vents de- we Have ract--$1, nd many lite trim- ack with it $1.49 s, 90c, [S. assortment OFF TORE ace! E iid arity, be- of perfect- ultless in ent. / KINGSTON, ONT fliscounts on all orders, By TOBE GIVEN AWAY Any one purchasing over $50 worth of furniture will' receive a beautiful Brass Trinymed Bed or Handsome Rattan Rocker, ROBT. J. REID, 222 Princess Street. 2 Doore Above the Opéra House. Ambulance Telophoue 3:7, TENDERS SEPARATE PENDERS WILL TF received by the ' undersigned up tc MONDAY, July 18th, at 3 p.m. for the stock of Groceries and Liquors, of the Estate of T.-H. Pelow, inventory of store, 41 Brock street. N. E. O'CONNOR, Assignee --r------ NOTICE ALL ACCOUNTS DUR THE ESTATE of T. H. Pelow, must be paid at once to N. E. O'CONNOR, Assignee Waiches from $1 to $100 See "Our Special" Guaranteed Watch, stem wird and stem set, in Gun Metal and Nickle Cases, at $2.50 each. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. DENTAL OFFICE 19 Montreal St., Cor. Princess. A. E. KNAPP, B.A; LDS. D.DS. 'Phone 652. Ground Floor Office. TAKE NOTICE 3 Refrigerators, 20 Cooking Stoves, 80 Wood and Coal Heaters, Bedroom Set Tables, Chairs, Sofas, and Carpets, at TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, 398 Princess Street. s, WANTED, BOY, WITH Some KNOWLEDGE op orthand and type-writing, J. Ss. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBU- rs, everywhere. canvassing. Loa pay. Cooperative Adv. Co., Xe ee e-------------------------- GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR pressing and cleaning done here by hand. Work carciully done. No machinery used. 7. Galloway, tail- or, 131 Brock street. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. $15 a thousand cash, for copying at home; no wailing or canvassing Send stamp for particulars. Puritan Mig, Co. Worcester, Mass. WIE PAY ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN secking pleasant employment, on sal- ary or' eommission, are advised to {Write now*to Marshall & Co, tea importers, London, Ont. GOOD SEWERS, TO LEARN THE art of dressmaking, cutting by sure, designing, trimming, etc. Salary when competent: one dollar per day. Mme. Eider, Princess St SALESMAN, THERE IS NO POSI- tion advertised that equals this, per- manent, liberal salary or commission, quick selbing %tandard commodity Openings * limited. Capital N, Com- pany, Ottawa. ---------------- WHOLESALE HOUSE DESIRES HON- + st yobng man for permanent trav. eling position in Ontario. Experi- nee unnecessary il a hustler SIR WOOkIY and expenses. Jobbers, 781 Powers, Rochester, N.Y. ENERGETIC MAN, TO MANAGE OF f fice for 1 nidnuiat VanY: 'Salary $1,800 per annuth, and extra profits: must rnish 82.000 cash, and goodl fefercnces Superin- tendent, 12th & Johnson Sts, Chi- Gdieo. + LOST. LADY'S PURSE, GREEN LAST Week, containing a wll sumo wmoney. Will finder kindly return to Whig Office ? teeters ete TO-RENT. TWO FURNISHED COTTAGE Tremont Park, opposite Gy nogue One for season, $75; other for month stock may be seen at DAILY MEMORANDA, -- -New Summer hats, The up-to-date ones at Caniphell Bros 'Saturday night prices at Steacy's. Livingston's special Prices to-night. See Waldrons® proclamation of Se, ton McDermott's great selling wear. Roney & Co's Clothing sale a record breaker. Smith brothers show fine Walches. co things i salé on. day, R Special music, St. Sunday evening. Bibby's is an attracter. The sun gets. fried onions. further than rogs ¢ when the ® a wan the earth he doesn' When a woman is mad with a hushane whe has auburn hair she is willing tg admit it is red. Mostly always a woman is pretty mag wt something -when she has a ile for everybody This day Inmbia « : fhomet, 6 to Portland, 1: opened, 1841. x ) in history blished, 1790 first train flight of Ma from Montrea See our window display of "Royal Doulton's Old Lambeth Stoneware, "quaint shapes" odd designs, all very rea- sonable in price, ..ROBERTSON BROS. On Time 5 Q wins respect for a woman. It © bas gained a reputation for ) Q § our O ¢ Watches and Clocks ¢ That we feel proud of. While & we ider the movement the 3 most important part of a Watch 3 or Clock, p 2 considered. Our selection of Time Q Pieces are marvels of artistic shi} © © in design and finish. % ) beauty, too, should he THEY MUST BE SEEN 3 T0 BE APPRECIATED. (We are leaders in our line). Q OOO0P000000 :P. B. CREWS, & Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts., 2 * KINGSTON, §00000000000000 C0000 0! | % : | A man's business is some- { times judged by his printing: | y Good printing is an indication of a healthy business, i ' [STEEL DIE | STAMPING For Letter Heads, Cards, Envelopes, &c., &c., &c.. gives the Desired Effect wg object is ta do first-class | printigg in all cases. 1t's: the best "Ad" we know of. The Wiig sine equipment handles work quickly and makes prices right. THE WHIG BOOK & JOB DEPT. of August, $30. Wood and ice in- cluded. Apply to 'Box 79 Ganano- + IN ONTARIO, AGE, 32 0. bachelor, New York, 10 and many others, would marry, Descriptions free; strictly Confidential: state age. Toledo Cor respondence: League, Toledo, Ohio , 35 REWARD, WILL BE PAID BY DR. DUFF TO ANY he returning 'the Cloveland Bievele moved. from his verandah on Sun- ee ---- MEDICAL. Why He Was Rnighted. One of the new knights is a FE. H. Dunning, and mamy peopld have won dered on what geetnd distinction has been conferred. name was quity unknown to she public, but it wa®in- ferred that ht had pe Somer i 10 the governmint. London corréshondent to the J: Post thinks he has found out what thit service was. Mr. Dunning a short time ago was a conservative candidate for + Tiverton division of Devonshire, 1 been accepted by the local as- sociation, and had ben for owe time LADIES: WHEN IN NEED SEND FoR * free trial of our neverfailing remedy. Relief quicke 3 Paris Chemi- § cal Co., Mw f s. Camptell Bros, To-Night. For men's and boys' straw and crash hats from 10e, up, Powithdrew in enting his campaign in the eon: Suddenly, however, he favor of Ligne} Walrond, chancellor-of the duchy 4 oubt, this fact may be ae- with the knighthood which pros stitnency, the son of no ¢ soet oll of foot- Harrison & Cg's furniture and carpet Meeting of Old Boys' committees, Mon- 4:80. Andrew's church, Company's workingmen"s suit Anyway, the man who cats pie with knile usually pays for what he Pon't- forget that your smell turkey. neighbors can undertaker gots ready swegt District of Co- Wade with China re- ee j the Doulton" We are showing some very handsome pieces of $000000000000000000608 LR t- by Russia. J n DISCREDITED IN TOKIO, -- rises Sunday at 4:34 a.m. and sets at 7:37 p.m Kuroki Advancing On Liao Vaudeville performance at Lake On- tario Park this evening Yang--Russians Retired By Elllott Bros. are in the swim with Japs--Japanese Concentrating summer reductions and bargains n munications. Special to the Whig. t don, July 16.--The Shanghai cor- respondent of the Morning Post say : despatch boat 1 { cago Daily News, thur, Arthur on Friday. fight and its result ~ | despatch to a news agency, from St 1 | Petersburg, says' the war office an Japaricse sustained es on July 11th, the exaet particu lars of which have not vet been asoer tained, los: lately taken by the Japanese, patch to the Times, from the story of a Japanese heavy casualties, 10th, is wholly where no such ceived. Tt is believed that the story originated in Shanghai. A des repulse, with discredited at Tokio sians on the Korea. It is stated that a large army will shortly enter. K tified, and stores, The position at Yinkow 'is still un- known. According to the Shanghai rl ongent of the thy Russians have receiving practically evacu- mature, The operations of Kaiping, as relat- ed by Gen. Sakharoff and Russian cor respondents, are showing that the Japanese are ¢hang- ing their positions. ashichao, and the intervening valley, It is suggest. ed that they are carrying out a flank movement. This is borne out hy n despatch from New Chwang, which says that the positions of the first and second Japanese armies point to a movement. completely to encirele the Russians below Mukden. Safe retreat to Haicheng from Tashichao is already impossible. Gen. Kouropatkin must be cognizant of this fact. The Rus- sian explanation is that he is confi- dent of his ability to repel a Japanese attack on Liao Yang, and at the same time to assume the offensive in every direction. A telegram from Chefoo describes the Japanese operations as a double turning movement on a grand scale between Kaiping and Lino Yang. Gel. Oku, with a force that is esti- mated to be three divisions, is near- ing New Chwane, fighting small en- gagements on the way. Gen. Nodau, with as ftrong, or stronger force, is i his. army on the railway » While Gen, Kuroki, with is circling round north of getting astride of the railway and cutting off the Rur- stan retreat. Considerable fighting has occurred north of Kaiping, with varying results, hut Gen, Oku has ex- perienced nothing in the nature of a cheek. The Japanese are remarkably strong in artillery, having a total of 60) guns in Manchuria. The story of an immense defeat of the Japanese at Port Arthur continues to he reiterated in St. Petersburg, although the esti. mate of 30,000 casualties has fallen to 2,500. with the ohject Gen. Kuroki Advances. Paris, July 16.~The Echo. De Paris has received a despateh, from St. Pet- ersburg, stating that Gen, Kuroki is advancing in three divisions upon Liao Yang. The Russian and Japanese troops came in contact near Sikhuan, and the Russians wore compelled to re- tire. The Japanese apparently in- tended to concentrate between Hai- cheng and Laio Yang, and cut the Russian communications, Gen. Kou- ropatkin now occupies a' position along the railway from Laio ang to Hai- cheng and Tashichao. In case of pe- cessity, he will withdraw his troops from Tashichao to Haicheng, and from there to Liao Yang, and there await the attack of the Japamose, Ae cording to competent observers this is the only plan open to him, ---- Lost Both Bride And Cash. Windsor, July 16.-~George Smiley, an Essex business man, is lamenting the loss of his brideto have-been, Mrs. Louis Porteous, a Maidstone witlow, and about 2208, which he claims he gave hur for a wedding troussean, The woman who Smiley favs was to have been his bride went to Sarnia, and was there married to Frank Me. Kay, a Maidstone farmer. Smiley wanted to start a criminal action against the widow, but was informed he must - take action in the civil courts. He says He iv bound to get the woney back, ---- When You Need Physic. ; Get 'a box of the ol reliable ' Dy: Hamilton's Pillé of Mandrake and Bat. tornut, which lontens the bowels with out cansing griping pains, No reme- dv is half so satisfactory as" Dr. Ham- J has been bestowed on Mr, ing. DAILY NEWS. Despatch Boat Been Seized TALES CONFLICT] STORY OF APaNZaR REPULSE Russians Active In North Korea-- Near Haicheng, To Cut Com- that the steamer Fawan, which is the chartered hy the Chi- has been seized by + | the Russians and towed into Port Ar- The correspondent adds that a 1 naval engagement was fought off Port The details of the are unknown, A nounces the roceipt of a despateh from Port Arthur containing the report that considerable According to the despatch the Russians recaptured all the positions Tokio, says at Port Arthur, July reports have been re- A telegram from Seoul reports re- uewed activity 'on the part of the Rus- north-east frontier of orea, operating from Kiunmunsung, which is being for- quantities = of Morning Post, atéd New Chwang, but the report of a Japanese occupation scems to he pre- regurded, here as The Japanese ap- pear to have withdrawn towards Kai wing from the immediate neighborhood Ol to have evacuated scales at 220 pounds and to-day The adian tig bill revolutionary, Negotiations failed for a settlement of the U.S. meat workers': strike. W. J. McCart, MAP, for Stor mout announces his intention 10 re- The trade of the United States last © year reached: a new re Now Zealand won the Kolapore cup at Bisley. The Canadians did very poorly, 'The king approved the appointment of Sir Wilh Macgregor as governor of Newfo he The Can bowlers were defeated at Perth by seventorn shots. The scores were : Ua 31, 9erth, 111. i Thirty-three thousand dollars has already contributed to the Ki memorial fand of the Manitoba Col lege. 4 Gerald Balfour, president 'of London Board of Trade, is trving to settle the shipping rate war, with great hope of s Success. The Berlin, Ont., Board of Trade has appointed a committee to take steps to have an Amwrican viee-consul to Berlin. Lord Dundonald, replying to the citizens' address in Massey Hall, To. ronto, last night, rad statement answeritig 'recent criticism, i dohn Hay, steretary of state of the ~ | United States, has boon * piven the grand cross of the Legion of Honor by President Loubet of France. Rev. A. R. Gregory and Mrs. Greg- - | ory, formerly principal of the Brant- "| ford Ladies' College, have taken over the control of Preshyvterian Ladies' College, Toronto, from Mrs. T. Mac "| Intyre. George Wilson, believed ta he one of '| the men who held up a Northern Pa- cific train near Parmouth, Mout., on * | the night of June 16th, and dynamit- ed the express car, is under arrest at Spokane, Wash. ---- HOUSE. SOON THROUGH. Be In. No New Legislation Will troduced. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, June 16.--Sir Wilfrid Lau rier 'made the important statement when the hotise met that there would be no new railway subsidies granted this session. The prime minister said that all the legislation proposed was now on the order paper except a bill dealing with the Canada Bastern, which it is understood, the govern- ment intends purchasing from the own er, Mr. Gibson. There might be some legislation affecting existing subsidies to railways, but no new aid of kind would be granted, v next. The anntuneoment indicates an early adjournment. large amount of © canal estimates were passed. Mr. Emmerson explained several important improvements being made at Port Colborne, s Inthe commons committee on agri- culture this mornin, r, the motion iy favor of printing all the evidence and speeches made in connection with the Peace River inquiry was carried, the division being on party lines. The cabinet will shortly take action towards the liberation of the Toronto polling booth-oflicers who are now serving sentences in the Central prison for tampering with the ballot boxes. FLAG-PULLERS FINED. Soldiers Who Pulled Down The Union Jack. New York, July 16+ Sergt. Charles E. Montgomery and Ptes. Clarke and Winslow, of Fort Totten, were disci- plined yesterday hy Capt. Bailey, in command of the fort, for having tak en part in hauling down the British flag from the residence of John Arm strong at Whitestone, on July 4th. Corp. Moseley and Pte William Brown, who also took part in the affair, were not punished. Sergt, Montgomery was fined $25, a month's pay, while the others were fined 85 cach. When Capt. Bailey impossed the fines on the men, he said he did so heeause they entered Armstrong's property" without permission or right, ontgomery said that in pulling down the flag he meant no harm, but committed the act be cause he thought the British flag was out of place flying in the faces of Am- erican soldiers on Independence day. ------ BOY BARKED LIKE DOG. i -- Appalling Case--Grandiather Died Of Hydrophiobia, Owosso, Mich, July. 16 Johnnie Laclear; fifteen years of age, is thought to be dvomed. He has developed the fatal trait that cost the lives of his father and of his grandfather. . He has had violent fits which lasted several hours, and came near terminating in hig death. During the attack the boy barked like a dog. The boy's gramifather was once bit- ten by a mad dog, finally dving from the effects of the injuries. His father developed similar fits and when seized by them would bark like a dog. He, too," died in such an attack, and the boy probably inherits t tendeney from his two ancestors. ---------- FASTED 30 DAYS. t ------ New Jersey Missionary Only Lost |. 25 Pounds, New York, July 16.--Edward R. Tay- lor, a city missionary of N.d., has just cuded a thirty days' fast and appears nome the worse for his ordeal. When he started to ab-|© stain from solid food he tipped the ie . weighs but twenty-five ponds Joss. "During the time of hix abstinence from solid nourishment Taylor: took walks for excreise, and part of the time attended to his duties ax missionary, He declares that his general health is mich better, Tonight Livingston will sel) ilton's Pills. Price 25 cents, Globe eallod the Can | ® {take the fiel Injured By Exploding Cartridge. Special Lh Sifton, Hon. Clifford Sifton, attempted, yes home cartridge which had hin. . a if through the Pluinfold, | gr Young Sifton ix now at the hospital here, i lain's Remedy, Sooner or later, aud when ' cones you hadly--; w! need it quickly. Buy it 8 save life. For sale 14 rat RY WARSECRET; Costliest Machines Ever Devis- ed, as Presently Constituted. London, July 16.~War Secretary Arnold-Forster, made his Jong prom- ised, statement as to his res orm of the army when the House of committee on the office, i Commons went into vols for the ay of Re The secretary sai not pose to touch the militia, as Publis Opinion was not ripe neither would the artillery he decreased nor the number of cavalry regiments reduced, He proposed to reduce the ular infantry forces by fourteen bat- talions, leaving forty or Rity battal- ions for home service, after providing for India and the colonies. 3 The army would be divided into two parts. A certain number of battalions would be kept at home. These would be reduced to 500 men, 400 of whom would be enlisted for two mere vice and would afterwards." enter the reserve for six years. These would be 40 in reality territorial battalions, and o the object of the short service system would be to build up the reserve. The volunteer establishment . would be reduced to 180,000 men, and much larger grants would bé made, %o as part of coast road and to make the volunteers an effective | their advance column. force. five of the Russians was From 15,000 to 16,000 regular t would be kept at Aldershot, ready to as a fighting force, Pr. vision would be made for a perman- ent garrison of 21.500 men in South Africa, It appears that Mr, Amold-Forster's proposal would result in a deérease of 8,761 men, leaving a total of 227. 000, and a decrease in expenditure of $2,450,000, The war secretary concluded with ying that the ry a. aging throngh a period o » ger. PR ficient _romedy for the existing evils | St. Petersburg, July 16: (1 must be found, and while he was un ai The able to Jr ariolo any mathol Jmediate uetion ed that his a v able he sucorsaors 0° effect, © deon- omy. The British a as at present, constituted, was ong of the costliest machines ever devised and quite unfig to supply the peculiar needs of the om. Hnre. ! In view of the progress made in sul. marine boats, he hoped to make a considerable reduction in the expondi- ture on. the aquatic establishment. He discarded the conweription I as it would cost an additional $ 30,000, 000° yearly for the same number of troops as now fortheoming. ------------ SHOT BY HIS OWN GUN. Loaned Neighbor Weapon To Keep Off Marauders. | Selkirk, Ont., July 10.--William Ed sall, aged thirty, was shot by Dr, John Fry, treasurer of Rainham town. ship, and his injuries may terminate fatally, Two daughters of Dr. Fry, one from Detroit, and the eather from Toronte, are visiting at home, and sbout two o'clock on Monday and Wednesday mornings a hidder was raised against the window of their room and' some one endeavored to force an. entrance. The bcreams of the girls, however, frightened the intruder away. The doctor borrowed wu shotgum from his neighbor, William Edsall in preparation for the next visit, which occurred yesterday, The doctor, who was on the watch, demanded the man's name and no an. swer heing given, fired, and shot the intruder above the left knee, infliet- ing an ugly wound three inches in di- ameter, Edsall's identity was then discover. ed, he being the ownér of the gun. He admitted that it was he who had mude the previous visits, Baseball On Friday. Eastern Leaguo.--At Buffalo, 3; Pro- vidence, 2. At Toronto, T: Baltimore, | 5. At Montreal, 2; Newark, 4. At Ro. chester, 1; Jarsuy City, 2, j American League. --At = Wi f 2%' St. Louis, 7. At New y 3 Cleveland, 2 (fifteen innings). At 3 Philadelphia, 5; Chicago, 1. At Bos- | | ton, 4; Detpoit, 3, ACH burg, 3 National ue ~At tL y Philadelphia, 1, Af C 3 ton, 4. At Cincinnati, 5 Neo York, 5. At St. Louis, 0; Brooklyn, 1. \ Sn Moving Forward, e Whig. Brockville, Ont., July 16.~Heary the twelve-year-old son of érday, at his father's summer m the St. Lawrence, to extract a stuck in a oded, the ball goil part of the lak'y His onsidercd serious, S------------ Buy It Now. Now. is the time 10 buy Chamber Colie Choldia - ang Dames It is certain he outed now. Jt al druggists. 100 pair boys' knee pants, fit boys 5 to 11, fur 39c., fit bays, 11 to 16, 0c, : American blonses Tor hove', 780. and | $1-line for Boe., 81.25 line for Toe. Liv ingstou's to-night. pl ]