " Campana, lights, electric bells and all 4th and 18th J 15th and 39th August; 13th and finest trip of the season for health 3d saison Sp ts Bay of Quinte Route DAILY SERVICE en oe 3% June, leave Mo! te Port ar TBs oh N.Y. Returning, w ¢, Thousand Islands, Genk Wes Toronto, Bay of Quinte and fea Thursdays, Freight Agent. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS CELEBRATED - HOME- Pork Sausages, Ten- Bacon All to be found at 60 "Phone 570. BST WHITE CEDAR, V, - for some years. INERVINE POWDERS a letter in p Pink Pills for Pale People. It would be impossible to exagger places his professional he did not have. The "simple anaemia to womanhood is tardy, ment, is so often imperilled. A girl bright, and merry enough in child- aches, and a sense of uneasiness which erable. Just when it is time for her oto leave off being a girl and become a woman--a which comes to dif- ferent individuals at different ages-- her development why ! Be- what Dr. Lap, , in the scientific for Pale People have the power of new blood. They cure anaemia they help growing girls, who, for want of this new blood, often drift in- to chronic ill-health, or "go into a de- cline' --~which -meaus consumption-- wd die. Dr. Williams' Pills could save em. The value of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a nerve tomie, referred to by Dr. Lapponi, makes them valuable to men as well as women. They act on the nerves through the blood and thus cure diseases like St. Vitus' dance, neuralgia, paralysis .and locomotor ataxia. When buying these pills it is important to see that the full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple, is printed on the wrapper around each box. Never take a substitute, as it is worse than a waste of money--it is a menace to health. If you ot get the genuine pills from Sour decor write the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out., and the pills will be sent you post paid at 50c. a box or six, boxes for $2.50. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News Of The District On Both Sides Of The Line. Miss Gertrude Pringle, Belleville, and William R. Hicks, Toronto, were married on Wednesday. Miss Bertha Crouter, and John H. Garbutt, both of Albury, were mar- ried in Belleville this week. John R. Lavell, M.P., has left on a business trip to Manitoba and the North-West. He will likely go as far as Edmonton. Miss Minnie Alma Davis, Carleton Place, and J. Arnold Gardiner, Rat Portage, were married in the former place on Wednesday. The choir of 8t. Carthagh's church, Tweed, gave Miss Martin, for three years the organist of the church, a purse of $50 in gold. Miss Bridget McCormick, a well known resident, of Belleville, is dead after a long illness. She was a staunch Roman Catholic. Frank Larkin, a Tyendih er, was seriously jared To being dragged half a mile by a runaway team, which took fright at the GT, R. crossing. James Buckley, only son of William Buckley, Tyendinaga, died Wednesday, ty-cight years. He had been a sufferer from organic troubles farm- EE MATHIEU'S EE best cure for head- ache -- either mervous or * bilioue. 18 powders for 25 cents. Guaranteed no opiates! with Mathieu's of Tar «Combined Liver Oil the and Cod Liver Ol they are the post vo Sold everywhere or sent postpaid by 7 to 18 ft. Apply to A. MeCorkill, boat builder, corner Gore and Ostarie strest. ate the importance of this opinion. br. Lapponi's high official position above question, and it is certain that write as above without weighing his words, or without a full sense of the effect his opinion would of develop- ment," referred to by Ur. Lapponi is of course that tired, languid condi- +tion of young girls whose development i and whose health at the period of that develop. hood, will in her teens grow by de grees pale and languid. Frequent head: she cannot understand, make her mis- lingers-- cause she has too little blood. That is poni means when he speaks, na- tural to him, of "the anaemia of de- velopment." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills just as food cures hunger. That is how 4 ious woman, Legend Une evening Voorst family, residing Chute, were burning a pile of brush twigs, and i LTass near a board fence. As they stood feedi flames some one on the other side ol the fence began to + | house called to the boy on the other side in. Then, the nuisance continuing, ran swiftly and suddenly around fence and saw Ran to run like a deer. The ; seemed to fairly Through fences, five of which were barbed She scrambled she vanished in thin air. ---- Kyrle Bellew On Superstition. superstitious, fraternity are," remarked lew. "I think we take front hard to beat. cat. If she attends about to be roduced. Then, in, the 'tag,' whic ogatn is the last line of the play, 18 never uttered during rehvars- als in any theatre, as it is believed it would epoil the run of the piece. "Then there are peacock feathers. Many dramatists and managers, as well as actors, have attributed their failure to the baleful presence of pea- cock feathers. Open umbrellas, too play an important part. It is quite sufficient for an actor to open an um- brella within the precinct of the stage door to have him Promptly ejected, for you know, the stage doorkeeper is a truculent sort of being and is no re- spector of persons. "There are certain tunes also, which are rigorously tabooed as being un- lucky, Alpoug others the music of 'Macbeth.' Whistling in the dressing room is looked upon as little less than a crime, as the actor who hap- pons Jo be Hoosen! to the door will cer y lose his engagement in con- sequence. That is known as 'whistling a man out of the theatre,' There are many other odd superstitions, all equally absurd and difficult to ex- plain. ; » J ------------ The Proposal. Woman's Home Companion. He thought that he would w roe poet' igh ¢ 00 her as a i And hair like vane bright. a nd vow ught of her b; dreamed of + by night. ay; and The mediaeval style, ho mused, might be best perchance-- He'd tell his lovely ladye fair that for a Aen SEER 1 zal ' other riv might. 'd fear- less break his lhe she'd fen Perhaps a simpler wi were best Sweet maid, this eh life While sweat-drops on his forehead stood, and trembling were Nis tomes : Is but a hard and stony path, clouds and shadows rife: My strong arm would Protect vou oh, sweet one, be my wife 1' But this is what he reall i hak ¥ said, in very " Dear Kate--er--Miss Kato--er "1 ought to say Miss Jonoe-- I we wet marrier--er--I m Fa 5 hg Too chown." Kis vo a earning--er. a week, it's not The maiden 2 : ! , dear; biased. nd he frned. Wile, Gear | A ---- ss a-- Every time a woman strikes the | word "'and" in her conversation she | 'generates power for a fresh start. a man starts out to with another he is never satis til ho gets ahead It is always the bi givin the dead dog the heartions Link It is always i t even un- | _ Appleton, Wis., June 30.--A myster- : a veritable will-o'-the- wisp, who: reminds one of the ghosts in 'the of Sleepy Hollow," has been troubling the farmers of Grand Chute. She appears and vanish- e8 like a creature of air, and no one has been able to lay hands upon her, recently the Vander- in Grand high the a throw stones against the 'boards. The men of the supposed little ¢ of the fence in the field 10 stop the noise and come they the a woman wrapped; in a dark shawl, who, on seeing them, be- skim the earth. { them, three of wire, the woman went on with the men close after her. through the barbed wire fences with her hindering 'skirts much more easily than the men. Then "Personally, I am not in the least but the majority of my Kyrle Bel- rank in that respect, although naval men are "For instance, there is the theatre . rehearsals regular- ly it means a long run for the piece A. Caplain and Mrs. Strledinger after. - COMMENCING % a whore, he! Tot th ale ; house, where the + bride ; fee moran: Saturday, July 2 Higginbotham, terwards the sarrage and 4s, with unted drivers, whirl 6 Anpp Ss i aa station. They 400. to 65c. Hats for 25¢. $1.75 to $2 Hats for $1. spent a short honeymoon in ; 26. burg, returning to say goodby to 75¢. to $1 Hats for 50c. $2.25 to $2.50 Hats fér $1.25 Captain and Mrs. Striedger, 'who | 7 08 to $1.50 Hats for 75c. $2.75 to $3.25 Hats for $1.50, were shortly leaving for England. The bride 8 . cousin of Mrs George Sears Come with the crowd, Shop early, ak of this city. { { . » aig We close at § o'clock every day, except Saturday, Miss Macmorine will entertain at a In July and August. ; small tea on Monday, for Mrs. Cole ST man's old Jriends. . ; pepe Mrs. R. H. Temple, Toronto, is the The Lead ng Millinery: guest of her sister, Mrs. Black, Mack street. ! Mr. and Mrs. Huycke Thursday to Pi and Mantle Store. went up on & « § * u'lsle, where Mrs. Huycke 'and = her little son, Francis, # will spend the next two months at - GROCERS and their 1 amar Sotiage Nan the point. other USERS of Mr. Huy ret to town, NLA Miss Bouck, a recent graduate of WHI consult their best Interests the Kingston General Hospital, came to town on Wednesday, and is en pen- sion at "Av e."' Mrs. J. H. H. Coleman, and her little people arrived today from Stirl ing," and are at St. James , rectory. chasing goods manufactured by SO Our Sel-Opening, Square Bottom Grocery Bags sr made from the TOUGHRST papers in ALL SIZES and WEIGHTS. Weare also headquarter for all: kinds of Hat, Millinery aud Glove Bage, and Flour and Cement Sacks. The E. B. Eddy Co., Limited, Hull, Can. J. A, HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. KEE EEEEEE FEE KEESEEE EW Holds First Place! ALWAYS THE SAME Miss Sarah Lavell and her charges will spend a mouth at Thousand ls land Park, and during August will be the guest of Mrs. R. E. Sparks, Uni versity avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George Y. Chown and |- their young people, will leave next week for a month's visit at Lake Placid, in the Adirondacks. Colonél and Mrs, Raymond Reade and little Mise Mary Reade, sailed to- day for England. Miss Charlotte Dupuy came home on Tuesday, and has been staying with Mrs. Coxworthy. Mrs. Wilcox, who has been with Mrs. Wade, is now visiting Mrs. Mc Mahon. . . Me . Miss Louise Kirkpatrick went up on Monday to Veterboro to visit Mrs. Dennistoun, and was a guest at the Haultain-Dennistoun ~~ wedding on Wednesday. : Mrs. Skinner and her son, Mr. Hen ry Skinmer, will go down the St. Lawrence on Monday, to Quebec, on the Alexandria. r London "Ale Leads in universal popularity, be- SCA cause it has reached the point of perfect- F 26 ion. being absolutely pure, faultless in »" quality and exquisite inflavor, i LR a Mr. and Mrs. Haury Joseph and Master Gratz J are to spend the summer in the White Mouatains, Miss Madelon Carter and Miss Lor- otta Swift, visiting Mrs. Bacon at Ot- tawa, have returned. ! . Captain and 'Brevet Major A. T. Kirkpatrick, of the Queen's Own Rifles, is transferred to the reserve of offic ers, with the rank of captain. Captain and Mrs. Bickford, fecently married in Toronto, have left for England and France, en route to In- dia. NL ht a -------- JAS. MCPARLAND, Agent. i ---------- . . . . . The engagement is announced of Eleanor, second daughter of Daniel Kelly, J.P., of Toronto, and Herbert E. Moore, assistant government archi- tect for Ontario. Miss' Pearl Stevenson, daughter of Mr. R. R. Stevenson, Yishop street, Montreal, to Rev. M. Day Baldwin, rector of All Saints' chunch, Mont- real, and son of his Lordship, the Bishop of Huron, 18 We bell urchasers of Sept. wheat below 80c. will show ten points pron veers to tah below D0e "104, and Sept. 1s che en not Hkaly We buy w eat in lots 1M "and and ob Sask on three cent margins for Sept. or 5 for July. 3 McMillan & Maguire, S-E. Cor. King & Yonge oh PETERBORO-184-186 Hunter St. KINGSTON--Exchange Chambers. » 900999 ©90999 sesvsene = t Recommended "uy* AS ABUILDER Announcements have been received of the marriage of Nr. W. G. A. Lambe of Toronto and Miss COC. M. Reid, daughter of the late Hon. Robert Reid, of Melbourne, Australia, which took place at St. Margaret's, West | minster, on the 21st inst. | Hair-Food y $ food-- Vigor. feeds, nourishes, and restores Dou't grow old too Maes. fast!