Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jul 1904, p. 3

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LET" aware psph he Great Eaglish ? 3 old, well abod "aid" roscribed debe vor 4) yohrs, droge LOOSS08 | ® Stimulants, ich lead to cis sold by all ed Paints rs IARDWARE -- Street. « Coal the diffcrant d Coal. & CO. of West St. ON& PEMBROKE & PACIFIC RAILWA 30. Regiza - $85 : as Moose Jaw Jan [End {no ik Saskatoon - - 3555 20 Prince Albert - 6 00 Macleod - - 3800 Povomin {3% | cugury m0 Awols - -- BR} pup... 910 Buen $130 | gomeona - - 020 Going JUNE 14th, 28th and JULY 9h rain until Aug. 15th, 29th and Serrain loa) ingston 8:10 a.m ules at Ka P. and C.P.R. 0 . A . A. FOLGER, JR.." Gen. Pass. ak i Gen. Supt ------ THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW HORT LINE FOR Tweed, 2. Deseronto, and all Jocal points. Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 pam. F. CONWAY, Agent, TNR ape aL patfy T- EYGURSION RATES PHO KINGSTON TO . World's fair ST. %ouis, Mo. $22 (Good for 15 days). $29.35, (Good for 60 days). $35.20 (Good until Dec. 15th, 1904. Stop-overs allowed at any intermedi- ate station in Canada, also Detroit and Chicago. SIDE TRIP--Hamilton to Falls, $1.40 additional. ¥or Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets. etter eet LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIRE {LONDONDERRY Royal Mail Steamers From Mohtreal. From Quechee Joniam, Fri. July 8. 9 am. 9 pm. Bavarian, Fri. July 15, 3 am. 3 p.m. First Cabin, $70 and upwards, ac- cording to steamer; Second Cabin, Liv- erpool and Londonderry, $37.50, $40. and $42.50, London, $3.50 extra. Third Class, superior accommodation, $15, to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow Lon- don. Through tickets to South' Africa MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Corinthian, Wed. July 20th, (daylight) Rates by above Glasgow steamers one plication. i P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City t . . Niagara Passen Depot. GILDER- FEREVE, Clarence Street. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer. Cruises in Cool Latitudes : a EY hie alectsic boils and Si ort. AILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- p.m., 4th and 18th July: d 26 . Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, a Grand River, Summerside, P Charlottetown, P.E.L finest trip of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. and staterooms apply to J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Ageats, Kingston, Ont. eee The Bay of Quinte Route DAILY SERVICE -- On Rochester, N. Y., & 1000 Islands STRS. "NORTH KING" AND "CASPIAN" Commencing 25th June, leave Kime- ston daily," except Monday, at 5:00 p.m. for Bay of Quinte Ports and Port of Rochester, N.Y. Returning will ar- rive at 10:00 a.m. same days and leave for Thousand lslands, calling at Alexan- dria Bay and Gananogue: STR. "ALETHA" Lea Mondays at 5:00 p.m. for Pic ton ayes Bay of Quinte Ports. 3 further imformation apply to E. BE HORSEY, @. P. & F." Agent, King- ston, Ont. a PRIVATE SCHOOL. Miss 'Alice King, assisted by Miss Grace Clark, M.A., and Miss Margaret King will re-open school early in Sep- tember, 215 William street. Classes both morning and afternoon. Pupils prepared for Entrance, Civil Servite wna Matriculation Examina- tions. Junior Classes for Boys and Girls. Apply Alice Street, KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. « Unmequalled facilities for securing posi- tions. Largest and beat equipment in Canada. 821 Queen street, Kingston. , SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Building, Toronto. EE -------------------- For Electrical Work Consult Breck & Halliday, practical Electricians, Prin- cess Street. LET ME HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantee you satis- factory results. We don't brag, but perform the work. Nothing sacrificed, but. your best inter- est studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer IF YOU WANT Chan NRE =2 ol To buy a Dwelling, Building Lot, Farm, Country Store, or a City Business, please call and see our list and get particulars. A. F. BOND. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE, 63 Clarence St., G. Gregorakos, 184 Princess St. Kingsion's Ice Cream Parlor Given Away To A Free Carnation With each Ice Cream or Ice Cream Soda. WOOD YARD--JUST OPENED Corner of Barrack and. Bagot Streets * Hard and Soft Slabs constantly on hand J. GORRIE. CAPILLI FORMA A clean, healthy tonic, produces a luxuriant growth of hair at any age, prevents grey hair, is a positive cure for HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, DAND- DRUFF AND ECZEMA, excellent for Mustaches and other tonsorial purposes. Manufactured and sold by MME. KE. EL- DER, at the Canadian Gunagathon Par- lors, 251 Princess street, Kingston. Better Than Ever MYERS' CELEBRATED HOME- Made Mince Meat, Pork Sausages, Ten- derioin, Brawn or Head Cheese. All kinds of Cooked Meats, Bacon and Hams. All to be found at GO rock street. 'Phone 570. ist "MAPLE LEAF" i CANNED SALMON PAckeo SKIFFS FOR SALE. \ NEW. BEST WHITE CEDAR. VARN- jshed, 17 to 18 ft. Apply to A. cCorkill, boat builder, corner Gore and Ontario street. ---- ee FOR SALE OR TO-LET FURN- THE ISHED NO. 57 GEORGE STREET. APPLY to Mrs. Wm. Lesslie. eee ee -- attest BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, bath, etc, 102 Bagot street, near Citv Park. Reasonable rates. ' Hanley, J. P. Gil ip. Jas. Swift & Co. Agents. RIO PIS | Ll & LIE Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Leave Kingston daily. 3: Going East, © ao. joing West, 5 i 1 « Fo p.m. daily, except onday 1.000 Taland K to Clayton, Ports, Brockville or Prescott, going and returning Sunday omly. Single fare. to Montreal and return. Go- ing Saturday or Sunday. Returning, G.T.R., Monday. Fare, $6. Mamliton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. AVE KINGSTON: COING ST--Wednesdays, Fridays, at 4130 p qn Jn. " GUING JEST Tasulays , Thursdays, and Satu vs, at 3 p.m. . 3. P. HANLEY, JAS. SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent. Freight Agent. S Direct to Quebec Without Chan Str. "Alexandria" Leave Craig & Co. Whar! every Mon. day at G30 p.m. for Montreal and Quebee, ruining all the rapids. Returning, leaves Kingston Fridays at 12 Midnight for Charlotte and Bufialo. The Steel Lake Excursion Steamer, " NIAGARA," open for charter. For particulars apply to W. C. CRAIG & CO., Agents, or A. W. HED- BURN, Manager, Picton. Daily Line/: RAGE IN THE STEARN BUILD- ing, 200 King street, rat and mouse proof. J. S. I. McCann, 51 Brock 8 |» street. SUMMER COTTAGE, RENT LOW, good fishing and shooting. Ap. 208 Princess street. ONE EACH, 10 AND 13 HORSE POw- er Horizontal, Statiomary Boilers, The Power Horizontal Slide will be sold at a low price. Also one Keversible Marine Portable En- suitable for light Yacht, about 1% « horse power, cost $150; will be sold for $75. Bale Wire for building Rail Fences, 75¢. per hundred pounds, will do tne work of wire costing 3 tines bo price. Apply to J. A. Gould & .. Cor. King and Quesn streets. DETACHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE on Frontenac Street, near Princess street, 7 rooms. Lot 66 feet front. by 154 feet deep. build. Also good barn, sheds and large poultry house. Apply through Whig office. eee eed TEAM; HORSES BOTH ABOUT 14 hands; 4 past, new Commercial Wagon made by Laturney, King- stun: new Set Harness, made by Dolan: I'air Blankets A AM. Sheldrick, Piano Store, cess street. . : eee te. KNOWN HOTEL IN VWEST- with two acres of grouni Iimediate possession. Apply to W H, Carson, proprietor. bargain 213 P'rin- WELL 'hrook ee THE SHOP, DWELLING AND PREM- jses, No. 240 Princess street, occupi- ed by Maker Bres. Apply to John Mudie, Solicitor. Picturesque Rideau STEAMERS LEAVE KINGSTON ON MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS THORSDAYS AND SATURDAYS GAM : 3 BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE OO aropet. between Montreal and Bagot. Apply 49 Colborne street. LIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW BLA make. with Cues and Dalls, $180. Apply through Whig Office. STEAM YACHT. feet lo ABOUT THIRTY ng. Enquire through Office. Whig | -- ou WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Mallorytown Matters. Mallorytown, Ont.; July 7.--Wo were pleased to see Miss Laura Buell back again from the Kingston hospital, where she underwent a serious opera- tion. She speaks in high praise of the way she was treated by both the doctors and nurses. Mrs. B. Thomp- son, and daughter, Alexandria Bay, are visiting at Na Kelly's. Charles Tennant is building a large addition to his residence here. Robert Ayers, who is building a cement bridge for the township, over the pond near J. Tennant's, has it well under way and people who see it say it is a first class job. Haying has begun and the crop is good; grain is a little back- ward. : Moscow Items. Moscow, July 6.--School closed last Tuesday, after a ycar of earnest work, in which great success attended the ef- forts of the teachers. Building is the order of the day. Morley Huffman, Lorenzo Ruttan and John NS. Bradiord are building barns; Wilfrid Hulfman_ is re-modelling his house. Mrs. Albert Amey is very ill, Dr. Oldham in at- tendance. Miss Wilson, Napanee, is visiting friends here. The people of the Methodist church: of this place, to- gether with the Yarker people, will serve a dinner in Yarker on July 12th atthe Orange celebration. de Mil- sap, Napanee, spent Sunday at home. Miss BE, Asselstine, Middletown, is at home for the summer. Mrs. O'Neil has come home after spending several weeks visiting her sisters in New York state. Johnston is home from Mrs. the North-West. Picton Pointers. Picton, July 7.--That Glen Island is an ideal spot for a picnic was proven' by the large number that went with St. 'Mary Magdalene's Sunday 'school, to-day. The first boat left at 8.30 and took a two-hours' run down Hay lav, a most delightiul trip. The Boys Brigade were waiting on the wharf, when the boat landed. The water is so high that it comes within a very few inches of the wharf. In the after noon sports were the order of the day and the last boat at 9 p.m. brought home a tired but happy crowd. Miss Hilda White is up from Prescott, vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. W, P. Despard. Paul street. - Mrs. Edward Case and daughter, Lillian, are visiting in Tor- Arthur Duncan is here from London. Miss: Belle Clarke is in Ro- chester. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Carter have returned to Detroit. onto. Bath Brevities. Bath, July 7.--Hugh Johnson has returned from his trip to Gananoque. Mrs. Ernest Shepherd and family, Gananoque, are visiting thir many friends here. Thomas Chennell and William Chennell, of , Montreal, also Mr. and Mrs. .E. N. Jory, Ottawa, are visiting at Thomas Bain's. Mr. Os. borne, Napanee, viited on Sunday last at H. Calver"s. William Bain and wife, Horning's are spending their honeymoon at the parental home, Thomas Bain's. D. A. Nisbitt is conducting the departmental exam- inatipns here. Miss H. G. Robinson, teacher, has gone to Markham to spend the holidays. Miss D. M. Wil son, teacher, has returned to Oakville to spend the holidays. Revi W. A. Guy and Mrs. Guy, McDonalds yrners, are visiting at D. T. Rouse's\ Charles Graham has the sympathy "of his many friends here in the loss of his factory by fire. Quite a number of Ameriagns are arriving at Thomas Edwards' summer resort. Mills, * A Fine Picnic. Matawatchan, July 8.--~The annual picnic of the Presbyterian church, held in the church grove, here, on June 20th, drew a large crowd. The day was an ideal one for a picnic. The audience assembled was somewhat disappointed at the failure of the Hon. F. R. Latchford to be present. CHILDREN HAD -. SKIN DISEASE Itching so Bad They Would Tear Their Flesh -- 'An Extraordid nary Cure by DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT Too many children are in agony from itching, burning skin disease. Too many mothers are worn out by anxiety and loss of sleep in watching over their little ones who are tortur- ed by such ailments. Dr. Chase's Ointment is a prompt and pgsitive cure jor every form of itehing 'skin disease, and has proven its marvtllous power in thousands of cases, similar to the one described be- low. Mrs. Lois McKay, Tiverton, Dighy County, N.S., writes: "My children 'wore taken with an itching, burning skin discase and tore their flesh until it was sore and their shirts would sometimes be wet with blood. The doe- tor did not seem to know what ailed them and could give no relief, so I be gan using Dr. Chase's Ointment. "Wherever it was applied it did its works well, and has entirely cured them of this horrible disease. They suffered so they could not sleep nights and I think if it had lasted much longer I would have gone crazy from the 'anxiety and loss of sleep. I can- not finds words to praise Pr. Chase's Ointment enough for the good it has done my children, and hope other suf- farers will try it." Pr. Chase's Ointment, (De. a box, at all : dealgs, or Edmanson, Bates & company, Toronto. To protect vou agamst imitations, the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the fa- mous receipt book author, are on every box. R NEIGHBORS |" =r i w= had every assurance that the honorable gentleman 'would be present, but at a later date he wrote expressing his regrot at being unable to be present, owing to pressi vernment busi- ness and long Ra ue for $10 towards the cause. were up- wards of $120, Our lar teacher, R. Wensly, left on the 30th to enjoy his holidays. Before leaving he gave | a o gramophone entertainment in the schoolhouse for the children kindly in- viting the parents to be present, A y enjovable time was spent. After e gramophone ' entertainment Rev. I. McLean audjence, af- ter which Mr, Wensly was given a hearty vote thanks. Visitors : Thomas Peters, Maberly, at William trong's; Miss Norah Johnston, Plevna, at R, Johnston's. r-- Two Sisters Married. | Marysville, July T--Mr. and Mrs, James Fitzpatrick, Mrs. McGraugh hand Miss Nellie Mathewson, Napanee, Spent Sunday at P. McAlpine's. Two very yretty and quiet weddings took place Pe week at the home of John Top pings, when his two youngest daug! ters were married. On Wednesday even: ing Mary was united to William Alex: ander, Deseronto Junction, and on Thursday=Bertha, to Walter Smith, Peseronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander leit on Monday for their future home in Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Smith in- tend residing in Deseronto. Misses Bertha Gould and Josephine Ryan are spending their vacation at their homes here. Thomas Meagher, Rochester, N. Y., spent a few days this week remew- ing ol acquaintances. Messrs. Paul Killorin and Allan Gleeson, Napanee, spent Sunday at NM. Ryan's. George Roach has returned to his home in Brewer's Mills after spending several wooks with his sister, My John Fas hey. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cawpbell are visiting their daughten, Mrs. ° J, Kenney, Rochester, N.Y. M + Killorin, Eringville, is visiting her sister, McAlping. Patient Sufferer Gone. Morton, July 6.--Rev. Mr. Rallan- tyne occupied the pulpit of the Pres byterian church on Sunday. T. Acres, Ottawa, was the guest of Mrs, 8. Ta- ber, Sr., for a week. Nr. and Mrs. Rivers and family, Watertown, ave the guests of Mrs. P. Jones. Miss G. Davis, teacher for the past term, left for her e at Fairfield last week. Some offour young people took in the excursion" to Ogdensburg on the 4th. J. R. Leake, who visited his old home again after spending the winter in the west, left for Hamilton, where he is the guest of his son, Rev. Rural Dean Leake. Mrs. N. Williams, Smith Falls, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C, Daw- son. On Friday afternoon of last week the funeral occurred of the late Mrs. R. Halladay. Mrs. Halladay, who has been a patient sufferer for some months, passed quietly away early Thursday morning. Mr. Gracey, Gan- anoque, preached the funeral sermon. To the bereaved family and relatives the sympathy of the community is ex- tended. Mrs. W. F. Merrill and chil dren leave on the 10th inst. for their new heme at Antler, Asa. Mrs, 8. Taber, Jr., and daughter leave for Calgary soon on a visit to relatives. Miss K. Somerville, visiting in Brock- ville this week, réturned home to-day. Talent In Desmond. Desmond, July 4.--~Mrs. Hannah Switzer spent Monday in Yarker. Rev. E. F. Bell (formerly of Coe Hill) with his wife, and daughter, Edith Pauline, who have been visiting his father, A. P. Bell, have gone to Michigan, where Mr. Bell intends joining the conference. Miss Jdyth Bell and Mrs. B. Switzer spent Thursday last at Varty lake in company with Mrs, L. Switzer and son, on a fishing expedition. They caught cight large pike in a short time, one weighing about seven pounds. Our minister for the coming year, Rev. R. Allison, was with us for the first time on Sunday last and preached a very impressive sermon. A new choir is xing organized by our organist, Miss Edyth Bell, and leader, J. W. Stuart. It will exceed any of former years in a very short time for we have the talent at Desmond. We are glad to learn of Camden East still holding their evening service as it means our evening service also. Roy Stuart, Frank Bell and Charlie Switzer spent the evening of July lst at Enterprise. Hurrah! for the Or ange walk on Tuesday next at Yark. er. Our Sunday school is progressing favorably at present as the attend: ance is larger than has been for some years. Fred. Ratelle has returned home. Mrs. Philander Rose, West brook, is visiting at A. P. Bell's. Denbigh Happenings. Denbigh, July 5.--Some of the farm- ers have commenced haying. The crop promises to be very good. Rev. C. W, De Mille and Mrs. De Mille have left Denbigh for Roblin, their present field of labor. Their removal is regretted. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Bradshaw are cn- joying the - summer school vacation, visiting relatives and friedds at Croy- don and vicinity. Rev. G. Daechsel and daugifter, Magda, are away on a trip to Bganville and Pembroke. He has accepted an invitation to assist at some jubilee of the German Luther: an congregation at Pembroke next Sunday. Miss Mary Greer of Philadel- phia, is *njoying a visit at her old home with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Greer. Miss Estella Lane, Ot- tawa, has arrived and will remain a while with her father, James Lane, of the Denbigh House. Messrs. P. Stein, E. Sallans, J. Youmans, Thomas Blakeley, and Charles Wientoke, were in Renfrew last week on business, and remained in town to enjoy at least a part of Dominion day celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosemack and Miss Morlock, Vanbrugh, were the guests of Mr. and Mes, E. Warlick and also fa- vored. P. Stein with a call on Sundav last. Visitors' 'At I. Stein's, G. Lenck and family of Plevna. At R. Petzold's, Mrs. G. Marquardt of Raglan. At J. Rahm's, Mrs. J. Bloom, of Raglan. ------ Alien Legislation Dropped. London. July 8.--The alien immigra- tion bill Kas been definitely abandoned Mrs. | . i & . ' wy Matters That Interest --Notes From all of Evaysiing Zutlly Read and F rs ] - - ie, » ts mills haves Hon armies. stu) . lain was nominated for the legislature by the liberals of Dun. as. The CNR. will build an extensive cleaning and drying plant at ort Arthur, § : British warships were sent to bi 4 blot stands at the request of Russia and Japan. ' It is understood that Lord Dundgn- ald will be initiated into the Sons of tland shortly, he B. Morrison, M.P., was nomina- ted for the legislature by the conser. vatives of West Hastings. Muskoka con: atives nominated William Wright, Hunteville, for commons, dt is rumored that President Roose- welt will renew this year his former visit to the Saguenay and Murray Bay. George Rae, Jr., aged ten years, of Toronto, was run into by a bicyclist. Both bones of the lad's left leg were broken, The Paris Matin refused to allow the Espicgle to enter the Chwang. The strikers at Syduey assert they will stay out until a royal commissi: on of enquiry is granted hy the Do- minion government. r Duggins, who nmrdered Mrs. Sarah Ramsay and her two children near Torve Haute, was hanged, to-day in the Michigan City, Ind., state pris. says' the Russians British cruiser port of New n, One-hall of Armourdals, Kansas, Tis under water, on account of the over flow of the Kaw river, and conditions approaching the great flood of 1902 are feared, * Fire, on Thursday evening, destroy: ed the block of frame buildings with- in the Chautauqua assembly grounds, where the various supply houses are located. The loss will not exceed $25,- 000 Litigation to tht probable ar~regate total of %£8,000,000 has been discour: aged by a ruling of Judge Holdom in the superior court to the effect that Chicago was not liable in anv deoree for the Irgquois theatre fire, Rev. R Forster, who had been orduined in the English church, but later joined the Church of Rome, was solemnly reccived back inte the Church of 'England recently in Wells cathedral, England, hy Bishep Stor ling. A bye-cleetion at Chertsey, Surry, to fill the vacancy caused hy the re signation of John A. Fyler, conserva- tive, resulted in the election of Lord Bingham, conservative, who polled 5.425 votes, against 4,876 cast for Mr. 'Sadler, tho liberal candidate. Mrs. Short, a Canadian lady who escaped from Port Arthur, states that had the Japanvse entered the harbor upon the occasion of their first attack the place would have been eantared. fhe save that there am 100,000 Rus- sian soldiers at Port Arthur, and that they are confident of holding the place. SERVES SIX YEARS. First To Serve That Length Of Time. anniversary as minister of foreign al- fairs by M. Delcasse to-day, was a no- table event, inasmuch as he is the first French foreign minister to attain that length. of service, The anniversary would have passed unnoticed had not Ambassador Port. er called it to M. Delcasse's attention The date was vividly fixed on the am bassador"s memory, as it marked the beginning of the offorts of M. Del casse and himself to combat adverse French statiment, growing out of the Spanish-American war. M. Delcasse's lengthy service is sig- nificant 'of the growing stability ot French ministries. Heretofore the con stant changes were recognized as seri ous defects in the French system, as they prevented continuity of govern mental policy. From 1879 until M. Waldeck-Rousseau formed a eabinet, there were twenty-eight French cabi- nets. M. De. Freycinet, had continuous service through four years, covering five ministries. H. Cochery still holds the record for service, namely, seven years as minister of posts and tele graphs, but M. Deleasse is the first foreign minister having a lengthy, te nure. France in this matter is taking pat- tern from the stability of Russin's foreign system, in which there were only three foreign hinisters between 1813 and 1805, namely, Nesselrode, Gortchakoff and De Giers, M. Del casse's service has established a con- tinuity of French foreign policy and has been marked hy many notable successes, His hold <now is so strong that the retirement of Premior Combes would leave MM. Deleasse the foreign minister of a new calinet. Best Kind Of A Holliday. When vou have a real good trunk or valise from The Lockett Shoe Store. New stock just received. ' Campbell Bros. New Colors, And latest wiyles in hats. Laurence Bartlett, Gana , aged twenty-one years, died" M, sy alter hoon, after an illness extending over several months. He was a son of the late Robert Bartlett, and a voung man most hi; esteemed by all his associates, ' When you buy for the present gession parliament. The opposition to the measure has been so persistent in the committee stage that the government decided that it was impossible to pass the bill: of the within the remaining. few sespion. 2 You : Your grocer has it. | the Paris, July 8.-- Passing of his sixth McDermott's Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO. P.6. DRAWER I 2341 ------ We have, them in the mo and styles for Ladies' and C J. H. Sutherland. THE FASHION STORE BALSAM SANITIS Is a Toilet Paper of velvety softness, heavily impregnated with healing balsam, and care- fully sealed in antiseptic packages, It is re- commended by physicians as a healing agent, - and as a preventive of piles and diseases, Incident to sewerage systems. ams Price, 15c. MeKELVEY & B Holds First ALWAYS THE § LAB. wh still ME quality and cxquiait in JAS. McPARLANI

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