DOO OOOOOOOC 0OO00000000000000 : We have made the rounds and ordered out th the Whig. } . July 13.--Dr. Stansbury, al Toronto man : was arrested, |. Westport, July 41. Mrs. Peter Kelly | visiting ~. {Fine Oxfords and have added about 35 pairs of : urned to last k after . ' . 3 LT io™ make of non support HEUTE 100 talk with Mand Merman | ¥ Lake Bals and Buttoned, all this season's fresh American bh Ve police | oy artin, of Perth, spent her arjory Lake § * as was committed for. trial. 'The here. Martin re- |and have marked them at the low price of $2.59. wife gave evidence that her husband turned from a week's Fs tig ol Carruthers A aT 2 left here two years ago and has been Hinge Anna B. ond Tere Te : 6 ; . Bae ud living ith auth ann the eo are spending a week in Perth . Ba Hie RN southern s es. ie wile }; 3 3 i io I 9 fouthun slate ole and the vi Yicinity, Edmund Johawon neon in the or Lat About 3 rains of (Lot 2.--35 poise. , husband, and had the wrong man ar-1G'W, Castle and J dre visiting | the s : s Russet Paten Gi : Shi i 3 \ : in, Velour Calf py Vi Rid Onto, and $380 $4 and $4.50 kinds, re right. now d's, Ju fr Fieemns, Leor Now, Yo, Jauhtes ! Wearables. second by the Tordato Liguid Carbo- onary, July News. Bou | Flores, SE ic and all Good- She $4 nate company for $4,000. The bank is i AY, "of "the st seus > .- . coats Can- Shs pani 2 srs | ER LE | Ki, co a si oe ie] Teor welted. $250, | for... e lands of Thomas v in Scar- at C lord. Miss Beith spent a LE MEE boro township, the bank's claim be- ff. ' ky y of the Salund revenue of. ' ing $11,250. ) Jw day in Pictu Wo Vek Mo to-day , after a three See Our Men's Window, Judge Winchester opened his G.T.R. "Archie Kerr, at J. D. ngard's; Mr. A f money to alien a investigation, here, to- and-Mrs. E. C. Garbutt, Mr. and Mrs. 'Montreal, is visiting : day. W. T. Jennings, formerly chief |" i, Tarrison and Mr. ard sm "8. 'Randolvh, at the h A All The One Price $2. 59 rade, You engineer of the CPR. now a consult- bla' yahViack at P. C. David's; T. Ron- : : ey re y . at your at. ing ee pastising pe city, ho and' wife at I. Kingsley's; Miss i Eg is in Perth in] * Ww an for you suid. ere shou ha difficulty in §}ji0 Beulah Harrison at A. G. Stan- | connection wi L_the new convent jn Rarl Bird Catch th 5 C ng Canadian engineers. He w DA . of a es 0 1its we are . Pértina cured me; it took nine HR Mr. Stephens Totter Hr Lton's; Miss L Clarke and Mr. Walsh course of Votacr Pur of the sian: The y orm, ST gene so wich lmpugved | that She lutte had Stied. win falled lo R. Briscoe's; Miss Alice Rose at P. C er Aupeipa, ig Jaid acide for a few . I'am to-day in perfect health {po ,uld not have adopted the Fons Davids, Bertie Williams n= dary EY Kavanagh, Phila- herland & Bro : ) and 15, "have not felt so well for Bfteen | way of Joking for "them. Ar. Jen. 8 : delphia, are the guests of Mrs. James |@) 4 ® u . : N_Mrs. Eva Bartho, © nings admitted that he himself was| gaved Child From Drowning. Morton, Rideau street. ; isfied here It is no Joniger a question as to whether avoilable for chief engineer, as Col- _-- Bay, July 12.--The other day Joseph Dillon, the oldest Kingston LEADING SHOE STORE. : as relied on to cure all such |lingwood Schreiber had testified. Wil- a a A hin liam Mackenzie, president of the Cana- Sank been put to test in all forma ; dian Northern, said that having built X has ry chronje catarth 1,200 miles within the last three years of acute the company had required, and had found plenty of engineers. Although he left the matter to the chief engineer, boot and shoe merchant, was seventy- eight years of age yesterday. James Murphy of this city, has re turned home after a visit of a week with friends in Syracuse, N.Y: Miss Marjorie Low. left for her home in Ottawa this moening, after' writing what might have been a serious acci- dent occurred at the home of T. D. McNamee, when little Cecil Heffernan, aged two years, and a sister of four, wandered off to a spring where a 1. bank was sunk, holding three feet of water. The youngster fell in and , nice line of Et -------- - Women's Whitewear Sale CARR( | Lh a 8 Tamers, ' 3 a u Ch - od 3 he believed there was not an Ameri- | . > triculation examinations a" Vy 3 4 would have drowned had not Edward { "Pon matricula ations, : Sy Cheviots { I Hartman, Oetammbum, Oh, 2, neer on their flab. ; 4 Patience heard the other child's cries | Louis Belcourt, oho has Jk acting . $-50. write fo DE A olny € board of voptrol has voted 81,- and rode a horse quickly to the spot. | manager the Bell Telephone ocom- and him a complete description 000 towards the receptions to Lou pany's local office for the theif symptoms and the peculisritiesal Scholes. The board has aldo decided Hie fthed the lite fellow ut of bis theif troubles, he will inmedistely i to vote an additional $400 to the fund : directions for of the Union of Canadian Municipali- J anpiste -- Al tis, provided Montreal votes $500 fart month, leit last night for Montreal. Rev. Father K Mey, of Kingston, is acting parish it of St. John's orth, til church, Pert the successor of the bath just in time, and the child is permitted to enjoy his second birth- day this 12th of July. F. B. McNa- mee and J. Patience, our hustling car- riety. YH ad te White Drawers 5c. to $8 patr. . more. ters, bu t buildi for | late Rev. Father Davis begins duty Corset Covers and y Dr. Hertman. 4 od i eieitg <1 McRae, Mise Ae Lillie in visiting |. Thomas MoCamimon, superintendent 100 ta $00 ene. Chemises, Ohio, ; : THE FULL DETAILS. friends here. of the Western Union Telegraph com- Nightiowns, 0c. to $3.00 ! ns . pany, New York, is in the city visit- each. Of the Accident To Mrs. A. V. ing at John Elliott's, Lower Station. Hall. Price. Charleston Lake Notes. Miss Mary Middleton, corresponding, We show one Charleston, July 11.--John Foster, y : Ev ' Be Newburgh, July 13.--It is many accompanied by his daughter-in-law, Sesretary of the Mndusiriol, Evaneelical of the largest ase 00000000880 years since accidents of a serious na- | Mes John Foster, of Toledo, spent [40 a in the city: visiting-her mother sortments in weet om---- ture have happened in our. village. but | the fourth in Ogdensburg and also vis- and sisters 'on street. Whi R within the last two months we have ited Mr. Foster's daughter, Mrs. G. Misses. Mona and je. Gorman, chil- ite , Read «t0= seconded % Nedinsday last Mr. § Burns, and peo another Jaughter, dren of Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Gorman, | Wear Under: and Mrs. A. V. Price, of Wesley, were f Mes. W. Amel , Cardinal. Miss B. hicago, Ci ® driving through the village. t Fin- Oh vjormetly of Kingsion, are Slack is visiting at Long Point. The blae rics are ripe and are very plentiful. The raspberry crop is also gopd. Mr. and Mrs. E.'S. Clow and, daughter are camping at the lake. Mrs. W. Taber, Carleton Place, was the gucst of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Clow last week. W. C. Taylor is adding a porch to his new resi and also garments in Ca. nada. Hats, Bonnets and all Millinery at reduced prices. visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Me. | Donald, Montreal street, and other re- latives. A.W. Carmichael, Toronto; F. W.1 Trewin, Oshawa: J. Y. Young, Willis Coates, Brockville; J. L. McMartin, Morrisburg; John, Gunyo, Brighton; W. H. Church, Fenelon Falls. were in kle's carriage factary the men were rolling wheels from one building. - to another, across' the road. Just as Mr. and Mrs. Price drove up, a wheel rolled across the road, and though warned by the men that another wheel was coming, Mr. Price thought he could get across before it came. lothing to our But alas ! the wheel came down, striking having it painted. Ogle Johnson is town J hatay Sud oly a ok Ny : t the vehicle and causing the horse to improvi is residence by a coat of Banke siining New. York, kos | ' goods at re- J run wey oi Piide wid in fall pos- | aint. I pupils of Charleston -, pe we 2, hina, y nd m many paws y {session t rae, and was keeping § oq b at th t . : again heen to: "examine gis u will readily [ng » [the road. his object being the hill, but | ~aoct wate at the entrance examin: | mine on the extreme north of Alaska. He starts to-morrow for the place, sailing from Seattle next week. Mrs. G. T.Raferty and' party, Alex- andria Bay; H. B. Sherwood; Napanee; Charles Stewart, Harrowsmith; Hurray Bartlett -d wife, Buichenter, N.Y.; Charles Templeton, Napanee; Dr. . 8. Murphy, Portland, were in the city to-day. a few hundred yards down the road. But his rd wife, in her anxiety to help, caught one of the lines, 'which caused the horse to turn quickly from its course, and the buggy was upset, throwing both occupants out. Mrs. Price, who was not a strong woman, was fatally injured. She was taken into Mrs. George Madden's, nearby, Danby and Miss Burt, Athens, visit- ed friends in Charleston last week. The farmers in this vicinity have com- ménced Naying Sn earnest and the crop is very heavy. Mr. Banta's cot- tage at the lake cide is being painted which improves 'its looks very much. The friends and relatives of the late lar's worth of casual glance One- CRUMLEY BROS. | Shirt Protector years. Vicuna Sits. ns $10.12 now Ve 8 now. : s Suits, Rain- dren's - en hastily put .. When you lored same as rth, thea you one-fourth off Street. IPANY ce bream CITY. - : colate or ruit, 'de- ny size, alk. £0 wearing qualities, ¢ Par Yiaring qualities, @ wn soiled, & sponge or brush makes it | feéan agatn, and Do damage done. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. "Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mast Bear Signature of eT rt TU vers erin hone 'CURE 81CK HEADACHE. MAYPOLE SOAP Made in England, sold soc. for Golors--ise. for Black. * Next to Wilson's Livery, but died.iy fiffteen minutes. Mr. Price had ome rib broken and his spine and hip hurt. At last report he was do- ing as nicely as could be expected. The funeral of Mrs. Price took place on Friday at Wesley, and was very ge- ly attended. Mr. and Mrs. Price have always enjoyed to the fullest the eon- fidence and esteem of all who knew them, and the sympathy of the entire community goes out to the sorrowing husband and family in their hour of sorest bereavement. The matter was very amicably settled by Mr. Price and Mr. Finkle. The lawn social on S. J. Yeoman's lawn on the 29th of June, was a great success, the proceeds being $40. Miss Madelon, Thomson, of the Metro- politan School of Music, Toronto, has returned home for the holidave. J. W. Wilson left last week for Alexandria Bay to spend the summer. Joe played centre forward on the Deseronto foot- ball team in their matches with Pet- erborough and Locust Hill for the Stratton trophy. He scored the last goal in the game against Peterbor- ough. Oh! Deseronto, you had to come down to little Newburgh after all to help you out 'W. D. Shey spent last week with Nis brother, J. A Toon, Cannifton. The Methodist Sunday school go to Kingston and Lake Ontario Park on Wednesday next, on their annual excursion. A number from here took in the glorious Twelfth at Yarker on Tucaddy. Mumps dre prevalent in the village. Wilmot. Patterson has secured a sith- ation on'a boat for the summer. We regret to day that John Shorey 'is not as well las he was: estlief in the summer. John Sharp dnd wife spent Dotninion day at his home if Belle ville. U. J. Flach, Napanee, i at the departmental examinations last week, and D. A. Nesbitt, at Bath. ---------- r~ Cut With Broad-Axe. Wilton, July 13.--On Friday Benja- min Mills eut bis leg just above the ankle with a broad-axe. The cut is healing nieely. A number from here at tended the Florida S school pic. nic at Mud Lake, last Friday, and spent a very enjoyable day. Rev. R. Whattam gttendod two Sunday school picnics on his cirenit, last week, one at Camden East, on Thursday, and at Florida on Friday. Rev. Teasdale ad- dressed the Presbyterian Sunday school, Sunday afternoon. Communion services will be held next Sunday in the Presbyterian church. F. L. Tooker, Brockville, was in Wilton on Monday. e accompanied his mother, Mrs. C. Tooker, who is visiting her sistér, Mrs. W. H. Neilson, Miss McKinnon, Missiseippi, is the guest of Miss Maq- gie Storms. Miss Mabel Stover is vis- iting friends in Watertown. ---------- George Hagwe, Montreal, it again -} insula came hgre, yesterday, and took | t Henry Kelsey attended the funeral at Athens on Friday afternoon. A great many attended the funeral of the late Nicholas Ronan, at Trevelyan, on Fri- day afternoon. L Married On The Fotrth. Chaumont., N.Y., July 11.--Haying has begun and now the air is full of the hum of the mowing machines. A heavy rain fell Saturday, which will stop hay making for a few days. Last Monday night during the squall of wid and rain the barge Jessie and scow Oom Paul broke from Phelps dock, and was driven against t long bridge. The fourth of July pass- ed very quietly here, the boat races being a complete failure. W. H. Main, who has served the office of justice of the peace, passed away on July 2nd; he will be greatly missed in his home town, where he was known and loved by all. The supper given by the ladies of the 'Eastern tar, netted them twelve dollars. The lawn social, which was to have been held at R. E. Hor. ton's was held in the ice cream par- lors on account of the rain; eleven dollars was made. The barn dance in C. M. Case's new barn on the night of July 4th, was a success;eighty-five couple being present. The Bayside Re- becca lodge served supper from which they realized $38 dollars. The 1.0.0. F., and the Wayside Rebecca lodges attended the Methodist church in 4 body yesterday by invitation of Rev: H. L. Campbell, pastor, R. E. Horton spent Sunday iti Watertown with his son, Harry. Visitors: Mrs. George Grean; al sons, Wendell, at her father's, R. E. Hor- ton's; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jaquay, at his father's; Miss Lena Pood at M. Fairbanks'; Dexter Curtis, at his fa- ther's; Miss Mollie Sherry, at Miss Edith Bovee's; Eddy Ealy is home from Mexico, where he is attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kissel,' at Depauville, Sunday. On Saturday night 'R. Dusant left his horse tied in front of C. L. Curtis' store and it broke away, turned around and went home about a mile without breaking anything but the bridle. Even the lap robe was not shaken from the seat of the buggy. Strawberries have taken a jump upward. Last week they were selling for eight cents a quart, but Saturday they had risen to twelve cents. Miss Ethel Adams and Claude Pleljgs were married an July 4th, Hi help is very scarce here, farm- ers gre "having difficulty in getting men for the haying season. The little steamer Water , from Point Pen- out a party of excursionists. Ev effort is being made to have the street cars run through to Chavmont rived at his sister's, Mrs. R. tt, to spend part of the summier. He will P.W.0. Rifles min ission ery | Junior theory and piano, Miss Pearl Wood, Newburgh: in the near future. David Cochlin ar- : piano, Miss B. Emberley, others in your C. Holland, after nine years in the employment of the Harrison company, has resigned his position. He was the recipient of a handsome silvér shav- ing mug and brush from the men. He in followed by the good wishes of his fellow employees. Miss Lizabell Howell. a recent gradu- ate nurse of the Kingston General Hospital, has been appointed super- visor of nurses in the Verdun 08 pital, Montreal, of which Dr. J.V. Ang- lin is superintendent, ai will begin duty next week. Miss Howell is at present spending a home in Millbrook. Mr: and Mrs. Edwin T, Dupree, New York, and Miss Florence and E. A. Dupree, London, Eng., in the city for a few days the guests of their rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall, Fron. tenac street, left this morning on the steamer Toronto for Montreal. The Britishers leave New York on Wed nesday next for the old land. Expresses Thanks, The committee of St. James' church, Kingston, in ¢harge of the excursion to Ottawa [ the 22nd ult, in a lot ter to d. » Hanley, Grand Trunk railway company, Kingston, "desires to express to you and vour company, and through you to the C.P.R. com.' pany, their appreciation and thanks for the excellent train service provid- ed. and particularly for'dhe very sat- isfactorv wav in which yout tilne-table was adhered to. wp an excur- sion like is mot entizely. gheasured by the profits of the commitive in dol- lars and cents. The pleasure 'of those attending counts a good deal also, and not the ldhst cause for satisfac tion snd pleasure in this trip was the fact that we received and gave just what we expected and advertised. We are lead to hone for a renewal of our experience, perh, with bet wen- ther conditions at? the start and bet- ter results 'When summer comes aga n.'s accept yourself, and convey to your company and the C. P.R. our most cordial "thanks. Very tralv yours, Prancis Kine, A. K. Kirkpatrick, W. J. C Allen, J. J. Crawford, W. H. Dalby, committee." Goes To Another Force. few days at her OXFORDS ARE COOL || Remember we have still a nice assortment of fash- ionable - shapes Xia Cool, Summer Oxfords for Men. Prices range from $1.60$4.50 McDérmott's Shoe Store. ee ------------------ COMMERCIAL. | MONTREAL MARKETS, i July 13th. Li Ask. Bid, A Mississippi Wedding. Mississippi, July 11.--On June 20th, a quiet wedding was solemnized at the fit 3 3 eas ill, by Rev. W. A. Guy, when Miss | Canadian ific Co. Sophia Blanche Allan and John A. | Monireas Soe £0 Geddes, son of the late Abraham Ged Faronto SHreet Ry. f des, Snow Road, dere united in wed. | BAlGSX Street fy. ity lock. An alcove u the drawing room Twin ox nit i. was very.prottily banked with ferns | Toledo trie Ty. where the wedding party stood. The}! . bride was attired in a gown 'of eream § Bet crepe de chene with trimmings of me- dallions and chiffon lace and embroid- ered yoke, and carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Vi ola, sister of the bride wore silk or gandie, trimmed with medallions" and applique and carried a bouquet of white carnations. Little Miss Viola Miller acted as flower girl, The groom was supported by his brother, Adrian Geddes. After the ceremony a dainty repast was served. many presents were received by the bride. M. G. Stormes, teacher, is spending his holidays at his home in Wilton. Ng Jewel Allan was the only pupil froin here who tried the entrance ex- aminations at Sharbot Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ranger and family are now residents of the village. Isaac Allan's | ¥.Y.C teel Ogilvie Milling Dominion Coal Co Bank of Montreal Motchants, nk Union Pacific ..... ..... ..... St. Pa wo» . ul. Nanhavtan . Captain JL. H. Bogart, of the 14th , i3 retired, to in the Royal ngincers, Pupils of Miss Luella Knapp Kove the following examinations ph be Toronto Conservatory ol Music : rive Nesbit, | hy ' your iriends say of if wish plano Listen to what leave about the middle of August for / said to be critically ill. Manitoba, Can. 3 presence if you to get & line on what they say 1 where you are absent. accept a Co lian | fen of you is in driver met with a very dent last week. In aw on a fence she got bad ) t . Dr. Walsh, veterinary, was summoned and sewed The new toad to Clarendon is sing rapidly towa o Minnie McKinnon, ovpletion, in the city and vicinity last and Mire. 8. G. MeN, with Mr. and Mrs. J Mrs. Ira Cook has again residing in Clarendon. | --------------------. » i Patrick H. Mellwain, C.E., Ottawa, the city on business.