hin Siimuianis Mental which lead to Infirmity. nd an arly Grave. ied 'prompts on prom on re ree pamphlet. Address pod Couv.pany, deor, 01%. Canada, we is sold by all al ck & Halliday, ectricians, Prin- PAINTING for First-class vg. [RENCE STREET, ons Livery. 84 Princess St. Cream Parlor b nd To-morrow Garnation or Ice Cream Soda. idl \ ift's - en & = 0000000000 00000000 60620 al ]. y nteed. FT & G0. e 135. i 1INKING r Groceries don't an get as good t the UNIQUE our prices are ers and deliver ring up 530. KERIN G. Ta Ne) a TRAVELLING. BE KINGSTONS PENERONE § CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. Homaseckers' 5% , Besos oe - y # wn [EEE {ue Sedkmtoon - - BS VW | prires Albert - 2600 J Macleod - - 3800 ' § 25 | calgary - - - BW to BS] pdDeer - - ®W {mo Stratheuna - - #030 Going JUNE 14th, 28th and JULY 9th. until Aug. 15th, 29th and t, 20th vely. leaves Reston 8:10 'a.m lars ya & V'. and CP.R. Fo A. FOLGER, JR. en. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW : SHORT 'LINE FOR Tweed, Napasee, em and all Jocal 'points, Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent, B.Q. Ry., Kingston. EYCURSION RATES World's Fair), ST. LOUIS, MO. $22 (Good for 15 days). $29.35, (Good for 60 days). $35.20 (Good until Dee. 15th, 1904. Stop-overs allowed at any intermedi- ate station in Canada, also Detroit and Chicago SIDE TRIP--Hamilton to Falls, $1.40 additional. For Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agunt, Corner Johnston and Ontario trocts ALLAN LIN LONDUNDERRY From Montreal. From Quebec, Tunisian, Fri. July 1, 4 am. 3 p.m. loniam, Fri. Jul 8, 9 am. 9 pam. Bavarian, Fri. Jilly 135, 3 am. 3 pm. Parisian, Fri. July 22, 9 am. 8 p.m. First Cabin, $70 and upwards, ac- cording to steamer; Second Cabin, Liv- erpopl and Londonderry, $37.50, '$40, and $42.50, London, extra. Third Class, superior accommodation, to or from Liverpool, Derry, Glasgow, $15, to London, $15, from London, $17. Through tickets to South Africa. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Pretorian, .. .. Wed. July. 8, (daylight) NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Numidian, .. .. .. Thurs. July 7, 11 a.m. Niagara LIVERPOOL and EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE SCHOOL. Miss Alice King, assisted by Miss Grace Clark, M.A., and Miss Margaret King will re-open school early in Sep- tember, 215 William street. Classes both morning gnd afternoon. Punils prepared for Entrance, Civil Servies Spee Matriculation Examina- tions Junior Classes for Boys and Girls. Apply Alice Street KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unegualled facilities for sccuring posi- tions. Largest and best equipment in Canada. 821 Queen street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. | Confederation Life Building, Toronto. COLLEGE TORONTO A high-class Residential and Day School for Girls. Modern equipment. Specialists of European training and of the highest academic and professional standing in every department of work. For Booklet, apply to Mrs. Geo. Dickson, Geo. Dickson, M.A., Lady Principal. Director. {Late Prin. Tongan Canada Loli, ) IF YOU WANT To buy a Dwelling, Building Lot, Farm, Country Store, or a City Business, please call and see our list'and get particulars. A. F. BOND. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE, 63 Clarence St., CIEE AND WOMEN, Use Big @ for unnatural discharges, inflammations irritniious or ulvorations of mucoun membranes. ~ y Painicss, and not astrin L gent or poisonous. Sold ny ut in plain wrapper, ht oY ghd prepaid, for 1.00. or 3 bottles $2.75. Circular sent on tD YARD-JUST OPENED vwinor of Barrack and Bagot Streets Hard and Soft Slabs constantly on hand J. GORRIE. ssc "MAPLE LEAF" 22% CANNED SALMON eacxeo Rates by ve Glasgow af on aphliention. P. HANLEY, Agent, , 8 T.R. City Passenger Depot. . GILDER- BLEEVE, Clarence Slice) QUEBEC STEAMSRIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer etiey im Cool Latitudes Twia Screw S88. * Campana," with Slectric ich Pdlectric bells and all SAILS oti MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 3 p.m., 4th and 1Sth July: ist and 15th and 29th August: 12th and 26th September, for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Summerside, P.E.I1., and Charlottetown, P.E.I. Bmout trip of the season for health and com! RET OI AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms apnly to : °p. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. The Bay of Quinte Route DAILY SERVICE sn TQ Rochester, N. Y., & 1000 Islands STRS. "NORTH KING' AND "CASPIAN" Commencing 25th June, leave Kimg- ston daily, except Monday, at 500 p.m, for Bay of Quinte Ports and Port of Rochester Returning. will ar rive at 10:00 a.v ame days and leave for Thousand lslands, calling at Alexan- dria Bay and Gananoque. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Mond. at 5:00 p.m. for Pic- ton and Bay of Quinte Ports For further information apply to E. E. HORSEY, @. P. & F. Agent, King- stom, Ont. Jo By Hanley J. Jp Gilderslecve, Jas Sei & Co. Agen Daily Line Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand isiands, Brockvillle, Prescott and Moatreal. Leave Kingston daily, except Mong: poo East, 6 am. Going West, 6 Kin gston to Clayton, 1,000 Tsland Porat Brockville or Prescott, going and returning Su only. Single fare. Kingston to treal and return. Go- ing Saturd or Sunday. Returning, G.T,R., Monday. Fare, $6. Hamiiton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST--Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, at 4:30 p.m GOING WE T-Tuemlays. Thursdays, and, Saturdays, at 11:30 jy J. CHANLEY, aS AS. SW & CO. Ticket Agent Freight Agent. Picturesque Rideau STEAMERS LEAVE KINGSTON ON MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS AND SATURSAYS, 6A M. 'Better Than Ever MYERS' CELEBRATED Hous Made Mince Meat, Fork S derioin, Brawn _or = Head Cheese. Alt Cooked Meats, Bacon and Hams. AH to be found at 60 Broek street. "Phone SKIFFS FOR SALE. REST WHITE CEDAR. VARN- to. IR ft, Apply to FOR SALE OR TO-LET FURN- ISHED NO. 57 GEORGE STREET. to Mrs. Ww. Lesslie. APPLY BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD bath, etc, 102 Bagot street, nea: City Park. Reasonable rates. BE £ RN BUILD- 0 King street, 'rat and mouse 5S. R. McCann, 51 Brock LOW, Apo COTTAGE, RENT fishing and shooting. ss Street. FOR 2 SALE. . SOLID BRICK HOU SE on Frontenac Street, near Princess street, 7 rooms. Lot 66 feet front, by 154 feet deep. Lots of room to wild. 'Also good barn, sheds and arge poultry house. Apply through Whig otflice. TEAM HORSES BOTH ABOUT 14 hands; 4 t. new Commercial Wagon wm by Laturney, King- ston; et Harness, made by olan r air® Blankets A bargain M. Sheldrick, Piano Store, 213 I'rin- cess street NEW, BUILT-UP WIE S, WITH NEW Morrow Hrake, o $4.85 each Iivervthing at equally low prices. Bicycle Munson, Toronto WELL KNOWN HOTEL IN WEST- brook, with two acres of ground hamediate possession. Apply to W H. Carson, proprietor THE SHOP, DWELLING AND PREM- ises, No. 240 Princess strect, occupi- ed by Maker lires. Apply to John Mudie. Solicitor. GOOr BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Queen street, between Montreal and Bagot. Apply 49 Colborne street. BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW York make. with Cues and Balls, $180. Apply through Whig Office. STEAM YACHT. ABOUT THIRTY font long. Enquire through Whig ce. ------------------------------ MONEY AND BUS SS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy' holders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before remewing old or giving mew business get rates {rom Strange & Strange, Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates of interest om city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county deben- tures. Iv to S. C. McGill, man- ager of Frontenac Loan and Invest- mient Society, Office opposite the Post Office. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OR buildings and contents then anv oth- er company offers. Examine them at Godwin"s Insurdnce Emporium, 5 *t Square. ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITEUT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood 4 drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Hagot street. Telephone 608. AATHUR ELLIS. ARCHITECT, OF- New Drill Hall, near cor and Montreal Streets. -------------------------------------- POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Rank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 213. SMITH. ARCHITECT, RENRY P. ST. MARCGARET'S™ |} famous rec STEP HIGHER. REALLY CLEVZR BOYS AND GIRLS. ---- Pupils Attending The Public Schools of The City Who Have Been Promoted to Higher Classes. Following are the names of the pu- pils in the various public schools * of the city, who have been 'promoted to higher grades. The promotions are based on the year's work, mot on ex- aminations : Orphans' Home. From Senior Third to Fourth.--Jes- sic McKenzie, Annie Smith, James Walsh. From Junior Third to Senior Third --Bvelyn Cullen, Paul Meleod, Her: bert Melntosh, From Second to Junior Third.-- Gladys Elliott, Vietor McWaters, Charlie Rush, Charlie Fowler, Ray- mond Neilson, Bennie Stalker, From Part 1 to Second.--Laura Geake, Rertha Nelntosh, Lizzie Rog: ers, Wilhelmina Rogers, Millie Gard- iner, Ray Wheeler, Lean Morey. From Part 1 to Part 11.--Grorge_ Mcleod, Willie Evans, John Geunke," Hendrie, Ettie Hendrie, Margaret r Shannon, Stella Maud Evang, James Dean. Rideau School. From Part I. to Part 11L.--Clifford Mellqubham; Mary Peters, Ross Hamil: ton, equal; Gladys Hunter, Willie Bruce, Charlie Grass, equal; Gwendo lene Morden, Robert Cornelius, Ruth Thorogood, Bessie McPherson, Thela- néy Black; Ethel Moncriofi, Gertie Me- Caugherty, equal; Jennie Weaver, la Reid, James Dumbleton, Ethel Law- son Blanche Davidson. From Junior Part 1. to Senior Part J.--Frank Grass, * Ross Peters, Beat- rice Wiltshire, Eva Reynolds, Albert Dumbleton, Beatrice Davidson, Alice Gibson, Edna Little, May Riley, Ed ith Arniel, Madaline Amey, Clifford McKane, Earl Reynolds. From Part II. to Sccond Class.-- Eva Mack, Beatrice Gates, Evelyn Sinclair, Eddie Monterief, Freddie Me llquham, Alex. Ferguson, Lola Bush oll, Lottie McCammon, Gordon Veale, Jennie Lewis, Flossie Bovd, Willa Patterson. Promoted at Christmas. --Olive Me- Kane, Wilhelmina Grass, Beatrice Ar- niel, Roy" Friendship, Irene Attwood. From Second to Junior HL Class,-- Ethel Gates, N. C. Timmerman, Geo. weary, Annie McCammon, Roy Ward, Myrtle Clown, Russel Bruce, Howard Kennedy, Walter Gates, Rosie Pitt, Olive McKane, Ernest Weaver, George Reeve, Wilhelmina Grass, Lena Thoro- good, Herbie Mcllquham, Beatrice Ar- nicl, Ethel Patterson, Lottie Boyd, Bertha Weaver. Honor Certificates.--George Reeve, Roy Friendship, Bertha Weaver, Ethel Gates, Walter Gates, Howard Kenne- dv, Stanley Friendship, Freddie Me 1lguham. From Junior Third to Senior Third Class.--Walter Grass, Bert Couper, Olive Boyd, George Dumbleton, Gor don Staley, Willie Dumbleton, Bella Ryderi> Willie McHquham, Fdith Black. Idonard Atwood, Harvey Sin- clair, Frank = Revnolds, Annie Perry, Noble Sharpe; Katie Wiltshire, Edith Saunders, Phyllis Macdonald, Eddie ritt, Maggie Arniel. Promoted at Christmas.--Frnest Kennedy, Edoth Macpherson. Honor Certificates.--Walteg Grass, Bella Ryder, Joseph Ryder. Frontenac School. Part I, to Senior Part I.--Norman Storey, Kenton McAdoo, Aggie Quirt, Evelyn Gow, Myrtle Stagg, Reta Pet ers, Fred. Millard, Ada Kemp, How- ard Pogue, Beulah Kenney, Headry Dennett, Laura Lemmon, Lizzie Flint, Mary Dalziel, Marjorie Amel, John Ufiord, Vina Young, Nettie Bristlow, Laura Holland, Alice Anderson, Clar- ence Robinson, B: Bell, Elray Jackson, Elwood Rice, Le Roy Watts, Desta Buse, Miles Smith, Willie Clark, lessie Northmore, Doris MeClennan. From Senior Part I. to Part 11.-- Myrtle Watts and Emily Hughes, equal; John Gunn, Howard Burich Required Help To Move In Bed. Was a Great Sufferer, And Almost In Despair--New Hope And Strength Came With The Use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food This great food cure is doing won- ders for weak; worn-out and. discour- aged women, Many medicines which are preserib- ed in such cases are merely stimulants which give temporary relief and arouse false hope. Because Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ae- tually forms new, rich blood and in creases the vitality of the body, its benefits are thorough and lasting and its cures permanent, 'Mrs. M. A. Clock, Heaford, Ont., writes : "Three years ago I became very much run down in health and suffered from weak, tired feelings, in- digestion and rheumatisur, Al times I was so badly used up that I re quired help * to move in bed. While sick and down-hearted I received Dr, Chase's Almanac and sent for some of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. "Under this treatment I soon be- gon-to improve, and by the time [I had used eleven boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 1 was happy to find my- soli strong and well again. 1 often think of what a lot of money I spent for medicines which did me no J) and believe 1 owe my pike to. br. Chase's Nerve Food. women who suffer as T did will oR by my experience ond use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 50 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson. Pates & Co., Tomento, To protect you against imitations, the portrait and signature of Br. A. W. Chase, the aulihor, are on Campbel Smith, Frank Wilson, I Maggie MceKRepy. Cam) J Elis, Ax Campbell, Ja "Ros Honor Certifiea Violet Henderson, Jackson, lla Hartman, Swaine, Olive son, Clare Young, Lu Robbs, Clifford Rell, Nel sell Coon, Bruce Gunn, Lewis Bushie, Honour certificates--C Clarence Young. Kingswell, --Hilda Fenning, Fred. Downey, Lucy Wilson, Jenking, Gordon Bennet ham, Willie Nevell, Douglas Joyvee, Harold deen, Ormand Coon, George™Sthong, Arthur Swaine, Harold Godwin, ney, Elsie Stansbury, Stanley Adsit, Harvey let Mullinger, Ada Rae, man. Honour Certificates. Fenning. Isabella Bews, Quirt, Reuben Young, Walker, Isal«l Hall, A Albert Suddard, Stanley ley, Ernest Tre Florence Connor, Ernest Honor Certificates. -- Isabella: Bows, bel Hall, From Senior Third to examen, vies, George' Stagg: lan, Annie Townsend, Caldback, Gladys lie Thompson, Ethel M Stanshury, Earl Richa McCormack, Florence Ja Promotion on trial.-- son, Margaret Cunningham, ger, Mildred Filtz, Es dna Hall, land. I.E. Brydge, E. Chap Eoright, M. Mill D. Johnston, E ness, NR. Burns, G. Fraser, enson, H. Rock H. Fair. From Senior, Part I thur "Wilkinson, Helen Decker, Milton Storms, equal; Edith Hermiston, earle, Joseph Cooke, eq Lorraine Veale, Angus Lemon, Allan Sutchfie, lop, Louis Staples, C Haggerman, Ethel Ireland, Thelma Carre Tommy Decker, Janct Saunders; Ethel J Greenloes, equal; Florence Dick, Dorothy ( Rogers, Lake. Rhoda Daryaw, J Gordon Gilbert, Irene | Taylor, Lorraine Allen, main, Harry Buck; Roy Jackson, Willie Rat Fdna Singleton, Ernest Dunlop, Johnson, ston, Sam Hall, Idell Roche, Singleton. --Karl Ettinger; Fred C sordon Stewart, Marion ridge, Elsie Robinson, Georgie Ferris; George Grant, equal; thur Cochrane, Robbie n, Willie Jennie Mel Moncrieff, © Christina Johnson, Grace Hazlett. From Junior eron, Harold Birmingham, From Junior Third to § Class.--Maggie Lesage, Walter Shultz, John Crumley, Harry Cartolt Powell, Emma Staples, Annie Cobett, e leen Thurlby; Elsie Lyon, Alexander Dyde, From Second to Junior Third Class. Knapp. Lulu Greenwood, equal; Clifford Hyett, Bes- sie hown, Margaret Marshall; Phyllis vev, Edith ireland, Alice White, Kany Senior erbert Strong, Mar- jorie Newell, Alice Wilkinson, Florence | Annie Burns, Herbert be Frag, Hazel Arnie Hall, tly Couling. Violet Robinson, J Couling.. Violet Henderson, lrene Mullinger, Leta Law- lor, Ernest Capkes, Laura Spence, ~~Kdna Treneer, ellie Barnes, An- Lead: nie Bews, Ethel Lee, Haro! ; From Second Class. -- Clifiord Kk Bennett, Eva Gage, Margaret pmon, Mabel Burtch, Melville Edwards, Marjorie Gibson, Rose Edwards, Alex. McMast- er, Frank Gunn, Emily Couling, Willie Bearance, , © Kathlven Smith, Willic Morden, Wilson Lewers, George Bryant, Norval Frizzell, Gerald Gordon Suddards, Victor Perey Robia- lu McKee, Leo lie Gaw, Rus: Fern Smith, lifford Pound, From Second to Junior Third Class. James Jackson, Dorcas Overbaugh, Flossie Caines, ay t, Willie Rab- cock, Bella Clenahan, Edith Birming- Maudi> Taviie, Clark, Wilson, Charlie Crumley, Alice North more, Roy King, Blanche Caines, Leo: nard Ennis, Earl Wilkinson, Eric Lun- Gracie Spence, Rice, Edna Sammie Lo- Edna Doherty, Edwards, Vis Gracie Cam- Ethel Lu- --Roy King, Fred: Downey, Bella Clenanan, Hilda nior Third Lila Spooner, Norman Pickering, James Crumley, Florence Cooke, Laura Millard, Fred. lena Whitfield, Barry, Grant Smith, Robert Gates, Ross Hartman, Rose Mcllroy, Lila Buse, Ruby Cgr- or, Trene Landeryou, Trencer, Ma- bel Watson, Archie Copley. Maggie Lesage, Norman Iickering, Isa- Junior Fourth Class.~Earl Ryder, Robert Marrizon, Willie Clenahan, Stella Arneil, Robert James Conner, Lawlor, ( worge Downey, Frances Da- Herbert From Junior Fourth to Senior Fourth Tlass.--Mabel Kemp, Lochhard Chown, Bruce Rescorla, Fern McMil- Willie Lyons, lark, Hannah Caldback, Annie Pitt, Fliza Joyce, George Joyce, Lil cKee, Jennie rde, Thomas ackson. Florence Wil Victoria School. From the Kindergarten to Junior Part L--Helen Chown, John Comper, Walter Ettin- mond Grant, Howard Hazlett, Willie Jackson, Helen Marshall, Victor Mat- thews, Alwin Murray, Georgia Mclar- From Junior Part I to Senior Part nan, A. John- ston, F. Miler, H. Meck, A. Orvill, G. LaRush, L, Hess, J, Wilmot, G. irley, G. Hill, Tarnbull, V. Hark Jamieson, i. Scott, . M. Abernethy, W. Carroll, A. Dales, V. Craig, W. Diek- , A. Lake, D. Doug: las, G. Stuart, F. Baird, G. Young, to Part Il.-- Gretta Goodearle, Bertha Bassam, Ar- Moore; Laura qual; Tommy equal; Kath: Noel Knapp, Harold Goosd- ual; Ida Kil- patrick, Arthur Cruse; Willie Joyner, Willie MeCormick, equal; Hazel Luke, Bond, Gladys Kenneth Dun- jussie Roche, Walter Stewart, Lily Sharpe, Elsie Thurlby, Bruce il, Norman Johnson, Ada Young, May Wheelock, Ada Moneriefi, Gladys Singleton. Honor Certificates-- Kenneth Dunlop, From Part II to Second Class. -- ackson, Lewd Harold Ettin 'onnor, Ted dy Marjorie ack Bawden, toche, Jerry Russell Ger- Effie Whitebread, Bessic Wilson, equal; Ibrena Jenking, herford, Elsie Payne, Evelyn Gilbert, Wilbur Chown, Breden, Grace conncth Taylor, Gertrude Ross Living- Gertrude Jenkin, Sidne > Howard, Frank Laronge, Flor ence Douglas, Tom Howard. : Honor Certificates--Florenze Dick, Grace Dunlop, Helen Simpson, Edna Milla, equal; Freddie Con- nar, Harry Cooke, El Ha Matthews, Jack Mille, Eric Clarke, Annie Tura- bull; Beath Morden, equal; 'Neil, Bertha White, Kenneth Hermiston, Edna Rea, Ar- orraine Hermiston; Kolly, equal; Third ard Derry, Grace Grant, aR: ry igi ly ow! Vera a Al "pena BL pL 8 ma v, G ' tan. ley Coulson, Chauncey Daryaw, iler- but Lindsay, Leonard Birkett, Edythe aylor. ¢ Honor Certificates, Grane Grant, Frank Lemon, Hubert 8 t, Willie Cunningham, Phyllis Welch. From Senior Third to Junior Fourth Class. --~Herman Wells, Irene Peel, Flora Abernethy, Hibbert Don . Daisy Hyett, Laura H , Myret McWaters, Persis St Jean | Young, Florence pn Erie Wil: son, Sivrtle Spencer, Mabel Hughes, Olive Chown, Willa Moore; Lorne La rush, William Blomeley, oqual; Ger trude Jamieson, Katie . Pibhy, Charles Smallidge, Earl Jen kins, Edward Bostridge, John White bread, Doris Crawford, Victor Sar gent, Annie Mooney; Claire Arun strong, Stanley * Campbell, equal ; Gladys Perry, Alda Nicolla, May Mon- criefi, George Shortt, Keith Rokin- son, Blanche Enright, Graydon Greer, Jolmaton, Marion Glassford, Fol Gertrude Ludlow, George Bed: ford, Nowa Ansley, Lizzie DBrydge. From Junior Fourth to Senior Fourth Class.-- Kenneth Jamieson, Willie Goodearle, Susie Kelly, Hazel Greenwood, Kathleen Matthews, Ern- est Sliter, Hattie Samwell, Farl Craig, Agnes Litton, Harry Stewart, Rhea Harkness, Christina Dyde, Jes: sie Anderson, Lucile Roche, Ella Cooke, Eva Maxwell, Howard Irwin, Georoe Burns, Harold Singleton, Douglas Chown, Jennie Tuttle, Hilda McWaters, Walter Grant, Walter Ellis, Bruce Robinson, George St. Remy, Jack Crawford, Garnet Clark, Win fred Dales, Mabel Henderson, Spenc Henderson, Mabel Smallbridge, g's ed Purvis, Helen Lindsay, Arthur Brouse, Douglas Coulson, Marion Hall, Carrie Fair, Allan Davidson, Ethel MeCart nev, Edna McWaters, Freda Burns, Etta Grass, Honor Certificate. ~Harry Stewart. Promoted at Christmas.~-Kva Hyett, Zeta Dickinson, Alice Marshall, ---- Seeley's Bay News. Sceley's Bay, June 30.--On the eve of the departure of Rev. William Ser vice to Harrowsmith, the people of Secley"s Bay appointment assembled nt the parsonage to bid him and his family farewell and to present him with an easy chair and an address. Last Sunday morning the members of Court Arlingron, No. 3842, LOK, to- gether with a number of visiting members from Court Lyndhurst, of Lyndhurst, and Court Granite, of Battersea, attended service in St. Peter's church where instructive discourse preac! Nd the rector, Rov. Mr. Bovercign. Rev. M, Meredith preached hid in ral wer. mon in the Methodist church last Sunday evening, a large congregation being present. Molvin Brady is visit- ing friends at Lafargeville, N.Y. Miss Mary Tyler, of Consecon, is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Gilbert. Wesley Kenny, visiting Si at Watertown, and other points in New York state the past month, has " turned home, Rideau lodge, A. F. A. M., will commence next week & remodel the upper part of their hall and convert it into an up-to-date lodge room. To Be Preserved. Arden, July l.~Everything is grow- ing fine; some farmers began cutting hay on Monday. The patrons of the Arden cheese actory wore paid far milk delivered in May at sixty-seven cents per hundred pounds. Charles M. Penny caught a mon in Gull Lake on June 25th, thirty-two inches in length, Twenty-two in girth, and weighing twenty- five pounds. It was purchased by Proprietor Gray, of the Arden hotel, who has sent it to Peter borough, to be preserved and mount: ed. The case, Boomhower ve. Vannes, killing a calf, was dismissed hy B, R. Newton, J. Pv, for want of evidence, The : Arden school closed on Thursday. F. J. Clarke, principal, and his mo ther and sister, have gone to their former homé at Stirling. George Nu- gent is building a house on the North end of Queen street, On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Williams, from the sfates, who is camping near the villa preached an excellent sermon in the afternoon to a large congregation. Fair View Notes. Fair View, July 4.~The farmers 'are rejoicing over the showers which will do the potato and berry erap sod. Haying has commenced, Mrs, Lo Snider spent Saturday at A.D, Snider's. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bowen and James Mills, wife and son were recent visitors at Steven Bennett's, John Loucks and daughter visited at Colbrook. Schaylér Loucks Ro a wood for Garratt Loy. Miss Jenn Bartley has returned home after a Jong visit at her brother's, in the Erie. Between thirty and forty i were killed hy the wreck of the Chi- cago limited, on 'the Wabash, at Litchfield, IN. In Its Own City The Mew Scale Wi ams +a high is | favor with tho moct prominent people, The following Guotations are mada from letters of ro: srominent citizeas of Os hawa who think, and are in a position' to kuow, ist the New Scie Williams Piano is unequalied anywhers : Mayor I. L. Powke--'* You indec] lave every reeson to be of your piano. [tis everything we wd d aire, and Lie tone is superb." "may say that we are more pleased with it every day, and glad that we decided on it i preference to the other makes." R. McLaughlin, of the famous Ac ect 1 pare] with your plato. remy "The Fred. Green; Blanche Young, Nettio : r long, Havana | long, popular Shape, for as fresh, fea ever smoked at ing and ge et back oe fal : toc. for cigars not as good. No matter where you Canada you are going to cigars will be delivered to you the same conditions. dane Hawthorn C 167 J, H. el THE FASHION §' will, 2 Ti COOL SHOES. and mmiantial, and Ae gh keys ort a 10m sibs aml