| ternoon's ting ylor's licious ocolates finest (ingston. THE H. B. OR DRUG ©. Pri: cess St. "Phone 59. Picturesque Rideau Moosomin | n: Calghey - - - M0 : Aron - A WB) pon lg as a Snow Flake. on B90 | Sirathoons - - 40.50 t rr Going JUNE 14th, 28(h and JULY ) IAD ning | until Aug. 15th, 29th and Sept. 'respectively. Train leaves Kingston 8:10 a.m. Full Sites Ontar at K. & P. and C.P.R. t Of o 7. CON A Porakn, am en. . Agt. THE BAY OF QUINTE} RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanes, HOE FOR local points. Train leaves City Depot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, B.Q. Ry., Kingstoa. TIXTRED DAILY EYGURSION RATES FROM KINGSTON TO World's Fair ST. LOUIS, MO. $22 (Good for 15 days). $29.35, (Good for 60 days). $35.20 (Good until Dee. 15th, 1904. Stop-overs allowed at any intermedi- ate station in Cafdda, also Detroit and Chicago. SIDE TRIP--Hamilton Falls, $1.40 additional. For Pullman acconiinodation, tickets, ther information app y ud ot v J.P. HANLKY, Agent, Corner Jokes and eS streets. eet eee IVERPOUL and i ALLAN LINE {LONDUNDERRY, Royal Man Steamers From Montreal From Quebec. Bavarian, Fri ety 15, 8 am. 8 p.m. Parisian, Fri. July 22, a a.m. Bp m. First Cabii, $50, an upwards, ac- cording to.stcamer; Second Cabin, Liv- erpool and Londonderry, $37.50, and $42.50, London, $3.50 extra. Third Class, supgrior accommodation, Liver- pool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London, 15 and all Hall Agent, RAILWAY SYS to Niagara \ ¥ hrough tickets to South Africa MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, 1st Cabin, "850 and up. 2nd Cabin, $35. 3rd Class. $15 Corinthian, - Wed. Jhty Za adayiight) . . 1 Voice ye HARLEY, Agent, rR id FLEEYE, te Street. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence In € Cool Latitudes Twin roft 8S. * Campana, vith electric lights, eléttric bells and all xodern comfort.' SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 3 p.m., 4th and 18th July; 1st and 15th and 29th August: 12th and 26th September, for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Lay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Smmeraide, P.E. Charlottetown, P. "he Sincet trip of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, ri Ye A Qe bec. For ek to 3 . flatergons P. bee Agents, Kingston, Ont. J. P. N SLEEVE, : Daily Line Toronto, Charfotee, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Leave Kipgston daily Going Ei 6 am. Going West, 5 p.m. daily, extapt, Monday. Kings mC layton, 1,000 Island Ports, Brock lle or Prescott, going and returning Sunday omly. Single fare. Kingston to Mon! and return. Go- ing Satu or Sunday. Returning, GTR Monday. Fave. ¢ Hamliton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and »Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST--Wednesdays, Fridays, at 4:30 GOING. WEST Tussdays, Thursdays, a The Bay of Quinte Route * DAILY SERVICE ----tLO Rochester, N. Y., & 1000 Islands STRS. "NORTH KING' AND "CASPIAN" Co 25th : June, leave Kimg- need 3 cept Monday, at 5:00 n.m. for riley of inte Ports and Port of Roc a N.Y. Returning, Rwill ar- ive at "fo 00 .m. same days cave for Thousand 1 an calling at Alexen- dria Bay and Gananoque. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Mondays at 5:00 p.m. for Pic ton and Day of Quinte Ports. For further itormation apply to E. BE. hoRSEY: Ge. & F. Agent, King- ston, t. on P. Hanley J. _ Gildensleave, Jas Swift & Co. STEAMERS LEAVE KINGSTON ON MORDAYS, WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 6A. M. Wood = Coal We have om hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Foo! of West St. n'y CURED BY CUTICURA, Now His Skin Is as White # A terrible rash broke out on Char Tle's poor little facé and spread to his neck, chest and back. Thad never seen anything' quite like it before," writes Mrs. Helena Rath of 821 10th Ave., N. Y. City. * The skin Tose in little lumps, and matter came ! My baby's skin hii hot, and low heidid suffer. He wouldn't eat, and night after night I walked the floor h him, weak as I was. Often I had ° felt faint and my Back throblied with pao. But the worst pein of all was to see my poor little boy burning with those nasty sores. At last I was persuaded by a friend across the street to'try the Cuticura She gave me some Cuticura Ointment -- I think the box was about half full -- and a piece of Cuticurs Soap. I followed the 'directions, bathing Charlie and putting that nice Olntment on the sores. Little by little, but so surely, Charlie and I both got more by day and more sleep by night. Fes pores sort.of dried up and wens away, aud now Charlie is cured com- pletely." "Yes, that fat little boy by the win- dow is Charlie, and his skin is as white as a snow flake. thanks to the Cuticura Remedies. I think everybody should know about the Sosp and Ointment, and If It is going to help other mothers with sick babies, go ahead ard publish what I'have told you." onl ihr Cuticurs a a tn rh Soap 8.1 Paris. 7 Rue 06 la Bainy' Foil R 20s Se Corp. Bots 1% Columbus Ave. Potter Drug = Send for ** All About the Skin, Seslp and Halr.® -u -- EDUCATIONAL. ey PRIVATE SGHOOL. Miss Alice King, assisted by Miss irace Clatk, M.A., and Miss Margaret King will re-open school early in Sep- tember, 215 William street. Classes both morning and afternoon. Pupils prepared for Entrance, Civil Service wua Matriculation, Examina- tions Junior Classes for Boys and Girls. Apply Alice Street. ST. MARGARET'S 'COLLEGE TORONTO A high-class Residential and Day School for Girls. Modern equipment. Specialists of European training and of the highest academic and professional standing in every department of work. For Booklet, apply to Mrs. Geo. Dickson, Geo. Dicksgnc f.AL Lady Principal. (Late I'rin., Upper Canada Oc oll ) IF YOU WANT To buy a Dwelling, 'Building Lot, Farm, Country Store, or a City Business, . please call and see our list and get particulars. A. F. BOND. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE, 63 Clarence St, Better Than Ever MYERS' CELEBRATED HOME- Made Mince Meat, ork Sausages, Ten- derloin, Brawn sor Head Cheese. All kinds of Cooked Meats, Hacon and Hams. il to 'be 'found at 60 Broek strect. 'Phone 570. ist "MAPLE LEAF" 12 CANNED SALMON racxeo BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD bath, etc, 102 Bagot street, nea: Uitv Park. Reasonable rates TO-LET. STORAGE IN THE STEARN BUILD- ing, 200 King strect, rat and mouse proof. J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. SUMMER RUriAGE, RENT Low. =O 5, shooting. Mh 208 Princess ek . FOR SALE. DETACHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE on Stréet, pear Pri street, rooms. Lot 66 feet front, by 154 feet deep. ts of room to build. Also good n, sheds and large poultry house. Apply through Whiz offjqe. i TEAM HORSES BOTII ABOUT 14 hands: 4 past, new Comwercial Wagon made by Laturney, King- ston new Set Harness, made by I'olun: Pair Blankets. A bargain M. Sheldrick, Cess street. Piade Store, 213 Prip- WELL KNOWN brook, with Immediate possession. H. Carson, proprietor. HOTEL IN VWEST- two acres of ground. Apply to W. THES SHOP, DWELLING AND PREM- No. 240 I'rincess street, ovsubi- ay Maker Dros. Apply to J 4 Solicitor. Goor BUILDING Lot. SOUTH SIDE Queen stroet, betw Montreal an Bagot. Apply ry a street. BILLIARD , TABLE, CAROM, NEW York make. with Cues and Balls, $180. Apply through Whig Office. ABOUT THIRTY the Liank ---- DEATH GRAPPLE, Finding General Keller's Far. . ler, Niut Kiay, eleven miles west flows north into the Tai Sze which passes through Liao Yang an empties into the Liao riven The correspondent of the Press, who arrived here after a thirty- five mile ride from Sino Lindji long lings of infantry and At Lian Dian Sian a lookout, to Gen! Keller's headquarters, Njut Kiay. talked enthusiastically ment at Hoivan, of the officers of the Guards," the St. Petersburg.' T er-beaten as the could scarcely' Bbliove ) see them as weath Ponies And Bronchos For Japan. New Orleans, from the iana and bronchos from the Texas may be fighting the Japan within two months. It iz léarn od that a Texas firm has been ap- proached by Minister Takahira, pan, with a view to securing a hun- dred thousand head of horses of th type new used by the alry, The creole bronchos, "with wonderful qualities, easily fod and kept, sidered idedl- mounts for the men. July 12.--Creole ponie stayin Japanes sabre Newspaper Union. The Record, Sherbrooke, Que., absorbed the Examiner, nice fit, for the former is a daily anc the latter a semi-weekly, L. 8. Chan- nel & Co, ful publishers of the Record, will con Fduct both papers and have a combine circulation of 7,500. The or policy of neither paper will be af- strengthen therefore both. and the publisher, Killed Wife For Burglar. Chicago, July 13.--Mrs. Miclenz arose from bed bullet struck Mrs, fatally, wounding her. The Armies n Banks of ARE ALL READY TO ENGAGE IN THE MIGHTY Head- quarters--His Army is Anxious For The Meeting With Kuroki | 3 Poniés. For 'Japanese Sought Headquarters of General Count Kel Lian dian sian, July 12.--The oppos Fruit.--Lemons, 2c. to 25c. a dozen; ing armies are grimly facing cach { bananas, 15c. to 20¢. a dozen; orang- other on the heights across the Liank es, 13¢c. to S0c. a dozen; cranberries, iver, ready to engage in a death | 12}e. quart; cherries, 70c. a basket; grapple. California cherries, 30c. a Wh.: water The Liank crosses the main Liao | melons, 80c. each; cantaloups, 10; Yang to Fen Huang Cheng road, California plums, 106. to 15c. a dozen; twenty-eight miles cast of Liao Yang, river, "0: Associated saw transport traing winding through the mountains, station od in g tree top, pointed out the way near There the Russian eastern Fixh--White fish, salmon tront, and army was found, hidden in the hiils. | pickerel, 12§c. a ibs; Saguenay sal In a plain tent, the correspondent saw mon, 30c. a lb; butter fish, 124c. a Gen. Keller, living like a simple sol |1b.; pike, Sc, a Ib; lobsters, 30. a dier, his staff being quartered in a na- |Ih.; Seattle salmon, 28c. . a by sali tive 'hut near by. The general was | codfish, Te, to 15e. 1b. halibut, sheerful and bronzed by exposure. He | Ib.: haddock, cod and bullheadte Foe ehgage Around the general's tent were many pride of Cossack offieers, one them to be the dashing Guardsmen of the Russian | Ib; dekin skins, No. 1, 70c.; veal capital: They have become hardened skins, 10c. 1b.; lamb skins, oc. to 35¢. fighters; for hardly a day passes with. | tallow, [rende red, 4c. a lbh; tallow, out collisions bhet@een the advance rough, 2c, a Ih,; fleece wool, washed, posts of the eastern army of the Jap- [16¢. to 17c. a Ib; unwashed, 9%. to ane The whole army is anxious to |10¢. a Ib. fight Gen, Kuroki, 'whose headquarters are at Vandiapudze and whose men , Butter. are entrenched on the other side of the Wholesale--Creamery, 19. to 20c. a river. The burning question is whe will Ibe; farmers' prints; -18e. to 18c. go be the first to cross the dread walls lb.; in rolls, 13e, of the Liank river ? Retail--Creamery, 2le. to 22%. a lb; farmers' prints, ie. to 19. a Ib; in rolls, 15c.° a lb. prairies of south-west Louis- plains of Brie of of Ja Japanese cav- ponies, and Texas are con has and it is a the hard- working and tact- individuality fected, while a united management will improve The stoppage of undue rivalry is a benefit to the public as we Al as to Charles A. and went to the kiichen for a glass of water. In |to $7. . the dark she stumbled and made a Hogs--Rece ipts, 17,000 head; fairly noise, which awakened her husband. | active, Be. to 10c. lower; heayy, £5.65 Thinking it was a burglar he reached | to $5.70: mixed yorkers and pigs, 85.40 for hig revolver, which he kept near | to 5; ronghs, $1.65 to #4.95; stags, the head of his bed, and fired. The | $3.60 84; dairies, £5.10 to 85.60, 'Miclenz in the side, PRODUCE AND PRICES, Local strong, $2.40 to $2.50 a cwt.; jarmers' flour, $2.30 a cwi.; Hungarian patent, meal, $140 to $1.50 aewt.; to $20 a ton; shorts, $2 ton; straw, $0.30 a ton; hay, $9 a ton; prossed hay, 812 a hs Grain-- heat, Manitoba, No. 1, 98¢. spring, 90, a bushel; local soft wheat, 7c. to SOc. a bushel buckwheat, Tie, bushel, rye, 50c. a bushel. Meat. --Beef, 5c. to, Se. Ib; to Sc. a th; $1.25 quarter; mutton, 7c. to Se. Ib.; yearling lamb, 8c. to Me. a Ih: pork by thy quarter, Je. to Sc. a lb; live hogs, $4.76 a owt.; dressed hogs, i | 86 to 86.50 a cwt. apricots, 2c. a dozen; red currants, a box; raspberries, 10c. a box; d peaches, 20¢. to 30e. a dozen. Vegetables.--New potatoes, 40c. a peck; old potatoes, 85e. to 81 4 bag ; turnips, 5c. a bunch; carrots, Se. a bunch; beets, 5c. a bunch, tomatoes, 10c. a lb, new cabbage, 5c. a head; green onions, 5¢. a bunch. Poultry--Chickens; 0c, to £1 pair; broilers, 75c. to $1.25; fowl, 70c. to §l a pair; turkeys, 12¢. to 15 a lh a Ib; bluefish, 15c. a lb.; oysters, Be. a qt; Jerch, 20c. and Me. a dozen; from' egs, 40c. a ib; mackerel, 12jec. a lb. Hides--These prices are given hy John McKay, Brock street: Beef, hides, Ge. a In; kips, No. 1, 7. a 8 Eggs. Wholesale--Fresh, 16e. a dozen. Retail --Fresh, 18¢. a dozen. Live Stock Market. Montreal, July FL Sabo: 500 head of butchers' cattle, 200 calves and 500 e | sheep and lambs were offered for Rade at the East End Abattoir to-day. The butchers avere out strong and a' good ¢ | busitiess was done with higher prices paid for all kinds of cattle, exceptin e | the lean dry cows. Prime hooves sol at Sle. to Bie. per lb. pretty good cattle at 4¢. to He. Ib; common stock, de. to 3ie., and the lean rumboh pers' 4c. to 2{c. per Im Calves sold at from $2 te $16 each, or 3e. to Bc. per Ib. Shipping sheep sell at about per Ib, and the others at 3¢. to 34c. Ib. Lambs sold at from $2.50 to 84.25 each. Fat hogs sold at from 1 4ic. to near Sic. per lb, East Buffalo, July 11.--Cattle--Re- ceipts, 6,300 head; active; steady to strong. Prime steers, 85.80 to $6.30; shipping, 85 to 85.75; butchers, $4.25 to $5.50; heifers, $3.50 to 85.25: cows, 83.25 to $4.35 bulls, £3.15 to $4.50; stockers and feeders, 83 to 84.25; stock heifers, $2.25 tq £3; good fresh cows and springers, $2 per head higher; good to choice, $10 to $50; medinm to good, $28 to 835; common, $18 to $25, Veals--Receipts, 000 head; active, 85 ! Se. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 4,000 head; active; lambs, 8 to £7.50; of yearlings, 85.50 to £6; wethers, 84.50 Turn Time Backward, - Bo Young Again, Mi | Sohal. i Se SL Fp in tha Bea a Eeneor to Dr. Eo en ay a an Pay 'When You Are Cured. SE intes Sol SELLE method, 2s well as hi op the subieet. containing the 14 diplomas nd certificates, entirely free. Address hitn simply Dr. S. Goldberg, 208 Wood- Room 153, Detroit, Mich., and it will Cire. STEAR JA Whig Wood «« Coal Faquire through Ofcs. and it will immediately he sent you, free, in a plain, sealed package. to $1.75; ewes, £1.75 {0 8; , sheep, mix- od, $2 to $1.25, Chicago, July 11 27,000; market, 10e. to 136. lower: good to prime steers, $5.50 to 86.10, poor to medium, £4.50 to $5.10; stoc- kers and feeders, $2.25 ; cows, $150 to B4.40;heifers, 0 to $4.75; canpners, 81.50 to £2.60; bulls, 2 to 24.25; calves, $2.50 10 86; Texas fed steers, $4.50 to £5.15. Hogs. ~Receipts; 10,000; market low- or; mixed and butchers, $5.25 to £5. 10; good to choice, heavy, $5.35 10 85.45; rough heavy, 25.25 to $5.15: light, 85.25 to $5.35. bulk of sales, £5.30 to $5.40. Sheep--Reeripts, 20,000: market steadv: good to choice wethers, $4.75 to £5.50; fair to choice mixed, $3.50 to $4.50; native lambs $4 to .84.75." Catthe<Receipts, +. Risked Life For Whiskey. Chester, Pa.. July 13.<Becoming thirsty for a drink of whiskey, and be- ing refused permission to leave the French barque Jules Henri, Pierre Ja- cot, a sailor, jumped ovetboard as the boat was clearing Marcus Hook for a Spanish port. The mailor swam ashore, but was headed by a boat's crow, which put off from the que, and taken to his ship. As the Jules Henri was getting under way Jacot again leaped overboard, and. beat the small boats to shore. He drink at a nearbv hotel and kept the boat waiting on him for an' hour. American Peaches For England. Special to t Whig ow Ri Ful 13.--England is in the American market for peaches, and arrangements are under way for the Spf lation of part of the large ep that has been produced here. The peaches from the Ozark mountains seem to be most favored for export. Montreal council has voted $10,000 towards the preliminary expenses of a permanent exhibition. The' Rates Which Govern" The ¥ Markets. Kingston, July | Toy he Joc Jocal pros 3 duce market ! Flour abd ad Flour Bakers' $2.60 to $2.70 a owt. Oatmeal and tolled oats, $4.76 to 35 a owt. born. bran $19 | to 82 a New York, ano} "wireless a bushel: white, winter and Canadian bush.; barley, bushel; oats, 35c. a veal. spring. lamb, $1 - i of ing dia: To CEE Shaelize ise w should pay a high Frauds on the government of enor og proportions are believed to have PerDetratd by this method, Js ep conduct required a combin- ation of expressmen, steamship om- ployees, and possibly government of ficials. Its beneficiaries, and possibly its pramoters, are believed to be mer- chants of this city, some of them mon of wealth and prominence. BRIDE MUST HAVE DOWER. Young Woman Must Have $20,000 a Year. London, July 13.-The sole engross- ing topic in royal circles and, of course, in the smart set, is the report- ed betrothal of Prince Arthur of Con- naught, the only son of King Ed- ward's only living brother, and Lady Marj anners, the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Granby, heir of the Duke of Rutland. That this is a love affair is ahsolute- ly true, and for two months their af- fection has heen apparent to their very intimate friends. The prince has been a frequent visitor at Belvoir castle, where Lady Marjorie has spont the most of the last two months. About a fortnight ago the prince pro- posed, and the voung people being very analy in love with each oth- er, the ing. was approached on the subject & is nephew, His majesty had no objections to the match, provided tho bride could raise a dowry of $20,000 a year. This is ab- solutely impossible, as the Granhys have no money; nor has the Duke of Rutland. Therefore at the osent moment the young people are in deep woe, But perhaps the secret of the king's opposition lies in the well-known faet that all his life he has greatly disliked the girl's mother, the Marchioness of Granby. Prince Arthur is so much in love that his one idea is to renounce all his rights to royal position, settle down toe Quiet life, and become, as he him. self puts it, an easy going countr; n- tleman., Lady Marios howe. very pretty, and has been extremely popular in London society, RR ---------------- DISOBEDIENT DAUGHTER, -- Girl Beats Mother Rather Than Work. New York, July 13 ~~ Antoinette Gre- mer, who is twenty' yeary committed to the the Harlem court yesterday, on the charge of having assaulted her mo ther by striking her with a shoe and fousing . -a severe wound. The mother went from the Preshyterian hospital to appear in court, Mrs. Gromer said that her daughter was disobedient and wayward in spite of her age. She said that she asked her daughter to clean up one of the rooms, gnd the daught- er refused to do #0, and when up- braided for her disobedience struck her mother, When bilious take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. Lifebuoy soap- disinfectant -is stropg- ly recommended by the medical pro- fession as a safeguard against infec- tious diseases. Another general trike of teamers is expected in New York. Business men are trying to settle the differences hut so far without avail. Pains In Back Now All Gone. After Twenty Years of Suffering From Kidney Disease And Dyspepsia, a Perfect Cure Is Made By DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER ~ PILLS A medicine which wil will cure such a severe form of kidney: disease is that described below can certainly be re lied upon for any ordinary case ~ this ailment. It seems folly to ex periment with now and untried remedies when there are thousands ready to certify that Dr, Chase's Kidney'Liver Pills have positively cured them of this painful and fatal malady. Mr. John Gearin, an old resident of Thorold, Omt., states: "For twenty years 1 was badly aiflicted. with kid- ney troubles, indigestion and bladder derangements. During that time [ was a great. sufferer and had to get up six to twelve times nightly to pass water. | tried different doctors ad used all worts of medicines to no Finally, 1 began using Dr. Ch Kidney-Liver Pills and soon found re lief. Thus encouraged 1 eontinued to use these pills and after having taken twelve boxes was again in perfect health and vigor. 1 can now sleep undisturbed, the pains in the kidneys and back are gome, and I feel well and strong. T consi Dr. » was Magdalen home in |' "Q im 1° puts on the shine wit you, oils the shoes, keeps them Comprising the very best handle made Footwear, also Trunks, Valises, Tele at less than HALF the regular prices. Note a few of our prices, watch our. ition then come to the GREATEST FEAST OF SH BARGAINS ever offered to the Citizens of and surrounding country. 40 pairs Ladies' Shoes, dongola and 50 pairs Soldiers Long box call bal, new goods, sold by all | hand-made, were $6 ai dealers at $2.50 and $2.75, our sale | just half, $2.50. price will be 81.35 the pair. 53 pairs Misses Pebble and Buff Bale 2 gir Ro Boots, regular value $1, 50, sale price will tog : & % be 09. the pair. 023 pairs Men's Long Boots, finest quality hand-made, "for which firm of Dillon was noted, price 84, to clear at §2 pair. i | i ll Wi Chase's Kidnev- Liver Pills a great boon to suffering humanity and had 1 known about them when I'was a young man could have escaped wuf- Fresh Zozodont tooth nowder gt Gib- haan s Red Cross Drug Store, fering all the best years of life." § Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one nil a doze, 25 conta a Dox, nb all dealers, or Fdmansoo, 'Bates ® Co., Toronto. To protect you against | imitations, the prirait and na- ture of Dr. A. Chase's, the fa- mous reeeipt hook the, are on every box. a