Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jul 1904, p. 1

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Japan tea drinker inker. Sold only rts | f the superi r od you cannot re now show. struck with ng the rainy 0 short skirt » well-cat and d two or three $2.60, on up to $1,560 ¢ 1.65, $1.75, = >} DS s, American ade by Burt Tan colored rican make, kes, broken elted soles, oit and easy eather, with Boots now" should be TORE " John, and a voune lad named George | FIT-REFORM & New York and ; 20th Century § Our Light Summer Suits § are bought from these three @ sources, so you can see we R have grasped the highest ex- 8 cellence attainable, and are showing specials in art that cannot be duplicated else- where. Our prices will con- 3 vince you that the greatest g ecomomy has been sought as ¥. while we have low lines at $a and $4.50, we are now 3 speaking of our specials, at E $7.50, $8.50 and $10. Look ¥ well and keep cool by wear- ing one of our suits. |S JENKINS 3 AUCTION SALE. I HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS from N.¥E O'Connor, .assignee of Estate of T. H. Pelow, to sell by auction, SATURDAY MORNING At 11 o'clock, on Market "Square, 2 Horses, 2 Waggonus, 2 Sleighs, 2 Sets Harness, CWM. MURRAY, Auctioneer J. TURK Dealer in Furniture, Stoves & Carpets. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED 10. 398 PRINCESS ST. STRONG 80Y. GOOD WAG- pply tg A. McLean, Ontario St A GOOD es. ASSISTANT COOK. APPLY BE- tween seven and eight in the evening at the General Hospital. AN CIKCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBU- tors, everywhere. No canvassing. Good pay. Cooperative Adv. Co., N.Y. TO BRING THEIR GENTLEMEN, cloth to T. Galloway, tailor, 131 Brock Style, fit and price guaranteed Pr h ressing, repairing, clean- ing, etc., promptly done. BOY, WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE OF shorthand, type-writing and book- who wants experience in Pics work. J. 8S. BR. McCann, 51 wtrect: * 4 DETEOCTIVE--Can you spare 'part of your time for profitable detective work ? No experience necded. Write Detective Association, In- dianapolis, Ind. EADIES--$15 PER WEEK SEWING AT home; materials free, no canvassing; beautiful sample sent free on receipt of ja dresser) envelope. Majestic Lace > ew York. AT WATERTOWN, N.Y. SIX GOOD Masons. Apply at Howell Cooper Building. The Expanded Metal Fir proofing Co., Builders. Albert Paige, Superintendent. ---- -------- ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN seeking pleasant employment, on sal- ary or commission, are advised to write now to Marshall & Co, tea imparters, London, Ont. SALESMAN: FoR ESTABLISHED line on new plans, great taker, per- manent, weekly pay, free new sam- ples, best house. Write now. Capi- tal Nursery Co., Ottawa GOOD SEWERS, TO LIARN THE art of dressmaking, . cutting by measure, designing, trimming, ete Salary when competent: one dollar per day. Mme. Elder, Princess St CONTRACTS TO FURNISH PLANTS and koep lawn and gardens in order by the season or hour. All work done promptly 'under my instructioni Geo. Lloyd, Nelson" street grecn- houses. A FIRST CLASS MAN, FOR TIE Metropolitan © Life. Insurance Com- pany. To a good man an excellent of portunity is offered. Apply A Kennedy, Supt, 114% Brock street, Kingston. tere IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH your present position 'in life and are reliable, write us and we will start you, local or travelling, tacking up show cards and generally advertising our goods at $810 a year and ex- penses $2.50 a day. For particulars write Drawer 558, London, Ont. ------------------------------ bait SALESMEN; PERMANENT POSI- tion to sell new Map of Canada; ches, with map of the two maps in now at work Bize 66 x 44 i World on reverse side one: representatives making $25 to $30 per woek. Ad- dress Rand, McNally & Co., 142 Fifth Ave., New York. ---------------------------------------------------------------- AGENTS on CANVASSERS, IN every town or tity, using coal water gas, to sell the Ignito "' Self-Light- ing Gas Mantles. Burners and Glass. Ware. No matches required Turn on the gas and the * Ignito " mantle Hghts. A fast seller, and everybody wants it when thoy see it. s 1 P0c. for sample burner and mantle complete and for further particulars #uvply to the International Appliance €o., Limited, 164 Bay St. Toronto, Canada. TO-LET. FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS, PART of a house. about thre¢ quarters o ® mile beyond Lake Ontario Park. Apply at. this office. +5 JO8T. RED AND WHITE HEIFER, TAC ON Heft war, (2009. Reward at 42 John stroet. Two Youths Drowned. Special to the Whig. St. John, N.B., Juiv &.--James Mal t f ( 1 $0 000000000000 000000 "TAIL HARDWARE BUSINESS FOR le One of the largest, and in best location in Toronto Largely cash business, in good running or- der Turnover for 1903, over $3835 000. Cau easily be increased. Stock and tools, about 9.000 For par- ticulars and terms address Box R., the Whig Office: FRANK HOLTMAN CONFESSES. M. has expressed her willingness to grant DAILY MEMORANDA, Cool hats. The best values at Camphell Bros. Yacht club race, Saturday, 2-15 pon. Excursion, steamer America, this even- 2. nee Vaudeville," Lake Ontario park, #15 p.m. Read Livingston's special bargains for Saturday. Lucky anglers should order their fish in advance. The sun rises Saturda and sets at 7:42 p.m. y at 4.28 am, Sale of horse, waggons, etc, by Mur- ray, to-morrow, 11 a.m. : Some circulars are so-called because they are not on the square. When the bunco man builds an air cas- tle he uses sand and gold bricks Corbett has up-to-date window The new porch shades at MckFi A man may take a day off to celebrate his birthday, hut a woman takes a year off and doesn't celebrate at all sh The prohibition candidate for president, Dr. Swallow. has swallowed the noming- lion: now the question is, will the peo- ple swallow Swallow ? Helen Keller is a brilliant illustration of what people might accomplish if they didn't have to spend valugble time sece- ing, hearing and talking. This day in history : Edmund Burke first dominion pagdisment 372; a Fontaiy born, in- Montr bh "Tumblers" DO YOU BREAK MANY? 25¢. A DOZEN. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. $00000000000000000000 ; Always $ ) Q " Q ¢On Time g 8 ymin, rope Jor 8, wom. h © Watches and Clocks: That we fogl proud of. While we consider the movement the most huportant part of a Watch or © beay ,- should. . be considered. Our selection of Time ¥ Q Picces are marvels of artistic skill oin design and finish. ( ? THEY MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED: 3.5 AN LEY (We are leaders in our line). Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts., 0 KINGSTON. Q CHURCH PARADE. THEE ORANGEMEN OF this district will attend di- vine service at Bethel Congregatic I church, on SUNDAY July 10th They will ot t Orange Hall, at All I'rentice Blues are mm a 10:15 a.m. True invited Boys and cordially 0 attend. By order, W. CULLEN, District Master BUSINESS CHANCES. Clarence Myers Murdered By Him- self And Mrs. Myers. Walla, Walla, Wash., July 8.--Frank Holtman, under arrest for the mur der of Clarence Myers, oi Kansas City, has confessed. Holtman said : "For years Mrs. Myers and 1 have been friends. She loved me and I lov ed her, and we wanted to get married We planned the murder three weeks or more before the crge. he night of May 10th, T went to Mrs. Myers' at three 2 I met Mrs. Myers at the house, and the two of us went to Myers' bedroom. He was apparently asliep, but just as'we entered he called ont: 'Well, vou here again." He grabbed at me, and as he did go I struck him with mv club, the billiard cue. Then | I held him while his wife' cut his throat with his own razor, "After the crime I went to my room and after stopping a while I went to the depot and left town. Mrs. Myers gave me $10 to get away on." o'clock. New Russian Loan. Berlin, July 8--1t is reported that Witte, the Russian ex-minister of mance, will soon arrive here. Russia colm, son of Andrew Malcolm. of St. Ussher, «of Grand Rav, were drowne at the latter place this morning, while bathing. Both bodies recovered. Mal colm was twenty-two years of age und studying for Presbyterian ministry, | i I iermany's demands in regard to a jew commercial treaty, In return, it is il M. Witte will be enabled to gotiate a new Ruscian Joan with berlin financiers, Baseball On Thursday. Fastern League.~At Montreal, 4: 9. iffialo, 3. At Toronto, Rochester, At Providence 4: Newark, 3. American Leaome. At St. Louis, 0; hicago, 1. At New York,.1: Boston, LITTLE NEWS Only From Sources. DRAWING NEAR. ADMIRAL TOGO COVERS THE ARMY'S ADVANCES, The Japanese Said To Be Only Six Miles From The Fortress-- Russians Were Winning When forcements. Special to the Whig. ¥ London, July S.--What little news is available, in refereiice to Port Ar- thur, comes from Chinese refugees at Chefoo. Aecording to the doubtful evidence the Japanese occupy the heights "surrounding the fortress and are fortifying Lung-Wang-Tung, six miles to the east, Wolfe Mountain, five miles to the north-east, and other points completing their cordon around the place. Accepting these statements as true the er here foresee the speedy end of Russian resistance, de- claring that the harbor ships and forts will be all at the mercy of the Japancse artillery. The refugees fur- ther that the Japanese hold Hwangmichun and Sanchionpu, seven 3 8 < The Japanesé Secured Rein- crossed Autung. -- COULD NOT GET ORDER. A Very Lively Time At The Con- Jwention, St. Louis, July 7.-The Democratic National Convention to-day adopted the report of the committee 'on rules, credentials and permanent organiza- tion. The session opened at, ten o'clock, an hour later took pus until ten ©" to-morrow, During the day several speeches were made, chicf of which was an offert by William J. Bryan to overthrow the re- port of the eredentiuls .committee and seat the contesting delegates from 1- linois. The controversy was ended by Pe dy GEE EEPEEEI EIR EE after two days' hard fighting. Other Japanese forces are massing to | the castward, apparently intending to march on. A marine camp containing 20,000 men, landed from the fleet, com- manded the principal pass through the hills back of Port Arthur, which is vital to the safety of the fortress, A despatch to the Standard, from St. Petersburg, says that Gen. Kouropat- kin telegraphed, yesterday, asking that two hundred more officers be sent to the front immediately, Completed The Conquest. Chéfod, Tul 8.- Chinese report that the Japanese completed their conquest of the Lung-Wang-Tung position, on July "th, the Russians losing one hundred killed and forty wounded, The Russians employed coolies to car] ry off their dead and wounc ing the fighting fifty killed. cool To Await Instructions. Tokio, July 4.--The Chinese govern- ment has telegraphed to. Yiuen, Taotai of Mukden, and Gen. Ma, commanding the Chinese troops in Manchwia, that tif¢ neutral zone includes Mongolia and the territory west of the Laio River, and' ordering them should an emerg ency occur to await instructions from Pekin. The Russians Won. St. Petersburg, July S.~A despatch to the Vedimoesti, from Taschekiao, reports a fierce fight om July 5th, in which the Russians, under Gen. Sam sonoff, drove the Japanese from before Kaiping in the direction of Senyu- chen, the Cossacks causing havoc among the encmy. Reinforcements for the Japanese approaching the Russians were obliged to withdraw. The cor- respondent says that Gen. Samsonoff's division is occupying Kaiping, Gen. Tschirikoff's division is stationed south-east of Kaiping, and Gen. Mis- ticheko's Cossacks are cast of Kaiping The Japanese main body i= at Siuyen and before Kaiping. Their attack probably will be made along the Siuven-Tasho line. The report of Admiral Skrydieffi on the raid by the Vladivostok squad- ron, on July Ist, has been received. It confirms the other accounts of the op- erations of the squadron. Vice-Ad- mirai Besosobrazoff, in command, be- lieves that two Japanese torpedo boats were sunk. The report also re- cords the raid at Gensan, when a steamer and a schooner were destroy- ed. The raiding vessels consisted of torpedo boats and n transport. In ad- dition 1o the steamer and schooner they destroyed several barges and re- pulsed the Japanese soldiers who fired at them without result. The Japanese barracks were ignited by grenades, Underdate of July 5th Gen. Kouro- patkin reports a series of skirmishes' between patrols south-east of Senuy- chen towards Wafangkau, 'and at ses eral untraceable points apparently in the same neighborhood. None of the engagements were important. A very wordy despatch has ben received from Gen. Rakharofi, duplicating Gen. Kou ropatkin's and covering verious other reconnaisances, the length of the re: port being in inverse proportion to its importance. It records a repulse of the Japanese, near Tkhavuan, on the night of July 4th, with losses, as re- ported by natives, of 700. This i« ap- parently one of the fights already re- ported. Gen. Sakharofil mentions a number of untraceable places where there are Japanese outposts, including some sixty kilmnetres south-east of Mkden. Cholera Is Spreading. Washington, July 8.--A cable report from - Minister Allen at Seoul, points to the existence of a great danger to both belligerent armies in Manchuria. He savs that he has learned from a and _cight miles north of Port Arthury |R. P. PETTIGREW. OF SOUTH DA- having captured them on Jume 30th, KOTA. S440 4t04 0000000094994 | the rejection of the minority report of + @ | the committee by a vote of 647 to 209. + Drawing Near. *> Though Mr. Bryan's speech and his < | appearance on the floor of the conven- $ Tokio, July 8.--It is re- <4 | tion were cheered far beyond any pre- 4 ported that Admiral Togo 3% [vious demonstration, the fact made 4 bombarded the eastern forts < | few votes. Ihe alignment of dele- % at Port Arthur, last Mon- « [gates proved the correctness of previ- 4 day, covering the army's <4 |Ous estimates of the division between % advance to within six miles <4 | those who favor the radicals and thos, 2 of the fortress. 4 [Who are supporting the conservative > + element which i# now in control. When the result of the contest was announced, the report of the commit: tee on permanent organization was made. Reprastntative Champ Clark, who was chosen permanent chairman, addressed the nvention. He had prepared and furnished to the press a specch of great length, The hour was so late when he gained the platform, however, that he spoke about 300 words and left his audience to read the remainder. The ovation given to Mr. Bryan was pronounced. It was begun before the afternoon session of the convention had been called to order and continued for dwalve minutes with so much furore and all 'of his assistants, including a hundred policemen, were unable to re- store order. Quiet came from the con- vention only after the Parker forces joined. in and 'by persistent efforts rots thes tideehy a coutfter great ofEtration for the New ¥arker, vo that the favorite "eandidute for the nomination for president finally reaped the harvest of enthusiasm sown for Mr. Bryan. vig Gold Plank In Platform. 4 St. Louis, July 7.<The subcombhit- tee of the committee 'on Hsolutions spent' the entifte day until five o'clock in perfecting the details of the demo' cratic platform, concluding at that hour with the adoption of a gold standard plank as agreed upon by the subcommittee : r The discoveries of gold within the past few years and the great increase in the production thereof, adding two thousand willion dollars to the world's supple of which seven hund red million fall tp the share of the United States, have contributed to the maintenance of a money standard value, no longer open to question. re moving that issue from the field of political contention. The platform was presented to the full committee to-night, and the con test over the gold plank which had occurred ini the subcommittee was soon renewed and with culminative forée. At a late hour some doubt was ex nressed by the gold democrats over bein able to hold their plank before the full committee, The full committee adopted Bryan's tarifi plank in lien of the declaration submitted hv the subcommittee. "The Bryan plank is shorter and more dir eet than that of the subcommittee, Tt drelares in effect that all tariff for protection is robbery. apd advocates a oradanl reduction along lines that will Itast disturb business interests. SMALL DAMAGE. But It Caused Quite Fright. Special to the Whig, Montreal, July 8---The Richelieu fer- ry steamer Longueuill eollided with a scow near her wharf in the river, {o- day, and caused a good deal of ex- citement among the passengers of the steamer. Some thinking the hoat might sink quickly donned. life-helts, but fortunately they were not needed and the amount of damage was com- paratively small. a Killed In Cyclone. Special to the Whig, Reno, Nev.. July 8.--~A message, from Hobart, say= that a tornado visited Clinton, in Custer county, yesterday, Srcoral dwellinre were wrecked und eight persons killed. -------------- Campbell Bros. Crash Hats. Light in weight, low in price. An excursion by G.T.R. was run from Bowmanville and Belleville this. morning to view the sham battle. Ab-- out 100 people came down. Every bath room should have do cake of hand Sapelio, 10c. Gibson's ted Cross drug store, \ ----, -- Manchuria and appeared at] until two p.m., and adjourned at 6:20 4 ork. MAKE RECORDS. THE STEAMSHIPS THE AL- LANS WILL RUN. The Members May Take In a Trip To The Winnipeg Exhibition-- British Colonies Added To Those To Enjoy The Preferen- tial Tariff. ey Special to the Whig. Ottawa, July S.-~<In the House of Commons the minister of trade and commerce, in reply to A. C. Bell, of Picton, said he had not given up idea of ultimately securing a fast line across the Atlantic. It.could not be secur ed, however, for less than a million or a million and a half dollars' annual subsidy fromthe deminion treasury. Sir Richard remarked that he had ro- fused to bind the comtry to more than a contract with the Allans, because it might be thought desirable ere long to + FIFE 4449339387 49% BPEL LIE 442 P 444240409 Expel Missionaries. Berlin, July 8.--Official information indicates that the Congo Free State has decided to expel all Ameri- can and European mission- aries from the land, on the ground that they incite the natives to insubordination and spread exaggerated accounts of atrocities throughout the world. Fif- ty-eight Americans are in- volved in the wholesale ex- pulsions. Should the scheme of expulsion be car- ried out the Belgians will then have a clear way to maltreat the natives un- checked by any other gov- ernment, IF put the faster type of passenger steam- ers on the Canadian route. The new turbine steamers the Allan company propose to place in eommis- pion will have a speed of seventeen knots and the time from Rimouski to Moville will he practically equal to that made by the fast lines from New Au railway eutimatos passed. The Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Or ange River, the Transvaal and Souths ern Rhodesia have been added to the list of British colonies entitled to the benefits of the preferential tarif in Canada. « If parliament conelugles its labors by the 20rd inst. there is some-dalk of a parliamentary egeuggiah to the'Domin- ion exhibition, Wh fens at, Winni- peg on the 25th. Ly Th RL seurih Mountain, who has ") wppeitted chief engineer of the 2 fon- this morning res 8 as chief engineer "Atlantic railway. Mountain will continue to reside in the capital. He is having new offices fitted up in the railway commission's | of! quarters in the Woods building on Queen street. It has been rumored for several days past that Hugh D. Lumsden, Toronto, hax heen appointed chief engineer of the Grand Trunk Pacifie, Mr. Lumsden is a gentleman who stands high in his profession and is engineer to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the C.P.R. In official circles this ix denied, although it is admitted that Mr, Lumeden's pros- pects are bright for steuring the «ap pointment. Licut,-Col, George Cameron, Mon- treal, will be commissioned to the Strathcona Horse, with headquarters at Regina, when Hie gorpe is formed. In the meantime, he"will be appoint- ed acting D.O.C. for the Ottawa dis- trict, whilst Licut.-Col. Hodgins, takes a long leave with permission to travel abroad. QUIET AT S YDNEY. Strikers Remain Indoors or 4way From Plant. Special to the Whig. Svdnoy, N. 8., July B.~To-day has heen one of the quietest days since the commencement of the great steel strike, The police and military: auth- orities have little or nothing to do, and the sirikers are remaining prac tically indoors or away from the plant. A suggestion has been made by Col. Irving that the Halifax regulars on duty at the plant be replaced hy the Canadian regulars now at Que- bee, This recommendation, it is be- lieved, is based on the fact that many of the Halifax volunteers are employ: een of city firms, and are anxious to return to work, -- BIG VESSELS, By Hamburg-American . Steamship Co. London, July: 8.=The Hamburg-Am- erican steamship companv is about to add to its fleet a vessel of 25,000 tons, to be huilt at Stettin, and another of 22,000) tons to be built hy Harland & Wolli, of Belfast. The former steamer will be fitted with a restaurant where not earing for the table Built passengers, d'bote, can order meals when they please, paving separately for their passage and meals. My Minnie and Katie Prettie, Pri street, have returned home after a very pleasant visit with their hrother, Rev, W. T. Prettie, B.A, Vernon, Ont. - jal to the Whig. ny Montreal, ge Mr." | against careless milk Japanese torpedo cruiser, which was searching for sion xarships. A opus destroyer: was captured, been : Viadivantoh, Brought ta It is stated that a J trans port, two Japanese torpedo boats and the Japanese cruiser sunk, What Is Claimed. Chefoo, July 8.--A trustworthy Chi- nese who has arrived here from Port Arthur, reports that fort No. 16, of main line of defence, was captured hy the Japanese on Wednesday, The J. ancse, says, have now reached t north-east slope of Takushan moun: tains, where the slope is loss than three miles from Port Arthur, A mes. sage from Russian sources states that Russian officials claim to have wiped out three Japanese regimtnts last weok, Troops' Health Good. London, July B.-A despatch i Times from okie says that id pie Gen. Oku's army shows that the health of the troops is excellnt. All the bridges between Palandien and Wafang- tien have been repaired and trains are sunning. The Russian horses are said 0 be ng from glanders at of 200 daily. ol ot the ae -- HUGE LAKE OF FLAMES, Destruction of Large Properties Is Threatened, Lander, Wyo., July 8.--The of he Belg American Sil property south Ia | vai ol flgmton, while us «oil that escaped from Shore, Jost control of the swept down a small pabieutes with lakes 100. ind Shanges they too, pro will catch fice. y the fire reaches these two lakes it will mean a total loss of at least. 560,000 barrels of oil as well pig tion of all machinery, and The gravest app ioe in felt " FILTHY MILK He Was Fined For Having Them, The ers was con- tinued, to-day, when Michael was heavily fined for having filthy wilk cans, The can was brought into court, and on request of the recorder the newspaper men were asktd to met as jurors, but when brought in con tact with the can they had to move to the other side of the court so of fensive was the stench. It was alleged that the cans contained enough filth and microbes to kill about 3,000 chil. deen. The milkman was lectured and fined a 'sum aggrogating over $60, ---------- TOUR OF COMMISSION. Prof. Shortt Is At' Present In Chicago. Special 10 the Whig, Toronto, July 8.~H. J, Pettypieco, M.P.P., is in the city, to-day, A Just returned: from Detroit and Lans ing, Mich., where the railway taxation commission, appointed by Ontario] government, been taking evidence, Prof. Shortt is now in Chicago. The commission will go to Indianapolis on the 11th, Madison, Wis., 15th, St. Paul, 20th, Springfield, 1lis,, 25th, and then to Massachusetts, Connecti- cut, New Jersey and New York. a -- John Redmond To Attend. Special ye {be Fihix. 9. Great vew York, July 9.-Grea a tions are being made for the. Trinh convention which is to be held = here next month, John Redmond and seve- | tal members of the parliame , party are expected to attend, United Irish League, under w) aus ices the - gathering will take place, made arrangements for a great public meeting on August 2th at Carnegie music. hall. local com: mittee on arrangements is composed of many prominent men, clerical and lay, and it Ne said that this will be one of the most important ovents in | Irish-Ameficen circles in many years. Bavarian Is In, Special to the Whig. Montreal, July 8.~The Allan Line R.M.S, Bavarian, from Liverpool, Montreal, passed Martin River, iw d¢, at 7 a.m. t 5 Eathér Point, Que, Julo 8.~The SS, iddlesboro, passed in- Hurona, from Mi ward, at 10:50 a.m. 7 Nineteen Picked Up. Special to the Whig London, July 8.--~Word was received today, that nineteen more of the sur vivors of the steamer Norge had been picked up and landed at Thorshaven, the capital of the Farro Tslands. : SS ---------------------- sy See our corsets, 65¢., worth $17 York Dress Refors : 4. At Cleveland, 4; Detroit, 2. missionary surgeon that cholera has

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